How to get rid of heartburn in the second trimester of pregnancy

In the first 4-5 months of gestation, burning sensations behind the sternum and in the throat - heartburn - can occur periodically, with errors in the diet or taking a horizontal position a short time after eating. In the later stages, there are no visible reasons, and the heartburn is such that it takes all the strength of the pregnant woman, preventing her from sleeping and doing necessary things.

A huge negative point is that you cannot take the usual medications - this can harm the child. And soda in the concentration that some “experienced advisers” can suggest can not only enter the bloodstream and disrupt the pH in the child’s body, which is very dangerous, but can also lead to the appearance of an ulcer or complete perforation of the mother’s stomach.

In this article we will tell you why heartburn occurs during pregnancy and how to get rid of it using methods that will not harm either the pregnant woman or the developing fetus.

Why does heartburn occur?

The appearance of heartburn does not indicate increased stomach acidity. This only means that the contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus. This is possible when:

  • a weak muscle that lies between the esophagus and stomach. As a result, if a person bends or lies down after eating, some of the food and gastric juice enter the esophagus;
  • high pressure exerted on the walls of the stomach from the outside.

All this happens during pregnancy.

Causes of heartburn in the first trimester

When a woman’s body is preparing for pregnancy, a corpus luteum is formed in place of the egg that came out to “meet” the sperm – a small endocrine organ, ovoid in shape and yellowish in color. It produces small amounts of progesterone, a hormone that prepares organs for conception. When this occurs, the corpus luteum begins to work even harder, producing an increasing amount of this hormone.

The main task of progesterone is to relax the uterus so that its increased tone does not interfere with the development of the fetus. But this hormone reduces tension not only in the uterine muscles: its effect extends to other smooth muscles, including:

  • the one that is located between the esophagus and the stomach;
  • those that move food through the stomach and from the stomach to the duodenum.

Progesterone acquires its maximum effect on the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract by the 13th week. Therefore, at this stage, many pregnant women begin to feel heartburn, which appears when eating acidic foods, when moving to a lying position 1-1.5 hours after eating. The symptom can also appear during hunger, if the pregnant woman is lying down.

Causes of heartburn in the second trimester

During this period, the uterus actively grows, displacing the abdominal organs upward and increasing intra-abdominal pressure. The muscle between the esophagus and stomach is also relaxed, and if there is a lot of food or water, they, along with gastric juice, are thrown in small portions into the esophagus. This is accompanied by bending over, sudden movements, overeating and a quick transition to a lying position after eating.

Causes of heartburn in the third trimester

The uterus becomes larger, moves the stomach and intestines upward, and increases intra-abdominal pressure. During late pregnancy, heartburn is the most severe; it manifests itself even just in a standing position, most often after eating. Just before birth, when the fetal head is inserted into the bony ring of the pelvis, the uterus drops slightly and the level of progesterone produced decreases, which can be noticed by a decrease in heartburn.

Of course, most of the causes of heartburn during pregnancy are explained by the pregnancy itself and go away after childbirth. But even during the period of bearing a child, an exacerbation of chronic gastritis or peptic ulcer disease can occur, especially if the lady likes sour, spicy or pickled dishes. Therefore, if, in addition to heartburn, a woman is bothered by nausea or pain in the upper abdomen, or the heartburn itself began before pregnancy or in its early stages, a consultation with a gastroenterologist is necessary.

What medications will help cope with heartburn?

Any medications for heartburn during pregnancy should be prescribed by a doctor. The information below is provided for informational purposes only.

What medications can pregnant women take for heartburn in their final stages:

  • Gastal. An effective antacid drug in tablet form, approved for any trimester. Quickly neutralizes hydrochloric acid, reduces flatulence and stomach pain.
  • Maalox. Sold in the form of a suspension, it is indicated for gastritis, reflux, heartburn, gastroduodenitis and some other gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Phosphalugel. An antacid that effectively eliminates the symptoms of dyspepsia, helping with symptomatic ulcers of various origins, erosion of the gastrointestinal mucosa, reflux, gastritis.
  • Almagel. Reduces the activity of gastric juice during the digestion of food, eliminates heartburn and dyspepsia.

Some people are interested in whether activated charcoal helps relieve heartburn during pregnancy. This is an adsorbent drug that absorbs toxic substances and removes them from the body. It has little effect on the level of hydrochloric acid, so it is not effective against heartburn. But with regular use it can significantly reduce flatulence, colic, and bloating. Drugs of this same group include: Smecta, Neosmectin, White Coal, Lactofiltrum.

What to do for heartburn during pregnancy

When this terrible symptom appears, you will have to completely change your usual lifestyle: diet, eating habits, and day and sleep patterns. In the first or second trimester, to eliminate the burning sensation behind the sternum, it is better to resort to traditional methods of treatment, and in the third trimester of pregnancy, some approved medications can be used for heartburn.

First aid equipment

You should not resort to the simplest remedy - baking soda - either during pregnancy or after childbirth. The concentration that will help eliminate heartburn (and then only for a short time), being absorbed into the blood in the intestines, changes its pH. This blood also goes to the fetus and, approaching every tissue and organ, can disrupt their functioning. In addition, baking soda damages the protective layer that lies on the stomach lining, and this can lead to the formation of stomach ulcers or gastritis.

Instead of soda, you can take Borjomi or Polyana Kvasova water in small quantities. At the same time, gas must be released from these drinks, otherwise it will increase the volume of the stomach, which will lead to the opposite effect.

To treat heartburn during pregnancy, it is recommended:

  • drink boiled milk at room temperature in small portions throughout the day;
  • pass fresh potatoes through a juicer, take juice in small volumes (tablespoons) for heartburn;
  • during an attack of heartburn, you can chew nuts: almonds or hazelnuts, but in small quantities;
  • oatmeal jelly in a volume of ½ cup can also relieve an attack;
  • chew raw carrots;
  • Eat some raw (unroasted) sunflower seeds.

Traditional methods of treating heartburn during pregnancy

In folk medicine, there are many recipes for heartburn. Before using any of these, consult your doctor:

  • Mix 100 g of mint + 100 g of St. John's wort + 60 g of centaury, take 2 tbsp from there, pour 400 ml of boiling water. Leave the mixture for 12 hours, then strain and drink. Drink 100 ml once a day, in the morning, on an empty stomach.
  • Boil 500 ml of water, add 1 tbsp of heather herb, cook for 2 minutes, then leave the decoction for 30 minutes. After this, strain and put in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Drink 1 tbsp before meals.
  • Chamomile tea 100 ml during the day, after meals.
  • Grind the eggshells into a fine powder, take ½ tsp three times a day. The course is no more than 4 days.
  • Buy powder from the roots and rhizomes of calamus at the pharmacy. Chew 1/3 teaspoon of this powder three times a day, before meals.

Lifestyle change

First aid alone can only temporarily eliminate this unpleasant symptom. To prevent heartburn as much as possible, follow these rules:

  1. starting from the second trimester, eat often (at least 5 times a day), but in small portions;
  2. last meal – 3 hours before bedtime;
  3. Chew your food thoroughly;
  4. after eating, you should not bend your head down or lie horizontally for 1-1.5 hours;
  5. exclude fried, spicy foods and dishes with seasonings;
  6. Monitor the regularity of your bowel movements: constipation leads to increased intra-abdominal pressure, which increases heartburn. If you can’t recover every day, eat salads made from boiled beets and prunes;
  7. The diet must include foods with an alkaline pH: steamed omelettes, cream, milk, cottage cheese, boiled meat and fish, day-old white bread;
  8. Abdominal exercises, even if they are approved by your obstetrician-gynecologist, are not done for heartburn;
  9. do not sleep on high pillows unless there are contraindications;
  10. your clothes should not put pressure on your stomach;
  11. do not drink water while eating;
  12. get more rest.

Diet for heartburn

Let's talk about what you can eat and what is prohibited:

Type of dishCanIt is forbidden
BeveragesNon-acidic jelly, herbal tea, water, milk, cream, carrot juice with creamCoffee, strong tea, carbonated drinks, sour compotes and sour juices
FatsButter, sunflower oilLamb, pork, goose fat
Animal proteinsLow-fat fish and meat, baked in foil or boiled, steam omeletFatty fish and meats, fried meat/fish of any kind, fried eggs
VegetablesBoiled beets, carrots – raw and boiledTomatoes, cabbage, onions, garlic, radishes and radishes
FruitsCitrus, sour apples
BerriesGooseberries, sour berries
BreadDried or day-old white breadBlack bread
Flavor enhancersMustard, vinegar, marinades, sauces, horseradish, ketchup, pepper, creamy products
Mushrooms, legumesMushrooms, legumes
PorridgeAny, cooked in a double boilerPearl barley, millet and corn cooked on fire
SweetsMarshmallow, honey, biscuitsChocolate, baked goods
SoupsDairy, vegetarianCooked with meat or bones
Semi-finished products
Canned foods
Dairy products
Ice cream
Fast food, pies, pancakes, pancakes

Recommendations and prevention

A woman can cope with heartburn in 4-6 months of pregnancy on her own, just follow the following recommendations:

  • Avoid overeating and quickly swallowing poorly chewed food.
  • Do not lie down to rest after eating in a horizontal position. The best solution would be to sit relaxed or take a slow walk.
  • When sleeping and resting, place an additional pillow under your head and shoulders. This will provide protection against the backflow of acid from the stomach into the esophagus when the sphincter valve is not tightly closed.
  • Do not wear tight, restrictive clothing made from synthetic fabrics. It is especially important to pay attention to the quality of underwear and pants. These things should not put pressure on your stomach.
  • Do not slouch, so as not to create additional pressure on the internal organs.
  • You should avoid late, heavy dinners.
  • You need to review the menu and get rid of fatty meats, baked goods, fresh bread (especially wholemeal flour), sour fruits, berries, vegetables, cold and spicy foods.

These rules can be used as preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of an unpleasant symptom.

Can I take medicine for heartburn?

During pregnancy, the following medications may be allowed, but only after consulting a doctor and passing certain tests (for calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood).

In 1st trimesterIn the 2nd trimesterIn the 3rd trimester
  • Gaviscon
  • Rennie
  • Gaviscon
  • Rennie
  • Gaviscon
  • Rennie
  • Almagel and Almagel neo, but no more than 5-6 days
  • Maalox
  • Sekrepat

At least 1.5 hours must pass between taking such a drug and food, as well as between taking this and another medicine, otherwise there will be no effect.

Scientists from the University of Edinburgh (Scotland) and educational institutions in Tempere (Finland) conducted a study and established a connection between taking medications that suppress heartburn (specifically during pregnancy) and the development of asthma in children in early childhood. Recently, it has been suggested that drugs (proton pump blockers: omeprazole, pantoprazole, etc.), as well as H2-histamine receptor blockers (anti-allergic) can affect the immune system of the unborn child and increase the risk of developing allergic reactions in the child in the future.


Krivega Maria Salavatovna resuscitator

How to prevent heartburn

The condition is aggravated by overeating and severe weight gain, so the gynecologist recommends that the pregnant woman adhere to a special diet and diet. Basic rules, if followed, discomfort decreases or goes away:

  1. Fractional meals. You need to eat in small portions with breaks of 2-3 hours.
  2. You should avoid fatty, spicy, canned, salty foods, baked goods, and confectionery products. The menu should contain only natural products. Processing method: boiling, stewing, steaming. Fatty foods in large quantities during pregnancy cause not only increased acidity, but also indigestion.
  3. Provide a calm environment during meals. “Snacks on the run” provoke discomfort and heartburn. The expectant mother is advised to chew her food thoroughly, because... the digestion process slows down.
  4. Do not lie down after eating. In this position, food is poorly digested and gastric contents are released back.
  5. Don't wash down your food. Drinks dilute gastric juice, slowing down the digestion process. It is better to drink tea, compote, milk 30-40 minutes after eating.
  6. Eliminate sour juices, berries, and rich broths from the diet. Carbonated drinks contribute to the uncontrolled opening of the sphincter, causing belching and reflux.
  7. Don't eat at night. It is advisable to have dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime. For severe heartburn caused by reflux, it is recommended to sleep on a high pillow.
  8. Limit sweets. For dessert you can eat jam, marshmallows, marshmallows, and homemade pudding. Butter cookies are replaced with biscuits, such as “Maria” and “Zoological”.
  9. Maintain drinking regime. With slight discomfort, drinking clean water between meals helps relieve the condition.
  10. Wear loose-fitting clothes. Pants and skirts should not tighten your stomach.
  11. Walk in the fresh air, do feasible work. A sedentary lifestyle slows down metabolism, and gastrointestinal motility worsens.

Alternative medicine

Alternative methods for relieving heartburn include:

  1. Aromatherapy. A drop of mint essential oil on the tongue will help relieve an attack. Ylang-ylang, orange, and lemon oils are also suitable for heartburn. To relieve unpleasant symptoms, you can apply a drop of the product to a handkerchief or place an aroma lamp in the room.
  2. Therapeutic gymnastics using the Qigong and Tan Chi methods. To improve gastrointestinal motility and eliminate heartburn, you need to relieve tension from the spine, lower back, and straighten the muscles.
  3. Buteyko breathing technique. The technique helps saturate muscle tissue with oxygen, reduce pressure in the abdominal cavity, and raise the diaphragm. As a result, heartburn goes away.

By the end of the second trimester of pregnancy, acid dyspepsia decreases if the woman follows a diet and controls her weight. If you have severe heartburn during this period, you can take non-absorbable antacids and sorbents. If discomfort is associated with exacerbation of chronic diseases, approved medications and homeopathic preparations are prescribed.

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