Causes and treatment of stomach pain after alcohol

Drinking alcohol has a detrimental effect on a person’s body and well-being. If your stomach and intestines hurt after drinking alcohol, this is a signal warning of serious health problems. But this is of little concern to people who drink, although there are those who, after binge drinking, begin to think about changing their lifestyle and how to cure the disease.

If after a feast a painful sensation appears in the stomach, then this may be a symptom of alcohol poisoning or possible pathology. In any case, you should consult a doctor.

Main causes of stomach pain

Worrying abdominal pain can warn of the presence of various diseases not related to alcohol intake. But when drinking strong drinks, the painful sensations intensify. If you do not pay attention to the body's signals and do not treat the disease, this will lead to disastrous consequences.

The stomach may hurt due to the following pathologies:

  • Liver diseases;
  • Appendicitis;
  • Gallbladder problems;
  • Pancreatic diseases;
  • Pancreatitis.

Pain accompanied by nausea and heaviness in the abdomen can warn of gallstone disease.

Unpleasant sensations in the stomach after drinking indicate possible gastritis or a stomach ulcer. The disease begins to develop as a result of regular drinking (in men, drinking 40 grams of ethanol, and in women, 20 grams). The type of alcohol consumed does not play a big role. 10 ml of alcohol is contained in:

  • 100 ml wine;
  • 25 ml vodka;
  • 150 ml champagne;
  • 200 ml beer.

The stomach is the organ that suffers first from alcohol. The alcohol penetrates the mucous membrane, entering the blood, which delivers ethanol to all organs of the body. Due to the high toxicity of alcoholic drinks, stomach cells begin to break down, which in turn leads to serious problems in the digestive process. If a person drinks any alcoholic drink daily (the quantity does not matter), then the following suffers: the mucous membrane, stomach, liver and intestines.

Beer and other alcohol for gastritis: what is possible and what is not?

Have you been struggling with GASTRITIS and ULCERS for many years without success?

Head of the Institute: “You will be amazed at how easy it is to cure gastritis and ulcers simply by taking it every day.

How to drink if you have chronic gastritis? At best, of course, not at all. If it is categorically impossible to give up alcohol at a specific time in a specific place, then at least drink alcohol consciously. To do this, you need to thoroughly read and understand the article published below.

Our readers successfully use Monastic Tea to treat gastritis and ulcers. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention. Read more here...

From it you will also learn about the effects of alcohol on the gastrointestinal tract. Don’t be alarmed, there will be no school moralizing, there will only be practically significant facts.

Is it possible to drink with gastritis: the effect of alcohol on the stomach

Ethanol acts in two steps: the first is resorption (absorption), the second is excretion.
The period of absorption, at the end of which the concentration of alcohol in the blood reaches a maximum, is different for all people. Moreover, for each individual person, resorption has a relatively stable duration.

It is important to know the duration of your state of pleasant intoxication and not exceed the limits.

For example, if you know that after two glasses of vodka you will have fun all evening, you don’t need to drink a third for the sake of company.

Keep in mind that up to 90% of ethanol is absorbed by the body; Only 7-12% of the poison is excreted in urine, sweat, saliva and feces.

The period of alcohol withdrawal can last for several days. Consequently, all these days your gastritis may well be capricious.

The digestive system is the first to suffer from strong drinks. The absorption of nutrients is inhibited, the mucous membrane is irritated. Changes also occur in the pancreas - the process of producing digestive acids and enzymes is disrupted.

Drinking systematically if you have gastrointestinal diseases (as people say, “drinking”), of course, is not allowed.

Even for a healthy person, frequent breastfeeding is the key to education:

  • erosive inflammation of the stomach;
  • atrophic gastritis;
  • disorders of acid formation of an anacid nature.

For a patient, drinking alcohol is a sure path to serious complications of the disease.

Heavy alcoholics with gastritis or ulcers sometimes claim that drinking softens exacerbations. There are even ridiculous stories circulating on the Internet about treating gastritis with moonshine. Yes, the inflammatory process will not remind you of itself in the first moments of intoxication. Only now it will appear later - after a few hours or days, and it will appear so sharply that it will not seem like much.

So, alcohol is really bad for the stomach. But…

What alcoholic drinks are better to choose?

For gastritis, gastroduodenitis, GERD, during a period of deep remission, it is allowed to occasionally take weak natural alcohol - for example, dry red wine. Whiskey, good cognac and high-quality vodka are acceptable in extremely small quantities.

  • beer (non-alcoholic beer for gastritis, note, is also prohibited - it is a fermentation product);
  • cocktails;
  • Martini;
  • pharmaceutical alcohol-containing tinctures;
  • sparkling wine.

Be especially careful with sparkling wines. Champagne - seemingly completely harmless - is clearly not for you.

Useful tips

Make it a rule not to eat on an empty stomach. Eat a substantial hot meal first. Again, bite for real, and not by sniffing your sleeve.

Drink a little, not to the point of intoxication.

Carefully evaluate the quality of the drink. Buy familiar, proven varieties, and don’t skimp. The more expensive the alcohol, the better. Will it hurt your wallet? And okay. A noble Hennessy once a year is in every sense better than scorched vodka every weekend.

Important note: if after drinking you experience an exacerbation, do not rush to swallow your usual pill. Why? Alcohol in combination with medications is almost guaranteed to lead to unpleasant consequences. If you want to vomit, use the classic "two fingers in your mouth" method.

restrictions for gastritis food for gastritis

Consequences of drinking alcohol

Usually, while drinking, the pain is dulled, but if your stomach hurts in the morning from a hangover, or you have a headache after drinking beer, this is a sign of serious problems that require medical intervention.

Possible diseases:

  1. Cholecystitis - severe pain affects the area in the right hypochondrium. Nausea begins to occur, the skin acquires a yellowish tint. If left untreated, the disease may require surgery.
  2. Stomach ulcer – accompanied by nausea and vomiting of blood. You should consult a doctor immediately.
  3. Pancreatitis. In case of girdling pain with accompanying vomiting that does not stop, it is recommended to call an ambulance. The disease leads to dehydration and is accompanied by flatulence.

Frequent drinking of alcohol can affect a person's daily well-being. Symptoms occur:

  • Nausea;
  • Vomit;
  • Burning pain in the stomach area;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Fever;
  • Weakness;
  • General malaise.

Abuse of alcoholic beverages leads to a burn of the stomach, against which the development of such a common disease as gastritis is possible. The disease is accompanied by symptoms:

  • Unpleasant taste in the mouth.
  • Painful attacks and cramps in the stomach.
  • Vomit.
  • Inflammation of the tongue.
  • Swelling.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Problems with stool.

The body's reaction to alcohol-containing drinks manifests itself differently in each individual. But if you experience discomfort and painful syndromes, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe a diagnosis and help you get rid of the painful symptoms. If the disorder occurs, it can be fatal.

What stomach diseases does alcohol cause?

Most often, alcohol can trigger the following stomach diseases:

  1. Stomach ulcer. After drinking alcohol, pain appears in the upper abdomen. The person may begin to vomit blood. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor.
  2. Chronic forms of gastritis. They do not appear immediately, but in the morning, with a hangover. A person begins to suffer from nagging pain in the stomach, heartburn and thirst the day after drinking. He develops severe diarrhea and nausea. Drinking large amounts of alcohol can provoke acute symptoms of the disease.
  3. Acute gastritis. Regular consumption of large quantities of strong alcoholic drinks leads to the development of the disease. Among the symptoms of the disease, it is worth highlighting severe repeated vomiting, replete with blood and mucus, chronic constipation, belching, painful heartburn and constant pain in the abdominal area. The patient's mouth begins to taste bitter, his tongue swells slightly, making it difficult to swallow food. If you have such symptoms, you should not think about what to do, but immediately consult a doctor.
  4. Dysphagia. The disease causes food eaten from the stomach to move back into the esophagus. This causes heartburn, belching and painful sensations in the chest and neck area. The esophagus hurts a lot after drinking alcohol.
  5. Problems with the swallowing reflex due to weakened motility in the esophagus area.

Abdominal pain is also typical for liver diseases (cholecystitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis). With cholecystitis, the pain is especially severe in the lower hypochondrium of the abdomen. Also, painful sensations in the abdomen are a common symptom of pancreatitis. With this disease, the insides in the subcostal region around the entire circumference of the abdomen unbearably hurt, and the stomach does not work.

Medicines for stomach pain

To eliminate abdominal pain after drinking alcohol, it is recommended to use medications that can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription. The remedies will only help eliminate the pain for a while, but the problem will not disappear, since it will not be possible to cure the pathology without medical help and correct diagnosis on your own.

Safe remedies that can relieve spasms and alleviate the condition:

  • No-shpa;
  • Activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight);
  • Smecta;
  • Propolis tincture;
  • Herbal mixture of chamomile and mint (ready-made tea can be purchased at pharmacies in convenient filter bags).

Espumisan will help with symptoms of constipation and flatulence (take according to instructions).

Vegetable oil will protect the stomach irritated by alcohol from the effects of acids. To do this, it is recommended to drink 2 tablespoons of oil with warm tea.

Gastritis with high acidity is accompanied by heartburn and diarrhea. Taking the drug Gastal will help you feel better.

Heaviness in the abdomen, constipation and belching are symptoms of gastritis with low acidity. In this case, products containing enzymes (Festal) are recommended; for acute pain, you should take tablets aimed at improving intestinal motility (Motilium).

What happens to the stomach

So, the stomach is the first link in the chain where alcohol enters. In addition, he has to hold alcohol in himself for quite a long time. Considering the level of toxicity of ethanol and its high degree of absorption, it is easy to guess what this will lead to in the near future. Quite quickly, the elements of ethyl alcohol penetrate the blood and spread throughout the body, entering all organs along with the blood supply. At this stage, the toxicity is no longer so highly concentrated, but this should not be much of a consolation. Disruption of metabolic processes also implies a decrease in the body’s ability to absorb useful nutrients, which significantly weakens its condition.

Separately, it should be said about strong strong drinks, where the concentration of ethanol directly destroys the mucous membrane, which is why the stomach often hurts after drinking alcohol.

Areas damaged by ethanol are now vulnerable not only to new portions of ethyl alcohol entering the body. Now the gastric juice itself can corrode these places, which will be clearly expressed in the form of pain. They can be either periodic or permanent. Such consequences are partly explained by the fact that when drinking alcohol, the processes of secretion of special mucus, which has a protective function for the mucous membrane, are disrupted. It is a kind of barrier, in the absence of which the walls of the stomach take the entire blow. Subsequently, this blow, as already mentioned, is caused by gastric juice.

Thus, individuals who regularly drink alcohol experience peculiar burns, both on the lining of the stomach and on the walls of the esophagus. However, after drinking alcohol, it is the stomach that hurts, since here, in addition to ethanol, hydrochloric acid, which is necessary for the processes of digesting food, acts here.

All processes associated with the regeneration and restoration of the body require a considerable amount of time. And the next ingestion of alcohol into the body does not contribute to these processes. Against this background, so-called alcoholic gastritis can form, as a result of which gastric dysfunction is even more pronounced, and tangible problems appear with the absorption of foods and nutrients. This explains the fact that the likelihood of developing a duodenal ulcer in drinkers is much higher than in abstainers.

It is important to note that if your stomach hurts after drinking alcohol, you also need to analyze your nutritional diet. The foods in your diet should be easily absorbed by the body. It is also important to be careful when taking medications. Even combining regular aspirin with alcohol can cause stomach bleeding.

If the cause of pain is gastritis

In young people who are prone to daily drinking of alcoholic beverages, the cause of pain may be alcoholic gastritis. The disease causes damage to the gastric mucosa, often accompanied by the formation of erosions that can bleed. There are two types of disorder:

  1. Acute (can be cured at home).
  2. Chronic (treatment should be carried out by a specialist).

For manifestations of acute gastritis at the initial stage, it is recommended:

  • Quitting alcohol and tobacco.
  • Avoid psychologically difficult situations.
  • Maintain a small diet (it is important to chew food thoroughly).
  • Dieting. Avoid fried, fatty foods, and too hot foods. In the first 3 weeks of treatment, it is recommended to eat chopped food.

Pain that occurs in the stomach after a feast is not always caused by a disease of the internal organs; the disorder is often provoked by alcohol poisoning.

The effect of alcohol on the stomach

Regardless of the type, all alcoholic drinks for the stomach are considered aggressive products, due to the presence of ethanol. The substance is irritating and often provokes inflammation in tissues. When drinking alcoholic beverages, the alcohol present in them affects the stomach as follows:

  • disrupts the structure of the cells of the stomach walls and partially destroys the protective layer of mucus covering the organ;
  • stimulates increased production of gastric juice. This liquid contains a large amount of hydrochloric acid and some digestive enzymes. When drinking alcoholic beverages, the efficiency of food digestion decreases, and the absorption of nutrients and microelements also worsens;

Irritated stomach

  • due to the irritating effect of alcohol on the mucous membranes, the risk of developing gastritis, chronic hyperemia and edema increases;
  • under the influence of ethyl alcohol and its breakdown products, motor function is inhibited, so food stays in the stomach longer. This factor increases the risk of developing inflammatory and dystrophic processes;
  • irritation of pain receptors located in the walls of the organ.

If you abuse alcohol, over time the dysfunction of the organ will become permanent - chronic alcoholic gastritis will develop. The pathology causes atrophy of the mucous membrane and digestive glands. In the absence of timely therapy, the risk of oncological processes increases significantly.

On a note! How strong an effect alcohol will have on the stomach largely depends on the person’s state of health and the presence of diseases: gastritis or peptic ulcer.

Alcohol intoxication

The degree of intoxication is determined on a scale from 1 to 6 (up to 2 weak, 3-4 moderate, 5-6 severe). In case of mild or moderate poisoning, it is possible to provide assistance at home, but in case of severe poisoning, immediate medical attention is required.

After alcohol poisoning, it is recommended to do gastric lavage. To do this: dilute 2 tablespoons of baking soda in a glass of warm water. Drinking the solution will induce vomiting, which will clear the stomach of toxins.

It is also possible to help eliminate poisoning with medications, which are divided into several groups:

  1. Adsorbents – absorb toxic and harmful substances and are eliminated from the body naturally. Recommended products: activated carbon, Smecta, Enterosgel, Filtrum.
  2. Symptomatic drugs. Biotredin - eliminates hangover symptoms, normalizes metabolism, increases performance. Zorex - eliminates the symptoms of poisoning and removes toxins from the liver. Limontar – stimulates organ function, increases appetite and mental activity. Yantavit – normalizes energy metabolism, has a general strengthening effect, and relieves hangovers. Glycine – has antitoxic and antioxidant effects, reduces aggression and normalizes sleep. Alka-Seltzer – improves liver function, removes toxins, relieves headaches.

Not only medications, but also homeopathic remedies that help break down toxins and improve general condition can relieve the symptoms of alcohol poisoning:

  • Anti-E. The drug alleviates the symptoms of disorders in the vascular system, relieves stomach pain, sweating, and weakness. Take strictly according to instructions.
  • Proprothene-100. The product is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of chronic poisoning and reduces cravings for alcohol. Before use, you must read the instructions, as the drug has contraindications.

Folk remedies will help eliminate stomach pain caused by alcoholic drinks, as well as improve the condition.

What can be done if pain is associated with alcohol intake?

For gastritis caused by alcohol intake, help includes:

  • a ban on further consumption of any alcohol-containing drinks;
  • gastric lavage with warm water and a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • taking 4–6 tablets of activated carbon orally;
  • you can drink 1-2 scoops of Almagel A, take a No-shpa or Bellaspon tablet.

Exacerbation of chronic diseases should be treated only after examination by a doctor. If the pain is very strong, cutting, and blood is visible in the vomit, you should call an ambulance. You cannot take anything on your own.

Some people experience pain during a hangover, and they try to justify their drinking habits by claiming relief after drinking more alcohol. The withdrawal state is caused by severe intoxication of brain cells. It must be removed with special preparations, and not with an additional dose of ethanol.

A strict diet is recommended for patients with chronic digestive diseases. Each intake of alcohol causes new exacerbations and shortens life expectancy. With a sick stomach, an additional irritating effect activates all the negative factors of the disease. Gastritis quickly turns into an ulcer, then into cancer.

The drug should be taken with water, acts like a sponge, absorbs and removes waste and toxic toxins.

Even after a small dose, when dull, aching pain in the epigastrium appears, you need to take advantage of the cleansing effect of activated charcoal, Smecta, Enterosgel, Polysorb to get rid of toxins. If you have increased acidity and heartburn, you can take Gastal; Festal will help stop diarrhea.

You will have to follow a strict diet for several days; it is not a cure, but it can delay the destruction of digestion by alcohol.

  • fried and smoked meat dishes;
  • pickles, mushrooms, spicy seasonings;
  • legumes and cabbage dishes;
  • strong tea, coffee, sparkling water;
  • sweets and baked goods.
  • low-fat soups;
  • porridge with water;
  • cottage cheese;
  • cured meat products (meatballs, meatballs);
  • casseroles.

You should consult your doctor about further expansion of your diet.

Traditional medicine recipes

Natural ingredients will help alleviate the condition after holidays and feasts, and also cope with the symptoms of intoxication.

Common and effective methods:

  • Black tea. After gastric lavage, it is recommended to drink strong black tea, which can be slightly sweetened with honey.
  • Chicory. Prepare a decoction from the root of the plant, take one spoon 4 times a day.
  • Water with lemon or strong green tea with mint and lemon balm will help eliminate nausea and normalize sleep. The products have a calming effect.
  • Celery. The juice obtained from the root will relieve hangover symptoms and eliminate stomach pain. It is recommended to take one spoon three times a day.
  • Mineral water. Helps restore water-salt balance and also restores lost vigor.
  • Rose hip. Prepare an infusion of rose hips and take a cup of the drink up to 5 times a day. The high content of vitamin C helps normalize the condition in a short time.
  • Black pepper. Infuse 3 black peppercorns in a glass of hot water. The product will help cope with nausea and accompanying symptoms of a hangover.
  • Tea made from black currant leaves will replenish the lack of vitamins and quickly eliminate the symptoms of intoxication.

If you experience regular abdominal pain, you should seek help from a doctor; self-treatment is not recommended.

How to start your stomach after alcohol poisoning?

If your stomach hurts severely after beer, wine, vodka or any other alcoholic drink, it is necessary to provide first aid in a timely manner, otherwise the risk of complications increases.

Gastric lavage

The following steps will help you get your stomach moving:

  1. It is necessary to assess the person's condition. If intoxication is severe, the patient should be placed on his side - this will help prevent vomit from entering the respiratory tract.
  2. Rinse the stomach. To do this, the patient must be given at least a liter of water to drink and vomiting must be artificially induced by irritating the back wall of the pharynx.
  3. After gastric lavage, it is necessary to take sorbents. If you don’t have a specialized drug on hand, you can drink 5-7 tablets of activated carbon.

Such actions will not only activate the functioning of the organ, but will also help to generally alleviate the condition of alcohol intoxication.

Causes of pain

There are many reasons why your stomach hurts after drinking alcohol. Among them are diseases that are not associated with alcohol, but the pathology is aggravated by drinking a high-proof drink. In this case, you need to immediately pay attention to the body’s signal and begin to treat the problem. Among the most common diseases that cause pain are:

  1. Cholecystitis and various diseases of the gallbladder (as a result of a violation of the outflow of bile or the pathological structure of the organ - a bend, a burning sensation and cutting pain are observed both in the stomach and the right hypochondrium);
  2. Pancreatitis (an inflammatory process occurring in the pancreas that causes stomach pain, especially noticeable after drinking alcohol);
  3. Liver diseases (diseases of various etiologies occurring in the liver immediately affect a person’s condition after drinking alcohol, since this organ produces enzymes to break down alcohol);
  4. The presence of stones in the gallbladder (cholelithiasis worsens after strong drinks, with additional symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, heaviness in the stomach, pain, burning in the larynx);
  5. Gastritis or peptic ulcer (always cause discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract).

The stomach is the first organ to take a hit after drinking alcohol. Through the mucous membrane, alcohol penetrates into the circulatory system, thus ethanol is transported to all organs. The high toxicity of the drink leads to the destruction of stomach cells, which in turn greatly affects the entire digestive tract. The above diseases develop both against the background of regular alcohol consumption and a number of other factors. In any case, problems in the body will worsen due to the effects of alcohol.

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