Why heartburn occurs from bananas: reasons, what to do and reviews

What are the features of the fruit?

Bananas contain many useful substances, so taking into account all the qualities, this particular fruit is recommended for consumption for heartburn. It is often noted that its inclusion in food helps reduce the symptoms of a burning sensation in the stomach.

But sometimes there are cases when this fruit, on the contrary, causes discomfort. Let's look in more detail at what is special about this tropical fruit. Bananas contain:

  1. Vitamins of group B, C, E.
  2. Mineral components such as sodium, phosphorus, zinc, iron and potassium are present.
  3. Banana contains 13% fiber.
  4. There are proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Some of the properties of bananas include the fact that bananas contain serotonin, which is responsible for the production of the happiness hormone.

Useful and harmful properties

Bananas contain a large amount of useful substances and microelements, and are also considered one of the most energy-rich foods.

What vitamins does banana contain?

  • Vitamin B1 (performs the function of a “cleaner” in the body).
  • Vitamin B2 (neutralizes toxins, improves vision, speeds up metabolism).
  • Vitamin PP (takes part in metabolism, protein synthesis, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system).
  • Beta-carotene (strong antioxidant, preserves immunity, indispensable in the treatment of stomach diseases).
  • Vitamin B4 (helps speed up metabolism and stimulates the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, K).

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What minerals does it contain?

  • Calcium (maintains healthy hair, nails and teeth).
  • Phosphorus (energy accumulation in cells, bone growth, maintains acid-base balance in the body).
  • Iron (formation of hemoglobin, participates in the functioning of the thyroid gland, blood formation).
  • Potassium (regulates the functioning of the kidneys, liver, cells of the nervous system).
  • Zinc (affects the development of the immune system, the functioning of the nervous system, and is necessary for maintaining the condition of teeth and nails).

On a note! Bananas are good for both female and male bodies. Women are allowed to eat bananas during pregnancy and are also recommended to eat them during menstruation to relieve abdominal pain.

For men, bananas play an equally important role: they relieve impotence and increase sexual desire, as they are considered a powerful aphrodisiac.

Bananas can help you “unwind” after a feast, as they help remove toxins from the body thanks to the beneficial substances they contain. Athletes also love to use them after training, since the benefits from them are much greater than from artificial mixtures.

This fruit is considered a fairly light food, since its pulp helps coat the walls of the stomach and has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane. Thus, people suffering from gastritis or stomach ulcers claim that after eating bananas, they feel relief and less pain.

Important! Like all other foods, bananas are not completely healthy. It can cause harm to people with individual intolerance.

In what cases is it forbidden or not recommended to eat bananas?

  1. For diabetes mellitus.
  2. People who have had a stroke or heart attack.
  3. With increased acidity of gastric juice.
  4. For varicose veins.
  5. People suffering from thrombophlebitis.

If a person eats a large amount of overripe fruits, problems with the gastrointestinal tract may occur.

Causes of heartburn from bananas

The question of whether bananas can cause heartburn should be examined in detail. First of all, it should be noted that heartburn often occurs due to the fact that the contents of the stomach are pushed back into the esophagus. Gastric juice itself is very acidic, so it irritates the esophageal mucosa, as a result of which an inflammatory process begins to appear, increasing the burning sensation in the chest. Basically, heartburn can occur in the following cases:

  1. If the stomach is overly full.
  2. Evacuation of food from the stomach slows down.
  3. A large amount of gas accumulates in the intestines.

If heartburn occurs from bananas, the cause is mainly hidden in the presence of chronic diseases or special conditions, such as pregnancy or rehabilitation after surgery. Despite the fact that banana is considered an easily digestible food, there may be other causes of heartburn:

  1. Eating fruits that are not ripe.
  2. The quality of the product is sometimes not very good.
  3. If a person has increased blood clotting.
  4. I have coronary heart disease.
  5. Large body weight.

Despite the fact that bananas are considered common fruits, they are still considered exotic, so you can often meet people who suffer from individual intolerance.

Benefits of bananas

In addition to the fact that bananas can cause heartburn, they can cope with it. This product can eliminate the discomfort of heartburn. The peculiarity of the structure of the fruit is its soft enveloping effect in the stomach. Pectin neutralizes the aggressive effect of hydrochloric acid. If you have a medical history of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then it is better to eat baked bananas. If you have problems with stool, the doctor recommends eating fruits of varying degrees of ripeness. If the patient suffers from constipation, then overripe fruit is recommended. It helps relax the intestinal muscles. For diarrhea, unripe fruit is recommended.

Bananas are practically hypoallergenic. But the digestive system can malfunction when eating too much fruit. The fruits contain serotonin. It improves your mood. Its second name is the hormone of happiness.

The exotic fruit contains a considerable amount of vitamins and microelements. Women preparing to become mothers are advised to eat no more than one fruit per day. The restriction strictly applies to pregnant women prone to thrombophlebitis. It is not recommended to resort to treating heartburn with folk remedies.

It’s difficult to say whether bananas have more benefits or time. All food consumed by a person, if consumed in excess, can cause discomfort and provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases. The diet should be balanced and consist of a variety of foods.

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Banana eating disorders?

It often happens that eating a banana reduces heartburn, but it also happens the other way around: the fruit irritates the esophageal mucosa. Therefore, it is advisable to regulate the amount of fruit consumed. Those who carefully study the question of whether heartburn occurs from bananas should know that the main reason lies in the overload of the pancreas. The fact is that the enzymes that are produced by the gland cannot perform the digestive function and it is because of this that food stays in the stomach longer than it should. When gastroesophageal reflux occurs, heartburn begins to appear. In addition to these symptoms, others may also occur, for example, a person may feel bloating in the abdomen.

Heartburn in pregnant women

Expectant mothers often also experience heartburn from bananas. The reason during pregnancy lies in the growth of the fetus, which creates additional stress on the legs and venous blood vessels of the woman. It is important to remember that bananas can affect blood composition and contribute to the formation of blood clots.

Doctors do not recommend that expectant mothers who are prone to varicose veins and thrombophlebitis use this product with extreme caution.

To eliminate the fermentation process from eating fresh fruits, you should not combine them with bananas. It is advisable for pregnant women to eat bananas after meals, when the incoming food is already filled with gastric juice.

Effect of fruit quality

If the fruit is very overripe, then you may even experience heartburn from bananas; the reason is hidden in the fact that such products are often additionally treated with special chemicals that accelerate their ripening. When buying bananas, it is important to study everything carefully, otherwise there is a risk of getting not only heartburn, but even poisoning. You should also not eat bananas that are not ripe at all, as they contain a large amount of starch, which is known to cause discomfort in the stomach.

In order for the fruit to ripen on its own, you can buy a slightly unripe fruit and place it until fully ripe, but it is important to remember that the banana peel should not be damaged in this case. Most doctors recommend additional washing of fruits before consumption, since it is not always possible to carefully study the conditions of transportation and storage.


They contain useful substances:

  • vitamins, especially group B;
  • antioxidants;
  • microelements;
  • fiber;
  • carbohydrates.

Bananas are often recommended as a source of energy. They are indicated for physical and emotional fatigue. To saturate your body with potassium, it is enough to consume only three fruits every day.

These exotic fruits help in case of high blood pressure or arrhythmia. They can also be eaten during an attack of gastritis, because the pectin they contain protects the mucous membrane.

In addition, endorphins are found in banana pulp, which help improve emotional well-being. No wonder they are recommended as a means to combat depression.

Heartburn due to peculiarities of the body

Doctors recommend eating bananas during pregnancy to eliminate the burning sensation in the stomach, but this option is not suitable for many expectant mothers, since the discomfort in the stomach and esophagus, on the contrary, only intensifies. There are even cases when an allergic reaction occurs to eating this exotic fruit. Bananas contain a large amount of calories, so there is a risk of gaining weight quickly.

As you know, obese people are more likely to suffer from heartburn. Removal of fluid from the body is another reason. Heartburn from bananas in this case is directly related to an increase in blood clots and is aggravated by blood viscosity.

Bananas for heartburn during pregnancy

After conception, the body undergoes numerous hormonal changes. Against this background, immunity decreases, protective functions weaken, and symptoms of intoxication appear, including heartburn. Bananas protect the gastric mucosa from irritation and neutralize hydrochloric acid. They help strengthen the immune system and resist repeated relapses.

During pregnancy, the nervous system becomes overly sensitive. Frequent mood swings, tearfulness, poor sleep, irritability, apathy, a feeling of helplessness, and other conditions are observed. B vitamins contained in bananas increase vitality, improve mood, save you from depression, anxiety, feelings of fear, normalize sleep, and help you wake up refreshed in the morning.

A complex of useful components maintains hair and nails in normal condition, improves complexion, elasticity, and resists the appearance of stretch marks. Fills the body with nutritional components. Bananas during pregnancy are one of the few fruits that are allowed to be eaten on all lines. It practically does not cause an allergic reaction, a tendency to which appears in all pregnant women.

In the final stages, when the abdomen greatly enlarges, the muscles relax, and heartburn becomes a constant occurrence. It occurs after almost any food and prevents you from sleeping at night. In addition to the unpleasant burning sensation, belching of bitter, sour air appears. The use of many medications is prohibited; experts recommend alternative treatments, including this exotic fruit.

During pregnancy, women often experience high blood pressure. In this case, a banana will also come in handy. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, thickens the blood, lowers blood pressure, and increases hemoglobin. However, this property also has a negative side to the folk remedy for pregnant women - you should not get carried away with low blood pressure or varicose veins. Do not eat if you have constipation, bloating with increased gas production.

How to eat bananas correctly

Heartburn from a banana mainly depends on how exactly a person eats and how he takes food. Even a completely healthy person can experience heartburn after eating a fruit. Considering that this fruit is high in calories, after eating a banana, after a while a person will again feel hungry, and this is due to an increase in blood sugar. When wondering what causes heartburn from bananas even in the healthiest person, it is important to remember that this product takes much longer to digest in the stomach than other fruits. Often, in addition to heartburn, bloating and flatulence may occur. At the first manifestation of negative symptoms, doctors recommend taking medications to aid digestion.

Under no circumstances should you eat too many bananas, as this is the main cause of heartburn.

Major violations

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract can occur after a person eats a large amount of overripe fruits. The opinion that a product such as a banana is considered not difficult for the body is erroneous, so if you have stomach problems, then such fruits should be consumed with great caution. Few people know that in case of gastritis and stomach ulcers, the use of this product is strictly prohibited, since it is an irritant to the stomach, and the first symptom that can be noted is heartburn after a banana. Why you should stop eating this fruit in this case is extremely clear, especially since it is prohibited for people suffering from the following diseases to consume:

  1. Bananas should not be eaten by people who suffer from diabetes because they contain a lot of sugar.
  2. The fruits secrete a special substance that negatively affects the production of hemoglobin, so bananas are contraindicated for people who suffer from thrombophlebitis.
  3. Enough time should pass between meals, this is necessary so that the food has time to be absorbed in the body. Doctors do not recommend feeding small children bananas.
  4. People with increased weight should not overuse exotic fruits.

If bananas are selected correctly, then no negative symptoms may occur, so it is best to buy semi-ripe fruits.


Clinical studies show that such exotic fruits can increase the formation of gases. It is best for people suffering from flatulence not to consume them.

Banana and heartburn are a combination that is relevant for people with increased stomach sensitivity. They may experience an attack of ulcerative inflammation of the large intestine, an exacerbation of chronic gastritis.

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Overweight people are not recommended to consume large quantities of these fruits because they are very high in calories. And if you have diabetes, you should not eat them at all, because they sharply increase the glycemic level.

If overripe fruits are consumed, diarrhea may occur. Unripe fruits should not be eaten by people who have an increased tendency to constipation.

How to treat heartburn after eating exotic fruits?

If heartburn occurs after eating bananas, the cause should be eliminated first. It is advisable to stop eating the fruit when severe discomfort appears in the stomach. If a person cannot completely give up this product, then it is important to find the maximum amount that will not adversely affect health. For example, eating a small amount of bananas may not cause any discomfort.

Once a week you can eat one fruit and not feel any negative consequences, you can also eat a dessert with a banana, but do not cook it as a main dish. As you can see, a lot depends on the individual susceptibility of the body.

Reasons Why Bananas Cause Heartburn

The main culprit in this situation is the process of transporting the fruit. Bananas destined for our country are placed in hermetically sealed packages, deprived of oxygen.

To prevent expensive cargo from spoiling, the delicacy is delivered green.

Later, for rapid maturation, the product is treated with a special gas. And only then they carry out chemical treatment that increases the shelf life of the fruit.

After these actions, the product loses many beneficial properties. Only a large number of carbohydrates reach local buyers.

This means that this fruit contains sugar, which negatively affects the mucous membrane in the esophagus and weakens the sphincter, the muscle that closes the entrance to the stomach. As a result, reflux develops.

In fruits treated with chemicals, the amount of macro- and microelements that normally reduce the excessive formation of gastric juice is significantly reduced. This fact means that the fruit’s ability to alkalize an acidic environment disappears .

Another point that explains the appearance of heartburn after bananas is the consumption of an unripe product. Green fruits contain indigestible starch. It increases the formation of gases that press from the intestines onto the stomach. Such phenomena provoke the occurrence of heartburn.

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