If your stomach hurts, can your blood pressure rise?

Sudden surges in blood pressure can actually provoke painful sensations inside the abdomen, which are similar to a spasm attack.

In most cases, this behavior of the body is associated with the reaction of the blood vessels that supply nutrition to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract to the pathological narrowing of the arterial walls.

The presence of concomitant diseases that are directly or indirectly associated with hypertension cannot be excluded.

In this article, we will consider in more detail the reasons why pain in the abdominal cavity may appear at the time of surges in blood pressure, and we will also study methods of treating the disease.

Symptoms and signs of high blood pressure

If you are concerned that you or a loved one has high blood pressure, monitor your symptoms.

This condition is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • High pulse.
  • Nausea.
  • Headache, feeling of pressure on temples.
  • Tinnitus.
  • Hesitant breathing.
  • Dizziness.
  • Deterioration of vision.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Facial redness.
  • Chest pain, feeling of tightness.

With normal blood pressure, signs of high blood pressure can also appear for other reasons.

For example, if you are a weather-sensitive person, you may experience headaches due to changes in weather conditions.

This is not dangerous and should not cause concern to a person. But this disease is characterized by a combination of several listed symptoms.

In addition, if this is regular, it is worth talking about the presence of hypertension (arterial hypertension) - this is a chronic form of the disease.

Important! If problems with blood pressure occur regularly, you should learn to catch the first signs as early as possible. This could include “burning cheeks”, a growing headache, or insomnia due to a high pulse.

If hypertension is observed in an elderly person, and the symptoms are pronounced - it is dangerous to bring the person to a serious condition, call an ambulance.

People suffering from arterial hypertension often develop a hypertensive crisis.

How does the stomach affect blood pressure?

Doctors rarely associate periodic increases in blood pressure with food intake.
However, some patients regularly experience a phenomenon where blood pressure increases after lunch. In this case, it is worth paying attention to whether the pressure from the stomach may increase in your particular case. Arterial hypertension is not only an unpleasant disease, but also extremely dangerous, so it must be dealt with by all available means. A proper diet for hypertensive patients plays a significant role in preventing pressure surges. Blood pressure is one of the most important parameters that can be used to monitor the state of the circulatory system

Causes of high blood pressure in women and men

The reasons are completely different, but most often this condition is affected by:

  • Heredity.
  • Sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, alcohol abuse, smoking.
  • Hormonal and age-related changes: PMS, pregnancy, menopause.
  • Overwork after hard physical work.
  • Overexcitation of the nervous system, constant stress.
  • Chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Problems with internal organs: kidneys, liver, thyroid gland.

In women during pregnancy, blood pressure may increase due to excessive stress on the body of the expectant mother: the cardiovascular system works for two.

Those at particular risk are those who have a combination of two or more influencing factors.

If adults have a lifestyle that consists of sedentary work, excessive consumption of sweets and fatty foods, and there are hypertensive patients in the family, there is a high probability that arterial hypertension will occur in them too.

Tip: outside the home, it is convenient to measure pressure surges with a portable tonometer that is worn on the wrist.

Sometimes a person with hypertension has a rare pulse: this is a clear sign of bradycardia. It is recommended to contact a cardiologist.


As you understand, an increase in blood pressure after eating always occurs, regardless of whether you suffer from hypertension or not. For some, this happens unnoticed, while others see this as a real problem - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. If afternoon pressure surges give cause for concern, then you should remember several rules that any person prone to hypertension should follow.

They are simple:

  • do not overeat - you should eat often, but in small portions (optimally 5-6 times a day);
  • exclude fried, spicy and smoked dishes from the menu;
  • radically reduce the consumption of salt and spices, or better yet, give them up altogether;
  • alcohol, which at first dilates blood vessels, after a short time leads to a jump in blood pressure - it should be excluded completely;
  • control the amount of fluid you consume - one and a half liters is enough during the day;
  • minimize consumption of tea and coffee;
  • eliminate foods containing cholesterol from your diet;
  • during meals, only engage in eating - watching TV shows and reading newspapers provokes the outflow of blood from the abdominal cavity to the brain, which significantly impairs digestion;
  • do not create additional problems for the body - limit a single serving to 200-250 g.

By following these simple recommendations, you won't have to worry about whether your blood pressure might be rising because of your stomach. By getting rid of this problem yourself, you will not have to undergo complex and expensive examinations.

Treatment of high diastolic and systolic blood pressure

Systolic is the upper limit of blood pressure, diastolic is the lower limit. Measurements with a tonometer should be carried out in the morning, at the same time.

Upper and lower pressure should not differ from each other by more than 35-55 units.

Systolic indicatorDiastolic indicator
This is the blood pressure in the arteries when the heart contractsThis is the blood pressure in the arteries when the heart relaxes
Depends primarily on the heartDepends on the vessels, their tone and level of elasticity

In children and adolescents, blood pressure increases by 10-20 mm. rt. Art. is not a reason for treatment.

This could be influenced by the hot temperature outside, a large amount of coffee drunk, or a busy day at school.

If a person has a headache and dizziness, and the tonometer shows 150/90 mm. rt. Art. and above, treatment is necessary.

First aid consists of several stages:

  1. Provide the patient with a calm environment in a cool room. If you feel dizzy, it is advisable to lie down with your head on a large pillow.
  2. Hot compresses on the calves and the back of the head will help normalize the condition.
  3. Drug therapy can only be used if you are sure that the patient has no contraindications. The most commonly used are Captopril, Anaprilin and Nifedipine, and Nitroglycerin will help if there are signs of chest pain.
  4. To reduce blood pressure, an intramuscular injection of papaverine hydrochloride and dibazole is given.

Diagnostic methods

For high blood pressure and stomach pain, a comprehensive examination is performed. Initially, the doctor collects an anamnesis of complaints and a history of past illnesses. Next, a number of laboratory and instrumental studies are prescribed, which are presented in the table:

Biochemical and general blood testDetermine the quantitative ratio of important elements and the presence of an inflammatory process
ECGEstablishes the functionality of the heart muscle
GastroduodenoscopyDetermines the presence of inflammation and ulcerative formations on the mucous membrane
Ultrasound of the peritoneal organsDiagnoses abnormalities in the structure of internal organs

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What can you do to lower your blood pressure at home?

Among the recipes that can help at home, there is hardly a more effective recipe than proper drug therapy and prevention of the acute form of the disease.

However, there are several proven ways to cope with the disease at home:

  1. Mustard plasters on the shins and back of the head.
  2. Hot foot bath.
  3. Compresses on the feet with gauze and apple cider vinegar slightly diluted with water.
  4. Herbal medicine: green tea or hibiscus tea.
  5. Medicines of natural origin: 1 teaspoon of hawthorn tincture, diluted in a glass of water, juice of 1 lemon combined with honey and a glass of mineral water.
  6. Breathing exercises: deep, slow breathing with a slight inhalation delay.

When a person’s blood pressure regularly fluctuates, more attention should be paid not to first aid, but to long-term treatment.

Gastroduodenitis as a cause

With gastritis, there is a rapid spread of the inflammatory process in the mucous layer of the stomach. The cause of the development of the disease is the activity of Helicobacter pylori, as well as the impact of negative factors in the form of poor diet, stress and medication. With a sick stomach, severe pain is observed, accompanied by impaired peristalsis and improper processing of food, as a result of which the body experiences a deficiency of nutrients. In this case, low blood pressure is noted, which is one of the signs of gastritis. Increased blood pressure is not typical for this disease. Therefore, the connection between gastritis and hypertension cannot be traced.

Is high blood pressure dangerous?

High blood pressure readings are especially dangerous for the elderly due to the presence of concomitant chronic diseases.

The cardiovascular system in old age cannot withstand heavy loads, so a hypertensive crisis can result in myocardial infarction, stroke and heart complications.

Pressure with gastritis

Gastritis is characterized by low blood pressure. Hypertension is not characteristic of this disease. The manifestation of such symptoms often indicates heredity, and the disease itself is not the cause of pressure surges. High blood pressure sometimes occurs after eating, which is a normal reaction of the body and does not affect a person’s well-being, since the change in blood pressure is usually insignificant. To control the increase in blood pressure after eating, you should not overeat, drink alcohol, fried, over-salted, spicy, spicy foods and drink no more than 1.5 liters of fluid per day.

Low blood pressure with gastritis

Gastritis of the stomach requires long-term treatment, which may be accompanied by gradual weight loss, frequent intestinal disorders, as well as diarrhea and constipation. Complete absorption of the food received becomes impossible as a result of massive damage to the gastric mucosa, which can provoke the development of anemia or anemia or surges in blood pressure.

Associated symptoms with the development of gastritis are:

  • low blood pressure;
  • frequent headaches;
  • disruptions in cardiac activity;
  • frequent dizziness that leads to fainting;
  • pale skin.

Gastritis is characterized by low blood pressure; hypertension is not characteristic of gastritis.

Characteristic symptoms

Depending on the type of disease, the following symptoms are distinguished:

PancreatitisPheochromocytomaThromboembolism of the renal arteriesGastritis
High blood pressureLow pressure
Bitter taste on the tongueIncreased gas formationAcute pain syndrome in the abdominal areaHeartburn
BelchingCNS instabilityDecrease in daily urine volumePain syndrome in the upper abdomen
NauseaCardiopalmusBitter taste on the tongue
Girdle pain near the navelChillsPain shockUnpleasant smell
ApathyAbdominal pain without specific localizationTemperature increase
Vomiting bilePain in the heart areaAnuriaIncreased irritability

Pathologies of the diaphragm

A hiatal hernia can cause persistent and frequent belching, including air.

  • The risks of this pathology increase with age, as the muscle fibers and ligaments of the diaphragm weaken, intra-abdominal pressure increases due to overeating, obesity or excessive physical activity.
  • This pathology is also typical for patients with obstructive pulmonary diseases (chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma).
  • However, congenital hernias also occur as a consequence of an embryonic defect of the esophagus (its shortening).

With different types of hernias, through an abnormally wide esophageal opening in the diaphragm, different parts of the stomach and the abdominal part of the esophagus can penetrate into the chest cavity and either temporarily or permanently reside in the chest cavity. This leads to pain behind the sternum, which can radiate to the back in the interscapular region. Rhythm disturbances such as extrasystole are also characteristic (in a third of patients).

Features of treatment

Inflammation of the pancreas

When diagnosing chronic gastritis, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity once every 6 months.

Depending on the type of pathology, the doctor selects an individual set of drugs. For pancreatitis, a course of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications is prescribed. Medicines that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid and choleretic agents are also indicated to relieve congestion in the liver. The optimal course of taking medications is 2 weeks. After which a probing procedure is recommended. The total duration of treatment is 1.5 months. It is also recommended to balance your diet and eat small meals 5-6 times a day to reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract.

Adrenal tumor

Propanolol will help restore your heart rhythm.
For pheochromocytoma, surgery is indicated, including removal of the tumor. Conservative methods include injections of “Tropafen”, “Sodium Nitroprusside”, “Regitina” to block the hormone adrenaline, which provokes a sharp rise in pressure. Medicines may be prescribed in tablet form. To stop palpitations, the doctor may recommend taking Anaprilin, Inderal or Propanolol. The optimal dosage is 50 mg per day. However, you should not start taking medications on your own without consulting a doctor.

Thromboembolism of the renal arteries

Drug treatment is aimed at lowering blood pressure. Drugs are prescribed that help relax the smooth muscles of blood vessels in order to expand the gap between the walls and normalize blood pressure. An embolectomy, a surgical procedure to relieve blockages in the arteries, may be necessary. Another effective remedy is the reconstruction of blood vessels using surgery.

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