Can there be an increase in temperature with hemorrhoids, causes and methods of treatment?


Prevention of hemorrhoids is a set of measures that prevent the development of the disease. To do this, follow the rules:

  1. Do not eat spicy, floury and very salty foods, as well as gas-forming foods - black bread, peas, beans, cabbage and beans. Consume more soups and cereals, fruits and vegetables, and other fiber-rich foods to ensure regular bowel movements.
  2. Do not drink tea, strong coffee, nicotine and alcohol. Of course, there is no visible connection between the development of hemorrhoids and, for example, smoking. However, this addiction does not have the best effect on the patient’s circulatory system. As a result of impaired blood flow, stagnation occurs, which is simply unacceptable in case of hemorrhoids!
  3. Drinking regimen: drink at least 2 liters of water daily - the exact amount depends on the patient’s weight. Take medicinal mineral waters such as “Essentuki No. 14”.
  4. Follow the rules of hygiene: do not use colored, hard, scented toilet paper; after defecation, it is advisable to wash yourself with cool water.
  5. Move more, do gymnastics and exercises that will help strengthen the muscles of the perineum. Regularly tense and relax the muscles of the buttocks. Replace soft chair seats with harder ones.
  6. Dose loads, do not lift heavy things, do not overexert your muscles and do not push too hard in the toilet.

Can there be a high temperature with hemorrhoids?

acute course of the disease hemorrhoids

  • Chronic phase of hemorrhoids. At this stage of the disease, the temperature is expressed insignificantly and often appears rarely. Patients generally do not focus on temperature, although it can reach 37.5 degrees. Pain in the anus is mild. In the absence of the necessary treatment, the pathology can worsen and provoke the formation of wounds and ulcers, which are accompanied by bleeding and become vulnerable to infections. This leads to serious complications. The temperature jump can reach 39 degrees.
  • Hemorrhoids in the acute stage. When the disease worsens, the cones become very inflamed, causing them to increase in size. Bleeding may occur. All this is accompanied by hyperthermia and pain. The temperature may rise to a maximum of 37.3 degrees. With secondary infection, the rates become higher. In such cases, hospital treatment is necessary.
  • Death of hemorrhoidal tissue or, in other words, necrosis. This is the most severe form of hemorrhoids. The lumps reach enormous sizes and it is impossible to set them back. The blood vessels are pinched, and the blood flow slows down and then stops altogether. The cells do not receive the necessary nutrition and the process of their death occurs. The anus becomes black. Bleeding ulcers and ulcers form. Body temperature reaches 40-41 degrees. Necrosis requires urgent hospitalization and surgical intervention. If help is not provided in time, this can lead to blood poisoning, a malignant tumor in the rectum and death.
  • Inflammatory-purulent process in hemorrhoids (anorectal abscess). Inflammation leads to destruction of the mucosa and the accumulation of purulent exudate. The temperature rises to 40 degrees. The patient feels weakness, chills, body aches and, in some cases, loss of consciousness.
  • The condition in question causes a complication of hemorrhoids - sepsis. The skin in the anal area becomes red, swelling and severe pain appear. Such appearances indicate that the infection process has spread quite deeply into the rectal mucosa. The temperature reaches 39 degrees. The patient requires hospitalization. In rare cases, surgery is prescribed.
  • . The infection, entering the hemorrhoids, causes clogging of the blood vessels. Initially, the patient’s temperature rises to 37.5 degrees. If the blood clot remains in the vessels for a long time, gradually reducing the supply of necessary cell nutrition, the process of node death begins. The temperature increases significantly (up to 39 degrees and above). Medical intervention is necessary in the early stages of the complication.
  • Postoperative period. A patient who has undergone surgery to remove hemorrhoidal cones will feel an elevated temperature (no more than 38 degrees) for 3 days. In these cases, the temperature is not dangerous, and it is reduced by medicinal injections under the supervision of a specialist.
  • Another complication of the disease in question and the cause of hyperthermia is paraproctitis. You feel throbbing pain in the anus and characteristic chills. The temperature reaches 38-39 degrees. If you do not contact a specialist in time, this can lead to serious complications. The purulent sacs burst and enter the abdominal cavity, causing infection. In such cases, the patient may die.

What complications are accompanied by an increase in temperature during hemorrhoids?

Let us consider in more detail the complications of hemorrhoids, which are accompanied by hyperthermia.

Anorectal thrombosis

Anorectal thrombosis is a complication of hemorrhoids, which is characterized by the formation of a blood clot in the cavity of the hemorrhoids. Thrombosis of external hemorrhoids is more often observed.

This pathological process is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • constant severe pain of aching or burning nature in the anus;
  • swelling of hemorrhoids;
  • change in color of hemorrhoids (purple, bluish, cherry);
  • bleeding that occurs when a thrombosed lump is damaged;
  • temperature rise to 37-38 °C and above.

Necrosis of the hemorrhoid

Necrosis of the hemorrhoid cone occurs as a result of its long-term pinching in the anal ring, since the sphincter muscles of the posterior canal compress the vessels feeding the node.

In severe cases, the inflammatory process spreads to the perirectal tissues, which can lead to disruption of the patient’s general condition, including increased temperature.

In addition to the high temperature, the patient is diagnosed with a black area on the mucous membrane of the hemorrhoid, severe pain and bleeding from the dead node.


Paraproctitis or suppuration of perirectal tissue is a complication of hemorrhoids that occurs as a result of the penetration of an infectious agent into the tissue of the anus. In this case, the entrance gates are most often cracks in the anal ring and the mucous membrane of the rectal canal.

The following symptoms are characteristic of paraproctitis:

  • pain in the anus, which can radiate to the tailbone, perineum, lower abdomen and other parts of the body;
  • heat;
  • constipation;
  • urinary retention;
  • swelling of the tissues of the anus.


Proctitis is an inflammation of the mucous layer of the rectal wall. With this complication, patients complain of the following symptoms:

  • discomfort in the anus;
  • tenesmus;
  • itching in the anal ring, which increases after defecation;
  • spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen;
  • discharge from the rectal canal of a mucous, purulent or bloody nature;
  • pain in the anus;
  • intestinal dysfunction (constipation, diarrhea);
  • rise in body temperature to 37 °C and above;
  • general weakness;
  • sweating and others.


Sepsis is the body's systemic response to the penetration of infectious agents into the bloodstream. Most often, with hemorrhoids, sepsis develops against the background of paraproctitis and proctitis.

Sepsis is accompanied by symptoms such as high fever, chills, sweating, rapid heartbeat, tachypnea, and in severe cases, septic shock can develop.

Unfortunately, sepsis is difficult to treat and very often causes death.

More about complications

In the chronic form of hemorrhoidal disease, the symptoms are usually “smoothed”, and the body temperature rarely exceeds 37 °C. High levels of mercury can aggravate the disease or cause complications.

Acute hemorrhoids

The acute form of anal varicose veins is accompanied by an exacerbation of all symptoms. The pain intensifies, hemorrhoids cause a burning sensation in the anal canal, and often after bowel movements the patient observes blood on toilet paper or stool.

A temperature of 37 or even 38 degrees may indicate that a bacterial infection has penetrated the hemorrhoids affected by varicose veins, resulting in an inflammatory process. If left untreated, it can spread to nearby tissues.

Node thrombosis

In the vast majority of cases, characterized by the formation of a blood clot, it occurs as a result of worsened chronic hemorrhoids.

The blood clot compresses the nerve endings in the vessels, causing the patient to experience excruciating pain.

The blood clot compresses the nerve endings in the vessels, causing the patient to experience excruciating pain. Complicated forms of the condition are characterized by a pronounced inflammatory process, which is accompanied by edema, skin hyperemia and high fever.


In case of prolapse and infringement of cavernous formations or their thrombosis, necrosis - tissue death - may occur. In severe cases, this process covers not only the nodule itself, but also neighboring areas, accompanied by:

  • blackening of the skin;
  • putrid odor;
  • high temperature;
  • bleeding;
  • soreness.

With necrosis, the temperature can rise to alarming levels, and this condition is fraught with significant blood loss, which poses a serious risk to the health and life of the patient.

Necrosis is accompanied by a putrid odor.

Perirectal abscess

In this condition, the subcutaneous fatty tissue of the anorectal region is involved in the inflammatory process.

The culprits of paraproctitis are staphylococcal and streptococcal bacteria, E. coli, which penetrate the affected areas.

The process is accompanied by severe pain, high fever, and problems with excretion of urine and feces. Swelling and hyperemia of the perianal area is also noted. For perirectal abscess, mandatory surgical intervention is required.


This is one of the most severe complications of hemorrhoidal disease, characterized by the spread of infectious pathogens (staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli) throughout the body through the bloodstream.

Can there be an increase in temperature with hemorrhoids, causes and methods of treatment?

The most common reason that forces people to cross the threshold of a proctologist’s office is hemorrhoids. Often, patients constantly postpone such an important visit for their health.

When a person feels tolerable, he is usually not puzzled by the question of whether the temperature can rise with hemorrhoids, and what threat to health this phenomenon poses.

But one day there comes a time when the situation worsens so much that the patient requires urgent medical attention.


This happens when a high temperature is suddenly added to the unpleasant symptoms. Sometimes the bar on the thermometer reaches 39-40 degrees, which makes the patient seriously worried. Of course, if a sign such as hyperthermia appears, you must immediately consult a specialist.

Reasons for rising temperature

Hyperthermia is not one of the main signs of the hemorrhoidal process. But when several unfavorable factors coincide, this phenomenon can occur. The main reason for the appearance of such a symptom is the aggravation of the underlying disease.

Many patients simply ignore the signs of the disease. This behavior is especially typical for representatives of the stronger sex. As a matter of fact, every man has a much greater risk of acquiring hemorrhoids than representatives of the opposite sex.

This fact follows from statistical data.

A rise in temperature is observed in the chronic course of hemorrhoids, if the process is complicated by infection of the affected areas and the development of inflammation.

The thermometer can also rise rapidly under the following conditions:

  • if thrombosis of the cavernous formation occurs in the problem area,
  • due to worsening hemorrhoids,
  • as a result of tissue necrosis caused by strangulation of the node,
  • with the development of perirectal abscess,
  • with sepsis, that is, generalization of inflammation.

Sometimes patients who have undergone surgery to remove hemorrhoids also experience an increase in temperature.

Often such a complication is observed in women in the postpartum period. If a woman during pregnancy solved the problem of constipation with the help of laxatives and enemas, then during childbirth there is a high probability of ruptures and the development of inflammation.

The period of gestation, especially during a large pregnancy, is accompanied by strong pressure on the pelvic organs.

Therefore, many expectant mothers suffer from constipation, and during bowel movements they become infected in the injured areas of the rectum.

Usually, when the temperature rises, patients complain of chills and weakness.

Since the appearance of such symptoms accompanies many diseases, it is necessary to immediately seek the help of qualified specialists rather than try to treat a serious complication on your own. Unfortunately, practice proves that any type of self-medication very often ends with serious consequences for the patient.

Acute stage of hemorrhoids

Quite often, symptoms of malaise and fever accompany an acute period of anal varicose veins. In addition to fever, the patient experiences severe pain and burning in the anus. The intensity of such signs increases after the act of defecation.

Often, after a bowel movement, slight bleeding is observed, which indicates the presence of ulcers on the hemorrhoids.

If the temperature varies in the range of 37-38 degrees, then there is every reason to talk about an inflammatory process caused by the penetration of bacteria through damaged areas of the anal canal.

Acute stage

In this case, only timely treatment will help prevent further spread of the infection. In the opposite situation, the affected area will only increase, and this threatens the development of sepsis.


A significant increase in background temperature is observed with sepsis, one of the most severe complications of the hemorrhoidal process. Its cause is the entry of infectious agents into the bloodstream. More often, sepsis is caused by staphylococcus, E. coli or streptococcus.

The septic process is characterized by rapid development, and in especially severe cases it can be lightning fast. In the absence of adequate therapy, the patient dies within a few days. The main symptom is a temperature of 40 degrees or higher.

Along with a feverish state, the patient experiences unbearable pain in the anal area, swelling and isolated bleeding lumps.

Important! Since sepsis threatens the patient's life, he must be hospitalized as an emergency.


Another serious complication of hemorrhoids is pararectal abscess or paraproctitis. The culprits of its development are also coccal bacteria, which, when entering the body, involve the subcutaneous fatty tissue of the anorectal zone in the inflammatory process.

With paraproctitis, the elevated temperature ranges from 38 to 40 degrees. There is inflammation of the tissues near the anus, which very quickly covers the entire rectum. As the inflammatory process develops, the clinical picture becomes aggravated by signs of general intoxication.


Important point: Perirectal abscess can only be resolved surgically. The use of folk remedies and self-medication in such a critical situation is unacceptable.

Anorectal thrombosis

The severe consequences of hemorrhoids include thrombosis of the anorectal veins. The provoking factor for such a complication is an exacerbation of the chronic course of hemorrhoids as a result of infection.

The resulting blood clot compresses the nerve endings that pass through the walls of the blood vessels. This causes the patient excruciating pain at the site of the lesion, as well as swelling and hyperemia of the skin.

These symptoms are complemented by high temperatures.

Good to know: For anorectal thrombosis, only surgical treatment is used in combination with powerful antibacterial therapy.

Strangulation of the hemorrhoidal node

A significant increase in temperature indicators causes strangulation of hemorrhoidal formations. This complication develops at stages 2 or 3 of the disease, when the nodes fall out.

Complications of hemorrhoids and temperature

With the development of this disease, various complications very often occur as a result of untimely treatment.

The most common complications appear as:

  • sepsis;
  • thrombosis;
  • paraproctitis.

Untimely treatment of acute hemorrhoids leads to the development of sepsis. During this period, the patient not only develops a fever, but also experiences severe pain.

If the infection spreads to the rectal mucosa and beyond, this indicates the development of sepsis. This can cause a fairly high temperature. This complication is characterized by the presence of fever in the patient.

Lack of treatment for inflammation of hemorrhoids leads to the appearance of paraproctitis. This complication necessarily involves an increase in temperature.

This is explained by the fact that healthy intestinal microflora is suppressed by staphylococci, streptococci and other various pathogenic microorganisms. In this pathological condition, the fever is combined with fever in the patient.

In order to prevent irreversible consequences, the patient must not only be hospitalized, but also be given the correct treatment in a hospital setting.

Paraproctitis is dangerous due to the possibility of pus penetrating into the abdominal cavity. If such a pathology occurs, then the patient needs medical intervention. Doctors may use medication or perform surgery on the patient.

With the development of thrombosis, the patient experiences a low-grade fever. This pathology is characterized by increased inflammation and rapid development of hemorrhoids. If a patient has a temperature of 38 degrees, this indicates that he has a complication of hemorrhoids.

In the absence of therapy, rejection of hemorrhoids is observed. Upon examination, the doctor will see ulcers on the nodes, which indicates the need for urgent hospitalization.

Fever after hemorrhoid surgery

There are situations when the only way to cure internal hemorrhoids is to undergo surgery (sepsis, dangerous paraproctitis or perirectal abscess). Surgery is performed only after a complete examination of the patient and appropriate preparation. But sometimes the temperature begins to rise again after removal of hemorrhoids; such a symptom often indicates the development of a complication. In the postoperative period, it is considered normal when the basal temperature rises to 38 degrees within 2-3 days.

The reasons why elevated temperature after surgery lasts more than 3 days include the following:

  • low qualifications of the specialist who performed the removal;
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules in the period after surgery;
  • insufficient antiseptic treatment of the operated area;
  • improper use of anti-inflammatory drugs.

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What to do when the temperature rises

Even if its readings range from 37 to 37.5 C, the patient should consult a doctor to prevent the occurrence of an acute form of the disease.

Hemorrhoids, the temperature of which is much higher than indicated, can turn into paraproctitis.

With it, pus moves into the abdominal cavity, and without surgery it is impossible to help the patient. If putrefactive and anaerobic infections have already settled in the body, then surgical intervention is prohibited.

Treatment will be carried out with the help of medications, but it will take a long time, during which it is necessary to simultaneously perform local sanitation.

2What can such manifestations indicate?

If an increase of more than 37°C is observed, the development of such severe complications as:

  • thrombosis of hemorrhoidal formations;
  • node necrosis;
  • general blood poisoning, or sepsis;
  • paraproctitis;
  • perirectal abscess.

Often, an increase in temperature is a sign of the development of complications after surgical treatment of lumps and nodes

Moreover, it is worth paying attention to the fact that at first the temperature is insignificant. Therefore, many do not attach importance to this symptom, but gradually it begins to increase

What complications occur with hemorrhoids? Pathology does not always manifest itself with acute symptoms. Often at the initial stage it is practically asymptomatic, so patients do not rush to seek medical help. This contributes to the fact that by the time complications develop, the disease is already very advanced.

Complications include bleeding and the formation of cracks in the anus. Small wounds often become infected, which leads to the development of inflammation. It is the presence of a pathological process that is often accompanied by elevated body temperature. In addition, when the disease worsens, the patient is concerned about:

  1. Severe pain in the anus.
  2. State of weakness and fever.
  3. Nodes and bumps increase. Often ulcers begin to appear on their surface, which only aggravates the patient’s condition.
  4. Open small wounds become infected with pathogenic microorganisms, which leads to inflammation.

The penetration of bacteria into nodes is often accompanied by the development of thrombosis. At the beginning of a complication, the temperature remains within normal limits or an increase to a slight mark on the thermometer is observed. However, as the inflammatory process in the body continues, the change in temperature can be severe.

Hemorrhoids are dangerous primarily because of their complications, which are almost always accompanied by fever. If the disease is not treated, then as it progresses, the patient often experiences necrosis of the hemorrhoids. This complication is accompanied by the appearance of signs of tissue death, since their blood supply stops. The body rejects the nodes, which leads to the formation of ulcers.

Necrosis requires urgent hospitalization, as sepsis can develop, which is often fatal. When the blood is infected, the body temperature becomes very high. The skin around the affected area swells and turns red. The pain in the anus becomes unbearable. In this case, not only the skin is affected, but also the deep layers of tissue and the anal mucosa. In this condition, the patient requires an ambulance that will take him to the surgical department for further treatment.

Paraproctitis is another possible complication of the disease, also accompanied by an increase in temperature to a critical level. As the disease develops, a severe febrile state is observed. Pus is discharged from the rectum. If you do not provide help to the patient in time, the consequences can be fatal. The situation is also dangerous because the infection quickly spreads to nearby organs. Paraproctitis is treated with antibiotics.

The disease is often accompanied by the formation of abscesses and fistulas in the rectal area. They are complications of paraproctitis. The patient's temperature exceeds 38°C. To alleviate the patient's condition, opening the abscess and treating the tissue is required. After this, the person feels better.

Even the most successful surgical operation does not always bring the expected result. Today, doctors are trying to use the least traumatic methods for removing nodes formed during hemorrhoids. In most cases, they bring relief to the patient and allow him to live a normal life.

If the temperature rises after the intervention, this indicates that a postoperative complication is developing in the body. Increased temperature always occurs with inflammation in the anal area. This situation is often observed during a poorly performed operation. After the manipulation, the patient is required to strictly adhere to the rules of personal hygiene, especially during the recovery period. Therefore, when treating hemorrhoids, it is necessary to be observed by specialized doctors. If the elevated temperature cannot be controlled with medications, then a repeat operation is prescribed.


Like most other diseases, hemorrhoids are easier to prevent than to treat. Do not put off visiting a doctor if there are even the slightest signs of illness.

Pregnant and postpartum women should pay special attention to their health, because they are at risk for developing hemorrhoids. Men who lead an unhealthy lifestyle should think about timely diagnosis and, if necessary, treatment of the disease.

In order to prevent the development of such an unpleasant disease, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • learn to eat a properly balanced diet, avoid constipation and remember to hydrate;
  • with a sedentary lifestyle, it is necessary to regularly engage in physical exercise so that the blood in the pelvic region does not stagnate;
  • give up bad habits (smoking or alcohol provoke the formation of congestion in the blood vessels of the whole body);
  • maintain personal hygiene (you must wash yourself thoroughly after each visit to the toilet or use wet wipes);
  • try to lose weight if you are overweight;
  • If you exercise excessively, you need to give your body time to recover and try not to overexert yourself.

Possible consequences and complications

When purulent discharge appears in the inflammatory focus, there is a risk of developing the following complications:

  • peritonitis;
  • development of a high degree of general intoxication;
  • violation of feces excretion;
  • irradiation into nearby tissues and organs;
  • violation of intestinal integrity;
  • fatal outcome in advanced form.

To avoid long-term treatment, it is necessary to prevent the development of a complicated course of the disease. Even with mild clinical manifestations of hemorrhoids, you should visit a proctologist. The leading risk groups for this disease are men engaged in heavy physical labor and women expecting a child. These categories of the population should lead a healthy lifestyle and balance their diet. It is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it.

Temperature for complications of hemorrhoids

Often, when the temperature rises, the patient develops chills, which aggravates his condition.

The degree column may increase due to various complications that accompany hemorrhoids. During exacerbations of the disease, a person often feels severe pain during emptying of the rectum, and constipation, which is not uncommon for this disease, only intensifies it. The temperature gradually rises, and chills and general weakness become increasingly stronger. If you have hemorrhoidal cones, fever must be dealt with urgently, since open wounds may appear in their place, where infection can begin.

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Blood poisoning

When an infection enters the body, it begins to spread throughout the human body, causing fever of up to 40 °C. Sepsis causes symptoms in the perineal area such as redness, swelling, and pain. When you consult a doctor, most likely, along with drug treatment, surgical treatment will be performed. The development of thrombosis occurs due to the migration of an infectious complication throughout the human body, which develops due to tissue damage in the anal area. When the pathogenic process intensifies, a low-grade fever occurs.

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Among the complications that appear during hemorrhoids, when there may be a fever, is a disease called paraproctitis. During this disease, inflammation from the hemorrhoids partially extends to the area of ​​the final part of the rectum. After a fever, a person may experience signs of chills and fever. If the pathological process is started, intoxication will begin in the body and only surgical treatment can save the patient. In rare cases, when inflammation occurs, doctors have to perform additional surgical procedures to get rid of accumulated pus.

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Tissue necrosis

If you have a high temperature, you must take an antipyretic.

Due to poor blood flow and outflow, tissue necrosis sometimes occurs. This is observed during hemorrhoids, if the cavernous bodies are compressed due to the prolapse of hemorrhoids. In a patient with tissue necrosis, the numbers on the thermometer may rise to 40 °C. His general condition is very serious and sometimes leads to death. This complication can only be dealt with surgically. The degree of temperature in the human body may vary depending on the type of hemorrhoids and its complications. To make a correct diagnosis, the patient needs to undergo diagnostics in a hospital, since the methods of dealing with it will change depending on what causes the temperature during an exacerbation of hemorrhoids. If the patient's temperature rises above 38.5°C, it should be brought down with an antipyretic drug.

Complications of hemorrhoids

Local inflammation can move into the abdominal cavity. This condition is dangerous. It can be recognized by a sharp temperature jump. The thermometer readings will exceed 38 degrees. The person also feels weak and unwell.

This condition is called “paraproctitis”. The disease requires urgent measures. As a rule, doctors decide on surgical intervention.

Thrombosis may also cause a fever. This is a common complication of external hemorrhoids. The lumps and nodes swell and increase in size. The painful sensations intensify.

Another complication of hemorrhoids is sepsis. This condition develops when the patient's blood becomes infected. In this case, bacteria quickly spread throughout the body. Treatment with antibiotics is necessary.

The question of whether there can be a temperature with hemorrhoids is difficult to answer unambiguously. This symptom is not characteristic of varicose veins in the rectum. In some cases, the temperature rises to subfebrile levels. The thermometer shows about 37 degrees. To alleviate the condition, you can take an antipyretic drug. Paracetamol is considered safe and effective. You can replace it with Nurofen.

If your body temperature exceeds subfebrile levels, it is better to consult a doctor. Severe complications sometimes threaten the patient's life. The doctor will confirm or deny the presence of pathology. The patient will be offered the necessary treatment.

Causes of hemorrhoids and their stages

Hemorrhoids can be caused by:

  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • frequent constipation;
  • excess weight;
  • poor nutrition;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • heredity;
  • physical exercise.

    frequent constipation

    excess weight

    inactive lifestyle and poor diet

Hemorrhoids have several stages. The disease does not appear suddenly. It’s just that at the initial stage it is painless and without external signs.

  • As the disease progresses, a person begins to feel tingling and itching in the anal area. At this point, constipation may appear, which worsens after drinking alcohol, lifting weights, eating spicy and fatty foods.
  • The next stage is accompanied by the appearance of cracks and bleeding. This occurs because constant tension leads to thinning of the blood vessels. Blood may appear during or immediately after a bowel movement.
  • If left untreated, the disease becomes chronic.

Preventive measures after surgery

Preventive measures are associated with adequate management of the patient in the early postoperative period and compliance with all medical recommendations after discharge:

  • adequate nutrition;
  • maintaining personal hygiene;
  • limiting physical activity;
  • adherence to sleep and rest patterns;
  • physiotherapy.

After surgery, it is important to take antibacterial drugs to avoid secondary infections, as well as adherence to hygiene rules, especially after bowel movements.

In the early postoperative period, it is forbidden to wipe yourself with toilet paper; the ideal option is to wash with antibacterial agents. Be sure to wear clean, ironed cotton underwear.

What are the causes of temperature rise

Body temperature may rise slightly in the chronic form of the disease, but this is rare. As a rule, it increases with:

  • acute form;
  • thrombosis or necrosis;
  • sepsis;
  • pararectal abscess and paraproctitis.

Acute hemorrhoids are characterized by swelling of the blood vessels of the rectum, which become like lumps. The body temperature rises to 37-37.5° C, the person feels weak, chills, and tired.

It is very important to consult a doctor at the first signs of the disease, as lack of treatment can lead to serious consequences. Gradually, the inflamed nodes become covered with deep ulcers, through which bacteria enter the body

They multiply quickly and the affected area becomes larger.

Thrombosis occurs due to infection in the cracks in the rectum. The patient begins to experience inflammation, which intensifies due to non-compliance with the diet, drinking alcohol, and lifting weights. In turn, inflammation leads to necrosis of thrombosed nodes. Body temperature can range from 37 to 39° C.

Our readers recommend!

For effective treatment of hemorrhoids, our readers advise. This natural remedy quickly relieves pain and itching, promotes the healing of anal fissures and hemorrhoids. The drug contains only natural ingredients with maximum effectiveness. The product has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Proctology.

Sepsis is a blood infection that occurs as a result of bacteria entering the body. They penetrate into the blood through numerous ulcers and cracks in the rectum, and the body temperature can rise above 37.5° to 40° C. In such cases, surgical intervention is required.

Perirectal abscess and paraproctitis are the most dangerous complications. A person experiences fever, malaise, chills, and fever. Body temperature rises to 40° C. If surgery is not started immediately, the consequences may be irreversible. There is a possibility of pus entering the abdominal cavity and general intoxication of the body. The patient should immediately go to the hospital, where doctors will assess the degree of threat and prescribe treatment.

What does elevated temperature with hemorrhoids mean?

Chronic hemorrhoids do not cause hyperthermia; more often this symptom develops in the presence of a complicated form of the disease or during an exacerbation of the pathology, when the symptoms of the inflammatory process come to the fore. With a decrease in the function of the immune system and the presence of concomitant diseases, the patient’s body temperature can increase from 37 to 37.5 ° C due to processes directly related to the disease.

Due to weak clinical manifestations, patients do not turn to a proctologist in the initial stages, believing that the disease will go away on its own or resort to traditional medicine methods, trying to cure it on their own. If therapy is not started in a timely manner or is inadequate, the hemorrhoid becomes inflamed due to secondary infection of microtraumas and cracks. At this stage, the temperature begins to rise, bleeding appears, and the pain syndrome intensifies. If treatment is not prescribed in a timely manner, the process affects the surrounding tissues, causing the development of complications that pose a threat to the health and sometimes the life of the patient.

Important!!! Even slight hyperthermia indicates the start of inflammation and requires an immediate visit to a proctologist or surgeon to determine the cause and select treatment methods.

Temperature after surgery

The last stages of hemorrhoids are typically treated with minimally invasive methods or surgery. This allows the patient to live a full life again. A qualified doctor, choosing the most appropriate type of intervention and recommendations for the patient’s rehabilitation period, reduces the possibility of postoperative complications to a minimum. During this period, the patient must monitor his hygiene very carefully. The temperature after surgery to remove hemorrhoids increases in exceptional situations.

Despite any precautions, the risk of infection still exists, and the patient’s temperature can reach extremely high levels. .

After minimally invasive intervention, the temperature is measured rectally

After minimally invasive intervention, the temperature is measured rectally.

Minimally invasive methods are less painful and dangerous than full-scale operations, so they can only produce fever in extreme cases. When doped, the thermometer does not show high numbers. To avoid complications and monitor the patient’s condition, after sleep the patient’s body heat is measured with a rectal thermometer. Since the recovery process often takes place in a hospital, if a pathological reaction develops during surgery, doctors immediately begin administering drugs aimed at eliminating the infection and reducing the fever.

Fever after hemorrhoid removal is rare. It occurs due to infection. Although most postoperative patients felt well and their temperature did not increase, the opposite does not always indicate problems associated with hemorrhoids. Many diseases can pass without visible symptoms and can only be detected by high readings on a thermometer. To find out the exact causes of the temperature, the doctor will conduct an examination and, if necessary, prescribe tests.

Temperature after excision of nodes

What is the temperature for hemorrhoids after surgery? Indeed, the recovery period is not always successful and without complications. In other situations, wounds become infected and inflammation progresses; in such a situation, the thermometer rises.

This condition is alleviated by systemic or local anti-inflammatory drugs. Very rarely, in exceptional cases, doctors decide to perform a second operation to remove the pustules and clean the sutures.

A mandatory point of postoperative monitoring is the measurement of basal temperature in the rectum, which allows timely detection of the inflammatory process. Usually this procedure is carried out upon awakening. Normally, the temperature should not exceed 37 degrees, but if the indicator is different, this is evidence of complications.

Temperature for hemorrhoids, treatment features

What to do:

  1. You go to see a doctor, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s 37 degrees or 38 - if it’s not shown in a timely manner, hemorrhoids can easily turn into an acute form, and putrefactive infections appear. Elderly people are at risk.
  2. After visiting a doctor, he is required to prescribe aspirin-based antibiotics. Also, sanitation of the anus is prescribed, which helps clear it of pus and speeds up the healing of this area. If surgery is necessary, the method of removing diseased tissue using necrotomy, doping, etc. is used. If you have hidradenitis suppurativa, you will be referred to a dermatologist.
  3. If it is not possible to visit a doctor, you can reduce the body’s condition by taking a paracetamol or analgin tablet. Anti-inflammatory medications are being taken: Levomekol ointment, Oflocaine, etc.

To stabilize the patient's weight, drink as much fluid as possible. For this purpose, ordinary water or glucose solution is used.

No homemade baths, potato candles, use of folk recipes, etc. use is not recommended.

Anti-inflammatory drug therapy

Inflammation in the anal area with hemorrhoids with fever requires the patient to consult a doctor.

If there is no visible abscess in the rectal area, the proctologist will prescribe effective anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy.

This will facilitate the resorption of the infiltrate. In the case where there is an abscess in the anal area, the best option would be to open it and install drainage.

If pus gets into the abdominal cavity, then this is fraught with the development of inflammation there too.

An unfavorable outcome of this situation is not a rare occurrence, and therefore it is important to seek help from a doctor in time.

Do not forget that with hemorrhoids a person may also have other ailments that cause a state of fever.

These can be phlebitis, ulcers on the body, diabetes. Therefore, do not resort to self-medication under any circumstances.

Fever attacks are a sign of serious intoxication of the body and neoplasms in the body.

When your body temperature exceeds 38 degrees, the best solution is to take an antipyretic and see a doctor.

Patients suffering from cardiovascular pathologies should not be allowed to develop a fever at all. Even 37.5 degrees for them is a sign that they urgently need to call a doctor.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with fever requires the use of the following measures:

  1. it is necessary to relieve inflammation of hemorrhoidal cones with the help of glucocorticosteroid compounds;
  2. the patient needs to take NSAIDs, namely: Ibuprofen, Nise and other similar drugs.

These therapeutic intervention options are gentle and give positive results at an early stage of the disease.

Also, treatment tactics can be prescribed to stop the progression of inflammation and prevent possible complications due to decreased immunity.

At more serious stages of development of hemorrhoids with an increase in body temperature, the doctor prescribes:

  1. antibacterial therapy;
  2. cleansing the anorectal area;
  3. surgical removal of the lesion.

This tactic will remove pus, inflammation and other infectious agents. During treatment, you will need to follow the recommendations prescribed by the doctor.

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