Fish oil for gastritis: can you drink it or not?

What is the benefit

Let's look in the medical reference book and find information about fish oil. An oily liquid is made from the liver of cod, trout, and other fatty fish. The pharmacological properties of fish oil are due to the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3, Omega-6) and vitamins. Vitamins A and D, which form the basis of fish oil, are necessary ingredients for strengthening, growth and formation of bones, improving metabolic processes in the body.

Fish oil and fatty fish have been used for stomach diseases since ancient times. There are references to how the ancient northern peoples used fat as food and as medicine. Peter the Great saw how northern healers treated burns, wounds and even gangrene by rubbing fish oil in and using it internally. The king ordered the doctors who accompanied the army to have fish oil in their medicine cabinets and use it in the treatment of wounds and other diseases.

Fish capsules are a very useful biological supplement that has a natural composition. People have known about the benefits of this product for decades. And to this day its popularity and relevance have not been lost. Fish oil contains a lot of useful vitamins and microelements. In the past, consumers could only purchase this product in liquid form, but today the pharmaceutical industry also produces it in capsule form.

The health benefits of this product are invaluable. It contains vitamins A and D, which help improve the body's absorption of calcium. In addition, the metabolic process is stimulated, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Polyunsaturated acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, which are contained in fish oil, have a preventive and therapeutic effect on the body as a whole, which stabilizes its functioning.

Along with this, oleic and palmitic acids contribute to the process of tissue regeneration and the active production of mucus by the body, which is a necessary condition for its normal functioning. If you regularly take a dietary supplement, this will normalize the functioning of the body's cardiovascular and nervous systems, have a positive effect on the organs of vision and protect the body from various infections and viruses.

We all know that fish oil is good for children, it is taken to prevent vision problems, and it has a beneficial effect on the bone skeleton of children. Fish oil is also beneficial for adults. Unsaturated acids have a beneficial effect on blood composition and regulate blood cholesterol, which is useful for older people. It is necessary to take medications containing fish oil for those who see poorly in the dark or have poor twilight vision.

And if a person is sick with gastritis, then this, in most cases, is not a contraindication to the use of drugs based on fish oil as a biological supplement (multivitamin complex). We must remember that preparations based on fish oil contribute to the development of appetite. But, in the case of gastritis, if the patient is on a strict diet, it will be difficult for him to follow it.

Today, the benefits of fish oil as a source of valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6 have been confirmed. These substances are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. In addition, the dietary supplement contains oleic and palmitic acids, which are necessary for the regeneration of intercellular tissue.

In addition, the dietary supplement is a source of a large number of vitamins A and D. These substances are active antioxidants that absorb the maximum amount of free radicals. Vitamin D is necessary for the absorption of calcium, which is responsible for the strength of bones and teeth. Taking a dietary supplement:

  • improves vision and memory;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps normalize blood pressure;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • improves digestion;
  • stimulates cell regeneration;
  • prevents premature aging;
  • helps burn excess fat.

Harm and contraindications

It is important to note that it is recommended to use fish oil for gastritis only when the gastric mucosa is not painful or inflamed. If the patient suffers from severe pain, then fish oil will only worsen his well-being. You should drink it for chronic gastritis, and for acute gastritis - only after seeing your doctor.

It is prohibited for people who suffer from the following pathologies to take the biological supplement:

  • diseases of the bronchi and lungs (including various types of tuberculosis);
  • diseases of the intestines, liver or stomach, in addition to gastritis;
  • allergic reactions, individual intolerance to the product;
  • the presence of kidney stones;
  • blood thinning.

If you have gastritis, people who are prohibited from consuming fatty foods due to chronic health problems should not drink fish oil.

For example, with pancreatitis or inflammation of the duodenum. It may help stomach ulcers, but will make another condition worse. Treatment of gastritis should not be limited to consuming fish oil alone . This product is only useful in small quantities. You should not drink it in excess of the permissible norm - this will only cause harm to the body. It is very important to accurately calculate the dosage before taking a dietary supplement.

Pregnant and lactating women suffering from gastritis are not prohibited from taking fat, but the dosage for them is calculated differently, taking into account the current diet. The same applies to young children. Usually in such cases, the attending physician prescribes no more than one teaspoon or capsule of fish oil per day before or after meals.

Effect of the drug on the body

As you know, gastritis is accompanied by acute pain in the stomach, which causes significant discomfort. Fish oil coats the gastric mucosa, thereby reducing pain and relieving the inflammatory process. In addition, this valuable supplement stimulates the production of special substances that protect the digestive organ from pathogenic microorganisms.

The nutritional supplement is often used in the treatment of gastritis, but it should be used with extreme caution and only after consulting a doctor. The dosage is prescribed to each patient separately, depending on the nature of the disease. The positive properties directly depend on the composition of the additive.

Let's take a closer look at the composition of fish oil:

  • vitamins of group D – help absorb calcium, strengthen bone structure;
  • palmitic acid – perfectly stimulates the regeneration of intercellular substance;
  • vitamins of group A – improve metabolic processes;
  • Omega 3-6 and 9 fatty acids stimulate metabolism, the production of gastric mucus and restore muscle fibers.

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Folk remedies for stomach ulcers: bear and badger fat, beaver stream

If you have constant acute pain in the abdomen, frequent heartburn and belching, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics for damage to the digestive tract. If a violation of the mucous membrane is established, it may be necessary to treat the stomach ulcer with folk remedies.

In this case, badger fat and beaver stream will help restore not only well-being, but also damaged epithelial cells, and will also destroy pathogenic bacteria, which often cause the disease.

Definition, classification and pathogenesis

This disease itself is a simple defect of the mucous membrane, often with damage to the next layer of tissue. This phenomenon is formed under the influence of hydrochloric acid, bile and pepsin, which lead to local disturbances in the condition of the mucous membrane.

The ulcer is characterized by a recurrent course, in which periods of exacerbations are replaced by remissions. This is often due to seasonal changes, stress and nutritional quality. The main difference between this lesion and a similar one - erosion - is that as the tissue heals, it forms scars.

This disease itself is a simple defect of the mucous membrane, often with damage to the next layer of tissue. This phenomenon is formed under the influence of hydrochloric acid, bile and pepsin, which lead to local disturbances in the condition of the mucous membrane.

What are the contraindications?

Some gastroenterologists prohibit taking dietary supplements if gastritis develops and explain this by the fact that the components of fish oil help thin the blood, that is, reduce its clotting.

Such a disruption in the functioning of the body contributes to the appearance of erosion or ulcers. In addition, the use of the drug is considered more dangerous when there is already damage to the walls of the stomach. It is believed that the use of the drug will lead to the progression of the disease.

The drug should not be taken in cases where gastritis is accompanied by the following diseases:

  • allergy;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • renal failure;
  • sand in the kidneys.

It is strictly forbidden to drink the nutritional supplement if you have an individual intolerance to the components. It is worth noting that even if there are no contraindications or individual intolerances, the drug should not be taken on an empty stomach (before meals) or washed down with sparkling mineral water.

Particular care should be taken when combining the product with other vitamins. If an excess of substances occurs in the body, it can cause a negative reaction from other organs.

For example, excess retinol (vitamin A) can cause double vision or thyrotoxicosis (a condition in which there is an increase in thyroid hormones). An overdose of vitamin D often leads to the appearance of sand in the kidneys.

In the acute stage of gastritis, taking fish oil is strictly prohibited. The fact is that the drug increases bleeding from open ulcers.


There are contraindications to the use of fish oil, so you can take the supplement only after consulting your doctor. It is prohibited to take the drug:

  • for serious kidney diseases;
  • with individual intolerance;
  • in the presence of ulcerative formations on the walls of the stomach and duodenum;
  • if gastritis worsens, taking fish oil will worsen the condition.

So, despite the obvious benefits of fish oil, not everyone with gastritis can take the dietary supplement. In the presence of erosions and especially ulcerative formations, the drug can cause serious harm, causing bleeding. Therefore, before you start taking any dietary supplements, you need to consult a gastroenterologist.

How to use

For gastritis with high acidity, taking fish oil has a positive effect, since this substance envelops the walls of the stomach, which protects the tissues from the negative effects of excess hydrochloric acid.

But it should be taken into account that the drug thins the blood, so if erosion is present, taking a dietary supplement can be harmful, increasing the tendency to bleeding. Therefore, taking the drug is possible only after consulting a doctor.

Fish oil is available in liquid form and in capsules. Previously, only the liquid form of release of the substance was accepted. But the specific taste and consistency turned many patients away from taking this drug. Then pharmaceutical companies began putting the fat into gelatin-coated capsules, eliminating the need for people to swallow the fat itself. Capsules, entering the stomach, dissolve and release the substance from the shell.

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A specialist can assess the patient’s condition, weigh the risks and decide whether or not to take this drug. The drug is taken in capsules in courses. If you take the capsules once, there will be no effect; only regular use will bring benefit.

It is especially useful to take fish oil during the cold season.

Recommendations for use:

  • single dose – 1-2 capsules;
  • number of appointments per day – 3;
  • time of administration - with food or after food;
  • Course duration is 1-3 months.

It is recommended to take the drug in liquid form before meals for gastritis with high acidity.

In all other cases, administration is recommended after meals. Take with water or warm (not hot) tea.

Take 1-2 capsules orally 3 times a day, after meals, or one or two teaspoons of oily liquid.

It is not recommended to take the dietary supplement on an empty stomach, as in this case there is a high likelihood of digestive disorders, nausea and vomiting.

Fish oil for children

Our children constantly need fish oil, especially in the winter and spring.
Traditionally, fish oil replenishes the deficiency of vitamins A and D in the child’s body. The presence of vitamin D prevents the development of rickets. Fish oil strengthens the immune system, reduces fatigue, increases the child’s mental activity, has a positive effect on the nervous system, reduces excitability, promotes tooth growth, strengthens tooth enamel, and bone tissue formation.

Today it can again be bought in pharmacies, this time in capsules, which makes it much easier for young consumers to take. This product is distinguished by its quality, as it began to be produced from the carcass of ocean fish. It is very important that the fish are caught from a clean environment. Because the katran fish, from the shark family, feeds on carrion, which, as you yourself understand, is fraught with consequences.

Unfortunately, the poor ecology of the seas makes it possible to consider the use of fish oil to be not always useful, and sometimes even dangerous. For example, in England it is prohibited for children under 5 years of age.

A good alternative to fish oil can be: nuts, flax seeds, pumpkin, pumpkin, olive, soybean, flaxseed oils, as well as fatty fish: mackerel, eel, salmon, haddock, sea tuna/perch, ivashi herring, salmon, sardine, sturgeon, salmon, halibut.

Fish oil for children under 2 years of age is most often prescribed as a means to prevent rickets. The product contains vitamin D, which ensures normal bone growth, strengthens the child’s immunity and prevents a decrease in muscle tone.

The benefit of this vitamin for children also lies in the fact that it reduces the body’s susceptibility to heart disease and skin diseases, normalizes heartbeat and blood pressure. promotes the proper formation of brain tissue, stimulates the development of intelligence, slows down processes that lead to a decrease in the ability to remember and dementia.

In children suffering from attention deficit and hyperactive children after taking the drug - numerous reviews confirm this - perseverance increases, behavior becomes more controlled, irritability decreases and academic performance improves (including reading skills and cognitive activity).

Dr. Komarovsky, among other things, recommends the use of fish oil in immunocorrection programs for children with disabilities and children whose diseases occur with complications.

According to the instructions, children can be given oral liquid from the age of three months, capsules - from 6 or 7 years (depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations).

To make it easier for children to take the product, manufacturers produce it in the form of odorless capsules with a pleasant fruity taste. For example, in the production of “Kusalochka” capsules, the “Tutti-Frutti” flavoring agent is used, and BioKontour Children’s fish oil has a pleasant lemon taste.

Consumption for gastritis

At first glance, the nutritional supplement has a therapeutic effect, improving the condition of the stomach. However, with inflammatory-dystrophic changes in the mucous membrane of the organ, it can aggravate the situation. It all depends on the type, type and stage of development of gastritis. This is why fish oil is not for everyone. For this reason, patients should not self-medicate.

For patients with an affected stomach, whose history also includes diseases of the pancreas, liver and biliary tract, it is not recommended to use this remedy.

Atrophic and erosive gastritis

With an erosive form of stomach pathology, doctors prohibit drinking fish oil. The product thins the blood, reducing its clotting. It is especially dangerous to take it during an exacerbation. The disease is intense and difficult to treat. In such cases, taking a dietary supplement may cause bleeding in the digestive organ. The atrophic form of gastritis requires increased attention.

In the stomach, the glands responsible for the secretion of hydrochloric acid die. Fish oil stimulates the production of gastric juice, improving the process of breaking down food. Doctors often prescribe it to patients with this diagnosis. Proper nutrition and healthy nutritional supplements for atrophic gastritis are the most important components of complex treatment.

Increased stomach acidity

Different parts of the digestive tract are characterized by a certain level of hydrochloric acid. Gastritis with high acidity obliges the patient to adhere to a special diet. The patient's daily diet should contain foods that reduce and neutralize the concentration of gastric juice. Thus, its negative impact on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract is reduced.

Fish oil coats the walls of the stomach, protecting them from an aggressive environment. The unpleasant symptoms characteristic of this type of gastritis gradually disappear. The patient is less likely to experience heartburn and belching, as well as epigastric pain. In addition, the product stimulates the secretion of bile, which, in turn, effectively neutralizes excess hydrochloric acid.

Hyperacidity is a condition characterized by excess production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Different parts of the digestive organ have their own hydrochloric acid level. An elevated pH is considered to be more than 1.5-7 pH. Increased acidity increases pain in the acute phase of gastritis and obliges a person to be more responsible about their diet. A diet for gastritis with high acidity contains foods that can reduce acidity and neutralize its negative effects on the mucous membrane of the digestive organ.

Fish oil does not enter into a chemical reaction with hydrochloric acid, since it is an inorganic substance, but envelops the walls of the stomach and protects it from an aggressive environment. It is recommended to take fat in liquid form so that the substance directly enters the stomach. Taking the drug in capsules does not provide an enveloping effect.

The effect of fat on the stomach is positive, since fat envelops the walls of the stomach and protects against the effects of gastric juice. As a result, the unpleasant symptoms accompanying the disease disappear: epigastric pain, heartburn and belching.

Fish oil for gastritis: what you need to know and how to drink correctly

Fish oil is a valuable nutritional supplement that contains beneficial substances necessary for the treatment of many diseases of the digestive system, including gastritis.

Those who have a similar diagnosis should adhere to proper nutrition and completely avoid foods prohibited by the doctor. Fish oil for gastritis is not used in all cases, so it is important to consult a doctor before taking a dietary supplement.

Release forms

You can drink fish oil in the form of oil or purchase gelatin and polymer capsules. The content of ω – 3 must be at least 15%. Good dietary supplements contain up to 65% of the substance. The presence of information on the packaging indicates the quality of the product. Fish oil is most often used in the form of easily dissolving soft capsules, this is due to the properties of Omega-3 acid:

It oxidizes under the influence of oxygen, the protective shell allows you to store the product longer.

It has an unpleasant odor and taste, hidden by the capsule.

Some manufacturers add vitamin E to the product. This reduces the rate of fat oxidation and thereby increases the permissible period of use of the drug. The dietary supplement may include minerals and other substances (rose hips, sea buckthorn, kelp).

Polymer capsules do not dissolve under the action of gastric juice, like gelatin capsules, and go directly into the intestines; after taking them, there is no fishy aftertaste. Omega-3 capsules contain a substance purified by molecular fractionation from its biological competitor - ω-6 fatty acid.

Interaction with medications

You cannot combine the product with various vitamin complexes. An overdose of nutrients in the body provokes the development of chronic hypervitaminosis. This condition leads to disruption of many systems. The drug should be prescribed with caution to people taking blood thinners (Heparin, Cardiomagnyl). In combination with anticonvulsants, the activity of vitamin D is reduced. Medicines containing estrogen, together with fish oil, increase the risk of vitamin A intoxication.

How to use?

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you should purchase a dietary supplement at a pharmacy labeled medical fish oil (there are veterinary and food grade). The mode of use of the drug and dosage depend on the disease, the current condition of the patient and must be agreed with the attending physician. The daily norm for an adult is no more than 1 tablespoon in the form of oil or 6 capsules, this is due to the percentage of ω - 3 in them. It should be taken after or during meals with plenty of water at room temperature.

You should not drink on an empty stomach - it can cause stomach upset. Treatment consists of several courses, each lasting from 1 to 3 months, with a break of the same duration between them. Fish oil is a dietary supplement that allows you to maintain a healthy body when the following conditions are met:

  1. Covering the daily requirement for ω – 3.
  2. Use without overdose.
  3. Application of a high quality product.
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