3 ways to treat hemorrhoids during exacerbation

Causes of internal hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids are a proctological disease characterized by dilation and deformation of the veins of the submucosal layer of the rectum, which turn into nodules (bumps).

With internal hemorrhoids, the first and main cause is venous insufficiency, which occurs due to dysfunction of the rectal vessels. Dysfunction of the anal veins means a violation of the outflow of blood with an increased inflow.

The second main reason is considered to be weakness of the muscles of the anorectal region, since their contraction helps push blood out of the veins of the rectum.

In addition, genetic predisposition, which consists in the congenital weakness of the venous walls, plays an important role in the development of this disease.

Provoking factors

Venous insufficiency is the root cause of hemorrhoids, which occurs under prolonged exposure to one or more provoking factors. These include the following:

  • deficit of motor activity . Does a sedentary lifestyle contribute to stagnation of blood in the veins of the anus? remove it to avoid repetition? and weakening of the anus muscles;
  • excessive exercise and heavy lifting . During weight lifting and heavy physical labor, the pressure in the vessels of the abdominal cavity and pelvis increases sharply, which leads to an abundant flow of blood, which the anal veins cannot cope with;
  • frequent constipation and diarrhea . During problems with defecation, when a person strains hard, blood flow to the vessels of the rectum also increases. Regardless of constipation or diarrhea, the mucous membrane of the rectum is irritated and, as a result, inflammation occurs, which is accompanied by an active flow of blood into this area;
  • unbalanced and unhealthy diet . Hot seasonings, spices, marinades, smoked meats and other harmful foods irritate the rectal mucosa, and a lack of fiber in the diet leads to constipation;
  • alcohol abuse . Alcohol increases blood pressure, so its regular use leads to overflow of blood in the vessels of the anus;
  • bearing a child . During gestation, hemorrhoids occur due to several reasons, including hormonal changes in the body, frequent constipation, inactivity of a woman, dietary errors and compression of the vessels of the rectum by an enlarged uterus;
  • natural childbirth, especially if it is difficult . During childbirth, blood flow to the vessels of the anus sharply increases, and if they are weakened, then hemorrhoids are inevitable.

High risk groups

Considering the provoking factors, internal internal hemorrhoids most often occur in the following persons:

  • representatives of “sedentary” professions (programmers, cashiers, teachers, office workers, drivers, seamstresses, etc.);
  • whose work or hobby involves lifting weights (loaders, builders, weightlifters, etc.);
  • suffering from chronic constipation or diarrhea;
  • pregnant women and women in labor;
  • alcohol abusers;
  • whose parents have hemorrhoids.

Symptoms and signs of internal hemorrhoids

As a rule, in the initial stages the disease is asymptomatic, only some patients have clear manifestations of hemorrhoids from the first days.

The first signs of the disease, which vary in nature and intensity in different patients, will help identify hidden hemorrhoids.

The first signs of internal hemorrhoids may be the following:

  • discomfort and heaviness in the rectum;
  • sensation of a foreign body inside the anal canal;
  • slight pain during bowel movements;
  • itching and burning in the anal ring after defecation;
  • bleeding of nodes (stripes of blood on a stool, drops of blood on the toilet, underwear or toilet paper).

The course of internal hemorrhoids can be divided into four stages. The gradation of stages of the disease is based on the severity of symptoms, prolapse of nodes, the possibility of their reduction and the presence of complications.

  • 1st stage. During this stage, varicose veins of the rectum look like protrusions, not nodes, and therefore practically do not cause any subjective sensations. Sometimes, patients who are very attentive to their health may notice pain during bowel movements, especially if there was constipation and the stool became hard, as well as other first signs of hemorrhoids, which we listed above.
  • 2nd stage. In the absence of adequate antihemorrhoidal therapy, the dilated veins of the anus already form nodules. These nodules cause discomfort, pain, burning and bloody discharge. The nodes may also fall out through the anus during bowel movements. But a distinctive feature of this stage is that the nodes immediately straighten back on their own.
  • 3rd stage. The third stage is considered advanced and is characterized by all the same symptoms as the previous stages, only their manifestations are more pronounced. Moreover, the nodes fall out not only during bowel movements, but also during forced coughing, intense laughter, lifting heavy objects, etc. At the third stage, the nodes do not correct themselves, so patients have to push them into the anus with their fingers. In addition, complications often arise at this stage - strangulation, inflammation, thrombosis and necrosis of nodes, paraproctitis and others.

How does it hurt with advanced hemorrhoids? With advanced hemorrhoids, the pain is very severe, occurs during bowel movements and bothers the patient for some time after it. In addition, the entire lower abdomen, tailbone and even lower back may hurt. With inflammation of the nodes or thrombosis, the pain is constant.

  • 4th stage. With this form of the disease, hemorrhoids are almost always located on the outside, since it is not always possible to push them inside the rectum. Rectal bleeding is profuse and often leads to anemia. The pain is constant and increases during walking, sitting, and bowel movements.

In the first and second stages of hemorrhoids, exacerbations are rare, and with an advanced pathological process, the symptoms bother the patient all the time.


Like many other diseases, internal hemorrhoids go through 4 stages of development, each of which has its own characteristic signs.

Stage 1

It is characterized by the presence of a small internal knot, which does not cause any inconvenience to the woman. Injury to the cones due to constipation leads to their inflammation. Liquid begins to secrete from the anus, irritating the skin. The patient feels itching and burning in the anus. Laboratory examination of stool may reveal occult blood. Most women experience discomfort after bowel movements.

Stage 2

Internal hemorrhoids enlarge, the feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen and the sensation of a foreign body in the rectum intensify. During defecation, increased physical activity or a coughing attack, dilated veins protrude from the anus, hiding again after a while. Traces of blood appear on the toilet paper, and there is pain and burning in the anal area.

Hemorrhoids go through four stages of development.

Stage 3

This stage is characterized by a pronounced increase in internal nodes, in which they can fall out of the rectum even with light loads. When defecating, prolapse occurs every time. Such lumps are set manually. These signs contribute to the development of complications associated with inflammation, blockage or pinched nodes.

Stage 4

The most severe form of hemorrhoids, characterized by the constant presence of prolapsed nodes and the development of dangerous complications.

What does an internal hemorrhoid look like: description and photo

At the initial stage, hemorrhoids look like dilated veins of the anus. Only a specialist can see such changes using anoscopy or sigmoidoscopy, since the nodules are located inside the rectum.

From the second stage of the disease, the nodes fall out, so the patient can notice them in the anal area.

An internal hemorrhoid is a deformed vein of the rectum, covered with the mucous membrane of the rectal canal.


As the pathology develops in women, the symptoms become more pronounced. Internal hemorrhoidal disease is characterized by increased symptoms. Appears:

  • pain when sitting, standing;
  • development of the inflammatory process;
  • swelling in the anal area;
  • sharp pain as a result of a pinched node;
  • bleeding when passing solid stool;
  • feeling of incomplete bowel movement;
  • pain during bowel movements.

The progression of hemorrhoidal disease is characterized by the occurrence of an acute form, accompanied by:

  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • hyperemia;
  • increased temperature;
  • bleeding;
  • anemia;
  • unbearable pain during bowel movements;
  • loss of nodes;
  • blood in stool;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • weakness;
  • hemorrhagic shock;
  • severe vomiting;
  • sepsis.

How does hemorrhoids hurt?

The inflammatory process in the disease often accompanies a painful syndrome. The cause of the phenomenon is complications in the development of hemorrhoidal pathology. Pain occurs as a result of:

  • pinched nodes;
  • fissures in the anus;
  • infections;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • injury from hard feces;
  • swelling, thickening of the mucous membranes;
  • irritation of cones;
  • thrombosis of nodes.

Symptoms manifest differently at different stages of hemorrhoidal disease. To alleviate the condition, it is necessary to take analgesic drugs. Pain due to illness:

  • occur at the initial stage in the anal area at the time of defecation caused by constipation;
  • feel like a foreign body in the anus - are dull in nature;
  • are episodic, insignificant;
  • As the disease develops, their intensity increases.

If you do not begin treatment for hemorrhoidal inflammation, the painful symptoms intensify. Unpleasant sensations change location. Pain appears in the area:

  • lower abdomen;
  • groin – may be of the nature of spasms, accompanied by nausea, vomiting;
  • lumbar region - do not allow movement, sitting, standing;
  • anal canal - when it is stretched by feces;
  • intestines - during bloating and expansion caused by the inflammatory process;
  • hemorrhoids - are in the nature of pain, acute attacks, and occur when moving;
  • heads - with anemia.

How to identify internal hemorrhoids?

In the early stages, it is quite difficult to determine the presence of rectal hemorrhoids, and only a professional proctologist can do this. Therefore, if you notice the first signs of the disease, you must immediately contact a specialist who will conduct a comprehensive diagnosis and confirm or rule out hemorrhoids.

After collecting complaints, the doctor begins an examination, which necessarily consists of a rectal digital examination and instrumental diagnostic methods.

During a rectal digital inspection, the specialist inserts the index finger into the anal canal and palpates its inner surface. This study allows you to determine the presence of internal lumps that are located near the anus, assess their number, pain, consistency and size, and also identify weakened sphincter muscle tone.

For a more accurate diagnosis of hemorrhoids, the following instrumental studies can be used:

  • anoscopy . The essence of this method is to examine the inner surface of the rectum using a lighted rectal speculum, which is called an anoscope. This method allows you to see all changes in the intestine over 12 centimeters from the anal ring;
  • sigmoidoscopy . This method of diagnosing hemorrhoids is carried out using a special endoscope - a sigmoidoscope, which is a metal tube with magnifying and lighting devices. Sigmoidoscopy not only gives a clear picture of the disease, but also allows you to perform a biopsy, which is very important in differential diagnosis.

In cases where it is necessary to carry out a differential diagnosis or identify concomitant diseases of the colon, fibrocolonoscopy, irrigography, ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, computed tomography with contrast and other diagnostic methods are prescribed.

Also, in addition to specialized proctological examinations, the patient must undergo a general blood test, coprogram, occult blood test, etc.

Why internal hemorrhoids are dangerous: symptoms and treatment of complications

Now let's talk about what complications can arise in patients with hemorrhoids.

As we have already said, the initial stage of hemorrhoids in most patients is hidden, so the disease often becomes chronic. Most often, complications occur in the third and fourth stages of the disease.

The most common complications of hemorrhoidal disease are the following:

  • anorectal thrombosis . With this complication, blood clots form inside the varicose veins of the rectum. The blood clot interferes with blood circulation, as a result of which the lump becomes cyanotic, and the patient feels very severe pain, and of a constant nature, which increases during bowel movements. In case of node thrombosis, conservative therapy is prescribed, which consists of suppositories with anticoagulants. In severe cases, thrombectomy is performed;
  • anal fissures . In patients who suffer from constipation, this complication is not uncommon. To treat anal fissures, rectal suppositories are used with healing, drying, astringent and antibacterial effects. Diet correction is also carried out;
  • pinching of prolapsed cones in the anal ring . Due to spasm of the anal muscles, the prolapsed lump is pinched, which leads to poor circulation, in which the tissues of the node do not receive nutrients and oxygen. This condition is fraught with necrosis of the hemorrhoid. Infringement of the catch is accompanied by severe pain, which spreads to nearby tissues. To treat pinched nodes, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous analgesic medications of local and systemic action are used. It is strictly forbidden to reset the pinched node;
  • anemia . This complication occurs mainly in the later stages of hemorrhoids, when the disease is accompanied by heavy bleeding from hemorrhoids, which leads to anemia. Patients feel constant weakness, fatigue, and decreased performance. There is also a weakening of the immune system, which is dangerous for the development of infectious complications. When treating anemia, it is necessary to eliminate the bleeding of nodes, which is done with the help of hemostatic suppositories. If conservative therapy fails, the issue of surgical treatment of hemorrhoids is considered;
  • anal sphincter insufficiency . Long-term hemorrhoids and frequent prolapse of the nodes lead to weakening of the anal sphincter muscles, which can lead to incontinence of feces and gases. Treatment for this complication is surgical;
  • paraproctitis . This term refers to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the tissues of the anus, which leads to suppuration and the formation of an abscess. For paraproctitis in the infiltration stage, conservative therapy is carried out using systemic antibiotics, as well as local anti-inflammatory drugs. In case of abscess formation, surgical treatment is performed - drainage, which is combined with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy.

Timely and competent treatment of hemorrhoids can reduce the risk of complications. Therefore, at the first signs of illness, contact a proctologist and remember that self-medication is not always effective and can even cause irreversible harm to health.

Risks and possible complications in women

There are often cases of complications when treating internal hemorrhoids in women. Due to the individual characteristics of the body, untimely treatment or ignoring the recommendations of a proctologist, the disease can progress and lead to complications, including serious pathologies.

An advanced form of internal hemorrhoids can serve as a trigger mechanism for the following problems:

  • enterocolitis;
  • colitis of an ulcerative-spastic nature;
  • polyps in the intestines;
  • sepsis or purulent formations in the rectum;
  • development of cancer;
  • paraproctatitis.

In addition, as the disease progresses, problems in intimate life, depressive states, emotional disturbances, intestinal disorders, fistulas, as well as the formation of prolonged bleeding leading to weakness and loss of consciousness may occur.

How to treat internal hemorrhoids?

In the initial stages, treatment of internal hemorrhoids is carried out mainly by conservative methods. Only if drug therapy is ineffective, complications develop, or at the patient’s request, surgery can be performed to remove hemorrhoids.

Conservative antihemorrhoidal therapy consists of following a diet, increasing physical activity (after relief of acute symptoms), taking systemic medications and using local medications. Moreover, the symptoms and treatment of hemorrhoids are closely related, since the choice of treatment tactics depends on the leading symptom of hemorrhoids, the severity of the disease and the presence of complications.

In the second and third stages, hemorrhoids can still be treated using minimally invasive surgical techniques.

For advanced hemorrhoids (stage 3 - 4), the only effective treatment is radical surgery.

How to treat hemorrhoids: drugs for internal hemorrhoids

A proctologist will tell you how to quickly cure and how to treat internal hemorrhoids. You cannot select medications on your own, since each drug has its own indications and contraindications. In addition, there is no universal medicine that would help all patients.

All drug treatment can be divided into systemic and local. Systemic antihemorrhoid therapy uses tablets, capsules or drops that are taken orally. For local treatment of the disease, suppositories and ointments are used, which are introduced into the anal canal.

Let us consider in more detail what medications are used to treat internal hemorrhoids.

Tablets for internal hemorrhoids

  • Venotonic drugs - Detralex, Troxevasin, Venarus, Aescusan, Phlebodia 600 and others. The listed medications increase the tone of the rectal veins, strengthen them and reduce swelling in the tissues, resulting in normalization of blood circulation and relief of hemorrhoid symptoms.
  • Anti-inflammatory tablets - Nimid, Nise, Diclofenac, Voltaren, Nurofen and others. These medications are prescribed for severe pain and severe inflammation in the anus.
  • Laxative tablets – Senade, Bisacodyl, Dulcolax, Regulax. Laxatives are prescribed for constipation, since difficulties with defecation can aggravate hemorrhoids and provoke the formation of anal fissures.
  • Hemostatic tablets - Vikasol, Dicynon, Aminocaproic acid and others. Hemostatic agents are indicated for heavy and frequent bleeding, which can cause anemia.

Rectal suppositories

Rectal suppositories today are the most convenient and effective dosage form, especially for treating hemorrhoids at home. Moreover, most anti-hemorrhoid suppositories are multi-component drugs with a wide range of therapeutic effects, which makes it possible to influence almost all symptoms of hemorrhoids.

The most popular and effective rectal suppositories that are used in the treatment of rectal hemorrhoids are the following:

  • Relief;
  • Relief Advance;
  • Relief Ultra;
  • Hepatrombin G;
  • Gepasolone;
  • Ultraproct;
  • Proctosedyl;
  • Proctosan;
  • Neo-Anuzol;
  • Anestezol and others.

Rectal ointments

Rectal ointments for internal hemorrhoids are no less popular than suppositories. Particularly popular are those ointments that are equipped with an applicator for administering the drug into the rectum and have a combined composition, namely:

  • Ultraproct;
  • Proctosedyl;
  • Aurobin;
  • Procto-Glyvenol;
  • Proctosan;
  • Bezornil;
  • Gepatrombin G and others.

Treatment methods

It is very important to make a diagnosis at the initial stage, since it is at this moment that the doctor has the widest possible range of treatments available to him; in most cases, surgery can even be avoided.

If surgery is required, it will be minimally invasive and quick, which will have a positive effect on the recovery period. On the contrary, with severe hemorrhoids in an advanced stage, there are practically no alternatives to complex surgery.

Diet therapy

For treatment at an early stage, diet is necessary.

This point is very important, and in some cases it is diet therapy that helps get rid of the main symptoms of hemorrhoids in the early stages. Proper nutrition helps get rid of painful constipation, normalizes stool and its consistency.

Required use:

  • a large number of vegetables and fruits;
  • drink about 2 liters of liquid daily;
  • eat soups and liquid meals every day;
  • Fiber should be present in your daily diet; it can be purchased at the pharmacy. “Siberian fiber” is a crushed powder that can be added to fermented milk products (kefir, drinking yogurt) 1 tbsp. spoon.

Drug treatment

If diet fails to relieve constipation, the following medications may be necessary:

  • "Duphalac" in the form of syrup.
  • "Glycerin" Suppositories.
  • "Mukofalk" in the form of granules.

“Relief” candles have shown themselves to have an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and healing effect.

Victoria Druzhikina

Neurologist, Therapist

These drugs help soften the stool by increasing the amount of fluid in the stool. In addition, while taking these medications, the amount of mucus in the rectum increases, which greatly facilitates the act of defecation.

If a woman’s main complaint is pain in the rectum, then in addition to normalizing stool, painkillers are required.

The drug “Ultraproct” copes well with this task, which exists in two forms: suppositories and ointment. The advantage of this medicine is the combination of several therapeutic effects: stopping pain due to local anesthetic effects, eliminating inflammation, relieving itching in the rectum.

Doctor's advice

One of the causes of hemorrhoids in women is unconventional sex. If during or after there is pain or bleeding from the anus, then this variety should be left.

Victoria Druzhikina Neurologist, Therapist

In case of severe inflammation, you can use Salofalk suppositories, which contain mesalazine, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

To strengthen the walls of venous vessels, you can use the drugs Venoruton, Phlebodia, and Detralex. These medications also help narrow the venous plexuses and improve venous blood flow.

Surgical treatment

In the early stages of hemorrhoids, it is permissible to use minimally invasive surgical interventions:

  • Sclerotherapy is the introduction into the lumen of the hemorrhoidal node of a substance that closes the lumen of the vessel. Thanks to this treatment, stagnation of venous blood is eliminated, and the hemorrhoid gradually decreases in size.
  • Coagulation of a venous vessel with an infrared ray. This impact of energy leads to blockage of the vessel, as a result of which blood stops flowing to the hemorrhoid.
  • Exposure to laser energy leads to excision and coagulation of nodes.
  • Applying latex rings. This treatment is a simple and worthy alternative to complex surgical treatment. Using a special apparatus, the hemorrhoidal node is pulled as far as possible from the wall of the rectum with a vacuum nozzle, then a tight latex ring is applied to the “leg” of the node. With this method of treatment, ischemia (cessation of blood flow) to the node occurs, and subsequently necrosis (tissue death). After these processes, the necrotic area simply “falls off” and is excreted in the feces along with the latex nozzle. It usually takes about 7 days.

If a woman develops hemorrhoids immediately after childbirth, then the early postpartum period is not at all a contraindication even for surgical treatment of this pathology.

But it is worth remembering that all these methods cannot radically eliminate the problem of hemorrhoids, they are only measures to alleviate and eliminate the main symptoms. Therefore, relapse of the disease is possible.

In order to avoid such a situation, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules after treatment:

  • avoid hard stools;
  • eliminate a sedentary lifestyle;
  • exercise regularly, do squats, this will strengthen the muscles of the perineum;
  • do not eat spicy, dry food.

Treating hemorrhoids is much more effective in the early stages. Do not forget that the advanced and severe course of this disease is fraught with a number of serious complications: the formation of a rectal fissure, enterogenital fistula, severe bleeding, thrombosis of the hemorrhoid, inflammation of the perirectal fatty tissue, and even blood poisoning.

When the first symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. If a woman experiences symptoms of hemorrhoids after childbirth, then do not be shy; you must tell your obstetrician-gynecologist about this, since treatment can begin already during your stay in the obstetric hospital under the supervision of a doctor.

Find out how to diagnose and treat hemorrhoids in women from the video:

Be healthy!

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This article has been verified by a current qualified physician, Victoria Druzhikina, and can be considered a reliable source of information for site users.


1. https://diseases.medelement.com/disease/hemorrhoids/13808
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How to cure internal hemorrhoids using surgical methods?

In the treatment of rectal hemorrhoids, two types of operations are used - minimally invasive and radical.

Minimally invasive techniques

Minimally invasive surgical interventions are performed for the second to third stages of hemorrhoids, provided there are no complications. Most often, for internal localization of hemorrhoids, the following mini-operations are performed:

  • sclerosis of hemorrhoids. During this intervention, substances called sclerosants are injected into the vessels that supply blood to the node, causing them to collapse, stopping the blood supply. Thus, the nodes collapse and die;
  • ligation of hemorrhoids with latex rings. The essence of this intervention is to put a latex ring on the base of the node, which pinches the blood vessels, due to which the blood supply stops and the nodules die off;
  • cryodestruction of hemorrhoids. During this procedure, the nodes are destroyed using liquid nitrogen;
  • photo/laser coagulation. With this method of removing hemorrhoids, the vessel feeding the node is exposed to infrared/laser rays, which solder them. After coagulation, the nodes die over time and come out.

Radical ways

Today, two types of radical operations on hemorrhoids are most often used - hemorrhoidopexy and hemorrhoidectomy.

Hemorrhoidopexy or Longo's operation is a more gentle method of removing hemorrhoids, which involves pulling the nodes inside the rectum and suturing the vessels that feed them.

Hemorrhoidectomy or removal of hemorrhoids according to Milligan-Morgan is the removal of nodes and part of the mucous membrane of the rectum. This type of operation is the most effective, but at the same time the most traumatic and painful. In addition, patients after hemorrhoidectomy require a long recovery period.

How to treat hemorrhoids at home?

Very often, patients turn to the medical forum with the question of how and how to treat internal hemorrhoids at home. Of course, there are many traditional methods for treating this disease, but you need to know that they will be effective only in the initial stages of the pathological process. In addition, it is necessary to understand that the use of any folk remedy must be agreed upon with the attending proctologist and combined with the main antihemorrhoidal therapy.

This is the only way to treat hemorrhoids successfully. Otherwise, self-medication will be ineffective, which will lead to worsening of the disease and the development of the complications described above.

For internal hemorrhoids, treatment at home is carried out using homemade suppositories, microenemas and oral remedies.

Let's take a closer look at how you can treat hemorrhoids at home.

Homemade candles

The easiest way to prepare the following homemade candles:

  • potato candles: small torpedoes are cut out of peeled and cooled vegetables with a sharp knife, lubricated with vegetable oil and inserted into the anus overnight;
  • honey rectal inserts. Small cylinders are molded from candied honey with your fingers, which are inserted into the rectum 1 - 2 times a day;
  • ice candles. To prepare such inserts, it is better to use not ordinary water, but decoctions of medicinal plants, for example, chamomile, sage, calendula, yarrow, kidney herb, oak bark, onion peel and others. The prepared solution is poured into cardboard cones, which are placed in the freezer until completely frozen.


For microenemas, you can use various medicinal solutions, namely:

  • decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants (calendula, St. John's wort, sage, yarrow, oak bark, onion peel, crassula and others);
  • plant juice (aloe, potatoes, beets);
  • solutions of minerals and other substances (sea salt, mumiyo, soda);
  • infusions of beekeeping products (propolis).

During the procedure, 40-60 ml of medicinal solution is taken into a rubber bulb and injected into the rectum 1-2 times a day.

Suppositories and microenemas for hemorrhoids at home quickly relieve pain, burning and itching in the anus, and also eliminate bleeding of nodes, accelerate tissue repair and improve blood circulation.

Folk remedies for oral administration

Also, in the treatment of hemorrhoids, folk remedies for oral administration can be used. The following drugs are especially effective in this case:

  • nettle decoction. This plant contains natural hemostatic agents, so regular use of its decoction helps stop hemorrhoidal bleeding;
  • rosehip decoction with honey. This medicine is rich in vitamin C, which strengthens blood vessels;
  • cabbage juice Freshly squeezed white cabbage juice is an excellent laxative;
  • aloe juice Agave nectar has a laxative and strong anti-inflammatory effect, which is very important for hemorrhoids;
  • horsetail decoction. This drug is also effective in stopping bleeding, including from the anus.

Treatment of internal hemorrhoids in women

The beginning of recovery should begin with changing your own life. A simple set of measures will help relieve the severity of the disease and prevent the development of complications. For the treatment of internal hemorrhoidal inflammation, it is recommended:

  • increase physical activity;
  • eliminate heavy loads at work and in sports;
  • normalize intestinal motility by performing special gymnastics;
  • stop constipation by normalizing your diet;
  • wash with cool water;
  • carry out preventive measures to exclude the disease.

The development of hemorrhoids in women causes blood stagnation, so important attention is paid to activating blood circulation. To do this you need:

  • use physiotherapy - electrophoresis, laser therapy, magnet treatment, UHF;
  • use medications;
  • perform a special set of therapeutic exercises;
  • stop drinking alcohol.

Complex therapy for internal hemorrhoidal inflammation in women includes:

  • use of rectal suppositories;
  • use of ointments, gels in the form of tampons;
  • administering enemas to facilitate the process of defecation;
  • use of medications aimed at eliminating the causes and symptoms of the disease;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • organization of dietary meals;
  • use of traditional medicine;
  • in complex, advanced cases - surgical intervention.

Treatment at home

Proctologists recommend, along with prescribing medications and procedures, the use of traditional methods of alleviating the condition of internal hemorrhoids. Women can try recipes using natural ingredients at home. Treatment must be agreed upon with the doctor to take into account the stage of the disease and symptoms. The following will be useful:

  • tampons using pork fat;
  • ingestion of herbal decoctions;
  • enemas with potato juice;
  • ice candles.
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They will help relieve painful symptoms in women with hemorrhoidal inflammation localized inside the rectum:

  • Ice packs – stop bleeding;
  • introduction of tampons with gruel of pureed carrots, beets - relieves pain, itching, burning;
  • lotions with a decoction of herbs - relieve swelling and inflammation;
  • potato candles - accelerate healing;
  • microenemas with a decoction of sage, string, chamomile flowers - disinfected, dried.

Sitz baths play a special role in home treatment. It is important to use them taking into account the characteristics of the disease. Changing the temperature of the solution and components helps solve a variety of problems:

  • warm baths using herbal decoctions, bay leaves, and birch tar disinfect and relieve inflammation;
  • cool – stop bleeding, soothe, relieve pain;
  • dry with warm smoke of onion and garlic - activate blood circulation.

Drug therapy

Conservative treatment of hemorrhoids in women, when the inflammation is internal, is carried out with the help of medications. Everyone solves their own problem of eliminating symptoms and helping to cope with the disease. For local treatment, rectal suppositories are used:

  • Ultraproct – quickly relieves pain;
  • Methyluracil - regenerate tissue, stop bleeding;
  • Natalsid - approved for use during pregnancy;
  • Bufexamak – relieves inflammation;
  • Sea buckthorn - promotes drying and rapid healing of cracks.

Popular suppositories for internal use for hemorrhoids in women - Relief Advance - are distinguished by:

  • Therapeutic effect: pain relief, stopping inflammation, bleeding, cell regeneration, local increase in immunity.
  • Indications for use: presence of nodes, cracks in hemorrhoids.
  • Advantage: natural component, fast action.
  • Ingredients: active substance – shark liver oil:
  • Dosage: three times a day after bowel movements;
  • Side effects: swelling, allergic reactions.
  • Contraindications: granulocytopenia, thromboembolism, sensitivity to ingredients.

When treating women with internal hemorrhoids, medications are used in the form of tablets for oral administration. Proctologists prescribe:

  • Suprastin is a sedative that relieves itching;
  • Gutalax – a laxative to relieve constipation;
  • Detralex is a phlebotonic that promotes the outflow of venous blood;
  • Escin is an angioprotector for strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • Diclofenac is an anti-inflammatory drug;
  • Oletetrin is an antibiotic for purulent processes;
  • Pentalgin, which relieves pain.

A popular drug for diagnosing hemorrhoids in women is Venoruton, which is distinguished by:

  • Therapeutic effect: activation of venous tone, protection of blood vessels, reduction of edema.
  • Composition: active substance – rutin.
  • Indications for use: complications of hemorrhoids, venous insufficiency.
  • Advantage: use during pregnancy from the second trimester.
  • Dosage: capsule three times a day.
  • Side effects: headache, diarrhea, skin rash, heartburn, nausea.
  • Contraindications: first trimester of pregnancy, intolerance to components.

Minimally invasive treatment methods

When the disease is in the last stages of development, severe bleeding, prolapse of nodes are observed, there is a possibility of pathological complications, and surgical intervention is prescribed. There are modern minimally invasive methods for treating hemorrhoids. One of the methods is sclerotherapy:

  • applicable, including stage 3 of the disease;
  • a special compound is injected into the nodes to stop bleeding and reduce the size of the lump;
  • the operation lasts about half an hour;
  • disadvantage - possible complications, risk of relapse;
  • pros: no pain.

Among the minimally invasive methods is infrared coagulation. The method does not eliminate nodes, it only stops bleeding. An effective treatment option is ligation with latex rings. When performing the technique:

  • the operation is performed without anesthesia;
  • a latex ring is put on the internal nodes, tightening the leg;
  • the process lasts 10 minutes;
  • you can process several nodes at once;
  • The lump dries out after such intervention and is excreted in the feces;
  • If the rings are applied incorrectly, bleeding may occur;
  • allowed during pregnancy.

Surgical methods

In the absence of results from other treatment methods, in case of complex pathologies, radical surgery is prescribed. Progressive methods of influence are used:

  • the use of cryodestruction - the use of low temperature liquid nitrogen;
  • use of a radiobeam scalpel;
  • burning tissue with high temperature laser beam.

Among the radical surgical methods for treating internal hemorrhoids complicated by infection, bleeding, tissue necrosis, the following is used:

  • Thrombectomy – performed under local anesthesia. An incision is made at the node through which the blood clot is removed. The wound heals without stitches using therapeutic bandages.
  • Hemorrhoidectomy - excision of the affected tissue along with the lump, followed by laser coagulation.
  • Hemorrhoidopexy - suturing the node using special devices.

How to eat if you have internal hemorrhoids?

Nutrition is the most important component of complex antihemorrhoid therapy, since disruption of the intestines often causes exacerbation of hemorrhoids. Most often, hemorrhoids are caused by constipation, so let’s look at what the diet should be if you have difficulties with bowel movements.

First of all, it is necessary to follow a diet - 5 - 6 times a day at regular intervals - 2 - 2.5 hours, and a portion of food should not exceed 250 grams.

It is also important to drink a sufficient amount of liquid - 8 - 10 glasses per day, giving preference to clean water without gas.

The following foods are excluded from the diet of a patient with hemorrhoids:

  • those that irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract: hot seasonings and spices, marinades, pickles, smoked foods, sorrel;
  • those that cause flatulence: legumes, white cabbage, grapes, radishes, turnips, hard fatty cheeses, black bread and others;
  • those that hold the stool together: rice, semolina, persimmon, chocolate, cocoa, pasta, fresh white bread, pastries and others;
  • fast food.

In addition, patients with hemorrhoids are strictly prohibited from drinking alcoholic beverages.

The menu of such patients must include fruits, dried fruits, vegetables, cereals, fermented milk products, lean meats, fish and poultry. Also, for constipation, it is recommended to consume 40 grams of bran daily.

Prevention of internal hemorrhoids

Now let's talk about the prevention of hemorrhoids, because this disease is much easier to prevent than to cure.

The following preventive measures will help avoid hemorrhoids:

  • timely elimination of constipation or diarrhea;
  • balanced diet;
  • drinking enough water;
  • limiting physical activity;
  • maintaining an active lifestyle (hiking, running, swimming, gymnastics);
  • control and maintenance of optimal body weight;
  • rejection of bad habits.
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