Why does heartburn appear after eating sweets?

Causes of heartburn

Heartburn from sweets is manifested by a burning sensation in the esophagus and chest. There is a bitter, sour taste in the mouth. These signs are most often detected in children and women. Sweets can become addictive, especially if you consume too much dessert.

The main cause of burning behind the sternum is the action of gastric juice. The composition of sweets, which contain not only beneficial substances, but also harmful ones, is important. Excessive consumption of chocolate, desserts, etc. creates a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria that provoke flatulence, which can cause a burning sensation in the chest.

Causes of heartburn:

  • a large amount of fat accumulates in the abdominal cavity;
  • even minimal loads put a lot of pressure on the stomach;
  • disruption of the esophageal valve;
  • fatty tissues contribute to the displacement of internal organs;
  • there is a gradual weakening of the muscles of the esophagus;
  • the intestines and stomach rise, causing excess abdominal pressure.

The appearance of heartburn in the stomach begins with distant signs - a sharp change in mood, its decline, a sour feeling in the mouth.

What to do if heartburn occurs from sweets

For some people, addiction to sweets can be compared to bad habits, such as smoking and drinking alcohol.
Excessive consumption of sweets can negatively affect the functioning of the digestive tract. One of the negative symptoms is heartburn from sweets, which is manifested by a burning sensation in the chest. According to medical statistics, children and women are more often affected by pathology.

Since sweets are the favorite food of many people, it should be remembered that if you overuse chocolate and cakes over a long period, over time, heartburn will appear even after a small amount of sweets.

How does heartburn occur?

Almost every person has experienced a burning sensation behind the sternum, rising to the throat. The symptoms are extremely unpleasant. People who have experienced a heartburn attack are unlikely to want it to happen again.

To avoid this, it is advisable to know the mechanism of heartburn.

The first symptom of an attack after eating sweet food is a change in mood for no apparent reason, a feeling of weakness and a feeling of acid in the mouth.

Sweets contain a lot of carbohydrates that are easily absorbed by the body. The absorption process begins directly in the oral cavity and does not require the participation of gastric juice in this process.

In addition, many food additives are always added to these products, which activate the immune system and provoke allergic reactions when they enter the digestive tract.

Many of these additives, among other things, activate and enhance the excessive secretion of hydrochloric acid. And, as you know, the higher its level, the more likely it is that an attack of heartburn will occur.

Sweets in large quantities negatively affect the muscle tissue that makes up the walls of the digestive organs and impair the functioning of the lower esophageal sphincter, which is accompanied by the return of food impregnated with hydrochloric acid from the stomach back into the esophageal cavity.

Long-term consumption of sweet foods leads to an increase in the amount of fatty tissue in the abdominal area.

For this reason, abdominal pressure increases, internal organs shift, and the lower esophageal sphincter cannot keep gastric contents from entering the esophagus.

An additional incentive to heartburn will be if a person is prone to overeating, after which he has to rest.


If a person likes to treat himself to sweets, over time, pathological mechanisms are launched that lead to heartburn from sweets. The main reasons for such symptoms:

  • influence of gastric juice;
  • excessive consumption of sweet foods for a long time
  • harmful components that are part of sweets;
  • favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria that cause gas formation.

The culprit of heartburn is gastric juice

Once in the stomach, sweet food irritates the receptors responsible for the release of acid. Hydrochloric acid begins to be actively produced by the stomach. When a person consumes food, this type of acid processes it, and when eating sweets, it irritates the gastric mucosa, gradually destroying it.

Regular consumption of sweets and chocolate ultimately leads to damage to the structure of the stomach; various erosions and ulcers may appear. Therefore, after a certain time, the patient may complain of a burning sensation in the esophagus even after drinking a small cake or sweet tea.

Sweet food on an empty stomach destroys the mucous membrane of the digestive tract in a short period.

Excessive amount of sweets

People who passionately love to snack on something sweet often lose their sense of proportion and eat several instead of one candy. After some time, a bad habit becomes the cause of excess weight. In such cases, heartburn after eating sweets is caused by extra pounds. The main factors influencing the appearance of burning sensation due to excessive amounts of sweet foods:

  • the appearance of excess fat, which exfoliates in the peritoneum;
  • excess adipose tissue in the abdominal cavity, causing displacement of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • a change in the position of the organs leads to elevation of the intestines and stomach and, as a result, pressure inside the peritoneum;
  • excessive chronic load on the esophagus leads to weakening of its muscle tissue;
  • in this state, the body, subjected to minimal physical activity, creates pressure on the stomach.

Sweet composition

More and more people are trying to be attentive to the food they consume. The main criterion in choosing a daily diet is the composition, which should be as healthy as possible and not contain substances that negatively affect the body. It is known that sweet buns and candies, as a rule, cannot be considered healthy food. The list of harmful substances includes:

  • antioxidant;
  • moisture retaining additives;
  • dye;
  • flavor enhancer;
  • aroma enhancers;
  • sugar substitutes and other artificial additives.

It is sweet products that contain the maximum amount of artificial oil, and spreads and dyes have long become the basis of sweets. It turned out that it is artificial additives that cause heartburn:

  • unnatural fat and other components of sweets negatively affect the functioning of the digestive system and irritate it;
  • the lower food sphincter becomes weak and cannot completely prevent the penetration of contents from the stomach into the esophagus;
  • for this reason, contents with hydrochloric acid and gastric juice penetrate into the cavity of the esophagus, which causes heartburn.

The need to extend the shelf life of chocolate and sweets forces manufacturers to add large amounts of chemical preservatives to them, which have a detrimental effect on the gastrointestinal tract and the body as a whole. A person whose digestion is already impaired feels bitterness when eating even a small amount of sweets. It is recommended to give up treats for a while, then reduce their amount in the diet.

Excess weight in sweet tooths

Extra pounds are an additional factor that causes heartburn. Due to excessive amounts of carbohydrates, the layer of fat in the peritoneum quickly grows, lifting up the internal organs, which is why gastric juice and food, along with hydrochloric acid, penetrate back into the esophagus. The sphincter is under chronic tension, which gradually leads to its weakening.

To get rid of the feeling of bitterness or acidity in the mouth and burning behind the sternum, you will have to adhere to the basic rules of a healthy diet. It is recommended to drink about 3 liters of clean water per day. You should give up alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.

Coffee consumption should be reduced to 1-2 cups a day, it also causes heartburn. It is recommended to eat in small portions 4-5 times a day; after eating, you should not physically strain for an hour. Abuse of sweet foods and drinks is strictly prohibited.

Source: https://VashZhkt.com/izzhoga/ot-sladkogo.html

Role in heartburn of gastric juice

Sweets consist of carbohydrates that are quickly digested. The body does not spend a lot of energy on this. The processing of easily digestible carbohydrates begins right in the mouth; no additional effort is required from the digestive system. On the contrary, as soon as sweet gets there, irritation of the receptors occurs. Then the production of hydrochloric acid increases.

It is required for processing whole food, which compacts into lumps, and sweets do not harden and dissolve quickly. Hydrochloric acid begins to irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa. It is gradually being destroyed.

With constant consumption of sweets, the deep structures of the stomach come under attack. Its walls become thinner, ulcers and erosions form. Burning and bitterness in the mouth appears more and more often. Unpleasant and painful sensations can be observed even after drinking sweet tea.

Attention! Frequent attacks lead to serious diseases and complications of the esophagus.

How dangerous are sweets for the stomach?

Sweets, cakes and other delicacies differ in their taste and appearance. Attracts with bright colors. Why do they cause heartburn? When making desserts, many harmful ingredients are used, even granulated sugar is fake. Large volumes of delicacies cannot be sold in a day or two, so in production facilities for long-term storage of products, chemical ingredients are added:

  • preservatives;
  • vegetable fats;
  • barley malt extract;
  • emulsifiers;
  • moisture-retaining additives;
  • antioxidants;
  • sweeteners.

Various dyes are used to create a beautiful appearance. To enhance the aroma and taste, enhancers are added (for example, monosodium glutamate). Many artificial food ingredients are also carcinogenic.

How chemical additives work can be seen using monosodium glutamate as an example. It strongly irritates the receptors of the digestive tract. With constant consumption of sweets, the muscle valves between the esophagus and stomach weaken. Oxidized food begins to seep through the thinned film, which negatively affects the mucous membrane.

The influence of modern components included in sweets

Heartburn occurs from sweets, why you can answer by familiarizing yourself with the components that are included in confectionery products. Unfortunately, today most products consist of unnatural ingredients that contain sweets such as:

  • pastries and cakes,
  • chocolate,
  • cookie,
  • milkshakes,
  • caramel.

These substances are added to add color and increase shelf life; as a rule, the composition of the sweet contains the following components:

  • vegetable fat,
  • emulsifiers,
  • flavorings identical to natural ones,
  • antioxidants,
  • barley malt extract.

The causes of heartburn due to the influence of unnatural substances that make up sweets:

  • Unnatural substances have an irritating effect on the digestive tract.
  • The muscles that close the passage of the stomach to allow food to enter from the esophagus weaken.
  • Gastric juice is thrown into the esophagus, causing people to feel a burning sensation behind the sternum.

What role does excess weight play in heartburn?

The cause of its appearance may be excess weight. As sugar enters the body, especially in large quantities, fat gradually accumulates. The stomach begins to increase. Fatty tissue displaces internal organs from their usual places.

At the same time, pressure increases in the peritoneum. Additional stress is placed on the lower esophageal sphincter. The valve ceases to cope with its function - not to release its contents from the stomach into the body. If overeating is added to this, the sphincter weakens completely. Gastric juice increasingly seeps into the esophagus, and an unpleasant and painful burning sensation becomes regular.

Why and how does it arise?

In order to answer the question of why this happens, why heartburn appears, you need to figure out exactly how it occurs after eating sweets.

Here are the main reasons:

  • Eating sweets causes increased secretion of gastric juice in the stomach. If there are disturbances in the functioning of the lower esophageal sphincter (namely, its insufficiency, that is, the presence of pathological gastroesophageal refluxes ─ episodes of reflux of contents from the stomach into the esophagus and irritation of its walls), heartburn will not take long to occur.
  • Composition of goodies. What you won’t see when reading the ingredients of pastries, cakes, chocolate and other similar products. In order to give them a unique and inimitable refined taste, as well as so that they do not spoil for a long time and can be on the counter longer, the manufacturer uses many additives, which include:
  • Preservatives.
  • Antioxidants.
  • Moisture-retaining agents.
  • Dyes.
  • Flavor and aroma enhancers.
  • Sweeteners and other components.

All of the above is not a complete list.

Modern confectionery products are stuffed with substances harmful to the body.

It is especially difficult to imagine what is going on in the body when a large number of foods are eaten, full of various additives, a whole peculiar chemical “cocktail” to which the body is unlikely to react neutrally.

It is known that food additives can provoke allergic reactions by causing activation of the immune system while in the digestive system. Also, many of them have a local irritant effect and increase the release of hydrochloric acid; the more it is released, the greater the likelihood of heartburn.

In addition, dietary supplements may possibly have an effect on the muscular wall of the digestive organs, for example, impairing the functioning of the lower esophageal sphincter and causing heartburn.

Their probable carcinogenic effect is also poorly studied.

  • Sweets contain a huge amount of calories. A small number of selected delicacies can sometimes even exceed the daily energy requirement in nutritional value. Therefore, many sweet lovers, unfortunately, suffer from excess weight, which in itself increases the risk of developing heartburn.

A gradually increasing amount of adipose tissue, especially in the abdominal area, begins to shift internal organs, while intra-abdominal pressure increases and it becomes more difficult for the lower esophageal sphincter to restrain the contents of the stomach, preventing it from penetrating into the esophagus. And if at the same time a person overeats and lies down to rest for an hour after eating, sooner or later heartburn will appear.

Treatment of heartburn

The main treatment is aimed at normalizing nutrition. Sweets, including flour-based ones, should be excluded (or minimized) from the diet. Heartburn can be treated with medication. They are used in case of persistent attacks. Appointed:

  • prokinetics that stimulate gastric and esophageal motility;
  • drugs that reduce acidity;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • drugs that protect the esophageal mucosa (antacids).

Maalox, Phosphalugel, Almagel and their analogues have proven themselves well in the treatment of heartburn after sweets. The medicine is taken at intervals of two to three hours. If the pain does not disappear, it is relieved with No-Spa or Cimetidine.

Folk remedies for heartburn

Although medications help cope with heartburn, they contain additional chemicals. To relieve periodic attacks, it is better to use folk remedies.

Baking soda helps relieve heartburn very quickly. Half a teaspoon of powder is diluted in a glass of warm water and slowly drunk in small sips. Other methods:

  1. In the morning you can eat a few leaves of horse sorrel.
  2. During an attack, take a couple of tablets of activated charcoal.
  3. An infusion of chamomile, St. John's wort and plantain leaves is taken (proportions are indicated in grams - 5:20:20). The finished product is consumed three times a day, one tablespoon at a time.

You can get rid of heartburn with oats or barley. Their grains need to be chewed for 40 minutes, swallowing the resulting saliva. The remaining chaff is not swallowed, it is spat out. In addition to the methods listed above, there are many others.

Heartburn from sweets. Why?

Why does heartburn occur after eating sweets? Many of us cannot imagine how we can live without sweets, for example, how we can not eat a piece of cake or sweet pastries while drinking tea. Over time, this habit can cause unpleasant heartburn. In this article we will figure out why it may occur and how to eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon.

  • 1 Reasons
  • 2 Baking
  • 3 Chocolate
  • 4 Jam
  • 5


Heartburn can occur due to excessive consumption of baked goods. Bread contains unwanted fats and simple carbohydrates, which significantly inhibit the metabolic process, this, in turn, leads to obesity.

List of flour products that can cause heartburn:

  • Refined flour is made from modified raw materials. This product contains large amounts of gluten, which causes reflux.
  • Yeast and starter wort. In previous years, housewives used healthy hop and malt dough to bake bread. Today, industry has replaced them with synthetic yeast with chemical compounds. In the intestines, due to the activity of thermophilic fungi, heartburn, gases and fermentation are formed.

Important! Because of yeast, harmful bacteria are formed in the stomach, causing the formation of dysbacteriosis and even leading to oncology. Bread in small quantities will not harm.

  • Animal fats are poorly absorbed by the body. They also cause gas and reflux. Modified fats are even worse for the stomach.
  • Additional components: sucrose, various sweeteners, baking powder, baking soda.

To avoid heartburn after eating flour products, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Consume baked goods in small quantities, do not overeat.
  2. Replace fresh bread with yesterday's crackers.
  3. Eat sweets after main courses.
  4. Bread made from dark flour is eaten with vegetables and other dishes.
  5. Wash down the flour product with warm tea.
  6. The best option is whole grain bread.

Interesting article: What foods help with heartburn?


Chocolate is one of the main problematic products of our time. It is especially contraindicated for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. Sweetness can often cause reflux with a burning sensation in the larynx and behind the chest.

To avoid unpleasant burning sensations, doctors recommend completely abstaining from consuming this delicacy.

It is better to choose a healthy alternative that can bring taste pleasure and will not harm your health.

Advice! For home baking, you can use the most common vanilla with cinnamon and aromatic spices instead of chocolate chips or cocoa powder.

Why is chocolate so harmful? Let's take a look at this product:

  1. Chocolate products contain caffeine and theobromine, which can cause acid heartburn.
  2. Closely related to caffeine are methylxanthines, which negatively affect the esophageal valve muscle. They weaken it, causing hydrochloric acid to leak into the esophagus, causing heartburn.
  3. Modified and vegetable fats play a role in the occurrence of reflux.

Interesting article: Foods that cause heartburn

Sweets with caffeine are even more dangerous for those who often suffer from reflux. To prevent this unpleasant burning sensation in the larynx, it is recommended to consume chocolate or chocolate candies only after the main meal.


Many people cannot refuse to eat sweets, as they are in a destructive dependence on them. Of course, a couple of spoons of sweet jam will not harm the body.

It’s another matter to eat half a jar of your favorite jam in one sitting every day. Note that after frequent consumption of jam, a beneficial environment for bacteria that participate in the process of gas formation develops in the stomach.

As a result, an unpleasant burning sensation is felt in the area behind the chest.

We invite you to watch a video about increased stomach acidity due to sweets:

You can make puree from fresh viburnum berries. They are pre-washed and baked in the oven. After this, rub through a fine sieve and mix with a small amount of honey or sugar.

Source: https://pitanie.plus/zdorove/dieta/lechebnaya/izzhoga/sladkoe-p.html

How to prevent heartburn

To prevent heartburn, you need to limit the amount of sweets you consume. You can't snack on them if you're hungry. The stomach requires complete food. It is advisable to eat at certain times, in small portions.

Important! You should not eat sweets on an empty stomach.

A couple of sweets eaten occasionally will not have a destructive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, but excessive consumption of sweets will definitely cause harm. If a person cannot drink tea or coffee without sugar, then it is added in minimal dosages, no more than two spoons per cup.

Heartburn is a very unpleasant sensation that can lead to serious gastrointestinal diseases. When attacks occur, it is necessary to adjust the diet, special attention should be paid to sweets. It is recommended to drink two to three liters of water daily. This will help cleanse the body of harmful substances.

Lifestyle change

Everyone can improve their condition - you need to try to lead a healthy lifestyle.

In order to reduce the occurrence of heartburn, it is important to especially pay attention to:

  • Meals were regular, preferably frequent (but in small portions!), and not rushed.
  • Drink enough liquid throughout the day.
  • There was a fight against bad habits: alcohol and smoking are the enemies of health!
  • Weight was normal.
  • There were no long bends; it was better to avoid heavy lifting.
  • There was no habit of lying down after eating.
  • The head end was raised during sleep.
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