Temperature during gastritis: is there any way to bring it down?

Manifestations of gastritis in adults

Gastritis in adults can have a variety of manifestations, although not always this disease, especially in the early stages, can have clearly defined symptoms
Gastritis in adults can have a variety of manifestations, although not always this disease, especially in the early stages, can have clearly defined symptoms . In addition, it should be remembered that gastritis in most cases does not have specific symptoms, that is, often the same symptoms in different cases can indicate both gastritis and a stomach ulcer, inflammation of the esophagus (reflux esophagitis) and even cancer diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, some characteristic symptoms of gastritis in adults, for example, pain in the stomach, can also appear with heart disease. The patient himself cannot make a diagnosis, and even an experienced gastroenterologist will not undertake to determine the disease and, especially, its type based on symptoms alone, without a thorough diagnosis.

Most often, gastritis in adults in chronic form is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • nausea,
  • lack of appetite,
  • pain in the epigastric region (before, after, or during eating),
  • heaviness in the stomach,
  • frequent belching (sour or rotten),
  • heartburn,
  • periodic vomiting,
  • bad breath,
  • flatulence,
  • diarrhea or constipation,
  • coated tongue.

Typically, patients with chronic gastritis also experience symptoms affecting other organs, as well as the entire body:

  • increased fatigue,
  • irritability,
  • tachycardia,
  • blood pressure surges,
  • weight loss.

For some types of gastritis in adults, some symptoms are more characteristic, for other types - others. For example, heartburn and sour belching, constipation are more typical for gastritis with high acidity, diarrhea, flatulence, bad breath - for atrophic gastritis and gastritis with low acidity.

The presence of several similar signs observed regularly is a reason to consult a doctor.

Exacerbation of gastritis is usually accompanied by an increase in the intensity of negative phenomena, primarily pain. Also, in the acute form of the disease, fever and bleeding from the stomach are often observed.

Temperature with gastritis

Temperature during gastritis is one of the main symptoms of the disease, which signals us about problems in the body. It can rise to 37-38 °C and clump poorly. Patients are often frightened by such readings on a thermometer if they last for several days. You should know why the temperature rises during gastritis, what this indicates, what indicators are critical, and how to deal with the symptom.

Gastroenterologists are often asked whether there can be a temperature with gastritis. The answer to this question is clear - yes, such diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in 90% of cases are accompanied by elevated body temperature and general weakness. With the development of chronic gastritis, this symptom does not manifest itself as actively. Another question is whether it is necessary to lower the temperature, and how to do it. There is no longer a clear opinion here. Listen to your doctor's recommendations. He will explain how to treat the disease in each specific case, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

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Could there be a fever?

High temperature during gastritis is not a characteristic sign of the disease and is most often observed in the acute erosive form. This symptom may signal an exacerbation and progression of the inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa. The reasons for the increase in temperature may be:

  • Food poisoning.
  • Development of other concomitant diseases: dysentery, diphtheria, typhoid fever.
  • Inflammation of the gastric mucosa caused by pathogenic organisms.

There are other reasons, but in any case, this signals possible additional health problems, and therefore it is imperative to consult a doctor. Temperature during gastritis can signal the appearance of bleeding ulcers on the walls of the stomach. In this case, characteristic inclusions of blood are observed in the vomit.

A dangerous type of gastritis, which can be signaled by temperature syndrome, is phlegmonous gastritis. The cause of this form of the disease is purulent inflammation on the walls of the stomach caused by infection, for example, through a fish bone. This form is always accompanied by high fever, can cause peritonitis and requires immediate surgical intervention.

Why does body temperature rise with gastritis?

Temperature with gastritis does not occur often. This symptom may characterize an exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the stomach or duodenum. Such a disease is always accompanied by inflammation and irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive system; an increase in temperature (up to 37 and above) can occur with a severe exacerbation of the disease. Body temperature can rise to 37-38 degrees if the body begins to actively resist the immune system against bacterial effects on the digestive organs. With the active development of harmful bacteria Helicobacter pylori in the stomach, an increase in body temperature to 37 degrees may be a response of the body to the causative agent of the disease.

Temperature with gastritis can be due to food poisoning of the patient, as well as when this pathology occurs simultaneously with other infectious diseases (typhoid, dysentery and others). Exacerbation of the symptoms of viral diseases can lead to an increase in this symptom, as well as all the symptoms of gastritis. If the patient develops an elevated body temperature, then most of the dyspeptic symptoms occur in an acute form - nausea and vomiting.

A common cause of this symptom is a stomach disease with a low level of acidity. This is due to the fact that hydrochloric acid and enzymes kill most viruses and bacteria that can harm the human digestive system. If the body’s production of gastric juice is reduced and the acid concentration drops, then most of these microorganisms remain intact and settle on the gastric mucosa or penetrate the duodenum.

Pathogenic microflora can lead to disruption of the digestive system, cause inflammation, which will lead to a rapid increase in temperature to 37-38 degrees

Pathogenic microflora can lead to disruption of the digestive system and cause inflammation, which will lead to a rapid increase in temperature to 37-38 degrees. With the regular manifestation of such symptoms, the pathology can develop into a more dangerous form - acute, chronic or atrophic. A change in temperature can be caused by anemia in the patient's body.

In children, gastritis can be accompanied by elevated temperature after severe nervous stress, as well as due to the consumption of junk food. Also, an exacerbation of this symptom is observed when erosive lesions or ulcers occur on the mucous membrane and the outer layer of the epithelium. Fever is not a characteristic symptom of this disease. However, during exacerbation of the disease, many patients complain of fever. The fact is that this symptom may indicate an increase in inflammatory processes in the stomach.

How to lower your temperature

If the temperature starts to rise, what should you do? It is advisable to start treating the underlying disease. When it comes to complications that occur with a stomach or duodenal ulcer, you need to immediately call an ambulance or take the patient to the hospital yourself. In other cases, the temperature with gastritis is not dangerous, most often it is low, about 37 degrees, in rare cases it rises to 38. Therefore, it does not need to be reduced. As soon as the inflammatory process subsides, body temperature during exacerbation of gastritis will subside on its own. The disease itself must be treated, not the symptom.

Can I take antipyretic drugs? No you can not. Almost all such medications are prohibited if severe inflammation occurs in the organs of the digestive system. They will make the situation worse. Even such popular medications as Paracetamol and Aspirin can negatively affect the mucous membrane. It is also not recommended to drink cold teas that contain this medicine. What is best to give to the patient, how to bring down the temperature in this case?

Traditional methods

  • Cranberry tea can be drunk for gastritis of the stomach with low acidity (if well tolerated). To prepare it, take a few berries, mash them until you get a puree, and add boiling water. Don't drink tea hot.
  • Honey can also be eaten when the temperature rises, but remember that it promotes the production of gastric juice. You cannot eat more than 150 g of honey per day. To reduce heat, dilute 1 tbsp in a glass of water. l. honey and drink it. Remember that this product should not be used for acute pancreatitis, so if you are in doubt about which gastrointestinal disease caused the temperature, do not use this remedy.
  • Linden tea has a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect. It stimulates the production of gastric juice, so it is allowed only with low acidity. Follow the dosage. For an adult - this is 1 tbsp. l., and for a child - 1 tsp. per day (dry linden blossom). If you drink too much, and even if you have problems with the nervous system, this tea has an stimulating effect and provokes insomnia. To brew this healthy tea, pour linden blossom with hot water, but not boiling water (90-95 degrees), wrap in a towel and leave for 30 minutes.
  • It is not recommended to drink viburnum infusion if you have an ulcer. The berry contains a lot of organic acids, which lead to increased acidity. Therefore, it is recommended to take it for gastritis with low acidity. To prepare it, you need to take a handful of viburnum and a handful of rose hips, pour 2 tbsp. boiling water Leave to infuse for 2 or 3 hours. Hypotensive patients should not drink this infusion, because viburnum lowers blood pressure. This berry is not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Factors influencing the appearance of heat and fever during chronic gastritis

Patients often wonder if there is a fever due to chronic gastritis. This phenomenon does not occur often, but you need to know that temperature can be caused by any violation of the regime established by the doctor. The following reasons for the occurrence of the described phenomenon are possible:

  1. An increase in temperature during gastritis is most often caused by poor diet, which leads to an exacerbation of the disease.
  2. With gastritis of the stomach, some patients drink large amounts of alcohol. Alcohol causes additional irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach, expanding the area of ​​inflammation.
  3. Smoking can be a factor causing an increase in body temperature in a patient with esophageal lesions.
  4. With a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, the fever may rise due to a violation of the diet, for example, due to irregular eating.
  5. Some medications that the patient takes can affect the development of processes in the patient's esophagus, which will cause stomach pain and cause the temperature to rise.
  6. Frequent stressful situations can cause fever with gastritis.

Perhaps, when the patient’s body temperature rises above 37 °C, he will feel chills. If this happens, you should immediately consult a doctor. This indicator indicates that the patient has another disease besides gastritis.

People's Councils

So, having found out whether fever occurs during exacerbation of stomach inflammation, you should determine whether it is possible to get rid of it without using medications. A large number of traditional medicine recipes allows you to choose the most effective and suitable one. But, in any case, it is important to follow a diet, since breaking it will only worsen the condition.

When choosing a remedy, it is important not only to relieve the temperature, but also to prevent it from rising again. A recipe that includes raspberries, rose hips and cranberries would be appropriate in this case. If you are not intolerant, you can drink warm milk with honey. It is noteworthy that honey can be used both for excess secretion and for its reduction. In the first case, honey should be diluted in a glass of hot water, and the drink should be drunk after it has cooled to room temperature. If secretion is reduced, honey should be diluted immediately in cool water before use.

In folk medicine, warm milk with honey is used to reduce fever.

Tea with linden or mint has a great effect on your well-being. If there is increased secretion, you can use a decoction of viburnum berries. You should drink it after adding honey. It will not only relieve fever, but also improve digestion. In addition, viburnum has antiseptic properties.

All folk recipes are optional. They can be used only if the doctor has ruled out complications and the increase in temperature is actually caused by an exacerbation of gastritis. Otherwise, self-medication may cause the condition to worsen.

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Why does the temperature rise with gastritis?

Temperature with gastritis of the stomach in adults is the most common symptom, which manifests itself along with pain in the abdominal area. In this way, the body reacts to the inflammatory process that is actively developing inside. Most patients take their health lightly. Feeling pain in the stomach, they prefer to take a painkiller and continue their normal lives. This happens until the moment when the pain can no longer be tolerated, or when other symptoms appear.

During this period, active production of alpha-interferon begins. This substance is produced by the organs of the immune system, it allows you to fight viruses and bacteria. Its synthesis is possible only when body temperature rises above 37 °C. For this reason, doctors do not recommend lowering the temperature below 38.6 °C during respiratory infections. In this way, the body independently copes with infectious agents without additional medications.

For gastritis, a slightly different principle applies. In rare cases, pathogenic microorganisms provoke the disease. Inflammation develops for a number of reasons:

  • Poor nutrition;
  • Esophageal injuries;
  • Stress;
  • Bad habits;
  • Related ailments.

Maximum permissible values

With gastritis, body temperature rarely rises above 38 °C
. With gastritis, body temperature rarely rises above 38 °C. If you experience such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. High rates indicate that another infection has entered the body. During illnesses, the immune system noticeably weakens due to constant struggle. The defense barrier becomes fragile and is easily overcome by viruses and bacteria.

The readings on the thermometer of 38-39 °C indicate that the patient urgently needs to see a doctor.

If the temperature remains at 38-38 °C, then this indicates low-grade inflammation. Gastritis develops gradually, affecting all or part of the mucous membranes of the stomach. Without additional therapeutic measures, the inflammation will not disappear, and the temperature can remain at this level for several days or even weeks.

The danger is that the operation of all systems and functions is disrupted and it will take longer to recover. The patient constantly feels weak and headaches. He finds it difficult to get out of bed. Apathy and instant fatigue are the main manifestations of this condition. If the temperature with gastritis lasts a long time, then the patient can only be helped in a hospital.

Causes of temperature

Severe inflammation affects not only the upper part of the mucosa, but also deeper ones. Gastritis and fever will not always go away at the same time, but if this happens, then it is useless to fight them with the help of antipyretics; this process leads to the following consequences.

  • Spread of bacterial infection.
  • Inflammation of neighboring internal organs.
  • Dying of areas of epithelium in the stomach.
  • General allergic reaction of the body.
  • Vascular damage, blood clot formation.

There may be a temperature due to the pathological development of a fungal, staphylococcal or anaerobic infection that enters the stomach with poor-quality food. Also, the temperature during gastritis can rise in the form of a reaction to poisoning by chemicals or plant poisons - this is a signal about the need for urgent surgery on the stomach, because purulent tissue decay has begun. Whether there is a temperature with gastritis depends on the characteristics of a particular organism.

Since with gastritis the temperature may rise or remain normal, the gastroenterologist will definitely analyze the patient’s sensations before and after eating. And a complex of bacteriological cultures and routine tests is also carried out. Therapeutic measures to combat inflammation are not used in the acute stage of the disease.

If you have gastritis, it is not advisable to take aspirin or paracetamol frequently, especially on your own initiative. You need to see a doctor immediately, the problem is not that the temperature rises with gastritis - it is usually low and does not harm, it can lead to the development of gallbladder diseases. A long course of the disease often ends in chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, and pathologies of the duodenum.

Can there be a low temperature with gastritis?

Typically, patients are afraid of increased body temperature with gastritis, although there are often cases when it drops below normal levels. Because of this condition, you should worry much more. If you see values ​​of 36-36.4 °C on the thermometer, then this indicates general fatigue and loss of strength. The body simply refuses to fight, its immunity is weakened. A person “catches” any viruses, bacteria, he often gets sick, and takes a long time to recover. In this case, it is necessary to look for the root cause of this condition, and not to treat the manifestations.

Similar symptoms are often observed with chronic gastritis. If the patient does not adhere to a diet or does not follow the recommendations of the attending physician, his body gets used to living in conditions of constant stress and chronic inflammatory process. The patient no longer even feels pain. Up to a certain point, he is sure that everything is fine, but the body’s resources are not unlimited, so at one point he gives up. Usually, at first the temperature rarely rises, and then it just as suddenly drops and remains at a low level.

Is it possible to bring down an elevated temperature due to gastritis?

It is a common belief that elevated temperatures do not need to be brought down. They say this is a manifestation of the immune system’s fight against infection. But gastritis is almost never provoked by viruses and bacteria. Its root causes are functional in nature. Therefore, it makes no sense to keep temperatures at a high level for a long time.

Another problem is that with gastritis the temperature is difficult to control. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. When medications enter the body, they are not absorbed by the intestinal walls and do not have the desired effect at all. The problem can be solved, but in a hospital setting.

The doctor will tell you how to lower the temperature with gastritis and why this is important.

The doctor conducts the necessary examinations, making sure that gastritis has not yet turned into an ulcer, and that tumor processes are not developing in the gastrointestinal tract. When treating any illness, it is important to find its root cause. Then the treatment will be effective.

If the patient does not listen to the doctor’s recommendations and ignores his instructions, especially in matters of nutritional correction, then one should not expect a positive result. The temperature will not decrease because there is an uncontrolled, sluggish inflammatory process in the body. The more advanced the patient’s condition, the more difficult and lengthy the treatment will be. There is no need to take a disease such as gastritis lightly. From its consequences you can remain disabled or say goodbye to life altogether. Watch your health if you do not want this outcome.

Increased temperature in acute and chronic gastritis

Patients who have encountered this problem at least once know that gastritis can be acute and chronic. If the disease develops for the first time, then this form is called acute. It is in the patient’s interests and strengths to make efforts to prevent the disease from becoming chronic. The disease takes on this form if the patient suffers from its manifestations 3-4 times a year. Getting rid of chronic gastritis is much more difficult.

Elevated temperature can develop in both forms, but in the acute course of the disease it is higher, easier to break down and no longer increases.

The appearance of heat and fever in acute gastritis

The disease begins acutely and is characterized by severe pain, the pain is localized in the epigastric region. The main symptomatic manifestations of the disease are: a feeling of heaviness in the epigastrium, lack of appetite, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, belching, nausea, vomiting with mucus and bile, diarrhea, bloating, rumbling in the abdomen, flatulence, increased body temperature, general weakness, dizziness, headache.

Patients often ask whether there can be a temperature with acute gastritis. This type of disease develops suddenly. The patient feels severe pain in the stomach, nausea, and vomiting begins. A white or yellow coating forms on the tongue. The patient complains of heartburn. All these symptoms may be accompanied by fever in the following cases:

  1. Infection of mucous membranes with pathogenic bacteria.
  2. Severe poisoning.
  3. Dysentery, typhoid fever and other diseases that develop against the background of existing damage to the esophagus. The temperature rises to 38...39°C.

Fluctuations in the patient's body temperature may be recorded during the vomiting process with the release of a small amount of blood. This occurs during exacerbation of gastritis, which occurs against the background of bleeding in the esophagus. The temperature may rise due to the appearance of ulcers on the mucous surfaces of the diseased stomach. The condition requires urgent treatment.

Gastritis: types, symptoms, causes

Gastritis is a common disease, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach wall. This disease is divided into two main types:

  • Autoimmune, which appears due to a hereditary predisposition.
  • Helicobacter - bacterial origin. The development of this type of gastritis is promoted by the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori.

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa can also be caused by alcohol abuse, smoking, and stress. The disease can be acute or chronic. An exacerbation of the disease can occur within a few days, sometimes hours, due to massive infection with Helicobacter, damage to the mucous membrane by aggressive chemicals (this includes acids, alcohols, alkalis), which can ultimately lead to a stomach ulcer. Chronic forms of gastritis develop with frequent relapses of the disease, while the walls of the stomach are affected much deeper.

Most often, the development of the disease is asymptomatic, but with exacerbation of gastritis, heaviness in the abdomen, stomach pain, nausea, loss of appetite and weight loss, and vomiting appear. Symptoms may disappear, but will reappear without proper treatment.

Treatment methods

Antipyretics can also be used during this period, but remember that excessive amounts of medications negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment of gastritis and fever in this disease can be complex and symptomatic. If you just take painkillers and antipyretics, the symptoms will disappear for a while, but the disease will not go away. Many measures need to be taken:

  • Take anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Use enzymes that facilitate the digestion of food;
  • Use a comprehensive diet.

Antipyretics can also be used during this period, but remember that excessive amounts of medications negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Pharmaceutical antipyretics

You should not use outdated methods of bringing down the temperature - taking analgin with aspirin, injections of analgin with diphenhydramine. There are more modern and safer drugs that have the same effect - paracetamol and ibuprofen. Both of these drugs also have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It is advisable to choose the product in the form of a suspension, as it will be absorbed faster by the body. If the inflammation in the stomach is severe, then it is better to reduce the temperature with the help of rectal suppositories. Suppositories with ibuprofen or paracetamol as an active ingredient are offered in any pharmacy.

You should not use nimesulide-based products. They effectively, quickly and for a long time bring down the temperature, but have a negative effect on the liver. These drugs can be used as an emergency aid if the patient does not have gastrointestinal problems.

Folk remedies for fever

If you do not want to abuse pharmaceutical drugs, then you can use folk remedies to reduce fever. Raspberry leaf tea or raspberry jam will help with this. It can be consumed in small quantities for gastritis. It is better to drink a decoction or tea at night.

You can drink milk with honey, but dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio. Daily consumption of linden tea is not harmful to health, reduces fever and fights inflammatory processes. Be sure to ask your doctor what traditional medicine can be used in your case. He will give recommendations and constantly monitor the dynamics of treatment in order to change the treatment regimen if necessary.

Treatment options

Only a gastroenterologist can prescribe therapeutic treatment for adults and children. After tests and laboratory tests, the causes of the high temperature and an accurate diagnosis are established. To reduce indicators, you need to resort to proven folk remedies.


In acute forms of gastritis, taking medications, such as antipyretics, is prohibited. Anti-inflammatory drugs may cause internal bleeding or damage to the upper surface of the stomach. Medicines are prescribed if the temperature rises above 38° and lasts for a long time. Then it is possible to take antibiotics, use droppers along with enveloping agents to avoid complications.


Effective ways to reduce high levels are to drink plenty of fluids. You can lower the temperature with:

  • still mineral water;
  • hot tea with honey;
  • natural berry fruit drinks;
  • warm milk, such as goat's milk.

You can brew tea from linden, cranberry or viburnum flowers. In no case should you use a drink with the addition of lemon, which is an additional irritant for the inflamed mucous membrane, to reduce the temperature. You can prepare an infusion from willow bark that effectively combats high temperatures at levels of hydrochloric acid that do not correspond to the norm.

Berry-based tea is prepared by pouring hot water over the fruit, letting it sit and adding honey. Hot drinks are given after meals throughout the day.

Treatment of children

To reduce pain accompanied by elevated temperatures, you must follow a strict diet. Excluding harmful foods from the diet, drinking regimen, and taking antibacterial drugs will restore the damaged gastric mucosa. As an additional measure for treating gastritis, you can resort to gastric lavage.

Treatment of pregnant women

High temperature as a consequence of a severe form of inflammation of the gastric mucosa can negatively affect the well-being of the expectant mother and the intrauterine development of the fetus. To avoid serious pathologies, medications should not be used. Traditional methods are also not suitable for pregnant women, as they can cause food allergies in the fetus.

Only a specialist can prescribe the correct treatment as an alternative therapy. To prevent attacks of pain, you should follow a daily routine, eat right, rest, and not overexert yourself physically and emotionally.

Consequences of elevated temperature

If you do not pay attention to the accompanying symptoms of gastritis, hoping that everything will go away on its own, you can progress the disease to such an extent that it develops into an ulcer. With a prolonged increase in body temperature, brain neurons are gradually destroyed, and the patient develops neurological problems, in addition to the main symptoms of gastritis.

You cannot use drugs such as ACC or Theraflu, as they have a number of side effects that will provoke the transition of the acute phase of the disease to a chronic form

Even if the temperature during gastritis remains at 37°C, this is not normal. You should pay attention to this condition and respond appropriately to it. Only competent treatment from an experienced doctor will give positive results.

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Some recommendations for patients

It is better not to try to deal with the described phenomenon on your own. The patient must undergo a complete examination, which will show the cause of fever and fever. You cannot use drugs such as ACC or Theraflu, as they have a number of side effects that will provoke the transition of the acute phase of the disease into a chronic form.

There are people who try to fight the disease with the help of folk remedies, for example using tea with lemon or raspberries. But such remedies do not always help, since the development of gastritis and temperature most often does not occur simultaneously. The patient thinks he has a cold and takes measures, but they do not bring relief. To remove an unpleasant symptom, you need to consult your doctor.






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