Phosphalugel when to take before or after meals for inflammation of the pancreas

Instructions for use

The instructions for use of Phosphalugel describe in detail dosage regimens for different categories of patients. In some cases, dosages may be determined individually by your doctor. The manufacturer not only describes the composition of the drug, but also the principle of action of the components on the digestive system. Additionally, the instructions contain points indicating contraindications, indications and possible side effects. Phosphalugel may reduce the absorption of some drugs (this information is contained in the section describing drug interactions).

pharmachologic effect

Phosphalugel belongs to the group of antacid drugs. The main indications for prescribing this drug are gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, progressive pancreatitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute or chronic stage.

Phosphalugel creates a protective film on the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, which not only prevents negative effects, but also speeds up the healing process.

Properties of the drug:

  • creation of a protective mucoid layer on the mucous membranes of the digestive organs;
  • protection of the digestive organs from the effects of toxic substances;
  • preventing the negative effects of hydrochloric acid on mucous membranes;
  • neutralization of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice;
  • decreased pepsin activity.

Indications for use

Phosphalugel is taken to prevent the absorption of radioactive elements, as well as for:

  • chronic gastritis (increased or normal secretion);

  • acute duodenitis;
  • acute gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • symptomatic ulcers of various etiologies;
  • hiatal hernia;
  • erosion of the gastrointestinal mucosa;
  • non-ulcer dyspepsia syndrome;
  • reflux esophagitis (including in children);
  • functional pathology of the large intestine;
  • colopathy;
  • proctitis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • dyspepsia of neurotic etiology;
  • sigmoiditis;
  • poisoning;
  • diverticulitis;
  • chronic, acute pancreatitis;
  • diarrhea after gastrectomy;
  • heartburn, which is caused by the abuse of nicotine, caffeine, ethanol, taking certain medications, and errors in the diet;
  • gastralgia;
  • signs of damage to the gastrointestinal tract when consuming alkalis, acids, and medications.

Mode of application

Phosphalugel is taken orally, diluted in a glass half filled with water, or in its pure form. The daily dose cannot exceed 6 sachets. Adults and children over 6 years old are recommended to take the drug twice or thrice a day, 1-2 sachets.

People suffering from stomach and duodenal ulcers should take the medicine when pain occurs or two hours after eating; for reflux, gastroesophageal and diaphragmatic hernia - before bed, after meals; for diseases of the large intestine of the functional type - before bedtime and on an empty stomach in the morning; for gastritis, dyspepsia - before meals.

If pain returns during the break between doses of the drug, the patient is allowed to repeat the drug.

Treatment of children under six months involves the use of a quarter of a sachet or one teaspoon (no more than 4 g). Phosphalugel is given to the child after feeding (no more than 6 times). Children older than six months should take 2 tsp. (half a bag) after each of four feedings.

The drug can relieve symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. To do this, drink 2 sachets of the product.

The course of treatment with Phosphalugel cannot last longer than 2 weeks.

Release form, composition

Phosphalugel is a white homogeneous gel with the taste and smell of orange. The drug is available in sachets of 20 or 16 g, packed in cardboard boxes. One pack contains 20 sachets.

The drug contains: aluminum phosphate gel (active active ingredient), as well as inactive ingredients - pectin, agar-agar 800, orange flavor, sorbitol, potassium sorbate, calcium sulfate dihydrate, water.

Interaction with other drugs

Phosphalugel can slow down/reduce the absorption of digoxin, phenytoin, antihistamines, beta-blockers, azithromycin, cefpodoxime, barbiturates, chenodeoxycholic and ursodeoxycholic acids, penicillamine, indomethacin, salicylates, chlorpromazine, diflunisal, isoniazid, tetracyclines, rifampicin a, indirect anticoagulants, lansoprazole.

M anticholinergic blockers help to lengthen and enhance the action of Phosphalugel.

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Composition and release form

The active component of the pills is aluminum phosphate. The medicine also consists of the following additional components:

  • Sorbitol;
  • Agar-agar;
  • Pectin;
  • Calcium sulfate;
  • Potassium sorbate;
  • Purified water;
  • Orange flavoring.

It is produced in the form of a white helium substance with a slightly sweet taste in sachets of 16 and 20 grams. One package may contain 6 or 20 sachets of the drug. Available without a doctor's prescription. There are no Phosphalugel tablets.

The gel is white in color, has a uniform texture and becomes homogeneous after mixing.

Side effects

The use of the drug may cause the development of side effects, which cause negative reviews from patients. It is necessary to remember: the occurrence of side effects can be avoided if you consult with your doctor regarding the possibility of using this drug and follow the recommended dosage.

The manufacturer reports the possible occurrence of the following side effects:

  • allergic reactions;
  • vomit;
  • constipation;
  • nausea;
  • change in taste sensations.

Long-term use of Phosphalugel in large doses can cause the development of hypophosphatemia, osteoporosis, hyperaluminemia, encephalopathy, hypocalcemia, hypercalciuria, osteomalacia, nephrocalcinosis.


An overdose of an antacid drug is possible. The risk of a negative reaction from the body when dosages are exceeded increases if there is special sensitivity to the components of the drug. A common consequence of an overdose is constipation (aluminum ions suppress natural intestinal motility). This effect is eliminated with laxatives.

Long-term excess of dosages provokes the following pathological processes:

  • encephalopathy;
  • hypophosphatemia;
  • hypocalcemia;
  • osteomalacia;
  • hypercalciuria;
  • hyperaluminemia;
  • change in taste sensations;
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • allergic reactions.


The manufacturer notes that the drug should not be taken if:

  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • hypophosphatemia;
  • hypersensitivity to components.

According to strict indications, the doctor can prescribe the drug in the elderly and children (under 12 years of age).

During pregnancy

There is no reliable information about the safety of using the drug during pregnancy and lactation. According to information obtained during clinical studies, the drug can be used occasionally during lactation and pregnancy.

How to take Phosphalugel for pancreatitis?

Phosphalugel is a representative of the group of antacids, that is, drugs that affect the acidity of gastric contents. The pharmacological drug is prescribed for diseases of the digestive system, including pancreatitis. The peculiarity of the active substance is that it envelops the mucous layer of the stomach, thereby preventing the appearance of defects in the stomach walls due to excessive excretion of gastric acid.

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory process that affects the tissue of the pancreas. As this process develops, dyspepsia syndrome and pain develop. The activity of the parietal cells of the gastric wall, which produce gastric hydrochloric acid, is stimulated. Thus, there is an increase in acidity in the stomach cavity, which can lead to the development of erosions and ulcers. In this regard, Phosphalugel is prescribed for pancreatitis.

To achieve a state of remission in the patient, they resort to the most modern methods of therapy, which include therapeutic and surgical measures.

In addition to antacids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, antispasmodics, enzymes and other drugs are prescribed.

An important role is played by the diet and lifestyle of the patient at the time of treatment and rehabilitation.

The patient's diet should include the most adapted foods, and meals should be regular.

special instructions

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

No negative effects on reaction speed and concentration were detected.

Pregnancy and lactation

If indicated, the drug can be used at any stage of pregnancy. Phosphalugel is used in pediatric practice to treat very young children, so its use is not prohibited during lactation.

Use in childhood

It is acceptable to use the drug for children from a very young age (in most cases, Phosphalugel is used to treat poisoning in children and digestive system disorders).

For impaired renal function

In case of pathological processes in the kidneys and renal failure, the drug is used with caution.

In case of liver dysfunction

With the progression of liver cirrhosis and liver failure, Phosphalugel is recommended to be taken with caution.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Over-the-counter release from pharmacies.


Average price in Russia

In the Russian Federation, the cost of a package with 16 bags ranges from 250 to 330 rubles. The cost of a pack with 20 bags is from 300 to 440 rubles.

Average cost in Ukraine

16 bags of Phosphalugel in Ukraine cost 60-80 hryvnia, and 20 bags cost 60-90 hryvnia.

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Analogs of Phosphalugel include drugs such as Maalox and Almagel.

Almagel and Phosphalugel have identical properties. At the same time, Almagel is recommended to be taken for a short-term course of treatment and elimination of symptoms of the disease, and Phosphalugel is recommended for a long course as an antacid drug.

As for Maalox, it has a liquid form - preferable for the treatment of ailments of the esophagus. It must be taken into account that the drug leaches calcium and phosphorus from the blood and bones. That is why it is not recommended to prescribe this remedy to elderly patients, pregnant women and children.

The effect of Phosphalugel on pancreatic pathology

Phosphalugel for the pancreas can be an excellent help in the fight against pancreatitis. With this disease, digestive enzymes cannot enter the intestines, but remain in the gland and begin to “eat” it. Over time, some of the affected organ tissue begins to die, infection and intoxication develop.

The medication has the following effect on the parenchymal organ:

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  1. Reducing the acidity of gastric juice and pepsin activity helps reduce the load on the pancreas, stop irritation of the walls of the gland and the processes of digestion of organ tissue by enzymes.
  2. The enveloping effect promotes healing and restoration of damaged tissues, prevents necrotic processes in the pancreas.
  3. The sorbing effect allows you to cleanse the organ of accumulated toxins, dead tissue, and pathogenic microflora, making it possible to prevent complications of the disease by infectious processes.

It is used to treat pancreatitis of both forms - acute and chronic. After 3-5 days of therapy, you can notice the first improvement in your well-being.


According to Internet users, the average rating of a drug is 4.25 points on a five-point scale.

Most of the reviews are positive: many patients note the rapid response and effectiveness of the drug. Among the shortcomings are complaints about the inconvenient dosage form and packaging.

Phosphalugel has proven itself well in the treatment of children. This is evidenced by positive reviews from pediatricians and parents.

You can read patient opinions about the drug Phosphalugel at the end of this article.

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