Why does heartburn occur and how to get rid of it

Probably, each of us at least once in our lives has encountered such an unpleasant sensation as heartburn in the throat. This phenomenon is expressed in discomfort and pain that is felt throughout the esophageal tube.

Characterized by a burning sensation, a pain in the throat that extends to the nose. Although heartburn in the throat is a common occurrence, it should not be ignored.

Usually the symptom is a signal of some pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. It is much easier to cure heartburn with timely diagnosis.

If you start the process, you can expect various complications and an increased feeling of discomfort that heartburn in the throat brings.


When you feel heartburn in your throat, many people want to get rid of it right away. First, you need to undergo an examination by a gastroenterologist, who can establish an accurate diagnosis and choose a treatment regimen. It is not easy to completely recover and eliminate symptoms, because there is no single, universal way. For each cause, different remedies may be used.

The essence of the main therapy is to reduce the acidity of gastric juice, as well as to remove symptoms. For heartburn and sore throat that appear periodically, it will be enough to adjust your lifestyle and diet. To treat attacks, experts prescribe the following drugs:

  1. Rennie. The tablets are able to normalize acidity; the medicine has a mild effect and is effective in eliminating heartburn and reducing acidity. The effect is visible after 2-3 tablets. Rennie cannot be addictive, and if there are contraindications to its use, you can replace the tablets with Ranitidine or Omez.
  2. Mezim. These tablets are enzymatic and are used to reduce acidity and help start digestive processes. It is recommended to use Mezim if the causes of heartburn in the throat are caused by improper eating or overeating.
  3. Tsekural, Domperidone. Such medications help improve the motor processes of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Alkaline water. To completely cure and remove heartburn, you need to drink the product for 14 days.

Additionally, it is recommended to use vitamin B12 and other vitamin complexes, which will be beneficial for the body as a whole.

Traditional methods

In folk medicine there are many methods for removing heartburn. If you need to quickly eliminate the burning sensation, you can use simple remedies:

  1. Soda. Such a substance can quickly stop an attack, but experts do not recommend using the method, because soda can cause more harm than good. When it enters the stomach, soda reacts with acid, which further irritates the internal organs. To reduce side effects, it is recommended to add 1 tsp to a glass of water. soda and honey. This will prevent it from having a destructive effect on organs.
  2. Honey. The product is very useful for the whole body. For heartburn, prepare a drink from 2 tbsp. honey and 200 ml water. After dissolution, you should drink the product in small sips. The “medicine” will not make your throat sore, and your discomfort will be reduced.
  3. Chalk. Effectively combats burning of the esophagus. It is necessary to crumble it into powder and during the next attack, eat 1 tablespoon and drink a glass of water.

The described remedies can be used if there are no tablets at hand. If heartburn is accompanied by other symptoms in the form of weakness, pain, then you definitely need to go to the doctor to establish the real cause, and not just get rid of the unpleasant sensations.

In addition to simple remedies, there are other ways to eliminate burning, but before using any folk recipe, you should consult a doctor so as not to damage the gastrointestinal mucosa:

  • Activated carbon. You need to drink it for a week, one tablet for every 10 kg of body weight. You can use the method only once a month.
  • Aloe. For treatment, you need to freeze the plant for 10 days, and then pass it through a meat grinder, adding a similar amount of honey. During attacks, take 1 tsp of the mixture. before meals. The course of treatment is 7 days.
  • Potato juice. This drink can be used for many gastrointestinal diseases. To relieve heartburn, squeeze out 50 ml of fresh juice, dilute with water and add ½ tsp. honey Drink it on an empty stomach before breakfast, for a course of 1 month.

Proper nutrition for heartburn

Any treatment for heartburn must be complemented by proper nutrition. Even if you adjust your diet, you can get rid of the burning sensation without using folk remedies or pills. The diet is aimed at reducing acidity, as well as discomfort. To do this you need to give up:

  • Sweets
  • Flour and butter
  • Fried
  • Fat
  • Vegetables (onions, garlic)
  • Coffee
  • Sodas

The described products can increase the secretion of stomach acid, due to which it will enter the esophagus and irritate the mucous membrane. Additionally, you need to use the following rules for eating:

  1. Eat fractionally, often and in small portions. About 3 hours should pass between meals.
  2. Do not eat before bed, the last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime.
  3. Athletes should monitor their diet and avoid eating before training. It is best to eat 1.5-2 hours before class.
  4. Give up bad habits, especially smoking after meals.

Such simple nutritional rules, in addition to pills or traditional methods, allow you to quickly recover. By adhering to the rules of nutrition, you can avoid the recurrence of heartburn.


A general set of diagnostic procedures, tests and treatment will be performed by a gastroenterologist. The doctor will be able to correctly diagnose the cause and help the patient overcome the disease. Getting rid of a disease quickly and permanently is not easy. There is no universal solution to the problem, since the causes of bitterness are different. A quick diagnosis is possible if the patient feels relief after a short course of treatment. Otherwise, laboratory tests and individual treatment are required.

The basis of treatment is the suppression of acidity levels. If heartburn is temporary, symptoms can be easily managed with lifestyle adjustments and diet. The doctor may prescribe the following course of medications:

  • Drugs that can reduce acidity. For example, Rennie. The mild composition of the medicine is able to neutralize high acidity. The result comes quickly, there is no addiction.
  • Enzyme preparations, if acidity is low, treatment is aimed at improving digestion.
  • Drugs to enhance motor processes (cerucal, domperidone, etc.).
  • Drink alkaline water, but not longer than two weeks.
  • Vitamin B12 therapy.

In modern medicine, treatment uses a procedure for restoring esophageal cells called the Barrett method. It may slow down changes in the esophagus. In severe cases of the disease caused by side diseases of the esophagus and stomach, surgical intervention may be necessary to restore the functions of the sphincter.

Diagnosis and treatment

Heartburn and belching: causes, treatment and methods of prevention
If heartburn occurs rarely, after eating spicy, fatty foods, the phenomenon does not require medical attention. A constant burning sensation accompanied by other symptoms requires careful diagnosis. If you regularly experience a burning sensation in the esophagus, stomach, or throat, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause of the discomfort and to get rid of heartburn.


Discomfort in the larynx, behind the breastbone or near the stomach can indicate various diseases. At the first stage, it is necessary to find out exactly where the patient feels the burning sensation. The doctor, after talking with the patient, will prescribe an examination to help establish a diagnosis.

To examine the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the patient is prescribed ultrasound diagnostics and endoscopic examination, during which the walls of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum are examined. During gastroscopy, biological material is taken.


The main drug for heartburn that helps eliminate the symptom is an antacid. Medicines have an enveloping effect and eliminate the consequences of acid entering the lumen of the esophagus. You can treat heartburn with Almagel, Maaolox. You can fight heartburn on your own with Venter tablets, if the diagnosis is known. The drug helps if taken 20 minutes before meals.

If an unpleasant feeling in the throat is caused by infectious diseases, gargling with herbal infusions and decoctions will help. Chamomile and sage relieve irritation and help fight infection on the mucous membrane. Rotavirus infections are treated with antibiotics. Sprays and lozenges help relieve the unpleasant sensation.

Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract cause heartburn - the cause must be eliminated. For gastritis and ulcers, complex treatment is prescribed by a doctor. If there is a burning sensation, take medications that can reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid.

Your doctor may prescribe enzymes to help with digestion. To restore microflora when taking antibiotics - probiotics.

Antihistamines can help relieve discomfort in the throat caused by allergies. In addition, it is necessary to exclude the allergen.

Traditional methods

You can get rid of heartburn using folk remedies. Regular warm water helps relieve a mild attack, as it restores balance. If the method is ineffective, you can use the following traditional medicine recipes:

  • Pour one teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of water and stir. It is not recommended to use the solution frequently, as there is a risk of aggravating the situation.
  • Dissolve a teaspoon of aloe juice in a glass of water and drink.
  • A strong burning sensation in the esophagus will help relieve honey. It is recommended to slowly eat a spoonful of honey with chamomile tea.
  • Potato juice helps get rid of severe heartburn in the larynx. You will have to do it yourself by grating the potatoes and squeezing them through cheesecloth. Drinking 50 ml twice a day will help eliminate belching and nausea.
  • Mint infusion helps normalize acidity. It's easy to do. You need to pour boiling water over a tablespoon of dry leaves and leave for 15 minutes.

All methods of eliminating the symptom will be effective if heartburn is not caused by diseases of the digestive system. If recipes do not bring the desired result and nothing helps, then the reason is more serious than banal overeating. For organ pathologies, folk remedies for burning sensations will not help; they will only temporarily eliminate the symptoms.

Causes and mechanisms

gastroesophageal reflux.

The mechanism of heartburn can be understood based on the anatomy of the gastrointestinal tract. The gastrointestinal tract is a single tube that has several sections, different in diameter, but similar in structure.

They are separated from each other by special muscle flaps or sphincters, which regulate the movement of the food bolus in the correct direction from the esophagus to the rectum.

In some cases, the valve between the stomach and esophagus becomes weak and nonfunctional. This phenomenon can be temporary (situational) due to increased intra-abdominal pressure (during pregnancy, after overeating) or regular. In the presence of these factors, an unbearable burning sensation appears in the stomach or esophagus.

Attention! Constant heartburn after every meal indicates the presence of organic pathology in the esophagus and stomach!

In addition to the weakness of the muscle valve that blocks the exit from the esophagus to the stomach, two more factors play a role in the etiology of constant burning behind the sternum:

  • increased production of gastric juice;
  • impaired peristalsis and delayed emptying in the upper gastrointestinal tract (for example, due to inflammation).

With normal or even low acidity levels, heartburn can also occur. For the development of heartburn, the very fact of the appearance of hydrochloric acid where it should not be, that is, in the esophagus, is important.

Functional cases

All people, under certain circumstances, may experience the sensation of heartburn in a healthy esophagus. This happens in the following situations:

  • after a heavy meal, especially with alcohol;
  • when frequently wearing tight clothes with tight belts or corsets;
  • in the second half of pregnancy;
  • when performing exercises with bending of the torso or physical work immediately after eating;
  • with increased body weight;
  • after stressful situations that cause increased gastric secretion;
  • in case of food errors - excessive infatuation with seasonings, spices, and fatty foods.

Provocateurs of an unpleasant burning sensation in the esophagus and stomach can be coffee, cocoa, chocolate, soda, sweets, brown bread, fresh pastries, and tomatoes. If you remove the causes of situational sour belching and heartburn, then treatment may not be necessary. It is enough to correct your diet and diet, exclude provoking foods, quit smoking and do not abuse alcohol. This cause of heartburn occurs in almost 2/3 of the world's population.

Manifestation of heartburn

Pathological situations

If heartburn appears after every meal, the causes are associated with some serious disease or condition:

  • chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD:
  • inflammatory diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract - esophagitis, gastroduodenitis;
  • ulcerative lesions of the stomach or duodenum;
  • chronic pancreatitis, cholelithiasis;
  • malignant tumors in the stomach or small intestine;
  • hiatal hernias (diaphragmatic localization);
  • postoperative conditions - after partial resection of the stomach;
  • constant use of certain medications that weaken the esophageal sphincter - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, antispasmodics, antidepressants;
  • systemic connective tissue diseases (scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus);
  • tumors in the pelvis, large uterine fibroids and other conditions accompanied by increased intra-abdominal pressure.

Sour belching and constant heartburn appear when a person has all three unfavorable factors - reflux, delayed bowel movements and increased acidity.

Possible complications

Heartburn from beer and alcohol: causes of severe heartburn from wine

If you constantly experience heartburn due to overeating or improper food intake, it can soon lead to serious consequences. A person develops esophagitis - inflammation of the esophageal mucosa. If burning attacks are ignored for a long time, a precancerous complication may develop - Barrett's esophagus. Healing of wounds of the esophagus through scarring leads to its narrowing, and this affects the passage of food.

Every person experiences heartburn from time to time. If this condition occurs after every meal and is accompanied by pain in the chest area, you should immediately consult a doctor for help. Ignoring the problem can prolong the disease and lead to complications.

Anatomical causes of heartburn in the throat

Heaviness in the stomach and lump in the throat

The main factors leading to pharyngeal heartburn are undigested food and hydrochloric acid.

A burning sensation in the throat occurs as a result of impaired motility of the duodenum, the entry of acidic stomach contents into the mucous membranes of the esophagus, or the negative impact of certain foods on them. Pharyngeal heartburn is a consequence of weakening of the lower and upper esophageal sphincters.

What causes heartburn in the throat from an anatomical point of view:

the muscles of the lower and upper esophageal sphincters lose the ability to open and close correctly; gastric juice enters the esophagus and larynx; decreased ability to stretch the walls of the stomach; violation of the acidity level of gastric juice; inflammatory processes of the digestive tract.

Pharyngeal heartburn can be accompanied not only by a burning sensation in the larynx, but also by a feeling of constriction in the respiratory tract, sore throat, and spasms. In some patients, attacks occur after minor tingling or scratching.

Discomfort appears briefly or intensifies to the maximum extent. A key role in the intensity of the attack is played by the volume of gastric juice that enters the esophagus and the degree of deviation in the functioning of the digestive organs.


There are many factors that can trigger heartburn, but doctors consider the most common to be increased acidity. There are other reasons:

  • consequences of taking medications;
  • eating food quickly, resulting in a large amount of air entering the esophagus;
  • pregnancy;
  • excess weight;
  • excessive consumption of tomatoes and citrus fruits;
  • eating fried, hot or spicy foods;
  • bad habits;
  • psychological disorders;
  • severe stress;
  • overeating (leads to an increase in the volume of the stomach and, as a result, an increase in the amount of stomach acid).

Spicy foods can cause heartburn

If attacks of heartburn appear after eating, then the pathology should be perceived not as a separate problem, but as a clinical manifestation of other diseases, including cancer, diaphragmatic hernia, gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, cholecystitis, and duodenitis. All these pathological conditions are often accompanied by pain in the abdominal area.

Duodenitis - what is it?


A person who wants to get rid of heartburn must watch his diet. Nutritionists and doctors advise avoiding heavy meals. Sweet, fatty, spicy foods increase the acidity of gastric juice. Nutrition should be complete; you can combine different foods throughout the day; be sure to include fresh vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products, and whole grain cereals in your diet.

Dishes should be boiled, stewed in their own juices, or steamed. It is better to eat little and often, and the last meal should be at least 2 (preferably 3) hours before meals.

  1. You should lead an active lifestyle, which includes mandatory walks in the fresh air.
  2. You can also visit the pool and gym, but do not overload your body with physical activity.
  3. To avoid the harmful effects of stressful situations, you need to master relaxation practices and perform them daily before going to bed.
  4. It is better to sleep on a high pillow so that the head is raised above the body.

To strengthen the muscle ring of the esophagus, breathing exercises are recommended. It’s easy to master, and you can do it at work, at home, and even on public transport. The main principle is to breathe not only from the chest, but also from the stomach. Inhale and exhale at different speeds. You need to repeat the exercises for 10 minutes, 2-3 times a day.

Preventing heartburn will help prevent the symptom and ease the burning sensation that has already occurred.

Modern methods of treatment

Currently, the treatment of diseases accompanied by heartburn includes several areas. First of all, the patient needs to change his lifestyle and eating habits, since without this, drug treatment will be ineffective.

The diet is based on avoiding foods that can provoke the release of large amounts of gastric juice into the esophagus. These are fried, smoked dishes containing large amounts of table salt, spices and animal fat. It is recommended to consume large amounts of plant products, poultry, as well as boiled or steamed dishes. The diet should be based on frequent meals in small quantities. Eating 5-6 times a day is considered optimal.

Drug treatment is based on why and for what reason the patient developed this condition. They use both the drugs listed above and drugs that are indicated for the treatment of the underlying disease. They should be prescribed by a qualified doctor based on the collected information about the patient’s condition, as well as the presence of contraindications.

Risk factors

Possible causes of heartburn.
The following risk factors are identified that can influence the development of signs of the disease:

  • unhealthy diet: junk food, poor quality products;
  • obesity;
  • asthma, other lung diseases;
  • smoking reduces defense reactions, relaxes muscles, and causes increased acid secretion;
  • alcohol has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane;
  • irritant foods: spices, tomatoes, fruit juices, spicy foods, citrus fruits, onions, garlic;
  • binge eating;
  • physical overexertion, tight clothing, obesity;
  • pregnancy;
  • stressful conditions.

Knowing the list of factors, you can eliminate their influence on the body or reduce their influence.

What causes heartburn


If heartburn occurs, this may be a sign of GERD. With gastroesophageal reflux pathology, inflammation of the esophageal mucosa occurs and weakening of the sphincter (valve). Signs of GERD:

  • heartburn in the throat;
  • belching;
  • mucus in the throat;
  • dry mouth after eating;
  • soreness appears in the esophagus;
  • lump in the throat;
  • pain in the chest area;
  • nausea, vomiting after eating;
  • sleep disturbance.


With this pathology, the lower part of the esophagus and stomach is displaced through the esophageal opening of the diaphragm. Deformation leads to dysfunction of the valve. These are the reasons for the overflow of hydrochloric acid. If a hernia develops, the following symptoms appear:

  • burning, lump in throat;
  • if the hernia is large, the swallowing reflex is impaired, food cannot pass through the esophagus;
  • regular burning heartburn, belching, especially after eating;
  • mucus in the esophagus;
  • dry mouth;
  • pain radiating to the sternum.

Gastritis, ulcer, narrowing of the pylorus

These pathologies are the causes of heartburn. They are interconnected and are a consequence of each other. Against the background of gastritis, an ulcer develops, which in turn leads to a narrowing of the pylorus (the valve that separates the stomach from the duodenum). It is responsible for the reflux of gastric juice into the duodenum. Scarring of ulcers leads to narrowing of the pylorus.

All three pathologies have similar symptoms:

  • a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, especially after eating;
  • nausea, belching, vomiting;
  • bowel dysfunction appears;
  • lump in throat, mucus in esophagus;
  • weight loss;
  • heartburn after eating fatty foods;
  • gas formation;
  • coating on the tongue;
  • dry mouth;
  • abdominal pain.

Gestation period, wearing compressive clothing

The reasons for the release of gastric juice into the esophagus are compression of internal organs. This is why some people experience heartburn after vigorous exercise while wearing compression belts. During pregnancy, the fetus puts pressure on the stomach, as a result, gastric juice enters the esophagus, causing heartburn and belching. It develops from the second trimester of pregnancy and is almost always absent in the early stages. A lump in the throat and dry mouth can only appear against the background of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

A common cause of heartburn during pregnancy can be the production of high levels of hormones. Against the background of increased secretion of hormones, muscle contractions, designed to help food move through the esophagus, are disrupted as a side effect of hormonal disorders. This leads to indigestion and heartburn.


Inflammation of the duodenum. As an independent pathology it is very rare. It is mainly a complication of gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis. In this case, the following symptoms are observed:

  • constant pain in the stomach, abdomen (severe pain after eating food);
  • heartburn, soreness, as a result of irritation of the mucous membrane by acid;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • general weakness;
  • feeling of abdominal distension;
  • belching;
  • mucus in the larynx;
  • signs of general intoxication, as the body’s response to the inflammatory process - weakness, dry mouth, sleep disturbance, irritability, loss of appetite.


Inflammation of the gallbladder, an organ that is a kind of container for bile, which is involved in the process of digesting food. The leading symptom is pain in the liver area. Other signs are nausea, belching, bitterness in the mouth, heartburn, increased body temperature. Mucus does not collect in the esophagus.

Treatment is carried out depending on the type of pathology, the age of the person, and the characteristics of the body. There are different ways to eliminate diseases. Treatment involves taking medications, diet, and in some cases surgery. Many people begin to treat heartburn at home, which is absolutely not possible. You need to find out the reason why it appears and only then carry out therapy to get rid of heartburn.


After burping, a person may feel an unpleasant sore throat. If this phenomenon is frequent, then the cause of the attacks is not nutritional errors, but gastrointestinal diseases. Heartburn occurs when acid in the stomach backs up into the esophagus and pharynx. The cause of soreness is contact of the organ mucosa with gastric juice.

At the exit of the stomach there is a special valve, which is responsible for preventing the movement of its contents in the opposite direction. This is the lower esophageal (cardiac) sphincter. The function of the valve is performed by its muscles and the special location of the stomach (at an angle). If the sphincter muscles are weak, reflux occurs, that is, stomach contents enter the esophagus and even the pharynx. In addition to sphincter weakness, the appearance of heartburn is influenced by inflammatory processes. If the esophageal mucosa is inflamed, then even a slight reflux of gastric juice causes a strong burning sensation.

Diseases that are accompanied by heartburn:

  • ulcer;
  • gallstones;
  • cholecystitis;
  • hiatal hernia;
  • gastritis;
  • reflux esophagitis.

Heartburn can be triggered by:

  • binge eating;
  • consumption of fatty foods, cakes, carbonated drinks, sour juices, tomatoes;
  • nervous breakdowns, stress;
  • drinking alcohol, smoking;
  • late stages of pregnancy;
  • heavy physical activity;
  • overweight;
  • taking medications;
  • severe coughing attacks;
  • clothing that is too tight;
  • eating while lying down.

Heartburn rarely occurs in children. It is associated with abnormalities in the structure of the stomach and esophagus. This pathology requires diagnosis and surgical intervention if necessary.

Types of heartburn according to the location of the burning sensation:

  • pharyngeal – appears when gastric juice enters the throat;
  • epigastric – pain is localized in the stomach area;
  • retrosternal - appears if the contents of the stomach and duodenum enter the esophagus.

Expectant mothers often experience heartburn in late pregnancy. In women during this period, under the influence of hormones, the production of hydrochloric acid increases. In addition, an enlarged uterus puts pressure on the stomach. If it becomes overfilled with food, acid refluxes into the esophagus. Such heartburn is treated with diet, split meals and antacids.

During a heart attack, the painful sensation occurs due to spasm or thrombosis of the arteries that supply blood to the heart. A burning sensation in the chest area, caused by gastric juice entering the esophagus, occurs after eating. A heart attack is not accompanied by belching or flatulence, and with problems with the gastrointestinal tract there is no shortness of breath. But the clinical picture of these different diseases is sometimes very similar, and diagnostic errors are not uncommon. In case of sudden onset of heartburn with nausea or vomiting, it is recommended to perform an ECG, especially if the patient is over 50 years of age.


When complaining of symptoms of heartburn in the throat, doctors most often recommend changing your lifestyle and starting to eat right. However, if a burning sensation occurs against the background of any disease, taking medications cannot be avoided.

Therapy is selected individually, so before you get an answer to the question of how to get rid of an unpleasant symptom, you need to undergo an examination.

For quick removal

Heartburn in the throat can have different causes, but quick ways to eliminate the burning sensation are used in any case. The most effective means include:

  1. Antacids (Maalox, Rennie, Gaviscon). They contain aluminum hydroxide, calcium and magnesium, which quickly neutralize the effect of hydrochloric acid. It is not recommended to take the tablets with water.
  2. Soda solution. For 200 ml of warm water take 1 tsp. soda, mix thoroughly and drink in small sips.
  3. Honey. When heartburn occurs, 1 tbsp. l. This product is absorbed with warm water.
  4. Milk, mint tea.
  5. Seeds. If heartburn occurs, you should eat, chewing thoroughly, 20 unroasted pumpkin or sunflower seeds.
  6. Potato juice. The vegetable is grated and then squeezed through cheesecloth. Leave the juice for 3 minutes; if there is a burning sensation in the throat, drink 100 ml of the resulting liquid.

These remedies are suitable for one-time elimination of an unpleasant manifestation. Bringing immediate relief, they enhance the production of hydrochloric acid in the future.


Frequent heartburn in the throat is an indication for drug therapy, including:

  1. Taking non-absorbable antacids (Phosphalugel, Almagel). The drugs reduce the acidity of gastric juice and coat the walls of the esophagus, protecting them from destruction.
  2. The use of antisecretory agents (ranitidine, omeprazole). Suppress the secretion of hydrochloric acid, block the action of histamine.
  3. Taking prokinetics (Cerucala, Urabeta). Activate the motility of the stomach and intestines, eliminate belching and heartburn.
  4. Introduction of enzymes (Creon, Mezima). The tablets are taken with meals, which prevents food from stagnating in the stomach.
  5. Burnt magnesia solution. To get rid of a burning sensation in the throat, the drug is taken for 2 weeks according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor.
  6. Ursofalk and Prepulsid. Medicines are used to treat open reflux.

Diet and other recommendations

Heartburn in the throat is an indication for changes in diet. It is recommended to completely avoid the following foods:

  • spicy vegetables;
  • fatty and fried foods;
  • hot seasonings;
  • tomatoes;
  • citrus fruits;
  • strong coffee;
  • thick meat broths;
  • sour apples;
  • confectionery and butter products.

The diet includes vegetable oils and fiber-rich foods. To prevent a burning sensation in the throat from appearing at night, it is not recommended to eat food later than 2 hours before going to bed.

The same applies to sports and other activities that involve bending. It is recommended to avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking medications that increase heartburn.

Pharmacy medicines

Initially, you should realize that without treatment of the underlying disease, heartburn in the throat practically cannot be eliminated. Causes and treatment are very closely related. If you do not deal with the source of the problem, then heartburn, suppressed by medications, will return again.

Medicines for the treatment of heartburn are divided into:

  1. Antacids. They neutralize hydrochloric acid. This group includes medications: Almagel, Gastal, Phosphalugel, Gastacid, Maalox, Rennie, Venter. These drugs may cause side effects such as constipation or diarrhea. Therefore, before taking medications, you should consult a doctor.
  2. Homeopathic remedies. They have no side effects. When prescribed by a doctor who calculates the dose, these drugs are effective. They can relieve the patient of heartburn and associated symptoms for a long time.
  3. Antisecretory drugs. Reduces the formation of gastric juice. This group includes the following drugs: “Omez”, “Orthanol”, “Noflux”, “Omeprazole”. Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.
  4. Drugs that reduce the volume of gastric juice. These include medications: Ranitidine, Gistak, Famotidine. Prescribed with caution during pregnancy.
  5. Drugs that protect the epithelial mucosa. When they are taken, a gel film forms on the walls of the esophagus. These include the drug Gaviscon. It can be taken during pregnancy.

To reduce heartburn, expectant mothers, without consulting a doctor, can take:

  1. "Activated carbon" and "Smectu". These are natural preparations that cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Medicines that improve digestion: Mezim, Pancreatin, Festal.

Also, pregnant women suffering from heartburn need to follow a daily routine and diet.

Characteristic symptoms

It’s worth starting with the fact that the main symptoms of heartburn are:

  • bitterness or sourness in the chest, spreading to the throat;
  • gagging, nausea;
  • bitter or sour belching;
  • hoarseness or cough, sore throat;
  • choking or sensation of a lump in the throat;
  • persistent, incessant hiccups.

Unpleasant sensations may radiate to other parts of the body:

  • back;
  • neck;
  • jaw.

Therefore, when the first signs of the disease appear, it is imperative to consult a doctor with subsequent diagnosis and treatment.

Most often, the feeling of heartburn occurs half an hour after the last meal. To ease the discomfort, just drink water and change your body position if you are immobile. If there is no result, the person should take medications intended to treat heartburn in the throat and discomfort. A desirable point is to restore the drinking regime.

It may also be that the operation of the valve is disrupted, and acid ends up on the esophageal mucosa. In that case, discomfort may not occur.

Therefore, you should be attentive to your well-being and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

Types of heartburn according to the location of the sensations

Depending on where the unpleasant symptom is located, there are:

  1. Pharyngeal heartburn. Appears in the throat. Most often, the cause is muscle weakness when the esophagus is stretched, when reverse reflux of masses occurs.
  2. Epigastric. Its localization is in the epigastric region. It is characterized by weakening of the valve and is manifested by the flow of stomach contents back into the esophagus.
  3. Retrosternal. Caused by the release of bile and gastric juice into the esophagus.

Heartburn after eating

A short-term burning sensation in the throat, which appears only occasionally, is associated with eating certain foods or overeating. Such sensations can occur if a person has eaten a lot of foods that irritate the mucous membrane. At the same time, heartburn is not severe, it lasts a short time, then it goes away on its own.

Most often, such sensations occur about half an hour after eating. They can be provoked by fatty, sour, fried, smoked foods, as well as a large number of spices. People with a predisposition to heartburn are not recommended to consume citrus fruits, coffee, carbonated drinks, fresh baked goods, pickles, tomatoes, and fast food.

Heartburn can be caused by overeating or dieting, eating dry food, or on the go.

To prevent it, it is important to follow the correct diet, avoid prolonged fasting, and do not eat at night. The reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus and pharynx occurs especially often when eating a large amount of food. In this case, the sphincter cannot withstand the pressure and opens

In this case, the sphincter cannot withstand the pressure and opens.

general characteristics

Heartburn occurs due to the reflux of hydrochloric acid from the stomach into the esophagus. The stomach lining is protected by mucus, which neutralizes the effects of acid. But in the esophagus there are no such protective mechanisms. Therefore, due to irritation of the mucous membrane by aggressive acids of the digestive juice, a burning sensation and sometimes pain appears. Discomfort can spread from the stomach up the esophagus, often localized in the throat area.

Heartburn appears not only in various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), but also in healthy people. This happens when the functioning of the gastric sphincters is disrupted. They do not close after the passage of food, so gastric juice enters the esophagus. Heartburn can also be caused by inflammation of the mucous membrane, increased acidity of the stomach, and impaired motility of the duodenum.

Usually, throat discomfort does not last long. And the intensity of the pain depends on how much juice entered the esophagus, and what acidity it had. Often a person finds out about the presence of heartburn because his throat begins to hurt. This happens with increased stomach acidity or after overeating.

Heartburn is the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus and throat.

It has been observed that women most often suffer from heartburn. This may be due to low physical activity or anatomical features. Men experience heartburn due to overeating or bad habits. This condition almost never occurs in children. Often, a burning sensation in the esophagus and throat is observed in pregnant women. It occurs even after eating a small amount of food. After all, the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the stomach, causing its contents to reflux into the esophagus.


Considering the causes of heartburn in the throat, therapy includes the following methods:

  • normalization of the regime and diet - minimize the consumption of the above-mentioned foods, which contribute to the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid. Don't overeat or eat too quickly. The frequency of meals should be 5–6 times a day. After a meal, you need to go for a walk, which helps lower food through the intestines;
  • refusal to smoke tobacco products and drink alcoholic beverages, as these substances lead to relaxation of the esophageal sphincter;
  • lifestyle changes;
  • avoiding excessive physical and emotional stress;
  • Consulting with a doctor before starting to use pharmaceuticals;
  • drug treatment;
  • traditional medicine;
  • surgical intervention.

Since every adult has experienced this unpleasant manifestation at least once, you need to know what to do if you have heartburn.

The first priority is to take drugs from the group of antacids that neutralize hydrochloric acid, which is produced in the stomach. Medicines should be based on calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate, for example, Rennie, Gaviscon Forte. Take one tablet without drinking water.

Then you should use a drug from the group of prokinetics, for example, Motilium, to normalize the motor activity of the digestive tract.

Enzyme preparations - Creon, Pangrol, Pancreatin - will promote normal digestion.

Certain herbal preparations will help stop an attack for a certain time. Some of them:

  • Frozen aloe leaves are crushed within 10 minutes and added to a container with the same volume of honey and stored in the refrigerator. Single dose – 1 spoon of mixture before meals;
  • Potato juice should be taken 30 ml twice a day before meals;
  • celery root can be chewed or brewed as tea;
  • herbal mixture for heartburn: seeds of anise, dill and chamomile inflorescences are boiled in 400 ml of water. You should take half a glass of the infused decoction before meals as needed.

But before you start treatment with folk remedies, you need to consult with your doctor.


In most cases, to get rid of annoying heartburn you need to go on a diet and reconsider your diet. You will have to eliminate some foods and introduce new ones into your diet.

Diet rules:

  1. Eat food warm and chew thoroughly.
  2. Eat often, but in small portions. After eating there should be a slight feeling of hunger.
  3. It is forbidden to eat fried, fatty, spicy, salty foods.
  4. You should avoid fast foods, mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces, and products containing flavor enhancers.
  5. During therapy, legumes, cabbage, peppers, tomatoes, citrus fruits, carbonated drinks, coffee, and strong tea should be excluded from the diet.
  6. Give up bad habits - alcohol, smoking, drugs.
  7. The last meal should be at least 2 hours before bedtime.
  8. Avoid snacking at night, chewing in front of the TV, and stress eating.
  9. Drink more liquids - still mineral water, green tea, dried fruit compote.
  10. Be sure to include fermented milk products, porridge, and soup in your diet.

A properly formulated diet will help get rid of heartburn, improve the functioning of the digestive system, and prevent relapses.

Authorized products:

  • eggs;
  • milk;
  • White bread;
  • bagels, drying, cracker cookies, puff pastry;
  • yogurt;
  • kefir;
  • cheese;
  • cottage cheese;
  • low-fat sour cream;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • curdled milk;
  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • cauliflower;
  • lean pork, chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal;
  • liver;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • buckwheat;
  • rice;
  • oatmeal;
  • semolina;
  • banana;
  • watermelon;
  • melon;
  • sweet apple;
  • black bread;
  • pasta;
  • green tea;
  • dried fruits;
  • compote;
  • mineral water.

Dishes need to be steamed, baked, stewed, boiled. You need to follow a strict diet for about a week to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract. In this case, heartburn may disappear on the first day of proper dietary nutrition. You should always stick to it, but during the period of remission you can eat a little more. Treat yourself to candy, chocolate, a piece of cake, a glass of wine.

Heartburn symptoms

Burning in the esophagus and throat, belching - you can get rid of these phenomena yourself at home. But if these sensations occur constantly, urgent consultation with a specialist is necessary.

It is important to find out what is the hidden cause of heartburn in the throat and choose adequate treatment

If the unpleasant condition is accompanied by bloody stools, vomiting with blood, chest and back pain, increased sweating, then urgent medical attention is needed.

Symptoms of heartburn:

  • sour or bitter belching;
  • burning in the upper stomach and chest;
  • a rush of unpleasant liquid to the throat;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • lump in the throat;
  • return of food to the oral cavity when the lower part of the esophagus narrows;
  • vomit.

Why is pharyngeal heartburn dangerous?

If the burning sensation occurs rarely, it does not pose a health hazard. However, the regular occurrence of an unpleasant symptom should be a reason to consult a doctor. Constant heartburn in the throat is complicated by:

  1. Breathing problems. A narrowing of the pharynx contributes to the appearance of a constant feeling of a lump in the throat, which prevents you from taking normal breaths.
  2. Burn of the mucous membranes of the esophagus. The stomach contents irritate the tissues, causing severe pain.
  3. Exhaustion of the body. The process of eating food becomes difficult, causing the patient to lose appetite.
  4. Internal bleeding. Frequent reflux of acidic contents contributes to damage to large vessels.
  5. Narrowing of the esophagus. Healing of ulcerative defects is accompanied by tissue scarring; advanced forms of esophageal stenosis often cause death.
  6. Tooth decay. Tooth enamel is highly sensitive to acids; frequent heartburn leads to its thinning.
  7. Esophagitis. This is the name of a chronic inflammatory process in the mucous membranes of the esophagus. There are several types of the disease that have similar symptoms - nausea and vomiting, belching, pain when swallowing.
  8. Barrett's esophagus. The disease, considered a precancerous condition, occurs with prolonged absence of treatment. It is characterized by changes in the cellular and shaped structures of the organ, which greatly increases the risk of developing cancer.

Features and additional symptoms of heartburn in the throat

Heartburn is easily distinguished by the feeling of heat and soreness that occurs in the mouth and throat. Often the discomfort is accompanied by other symptoms. A person experiences a spasm and difficulty breathing. When swallowing, burning, itching and pain may intensify and resemble symptoms of colds and sore throats.

There are often cases when heartburn is accompanied by nausea and belching. Gastric juice, which enters the lower parts of the esophagus and respiratory tract, has a detrimental effect on the mucous membranes, causing dryness, causing the accumulation of mucus in the throat.

One of the additional signs of pathology is a dry, prolonged cough. The cough reflex also occurs due to irritation of the esophagus and respiratory tract by gastric masses. That’s why most people who turn to a doctor for help feel a lump in their throat after heartburn. An improper diet contributes to increased acidity in the stomach. Abuse of fatty, fried foods, non-compliance with diet, snacking on the street lead to the fact that after eating a person feels heaviness in the stomach. Following this, a burning sensation appears and grows, which spreads in the throat and chest.

In women, digestive disorders may occur as a result of pregnancy. Symptoms of heartburn in the throat appear due to an excess of progesterone or increased pressure of the uterus on the digestive organs.

Diagnostic measures

If you have heartburn, you must consult a gastroenterologist. He will help determine the diagnosis and prescribe competent treatment.

At the initial consultation, the specialist interviews the patient and records all complaints in writing for further analysis. It is important to collect a life history in order to accurately determine the root cause of the condition.

During the collection, the doctor identifies all the diseases that the person suffers or has suffered in the past.

A careful approach to diagnosis is required, therefore, for verification purposes, objective studies are carried out:

  • FGDS. Gold standard in gastroenterology. An unpleasant but necessary endoscopic procedure. Allows you to identify all diseases and take samples of gastric juice, as well as tumors, if any.
  • Contract radiography of the stomach and abdominal organs. Allows you to evaluate the structure of the esophagus and the stomach itself. Does not require special preparation. It is quite informative, so it is prescribed often.
  • Biopsy followed by histological evaluation of tissue.
  • Laboratory examination of a sample of gastric juice.
  • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.

As a rule, this is enough. In extreme cases, MRI diagnostics, possibly with contrast enhancement, are indicated.

Diagnosis of heartburn

In cases where heartburn in men and women becomes pathological, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis to identify the characteristics of the disease. It includes:

  • Studying the patient's testimony regarding the occurrence of burning (when did heartburn appear, how often does it occur, was there any connection between its occurrence and the intake of certain products, are there any ailments accompanying it, etc.).
  • Studying the patient’s medical record and the history of his diseases (to find out about the presence or absence of diseases of the digestive system or excretory organs).
  • General urine test (to identify the presence or absence of pathologies).
  • General blood test (to determine the level of hemoglobin and other elements involved in blood function processes).
  • Test to determine stomach acidity.
  • EGD (a procedure that allows a doctor to examine the digestive organs from the inside using an endoscope, assess their condition and identify the presence of pathologies).
  • Impedance measurement of the esophagus (allows you to find out the acidity of the esophagus).
  • Examination of gastric tissue for the presence of bacteria.
  • Ultrasound of the digestive organs (to detect tumors).


Heartburn in the throat causes serious discomfort. It can appear unexpectedly, so you need to know what to do when it appears. If you don’t have special medications at hand, you can use traditional methods of eliminating heartburn:

  • most often it is recommended to drink a solution of soda, which neutralizes the acid;
  • if you are not allergic, you can dissolve a tablespoon of honey in a glass of water and drink slowly;
  • crush regular white chalk, eat a tablespoon of powder and drink plenty of water.

These methods should help get rid of unpleasant sensations. They are especially effective for rare heartburn caused by stress, exercise or overeating. But doctors do not recommend using them often. For example, soda, when combined with hydrochloric acid, can cause inflammation of the mucous membrane. Therefore, if you experience frequent heartburn, you should consult a doctor for examination.

A specialist will help you find out why heartburn occurs often and what gastrointestinal pathologies provoke it. After this, special treatment is prescribed. It is recommended to follow a gentle diet, especially in acute forms of the disease. When reflux disease is detected, lifestyle is very important: you need to avoid increased physical activity, overeating, stress, you should not eat at night, and wear tight clothing.

Drug therapy

For persistent heartburn, it is necessary to take special medications. Drugs are used whose action is aimed at treating diseases that provoke heartburn. Their admission can be a course or permanent. The most commonly prescribed medications are those that reduce stomach acidity: Omeprazole, Ranitidine, Maalox. Enzyme agents may also be required, for example, Creon, Mezim, Festal.

There are also drugs that quickly relieve discomfort. They neutralize the acid, protect the mucous membrane from its effects, so the burning sensation goes away. These are Maalox, Gaviscon, Phosphalugel, Rennie. There are also special antireflux drugs that normalize the functioning of the gastric sphincter, for example, Cisapride.

Now there are many drugs that help get rid of discomfort

Traditional methods

Traditional methods for relieving heartburn are also popular. The most famous are chalk, soda and honey. But they only temporarily relieve symptoms. To get rid of pathologies that cause discomfort, other recipes are needed.

Aloe is considered the most effective. Before preparing the medicine, you need to put the plant leaf in the freezer. After a week, it is crushed and mixed with honey 1:1. Take the medicine one teaspoon before each meal.

Drinking potato juice is also effective. It must be prepared immediately before use. It is recommended to add a teaspoon of honey to the juice. Instead of tea, it is useful to drink chamomile decoction. Infusions of angelica roots, dill or fennel seeds are effective. It is recommended to take flaxseed or oatmeal jelly in the morning.


But without proper nutrition, no treatment will help get rid of heartburn in the throat. After all, most often these sensations occur when overeating or eating foods that irritate the mucous membrane.

You need to eat in small portions; it is especially harmful to eat at night. Food must be chewed well; it is better to boil or bake it. It is recommended to exclude fried, spicy and fatty foods, fresh baked goods, coffee, sweets and carbonated drinks from the diet. You need to consume less citrus fruits, tomatoes, sour juices, spices and marinades. It is healthy to eat lean meat, cheese, brown rice, almonds, durum wheat pasta, bananas, and mineral water.

Heartburn in the throat is common, but incorrect human behavior is mainly to blame. If you lead a healthy lifestyle, control your weight and diet, such discomfort can be avoided.

How to quickly get rid of heartburn

If unpleasant symptoms appear at the end of the working day or during a period that is not available to the gastroenterologist, you can deal with the symptom yourself. For this it is recommended:

  • Take Maalox, Rennie or Gaviscon undiluted. These drugs are classified as antacids, helping to quickly cope with the problem and alleviate the patient’s condition.
  • Drink a glass of water with a diluted teaspoon of soda or 250 ml of milk. It should be remembered that the effect lasts for a short period of time, then the symptoms may worsen.
  • Eat a spoonful of honey with water.
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