What does Mezim forte help with?

What is Mezim forte

This medicine belongs to a group of enzyme preparations designed to improve food digestion processes. Doctors recommend using Mezim for diseases associated with pancreatic insufficiency and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. Release form of the drug:

  • Mezim forte 10000: pink-coated pellets of a flat, cylindrical shape with beveled edges. They are produced in blister packs of 10 pieces, packaged in 20 or 50 pills;
  • Mezim forte 20000: tablets coated with a smooth white or grayish shell with possible internal brown inclusions, have a pronounced odor. Packed in a blister - 10 pieces, available in packages of 10, 20 or 50 pieces.

Useful properties of Mezim for diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract

Heartburn is an unpleasant burning sensation and discomfort that occurs behind the sternum after errors in diet, accompanied by a sour taste in the mouth. The feeling of acid in the mouth increases when the body bends forward. You can get rid of this with the help of drugs:

  • symptomatic - for a short period of time,
  • affecting pathogenesis.

Mezim for heartburn is useful in case of insufficient production of pancreatic enzymes by the pancreas. This is a polyenzyme drug, the components of which in a completely healthy person are produced by the pancreas (PG). Consists of pancreatin, which is obtained from pork liver. It consists of 3 main enzymes:

  • amylase, which affects complex carbohydrates,
  • lipase that breaks down fats
  • protease that affects proteins.

Also components of Mezim are trypsin and chymotrypsin, which are involved in protein metabolism. This medicine not only promotes the digestion of food, but also its absorption.

Mezim for pancreatitis in combination with other drugs helps get rid of heartburn. This is due to dysfunction of the pancreas due to impaired digestion of food due to inflammatory processes in it. The drug is safe and is available in the form of dragees: the tablets are coated with a special acid-resistant coating. Thanks to it, the active substance Mezim is released not in the stomach, but in the lumen of the duodenum (duodenum), where the process of digestion of the food bolus (chyme) occurs.

Benefits and harms of Mezim

The medication is prescribed for digestive disorders, both severe and minor. It is important to remember that regardless of the effectiveness of the medication, course therapy is carried out only with the permission of the doctor. If all rules are followed, the drug has a beneficial effect on the body. By supporting the functioning of the pancreas, Mezim Forte helps to normalize the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, increase the absorption of valuable substances in the small intestine, and relieve the feeling of heaviness when overeating.

Self-medication, accompanied by an uncontrolled number of tablets, can cause significant harm to patients if Mezim is taken if there are contraindications. Having a powerful effect, in case of overdose the medicine increases the severity of symptoms and leads to poisoning. There are conditions in which drinking pills is strictly prohibited. These include, for example, acute pancreatitis, intolerance to components.

Tablets for the stomach

  • To eliminate disturbances in the production of gastric juice - "Acedin-Pepsin".
  • To restore the mucous membrane - “Dalargin”.
  • To improve the motility of the gastric walls - Metoclopramide, Motilium, Domperidone.
  • To help digestion - “Mezim”, “Penzinorm”, “Festal”, “Pancreatin”.
  • Remember that only a doctor can make a decision on drug therapy after a thorough examination of the patient. He will make a diagnosis based on the results of the study and select pills. Do not try to cure gastritis or an ulcer on your own, because the course of the disease may worsen - the disease may worsen or the original symptoms may return.


  • Reduce the production of gastric juice - “Alumag”, “Famatodin”, “Rennie”.
  • Restore damaged mucous membranes - “Carnitine”, “Caleflon”.
  • Reduce spasms of smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract - Meteoclopramide, Eglonil.
  • Relieve pain and inflammation of the mucous membrane - proton pump inhibitors - "Omez", "Rabeprozole", "Pariet", "Lansoprazole".
  • Do not get carried away with drugs that reduce acidity. Regardless of the name, they all inhibit the natural function of gastric juice secretion and gastritis with high acidity turns into gastritis with low acidity.


    When the drug enters the stomach, it interacts with the acid and neutralizes it.

    Antacids are used to neutralize hydrochloric acid. In addition, they help restore damaged tissue.

    The drug "Rennie" contains calcium and magnesium carbonate, which, when ingested in the stomach, interact with acid and neutralize it. Magnesium increases mucus production, which protects tissues from acid damage.

    The effect is especially noticeable for heartburn, because it is quickly eliminated. Available in the form of regular and chewable tablets.

    Alumag has a similar effect, since it also contains magnesium. Has an enveloping and choleretic effect.

    Antacid tablets "Gastal" are used for gastritis and ulcers. They normalize acidity levels and help with digestive disorders.

    The medicine affects enzymes: reduces the effect of pepsin and lecithin. In addition, it accelerates the healing of gastric tissues and protects them from harmful effects.

    You should take the pill keeping in mind that it works immediately. The effect on the body lasts for another 2 hours.

    Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)

    PPIs (drugs that suppress the process of hydrogen ion exchange) treat chronic gastritis and ulcerative lesions. Their effect is to completely or partially reduce the production of acid-forming enzymes.

    They act on the body for a long time. Omeprazole, as one of the PPIs, blocks the formation of hydrochloric acid at the final stage, so the secretion of gastric juice is reduced and the acid no longer destroys the mucous membrane.

    Tablets with a similar effect are Lansoprazole. Possible side effects from taking such medications: headache, dizziness, diarrhea or, conversely, constipation, skin rash.

    Due to the strong effect on the body, it is not recommended for children; antacids with a more gentle effect are more suitable for them.


    What medications, besides pills, can cope with gastritis? To combat it, not only drugs in the form of tablets are used, but also gels, emulsions and suspensions. In addition to the main properties: antacid, disinfectant, they envelop the mucous membrane, which enhances protection against damage by acid or bacteria. In addition to medicines, traditional medicine is used.

    Herbal decoctions, infusions, teas not only enhance the body's protective functions, but also have a positive effect on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. They can be taken to relieve pain and spasms, for complete therapy and prevention of the disease. Often used as an addition to tablets.


    • 1 When are tablets needed?
    • 2 List with names of stomach pills
    • 3 Which tablets should I use? 3.1 Antispasmodics
    • 3.2 Antacids (gastroprotectors)
    • 3.3 Alginate drugs
    • 3.4 Enzyme preparations
  • 4 Antienzyme
  • 5 Use of tablets for diseases
  • 6 Effective remedies for ulcers and gastritis
      6.1 For cramps
  • 6.2 If you have an unhealthy diet
  • 6.3 For problems with the pancreas
  • 6.4 For overeating, indigestion
  • 6.5 If you feel heaviness in your stomach:
  • 6.6 For high acidity:
  • 7 Taking medications during pregnancy
  • 8 Contraindications
  • 9 Side effects
  • 10 Drug compatibility
  • 11 Stomach treatment regimens
  • Mezim forte is considered one of the most effective enzyme preparations. The main task of this medication is to normalize all digestive processes in the body. By activating the enzymes that make up this medicine, Mezim improves not only the performance of the gastrointestinal tract, but also the absorption of all nutrients from food.

    This medicine also helps relieve pain and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the body as a whole. So how does Mezim forte work? How is this drug better than its popular analogues? In order to understand these issues, let's look at the instructions for the medication.

    Release forms and composition of the drug

    Mezim Forte is available only in the form of tablets intended for oral use. This medication contains pancreatin, the minimum enzyme activity of which is: 4200 units.

    – amylase, 3500 units. – lipase, 250 units.

    – protease. Mezim also contains auxiliary components, such as: magnesium stearate, MCC, colloidal silicon dioxide, sodium salt and carboxymethyl starch.

    Each tablet of the drug is coated with a special coating consisting of a mixture of titanium dioxide, hypromellose, simethicone emulsion, talc, macrogol 6000, polyacrylate dispersion and azorubine varnish. The tablets are pink in color and have a pleasant odor characteristic of pancreatin. You can buy this drug at any pharmacy.

    pharmachologic effect


    If a doctor has prescribed Mezim, the composition of the tablet will help you find out what this drug is and what its principle of operation is. The medicine contains active and auxiliary elements. The main active ingredient is pancreatin, a multienzyme component designed to compensate for the deficiency of exocrine function. Additional ingredients include pancreatin enzymes:

    • lipase;
    • amylase;
    • protease;
    • trypsin;
    • chymotrypsin.

    The drug Mezim 10000 differs from Mezim 20000 in that the latter includes twice as many active components that can cope with the symptoms faster and more effectively. Mezim 10000 is relevant for the treatment of diseases associated with the function of the gastrointestinal tract; it is used for intestinal infections, stool disorders, and also as an emergency remedy to help digest fatty foods. Mezim 20000 is indicated for chronic pancreatitis and other diseases of the stomach that have entered the chronic stage.

    Enzyme therapy regimens for errors in food intake

    As indicated, Mezim is available in three dosages: 3500, 10000, 20000 units. For small errors in the diet, the minimum dosage is used. In the same dose (3500 units) it is used before the upcoming feast, when overeating is possible, accompanied by stagnation of food in the stomach with a further fermentation process. The drug in this dose is prescribed to practically healthy people.

    Mezim Forte 10000 is indispensable in the treatment of chronic pathologies of the digestive organs. The indication is:

    • chronic pancreatitis (during exacerbation of the disease the drug is not prescribed),
    • cholecystitis,
    • Cholelithiasis with impaired bile outflow,
    • IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).

    It is recommended to drink the tablet whole, without chewing or breaking. Otherwise, the enzymes will be released in the stomach and inactivated by the acidic contents. You should drink a small amount of water. Juice, tea, compote, fruit juice are not suitable for this purpose. Mezim is taken with food or immediately after meals. Taking the drug in parts is considered effective: immediately before meals and during meals.

    After the tablet is swallowed, it is necessary to stand for several minutes so that it does not linger in the esophagus. If complex therapy is prescribed, the interval with the use of other medications should be at least 15 minutes. This is due to incompatibility with some medications:

    • antacids reduce the activity of enzyme preparations,
    • Mezim impairs the absorption of iron and folic acid, so their dosage must be increased during enzyme treatment.

    pharmachologic effect

    Pancreatin is obtained by extracting pork pancreas. This substance helps digest proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. In this case, the absorption of the digestive enzymes themselves does not occur - they are excreted naturally through the intestines. After taking Mezim forte, the absorption of microelements improves, which allows you to increase important indicators of blood composition. Amylase is effective in the treatment of cystic fibrosis. The enteric coating protects enzymes from the effects of gastric juice, ensuring the lipolytic activity of the drug.

    Features of the diet during treatment with enzymes

    Digestive enzymes help absorb substances in food. For the full therapeutic effect, a diet is required, because even additional enzymes may not be enough if you eat everything. In case of exacerbation, complete fasting is prescribed for 2 days, then liquid mucous porridge. Mezim helps withstand the expansion of the diet.

    People with pancreatic diseases need to constantly monitor their diet, cooking methods and amount of food eaten. The number of feedings in small portions should be 5-6 per day; it is forbidden to overeat at night. The diet limits the amount of fats and simple carbohydrates. Everything is prepared only by stewing and boiling.

    Here are examples of products harmful to the gland:

    • sparkling waters (sweet and mineral),
    • advertised fast food products (convenience foods, chips, French fries),
    • ice cream and chocolate,
    • margarine (contains synthetic fats, is included in dough and confectionery products),
    • strong coffee (especially on an empty stomach),
    • alcohol in any form,
    • spices, garlic,
    • hot sauces, mayonnaise,
    • sausages,
    • fatty fish (trout), pork, lamb, duck, including jellied meat, rich broths, jellied dishes,
    • mushrooms and cabbage in any form.

    There are enough healthy foods to formulate a diet. If you drink Mezim as a means of relief, but refuse proper nutrition, a positive result in treatment cannot be achieved.

    What does it help with?

    Mezim Forte is a good remedy that helps the body cope with heavy food during its consumption. The drug compensates for the lack of enzymes, facilitates the absorption of food, and prevents the development of complications due to poor nutrition. The main indications for the use of the drug are:

    • chronic pancreatitis;
    • inflammation in the gallbladder, liver and stomach;
    • cystic fibrosis;
    • secretory pancreatic insufficiency;
    • intestinal infectious diseases;
    • flatulence;
    • disruption of the digestion process;
    • problems with stool (diarrhea, constipation).

    In what cases do doctors prescribe the drug?

    When overeating or eating spicy, fatty, fried foods, gastroenterologists recommend Mezim Forte, which contains the smallest amount of active ingredient, to patients. But doctors warn against its frequent use due to the development of addiction. In such cases, the pancreas simply begins to be “lazy” and produce its own enzymes. After stopping taking Mezim, a person may experience serious problems with digesting food.

    Mezim 10000 and Mezim 20000 help with dyspeptic disorders accompanying serious diseases. When malabsorption is diagnosed in patients, in the vast majority of cases such drugs are prescribed to patients for life. In combination with a gentle diet, this allows a person not to experience the painful symptoms of flatulence. Also, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract can occur in the following cases:

    • Absorption of nutrients and biologically active substances occurs mainly in the stomach, small and large intestines. If part of these digestive organs was removed during a surgical operation, then a deficiency of useful compounds develops in all vital systems;
    • The pancreas is not able to fully produce enzymes when it undergoes an inflammatory process or is injured by compression or bruise;
    • A lack of digestive enzymes in the body occurs with pathologies of the gallbladder, as well as with blockage of the bile duct or a violation of its integrity by a large stone passing away.

    All these factors that provoke digestive disorders cannot be eliminated only by taking Mezim. Diseases such as cholecystitis or pancreatitis require an integrated approach to treatment. But gastroenterologists always include in the therapeutic regimen drugs that reduce the severity of dyspepsia symptoms. Doctors prescribe Mezim to patients for flatulence that occurs against the background of all pathologies of the pancreas and gallbladder.

    When using Mezim in the treatment of children, you need to remember that the tablet cannot be crushed or dissolved in water

    Instructions for use Mezim forte

    The medicine is dispensed without a prescription, however, with long-term use, the dose is determined by the doctor individually. Before taking Mezim, it is recommended that you carefully read the leaflet. The treatment regimen depends on the type and severity of the disease, the number of symptoms. Standard therapy involves:

    1. adults: 1-2 tablets 1-3 times a day;
    2. children aged 12-18 no more than 20,000 IU of lipase per 1 kg of body weight;
    3. for a child under 12 years old – up to 1500 IU per 1 kg of weight.

    The tablets are taken orally before meals or during meals. The medicine is drunk whole, without chewing, accompanied by a large volume of water, so as not to destroy the acid-resistant top layer. The treatment course can last from 1 day to several months. If, when diagnosing digestive pathologies, a specialist prescribed replacement therapy with Mezim, the method of administration involves its constant use in accordance with the doses specified by the doctor.

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    Is it possible to take Mezim for gastritis?

    “Mezim” for gastritis does not have any harmful effects on the human stomach. Therefore, its use is recommended and not prohibited, contrary to popular belief.

    The components contained in the drug provide it with an effective effect on people suffering from gastritis. The substances relieve swelling and inflammation, stimulate high-quality stomach function and maintain acidity at an optimal level.

    Therefore, for gastritis with high acidity and in the absence of other pathologies, Mezim is considered one of the most effective medicines. At the same time, the drug is safe and does not cause side effects. The drug "Mezim" shows itself well in the early and late stages of gastritis. But if the patient is diagnosed with polyps or an ulcer, then this medication will have to be abandoned.

    Mezim for gastritis does not have any harmful effects on the human stomach

    Rules for taking the drug for gastritis:

    • in case of gastritis, you should take no more than 3 tablets per day;
    • if you take 3 tablets, then divide them into 3 periods of the day (in the morning, afternoon and before bed, 1 tablet each);
    • Be sure to swallow the medicine and do not crush or chew it, thinking that this way the effect will be achieved faster. This is wrong. Grinding leads to the loss of the properties of the drug, therefore Mezim will not be able to help eliminate inflammatory processes;
    • to achieve the optimal effect, Mezim is taken before meals, that is, on an empty, empty stomach;
    • To wash down the medicine, use only purified water without gas. No juices, sweet sodas or even tea.
    • When you take the pills, do not eat anything that is contraindicated for your form of gastritis. Otherwise, the benefit of the drug will be minimal, if it works at all;
    • Lack of food and overeating are equally harmful from the point of view of the effect of the drug.

    Mezim has no age restrictions, although it is better for elderly patients to take tablets in the minimum dosage. Otherwise, there is a risk of liver and kidney disorders and intestinal problems. Typically, such problems develop with long-term use of the drug.

    If after starting to take this medication you feel relief, Mezim is objectively helping you. But you should not abuse the drug; the body itself must normalize its work and digest food using its own resources. Medicines only help cope with discomfort.

    Instructions for use for children

    Mezim is prescribed to a child as a supportive agent for gastrointestinal disorders. A single dose of the medication helps eliminate the consequences of accidental overeating, poisoning or errors in the diet. It is effective for treating children suffering from pancreatitis, diseases of the biliary tract and duodenum. Capsules are prescribed to children according to the following scheme:

    1. 1-7 years – ¼ -1 tablet no more than 3 times a day;
    2. 7-12 years – 1-2 tablets up to 3 times a day;
    3. 12-18 years – up to 20,000 IU of lipase per 1 kg of weight.

    The duration of therapy depends on the state of health and ranges from 4 to 30 days. To avoid a decrease in the drug effect, it is better to swallow the capsule whole with a sufficient amount of liquid. Small children can be given the product crushed in water using a plastic syringe. It is not recommended to use enzymes for newborns and babies under 1 year of age.

    What to replace it with?

    List of domestic analogues

    The drug closest in composition

    , an alternative to Mezim, a drug that compensates for the deficiency of exocrine pancreatic function. The components included in the composition promote the breakdown and absorption of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

    Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to enzymes, ostoma and chronic pancreatitis in the acute stage.

    The price per package of the drug depends on the number of enteric tablets in it and varies between 20-70 rubles.

    A Russian drug containing proteolytic enzymes that act primarily on milk proteins. Helps improve digestion in case of deficiency of gastric enzyme activity.

    Prescribed for the treatment of gastritis, dyspeptic disorders, enterocolitis, gastroenteritis.

    Also used for postoperative therapy after gastric resection.

    Abomin is contraindicated in persons with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and in children under 12 years of age.

    The cost in pharmacies is 120-150 rubles.

    Capsules coated with enteric-soluble substances, the intake of which helps improve digestion.

    Recommended in the complex therapy of chronic pancreatitis, oncopathologies of the pancreas, various diseases of the digestive system.

    It is not recommended for patients with sensitivity to the constituent substances, as well as for persons with acute inflammatory diseases.

    You can buy Kreazim for 100-160 rubles.

    Foreign analogues of mezim

    An enzyme preparation produced in Ukraine, which is used to treat diseases and conditions characterized by digestive disorders. Also, taking Panenzym is recommended in the period after partial or complete resection of the small intestine and stomach, with poor nutrition, when fatty, difficult-to-digest foods predominate.

    Widely used as concomitant therapy for intestinal diseases and gastrointestinal pathologies.

    Like other enzyme preparations, Panenzym is contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity and exacerbation of pancreatitis.

    Side effects include allergic reactions, intestinal obstruction, and stool disorders.

    During pregnancy and breastfeeding

    The instructions for use developed for the drug Mezim allow the medication to be taken during pregnancy. However, doctors advise resorting to treatment only in extreme cases, when the benefits to the mother are higher than the possible risks to the gestating fetus. If side effects occur, you should immediately stop using enzymes. While breastfeeding, drinking enzymes is not prohibited.

    Composition of the drug and indications for use

    For proper use of the drug, there are clear instructions that must be followed if the drug is prescribed without consulting a doctor. By prescribing a drug to yourself, bypassing the doctor, the patient himself is responsible for all side effects and reactions.

    The composition of the drug Mezim 10000 includes pork pancreatin, lipase 10000 units (units of action), amylase 7500 units, protease 375 units. Mezim 20000 contains lipase 20000, amylase 12000 units, protease 900 units. The drug is available in the form of acid-resistant coated tablets. That is why the tablets do not dissolve in the stomach under the influence of hydrochloric acid and freely reach the small intestine, starting to break down there. This allows the drug to come into contact with food, breaking it down and improving absorption in the intestines.

    The enzymes included in the composition improve the breakdown of proteins into amino acids, fats into glycerol and fatty acids, carbohydrates into monosaccharides. This normalizes the functioning of the digestive system.


    The pharmaceutical market offers a wide range of enzyme supplements. They are similar in composition, differing only in the amount of amylase and excipients. Medicines in this group are intended to restore digestive processes and maintain the function of the gastrointestinal tract of people leading a sedentary lifestyle, so they should always be in the home medicine cabinet. The main analogues of Mezim include:

    • Pancreatin;
    • Festal forte;
    • Creon 10000;
    • Gastenorm forte;
    • Enzistal;
    • Panzinorm;
    • Vestal.


    The drug is an affordable remedy that is effective in the treatment of diseases of the stomach and pancreas. The price of tablets depends on the form of release and the manufacturer.

    Mezim release form forte 10000 20000
    10 tab. 95,00
    20 tab. 80,00 177,00 340,00
    80 tab. 280,00
    ( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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