Apples for gastritis: can you eat them, how to cook them

Variety selection

Gastritis and apples, according to most nutritionists, are compatible concepts if the choice of variety is taken with great responsibility. Green apples are considered safer and easier to digest.

They are hypoallergenic, so they cannot provoke unwanted reactions in the body. If you have high acidity, you can eat sweet apples:

  1. Mac.
  2. Golden.
  3. Richard.

More sour varieties of apples are recommended to be included in the diet of people suffering from gastritis with low acidity. The most common are:

  1. Semerenko.
  2. White filling when not fully ripe.
  3. Antonovka.
  4. Granny Smith.

Apples for gastritis

People have long known the benefits of the delicious apple fruit. It is not for nothing that several centuries ago storytellers composed tales about miraculous rejuvenating apples. As a result of numerous studies, it has been established that if you eat a medium-sized apple every day, you can significantly improve your health. Taking it helps to significantly increase life expectancy, cleanses the body of toxins and replenishes the supply of essential microelements and vitamins.

Fresh apples, baked ones, and even apple cider vinegar are used as a medicinal and dietary product.

Beneficial properties of apples:

  1. Apples contain a considerable amount of substances with antioxidant properties, which help protect the body from the harmful effects of mutagens and avoid the development of cellular mutations. Eating apples regularly will help prevent the development of cancer.
  2. Gastritis and gastric ulcers are often accompanied by increased nervousness and excitability. Apples will come to the rescue. Their juice persists in developing resistance to external stimuli. If you drink a glass of water with a diluted teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in the morning, the drink will add vigor and good mood throughout the day.
  3. With reduced body resistance and pain, regular consumption of apples is vital. Fruits are eaten fresh, in the form of juice, puree or baked. In any case, the result will be magnificent.


In addition to the positive features of eating apples for gastritis, there are some precautions that must be taken into account.

Because In this product, the main structural unit is fiber; eating apples in large quantities can cause the appearance of primary symptoms of colitis, which are considered the main drivers for the chronic form of gastritis.

In case of an inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa, it is recommended to consume apples in the form of juice, since this drink can normalize digestive juice and increase the level of hydrochloric acid at low acidity


How to choose?

In order to avoid worsening gastritis after eating apples, they must be chosen correctly. Fruits must be ripe and grown in environmentally friendly places.

It is unacceptable to eat apples that have been stored for an excessively long time due to the use of special preparations. We are talking about fruits that are found on sale mainly in the winter season. They are aesthetically attractive, large in size and unnaturally shiny. Such fruits do not contain any useful elements, they are tasteless, and the peel squeaks unpleasantly on the teeth. This delicacy should be avoided.

It is best to purchase apples in season, namely from mid-July to the end of August, as well as in the winter - from December to the end of January. It is better to give preference to specific varieties, taking into account the type of disease and the degree of its neglect.

So, you should choose apples for current gastritis according to the following principles:

  1. Sweet varieties - it is recommended to eat for gastritis with high acidity, as well as for stomach ulcers, impaired intestinal motility, and inflammation of the duodenum. The most popular varieties are Richard, Golden Delicious, Jonathan.
  2. Sour varieties - allowed for consumption in case of illness with low acidity, as well as atrophic gastritis, anemia, and disorders of the biliary tract. The most popular varieties are Simirenko and Antonovka.

Apples for gastritis with low acidity

A sour fresh green apple as a morning snack is an excellent option for those who suffer from gastritis with low acidity. Sour apples will help replenish this acidity and normalize it. For residents of Russia, the best option is Antonovka.

Experts recommend that during periods of exacerbation of the disease, you still abandon fresh fruits and prefer baked ones. This option, delicate for the stomach, will be appreciated by the body.

A baked apple contains many useful substances:

  • B vitamins;
  • Vitamins A, C, E, PP;
  • Dietary fiber (the percentage of which doubles when baked);
  • Potassium;
  • Sodium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Iron and others.

Having mentioned apple cider vinegar, let’s talk about the benefits of freshly squeezed apple juice. The reduced acidity of the stomach allows you to drink this fresh and invigorating drink throughout the day, but it is advisable to make the juice yourself using a juicer.

This advice is due to the fact that store-bought juices contain a lot of additional preservatives, which can adversely affect a sore stomach.

Apples for gastritis with high acidity

Acidity in the intestines can be different, low and high. Is it possible to eat apples with gastritis with high acidity? – You can, but only sweet varieties. Choice of Russian gardeners:

  • White filling;
  • Renet Simirenko;
  • Lungwort;
  • Jonathan.

Apples, like all other fruits, should be washed before consumption. It is advisable not to be content with simple rinsing, but to thoroughly wash the fruit using detergent and a brush.

Such a scrupulous approach will help avoid harmful substances entering the body, especially if it is a purchased product and not from your own garden plot.

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It is important to know

It should be borne in mind that you cannot eat the same fruits with gastritis with different acidity.

If the indicator is high, it is recommended to choose sweet apple varieties. They are recommended to be eaten for intestinal infections due to the content of carotene, manganese and potassium. And eating baked apples for gastritis with high acidity is an important component of the therapeutic diet.

If you have low acidity, give preference to more acidic varieties.

It is recommended to eat them in the first half of the day. If you eat in the evening, this is fraught with increased gas formation.

Apple selection

Before you buy a fruit, pay attention to its surface. A shiny, too smooth peel indicates that the apple has been treated with chemicals that increase shelf life, but are harmful to the body. You should also not choose bright and large fruits.

If possible, cut the fruit. A good option should be juicy, without veins, with dark brown seeds.

The right fruits in your diet

Before eating fruits, do not forget about the key rules:

  • If you have gastritis, it is harmful to eat apples with skin.
  • Eating fruits should be moderate (2-3 pieces per day), since the large amount of fiber contained in them can lead to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract even in a healthy person.
  • For gastritis, it is recommended to eat apples before lunch. In the morning, fruits are digested better due to increased secretion of hydrochloric acid. In the evening, they can cause bloating.
  • You should never eat rotten fruits or apple seeds because of the hydrocyanic acid they contain.

Before starting treatment for gastritis at home, you need to visit a gastroenterologist. The wrong choice of fruits (for example, fruits with a high level of acid in erosive gastritis) can cause unpleasant consequences and worsen the condition.

Baked apples for gastritis

The baked product has always been considered useful and delicate for the body, especially for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Baked apples will be equally useful for those who have high acidity and those who have low acidity.

The simplest and most accessible method of preparation is as follows:

  • The apple is washed thoroughly;
  • Using a knife, the core is removed;
  • Sugar or honey is poured inside;
  • Place on a baking sheet in the oven preheated to 180 degrees;
  • 5-10 minutes and the dish is ready.

Tip: if you want to soften the skin, add a glass of water to the baking sheet - the apple will be tender and with soft skin. When using honey as a sweetener, remember that it will lose all its beneficial properties when exposed to high temperature, i.e. at the end you will get a sweetness devoid of the healing properties of honey.

Baked apples are easily digestible without loading the stomach, which is important when it weakens during an exacerbation. We emphasize that you should not go overboard with sugar, especially if you are baking a sweet variety.

Benefits and harms

Fruits contain many useful substances, so regular consumption of apples helps the body break down organic acids and quickly absorb iron.

Apples contain pectin, which is considered one of the unique metabolic stabilizers. Getting pectin into the human intestines helps:

  • get rid of constipation;
  • normalize intestinal motility;
  • reduce cholesterol levels in the human body;
  • stimulate peripheral blood circulation.

Apples have been used for quite a long time both to treat pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, and for skin diseases and vision problems. The fruit contains vitamins such as A, K, C, PP, E and group B.

In addition, this product contains the following minerals:

  • sulfur;
  • chlorine;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • boron

Despite many beneficial qualities, apples for gastritis can harm the body. Today, apple diets are especially popular because they help you quickly lose weight. The fruit contains a large amount of fiber and when it enters the gastrointestinal tract it can disrupt its functioning. Fiber is a rather coarse element, and for gastritis such food is contraindicated.


  • Apples are very rich in fiber and when consumed in large quantities raw, colitis can worsen, which will only lead to a worsening of the gastrointestinal tract, peptic ulcers and increased gastritis.
  • Apple seeds contain hydrocyanic acid and iodine; eating more than 5 apples at a time can be harmful.
  • It is forbidden to eat apples during an exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
  • Take with caution if you have bloating.
  • Raw apples are prohibited for acute forms of gastritis.

Home Recipes

Patients with gastritis can include some apple dishes and drinks in their diet. If you are interested in how to bake apples, then watch the recipe in the video above.


It is recommended to drink apple juice when the gastric mucosa is inflamed, as it helps increase the content of hydrochloric acid in case of low acidity.

The drink is contraindicated in patients with high levels of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, otherwise gastritis can develop into an ulcer.

It is recommended to drink apple juice several times a day 10-15 minutes before meals.

There are several rules for drinking apple juice for gastritis.

If you have high acidity, you can drink freshly squeezed homemade juices. Only sweet varieties of fruit are used; mixes can be prepared in the following combinations:

  • with carrots;
  • with pumpkin;
  • with banana.

To do this, the fruits are washed, peeled and seeded, and passed through a juicer. The ratio of ingredients is 1:1. Even freshly prepared juice for gastritis with high acidity should be consumed in limited quantities, no more than 1.5 glasses per day. Nutritionists do not recommend drinking juices undiluted; fruit drinks half diluted with water have a gentle effect.

Also, to eliminate a large amount of acid in the product, they can be boiled for 65 - 7 minutes. When heated, organic acids disintegrate and will not contribute to an increase in secretion.

A good alternative to freshly squeezed juices are jelly based on them. To prepare jelly, juices with pulp are used.

Classic jelly with starch is an excellent protection for the mucous membrane with increased acidity, erosion and atrophy. Kissels can also be multi-component - you can add juice to oatmeal jelly, mix it with other types - carrot, peach, strawberry.

With low and normal acid levels, everything is simpler - juices are allowed. Nutritionists recommend consuming them half an hour before meals, without diluting them with water. They should be prepared from sweet and sour varieties; however, avoid those that are too sour, they are very aggressive for a sore stomach.

For gastritis, industrially produced juices are contraindicated; if you like natural fruit drinks, you can buy a juicer for one fruit or, even better, a juicer. In this device, the fruit is evaporated, the juice undergoes heat treatment, which is very important for gastritis.


For gastritis with low levels of hydrochloric acid, apple cider vinegar, which can be prepared at home, is useful. To do this, you need to peel several fruits and grind them using a blender. Squeeze out the pulp and pour the resulting liquid into a jar, cover the top with a rubber glove.

After the glove is very swollen, it must be removed and the finished vinegar must be poured into another jar and left for another 6-8 weeks. Apple cider vinegar can be added to various drinks and salads.

Pastila for gastritis

A tasty dish is prepared from 1 kg of apples (red for illness with a high level of acid, green for low acidity). After peeling, cut the fruits and pour 1 tbsp. filtered water, put on fire and cook for 15 minutes, or until the plates soften.

Then the finished apples are crushed, boiled by about a third and mixed with 100 g of sugar. Leave to simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. In the meantime, cover the baking sheet with baking paper and spread the cooked mixture. Place in the oven at 90 degrees for 2-4 hours until completely dry.

Apples with honey

A delicious honey-apple dish is a great way to diversify your gastro diet. In addition, both baked apples and honey are allowed and even recommended for gastritis. Prepare according to this scheme: Peel several fruits and cut into slices. Add honey and cinnamon, stir. Bake in the oven for 7-10 minutes. Cool the dessert and serve.

Healthy treat with yogurt

The recipe includes 2-3 apples and 1 cup of curdled milk. How to cook: Remove the skin from the fruit and bake in the oven for 10 minutes. Then rub them through a sieve or grate them. Add a little sugar and lightly beat everything with a blender. Pour in a small amount of curdled milk and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Dessert of baked apples with oatmeal

Oatmeal is one of the main products in the gastro diet. It smoothly relieves pain, cleanses the intestines, strengthens and increases the duration of remission. How to cook: Wash and dry several apples. Cut out the core and some of the pulp to make cups. Grind the pulp, add 3-4 tbsp. l. oatmeal, as well as finely chopped dried fruits. You can add cinnamon and sugar. Fill the apple cups with the mixture and place a piece of butter on top. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

Apple puree

The dish can be consumed for gastritis with high acidity and atrophic form. Preparation will not be difficult. Peel a couple of apples and boil them in a small amount of water. Then the pulp is whipped using a blender and mixed with a small amount of cinnamon and pine nuts. Even picky gourmets will appreciate the taste of the proposed dessert.

Dried apples

Dried apples contain all the same beneficial substances as fresh fruits; they are best eaten when there is high acidity. Dried fruit slices contain a minimal amount of acids, therefore, they are not an irritant to the stomach.

Due to their high calorie content, it is very important to consume dried apples in small quantities. Do not overload your stomach with low acidity. With moderate consumption of dried apples, it can have the following beneficial effects on the body:

  1. Pectin and fiber normalize the functioning of the digestive system and improve metabolism.
  2. Phosphorus promotes good brain function.
  3. B vitamins stabilize the functioning of the nervous system.
  4. Potassium and magnesium have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system.
  5. Iron is involved in the process of hematopoiesis.

In general, the balanced composition of dried apples has a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole and enhances natural protective reactions. All side effects are associated exclusively with overeating. In this case, increased gas formation and pain occur. If such symptoms appear, the product should be immediately excluded from the diet.

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Beneficial properties of apples

Apple trees are the most fruit-bearing trees; scientists have counted more than 10,000 varieties of apples. In addition to being a popular fruit, apples are grown on every continent, but they are also a key element in literature. The apple is invariably present in the Bible, ancient Greek legends, and folklore. What is the secret of the worldwide love for apples? ELLE found out who is recommended to eat this juicy fruit, and most importantly, in what quantities, so that it only brings benefits to the body and does not become a bone of contention.

In our country, apples are the No. 1 fruit in terms of demand, cost and availability. The cool climate of central Russia contributes to high yields and the emergence of new varieties of apples. The most popular and delicious varieties are Antonovka, white filling, melba, calvil snowy, simirenko, jonathan, mekintosh.

The composition of the apple is unique; this fruit contains up to 90% water and about 20% nutrients. Everything about apples is good for you, so those who eat the whole fruit are right. The pulp is rich in fiber, organic acids (malic, citric, tartaric, chlorogenic), microelements (potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, aluminum, boron, vanadium, iron, iodine, copper, molybdenum, nickel, fluorine, chromium and zinc) and vitamins A (50% more than in oranges), B1, B3, PP, C. The peel of apples contains flavonoids, and the seeds contain up to 15% fatty oil.

The beneficial properties of apples are better preserved in recently picked fruits than in those that have been stored for sale for a long time. The longer apples are stored, the less beneficial vitamins they contain. It is better to eat apples fresh or grated on a coarse grater, since fruits contain substances that can oxidize vitamin C. Heat treatment destroys these substances, which reduces the level of vitamin C. Fruits that are not the most attractive in appearance have medicinal properties. In stores and markets, it is better to choose small wild apples than large fruits with a glossy sheen. Green apples are considered the most healing. The fiber they contain is absorbed by the body for a long time and prevents it from feeling hungry.

Even apple tree leaves are healthy, they contain vitamin C. Aromatic tea is brewed from young dried apple tree leaves. It is recommended to be taken for diseases of the bronchi, respiratory system and residual cough, and also as a soothing antidepressant infusion.

The acids contained in apples, in combination with tannins, stop fermentation processes in the intestines, eliminate signs of flatulence and bloating, and promote natural cleansing and restoration of the intestines. Pregnant women especially love this property of apples. The sour taste of apples relieves unpleasant attacks of toxicosis in the early stages, during pregnancy and after childbirth, the pectin contained in apples acts as a mild and absolutely safe laxative.

The acids contained in apples, in combination with tannins, stop fermentation processes in the intestines, eliminate signs of flatulence and bloating, and promote natural cleansing and restoration of the intestines.

It has been scientifically proven that apples contain substances that stop the growth of cancer cells in the intestines and liver. For intestinal problems, doctors recommend eating a couple of apples daily on an empty stomach. Fresh apples cause abundant secretion of gastric juice. After a hearty meal, it is recommended to eat a few slices of apple to make it easier for the body to digest a large lunch.

Most apple varieties have a sour taste. It is sour apples, rich in vitamin C, that are most useful. Such apples have a beneficial effect on the immune system, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce their permeability to toxins, relieve swelling, and promote rapid recovery of strength after illness.

Freshly squeezed apple juice is prescribed to patients with gallbladder diseases. Natural juice has a mild choleretic effect and helps prevent cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. It is necessary to make juice before each meal and take a glass 15-30 minutes before meals.

Juicy apples generally have a general strengthening and invigorating effect on the body, eliminating diseases of a nervous nature. Regular consumption of fresh apples helps reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood by a third. Apples also have a beneficial effect on a person's condition with low blood pressure.

Finally, it is rare that the diet does not include apples in its diet. Nutritionists recommend eating fresh apples, because 100 g of this fruit contains no more than 50 calories. The product is practically fat-free, although it does contain carbohydrates. Baked apples (without added sugar and honey) are also practically zero-calorie (almost 70 kcal), but 100 g of dried apples contain 4 times more calories. It is better to exclude dried fruits during the diet.

Despite all the obvious beneficial properties of apples, there are also contraindications. The apple diet effectively burns fat, but the coarse fiber contained in apples can cause exacerbation of colitis and provoke disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. With gastritis and duodenal ulcers, such methods to quickly lose excess weight can have disastrous consequences.

You should also be careful when consuming apple seeds. The seeds contain the glycoside amygdalin, which breaks down in the stomach to release hydrocyanic acid, a powerful poison. It is safe to eat no more than 5-6 grains per day.

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