How to improve your gut health: seven simple ways

Digestion and metabolism are closely interconnected. During the digestion process, food is processed and broken down into proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other substances.

The digestive tract and metabolism (also called metabolism) is a set of biochemical reactions that ensure the normal functioning of the body. Metabolism consists of 2 processes that are the exact opposite of each other: catabolism (complex substances are divided into simpler ones) and anabolism (combining substances together, which consumes energy).

What affects digestion and metabolism

The digestive process includes 3 stages: digestion, assimilation and excretion of metabolic end substances. Some factors are involved in this process:

  • Food consumed, its composition, frequency and quantity;
  • High-quality chewing of food;
  • Release of the required amount of gastric juice;
  • The required amount of hormones that affect the production of gastric juice;
  • Intestinal juice, bile;
  • Uninterrupted liver function;
  • Correct composition of intestinal microflora from a physiological point of view;
  • Normal functioning of the nervous system.

Due to the digestive process, a person receives not only the necessary amount of energy. Some substances replace already obsolete cells that are involved in the production of hormones. Due to metabolism, muscle contraction occurs, and reserves are accumulated in certain areas in case of a prolonged hunger strike.

The speed of digestion is affected by the composition of the food consumed and the general condition of the gastrointestinal tract. Dairy and flour products and vegetables are digested very quickly. Fats and proteins take longer to digest. Any disease negatively affects the digestion process and metabolism.

Eat mushrooms

Mushrooms are a very healthy food that saturates the human body without additional unnecessary calories - 100 g contains only 22 calories. One of the latest studies confirms that the presence of mushrooms, especially porcini mushrooms in the diet, helps to lose weight and helps restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Eat about 85 grams of protein every day

A study published in the journal Functional Nutrition found that these mushrooms work as prebiotics, providing nutrients to a specific type of beneficial bacteria that play a significant role in blood glucose control. Normal blood sugar levels help the body use fat as fuel and reduce sugar cravings. According to the researchers, it is recommended to eat about 85 grams of mushrooms per day to regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Ways to improve food digestion

There are several ways to influence the digestion process. The main thing is the right combination of foods, rational methods of preparing them and regular meals.

Main principles:

  • Consume foods that are similar in digestion speed;
  • Prepare dishes in such a way that your mouth waters when you see them - this way, the digestion process starts in the oral cavity;
  • Limit intake of fast food, which negatively affects the stomach. As a last resort, you can consume such food 2 times a month;
  • Eat food at the same time;
  • While eating, do not be distracted by watching TV shows, reading a book or active conversations;
  • Eat only high-quality and fresh foods. They should not contain dyes, preservatives or other substances that are added to improve the appearance and taste of products. In addition to the fact that they negatively affect the functioning of the stomach, they can cause allergic reactions;
  • Drink the required amount of liquid (water, freshly squeezed juices);
  • Drink milk every day, which has a positive effect on the microflora of the stomach.

Foods that improve the digestion process

The diet should consist of the following products:

  • Cereals;
  • Fresh berries, vegetables, fruits;
  • Nuts;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Dairy products;
  • Legumes;
  • Whole wheat bread.

It is worth giving up or limiting your intake of sweets, very fatty foods, too salty foods, canned fish and meat, and refined vegetable oil.

Plants and herbs

Since ancient times, remedies have been known that have a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach:

  • St. John's wort – eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • Oak bark – knits well;
  • Flax decoction – perfectly envelops;
  • Chamomile - quickly heals wounds.


It is strictly forbidden to take medications without the advice of a doctor. This can only make the condition worse. The only exceptions are general digestive enzymes and enterosorbents.

Enterosorbents allow you to bind and retain toxic substances. They can be purchased at any pharmacy. These include activated carbon and enterosgel. It is important to follow the instructions and determine the permissible dose based on body weight.

Digestive enzymes have a positive effect on the digestion process. They need to be taken if you feel overeated. Such drugs include Mezim, Festal and others. If you experience regular stomach upset, you will need to undergo a course of treatment.

Flaxseed flour or plant seeds in the fight against irrational bowel function

A cleansing composition with flaxseed flour will absorb harmful substances.

According to the folk recipe, a person who undertakes an independent intestinal cleansing will need sunflower oil and flax seeds. These products have a cleansing, softening, dissolving, anti-inflammatory, and enveloping effect. The plant substance stretches the intestines and is a catalyst responsible for the accelerated movement of food.

Flax seeds mobilize motor function, mucus acts as a coating substance. Sunflower oil is an auxiliary component that facilitates cleaning and saturates the body with fatty acids. Specifics of cleansing procedures using flaxseed:

  1. The correct diet during cleansing procedures consists of plant foods and fish.
  2. The wellness course lasts 10 days.
  3. Prohibited: alcohol, sugar, white flour products.
  4. You can expect the first results in a week; you should not count on an immediate effect.

How to prepare the cleansing composition:

  • Take 250 ml. vegetable oil and 100 gr. flax seed.
  • Grind the seeds, add oil and leave for a week.
  • Take 1 tbsp. l. cleansing drink 40 minutes before meals 3 times a day for 10 days. The resulting composition must be shaken before use.

How does the prepared product work? It helps food slide through the intestines; the seeds, like a sponge, absorb harmful substances and relieve stress on the liver.

Physical activity and its impact on metabolism

Physical exercise has a positive effect on the metabolic process. This occurs due to the growth of muscle mass and blood circulation speed. The results from physical activity last for exactly 24 hours.

Only an experienced trainer can determine the volume and duration of physical exercise, since each human body has different needs. What is good for one person can be harmful to another. There are no general instructions in this case. Everyone will benefit from walking at a brisk pace, running slowly with periodic breaks, and exercising in the morning.


Eating fruits normalizes intestinal function.

Bran is figuratively called a “broom” for the intestines due to its high fiber content. They swell and stimulate intestinal motility. Irritation of the intestinal walls affects the urge to defecate. Bran is useful for the following reasons:

  1. Absorb toxins;
  2. Remove toxins;
  3. Activate digestion;

To get the desired result, you should precede each meal with 2 tbsp. l. bran and a glass of water. No additional manipulation is required: the swollen bran will cleanse the intestines. Do not abuse the indicated dose. This method is designed for a monthly course.

One day fast

Autophagy (self-eating) appeared thanks to a resident of Japan, Yoshinori Osumi. He demonstrated to all humanity how substances are processed in a cell. As a result of autophagy, dead and incompetent parts of cells are destroyed. This allows the body to rejuvenate and renew itself. This process can be started by a one-day fast. The intestines take an active part in the process, where all these reactions occur.

On the day of the hunger strike, you are allowed to drink only purified drinking water. This will be enough to prolong the youth of the body.

Activated carbon

Activated carbon has high adsorbing properties.

This drug has high adsorbing properties. It can affect the absorption of toxins, metal salts, drugs, and glycosides. The use of this remedy is indicated for the following conditions:

  • Dyspepsia,
  • Intoxication,
  • Allergic manifestations,
  • Flatulence,

Read: Topiramate. Remedy for epilepsy

The need to reduce gas formation during endoscopic studies and x-rays.

How to cleanse the intestines with activated carbon? The recovery period is 2-4 weeks. For 10 kg. weight, take 1 tablet, the drug is taken twice a day. Coal has a low cost - from 9 rubles.

Symptoms of pathology

You should know that normally the act of defecation occurs no more than three times every day. If your situation changes or you are stressed, you may miss one day, but “in a big way” you definitely need to go at least three times a week.

Symptoms of a “lazy” bowel appear as follows:

  • constipation;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • decreased appetite;
  • feeling of bloating;
  • bad breath;
  • dry mouth.

Late signs of a “lazy” bowel include deterioration in the condition of hair, skin and nails. There is dryness and fragility.

Medicines to strengthen the stomach

The photo shows medications to strengthen the stomach

It is necessary not only to follow general recommendations for strengthening the stomach, but also to pay attention to certain medications. If you take pills, but have an unhealthy diet, smoking and alcohol abuse, or a passive attitude towards sports, you should not count on long-term results.

Before choosing medications that will help strengthen your stomach, you should first consult with your doctor. Only a doctor can correctly assess your health status, then prescribe the right drug and determine the correct dosage.

To carry out general strengthening of the gastrointestinal tract, you need to choose drugs whose action is aimed at normalizing the mucous membrane and microflora, normalizing stool and improving digestion. The general symptomatic picture must also be taken into account.

Drugs to strengthen the stomach are used only in complex therapy - for example, special therapeutic abdominal massages, nutritional correction may be prescribed (a therapeutic diet may be required), and physiotherapy can be beneficial.


This is a group of drugs that contain cultures of living microorganisms. Their main action is aimed directly at restoring microbiocenosis. After probiotics enter the gastrointestinal tract, reproduction and inhibition of the pathogenic and opportunistic forms begin.

As a result, conditions are created for the beginning of the formation of favorable microflora of the intestines and stomach. Probiotics are often used to strengthen the stomach during diarrhea.

This drug group includes the following drugs:

  • Enterozermina;
  • Acyclact;
  • Enterol;
  • Bifidumbacterin forte;
  • Bificol;
  • Linux.


This group does not include cultures of living microorganisms. After entering the gastrointestinal tract, medications have a positive effect on the growth of colonies, as well as the activity of beneficial bacteria that are already inside the tract.

Prebiotics are a good source of nutrition for microorganisms that form healthy microflora. At the same time, a decrease in pathogenic colonies occurs, and toxic metabolites are removed from the body.

This category of drugs includes:

  1. Lactofiltrum;
  2. Duphalac;
  3. Hilak forte;
  4. Medulak;
  5. Portalak;
  6. Eubicor;
  7. Normaze.


These are medications that provide protection to the mucous membrane. Hydrochloric acid is neutralized, and the level of stomach acidity decreases. Antacids are often prescribed for heartburn, peptic ulcers and gastritis.

The drugs included in this group have an antispasmodic effect, accelerate the healing of microwounds, and prevent the recurrence of painful spasms.

This category of drugs includes:

  • Gastal;
  • Rennie;
  • Phosphalugel;
  • Maalox;
  • Gaviscon;
  • Almagel.


A medicinal group whose action is aimed at absorbing toxins, acids, gases and waste products of certain microorganisms from the gastrointestinal tract. Prescribed during the treatment of various diseases. They can be used to strengthen the stomach, being part of complex drug therapy.

This category of drugs includes:

  • Neointestopan;
  • Polysorb;
  • Activated carbon;
  • Sorbex;
  • Atoxyl;
  • Smecta;
  • Neosmectin;
  • Povidone;
  • Enterosgel.

Nutrients You Need to Maintain Gut Health


According to a study published in 2014 by the University of Virginia School of Medicine, the active ingredient in turmeric protects the intestinal lining from the negative effects of a Western diet, thereby preventing the proliferation of “bad” bacteria. Add turmeric to curry or a teaspoon to rice or scrambled eggs.

Vitamin D

A lack of vitamin D reduces the function of the immune system and causes intestinal disorders. Sunlight can replenish the deficiency of this vitamin, but from October to March it is usually not enough. According to statistics, 1 in 5 people are deficient in vitamin D. Fortunately, this problem is fixable, just keep a bottle of vitamin D in your bathroom near your toothpaste and take it every day.


There is some evidence that lack of iron leads to the destruction of intestinal bacteria. Experiments on rodents have confirmed that increasing the amount of iron consumed can solve this problem, but it becomes problematic to absorb such an amount of the mineral at a time. Try to eat natural sources of iron, such as red meat and eggs, rather than artificial or plant-based supplements.

Omega-3 fatty acids

According to a 2015 study published in the journal Lipid Research, omega-3 fats, along with probiotics, are needed to create “friendly” bacteria in the gut. It is recommended to take fish oil capsules, 1 tablet per day with food. Consume foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids, such as flax and chia seeds, walnuts, olives and coconut are also good sources of iron, albeit from plant sources.


According to a 2012 study, along with carotenoids, these phytonutrients found in plants have a strong anti-inflammatory effect on the gastrointestinal tract and reduce the risk of developing ulcers and stomach cancer. They predominate in onions and cabbage. To preserve more flavonoids in these vegetables, it is recommended to stew them so that the body cleanses more effectively.

Vitamin A

It is a real barrier between the body and the outside world. The stomach and intestines, skin and lungs rely on this vitamin for their work. Consume foods that contain vitamin A; sweet potatoes, pak choy, and peppers are excellent sources of vitamin A. These vegetables can be prepared into a simple dish at home: cut the potatoes into cubes, boil them for five minutes, then chop the remaining vegetables and fry everything for frying pan. Serve as a side dish with any meat to improve the health of the gastrointestinal tract.


Technically, they are a subtype of flavonoids, but deserve special attention because they reduce the number of pathogenic bacteria Clostridium histolyticum in the intestines. In addition, they are needed to stimulate the work of the small and large intestines. Green or white tea are the best sources of catechins. Just 2-3 cups a day are enough to improve the functioning of the intestines of an adult.


The body uses it to create a protective mucous membrane that thinly lines the intestinal tract, providing the first line of defense. It is found in shrimp, eggs and poultry. Therefore, if you overate yesterday's not entirely healthy food, then prepare yourself a turkey frittata to put your intestines in order.


Glutamine can combat excessive “intestinal permeability” (irritable bowel syndrome). With timely treatment, many unpleasant symptoms of this disease can be avoided. In pharmacies it is most often sold in the form of L-glutamine, which coats cell walls and acts as a repellent to irritants. The recommended dosage of this medicine is 2-5 g twice a day.


It is not a nutrient, but is needed to cleanse the intestinal walls of potentially dangerous compounds and other aggressive factors, helps regulate the pH balance, which is essential for the normal existence of beneficial bacteria, improves permeability and increases the absorption of minerals in cases of motility disorders and inflammatory diseases of the small intestine. and large intestine. Consume foods high in fiber and get more fiber from vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds to promote regular bowel movements.


Bowel surgery

If this organ is impassable and no conservative methods help it normalize its functioning, then doctors resort to surgical intervention. Intestinal surgery helps remove an obstruction that is blocking the passage of stool. If surgery is performed on the small intestine, then resection is usually performed, which helps to completely restore patency. All segments of the intestine with dead tissue are usually removed completely.

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