How to distinguish colic in the abdomen or intestines from renal colic and what to do if there is severe cutting in the lower abdomen and spasms appear?

Causes of discomfort

Colic is a spasm caused by severe bloating and overexertion of the muscles of the large intestine. Most often, its cause is untreated gastritis, impaired digestion and poor intestinal motility.

If we talk about intestinal spasms during pregnancy, this phenomenon is caused by the movement of the egg into the uterus. The first symptoms of colic can be observed one to two weeks after conception. It is worth remembering that many changes, including abdominal discomfort, are triggered by hormonal changes in a woman’s body. Active growth of the fetus can cause systematic stabbing pain in the lower abdomen, and may also manifest as slight bleeding.

In rare cases, pregnancy is accompanied by constant feelings of anxiety, worry, stress and worry. This condition causes physiological problems: colic, insomnia, poor digestion.

If you experience persistent bowel spasms during pregnancy, it is important to notify your consulting physician. If colic accompanies the process of eating or defecation, and the discomfort continues for a long time, the doctor may recommend observation in a hospital.

Intestinal colic during pregnancy

Causes of intestinal spasms in pregnant women

Colic is a sharp, paroxysmal pain due to swelling and tension of the muscles of the large intestine. Attacks can begin as early as the second week of pregnancy. The fact is that hormonal and physiological changes in the body of the expectant mother primarily affect the abdominal organs. In particular, a pregnant woman begins to actively produce the hormone progesterone, which relaxes the muscular lining of the intestines. As a result, food residues settle on its walls, which in turn leads to their fermentation and increased gas formation. The accumulation of air bubbles in the digestive tract provokes intestinal colic.

The second reason is physiological changes. Weak intestinal cramps with discomfort in the lower abdomen are characteristic of the first weeks of pregnancy (can begin on the sixth day after fertilization). This occurs due to the migration of the egg into the uterus. This process may occur without any symptoms, or may be accompanied by mild colic and the appearance of a small amount of blood in the discharge.

In the last months of pregnancy, intestinal spasms are most often caused by the active growth of the uterus, which begins to put pressure on the internal organs, including the intestinal walls.

Also, attacks of colic can be associated with exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases (for example, gastritis), an allergic reaction, poor diet and stress.

Symptoms of intestinal colic in pregnant women

Intestinal spasms most often begin with a sharp pain in the abdominal area, which is cramping (periodic) in nature. Colic is accompanied by flatulence, bloating, constipation, and less commonly, diarrhea. Mucus may appear in the stool. Also, intestinal spasms are characterized by nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite, and increased blood pressure.

How to treat?

In the early stages of pregnancy, when the attacks of colic are very mild, it is enough to lie motionless for some time, tucking your legs to your stomach, and rest. If colic becomes more frequent, the pain increases, and blood appears in the discharge, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. You may have to lie down for conservation.

If intestinal cramps are accompanied by mucus in the stool, and your stomach is very bloated, you may have an allergy. You need to get tested, identify the allergen and protect yourself from contact with it.

If intestinal spasms are caused by impaired peristalsis and digestive problems, you need to adjust your diet. Be sure to exclude legumes, fried and spicy foods, carbonated drinks, fresh onions, white cabbage, coffee, strong tea, confectionery and flour products from the menu. Pregnant women need to eat as many vegetables and dried fruits as possible. No less useful are bran, whole grain bread, buckwheat and oatmeal, and lean meat. Baked pumpkin is good for colic attacks.

If you suffer from constipation, you need to drink plenty of fluids (up to two liters per day). Dill water or decoctions of fennel, thyme and cumin will help eliminate increased gas formation.

Monitor your emotional state. During times of stress and constant worry, intestinal colic worsens and attacks occur more often. Rest and positive emotions are the best prevention of cramps.

Spend more time outdoors and pay attention to physical activity. It is best to do yoga, gymnastics for pregnant women or swimming (in the absence of contraindications).

Warm (never hot!) heating pads, which should be applied to the lower abdomen, help relieve pain. Before this, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist. Also, after consulting with a doctor, you can sign up for acupressure massage (acupressure). Important! Pregnant women should not relieve spasms with medications and painkillers. Fortunately, there is an alternative that is safe for mother and unborn baby. For intestinal colic, pregnant women can take natural drops “Koli Krokodil”.

The product consists of natural ingredients, is not a medicine or food additive and is suitable not only for babies, but also for expectant mothers. “Koli Krokodil” comprehensively solves the problem of intestinal spasms: it reduces attacks, relieves pain, eliminates gas formation, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. You will feel better within ten minutes after taking the drops, and using them regularly will help you forget about the pain in your lower abdomen*.

*Before using the product, you should consult your doctor

How does it hurt?

If a woman experiences pain and intestinal spasms during pregnancy, it is necessary to find out what specific sensations the expectant mother experiences. As a result of a thorough diagnosis, the presence of pathologies associated with the intestines is revealed. Perhaps the reason lies in increased gas formation or altered hormonal levels.

If intestinal colic occurs, you need to pay attention to such nuances as:

  • spasms or pain;
  • mild, moderate or acute severity;
  • location: in the hypochondrium, navel, side or lower abdomen;
  • sudden and short attacks or prolonged and regular pain.

To understand the nature of discomfort, pain and intestinal spasms during pregnancy, it is important for the doctor to conduct an internal and external examination. It is necessary to determine what exactly causes the cramps and how to eliminate them without harm to the child.

If abdominal cramps appear along with colic

You should be wary if cramps in the abdominal area appear along with colic. They can be either temporary or permanent. Mild pain is safe for the expectant mother. It may be caused by an increase in circulating blood volume or an increase in the size of ligaments. But you should be wary if, in addition to the spasm, the following symptoms occur:

  • bloody issues;
  • sharp pain in the lower abdomen;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • the appearance of problems with urination.

If there is an obvious deterioration in health, you need to call an ambulance. Only timely examination by a specialist and treatment will minimize the risk of complications for the mother and child.


During pregnancy, from the first trimester to the last days before childbirth, hormonal changes occur in the body. As estrogen and progesterone levels increase, muscles and ligaments relax, causing discomfort.

The digestion process worsens, due to the stressful state of the body, the muscles contract, which causes colic and intestinal spasms during early pregnancy, usually in the right or left side. The pain goes away after the hormonal levels stabilize. In such a situation, it is advisable to consult your doctor and take a vitamin and mineral complex for pregnant women.

What is intestinal colic? Reasons for appearance.

Intestinal colic during pregnancy is something other than a spasm. The colon contracts, causing a sharp sensation of pain. The causes may vary: colic during early pregnancy causes discomfort, often due to poor nutrition.

  • In the first week of bearing a baby, when the egg is just attaching to the wall of the uterus, a woman may be bothered by mild stabbing pains. Minor bleeding is also possible.
  • In the second trimester, hormones “order” the uterus to expand, resulting in unpleasant sensations.
  • At a later stage, colic is similar to contractions. Intestinal colic in later stages is associated with intrauterine pressure. The fetus is already quite large, it becomes a bit crowded in the uterus, and the internal organs are not at all happy with such a neighborhood - they are deformed. During this period, a woman may experience not only intestinal, but also gastric and renal colic.

There are other, less common causes of intestinal colic:

  1. Stress. Hormones especially affect the nervous system of the expectant mother. She becomes emotional, possibly irritable, and worries a lot. All this provokes long-term spasms.
  2. Sedentary lifestyle. Pregnant women are recommended to spend more time outdoors on leisurely walks. This increases the overall tone of the body. In women who previously led an active lifestyle, intestinal colic during pregnancy most often does not appear at all.
  3. Poor nutrition. Pregnancy often causes atypical gastronomic quirks. You need to be careful here: excessive consumption of fatty, starchy, sweet and spicy foods can lead to colic.
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Most likely, in this case, the woman is already familiar with intestinal colic - if, of course, the disease occurred before pregnancy.
  5. Allergy. This cause can only be identified by a doctor using special laboratory tests, so if the symptoms of colic do not go away for a long time, you should consult a doctor.


Nagging pain with spasms in some cases indicates premature birth or miscarriage. A more accurate diagnosis depends on the stage of pregnancy. Premature birth, as a rule, is accompanied by bloody discharge, pain symptoms radiating to the lumbar region, increased tone of the uterus and dilation of the cervix. If intestinal spasm does not go away for a long time during pregnancy, only the attending physician can decide what to do in this case.

If you do not start timely treatment, the outcome can be extremely disastrous, including involuntary miscarriage. Termination of pregnancy in some cases causes the risk of thrombohemorrhagic pathologies and infection in the woman’s body. Therefore, you should be attentive to your health, and if you have nagging pain, immediately consult a specialist.

How to exclude the possibility of the presence of a disease

Colic and bloating during pregnancy are symptoms that may indicate the presence of a pathological process. Signs may indicate spontaneous abortion and diseases of the kidneys, liver and digestive organs. Possibly present pathologies can only be excluded through diagnostics.

It consists of examining the patient, medical examination and identifying factors that could provoke the disorder. All necessary manipulations are carried out only by a doctor. Making a diagnosis on your own during pregnancy is dangerous.

Fresh kefir will help eliminate the problem of constipation

The success of treatment directly depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis. In some cases, immediate hospitalization may be required. The woman is given directions to:

  • Ultrasound;
  • blood analysis;
  • analysis of fecal matter.

Based on the diagnostic results, the most appropriate treatment will be selected.

Placental abruption

If the expectant mother is injured, toxicosis or an acute viral disease, the placenta may partially exfoliate. As a result, the blood supply to the fetus is disrupted, nutrients are supplied in less volume, and the life and health of the child are endangered.

Placental abruption is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pronounced pain in the abdomen and uterus;
  • intestinal spasms in early pregnancy;
  • opening of slight or heavy bleeding;
  • deterioration of the fetus;
  • If the placenta detaches centrally, there will be no visible bleeding because the discharge penetrates the walls of the uterus.

Most often, this type of pathology occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy. If measures are not taken in time, the deviation will progress and the fetus will die in the womb.

Intestinal diseases

Colic in the gastrointestinal tract may indicate a disease of the organ itself. This is usually associated with infectious or inflammatory pathologies. Failure to comply with the diet by the expectant mother causes disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract, accompanied by colic and intestinal spasms during pregnancy; the 2nd trimester is especially indicative - discomfort in the abdominal cavity manifests itself especially sharply. If a woman suffered from a stomach ulcer or gastritis before conception, this can also cause an exacerbation of the disease. A chronic inflammatory process is observed in the presence of Corn's disease and colitis.

Infectious problems arise due to viruses or E. coli entering the body. They are expressed by the following symptoms:

  • stabbing pain in the side or around the navel;
  • gas formation and pain in the abdomen;
  • diarrhea;
  • temperature increase;
  • excrement excreted with bile formations, blood or mucus.

If this is only irritation of the intestinal mucosa, then there will be no bowel disturbances, as well as discomfort during sleep.

Symptom in the second trimester of pregnancy

At later stages, abdominal cramps may be a sign of intestinal dysfunction. Unpleasant symptoms may be due to:

  • unhealthy diet;
  • chronic colitis;
  • enlargement of the uterus and its pressure on internal organs.

Colic in the second trimester is most often associated with poor diet. The appearance of the symptom may be due to excessive consumption of cabbage, legumes, milk and carbonated drinks. You should not overuse confectionery products. The symptom often occurs with a lack of fiber.

Colic in the intestines during pregnancy can occur with excessive physical exertion, when a woman prefers fast walking, sharp bends and turns. Pathology can be caused by incorrect body position when resting.

In late pregnancy, colic may occur due to an increase in the size of the fetus.

Women who have undergone any surgical interventions before pregnancy often experience colic in the second trimester. Usually the symptom worries those who underwent a caesarean section during their first birth.


The presence of pathological processes in the genital organs of the expectant mother is most often indicated by pain in the lower abdomen and intestinal spasms. During pregnancy, the symptoms of such diseases appear as follows:

  • aching, nagging pain radiating to the intestines;
  • pain during examination by a gynecologist and palpation of the abdominal cavity;
  • temperature increase.

Severe abdominal pain in some cases indicates peritonitis, a serious inflammatory disease. Therefore, at the first manifestations of illness, it is necessary to immediately undergo examination and begin treatment in order to avoid complications.

Associated symptoms

The symptoms that accompany intestinal spasms during pregnancy cause great discomfort to the woman. As a rule, the expectant mother complains of:

  • spontaneous, paroxysmal pain below the navel;
  • abdominal bloating;
  • flatulence;

Against the background of intestinal colic, some women experience increased blood pressure

  • rumbling in the stomach;
  • reluctance to eat food;
  • gag reflex and feeling of heaviness;
  • change in bowel habits (diarrhea or constipation);
  • decreased performance and drowsiness;
  • dizziness.

The duration of colic can range from several hours to a couple of days.

Remissions are followed by periods of exacerbation. The sign may radiate to the lumbar region. From time to time it can be accompanied by pain and burning when urinating, and frequent urge to go to the toilet. This is due to compression of the internal organs.

When symptomatic, a woman’s blood pressure may increase. You should immediately consult a doctor to reduce the risk of complications. Colic can increase in intensity and cause extreme discomfort.

One of the diagnostic methods is ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

If there is colic, a woman may complain of aversion to food. There may be foreign matter in fecal matter. In addition, flatulence increases.

Pathologies of the genitourinary system

Often, intestinal cramps and abdominal pain are caused by problems in the urinary tract. In this case, pain and discomfort appear in the genitals. Acute pain can occur against the background of urolithiasis, with the development of cystitis.

Pathologies of the genitourinary system can be identified by the following signs:

  • cloudiness of urine, the appearance of small particles or inclusions of blood;
  • frequent urination, accompanied by pain.

Often, cramps and colic indicate pathological abnormalities, so it is urgent to take tests and undergo an examination, based on the results of which the doctor will prescribe therapy.


Therapy for the expectant mother should be strictly under the supervision of a doctor, since the risk of harming the fetus increases many times over. First, you need to consult with a gynecologist and gastroenterologist and undergo an examination to determine the cause of intestinal spasms during pregnancy. Only a specialist can decide what to do in such cases.

After making a diagnosis, the attending physician will prescribe medications that a woman in her position is allowed to take. All medications must be taken according to the instructions and in the prescribed dosage. To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, the following are usually prescribed:

  • "No-spa" - as an anesthetic.
  • "Espumizan" - to relieve spasms.
  • Antibiotics and drugs that restore intestinal microflora.

The dosage of medications should be determined by the consulting physician.

How to treat spasms during pregnancy

Doctors at the antenatal clinic recommend that pregnant women always have Papaverine and No-shpa tablets with them. These antispasmodic drugs easily relieve painful spasms of the smooth muscles of internal organs (uterus, stomach, intestines, kidneys) during pregnancy.

By relieving spasms of smooth muscles, these drugs do not affect the central nervous system.

Conclusions . Abdominal cramps during pregnancy are not always a reason to panic, but regular visits to antenatal clinics will help a pregnant woman bear and give birth to a healthy child without any consequences.


While carrying a child, it is very important for the expectant mother to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Products should be healthy, high in nutrients and vitamins.

The diet for pregnant women includes the following recommendations:

  1. It is important to maintain the body's water balance and drink healthy drinks: freshly squeezed juices, smoothies and tea.
  2. It is necessary to limit the consumption of salty, spicy, fatty, smoked, fried foods and semi-finished products. If a woman really wants one of the listed products, then it is advisable to eat them no more than twice a week in small portions.
  3. The amount of flour products and sweets also needs to be reduced. It is allowed to consume marshmallows, marmalade, and dark chocolate in minimal quantities.
  4. It is advisable to remove from the diet foods that cause increased gas formation: cabbage, grapes, legumes and others. They cause intestinal cramps during pregnancy. In case of multiple pregnancy, this is especially important, since the organs inside are strongly compressed, and gases, expanding, cause pain.

Food should be steamed or baked in the oven, stewed or boiled. Pregnant women are prohibited from smoking, drinking alcohol and using drugs. During this period, it is especially important to take vitamins and eat fresh fruits and vegetables. It is better to avoid citrus fruits for a while. During the day, food should be taken 5-6 times, in small portions. The last time you eat is allowed no later than two to three hours before going to bed. At the same time, food should be light and quickly digestible. This is also important for preventing bowel cramps during later pregnancy, when gases can have a very strong impact on compressed organs.

Nutritional Features

Usually, to get rid of colic during pregnancy, it is enough to reconsider your lifestyle and diet. First of all, you need to eliminate from your diet foods that give you a feeling of heaviness and are difficult to digest.

It is also necessary to remove everything fatty and fried from the menu. It is recommended to eat foods that have previously been heat-treated. Eating fiber is mandatory to normalize the process of digestion and bowel movements. Water, kefir, fermented baked milk and yogurt also help with this.

You are allowed to eat lean meats and fish. You also need to add cottage cheese, fruits and vegetables to your diet, but you need to reduce flour products.


You can prevent the occurrence of intestinal colic and not harm the baby by regularly performing abdominal massage. Simple manipulations improve digestion and reduce gas formation in the stomach. To do this, every day the stomach is massaged with circular stroking movements in a clockwise direction for ten minutes.

Every two weeks it is recommended to have a fasting day to cleanse the intestines. At this time, they eat only porridge, fresh fruits and vegetables, and drink as much water or tea as possible. It is useful to carry out acupressure of the body. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates discomfort, and improves well-being.

To reduce gas formation during pregnancy, you should avoid drinking alcoholic and carbonated drinks, as well as coffee. Among other things, it is recommended to follow a diet for pregnant women, walks in the fresh air, and an active lifestyle. In this case, the risk of intestinal pathologies is reduced, the child develops correctly, and the pregnancy proceeds well.

Intestinal cramps are a fairly common problem for expectant mothers. As a rule, it occurs due to poor nutrition, hormonal changes or a sedentary lifestyle. Before you panic, you need to consult a doctor, undergo an examination and determine the reasons for your poor health. To avoid health problems, you need to eat well, get sound and restful sleep, and spend more time in the fresh air.

Prevention and prognosis

To avoid kidney and intestinal colic during pregnancy, you need to prepare for this period in advance - undergo an examination, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and treat chronic diseases.

Prevention of pain during pregnancy consists of proper nutrition and moderate physical activity. The prognosis for colic is favorable if it is not associated with serious organic pathologies. After stopping the attack, the woman must strictly follow the doctor’s instructions.

Nagging pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy can be caused by colic. This is a consequence of a special hormonal background, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Increasing or continuing pain should alert you and become a reason for an unscheduled visit to a doctor.

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