Home remedy for heartburn


The mechanism for the occurrence of a burning sensation is based on the fact that food or gastric juice enters the esophagus through the cardiac sphincter. When functioning normally, this sphincter should prevent food from moving backwards, but sometimes it can open. Most often this is observed in various pathological conditions or irritation of the gastric mucosa.

If heartburn occurs, the reasons for its occurrence may be different. It is not always a sign of any disease. A burning sensation can appear in people in the absence of diseases, when the correct diet or nutritional system is disrupted. Based on the cause of its occurrence, the ways to quickly get rid of heartburn will differ.

Thus, there are a number of main reasons:

  • Excessive amounts of food consumed at one time. If a person is prone to overeating, this can lead to functional disorders, which are accompanied by a burning sensation. That is, the walls of the stomach are stretched to their maximum volume, and it is no longer able to take food. Its excess is pushed into the esophagus along with gastric juice, which leads to an unpleasant sensation. In this case, heartburn medication is not required, but only control over the amount of food needed.
  • Sour and spicy foods. Some foods can change the pH of gastric juice. Increased acidity is always accompanied by a burning sensation, as well as belching with a sour taste. Such products include some vegetables and fruits, canned foods for the preparation of which vinegar was used, hot, spicy and pickled foods. With such heartburn, folk remedies and medications are not indicated for use. You need to eliminate some foods from your diet, and it will go away on its own.

  • GERD. Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a pathology in which there is persistent insufficiency of the cardiac sphincter, which leads to constant reflux from the stomach into the esophagus. This disease requires treatment, as it is fraught with the development of dangerous complications. It is impossible to completely cope with heartburn in this disease without surgical intervention.
  • Gastritis with high acidity. Some types of gastritis are accompanied by the proliferation of areas of the mucous membrane on which special G-cells are located. These cells produce the hormone gastrin. An increase in its level in the blood stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid and other components of gastric juice. Most often it is accompanied by severe heartburn.

  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Treatment of heartburn with folk remedies for this pathology is not recommended.
  • Duodenitis. It is worth noting that localized duodenitis is extremely rare. It is usually combined with gastritis, cholecystitis or pancreatitis. Pathologies of these organs can also lead to the appearance of this symptom, since the substances secreted by them help neutralize hydrochloric acid. Relieving heartburn in these diseases is more difficult than in cases of stomach pathology.

It is worth noting that based on when heartburn appears, the cause can be assumed.

In addition to the above, physical activity, pregnancy, or the development of large tumors inside the abdominal cavity may be the cause. Then this symptom will be the result of compression of the internal organs.

Some people do not consider the burning sensation a dangerous condition and do not want to see a doctor. They have no choice but to get rid of heartburn using folk remedies.


People who have encountered this phenomenon for the first time do not know what to do if they have heartburn. Such symptoms are new to them and cause discomfort.

The main symptom that occurs with acid dyspepsia is a burning sensation in the stomach and xiphoid process. Sometimes this feeling can extend up behind the sternum, indicating extensive reflux.

In the absence of diseases, these manifestations are observed occasionally after eating or physical activity. The duration of the burning sensation usually does not exceed 10-15 minutes and can be eliminated by drinking plenty of fluids.

In people with diseases of the digestive system, similar symptoms can be observed even at rest or during sleep. In addition, they may be accompanied by pain in the left epigastric region, digestive disorders (nausea, vomiting or diarrhea) or other manifestations.

The clinical picture of this symptom in various pathologies has specific signs that are characteristic of a particular disease. Their appearance requires immediate contact with a medical institution to undergo a full examination before starting treatment for heartburn at home with folk remedies.

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The main specialist who treats this type of pathology is a gastroenterologist. He is the one who knows best how to cure heartburn.

Folk remedies: how to relieve heartburn at home

Heartburn products or taking medicinal herbs do not always help quickly. There are several proven ways to eliminate an unpleasant symptom in the absence of other available remedies.

We recommend: Rennie for heartburn

Lemon acid

A pure solution of citric acid is not used - only in combination with baking soda. The folk remedy is called “fizzy drink” and helps to remove the effects of indigestion only temporarily. Nevertheless, it is popular and acts quickly: take 0.5 tsp for 2/3 cup of boiled water. soda and 0.25 citric acid. Stir well and drink after bubbles appear.

Vinegar water

At home, vinegar water can help - natural apple cider vinegar diluted in a glass of boiled water (2 tsp) is drunk before meals. Since it has lower acidity than hydrochloric acid of the stomach, heartburn does not occur. However, such a remedy can only help with mild symptoms of heartburn. If reflux is moderate or severe, then this method will not help. And it will even cause harm.

Important! For those who decide to be treated in this way, it is better to prepare vinegar yourself. In this case, you can be confident in the naturalness and benefits of the product.

Store-bought apple cider vinegar should have:

  • strength not more than 6%;
  • the inscription “Apples and water” or “Apple cider vinegar”;
  • may have sediment;
  • Packaged in glass containers.

This product is natural, contains vitamins and microelements, and is suitable for home treatment.

Vegetable oil

If you suffer from heartburn, you can get a very quick effect by taking 1 tsp. vegetable oil inside. It envelops the esophagus and stops the irritating effect of acid. Any of the vegetable oils will help:

  • sea ​​buckthorn - in addition to reducing the secretion of gastric juice, it has regenerating properties and contains a lot of vitamins;
  • olive – contains triglycerides that improve the functioning of blood vessels, contains vitamins A and E, improves immunity;
  • flaxseed – due to the content of polysaccharides, it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and is recommended for use in traditional medicine.

Regular sunflower oil also has enveloping properties, but when purchasing in a store, you should choose a high-quality product. If possible, use cold-pressed oil.

Honey will help with heartburn

Natural honey has enormous healing potential, but at the same time contains biologically active substances. Having anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties, if used incorrectly, even a natural product can lead to a worsening of the condition. For various digestive disorders, honey should be taken in different ways:

  • with high acidity: 1 tbsp. l. dissolve honey in 300 ml of warm water, drink in the morning 3 hours before meals;
  • for low acidity: take a cold solution of honey in water within 20 minutes. before meals.

Acacia, May, and steppe honey have the greatest healing effect. It is recommended to combine a natural product with herbal infusions or freshly squeezed juices.

Attention! When heated above 37.5°C, the healing components of honey begin to be destroyed. Therefore, tea or water should not be very hot.


Many people believe that a burning sensation is normal. In fact, regularly recurring signs of burning can lead to the development of severe pathologies that are extremely difficult to treat.

These include:

  • Mallory-Weiss syndrome. Regular injury to the mucous membrane of the esophagus can lead to the development of this disease. It may be accompanied by intense bleeding in the area of ​​the cardiac sphincter, which is extremely difficult to stop and can recur. Mallory-Weiss syndrome is highly likely to be fatal.
  • Cardiac stomach cancer. As a result of a constantly influencing negative factor, patients often experience activation of atypical cells, which are the main structure of malignant tumors. If a patient has been bothered by a symptom for several years, then he needs to undergo regular gastroscopy to identify tumors. In addition, gastroscopy makes it possible to take material for histological examination and diagnose cancer in the early stages.
  • Atrophic gastritis. If a person has a burning sensation caused by increased stomach acidity, then it can cause atrophy of the gastric mucosa. Then the organ loses its resistance to hydrochloric acid, which is a provoking factor for the development of peptic ulcer disease.

Acid dyspepsia can also develop as a result of taking certain medications. The main drugs that can cause heartburn are nonspecific anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). NSAIDs are mostly acid derivatives. Tablet forms are dissolved by gastric juice, which significantly increases its acid level.

Moreover, this effect can cause the development of peptic ulcers. If severe heartburn occurs, it is recommended to immediately stop using the medication or change the form of use to rectal suppositories.

In general, the symptom significantly reduces the quality of life of patients, because eating does not bring pleasure, and this is considered one of the most important physiological needs.


The causes and treatment of heartburn are interrelated. Treatment should be aimed at the immediate problem that caused the symptom.

Important! In order to get rid of heartburn at home, you can use various remedies. Naturally, it is recommended to take only those medications that are approved by the Ministry of Health.

But there are effective remedies in folk medicine. In order to figure out how to treat heartburn at home, the patient must undergo an examination and identify the cause of its occurrence.


Today, there are two main types of these drugs: absorbable and non-absorbable. These drugs differ in their mechanism of action and duration of therapeutic effect.

With the help of absorbable antacids, you can quickly get rid of heartburn at home. Elimination of symptoms is observed 5-10 minutes after taking the medication, but the duration of this effect is insignificant. It is worth noting that baking soda can be classified as part of this group of medicines.

The disadvantage of this treatment is that the chemicals formed as a result of the reaction of the drug with hydrochloric acid can be absorbed into the blood. This process can cause intoxication and other side effects. In addition, the reaction takes place quite violently, with the release of a large amount of heat, which negatively affects the condition of the gastric mucosa.

The main drugs belonging to this pharmacological group are Rennie, Bourget's mixture and burnt magnesia. They may be available under different trade names, but their mechanism and duration of action are the same.

Non-absorbable antacids that will help get rid of heartburn at home include Almagel, Maalox, Phosphalugel, Gaviscon and others. The advantage of these drugs is that they provide a lasting effect that lasts 3-4 hours. In addition, they are not absorbed into the blood and have an enveloping effect. That is, these substances create a protective layer on the mucous membrane that prevents the negative effects of hydrochloric acid on it.

The disadvantage of such medications is that they act 30-45 minutes after administration. Taking absorbable and non-absorbable antacids is permitted only as prescribed by a doctor, as they have a number of side effects and contraindications.


Every person has this remedy at home. Baking soda can be used not only in cooking, but also to treat various types of diseases that are associated with high levels of acids inside the body. Therefore, it can be used for heartburn at home.

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To quickly get rid of heartburn at home, you can use the following methods:

  • Take a teaspoon of baking soda orally. This is the fastest way to reduce acidity. The dry substance reacts with hydrochloric acid and neutralizes it. But such use should be very rare. Constant use of soda as a remedy for a symptom can lead to consequences no less dangerous than heartburn itself. The products of a chemical reaction can be absorbed into the bloodstream, adversely affecting the body as a whole. It can also lead to pyloric stenosis and damage to the gastric mucosa.
  • Drink soda solution after meals. To prepare the solution, you will need to take two teaspoons of baking soda and dilute them in a glass of warm water. You need to drink this solution in small sips for 10 minutes. It is not recommended to consume it on an empty stomach, as it irritates the stomach and can cause vomiting. In addition, drinking soda before meals will lead to a hypoacid state. Then the food will not be digested inside the stomach, but will begin to rot and ferment in the intestines.

Baking soda can be used as a temporary remedy. After eliminating the unpleasant sensations, you should go to the doctor and report your problem.


Milk, but not fermented milk products, is alkaline, which helps with heartburn. It can be drunk both before and after meals. It is worth remembering that milk cannot be used as a remedy for heartburn for those people who have diseases of the liver and biliary tract, since enzymes found in bile are required to break down milk fats.

Failure to comply with such restrictions may lead to exacerbation of the pathology and deterioration of the patient's condition.

If the acidity is very high, you can add soda to the milk, which will provide a powerful and long-lasting effect. It is worth noting that the use of soda with milk is considered one of the most effective folk remedies for treating heartburn.

Egg yolk

One of the foods that can help get rid of heartburn at home is egg yolk. It has several effects at once, which are due to its consistency and composition.

Egg yolk contains substances that suppress the production of gastric juice, and its viscous consistency allows it to create a protective barrier for the stomach.

This folk remedy for heartburn should not be used by people with individual intolerance to eggs. It is worth noting that egg allergy causes some of the most severe reactions, which are accompanied by serious inhibition of the functions of vital organs.

It is worth noting that such a folk remedy for heartburn at home can only be used in small quantities, since protein in large doses can cause an allergic reaction.

Potato juice

Fresh potato juice is an effective remedy for burning sensation that can be used by almost anyone. The alkaline environment significantly reduces acidity, and the starch contained there has an enveloping effect. To get rid of heartburn at home, drink a glass of juice as quickly as possible.

The only drawback is that potato juice has an unpleasant taste. It is not difficult to prepare this heartburn remedy at home. Peeled potatoes are grated and squeezed through cloth or gauze. The finished product is consumed immediately, since the beneficial substances are quickly destroyed. In addition, the juice can become toxic to the body over time.


The presence of calcium in chalk allows it to be used as a medicine that will help with heartburn. You can chew a piece of chalk or grind it into powder. An alternative to this remedy is to use calcium gluconate, which is sold in pharmacies and has a low price.

The above remedies for heartburn at home are suitable only for those patients whose cause is high acidity. For those people who have a problem in the form of a hypoacid state, such methods are strictly prohibited.


Most cereals can help relieve heartburn. They absorb enzymes and acids into their mass, which are the cause of its occurrence. It is worth noting that not all varieties of cereals can be used for such purposes.

Thus, it is not recommended to consume peas, pearl barley or those made from whole millet. In addition, the porridge should not contain meat or vegetable gravy, as they can worsen the symptoms of heartburn.

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The most effective is rice, as it contains a large amount of gluten, which coats the stomach. You can also prepare decoctions from rice, which are a fairly effective folk remedy.

The advantage of eating porridge is that it is allowed for everyone, while some home remedies for heartburn have many contraindications.

Aloe juice

Aloe is a plant that is widely used in both traditional and folk medicine. If you suffer from heartburn, you can get rid of it with the help of the juice of this plant. It's not difficult to prepare. Washed and dried aloe leaves are crushed with a blender, and then the resulting pulp is squeezed out.

Aloe juice is mixed with tincture or decoction of calamus root in a ratio of 1:2. The resulting mixture is diluted with water and consumed half an hour before meals. In addition, pure aloe juice also helps with heartburn.

Eliminating heartburn with food

Products present in the kitchen of every housewife will help get rid of heartburn in the esophagus.

  • Pumpkin and sunflower seeds, fresh or dried, help cope with the symptom. A handful of seeds should be consumed in the morning and throughout the day if an attack begins.
  • A good remedy is flax seed. The seeds (100 g) need to be ground into powder. Pour two tablespoons of boiling water and leave overnight. During the day, take a sip before and after meals, and drink the remaining drink before bed.
  • Buckwheat is a healthy cereal that helps combat burning in the esophagus. To treat, you need to heat the cereal in a frying pan until the grains darken. Then grind in a coffee grinder or crush with a mortar. Take a pinch 30 minutes before meals.
  • Peas will help overcome an attack. When a symptom occurs, you need to take a few peas and chew them thoroughly. Dry peas are pre-soaked for several hours until they swell. The swollen grains are slowly chewed.
  • Regular salt is a simple solution for burning sensations. It is necessary to dissolve a pinch. After salt enters, enzymes are released that neutralize the effect of the acid.

  • Pour a glass of boiled milk over the oats and cool. The seeds are thoroughly chewed until the husk remains in the mouth, which must be spat out.
  • Mineral water helps combat the burning sensation. It is better to drink an alkaline drink - Borjomi, Smirnovskaya. Purchased at a pharmacy. Before drinking, the water must be settled, poured into another container to remove gases, then heated to 40 degrees and drunk an hour before meals or half an hour after meals.
  • In the absence of pills, mint chewing gum will help cope with heartburn. It can suppress appetite and prepare the stomach for eating food. It is enough to chew it for a few minutes. Abundant salivation will dilute the acid and normalize the human condition. Afterwards, you need to spit out the chewing gum.
  • The attack is well eliminated by vegetable oil - sunflower or olive. Vegetable oil creates a film on the walls of the stomach that protects the organ from acid.
  • Apple cider vinegar for heartburn is taken by diluting a teaspoon in a liter of water. You need to drink small sips before meals.
  • Honey is an effective remedy against many diseases. Helps with burning sensation. If the discomfort is not severe, dilute a spoonful of honey in water or milk and drink. In case of a severe attack, mix honey with aloe and take a spoonful of the product an hour before meals.
  • Viburnum quickly eliminates the symptom. The bark or berries are used as medicine. The bark is brewed and infused. Homemade fruit drinks and jam are made from the berries. Drink the decoction three times a day, take the berries in any quantity.
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