What to do if you feel sick: 12 simple tips

If you feel sick? 10 affordable remedies for nausea and vomiting

Vomiting and nausea can occur for several reasons, such as indigestion, hangover or food poisoning.
This article discusses what you can do to stop these symptoms. Nausea, vomiting)

– an irritant reaction that can cause serious discomfort. There are several ways to treat and manage nausea, depending largely on the cause and the person's health. In this article we will talk about what to do to stop vomiting.

However, it is always important to consult a doctor to get a diagnosis of the condition causing vomiting and prescribe appropriate treatment.

If you're wondering what you can do to stop vomiting, here are some of the most effective remedies:

Medicines to stop vomiting.

Over-the-counter medications are available to stop attacks of nausea and vomiting. Some of them are Bismol and Desmol, which contain bismuth subsalicylate

. It protects the stomach lining and thus reduces vomiting, especially caused by food poisoning or inflammation of the stomach lining.

Over-the-counter antihistamines

or H1 blockers help stop vomiting caused by motion sickness. These medications work by blocking histamine H1 receptors, which are responsible for inducing vomiting. There may be side effects from antihistamines, which may include blurred vision, dry mouth, and urinary retention.

Natural remedies for nausea and vomiting.

1. Ginger root.

Ginger has been widely used for its medicinal properties since ancient times. When you're looking for something to take to stop vomiting, ginger is the easiest answer. Ginger is one of the most effective home remedies used as an antiemetic. You can chew a piece of ginger, add a little honey to it, or drink ginger tea or ginger lemon juice to get rid of nausea and vomiting.

Vinegar is another thing you can do to stop vomiting, but be careful with it. Use one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and dilute it in half a glass of boiled water. Use the resulting solution to rinse your mouth. This will help prevent nausea, as well as eliminate the “stale” taste caused by vomiting.

Drink fluids, including water and other drinks such as lemonade, mint tea, etc., to stop nausea caused by an upset stomach. Drinking fluids keeps the body hydrated and can relieve nausea and vomiting. It is also recommended to dissolve ice cubes in your mouth - this can also stop nausea.

You can brew a cup of mint tea and drink it gradually to stop vomiting. Place a few dried mint leaves in a cup of boiling water and consume after straining. You can also chew mint leaves to relieve nausea.

Cinnamon is another remedy that can be taken for nausea. Place a small cinnamon stick in boiling water for a few minutes. Then remove the cinnamon and add a little honey to the solution.

Another thing you can consume to stop vomiting is onion juice. Just squeeze a teaspoon of juice from the grated onion and add a little honey. After this, you can drink cold mint tea. The combined action of both remedies helps calm the stomach and stop vomiting.

7. Rice water (decoction).

If you have gastritis or stomach infection and vomiting is caused by these conditions, then you can consume starchy rice water to stop the vomiting symptom. Simply boil one cup of white rice in double the amount of water. Once the rice is cooked, strain and consume this liquid slowly. It is effective in preventing nausea and vomiting and also provides additional nutrition during recovery.

Cloves have antiseptic properties that promote better digestion. Chewing a small amount of cloves can stop or provide relief from vomiting. If you can't stand the pungent taste of cloves, you can use a small amount of honey. If you swallow a clove while chewing, there is no harm.

Another thing that can be consumed to stop vomiting is aniseed. This is one of the best remedies for improving digestion, reducing nausea and stopping vomiting. Simply chew the anise seeds. You can also make anise tea by steeping it in a cup of boiling water. Stir for a few minutes, strain, and then drink.

10. Cumin seeds.

You can also use cumin to stop vomiting. You should grind the cumin seeds to a powder and then add them to a glass of water. Sip this water to stop vomiting and improve digestion.

Now you know what to do at home to control nausea and vomiting. However, it is always important to know the underlying cause of vomiting. Please consult your doctor before taking any medications to stop vomiting.

Rules for eating after vomiting for adults

Vomiting is a defense mechanism by which the body gets rid of poisons. If the toxic substances that caused its appearance have a high level of acidity, gastric emptying will lead to irritation of the mucous membranes, and sometimes to injury. The same applies to poisoning with aggressive mixtures - for example, household chemicals. In this case, the diet after vomiting should be as gentle as possible in relation to the mucous membrane.

Any vomiting also leads to the loss of a significant amount of fluid and, as a result, to dehydration. For the body, such a condition is detrimental because it can provoke severe systemic disorders. In addition to a diet consisting of what you can eat after vomiting, you also need to restore moisture reserves by observing the drinking regime. This is especially true for hangovers caused by alcohol intoxication.

In addition to fluid, the body loses reserves of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. In addition, he has to spend energy on eliminating the consequences of poisoning or illness that caused vomiting. As a result, after bouts of vomiting, the patient feels weak and dizzy. Therefore, the diet should contain an increased amount of useful components.

Emptying the contents of the stomach can lead to disturbances in the secretion of bile, hydrochloric acid, and other digestive enzymes. As a result, new food will take longer to digest and may cause attacks, if not vomiting, then nausea. It may take several days for digestion to normalize.

Food intake, like liquid intake, should be uniform. Doctors recommend sticking to fractional meals - eating in small portions, 5-6 times a day. This will reduce the stress on the stomach and also prevent the recurrence of vomiting.

We can highlight general principles that the diet during and after vomiting should comply with:

  1. It is not recommended to eat immediately after the urge to vomit. It is better to take a break of 4-5 hours.
  2. Do not eat if you have no appetite or force-feed a child who has recently vomited. To restore strength on the first day, it is better to drink plenty of fluids.
  3. Between meals you need to take a break of 2-3 hours. Eating at night is also not recommended.
  4. Drink 2-2.5 liters of liquid daily. This volume includes pharmaceutical water-salt solutions, compotes, low-mineralized still water, decoctions and infusions.
  5. Food should be warm - this way it is better absorbed by the body. Hot food can injure already irritated mucous membranes. The optimal temperature is 30-40 degrees.
  6. Meal times should be coordinated with taking medications prescribed by your doctor. If the list of recommended medications includes enterosorbents, they should be taken several hours before/after meals, otherwise the benefit from the products consumed will be minimal.

Vomiting caused by food poisoning or an intestinal infection is often accompanied by diarrhea. In this case, it is necessary to take measures to normalize stool and restore intestinal microflora. This can be done both through medications and through a therapeutic diet.

How to get rid of nausea in 5 minutes

Random nausea can be either a one-time phenomenon or a harbinger of some chronic or incipient disease.

But in any case, one thing can be said for sure: nausea is one of the most unpleasant elements of human well-being, and, even if it happens for a few tens of minutes, it ruins a person’s whole day and throws him out of his working rut. You need to know how to deal with nausea effectively, relieving yourself of unpleasant sensations if they occur .
Everyone should have such knowledge, because no one is immune from nausea - it can occur at any time and is very unpredictable. Therefore, read the following material and try to remember how to deal with nausea as effectively as possible.

Anti-nausea collection

You can easily get rid of this unpleasant feeling with the help of herbal remedies.

It should be prepared according to a specific recipe:

  1. You need to take about 2 parts of yarrow and St. John's wort, as well as 8 parts of wormwood. Then mix all this.
  2. Next, take one spoon of the resulting solution and pour it into 300 ml of hot water.
  3. Leave to sit for 20 minutes.
  4. Let cool and then drink.

This decoction should be drunk ¼ cup each time before meals 4 times a day.

What is nausea?

Some people mistake other pain for this common condition. It is customary to say “I feel sick,” but in reality, not everyone knows what indicates this phenomenon. There are clearly defined signs that nausea has. Ordinary pain in the abdominal area is not one of them.

It is worth knowing and remembering the clearly defined symptoms of nausea:

  • Heavy pulling sensation in the throat area;
  • Urge to vomit;
  • Sucking sensation in the stomach and epigastric region;
  • Decreased overall body tone, slight tingling in the heart (not always).

Depending on what caused this feeling, these symptoms may also be accompanied by a feeling of bitterness in the mouth and a number of other accompanying sensations.

What to drink for nausea

To combat nausea, various methods are used, starting with medications and ending with medicinal decoctions, infusions or other traditional medicine recipes. Following a diet during the treatment period is also an important component for a quick recovery. Let's consider each of these methods separately.

Anti-nausea medications

Pharmacy drugs

First of all, when nausea occurs, people go to the pharmacy to get medicine. Fortunately. There you can buy many different drugs without a prescription. But which one is best for the job? For this reason, we have created a rating of the best anti-nausea drugs. Just choose the most suitable product for yourself.

Table. Effective anti-nausea medications.

Name of the drug, photoDescription
EnterosgelOne of the most common medications used for nausea. It has adsorbing properties, due to which all the harmful toxins that caused the symptom gradually come out of the body. The drug should be taken 3 times a day, 2 tsp. The duration of the treatment course is 5-7 days.
AeronIt has strong antiemetic properties, therefore it is able to suppress the feeling of nausea. Available in tablet form. For optimal results, take 1 tablet 2 times daily. It is not recommended to be treated with this drug for a long period, as this can lead to serious complications. The duration of the course of therapy and dosage may be slightly adjusted by the attending physician depending on the patient’s condition.
RegidronAn excellent remedy used in medicine to treat various types of intoxication of the body. It comes in powder form, so before use, you need to mix it with warm water and drink throughout the day. Relief of nausea symptoms is observed within 30-40 minutes after taking the first dose of the medicine.
CerucalAn effective drug used for nausea or vomiting. Thanks to the active components contained in the medicine, you can get rid of nausea literally immediately after starting treatment. The product is available in tablet form. Take 1 tablet 2 times a day until the symptoms of intoxication are completely eliminated.
AtoxylAn antitoxic drug used to combat attacks of nausea and vomiting. It is not produced in the form of tablets, as is often the case with drugs of this group, but in the form of a powder. Before use, the contents of the bag should be filled with 200 ml of warm water and stir everything thoroughly so that the powder can completely dissolve. To achieve maximum effect, you need to take Atoxil 3 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment should not exceed 4-5 days.
MetoclopramideIt is rightfully considered the most common and effective drug for combating nausea. The product is available in tablet form, so it does not need to be diluted in warm water, as is the case with powder. Take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day and you will soon forget about these unpleasant symptoms. You need to take the drug until you completely get rid of the feeling of nausea.

This is not a complete list of medications used for nausea or vomiting. Before using this or that drug, you should definitely consult your doctor. Otherwise, you may not only not help yourself, but also harm your body even more.

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Folk remedies

As a complement to traditional methods of treating nausea, many people use proven folk remedies. Below are the most common ones.

Table. Effective folk remedies for nausea.

Product name, photoApplication
Mint decoctionTo prepare this medicine, you need to pour boiling water over 5-6 mint leaves and leave for 7 hours. After infusion, the broth should be filtered through cheesecloth and drunk in small portions throughout the day. This should relieve symptoms of nausea.
Melissa decoctionAnother anti-nausea recipe. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 2 tbsp. l. dried lemon balm leaves and leave for 2 hours, preferably in a thermos. After this, take the resulting product 3 times a day, 50 ml. The duration of the treatment course is 2-3 days. This should be enough to eliminate nausea.
Soda solutionA universal remedy used in folk medicine to treat many ailments, including nausea. To prepare the solution, mix 50 ml of warm water with 1 tsp. soda The resulting liquid should be drunk at one time. After about 30-40 minutes, the nausea should go away. If necessary, the procedure must be repeated.
Potato juicePeel 2 large potatoes and pass them through a juicer or meat grinder. Place the resulting pulp on cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. Take potato juice 3 times a day, 2 tsp, preferably 10-15 minutes before each meal. The duration of the therapeutic course should not exceed 10 days, but in most cases, nausea disappears within 2 days after the start of treatment.
Tea with lemonOne of the simplest methods of dealing with attacks of nausea at home, but this does not cease to be effective. Prepare strong green tea and add one slice of lemon. Add sugar to taste. Drink the medicine throughout the day instead of regular tea. You need to drink from 1 to 3 cups per day, but no more.
Dill decoctionTo prepare this decoction, you will need 2 tbsp. l. dill seeds Pour 300 ml of boiling water over the seeds and cover the dish with a lid. It is advisable to use a half-liter jar for this purpose, as it is very convenient to close it with a plastic lid. Infuse the decoction for 4 hours, then strain through cheesecloth to get rid of plant residues. Take 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. Duration of treatment is 3-4 days.

On a note! If the use of the above remedies does not help and the nausea does not go away for a long time, then you need to consult a specialist. In this case, consultation with a therapist or gastroenterologist is needed.

Video: Tablets for nausea and vomiting

How can you get rid of nausea at home?

Chinese medicine recommends relieving unpleasant symptoms using acupuncture - pressing on biologically active points. Massaging these points can relieve mild nausea - tips from Chinese acupuncturist Dr. Liu Hongsheng.

Point No. 1

  • To find this point, you need to place the palm of your left hand on the inside of your right so that the little finger touches the edge of the hand.
  • This point will be located in the center of the line along which the index finger touches the right hand.
  • You can massage points on both hands.

Point No. 2

This point is located on the hand.

  • To find it, you need to place the thumb of your left hand between the thumb and index finger of your right hand.
  • In this case, the “strip” between the phalanges of the thumb of the left hand should fall on the skin fold between the fingers of the right hand.
  • In the place where the pad of the thumb touches the hand, there is a point.
  • After massaging the point on one hand, move to the other.

Point No. 3

  • These are two points at once that are located on the hand on the sides of the knuckle of the middle finger in the place where the phalanx of the finger joins the joint.
  • Press on both sides at the same time.

Attention! Massaging these points can relieve mild nausea or dizziness caused by motion sickness or sudden changes in body position. In case of poisoning or diseases of the digestive system, they will not help and will not replace serious treatment!

Remember, you can and should fight nausea. If you see that the feeling of nausea “haunts” you for several days, then you should definitely visit a doctor. Don't forget - nausea can be the cause of a very complex disease! Get treatment on time and be healthy! published by econet.ru.

PS And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

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Over-the-counter anti-nausea medications

A number of medications can relieve nausea:

  1. Cerucal - a drug that is very effective in combating nausea. It is an antiemetic and a stomach stimulant. Indications for use: infection and infection of the digestive organs, inflammation of the stomach. Helps relieve vomiting and nausea. Available in the following dosage forms: tablets, liquid solutions for injection. 2 ml are available in each ampoule. The price of the drug in tablets is from 92 rubles, and in ampoules – from 122 rubles.

  2. Furazolidone is a drug that belongs to the antimicrobial (antibacterial) family. Typically used for stomach pain. Tablets are sold in packs of 10-20 pieces. Approximate price: 50-120 rub.
  3. Sumamed (substance – azithromycin). This is an antibiotic that has a wide spectrum of action and can act not only on the digestive system. Typically used as an antimicrobial agent. Helps eliminate the growth and reproduction of bacteria. This medicine is available in the form of tablets, capsules, and also in powder form. The approximate price for tablets is 488 rubles, powders for suspensions are 235 rubles, capsules are 478 rubles.

How to deal with nausea quickly and effectively

By nausea we mean a painful sensation in the upper digestive tract that occurs due to reverse peristalsis.
Instead of pushing food forward toward the intestines, the stomach muscles contract in the opposite direction, pushing it out. Nausea is not always a symptom of illness; it often occurs in completely healthy people from fatigue, hormonal changes, and excessive stimulation of the vestibular apparatus.

Causes and mechanisms of nausea

Nausea and vomiting occur due to three main mechanisms:

  1. Reflex irritation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach by toxic substances, heavy foods, and poor-quality products.
  2. Direct negative effect on the vestibular apparatus and vomiting center in the brain.
  3. Indirect influence on the vomiting center through the mental sphere.

Sometimes the pathogenesis of nausea is quite complex and combines several mechanisms.

Peculiarities. Toxicosis of pregnancy stands somewhat apart, in which nausea develops to a greater extent due to hormonal changes. An increase in the concentration of pregnancy hormones affects the excitability of the vestibular apparatus, receptors of the digestive tract and causes psycho-emotional disorders.

Some of the most common causes of nausea include:

  • violation of diet, overeating;
  • food poisoning;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, peptic ulcer);
  • inflammation of the inner ear;
  • stroke, traumatic brain injury;
  • tumors of the brain, vestibular apparatus in the inner ear and the pathways between them;
  • motion sickness in transport - kinetosis;
  • depression and stress;
  • pregnancy, beginning of the menstrual cycle, menopause;
  • decrease or increase in blood pressure;
  • taking certain medications (antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsants, antidepressants, etc.).

Sometimes a feeling of nausea occurs even when thinking about something unpleasant, when watching a movie or reading a book about unpleasant things.

Watch the video about the main causes of nausea.

Features of preparation, where they are used

Lemon is used if diagnosed:

  • diseases of the digestive system - except for ulcerative lesions,
  • excess or deficiency of minerals in the body,
  • rheumatism,
  • cardiovascular diseases,
  • scurvy, the symptoms of which develop with vitamin deficiency - vitamin deficiency,
  • hypovitaminosis - excess of vitamins,
  • diseases of the urinary system – cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, candidiasis,
  • diseases of the abdominal organs - cholelithiasis, dysbacteriosis, jaundice, pyelonephritis, cirrhosis, cancer,
  • angina,
  • gout,
  • skin diseases,
  • hypertension.

Lemon is indicated for toxicosis, which occurs in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, during lactation, as a source of vitamins and minerals that the child receives with mother's milk.

Lemon juice should not be consumed undiluted, because a high concentration of acid leads to damage to tooth enamel and burns the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach. To prepare the medicinal composition, simple recipes are used:

  1. Stir 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice in 1 glass of boiled water.
  2. Add a slice of lemon to warm tea - the temperature of the liquid should not exceed 60 degrees.
  3. Stir 1 tbsp. l. citrus juice and 1 tsp. honey in 1 glass of water.
  4. Grind 1 kg of lemons and mix them with 0.5 kg of sugar.
  5. Grind 8 lemons and 3 heads of peeled garlic, mix the ingredients.

Features of the use of citrus fruits are that:

  • When heat treated, lemon loses its beneficial properties.
  • Lemon zest, which is obtained from the peel, is no less useful than the pulp of the fruit.
  • Lemon juice goes well with other products and is used in salad dressings, compotes, winter preparations, sauces for meat, and confectionery.
  • Lemon oil is used in aromatherapy as a sedative, calming and relaxing agent.
  • Lemon juice diluted with water is applied to the skin to get rid of vitiligo, freckles, acne, boils, and rashes.
  • For persistent nausea, when it is not possible to use any of the recipes, it is enough to hold a slice of lemon in your mouth for a few minutes. The unpleasant sensation passes quickly, but then you should rinse your mouth thoroughly.

To overcome the pronounced sour taste of lemon, the sliced ​​​​slices are sprinkled with sugar on top. Eat 1 tsp of citrus fruit twisted with granulated sugar or garlic. 20-30 minutes before meals, washed down with a small amount of water. Keep the lemon drop in warm tea for 10-15 minutes and only then start drinking tea - during this time the vitamins and minerals will turn into liquid.

When to see a doctor

If nausea occurs rarely, from time to time (for example, due to errors in diet), then you should not worry.

But what if you feel sick all day or the condition gradually worsens? Of course, you need to seek medical help. and goes away quickly with treatment,

It is necessary to undergo a routine examination by a therapist if symptoms persist for a long time or regularly occur that are not amenable to standard treatment, if there is a gradual deterioration in health, or if additional complaints appear (pain, stool disorders, fever).

But there are situations in which you should seek help urgently:

  • vomiting blood;
  • severe dehydration, inability to drink fluids due to vomiting;
  • head or neck injury;
  • severe dizziness accompanied by nausea, balance disorder, weakness in the limbs;
  • sudden deterioration in health, loss of consciousness or fainting state;
  • the appearance of acute intense abdominal pain.

Nausea is a painful, exhausting symptom that you want to get rid of as soon as possible. However, remember that in some cases it has a protective function. For example, in case of food or alcohol poisoning, vomiting rids the body of toxins that have entered it. In such a situation, nausea is only beneficial and should not be fought with. If the feeling of nausea begins to bother you too often, this is a serious reason to consult a doctor.

After meals

Eating low-quality food may be accompanied by an attack of nausea and stomach upset (diarrhea, diarrhea).

  1. cleanse the stomach with plenty of water to induce a vomiting reaction, possibly with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. You need to go to bed.
  3. For nausea, drink a decoction of herbs - chamomile, mint, calendula. Brew one tablespoon of any of these herbs in two glasses of boiling water, cool, strain and drink half a glass after three hours.
  4. Take medications such as activated carbon, loperamide.

An infusion of dandelion roots eliminates vomiting and diarrhea: pour two teaspoons of crushed root into a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Drink half a glass 4 times a day before meals.

Traditional healers claim that the best result for eliminating nausea is achieved if you drink orange juice every 15 minutes or eat a whole orange each time.

If diarrhea is accompanied by nausea, then the patient should be given a decoction of rice. One measure of rice is poured with six measures of water and boiled over low heat. The resulting decoction is cooled, filtered and a quarter is given warm every two hours.


Perhaps the most reliable folk remedies for nausea are lemons. The aroma of citrus has a natural calming effect on the human body, which can prevent vomiting and reduce nausea. In addition, the vitamin C contained in it is beneficial for our health.

Squeeze fresh lemon into a glass of water and add a little honey. Drink lemon water every morning to start your day without morning sickness. You can even simply enjoy the aroma of freshly peeled lemon - this will also relieve the symptoms of vomiting and nausea.

For gastritis

With gastritis of the stomach, nausea appears during meals. Occurs in both acute and chronic forms.

  • Limit or stop drinking alcohol and tobacco products.
  • Chamomile infusion will help cope with the symptom.
  • If you have low acidity, you can drink tea with lemon - this is a proven folk remedy for nausea.
  • To eliminate frequent attacks, it is recommended to drink green tea daily.

An attack of nausea can be eliminated with medications such as cerucal, Zoloft, mezim, drotaverine .

There is a common folk recipe made from herbs. Pour one teaspoon of sage, chamomile, yarrow into a glass, pour boiling water over it, leave for 15 minutes. Drink one tablespoon every three hours. This very healthy drink can be used for a long time without the slightest harm to the body.


When considering folk remedies for nausea, it is necessary to highlight ginger. It is one of the best natural ways to get rid of this condition. Ginger is very beneficial for the digestive system. It helps block acid secretion in the stomach, which causes vomiting or nausea. Suck on a small piece of ginger or take ginger candies to get quick relief.

You can also make a mixture of a teaspoon of honey and 5 drops of plant juice. Take this in the morning when you wake up. In addition, ginger tea will help - a spoonful of grated ginger is poured into a glass of water and brewed for 10 minutes. The resulting infusion needs to be filtered, add a little honey and drink. Drink 1-2 cups of this tea during the morning.

For dizziness

Nausea with dizziness can occur in a completely healthy person. A common cause is dieting and hunger, especially for women.


  • Motion sickness is one of the causes of nausea. It is recommended to take mint candies
  • Ventilate the room
  • Leave the premises if there are large crowds of people (if you are not at home)
  • Measure blood pressure. Take appropriate medications according to the results obtained.

Honey and apple cider vinegar help well: two teaspoons of vinegar and one teaspoon of honey per glass of warm boiled water. Take on an empty stomach.

Alcohol and nausea

Perhaps alcohol and nausea are inseparable concepts. Often the problem lies not in the quantity of alcohol consumed, but in its quality.

Because alcohol contains toxins, the body tries to get rid of them. Therefore, to eliminate nausea, you should induce vomiting. It is recommended to drink a solution prepared from two liters of boiled water and one tablespoon of soda. You can provoke vomiting by pressing your fingers on the root of the tongue.

Folk remedies

  1. Adsorbents, such as activated carbon, will help with vomiting to absorb toxins.
  2. An adult can take five drops of ammonia or 20 drops of mint alcohol in a glass of cold water.
  3. A drunk man is placed on his back. Rub both ears quickly and forcefully with the palms of your hands. The rush of blood to the head begins to bring the drunk to full consciousness, while reducing attacks of nausea.

Very often, a feeling of nausea occurs the day after drinking alcohol due to an overdose of alcohol. In this case, fermented milk products such as kefir and yogurt will help. Bread kvass and brine (not to be confused with marinade) are very effective.

The Japanese, for example, do not find a better remedy for a hangover than tea with sugar.

You can take medications: Motilium, Cerucal, Zofran.

How to stop vomiting in case of poisoning?

If a person’s vomiting is caused by poisoning, then the first task that faces the patient is gastric lavage. Of course, this procedure is very unpleasant, but it will not only stop subsequent vomiting, but will also ease the course of the disease. Doctors call gastric lavage at home the “restaurant method.”

To lavage the stomach, an adult will need about five liters of water (boiled, but not hot).

One of the following compounds is dissolved in it:

  • Two tablespoons of salt (this solution causes a spasm of the gastric sphincter and prevents toxins from moving further);
  • A few grains of potassium permanganate, namely enough so that the water acquires a light pink tint (the solution helps bind toxins, has an antimicrobial and antiseptic effect);
  • Two tablespoons of soda;
  • Five tablespoons of activated carbon, crushed into powder (binds toxins and prevents them from entering the blood).

After the solution is ready, it is necessary to either lay the patient on his side (place the head below the body) or sit down. He is forced to drink about 500 ml at a time, after which he must be induced to vomit. To do this, a person should press on the root of the tongue. The procedure is repeated until the water coming out of the stomach becomes clear. Typically, lavage helps prevent further vomiting and makes the patient feel better. Special antiemetics are not taken for poisoning.

Mental disorders and nausea

In case of nervous shock or fear, even healthy people become very dizzy and may experience nausea, which is accompanied by darkening of the eyes and dizziness. It becomes difficult for a person to get rid of this condition.

In addition, many have the mistaken opinion that nausea is the result of gastrointestinal disorders, but in fact the cause is the nervous state of the body.

To begin with, a person can pull himself together. Listen to good music, watch a movie, chat with friends.

Stress is accompanied by a release of adrenaline. To reduce its amount, you need to perform the simplest physical exercises: squats, walking. This does not mean that doing strenuous exercise will lead to a quick recovery.

Washing your face with cold water is beneficial.

It is recommended to take sedatives - valerian, motherwort, peony. The most effective are glycine, novopassit, persen. Take strong sedatives only as prescribed by a doctor!

Drink a soothing herbal decoction of mint, chamomile, calendula at the rate of one tablespoon of each per glass of boiling water. Brew like tea. In the summer, it is good to add twigs and leaves of black currant, cherry, and raspberry to the broth.

If a person cannot cope with nervous stress on his own, the condition worsens, sleep is disturbed or absent, and he constantly feels bouts of nausea, consultation with a psychiatrist or neurologist is immediately required.


Special medications - antiemetics - help stop severe vomiting attacks. The drugs differ in their action. It is necessary to take them only as prescribed by a doctor so that the condition does not worsen. There are three groups of antiemetic medications:

  • central action - neuroleptics, antihistamines, dopamine and serotonin receptor blockers;
  • peripheral influence - local antispasmodics, painkillers;
  • mixed action - with a comprehensive solution to the problem.

Medicines help cure vomiting caused by diseases:

  • neuroleptics - Triphasin, Aminazine - eliminate the symptoms of drug poisoning, are effective during pregnancy, radiation sickness, and in the period after surgery;
  • antihistamines - Diprazine, Diazolin - cope with motion sickness caused by disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus;
  • antiseptics – Enterofuril, Intetrix – destroy bacteria in infectious diseases of the stomach and duodenum.

Medicines selected for the treatment of certain pathologies can stop vomiting:

  • migraine, traumatic brain injury - dopamine receptor blockers - Motilium, Zofrom;
  • gag reflex during treatment and diagnosis by an ENT doctor - local anesthetic - Lidocaine;
  • chemotherapy for oncology – Sertonon, Latran, Haloperidol;
  • intestinal infections – Ersefuril;
  • for a neurogenic cause of urge - Tenoten, Persen;
  • universal medicine - Metoclopramide.
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Central acting anti-vomiting agent

Drugs in this group have an inhibitory effect on the vomiting center, its chemoreceptor trigger zone located in the medulla oblongata. As a result, an impulse is not sent to the muscles that provoke the reflex effect. There are several types of centrally acting agents. These include:

  • neuroleptics - Triphasin, Aminazine - used for poisoning, radiation treatment, pregnancy;
  • antihistamines - Dimenhydrinate, Diphenhydramine - eliminate vomiting of vestibular origin.

Centrally acting agents include:

  • Histamine receptor blockers, with a depressing effect on the central nervous system, accelerating peristalsis and bowel movements - Domperidone, Motilium. Medicines are prescribed for vomiting caused by infections, gastrointestinal dysfunction, and poor diet.
  • Seratonite receptor blockers - Tropisetron, Latran - stop vomiting caused by gastric dyspepsia after surgery or chemotherapy.

Peripheral drugs

This antiemetic group of drugs acts at the level of efferent, afferent nerve endings involved in the mechanism of formation of the gag reflex. Peripheral medications include local anesthetics:

  • Lidocaine, Benzocaine - used when performing otolaryngological manipulations - operations, treatment, bronchoscopy, anesthesia;
  • Anestezin, Novocaine - help with vomiting caused by inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, provoked by ulcerative processes.

Among the drugs of peripheral action are local antispasmodics. They are used for retching caused by disturbances in evacuation and motor function in acute and chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary tract. Medicines include:

  • Atropine, No-shpa, Papaverine, which have myotropic, anticholinergic properties;
  • Bellasthesin is a combination drug that relaxes smooth muscles.

Mixed action

The popular antiemetic drug is effective for symptoms of various etiologies. A mixed-action medicine, Metoclopramide, quickly eliminates painful urges. The drug counteracts hiccups, activates gastrointestinal motility, stops the gag reflex caused by:

  • poor quality food;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • pregnancy;
  • release of bile;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • radiation sickness;
  • chemotherapy;
  • taking antibiotics, anesthesia drugs, cytostatics.

Metoclopramide, a dopamine receptor blocker, is used in the form of injections and tablets. For the drug, according to the instructions, the following are determined:

  • dosage – tablet 4 times a day, half an hour before meals, do not chew, wash down with water;
  • contraindications – intestinal obstruction, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, hypertension, old age, 1st trimester of pregnancy, children under 14 years of age, glaucoma;
  • side effects - increased blood pressure, drowsiness, depression, tremors of extremities, diarrhea, anxiety;
  • analogues - Cerucal, Clometol, Comportan, Bimaral, Primperan, Plastil.

Nausea in children

Nausea in children usually occurs due to dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

The child feels discomfort in the stomach. Possibly accompanied by vomiting. The general condition of the body worsens. If the child cannot explain his condition, then he is constantly capricious and gag reflexes appear.

As for children, self-medication is especially dangerous for the child’s body! Contact your doctor immediately! This is especially true for children under two years of age!

However, you can provide first aid yourself:

  • Put the child to bed. Wipe your face, neck and chest with a towel soaked in cool water.
  • Do not force a child to eat food under any circumstances.

If the child feels well, then it is enough to take a walk in the fresh air, avoiding direct sunlight.

Beneficial features

Citrus contains:

  • phytoncides – destroy pathogenic bacteria and viruses,
  • citric and malic acid,
  • carotene and pectin substances,
  • routine,
  • ascorbic acid – vitamin C,
  • flavonoids,
  • essential oil,
  • Limonin is a substance that gives lemon zest its bitterness.
  • riboflavin,
  • mineral components: potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc.

This rich composition is responsible for the powerful bactericidal properties of lemon and its high effectiveness against gastrointestinal disorders. Citrus fruit restores the acid-base balance in the body, gets rid of parasites, normalizes the level of beneficial microflora, and prevents feces from rotting in the intestines.

The fruit is useful for atherosclerosis - it eliminates cholesterol deposits in blood vessels and strengthens their walls. Dissolves blood clots, thins the blood, improves its rheological properties. Increases bile secretion - the pancreas and liver work more actively, food is absorbed better, nausea and disgust at the sight of food disappear.

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