Heartburn after alcohol - causes and treatment methods after drinking alcohol, medications and recipes

03/30/2019 Alena Masheva Health

It is unlikely that it will be a discovery for anyone that drinking alcohol negatively affects many systems of our body. The digestive tract will not be an exception here. Heartburn after alcohol is not such a rare consequence. Why does this unpleasant burning sensation occur in the chest and stomach? What other symptoms are there? What alcohol causes it? Could there be complications? How to get rid of heartburn after alcohol? We will give detailed answers to all these questions in the article.

Why is this happening?

Why does heartburn occur after alcohol? There are several reasons:

  • A number of types of alcoholic drinks stimulate increased production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
  • Alcoholic drinks are often combined with spicy, fatty, salty foods, fast food - food that additionally contributes to stomach and digestive problems.
  • If you have consumed alcoholic carbonated drinks, they may increase pressure on the intraperitoneal area. This entails the feeling of heartburn after alcohol - an unpleasant burning sensation in the chest and abdomen.
  • Heartburn may occur if you drink alcohol or drink sugary, highly carbonated drinks.
  • If a person wears tight, uncomfortable clothes that directly tighten the areas of the intestines or stomach, sometimes heartburn also occurs.
  • When drinking alcohol, the esophageal sphincter relaxes. This leads to disruption of the process of moving food from the esophagus to the stomach area.
  • You have already been diagnosed with high acidity, ulcer of the esophagus, stomach or gastritis. Drinking alcohol in this case will only be a provoking factor.

In addition, additional factors such as excess body weight, poor diet, and addiction to smoking tobacco can be added to the causes of heartburn after alcohol. But how do certain drinks affect the body?

Causes of heartburn after alcohol

The activity of the digestive system depends on the general condition of the body. A failure in one organ starts a chain reaction that over time involves more and more healthy tissue. The situation is aggravated by an unhealthy lifestyle. Insufficient physical activity, unbalanced diet, addictions, carbonated drinks - these are the main causes of heartburn. The first factor provokes the appearance of excess weight, impaired thermoregulation and metabolic metabolism, and weakened muscle tone.

The second implies an excessive amount of “junk food”: spices, marinades, sweets, fatty and fried foods. This diet causes heaviness in the stomach, bowel dysfunction (diarrhea, constipation) and pain. The third includes smoking and alcoholism. To the list of factors that can provoke heartburn, add:

  • stress;
  • tight clothes;
  • lifting weights;
  • diseases accompanied by the formation of ulcers and erosions.
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

Heartburn is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • burning;
  • pain and sore throat;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • sour belching;
  • bloating.

Alcohol can be an activating factor. The more often a patient abuses it, the worse the esophageal sphincter works. The rise of stomach acid from the stomach through the esophagus provokes the appearance of unpleasant symptoms in the sternum, in the pit of the stomach and even in the oral cavity. Heartburn in most cases occurs due to a combination of reasons; they can be caused by both external and internal influences. Therefore, it is not always reasonable to consider this ailment a consequence of alcohol addiction.

If a burning sensation appears in the esophagus after drinking alcohol, you should visit a doctor.

A similar symptom is present in the clinical picture of many pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system (angina pectoris, arterial hypertension). A diagnostic examination is the first step towards recovery. To determine the exact cause of heartburn, the doctor prescribes laboratory tests, endoscopy and x-rays of the digestive system.

Ignoring heartburn is fraught with progression of the resulting disease. Heartburn does not occur on its own, it is a symptom. Medicines used to relieve ailments do not affect the root cause. Getting rid of heartburn is not enough for a complete recovery.

Impact of wine

You now know why heartburn after alcohol does not appear so rarely. What effect does wine have on the digestive tract?

Experts advise to refrain from drinking surrogate red wines in volumes of more than 100-200 ml per day. If the product is not of high quality, the alcohol and acid contained in it irritate the mucous membranes of both the esophagus and stomach. The latter bursts under the force of fermentation. This helps to weaken the sphincter, which leads to the entry of gastric juice (which contains hydrochloric acid) into the esophagus.

Accordingly, the stronger the fermentation processes in the stomach, the higher its contents are thrown up the esophagus. This causes a feeling of heartburn, sour belching, an unpleasant burning sensation in the throat and even on the tongue. A sore throat and difficulty swallowing may also occur.

What to do if you have heartburn after drinking alcohol here? Do not use the common folk remedy - baking soda solution! When it comes into contact with water, a certain thermal effect is observed, which can injure the esophagus already damaged by hydrochloric acid.

Features of the effect on the gastrointestinal tract

Alcohol irritates the digestive organs and damages the gastrointestinal mucosa, destroying its natural protective barriers. The toxic effects of ethanol and its metabolic products last for several days. The functional activity of the liver and pancreas deteriorates, the motility of not only the upper parts of the digestive tube (esophagus, stomach), but also the intestines is impaired. It is important to take into account undesirable consequences in the form of pathological changes in the composition and number of representatives of the normal intestinal microflora. As a result, another complication of chronic ethanol consumption arises - a deterioration in the body’s supply of vitamins.

The likelihood of heartburn varies with different types of alcohol. Its development is influenced by strength, additives that cause irritation of the mucous membrane (acids, various sugars, hops). The higher the percentage of ethanol, the stronger the damaging effect on the mucous membrane and the more pronounced activating effect on acid formation.

The incidence of heartburn with low strength is no less. This is due to other components, especially sugar, carbon dioxide and hops. Therefore, it is important to analyze the effects of the most commonly consumed drinks in detail.

Beer, wine and champagne

Beer contains hops, which enhances the formation of gastric juice elements. The amount of acid in the stomach and the volume of contents increase, which stretches its walls. In combination with carbon dioxide produced as a result of natural fermentation, their exposure leads to an increase in intragastric pressure. Carbon dioxide additionally relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter. As a result, not only does reflux become more frequent, but the time the stomach contents spend in the esophagus increases, which lengthens the time the esophageal mucosa comes into contact with aggressive factors. This increases the risk of damage, inflammation, erosion and ulcerative defects.

Champagne contains a high concentration of carbon dioxide, which exerts pressure from below on the sphincter of the lower esophagus, causing it to open. The antispasmodic effect of the substance enhances the relaxation of muscle sphincter. A feature of the clinical picture is the high likelihood of developing heartburn, belching (usually air with a taste of what was eaten and drunk), hiccups - immediately after drinking champagne.

The influence of wine is due to the presence not so much of alcohol as of organic acids and sugar. These substances trigger fermentation processes in the stomach, which can last for several hours after consumption. As a result, the motor activity of the stomach increases, acid production is activated, and gas formation increases. All this complicates the work of the closing barrier of the esophagus, and if it fails, heartburn develops. It must be remembered that semi-sweet and sweet wines are more likely than dry wines, and red wines are more likely than white ones to cause heartburn. Their greater harm is due to the increased content of sugar and fruit acids.

Vodka and cognac

Vodka has a pronounced irritant effect on the mucous membrane, provokes increased production of hydrochloric acid, and directly damages the cells of the digestive tract. As a result, erosions and ulcerative defects occur. There is a high probability of heartburn from vodka both during the intake itself and a few hours after.

The mechanism for the development of heartburn when drinking cognac is the same (due to the high ethanol content). However, it contains tannins that have protective and anti-inflammatory properties, which reduces the pathological effect on the mucosa.

A feature of heartburn after drinking strong alcoholic drinks is the severity of the symptom. Heartburn can be very severe, causing a feeling as if something is burning, baking, or burning inside. With the development of bleeding from erosive or ulcerative defects due to alcohol intake, heartburn and pain may gradually decrease. In this case, the likelihood of a late diagnosis sharply increases, which is fraught with dangerous consequences for the patient’s health, and in some cases, for life.

Effects of beer

It should be noted that beer contains a considerable share of useful substances. But at the same time, heartburn will often occur after consuming it. Why is this happening? To add strength to beer, manufacturers include special substances in the drink that promote increased secretion of gastric juice. And if you snack on chips, nuts or crackers, these products can cause fermentation and even putrefactive processes in the stomach.

Note that beer also contains a large amount of carbon dioxide, which causes bloating. It also hurts the sphincter. Under gas pressure, the latter is weakened, which allows gastric juice to flow into the esophagus. The effect of hydrochloric acid on its mucous membranes causes an unpleasant burning sensation in the sternum area. Therefore, with the abuse of beer drinks, esophageal ulcers often develop.

Impact of strong alcoholic drinks

The most common causes of heartburn are drinks with a strength above 40 degrees. Even a small portion of such intoxicating liquid has a negative effect on the digestive system. In particular, it burns the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and violates its integrity. In addition to heartburn, a person suffers from sour belching and hiccups.

Especially dangerous in this category are homemade (surrogate) strong alcoholic drinks like homemade vodka and moonshine. After them, people most often suffer from gastrointestinal problems. But lovers of strong elite alcohol are not immune from heartburn. Their frequent use also disrupts the normal functioning of the digestive tract, which is the cause of heartburn.

Main manifestations

Heartburn is the most important symptom of esophageal diseases, resulting from damage to the mucous membrane. The patient experiences a burning sensation or discomfort in the lower sternum or upper abdomen (epigastric region). The occurrence of heartburn is provoked by eating a large meal, prolonged horizontal position and, of course, drinking alcoholic beverages, which “burn” the mucous membrane of the esophagus.

Heartburn from beer occurs as a result of the direct effect of ethyl alcohol and other components of the drink on the mucous membrane, as well as due to stretching of the stomach by the drink itself and the gas. Heartburn from wine occurs as a result of similar mechanisms. This burning sensation either goes away on its own within a few tens of minutes, or can be relieved with the help of medications such as Almagel, Maalox or Omeprazole.

Heartburn can cause snoring during pregnancy, which should also be kept in mind.

Impact of low alcohol drinks

Low-alcohol cocktails and champagne also have a very negative effect on the body. The carbon dioxide they contain not only contributes to the rapid onset of a feeling of intoxication, but also causes bloating.

The digestive tract, filling with gas bubbles, suffers from strong gas pressure on the walls of the organs. In particular, this effect weakens the sphincter, which begins to let gastric juice into the esophagus. Heartburn begins from the effect of hydrochloric acid on its walls. Therefore, frequent drinking of carbonated cocktails even containing a minimum of alcohol risks serious diseases such as gastritis, ulcers and even malignant tumors of the stomach.

What complications can there be?

Heartburn after drinking alcohol the day after gatherings and parties is not the worst consequence. Excessive, uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages, in addition, can be fraught with the following:

  • Food poisoning.
  • Alcohol intoxication of the body.
  • The emergence of alcohol addiction.


What to do if you have severe heartburn after drinking alcohol? The most correct solution is to consult your doctor. Depending on the specifics and severity of your condition, he will prescribe a specific medication:

  • "Maalox." A medicine based on sodium hydroxide. It should be taken an hour after eating food.
  • "Almagel". The drug is presented in pharmacies in the form of a suspension for internal use. Immediately before use, the bottle of medicine should be shaken slightly. To eliminate heartburn, 5-10 ml of this drug is enough. The frequency of taking the medication is approximately 3-4 times a day. "Almagel" can be used not only in case of severe heartburn after alcohol, but also for the prevention of stomach problems.
  • "Smecta". One of the most effective adsorbent preparations. Its effectiveness is guaranteed by the fact that Smecta creates a protective film on the walls of the stomach, which reduces the effect of hydrochloric acid on them - this neutralizes heartburn after drinking alcohol. The drug also helps the body to intensively remove harmful substances and compounds. For use, Smecta powder is diluted in 1/2 cup of water.
  • "Phosphalugel". The medicine is valued for its enveloping properties against the walls of the stomach. It neutralizes the effects of hydrochloric acid and helps eliminate toxins. Take one sachet twice a day. It is not necessary to drink Phosphalugel with water.
  • Activated carbon. This universal remedy will help not only with heartburn, but also with hangover, food poisoning and alcohol intoxication of the body. It is best to take on an empty stomach, following the dosage - 1 tablet of coal per 10 kg of person’s weight.

Treatment methods

Particularly severe and regular heartburn occurs in cases where alcohol is consumed with fatty, spicy or salty foods. During the normal process of digestion after eating, the esophageal sphincter (i.e.

The muscle ring located between the stomach and the esophagus) closes and the release of stomach contents into the esophagus does not occur.

Other common reasons why heartburn occurs are:

  • an abundance of heavy foods in the diet - spicy, hot, salty, fried, fatty, excess sweets;
  • smoking;
  • overweight;
  • passion for carbonated drinks;
  • constant stress;
  • abuse of foods such as citrus fruits, chocolate, coffee, tomatoes and even mint,
  • taking a number of medications: for example, acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen, naproxen;
  • hiatal hernia;
  • weakened esophageal muscles;
  • wearing tight belts or clothing that compresses the stomach;
  • lifting weights after eating, bending forward;
  • stomach problems, in particular, high acidity, stomach ulcers, etc.

Severe heartburn after alcohol is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. severe burning sensation - in the throat, upper stomach, esophagus;
  2. sore throat, severe sore throat;
  3. severe heartburn becomes even more intense if a person bends over or lies down;
  4. burning sensation on the tongue;
  5. often accompanied by sour belching;
  6. feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  7. difficulty in swallowing.

Now, having compared all the reasons and prerequisites for the occurrence of a burning sensation, it becomes clear why the esophagus burns after vodka - this is the relaxation of the sphincter, and the heavy food that accompanies drinking, and tight clothes, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In other words, it is a combination of several factors at once.

In particular, heartburn from vodka is the most intense, since “white” irritates the gastric mucosa, leading to ulcers and erosions, and also disrupts the functioning of the protective mechanisms that are triggered when taking smoked, fatty, spicy foods. So vodka as a cause of heartburn is not a myth, but a reality itself.

When drinking champagne, an excess amount of carbon dioxide is formed, which begins to put pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter, forcing it to open. This is why severe belching, hiccups and heartburn are so often observed after drinking champagne.

It is worth paying special attention to the regularly occurring burning sensation - this is a serious reason to think about how to cure constant heartburn, and not just eliminate its symptoms. By the way, a burning sensation in the chest, very similar to heartburn, can be a symptom of heart disease, such as angina.

In order to detect the causes of heartburn and find out why the esophageal sphincter is disrupted, it is necessary to undergo an examination and collect a complete medical history. Based on the results, the doctor writes a treatment regimen and recommendations on nutrition and lifestyle. To eliminate heartburn, you will need not only medications, but also a change in regimen, diet control, giving up bad habits and regulating physical activity. If gastrointestinal diseases are detected, appropriate medications and procedures are prescribed.

At home, mineral water, activated carbon and various decoctions based on chamomile, nettle, and St. John's wort will help get rid of heartburn after alcohol. The use of soda solution is not recommended, since, despite the short-term improvement, this remedy provokes additional production of hydrochloric acid and its repeated release into the esophagus.

Gastritis, heartburn, ulcer. How to and how NOT to treat the stomach.

Alcohol abuse causes damage to the entire body, and the likelihood of getting esophageal cancer in alcoholics is several times higher. Constant heartburn cannot be ignored, because the permanent effect of acid corrodes the mucous membrane over time. The risk of ulcers and bleeding, necrosis and oncology increases.

If you are sure that there are no chronic diseases of the digestive system, then to eliminate attacks of heartburn you can use: Maalox, Rennie, Gastal, Almagel. These medications are fast-acting and fairly harmless.

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If you experience heartburn from wine or another alcoholic drink, and you don’t have a suitable remedy at hand, you can resort to baking soda. It helps to provide the necessary alkaline environment in the stomach, which effectively destroys acid.

But this solution for the treatment of burning sensation can be used in rare cases. Using this method often, there is a possibility of disturbances in the functioning of the stomach.

You can get rid of heartburn that occurs after beer, vodka, and champagne with the help of medications. Pharmacies have a large assortment that will instantly help remove the unpleasant sign and alleviate the condition.

Such drugs are:

  • Smecta;
  • Phosphalugel;
  • Maalox.

When choosing a medicine, you can consult a pharmacist; for example, if heartburn is severe, you will need a specific remedy.

You can cope with an unpleasant feeling through folk recipes. Herbal decoctions using chamomile, St. John's wort, nettle, plantain, and other plants can provide effective results.

These herbs have an anti-inflammatory effect, they help normalize the agitated mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach.

Be sure to consult a doctor before using herbs to avoid possible unpleasant consequences. Since some products have their contraindications. And, of course, it is recommended to stop using alcohol if heartburn constantly appears.

There are various ways to get rid of an unpleasant burning sensation in the esophagus. It is preferable to entrust the selection of the type of treatment to a gastroenterologist. But if heartburn does not occur regularly, as a result of consuming low-quality products or overeating, it can be relieved with symptomatic medications or traditional medicine recipes.

Pharmacy drugs

It is best to use medications sold at pharmacies. Any knowledgeable pharmacist will suggest a suitable drug. The most popular is “Smecta” or activated carbon. You can also purchase almagel or drugs in this series without a prescription from a doctor. Help is provided by medications such as antacids. They relieve inflammation and restore alkaline balance.

At home

Folk remedies help with burning in the chest. Tea made from chamomile or St. John's wort is considered to be a sedative. A collection of plantain and nettle, an infusion of marshmallow herb, and mineral water with a low carbon dioxide content - Borjomi or Essentuki - will also help. It is recommended to use a mixture of finely chopped ginger or burnt chalk, which should be thoroughly chewed like chewing gum. A decoction of plantain seeds helps restore the mucous membrane of the esophagus.

In any case, you should first consult with a gastroenterologist to determine the cause of heartburn, and only then engage in treatment. It is important to understand that if heartburn occurs regularly, it can be a symptom or a harbinger of diseases such as gastritis, ulcers and others.

Preventative measures for heartburn are:

  • Chew food thoroughly with enough liquid;
  • eliminating fatty and unhealthy foods and baked goods from food;
  • walks in the fresh air, especially before bedtime;
  • placing the pillow above the level of the whole body;
  • control over the amount of alcoholic beverages consumed;
  • taking medications that reduce the secretion of gastric juice on the eve of planned feasts (Maalox, Rennie and others).

Reasonable consumption of alcoholic beverages does not harm the body; on the contrary, it helps relieve nervous tension and relax a little. But it is important to know when to stop, as frequent drinking of alcohol can have a detrimental effect on your health.

Pharmacy medicines.

Antacid drugs are widely used, i.e. Smecta, Phosphalugel, Maalox and the like.

Baking soda is alkaline, and it quenches the acidic environment in the stomach, resulting in the formation of neutral compounds. At the same time, the burning sensation noticeably weakens. However, also during neutralization, a large amount of carbon dioxide is formed in the stomach, which leads to bloating, belching, and heaviness in the stomach. Therefore, this recipe should be kept in mind only as an emergency remedy and not suitable for regular use.

To prepare the solution you need 1 tsp. Dissolve soda (without a slide) in 1 glass of regular drinking water and drink.

Soda as an emergency remedy for heartburn

Attention! An overdose of soda causes a dangerous condition in the body called alkalosis. Its signs are weakness, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, headaches. This recipe is also contraindicated in pregnancy, hypertension, and the presence of chronic diseases of the heart, pancreas, stomach, and intestines.

Mineral water.

It is important to use alkaline mineral water as a treatment and always without gas.

Activated carbon.

This is an excellent remedy not only for heartburn, but also for hangovers and food poisoning, which often accompany alcohol intoxication. It is best to take activated charcoal tablets on an empty stomach, the dosage is 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.

Decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Herbal medicine suggests brewing herbal teas for heartburn from medicinal plants such as marshmallow, plantain, chamomile, nettle, St. John's wort, dill, wormwood, cumin.

Traditional medicine recipes.

In the old days, people saved from heartburn with viburnum jam (1 tablespoon per day), fresh potato juice (200 ml of juice, 1 tablespoon of honey, drink before meals 3 times a day), walnuts (as a preventative measure, eat 1 tablespoon .a spoonful of chopped nuts per day), almonds.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies can also be effective against heartburn after drinking alcohol. We list the most common and proven ones:

  • Flax seeds. They are valued for their enveloping effect on the gastric walls. To get rid of discomfort, you need to first grind 15 g of seeds, then pour a glass (200 ml) of boiling water over them. This product needs to be infused for about 10 hours. It is best to prepare the drink at night, and be sure to strain it in the morning. The product is taken 10 ml before each meal (at least three times a day). The rest of the infusion can be drunk completely at night.
  • Buckwheat. How to get rid of heartburn after alcohol? Pre-grind the cereal in a coffee grinder. The powder is taken 5 g three times a day. It must be washed down with enough water. Note that buckwheat is an important component of dietary nutrition in general. Therefore, soups and side dishes containing them also help relieve the unpleasant feeling of heartburn.
  • Baking soda. If you start to suffer from heartburn after an alcoholic party, you can try to alleviate your condition with the help of the most popular folk remedy. Dissolve 5 g of baking soda in one glass (200 ml) of clean water. This solution will help neutralize the effect of hydrochloric acid on the walls of the stomach. But do not exceed the prescribed dose! Otherwise, you may experience side effects such as deterioration in overall health, heaviness in the abdominal area and headache. In addition, people with severe diseases of the heart and digestive system should avoid this drug.
  • Mineral water. A popular folk remedy for treating the consequences after drinking alcohol is alkaline mineral water - always without gas!
  • Cumin or marshmallow. Such infusions can cope with an unpleasant burning sensation in the area of ​​the sternum and stomach. They are also known for their calming effect on the digestive system. But their use is contraindicated if you are prone to allergic reactions or have been diagnosed with individual intolerance to such components.

Consequences and prevention of heartburn

Heartburn provokes the development of chronic gastritis, cholecystitis and duodenitis. Constant burning is a harbinger of stomach ulcers. To prevent negative symptoms, you need to eat 5-6 times a day, in small portions. You can't overeat at night. Alcohol is prohibited.

Fatty, salty, and spicy foods are excluded from the menu. It is necessary to give up canned food, baked goods and sweets. Food should only be served stewed or boiled. You need to sleep on raised pillows so that your head is higher than your body. After dinner, a short walk in the fresh air is recommended.

Heartburn is not a disease, but its appearance is an alarming symptom. If the burning sensation occurs occasionally, then a person can afford no more than 200 ml of wine per day, a glass of vodka or cognac. For repeated attacks, alcohol is completely contraindicated.

Helper Products

If you experience heartburn after drinking alcohol the next day, pay attention to delicious herbal teas, infusions, and drinks that will significantly ease your condition:

  • Pharmaceutical chamomile.
  • Althea.
  • Plantain.
  • St. John's wort.
  • Caraway.
  • Dill.
  • Nettle.
  • Sagebrush.

As for food, the following will help alleviate the condition:

  • Viburnum jam (1 tablespoon of product per day).
  • Potato juice (add 1 tablespoon of honey to 200 ml of drink, then drink it before meals three times a day).
  • Walnuts (1 tablespoon of product per day).
  • Almond.

What consequences?

Heartburn itself is not a disease. However, if you constantly provoke it by drinking alcohol, this can lead to quite serious consequences:

  • Chronic gastritis.
  • Chronic cholecystitis.
  • Duodenitis.
  • Ulcer of the esophagus, stomach or duodenum.

What should you give up?

Of course, if every intake of even a small portion of an alcoholic drink results in heartburn and other problems with the digestive tract, you should give up alcoholic beverages completely.

If you suffer from heartburn occasionally, you can afford to have a glass of high-quality vodka or elite cognac from time to time. Wine should be drunk with caution - it increases acidity and promotes increased production of gastric juice. The black list includes all carbonated alcohol - beer, champagne, cocktails.

Heartburn from alcohol is not such a rare consequence. Even small portions of alcoholic drinks can have a negative effect on the esophagus and stomach. If you use them often, in large quantities, you can greatly harm not only the gastrointestinal tract, but the entire body as a whole. Single consequences can actually be neutralized using the methods from this article. But if heartburn awaits you after every alcoholic party, you should give up alcohol altogether.

Source: fb.ru

How to drink alcohol if you have heartburn

There are a number of tricks that will help minimize the effects of alcohol-containing drinks on the recipient’s body:

  • Dilute them with water. The taste changes, it is less intense. After some time, addiction will occur. This option will not cause any inconvenience.
  • It is better not to drink alcoholic cocktails and mixtures. Juices, chocolate, mint stimulate attacks.
  • Identify the drinks that give you heartburn. Perhaps red wine is unacceptable, but after white wine or dry wine or cognac there will be no inconvenience.
  • Unfiltered beer is not advisable. Drink a glass of filtered.
  • Set the amount of alcohol you drink for yourself. Keep it in moderation. 10 g of alcohol, 100 ml, is considered safe for the body. wine and 250 ml. beer.
  • Avoid lying down after drinking, as staying upright minimizes the risk of reflux.
  • Try adding non-alcoholic beer or wine to your wine list. Remember that alcohol addiction is very dangerous.

You will still have the opportunity to experience pleasure from drinking drinks if their quantity does not go beyond the norm. What to do if heartburn occurs from alcohol? Try to find an alternative to alcohol. A situation in which pain becomes constant forces you to consult a doctor and take care of your health. Self-medication with medications can lead to dire consequences after drinking, so treat feasts with caution.


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