The main causes of itching and burning with hemorrhoids

What is itching with hemorrhoids?

The main culprit of itching in the anus is the inflammatory process, which occurs due to certain circumstances. Among them:

  1. Exudate release. In an advanced form of the disease, the rectal valve cannot contain the pathological fluid secreted by inflamed capillary or venous vessels into the rectum. This secretion is irritating to the skin of the anorectal area. The itching is enhanced by bacterial particles found in the exudate.
  2. Damage to cavernous formations. Hemorrhoids constantly increase in size, stretching the rectal canal, as a result of which its mucous membrane is damaged by hardened feces. Pathogenic microorganisms enter the wounds, which causes burning and itching.
  3. Epithelization of tissues after intervention. The anus may itch after surgical removal of hemorrhoids. Unpleasant sensations result from the healing of wound surfaces. This process does not require drug therapy, since it is a natural reaction of the body. When the stitches heal, the itching will stop.

Itching, pain and burning with hemorrhoids - what to do, how to treat them?

The most characteristic symptoms that appear with hemorrhoids are itching, burning, spotting and severe pain in the anorectal area.
In advanced conditions, prolapse of hemorrhoids from the anus is observed. With hemorrhoids, erosions usually appear on the walls of the hemorrhoids. They can bleed, which leads to irritation - as a result, a feeling of severe burning and itching appears. This symptom is not one of the most dangerous, however, it can bring a lot of discomfort to the patient.

The problem is that itching and burning with hemorrhoids is extremely difficult to get rid of in a short time, so many people prefer to combine drug and folk therapy. It is worth noting that the use of local drugs in this case is much more effective than treatment carried out using traditional methods alone.

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Do not forget about timely regular hygiene of the anus, as well as special diets that allow you to soften stool - they will not damage the delicate skin mucosa.

In advanced cases, itching and burning with hemorrhoids are the cause of anal sphincter insufficiency. Mucus and feces begin to be released - all this provokes inflammatory processes, as a result of which irritation begins to appear, characterized by a feeling of burning and itching.

Burning and pain with hemorrhoids is far from uncommon. If we have analyzed the cause of burning and itching, then with pain the situation is a little different - it can be preceded by many different factors. During acute hemorrhoids, infringement of the hemorrhoidal nodes, in which a large number of receptors are located, can occur - hence the painful sensations. The main cause of pain in acute hemorrhoids is prolapse of hemorrhoids.

Elimination of itching and burning in the anorectal area, taking into account symptoms

Burning and itching can manifest themselves in attacks - for example, after defecation, physical activity, or against the background of frequent constipation. That is, if a person is susceptible to such an ailment as hemorrhoids, he needs to give up heavy physical activity for a while and also follow a special diet.

It is worth noting that during periods of remission there is no itching. An exception may include people who do not follow basic hygiene rules - in this case, feces remain in the anal area, dry out, and when separated by wiping with toilet paper, mechanical damage can occur, which leads to the subsequent formation of cracks accompanied by itching. Therefore, regular compliance with all hygiene procedures for hemorrhoids is only welcome.

Dietary nutrition for hemorrhoids, thanks to which you can get rid of unpleasant symptoms

Diet for hemorrhoids is the very first step on the path to recovery. No treatment will help if the patient:

  • abuse alcoholic beverages;
  • eat spicy, too fatty foods;
  • Drink not enough clean water per day - drink at least 2 liters;
  • eat too many baked goods and sweets;
  • prefer fried instead of boiled and stewed.

First of all, the diet for hemorrhoids should be aimed at softening the stool and ensuring its free passage. Optimal nutritional rules that must be strictly followed by everyone who has prerequisites for the disease:

  1. Include fiber in your diet - wholemeal bread, brown rice, pearl barley, oatmeal and buckwheat. Flakes are not suitable in this case - they only clog the intestines.
  2. If you suffer from constipation due to hemorrhoids, include flaxseed oil in your diet. One incomplete tablespoon should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, washed down with 1 glass of cold water.
  3. Dried fruits – prunes, dried apricots, raisins – must be present in the diet.
  4. At night, drink a glass of kefir and yogurt.
  5. Choose only low-fat varieties of meat and fish - it needs to be boiled, stewed or baked.
  6. Avoid mayonnaise and spicy seasonings.
  7. If desired, fiber can be purchased at the pharmacy and taken 1 tbsp. l. 2 times a day.
  8. Flax seeds are great for constipation - every morning on an empty stomach you need to carefully take 1 tbsp. flaxseed with plenty of clean water.

Such basic rules will help to quickly eliminate the burning sensation in the anus due to hemorrhoids, as well as improve overall well-being.

Medicines that are recommended for pain and itching in the anus

In order to reduce the inflammatory process, which is the cause of the burning sensation, doctors usually prescribe either ointments or suppositories (suppositories). All of them must have bactericidal, antiseptic, and softening properties.

Why do hemorrhoids itch?

The causes of itching of the anal passage are a variety of conditions. This may be a sign of other diseases in the anorectal area or rectum (cancer, helminthiasis, herpetic or syphilitic infection, and others). Before treating a pathology, the doctor must give the patient an accurate diagnosis. The following factors have a direct impact on the occurrence of itching:

  • impaired liver function due to abuse of fatty foods and alcoholic beverages;
  • development of portal hypertension;
  • infection of the anal area with fungi or viruses;
  • difficulties with bowel movements;
  • decreased quality of anal hygiene;
  • increased physical activity;
  • passive lifestyle.

Burning and itching in the anus with hemorrhoids - treatment and prevention

Burning in the anus and itching with hemorrhoids are the main symptoms of complications of the pathology. Sometimes unpleasant sensations in the anal area lead a person to psychological distress.

Symptoms cause a lot of trouble

The discomfort caused by these symptoms significantly impairs the quality of life. People are starting to look for methods that will effectively treat unpleasant pain symptoms.

In order to find out exactly how to get rid of itching from hemorrhoids, you should understand what exactly led to it. As a rule, itching syndrome becomes one of the first symptoms of the disease. It indicates that cracks or condylomas have appeared in the rectal cavity. They often appear when the tumor grows or the hemorrhoid becomes inflamed.

With the development of the acute phase of the disease, a burning sensation appears first, and only then severe itching. The affected area is very itchy, causing discomfort.

How to treat itching with hemorrhoids

Inflammation of hemorrhoids is treated by a proctologist. After diagnosis, the specialist will prescribe a comprehensive treatment, which includes:

  1. correction of nutrition and physical activity;
  2. taking antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  3. baths with soothing tinctures and decoctions;
  4. ointments and gels - they have an excellent calming effect, their action is aimed at eliminating swelling and inflammation of the anorectal area.

The correct treatment regimen prescribed at an early stage of the disease will help avoid surgical removal of hemorrhoids and cope with the disease at home. If the itching does not disappear after the inflammation of the hemorrhoids is relieved, then additional diagnostics are needed to identify other causes of unpleasant symptoms. Treatment is based on an expanded range of drugs to cover all types of internal damage. This includes medications for:

  • eliminating infection;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • resorption of blood clots;
  • restoration of vascular walls and others.

Why does a burning sensation occur in the anus?

Hemorrhoids are an unpleasant and insidious pathology that can develop unnoticed by the patient at first. Discomfort and burning in the anal passage are sometimes the first warning sign. The strongest sensations appear during exacerbation of the chronic form, and may be completely absent at an early stage.

The main problem with hemorrhoids is damage and deformation of the blood vessels located in the lower intestine. Constant work in a sedentary position, obesity or sedentary leisure time gradually lead to improper distribution of pressure in the pelvis. The thin walls of the veins stretch and begin to accumulate excess blood. Painful lumps form in these places, which interfere with emptying and the functioning of the rectum.

There are several reasons that can lead to burning and tingling in the anus:

  • When passing through the rectal canal, stool can scratch hemorrhoids. This causes bleeding, the wound is itchy and painful.
  • When inflamed lumps fall out. In later stages, this problem occurs very often. The nodule easily comes out when coughing, straining or sitting on the toilet. Irritates the nerve endings and gives a strong burning sensation.
  • The onset of infection or inflammation in the anal canal. When emptying, harmful bacteria enter the damaged areas, causing fungal diseases.
  • Excessive discharge of liquid secretion from hemorrhoids. Such a sticky substance to the touch is another symptom of the disease. It greatly irritates the skin and mucous membrane of the anus, causing a prolonged burning sensation in a person.
  • The appearance of non-healing anal fissures. Most often they form in the perineum, and infection and urine get into them. The wounds are rubbed by underwear, can bleed and give a painful tingling sensation after the slightest overexertion, physical activity or prolonged sitting on a chair.

When treating hemorrhoids, some patients do not comply with the proctologist's instructions. They purchase medications without prescription and use traditional herbal methods at their own discretion. Certain components and components cannot be used rectally. They cause allergies and itching, the mucous membrane is damaged and a tingling sensation begins.

Women may simultaneously experience discomfort and burning in the urethra. This is due to the entry of inflammatory secretions into the external genitalia. Therefore, during an exacerbation of hemorrhoids, experts advise carrying out careful hygiene, replacing toilet paper with washing with herbal decoctions, napkins with disinfectants and antiseptics.


Itching, burning and bleeding in the anus indicate an acute course of the disease. The goal of drug treatment is to relieve inflammation, eliminate pain, and stop bleeding. Medicines are prescribed that affect microcirculation in cavernous formations, reducing the fragility of capillary walls. Pain syndrome is relieved with the help of Analgin, Citramon and other drugs from the group of non-narcotic analgesics. To stop inflammation, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • corticosteroids;
  • phlebotonics;
  • antibiotics;
  • antispasmodics;
  • laxatives.

Depending on the type of hemorrhoids, different dosage forms of drugs are used. For internal pathology, rectal suppositories are preferable. They help get rid of itching, remove the inflammatory process of the rectal mucosa. When the disease is external, proctologists often prescribe ointments and gels. The duration and frequency of drug treatment is determined by the doctor in each individual case.


Rectal suppositories help get rid of itching in the anus. They are placed 2-3 times a day after stool. Before insertion, hygiene of the perianal area is necessary, after which the suppository is inserted so that it remains in the anus and does not penetrate the rectum. To do this, the base of the medication must be held with a gauze pad for the first 2 minutes (until dissolved). The best suppositories that help get rid of other symptoms of the disease are:

  1. Anuzol. One suppository contains xeroform, belladonna extract, belladonna leaves, and zinc sulfate. You should light the candle before going to bed for 10-14 days. Possible side effects: headache, tachycardia, constipation or diarrhea. There is also an extensive list of contraindications: intestinal atony, pregnancy and lactation, prostate hypertrophy, angle-closure glaucoma and others.
  2. Natalsid. The active substance is sodium alginate, which has a wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Apply rectally 2 times/day for 7-14 days. Adverse reactions may occur in the form of allergic manifestations on the skin. Contraindications: children under 14 years of age, individual intolerance to the components.
  3. Anestezol. The composition of the suppositories includes bismuth subgallate, benzocaine, zinc oxide, menthol. Suppositories are used for both internal and external hemorrhoids, 1 piece/day for no longer than 10 days in a row. Adverse reactions: burning sensation in the rectum, pronounced laxative effect. Contraindications: children under 12 years of age, hypersensitivity to components.
  4. Symetrid. Active ingredients: trimecaine, racemic menthol, fluocinolone acetonide, bismuth subgallate. Suppositories are administered into the rectum 1 time/day for 5 days. Undesirable reactions of the body manifest themselves in the form of side effects of glucocorticosteroids (Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, steroid diabetes mellitus and others). Contraindications: pregnancy, child under 2 years of age, intolerance to ingredients.


Ointments and creams help get rid of itching during external inflammation of hemorrhoids. The latter have a lighter consistency, are absorbed faster, and do not leave marks on clothes. Apply the creams in a thin layer to the cleaned area of ​​the anus 1-2 times a day and rub in until completely absorbed. The most popular means:

  1. Troxevasin gel. The main component of the drug is troxerutin, which quickly relieves itching and burning in the anorectal area. Used for 3-4 weeks without interruption. Possible adverse reactions: urticaria, dermatitis, eczema. The gel is not prescribed for open wounds at the site of application or hypersensitivity to the main component.
  2. Relief. The active ingredient is shark liver oil, phenylephrine hydrochloride. Used both externally and inside the anus. To get rid of itching, apply up to 4 times a day for 1-2 weeks. Adverse reactions to uncontrolled treatment: hypertension, convulsions, pulmonary edema. Relief is not prescribed for decompensated heart failure, severe arterial hypertension, severe pathologies of the liver or kidneys.
  3. Venorm. Active components of the cream: extract from horse chestnut, buckwheat, sweet clover extract, calendula, mantle and other plants. For hemorrhoids, apply to the affected area 2-3 times a day for 1-1.5 months. The cream has no side effects. Contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components.


For external hemorrhoids, the most effective medicine is ointment. This dosage form should be used after bowel movements and careful hygiene. As a rule, ointment for itching for hemorrhoids is applied 1-3 times a day, unless specifically directed by a doctor. The following medications will help you quickly and effectively get rid of burning and inflammation of hemorrhoids:

  1. Ultraproct. The composition contains: fluocortolone hexonate, fluocortolone pivalate, cinchocaine. Prescribed 2–4 times/day for 2–4 weeks. With longer therapy, atrophic skin changes and allergic manifestations may develop. Contraindications: first trimester of pregnancy, syphilis, tuberculosis, virus or fungal infection at the site of application.
  2. Proctosan. Active ingredients: bufexamac, bismuth, lidocaine, titanium. To get rid of itching, apply the ointment 2 times a day for no longer than 7 days in a row. With prolonged treatment, skin irritation is possible. Proctosan should not be used for tuberculosis, syphilis, or allergic dermatitis.
  3. Levomekol. Main substances: methyluracil, chloramphenicol. For hemorrhoids, apply 1 time at night for 10 days. Among the adverse reactions, skin rashes are observed. Levomekol is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to the components.
  4. Aurobin. The drug contains active substances: prednisolone, D-panthenol, lidocaine. If the symptoms of hemorrhoids worsen, the ointment is applied 3-4 times a day for 5-7 days. Side effects include thinning and dry skin. Contraindications: tumor processes, viral, bacterial, fungal diseases of the skin.
  5. Fleming's ointment. Consists of components of plant origin. Contains: calendula, horse chestnut, witch hazel, menthol. Additional Ingredients: Zinc Oxide, Vaseline. Homeopathic ointment is prescribed for hemorrhoids as follows: apply 3 times a day for 1 week. No side effects were recorded. Contraindications for use: children under 2 years of age, intolerance to the components of the drug.
  6. Nefluan. Contains lidocaine hydrochloride, neomycin sulfate, fluocinolone acetonide. For hemorrhoids, Nefluan is injected into the anal canal up to 3 times a day for 10–14 days. If used incorrectly, systemic allergic reactions (urticaria, laryngeal edema, anaphylactic shock) may occur. Contraindication: hypersensitivity to the components.
  7. Vishnevsky ointment. Liniment consists of three parts: xeroform, castor oil, birch tar. When hemorrhoids are inflamed, it is recommended to apply lotions to the perianal area. To do this, apply liniment to a wide strip of sterile gauze, apply it to the location of the hemorrhoids, secure the compress with an elastic bandage and keep it for at least 2 days, changing the gauze every 12 hours. The treatment is not accompanied by side effects. Do not apply the drug to a contaminated surface.

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How to relieve unbearable burning in the anus

A combination of drug treatment, folk remedies and a healthy lifestyle will help get rid of itching from hemorrhoids.


Ointments are indicated for external hemorrhoids. The scope of application of ointment for itching in the anus is limited by the cause of the disease:

  • for thrombosis, Gepatrombin G and Heparin ointments are indicated to dissolve a blood clot and relieve itching in hemorrhoids;
  • if hemorrhoids itch due to a bacterial or fungal infection, Levomekol, Gentamicin, Tetracycline, Clotrimazole, Triderm ointments will help;
  • Hormonal ointments based on corticosteroids - Hydrocortisone, Ultraproct, Flucinar, Lorinden, Betamethasone - will quickly relieve the burning sensation. Contraindications to the use of corticosteroids are the presence of bacterial or fungal inflammation;
  • For pregnant and lactating women, ointments Bepanten, Panthenol, Fleming's Ointment, Posterizan, Bezornil will help relieve itching from hemorrhoids. Natural-based preparations will soften and heal irritated mucous membranes;
  • for severe pain, ointments with anesthetic Relief Advance, Proctoglivenol, Aurobin, Proctosedyl are effective.

The ointment is applied to the washed and dried anal mucosa with a clean finger or a special applicator. It is possible to apply a sterile cotton swab soaked in medicine. For weeping inflammation, drying baby powder is recommended. To avoid side effects (degeneration of the mucosa, addiction, superinfection), the dosage and duration of treatment are strictly observed.


If internal hemorrhoids itch, rectal suppositories are included in the treatment plan. Along with pharmaceutical drugs, traditional medicine recipes have taken a well-deserved place in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

The following will help you get rid of the burning sensation of hemorrhoids quickly and without side effects:

  • ice candles made from frozen infusions of medicinal plants - calendula, sage, chamomile, yarrow;
  • homemade suppositories for hemorrhoids with propolis or mumiyo;
  • candles with cocoa, coconut, sea buckthorn oils;
  • candles cut from fresh potatoes or fleshy aloe leaves.

Suppositories and ointments for hemorrhoids, even those made from natural ingredients, cannot be used if you have an individual intolerance or a tendency to allergies.

Pharmacies offer the following rectal suppositories: Neo-Anuzol, Natalsid, Olestezin, Relief, Nigepan, Doloproct, Fissario.


Cool baths and washing can relieve itching from hemorrhoids. Apply baths before bedtime in a course of 8-10 consecutive procedures. Sit in a basin with a medicinal solution for 5-8 minutes. Baths made from celandine, plantain, nettle, and burdock have a good drying and disinfecting effect. Five tablespoons of dried plant material are brewed with 3 liters of boiling water. Leave for an hour, cool to 30°C, filter. Cool baths reduce itching, relieve inflammation, and activate tissue regeneration. After the bath, dry the anus with a napkin and lubricate it with sea buckthorn oil.


Complications of hemorrhoids with inflammatory diseases of the ovaries, prostate gland, as well as during the postpartum period, cool baths are prohibited. They are replaced with compresses and lotions. It is recommended to relieve itching due to hemorrhoidal inflammation at home by applying a cotton-gauze swab dipped in a healing solution.

To treat itching due to hemorrhoids, the following are suitable:

  • a decoction of St. John's wort, horsetail, flaxseed, marsh grass;
  • fresh juice of potatoes, carrots, cabbage, diluted by half with water;
  • essential oils of fir, juniper, eucalyptus, citrus fruits, added in an amount of 5-10 drops per 50 ml of boiled cold water.

Apply a compress 2-3 times a day to the clean anal mucosa. Exposure time – 5-10 minutes. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. You can get rid of itchy hemorrhoids of grade 1-2 in 2-3 courses of therapy with a break of 10 days.


Anal irritation caused by chronic constipation can be treated with microenemas with vegetable oils. Sterile sea buckthorn, rosehip, and regular sunflower oils delicately soften stool and facilitate bowel movement.

Mode of application:

  • the procedure is carried out before bedtime;
  • Take 100-200 ml of liquid oil into a syringe, heated to 35°C;
  • lie on your side and carefully insert the tip of the syringe into the anus;
  • press and release its contents;
  • Without unclenching the syringe, remove it from the rectum;
  • lie down for 30 minutes;
  • when you have the urge to go to the toilet, empty your bowels;
  • wash and dry the anus.

Pregnant women who are at risk of miscarriage, have an anal fissure, large nodes, or weak vascular walls should avoid enemas.


One of the methods of getting rid of itching from hemorrhoids is the use of tablets to relieve inflammation and allergic reactions. Antihistamines remove swelling and redness, reduce the amount of exudate, relieving the symptoms of itchy hemorrhoids.

These drugs include:

  • Suprastin;
  • Tavegil;
  • Clemastine;
  • Cetrin;
  • Zodak;
  • Zyrtec;
  • Suprastinex;
  • Telfast;
  • Claritin;
  • Erius.

Suprastin is one of the first synthesized antihistamines. Everyone is well aware of its hypnotic effect. New generation products (Suprastinex, Erius, Zyrtec, Claritin, Telfast) have little effect on the ability to concentrate. They will help if hemorrhoids are very itchy and you really want to scratch them.


It is impossible to overcome obsessive anal itching without following dietary rules. Eliminate irritating foods from the diet:

  • fatty, fried, smoked;
  • hot, spicy, pickled;
  • salty, sour;
  • products with chemical additives – taste and smell enhancers, dyes, preservatives, stabilizers;
  • exclude flour and sweets, as provocateurs of constipation.

Instead of unhealthy foods, fresh, steamed, baked fruits and vegetables, lean meat and fish, and dairy products are introduced into the menu. They try to maintain a drinking regime of 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day. Preference is given to table still mineral water, herbal tea, rose hip decoction, and dried fruit compote.

Dietary nutrition has the following goals:

  • relieve constipation by consuming enough fiber;
  • normalize the microbial composition of the large intestine;
  • reduce the traumatic effect of feces on inflamed hemorrhoids;
  • Provide the body with nutrition complete in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins.

In the autumn-winter period, if there is a lack of fresh fruits and vegetables, vitamin deficiency is compensated by taking vitamin-mineral complexes. On the recommendation of a doctor, supplement the diet with prebiotics to avoid disturbing the microbial balance.

Treatment at home

People are often interested in how to get rid of itching from hemorrhoids without medications, because in some cases, for example, during pregnancy, the use of medications is prohibited. If a hemorrhoid itches, then you must follow the rules:

  • expand your drinking regime, since to achieve a soft concentration of feces you need to drink about 30 ml of clean water per 1 kg of body weight per day;
  • develop a diet that contains a lot of fiber, because plant fibers help form normal feces;
  • reduce the consumption of foods that cause irritable bowel syndrome: fatty, salty foods, strong tea, coffee, spicy seasonings;
  • It is optimal to alternate between rest and work time.


To quickly heal hemorrhoids, you need to take regular baths at home. Treatment is carried out in three ways: in cold, warm, hot water. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to take baths with the addition of medicinal ingredients: manganese, medicinal herbs, salt, soda. The procedure requires a basin and water. Cold baths take about 2–5 minutes, and hot baths at a temperature of no more than 60 ° C - until the water cools completely. Recommendations for use:

  • It is recommended to take baths 2 times a day: in the morning and at night;
  • frequency of treatment – ​​7 days;
  • You can make steam baths, for the preparation of which add 5-6 cloves of crushed garlic to boiling water, cover the top with a wooden lid with a 2 cm hole and sit on top for 20 minutes before going to bed.

Diet food

Against the background of regular constipation, a person develops complications in the form of itching, burning, fistulas and cracks in the anal passage. Regulating the consistency of intestinal contents with the help of products that enhance peristalsis will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms. This:

  • raw vegetables: beets, tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower;
  • rich in sugars: honey, syrups, jam;
  • dietary fiber: bran, wholemeal bread, oatmeal, pearl barley, barley, buckwheat;
  • vegetable oils: take 1 tbsp at night or in the morning on an empty stomach. l. flaxseed, olive or sunflower.

Prohibited products:

  • pickles;
  • smoked meats;
  • marinades;
  • Rye bread;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • coffee;
  • fatty meats;
  • legumes


Itching and burning can be eliminated using conservative methods, including:

  • oral medication;
  • use of rectal suppositories, ointments, creams and gels;
  • use of traditional medicine recipes;
  • diet therapy;
  • performing microenemas and sitz baths based on natural ingredients.

Drug treatment of itching and burning with hemorrhoids can be carried out with the following effective drugs:

  • "Anuzol";
  • "Proctosan";
  • "Anestezol";
  • "Natalsid";
  • "Aurobin";
  • "Troxevasin";
  • "Levomekol";
  • "Vishnevsky ointment";
  • "Relief";
  • "Neo-Anuzol";
  • "Ultraproct".

Ointments for the treatment of itching and burning in hemorrhoids

Such ointments and suppositories for hemorrhoids can be used for any form of the disease, but only under the strict instructions of the attending physician.

Apart from topical medications, there are several other medications used in the treatment of such symptoms. Among them:

  • "Citramon";
  • "Analgin";
  • "Diprogent";
  • "Courtade";
  • "Proctosedyl";
  • "Acortin".

All of the above medicinal substances have the following positive properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antipruritic;
  • wound healing;
  • painkillers.

One of the effective ways to get rid of itching from hemorrhoids is sitz baths. This procedure should be carried out twice a day, no more than fifteen minutes, for two weeks. The following components can be used:

  • chamomile and nettle;
  • wormwood and oak bark;
  • celandine and buckthorn;
  • aloe and bay leaf;
  • elder and yarrow;
  • burnet and toadflax.

You can also make microenemas based on such plants.

In addition, at home you can make your own rectal suppositories and anti-itching ointment for hemorrhoids for external use. The main components of how to remove itching and burning in the anus are:

  • propolis and candied honey;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • potato;
  • petrolatum;
  • lard and other animal fat.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with folk remedies

It is also very important to maintain hygiene in the perineal area. The following rules, in combination with the above methods of what to do with itching and burning, quickly relieve discomfort:

  • It is always necessary to keep the perianal area dry. To eliminate excess moisture, you should not use toilet paper, but it is best to use a soft towel or cotton wool;
  • Under no circumstances should you scratch the affected area;
  • using gels and soaps for washing only from natural ingredients that will not further irritate the damaged area;
  • complete exclusion of the use of hard toilet paper;
  • washing with warm water after each act of defecation.

The last way to relieve itching and burning from hemorrhoids is diet therapy. A gentle diet plays an important role in the complex treatment of such symptoms. The basic nutritional rules are:

  • frequent and fractional consumption of food;
  • avoiding fatty, spicy foods, smoked foods, confectionery, strong coffee and soda;
  • drinking plenty of fluids – you need to drink at least two liters of liquid per day;
  • enriching the diet with fiber and fermented milk products;
  • cooking by steaming, boiling, baking and stewing;
  • eating food at room temperature.

All recommendations regarding the dietary menu should be provided only by the attending physician.

It is worth noting that the above methods of treating itching and burning only relieve clinical signs, and not the disease itself. Minimally invasive surgical procedures or hemorrhoidectomy will help you forget about such unpleasant sensations forever.

Minimally invasive methods

In the early stages of the disease, in the absence of complications, minimally invasive techniques can be used for treatment. Popular:

  1. Infrared photocoagulation. Physical impact is carried out with an infrared ray on the stem of the hemorrhoid, as a result of which it dies. Treatment is carried out using local anesthesia. The advantage of the method: the process takes 10 minutes, there is a minimum of postoperative complications. Cons: high price, impossibility of the procedure if the node is located near the dentate line, limited amount of exposure (one node per session).
  2. Sclerotherapy. A chemical substance is used as a sclerosant that acts on the vascular pedicle of the hemorrhoid. According to statistics, the effectiveness of treatment reaches 90%. Disadvantage of the treatment: the procedure cannot be performed on patients with thrombosis or strangulation of the node.
  3. Ligation. The essence of the method is the application of a latex ring to the stem of the node, which is deprived of nutrition due to this and dies over time. The procedure is well tolerated, but only one nodule can be ligated during one session. The disadvantage of treatment is the presence of multiple contraindications:
      acute Crohn's disease;
  4. nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  5. proctitis, paraproctitis;
  6. anal fissures;
  7. location of the node next to the jagged line.

Why the problem worries: the main reasons

External and internal hemorrhoids can often be accompanied by itching, which occurs for various reasons. To fix it, you need to find out the source of the problem. Doctors believe that the main root cause of the itching is an inflammatory reaction. The patient also has tingling and itching in the anus for the following reasons:

  • Chemical reaction. With the daily movement and release of feces, the hemorrhoids become irritated. Feces contain active chemical components that have a destructive effect on the cells of the rectum, causing a burning sensation in hemorrhoids.
  • Injury. Anal itching often occurs in patients with chronic constipation. In such cases, hard feces rub the formed hemorrhoids, as a result of which infection penetrates into the latter. Even if a small wound occurs, the patient experiences itching.
  • Weak anal sphincter. Every time you visit the restroom, the anus becomes increasingly dirty. Together with the feces, the secretions of the intestinal cavity and bacteria are released, which settle on the nodes, which causes discomfort.

Severe itching occurs after removal of hemorrhoids, which is associated with tissue epithelization. In this case, there is no need to treat the disorder, since the patient’s condition will soon stabilize on its own and the symptom will disappear.

External negative factors can affect the progression of hemorrhoids and the occurrence of itching:

Alcohol abuse can cause this symptom.

  • abuse of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products;
  • excessive amounts of spicy and unhealthy foods in the daily diet;
  • lack of fiber from food;
  • constant stressful situations;
  • intensive sports and physical activity;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • broken stool.

Features of manifestation and additional symptoms

If hemorrhoids come out, the itching may not appear immediately. The peculiarity of this symptom is its gradual increase as the disease progresses. At first, a person may not even notice that the butt is itching, since the unpleasant feeling occurs sporadically and does not last long. But when external hemorrhoids appear, the patient’s itching becomes permanent. With hemorrhoids, the patient constantly wants to scratch the perineum, as a result of which bleeding wounds appear around the anus. Hemorrhoids itch especially badly at night. If the burning sensation is not relieved in time, the problem quickly becomes more complicated and is additionally accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • severe pain in the anus, especially after bowel movements;
  • bowel dysfunction occurs due to fear of bowel movements;
  • The wounds around the anus enlarge and become infected.


There are indications for which surgery is a necessary condition for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Among them are rectal prolapse with profuse bleeding, stage 3 of the disease, danger of thrombosis, unbearable itching and ulceration, and ineffective drug treatment. There are also contraindications to surgery. This:

  • oncology;
  • heart failure;
  • diabetes;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • old age;
  • impossibility of using general anesthesia.

Removing hemorrhoids surgically involves the use of a laser, a regular scalpel, a circular stapler, and radio waves. After the operation, the doctor may prescribe local treatment (Hypozol spray, Ketorolac ointment, bactericidal patch and other drugs). Surgical options:

  1. Hemorrhoidectomy. The oldest method of getting rid of nodes involves excision according to Milligan-Morgan. The procedure is performed by suturing the pedicle of the hemorrhoid. For manipulations, a scalpel knife or an electric coagulator is used. There is only one advantage of the method – it saves a person from suffering. Among the disadvantages:
      long preparation;
  2. complex operation;
  3. high price;
  4. severe blood loss;
  5. long rehabilitation;
  6. a number of complications (inflammation, suppuration, tissue necrosis, relapses).
  7. Longo method. It is performed under local anesthesia. The patient's affected area of ​​the mucosa is cut off, after which the intervention site is stitched with staples. The operation has multiple advantages: a short and painless recovery period, efficiency (15 minutes), no defects remain, and is allowed at any stage of the disease. Among the disadvantages:
  8. not always a good result with external nodes.

Treatment with drugs

To get rid of itching in the anus, a large number of drugs are used, which are manufactured both by our pharmacists and by companies in other countries. The production of such medicines is carried out on a large scale, which allows the use of medicines in different forms:

  1. Ointments for itching. Everyone will immediately remember more than one or two such drugs. These include ointments “Relief”, “Troxevasin” and “Heparin ointment”. These and similar drugs are applied to the skin in the area of ​​the posterior opening or inserted into the anus using a small tampon. Their task is to soften the skin in the affected area and nourish it with vitamins, as well as substances necessary to stimulate the healing of cracks and relieve inflammation.
  2. Candles for itching. Suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids and its consequences are very convenient drugs. By inserting one of these blocks into the anus in the evening, you can relax for a while and fall asleep peacefully. Such preparations contain antibacterial components, elements that stimulate active cell division, as well as tissue softening substances. Some act on the walls of blood vessels, causing them to narrow. This effect helps relieve pain and itching, getting rid of the inflammatory process. For pregnant women, there are special anal suppositories made from propolis or sea buckthorn.
  3. Pills. They are used in combination with ointment or suppositories. By prescribing them, the doctor achieves an active effect on the walls of all blood vessels, strengthening them regardless of size and location. At the same time, blood circulation is normalized, during which lymph flows out.

Folk remedies

Our ancestors treated itching in the anus with a broom in the bathhouse. Today, this method cannot always be applied, so it is better to consider more universal methods of treating hemorrhoids:

  1. Clay compress. Reduces swelling, helps get rid of itching, relieve inflammation. Dilute clay powder for treatment, purchased at a pharmacy, in water until it becomes a homogeneous paste. Place the mixture on a cloth, apply the compress to the hemorrhoid, secure with a band-aid, keep the lotion for 2 hours daily until the symptoms disappear.
  2. Herbal decoctions. You can get rid of itching by washing with herbal infusions, which is done several times a day. To do this, dry herbs yarrow, chamomile and nettle are mixed in equal quantities. Two tbsp. l. The herbal mixture must be crushed, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Strain the broth and wash the anorectal area several times a day, especially after bowel movements.
  3. Propolis. The beekeeping product heals even wet hemorrhoids. Take 100 g of any fat, soften it to a liquid consistency, add 10 g of crushed propolis. Cook the medicine over low heat for half an hour, stirring. Use the ointment after each bowel movement for 12 days.

How to help yourself with anal itching

You need to go to the doctor, there is no doubt about it, but no one has canceled first aid. You shouldn’t endure negative feelings, help yourself before your doctor can help you get rid of the itching in a comprehensive manner.

First aid for anal itching:

  1. Cool water. The cheapest and easiest way to relieve itching. If you rinse the anus with running cool (not ice!) water, the discomfort will decrease. Better yet, use not just cool water, but a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Cool the boiled water, dissolve just a little potassium permanganate in it (so that the water turns pale pink), and wash the anus with it.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil. Wet a gauze swab with natural sea buckthorn oil and secure it in the anal canal.
  3. Herbal decoction. Soak a clean piece of cloth in a decoction of chamomile, calendula and nettle. Apply the resulting compress to the itchy area.
  4. Furacilin solution. Soak a cotton-gauze swab in the furatsilin solution and apply it to the anal area. The tampon should not be very large; the main thing is to completely cover the itching area with a compress.

Cool water

Sea buckthorn oil

Herbal decoction

Furacilin solution
Sometimes special physical exercises are more effective than all compresses.

How to relieve itching from hemorrhoids with their help? It's simple: you should squeeze the sphincter muscles, count to 10, then relax them for 10 seconds, and repeat this several times. Do the exercise for 3-5 minutes in several approaches. Often it turns out to be more effective than compresses and lotions.

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