How to restore the gastrointestinal tract after overeating

How to improve the gastrointestinal tract

Few things cause such discomfort and disruption as improper functioning of the stomach. Painful sensations, heartburn, colic, cramps - this is not a complete list of problems that a person with a sick stomach may encounter. The crazy pace of life in modern cities has long jeopardized the very existence of a healthy diet. Quick snacks on the run, fast food, eating fast food and low-quality products - all this cannot but have a negative impact on the state of the digestive system. For many years now, gastritis has been an almost universal disease of eternally hungry students, but in the future this can threaten the development of ulcers, metabolic disorders and other gastrointestinal problems.

If you can proudly say that stomach problems do not affect you, you are one of the lucky few

If you can proudly say that stomach problems do not affect you, you are one of the lucky few. But in order for your digestive system to work like a clock, you need to follow some simple rules.

Eat natural food

The typical modern diet (Western diet), high in refined carbohydrates, saturated fats and synthetic food additives, is associated with an increased risk of developing digestive disorders ().
It has been suggested that dietary supplements, including glucose, salt and other chemicals, contribute to increased inflammation in the intestines, leading to a condition called leaky gut syndrome ().

Trans fats are found in many foods. They are well known for their negative effects on heart health, but are also associated with an increased risk of developing ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease ().

Moreover, processed foods such as low-calorie drinks and ice cream often contain artificial sweeteners, which can cause digestive problems.

One study found that consuming 50 grams of the artificial sweetener xylitol resulted in bloating and diarrhea in 70% of people, while 75 grams of a sugar substitute called erythritol caused the same symptoms in 60% of people ().

Research has also shown that artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols reduce the number of good gut bacteria and increase the number of bad bacteria in the gut (, , ).

An imbalance of bacteria in the gut is associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and intestinal diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease ().

Fortunately, scientific evidence suggests that a nutrient-dense diet protects against digestive diseases ().

Therefore, eating whole foods and limiting your intake of processed foods can optimize your digestion.

Foods that improve digestion include whole grains and grain-based products, fresh natural vegetables, fruits and berries, organic meat and fish, nuts, seeds and legumes.


Diets high in processed foods have been associated with a higher risk of digestive disorders. Eating foods low in additives, trans fats, and artificial sweeteners can improve digestion and protect against digestive diseases.

Causes of problems in the gastrointestinal tract

Problems with the stomach and intestines can be caused by the following factors:

  • microflora disturbance;
  • constant stressful situations and nervous overstrain;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • jet lag;
  • pregnancy;
  • psychological problems;
  • malfunctions of the immune system;
  • unhealthy and unbalanced diet;
  • use of certain drugs, for example, antibiotics and psychotropic drugs.

Foods good for the stomach

To maintain a healthy stomach, it is recommended to regularly eat the following foods:

  1. Cereal porridge. Buckwheat, oats, brown rice, millet, pearl barley are a source of vitamins and minerals. Cereal porridges are easily digested, well absorbed, and are a preventive measure against gastrointestinal pathologies.
  2. Bran and whole grain bread is a source of fiber, which improves gastric motility and ensures quality digestion.
  3. Fermented milk products containing live bifidobacteria and lactobacilli support healthy gastric microflora.
  4. Vegetables, raw or cooked, due to the fiber they contain, facilitate the digestion process and supply the body with vitamins and minerals.
  5. Banana and avocado, these exotic fruits help maintain normal gastric mucosa.
  6. Flax seed, a product enriched with fiber, vegetable proteins, and vitamins. The enveloping property of the seeds solves problems of the stomach and intestinal mucosa.
  7. Berries and fruits, due to their high fiber content, facilitate the digestive process and are rich in microelements beneficial for the stomach.

The principle of separate nutrition should be taken into account and, if possible, adhere to it. The combination of proteins and carbohydrates will load the stomach and make digestion difficult. And if you combine proteins with vegetables, and carbohydrates with vegetables, then problems with the gastrointestinal tract will not arise.


We think about how to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract only when we feel obvious damage. The body itself signals us about this. Here is a list of what you should be wary of:

Abdominal pain. First of all, the doctor asks about this, where and how it hurts. Based on this symptom, you can tentatively guess what disease the specialist will diagnose you with. By contacting him, he will prescribe you a drug to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract: this medicine should simultaneously eliminate the cause of the disease and relieve spasm and pain.


Pain can be a symptom of a stomach ulcer, colic in the liver and intestines, appendicitis, hernia, inflammation of the mucous membrane (gastritis), enteritis, sigmoiditis.

  1. Heaviness and bloating. Flatulence can be either a consequence of a heavy lunch (legumes, black bread, cabbage) or a symptom of a serious illness - lack of pancreatic secretion, chronic pancreatitis, enteritis.
  2. Nausea . In case of food poisoning or intestinal infection, the body gags to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. He strives to get rid of harmful elements on his own. In the worst case, prolonged nausea may be a sign of chronic gastritis, and vomiting blood may be a sign of ulcers or stomach cancer.
  3. Diarrhea or constipation indicate problems with intestinal motility ; it is either frequent or difficult. Diarrhea is accompanied by almost all intestinal infections.
  4. Heartburn . A burning sensation may indicate excess gastric secretion or a peptic ulcer.
  5. Decreased appetite can accompany almost every gastrointestinal disease.

In order to find out how to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and get rid of symptoms, you need to consult a doctor. An examination and test results will show the cause of pain and other discomfort. Therapists and gastroenterologists deal with gastrointestinal problems.

Move more

If you are wondering how to improve digestion at home, you should regularly expose your body to physical activity.

Regular exercise is one of the best ways to improve your digestion.

Exercise and gravity help move food through your digestive system. Therefore, walking after eating can help your body move food through your gastrointestinal tract.

Regular exercise can also be good for your digestion.

One study in healthy people found that moderate exercise, such as cycling and jogging, increased intestinal transit time by almost 30% ().

In another study of people with chronic constipation, a daily exercise regimen including 30 minutes of walking significantly reduced symptoms ().

Additionally, research shows that exercise may reduce symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease due to anti-inflammatory effects, such as reducing inflammatory compounds in your body (, ).


Exercise can improve your digestion and reduce symptoms of constipation. They may also help reduce inflammation, which is helpful in preventing inflammatory bowel disease.

How to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in an adult

Restoring the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is a long process of controlling your habits and self-discipline.
The main thing is to adhere to the regime and a certain diet. Restoring the gastrointestinal tract is a long process of control over your habits and self-discipline. The main thing is to adhere to the regime and a certain diet.

Basic nutrition rules:

  1. It is necessary to observe intervals between meals. You need to introduce breakfast, lunch and dinner into your daily routine, assigning them to a specific time. Snacks should be healthy and light. It could be fruit or yogurt, but not chips or a hamburger.
  2. The daily diet should include a first course . Hot soups and broths promote good digestion.
  3. Be more careful when choosing products . They must be fresh and natural.
  4. Drink more fluids, preferring clean drinking water.

If the spasm and discomfort do not go away, you should consult a doctor. The patient will undergo a thorough examination. Diagnosis may take varying periods of time, depending on the disease, stage of development and other individual characteristics. In addition to the basic examination using palpation of the abdominal cavity, the doctor may prescribe a study of the acidity of gastric juice, endoscopy, laparoscopy, MRI, ultrasound and apply other necessary diagnostic methods.


  • Simple changes to your diet and lifestyle can help improve your digestion if you experience occasional, frequent or chronic gastrointestinal symptoms.
  • Eating a nutritious diet high in fiber, healthy fats and nutrients is the first step to good digestion.
  • Practices such as mindful eating, stress reduction and exercise may also be helpful.
  • Finally, breaking bad habits that can affect your digestion, such as smoking, drinking too much alcohol, and eating late at night, can help relieve symptoms.

How to improve your gastrointestinal tract with exercise

You can improve your digestion through exercise. Intestinal problems are more likely to occur in those who lead a passive, sedentary lifestyle. For the health of the digestive system and the whole body, it is necessary to exercise regularly, or at least do exercises, and walk in the fresh air more often. Massage is useful for activating the work of the stomach and intestines.

It is recommended to massage half an hour before meals. To do this, lie on your back and stroke the skin of your abdomen with your palm in a circular motion. This massage stimulates peristalsis and causes blood flow to the intestines. Write in the comments about your experience in treating diseases, help other readers of the site! Share the material on social networks and help your friends and family!

Folk remedies

If you are wondering how to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract using folk remedies, there are a huge number of options. The choice of the necessary prescription will depend on the specific disease. For example, when treating cholecystitis, you need to take 4 tablespoons of rowan fruits and pour 200 ml of water into them. This broth is boiled until it thickens. After this, it is cooled and filtered. Take one tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment in this manner will take 20 days.

This recipe will help with gallstone disease. Three teaspoons of dried lingonberries are poured into 400 ml of water. Boil the broth for 5-10 minutes, cool and strain. It is taken 30 minutes before meals, 3 times a day, a glass. The course that will achieve results will take 20 days.

You can get rid of peptic ulcers using the following recipe: you need to take a tablespoon of St. John's wort and pour 400 ml of water into it. The mixture is infused for 15-20 minutes, after which it is filtered. It is best to take one tablespoon of this decoction before bed. This procedure is repeated for 15 days.

If inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract occurs, a duodenal or stomach ulcer is diagnosed, you can take chamomile flowers in the amount of 2 tablespoons, a string in the amount of one tablespoon, St. John's wort, celandine, plantain in the same amount and pour 200 ml of water over it all. Boiling water should act on the mixture for 2 hours, after which it is filtered. The folk remedy is taken 3 times a day, one spoon after meals. This should be repeated for 10 days.

How to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract without drugs

A proper diet will help improve the functioning of the digestive system. The menu is compiled by a specialist, taking into account the factors that contributed to the disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. The diet is mainly based on the exclusion of foods that irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive system. Products such as:

To put the gastrointestinal tract in order, the patient will need to remember the following nutritional rules: cereals;

  • bran;
  • dried fruits;
  • freshly squeezed juices diluted with water;
  • cocoa;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • dairy products;
  • lean types of meat;
  • fish;
  • vegetable and butter.
  • Chew food thoroughly.
  • Don't overeat.
  • Eat food in small portions at least 4 times a day.
  • Avoid eating food 3-4 hours before going to bed.
  • Monitor the temperature of the food. They should not be excessively hot or cold.
  • Reduce consumption of fried, fatty, salty and smoked foods.
  • Prepare dishes using a steamer, boiling or baking in the oven.

Drinking regime is also subject to control. Doctors recommend drinking at least 2 liters of liquid per day, unless the patient has contraindications for this.

Get rid of bad habits

You know that bad habits like smoking, drinking alcohol and eating late at night are not good for your overall health.

And, in fact, they may also be responsible for some common digestive problems.


Smoking almost doubles the risk of developing acid reflux ().

Additionally, studies have shown that quitting smoking improves these symptoms ().

This bad habit has also been associated with stomach ulcers, increasing the risk of surgery in people with ulcerative colitis and gastrointestinal cancer (, , ).

If you have digestive problems and smoke, keep in mind that quitting this bad habit can be beneficial.


Alcohol can increase acid production in your stomach and can lead to heartburn, oxygen reflux and stomach ulcers.

Excessive alcohol consumption is associated with bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract ().

Alcohol has also been associated with inflammatory bowel disease, leaky gut syndrome, and harmful changes in gut flora ().

Reducing your alcohol intake can help your digestion.

Eating late at night

Eating late at night before bed can lead to heartburn and indigestion.

Your body needs time to digest food, and gravity helps food move in the right direction.

Additionally, when you lie down, the contents of your stomach may rise and cause heartburn. Lying down after eating is strongly associated with an increase in reflux symptoms ().

If you're having digestive problems before bed, try waiting three to four hours after eating before going to bed. This will give the food time to move from your stomach to your small intestine.


Bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol and eating late at night can cause digestive problems. To improve your digestion, try to avoid these bad habits.

Improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract medications

For frequent constipation, hemorrhoids, fissures, fistulas, and diverticula, it is recommended to use the properties of Diarose, Anlant-willow, Gastrorosa, Rebiorosis. Constipation complicated by an inflammatory process in the large intestine is treated with Vita-iodine+C, Inulinorosis. Diarrhea and chronic colitis are treated with Diarose, Immunorosis forte, Biocynic. Crohn's disease and acute chronic ulcerative colitis are treated with Rialam, Beta-carotene in oil, Gastrofilin, Selenosis+6, vitamins C, E. For severe internal bleeding, use bio-copper, Rialam, the Evita probiotic complex, as well as rosehip decoctions with cherries and beets.

What are the causes of digestive disorders?

Caries and gum disease.

The process of digesting food begins in the oral cavity. The bolus of food must be thoroughly chewed, moistened with saliva, and treated with enzymes.

If a person has bad teeth, bleeding gums, inflammation of the mucous membranes or periodontal disease, this is very bad for digestion. Some people have a bad habit of eating very quickly. Before they have time to chew the food, they immediately swallow it.

What does this lead to? Moreover, insufficiently processed food will enter the stomach, then into the intestines, where the efforts of digestive juices will be spent not on digesting food, but on its breakdown. And what doesn’t have time to be digested will begin to ferment and rot.

Power supply errors.

  • Many people do not take into account the speed of digestion of food, so the sequence of eating food may be incorrect. For example, for many people, fruit is an after-dinner dessert. In fact, an apple eaten at the end of a meal will begin to be digested only in the small intestine. Because this is where the enzymes for digesting carbohydrates are located. And before that, the eaten apple will lie and sour, wait its turn until the meat food is digested under the influence of hydrochloric acid and pepsin in the stomach.
  • It is bad for digestion when eating too hot or very cold food.
  • Thick foods are not processed enough by enzymes. That's why it is advisable to have soup or borscht on your menu. But you shouldn’t drink water during lunch, because the acidity will decrease and the meat will be difficult to digest in the stomach.
  • Excessive consumption of fatty, spicy and fried foods also contributes to poor digestion.
  • During the day, the main meals should be taken in the morning and afternoon. In the evening you need to reduce the amount of food you eat, and under no circumstances open the refrigerator at night. At night, all digestive processes should end in the intestines and the body should rest.

Physical inactivity.

If you like to take a nap and lie on the couch after lunch and don’t move much at all, this is also very bad. The muscles of the intestinal walls relax, motility and movement of the food bolus through the intestinal tube decrease. The mass of food stagnates, putrefactive processes intensify.

Parasites. It is no secret that Giardia and many other parasites live inside the small intestine and in the liver. Most often we don't even know about it. But they can cause great harm to our digestion. After all, they eat most of the healthy food and vitamins, but in the process of life they release toxins that poison the intestines.

Intestinal dysbiosis. The bacterial flora in the large intestine is especially noticeably disrupted under the influence of antibiotics. For normal digestion, the composition of microflora is of great importance. If there are no good bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in the intestines, there will be no healthy intestines.

Photo: What interferes with smooth digestion:

Stress. Any manifestations of neurosis have a detrimental effect on digestion. You will lose your appetite, you will stop watching what you eat. You will begin to eat up your stress with chocolates, useless crackers and cookies. Stress causes increased intestinal motility and food will be poorly digested. Spasms of the gallbladder, esophagus, and large intestine may occur. All this makes the digestion process very difficult.

Friends! What conclusion does this suggest? You can have an absolutely healthy intestine, but if you are careless about food hygiene, you will first develop digestive problems, which gradually turn into persistent organic diseases: gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis.

How to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract using folk remedies

Folk remedies for constipation

Taking medications with a laxative effect can be easily replaced with folk remedies that have a similar effect.

  • Onion . Freshly squeezed onion juice effectively helps with constipation. Drink 1 tsp. juice before meals 3-4 times a day. Treatment lasts 3 weeks, after which a break of the same duration is taken.
  • Aloe and honey. Crushed aloe leaves are poured into heated honey in a ratio of 1:2, left for a day, then heated again and filtered. Drink 1 tsp. every morning on an empty stomach.
  • Horse sorrel. Steam 2 tbsp in 500 ml of boiling water. l. crushed root of this plant, cook in a water bath for half an hour, then cool and filter. As a laxative, drink 1 glass of the drug before bed.

Anti-diarrhea medications

  • Walnuts. The internal partitions of walnut fruits help well against diarrhea. 1 tbsp. l. pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the partitions, cook for 20 minutes over low heat, then cool and filter. Drink 1 glass of the drug in the morning before meals.
  • Walnut tincture is also used. 3 tbsp. l. The partitions of the fruits of this plant are poured with 0.5 liters of vodka and infused for two weeks in a dark, warm place in glass. Drink 1 tbsp. l. tinctures three times a day.
  • Oak bark. 1 tbsp. l. The bark is boiled in 300 ml of water for 10 minutes until the volume of the liquid is reduced by a third, then cooled and filtered. Drink 1 tbsp. l. decoction three times a day.
  • St. John's wort. Steam 1 tbsp in 200 ml of boiling water. l. St. John's wort, leave for a quarter of an hour, then cool and filter. Drink 1/3 glass three times a day half an hour before meals.
  • Alder cones. 1 tbsp. l. The cones are steamed in 200 ml of boiling water, left for a quarter of an hour, then cooled and filtered. Drink 1 tbsp. l. infusion three times a day.

Psyllium seeds improve bowel function

Drugs that improve intestinal motility

  • Plantain seeds. The seeds are ground into coffee grinders and eaten 1 tsp. in the morning before breakfast. The seeds swell in the intestines and contribute to the formation of feces.
  • Wheat bran. 1 tsp. Dry bran is eaten in the morning on an empty stomach and washed down with warm water.
  • Fruit compote. A compote made from plums, apricots and apples, taken in a ratio of 2:2:3, is very useful for the functioning of the intestines. The fruits are simmered over low heat for half an hour. You need to drink about two liters of compote per day. The course of treatment lasts 5 days, after which a pause is made.

Products that help restore intestinal microflora

  • Sour berries, especially cranberries and rose hips. Berries or decoctions from them must be taken daily.
  • Seeds and nuts. Pumpkin, sunflower and walnut seeds are mixed in equal proportions and ground in a coffee grinder. 2 tbsp. l. The mixture is poured into 100 ml of warm water and drunk. Take the drug twice a day. The course of treatment is 10 days.
  • Calamus and plantain. Mix an equal volume of crushed calamus root and plantain leaves. For 1 glass of boiling water take 2 tsp. mixture, leave for 15 minutes, then filter. Drink 50 ml of infusion half an hour before meals 3-4 times a day. Treatment lasts 10 days.


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What foods promote good digestion?

  • A variety of porridges: oatmeal, millet, buckwheat, rice;
  • Lactic acid products: milk, kefir, sour cream, cheese. But unglazed cheese curds, dairy desserts and yoghurts;
  • Chicken and quail eggs;
  • Poultry, lean beef, but not sausages, frankfurters or small sausages;
  • Sea and river fish. If you want to enjoy lightly salted trout or salmon, salt the fish yourself. Honestly, it will be healthier - no paint, no preservatives;
  • Vegetable oil (various types), butter, but not margarine;
  • Fruits, vegetables, berries - without restrictions (for most people);
  • All food is consumed boiled or stewed, but not fried or smoked. Fruits and vegetable salads – raw;
  • Don't forget about water. At least two liters of clean water per day should be in your diet.

Of course, I haven’t listed everything. The main thing is to exclude all semi-finished products, cuts, flour and confectionery products from your food. Food should be simple, not too high in calories.

Maintain food hygiene! Three meals a day and two small snacks with fruits, nuts, natural juices. If you do sometimes experience symptoms such as heartburn, bloating, constipation, then do not neglect them. They shouldn't exist! This is UNHEALTHY! Urgently improve your diet, engage in physical exercise and sports, and support yourself psychologically.

Otherwise, heartburn will gradually turn into gastritis and ulcers, bloating into enzymatic deficiency and chronic pancreatitis. Do you need this? In fact, constant digestive problems are a PRE-ILLNESS!

Therefore, I want to emphasize once again - watch your diet and the sensations you experience during and after eating. To improve digestion and prevent the development of chronic diseases, use time-tested folk recipes.

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