Is it possible to eat bananas with gastritis with high acidity?

Banana is one of the first foods introduced as complementary food for infants. It is well tolerated by the child's body, satisfies well and very rarely causes allergies. So banana is reliably prescribed in the diet (of children, and then of adults) with the status “healthy and nutritious.” But is it possible to safely consume bananas for gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases? How can a patient get the maximum benefit from this fruit, and when should he stop using it? To answer these questions, it is enough to study the main properties of banana.

Every schoolchild knows that bananas do not grow on trees - they are the fruit of a herbaceous plant. But not every adult knows whether it is possible to eat bananas if you have gastritis. The exotic fruit is sold everywhere, it is filling and relatively affordable. For 150 rubles you can buy a whole bunch and treat yourself. True, if you have gastritis or other stomach problems, you will have to follow certain rules of use.

Indeed, in case of gastrointestinal diseases, many fruits are excluded from the diet. Because they contain a lot of fiber, they can lead to a sharp surge of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

Unfortunately, the modern pace of life does not allow many of us to monitor our nutrition. Regular snacking often causes the development of gastritis. People suffering from this disease are advised to follow a strict diet. Some foods are completely excluded from their diet. After reading this article, you will find out whether you can eat bananas if you have gastritis.

What symptoms are accompanied by this disease?

Gastritis is an unpleasant, but quite common disease. It is accompanied by painful sensations and causes a person considerable discomfort. The impetus for its development can be injury, alcohol abuse, improperly balanced nutrition, infection, increased acidity, nervous strain and stress.

People who want to know whether they can eat bananas during an exacerbation of gastritis are probably very familiar with the symptoms of this disease. As a rule, it is accompanied by pain in the stomach, nausea after each meal, vomiting, and sometimes diarrhea.

If you notice that you regularly experience pain or discomfort after eating, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible. He will be able to determine the causes of the symptoms and prescribe adequate treatment. Failure to take action in a timely manner can result in a stomach ulcer that threatens the patient’s life.

Dietary features for problems with the digestive system

Anyone who wants to understand whether bananas are indicated for gastritis and ulcers should know how important it is to follow a diet. Proper nutrition can smooth out the symptoms of the disease and prevent its further development.

Patients suffering from gastritis need a nutritious and at the same time gentle diet. Under no circumstances should you overload an already weakened stomach. Fatty, salty, fried and spicy foods are completely excluded from their menu. In addition, the list of prohibited foods includes caffeine, soda and alcohol.

The weight of one serving should not exceed three hundred grams, and the break between two meals should be about three hours. In this case, the diet should include foods that weakly stimulate the process of secretion of gastric juice, which irritates the already inflamed mucous membrane. It can be:

  • thin soups cooked in vegetable broth;
  • all kinds of cereals;
  • cottage cheese;
  • boiled fish and meat;
  • White bread;
  • weak teas.

How does banana affect the gastrointestinal tract?

The chemical composition of the fruit is balanced, its formula is difficult to replicate even under artificial conditions. Benefits of bananas:

  • the presence of almost all B vitamins allows you to supply the body with the necessary amount, relieving nervous tension;
  • high iron content, increases hemoglobin;
  • fiber, eliminates problems in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • natural sugars: fructose, glucose, energizes a weakened body;
  • potassium and magnesium saturate cells with oxygen, normalize water balance, and support kidney and heart function;
  • antioxidants reduce damage from free radicals that contribute to the development of cancer;
  • dietary fiber normalizes intestinal motility and stimulates motor activity.

Eating bananas for gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases is useful; they collect toxins, heavy metals and remove them from the body. A few pieces a day are enough to ensure a good mood, well-being and removal of extra pounds.

Beneficial features

In short, bananas definitely have benefits for gastritis. They are allowed to be eaten during the period of remission, because the fruit is very soft. It is easily digested and has the most beneficial effect on inflamed walls. In order not to damage the mucous membrane, doctors advise eating fruits between meals, and not on an empty stomach.

Let's get back to the benefits of fruits. They are quite high in calories - one medium banana contains more than 100 calories. A large amount of carbohydrates makes you feel full for several hours. Therefore, they can always be used as a complete snack between breakfast and lunch.

From a botanical point of view, a banana is a berry. The inflorescences are very massive - they contain up to 300 berries and reach 60 kg. Bananas contain enough manganese, potassium, and ascorbic acid. In addition, they contain special substances that provoke the production of mucus in the stomach. The result is that bananas, which are ordinary at first glance, create a special barrier between food and damaged walls for erosive gastritis of the stomach. This minimizes harm - even if the patient ate something forbidden.

Video on the topic: Bananas. What's useful about them?

Despite the fact that bananas are not cultivated in our climate zone, it is now difficult to imagine a grocery section in a store without a bunch of bananas. This fruit is in demand all year round due to its excellent taste, and it can also saturate the body.

But in addition to good nutritional value, the banana takes its laurels as a source of vitamins and minerals. It contains:

  • Vitamins A, C, E, D and group B;
  • Microelements potassium, calcium, iron and phosphorus;
  • Large amount of fiber.

Due to this, and also due to its availability, bananas are the main source of nutrition in many countries. In our country, it has taken root as an excellent snack or one of the components of dessert, as well as an aid in the fight against diseases.

Properties of bananas

Bananas are popular with both children and adults. Contrary to popular belief, a banana is a berry because it grows on a banana plant that does not have a hard stem. One such stem can support up to 100 kg, which is approximately 300 fruits.

The properties of bananas are that they are saturated with many vitamins, macro- and microelements, which contain phosphorus, carotene, pectin, starch, nitrogenous substances and minerals

The properties of bananas are that they are saturated with many vitamins, macro- and microelements, which contain phosphorus, carotene, pectin, starch, nitrogenous substances and minerals. They also contain natural sugars - glucose, sucrose, fructose and fiber. This delicious berry contains the protein tryptophan, which then turns into serotonin. The latter is known as the hormone of happiness.

The main advantage of bananas is their high potassium content. The thing is that this microelement has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The potassium content helps restore the balance of electrolytes (with gastritis, vomiting is often observed). Thanks to their saturation with vitamins, bananas can lift your mood, eliminate irritability and stress, restore sleep, improve memory and make hair and skin healthy.

Banana is beneficial for gastritis for the following reasons:

  • Bananas have very low acid content;
  • beneficial substances in the pulp contribute to the healing of the digestive tract;
  • magnesium slows down the degenerative processes that occur in the mucous layer.

Benefits of banana for the body

When we talk about banana, we first of all focus on the fact that it helps the heart (due to its high potassium content). And we often forget that the fruit as a whole helps the body fight many ailments.

Banana consumption:

  • Restores the functioning of the nervous system;
  • Increases the level of the “happiness hormone” serotonin;
  • Has an antiseptic and astringent effect;
  • Regulates acid-base balance;
  • Reduces swelling and the risk of anemia;
  • Supports the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and has a gentle effect on constipation;
  • Improves the condition during PMS.

For a healthy body, eating bananas has no contraindications. In rare cases, the fruit causes allergies, bloating or colic.

It is worth limiting the amount of bananas in the diet for patients with diabetes, thrombophlebitis or varicose veins

TOP 10 reasons why bananas are good for the stomach

There is no longer any doubt that yellow fruits can be eaten. But are bananas good for gastritis? Here are 10 reasons why they should be included in the diet:

  1. They have a beneficial effect on the pancreas and are useful for chronic pancreatitis.
  2. Helps normalize stool.
  3. Eliminates the effects of intoxication.
  4. Speed ​​up metabolism several times. Food is digested faster and absorbed much better.
  5. Ask your doctor if you can eat bananas with erosive gastritis - and he will give a positive answer. Even with stomach and duodenal ulcers, fruits are actively included in the diet.
  6. A sufficiently high concentration of potassium allows you to restore the water-salt balance.
  7. The presence of an element such as manganese contributes to normal lipid metabolism. This is also important if a person is diagnosed with gastritis.
  8. The antioxidants included in the composition accelerate recovery and help remove waste and toxins.
  9. Bananas create an environment in the stomach that is unfavorable for harmful microorganisms.
  10. And one last thing. Exotic fruits contain magnesium. It acts as a sedative. When gastritis is caused by a stressful situation, such food becomes the best medicine.

Be sure to include fruits in your therapeutic diet. The healing process will be much faster.

Video on the topic: Bananas: myths and truth

What do gastroenterologists say about bananas?

The attitude of gastroenterologists towards banana is positive, since this fruit is not prohibited by any medical table. That is why, when asked whether it is possible to eat bananas with gastritis, any doctor who deals with gastrointestinal problems will answer in the affirmative.

Some researchers claim that these fruits reduce the activity of helicobacter pillory bacteria, which provoke the development of gastritis and stomach ulcers. And since gastritis is an inflammatory disease of the gastric mucosa, such effects of fruits can even be considered therapeutic.

Recommendations for consuming these fruits

Having figured out whether it is possible to eat bananas with gastritis, you need to understand how to do this so as not to harm your body. This tasty and very nutritious product can be eaten fresh or as part of cocktails. During the diet, it is better to forget about fried fruits and chips made from them.

Many experts recommend eating bananas for gastritis, mixing them with kefir. If you do not like this combination, then you can use these products separately. Their benefits will not be diminished by this.

It is advisable to eat bananas before the main meal. In this case, the fruit will form a kind of protective shell on the mucous membrane, neutralizing the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid.

Regular consumption of bananas is considered one of the most effective preventive measures against the appearance of gastritis. However, it is better to exclude it from the diet of people suffering from bloating and flatulence.

Banana for gastritis

Treatment of any form of gastritis involves reducing inflammation in the gastric mucosa and restoring normal acid-base balance. To combat the disease, doctors prescribe medications and recommend that the patient follow a diet.

The very word “diet”, to one degree or another, puts the human body into a state of stress. Even understanding that the right diet can alleviate symptoms does not always help improve the patient’s psychological state. And here bananas come to the aid of a patient with gastritis.

Their use has a coating and antiseptic effect on the esophagus. Due to its high vitamin E content, banana helps restore the stomach walls. Its soft, naturally sweet pulp does not irritate the esophagus and does not aggravate the symptoms of the disease.

Also, eating bananas reduces irritability and anxiety in patients with gastritis, helps fight hunger, and saturates the body with vitamins and minerals, which is especially important during a diet.

Bananas and low acidity

Since the fruit contains a minimal amount of fiber, it does not burden the digestive system at all. The fibers included in the composition are digested quickly and do not linger for long. If pain, indigestion and weakness occur, it is recommended to postpone the use of berries until the patient’s condition has stabilized.

So, for gastritis with low acidity, bananas should be consumed overripe . That is, if they have darkened a little and are soft enough, this is your option. Do not confuse the slightly darkened skin with brown flesh. The latter indicates that the fruit has begun to rot. It is better to refuse such a “copy” immediately.

If you eat a banana and feel severe heaviness in your stomach, bloating or even nausea, try replacing fresh fruit with dried fruit. In this form, the delicacy is absorbed even better. Because when dried, it loses more than 50% of plant fibers.

Bananas and atrophic gastritis

Let's figure out whether bananas are okay for atrophic gastritis. To answer the question, you need to know the characteristic features of this form of the disease.

In short, the mucous membrane gradually atrophies, its walls become thinner. Is it possible to stop the destruction process? Undoubtedly. By consuming bananas for atrophic gastritis of the stomach, the thin walls of the mucous membrane restore their structure. An amazing effect is achieved due to magnesium, which is part of the product.

Bananas and high acidity

Bananas for gastritis with high acidity are good because they contain a lot of potassium. This chemical element normalizes the pH level and reduces the acid concentration. It is safe to say that with high acidity, bananas should be consumed regularly.

The fruit also helps combat heartburn - especially if consumed with milk, cottage cheese and other dairy products. Just the perfect combination!

How to make a healthy diet shake? Very simple. Take 2 fruits, peel them and mash them with a fork. Then mix with a glass of full-fat milk, beat with a food processor. The finished cocktail is cooled in the refrigerator and drunk in small portions between meals.

Erosive gastritis - can I have bananas?

Exotic fruits will not be beneficial in all cases. For example, bananas during exacerbation of gastritis are prohibited in the first days of illness. But as soon as the patient’s condition has stabilized, they are gradually introduced into the diet.

Regarding the erosive form and stomach ulcers, the soft consistency of the fruit will have a positive effect. It contains vitamin E, which accelerates the healing of wounds and burns. Damaged stomach walls begin to recover, and the inflammatory process is blocked.

Another benefit of the fruit is related to its ability to thicken the blood. This will help with minor local bleeding. Moreover, bananas trigger the process of regeneration of damaged cells. This amazing effect is achieved due to the high manganese content.

During exacerbation

Acute forms of gastric diseases, as a rule, are accompanied by such symptoms that patients do not even think about eating at this moment. But acute pain and dyspeptic disorders sooner or later pass, and then questions arise - what can the patient be fed, is it possible to eat bananas during an exacerbation of gastritis. Gastroenterologists say it is allowed, but after the attack of gastritis has subsided and little by little, chewing thoroughly. And under no circumstances should you drink it with any drinks. And also - preferably 2 hours after the main meal, and not immediately after eating.

With the atrophic form of gastritis

Atrophic gastritis is a chronic inflammation of the stomach, in which cell renewal stops and the organ’s ability to function fully is lost. The processes of gastric motility and secretion production and food digestion are disrupted. This type of gastritis leads to the occurrence of cancer, especially in those who have had the pathology since youth.

Can bananas be eaten with atrophic gastritis? We strongly recommend that you ask your doctor about this. Although many gastroenterologists see no danger and no reason to prohibit the product, your situation may differ from the generally accepted one.

Can I drink banana juice?

We found out whether it is possible to eat bananas during exacerbation of gastritis, and clarified the specifics of consumption for hyperacid, atrophic, and other forms of gastritis. We've sorted out the fruits - let's move on to juices.

Of course, a packaged drink from a supermarket with a rich set of preservatives is unlikely to suit you. Maybe try squeezing banana juice at home? The idea is good, but useless. There will be very little of it, and the high time and money costs make the event completely irrational. In addition, with increased acidity, banana juice can provoke an exacerbation.

But mashed bananas made from bananas are quite acceptable for gastritis. True, you should eat it immediately after grinding. This will help preserve all vitamins and nutrients.

Eating bananas for various gastrointestinal diseases

Like any disease, gastritis can be acute or chronic. Chronic gastritis is characterized by a sluggish course of the disease, while acute gastritis causes sharp (sudden) pain, as well as vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, etc. At this stage of the disease, bananas should not be used without consulting a gastroenterologist.

To recover, the patient needs to adhere to a low-calorie diet for several days, which includes only pureed soups and cereals. After eliminating the symptoms of acute gastritis, bananas can be introduced into the patient’s diet, as they will contribute to better regeneration of the walls of the stomach and the entire esophagus.

The same time restrictions apply during acute erosive gastritis. At the remission stage, eating bananas is not only possible, but also necessary.

Banana for gastritis with high acidity is included in the list of acceptable foods. It can be consumed in quantities of 1-2 pcs. for a day. The best time for absorption is between main meals.

Gastritis with low acidity does not require a special diet or restrictions. You can safely eat bananas, as they gently relieve constipation and generally improve digestion.

If the patient experiences increased gas formation, it is better to refuse the fruit.

There is also no restriction on the use of banana for stomach ulcers and pancreatitis, due to its mild effect on the walls of the stomach and the entire digestive system.

For gastric ulcers

Ulcerations of the mucous membrane and muscular gastric layer are united by a common concept - ulcer. Is it possible to eat bananas if you have a stomach ulcer, because this disease does not tolerate neglect of treatment and diet and reacts sharply to their violation? Banana fruits can be called an indispensable product for patients suffering from stomach ulcers. These fruits have the ability to:

  • has a detrimental effect on harmful bacteria;
  • envelop the walls of the stomach with protective mucus produced in response to eating these fruits;
  • do not irritate the gastric mucosa at all;
  • promote the regeneration of damaged tissues.

These properties dispel all doubts regarding whether bananas can be eaten if you have a stomach ulcer. Not only is it possible, but it is also necessary.

For duodenal ulcer

The duodenum undergoes the same destructive processes as the stomach if it is exposed to the products of the bacterium helicobacter pylory and gastric secretion. For those who suffer from this disease, the relevant question is whether bananas are ok for duodenal ulcers. With this diagnosis, eating fruit affects the body in the same way as bananas for a stomach ulcer - they promote the release of protective mucus that envelops the walls of the stomach, improve intestinal motility, and normalize blood flow.

For pancreatitis and cholecystitis

Even such capricious organs as the pancreas and gall bladder do not resist when eating banana fruits. For these diseases, treatment table (diet) No. 5 is indicated, containing fairly strict food restrictions. However, these delicious fruits are not on the list of prohibited foods. On the contrary, they talk about the benefits of sweet, soft fruits, which simply should be chewed thoroughly. Perhaps this is the only warning for consuming this sweet for pancreatitis and cholecystitis - they should be eaten in small pieces and chewed thoroughly.

The benefits and harms of bananas for the stomach

Stomach diseases are accompanied by nausea, heartburn, pain and discomfort in the intestines, so an individual diet is prescribed for the patient, which will eliminate symptoms and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The patient must strictly adhere to proper nutrition and select only approved foods. One of these is the banana; its benefits are due to the large number of vitamins and microelements that can normalize metabolism.

So, for example, in case of weak stool, the patient is recommended to eat semi-ripe fruit, which strengthens the stool, and, conversely, in case of difficult bowel movements, the patient is prescribed overripe bananas, which have the ability to weaken the stool. Bananas can relieve pain and burning in the esophagus, but in this case only fresh fruits will help, not dried ones. The fibrous structure of the fruit allows it to be used for acute chronic gastritis with normal and high acidity, and for other stomach diseases.

But, like all foods, bananas can cause harm to the body, especially if you abuse them. It is worth remembering that this fruit has the ability to strengthen or weaken, so the patient should be careful when choosing a fruit and remember that ripe ones weaken, and green ones strengthen. Therefore, eating overripe fruits is dangerous if the patient is accompanied by intestinal pain caused by diarrhea. Constipation is also dangerous for humans, because it can cause morphological changes in internal organs and provoke other diseases.

It is worth considering that the fruit contains many calories, which are contraindicated if you need to lose weight. Doctors do not recommend that an overweight patient include large quantities of bananas in the diet; it is enough to eat one or two fruits a day to quench the desire and increase the level of endorphins in the blood.

Another important criterion for consuming bananas for stomach diseases is their heat treatment, or rather, its absence. The stomach, which is accompanied by pain, spasms and discomfort, needs light nutrition, so it is strictly forbidden to overload it during the treatment process. Thus, bananas should be eaten exclusively fresh; it is forbidden to fry them or make chips from them.

If defecation is difficult, the patient may be prescribed a banana with kefir. However, in the case of kefir, it should be remembered that fresh fermented milk products weaken, and old ones strengthen, therefore, in order to improve bowel movements, the patient needs to choose ripe fruit and fresh kefir. Doctors recommend eating banana dishes before meals, as the fruit is able to create a protective layer on the mucous membrane of the organ, which serves as a barrier to the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid.

For gastritis with high acidity

For a patient with high acidity, doctors prescribe to consume the fruits of a tropical plant exclusively before meals, as they provoke the production of mucus, which serves as a protective layer for the surface lining of the stomach. It is worth remembering that the fruit has the ability to weaken, and with high acidity, excessive consumption of the fruit can cause discomfort in the stomach. Therefore, it is strictly not recommended to eat it in large quantities for gastritis with high acidity.

For gastritis with low acidity

A patient with low acidity is allowed to include bananas in the diet. They speed up the process of restoration of the mucous layer and enrich the body with useful microelements and essential vitamins. These sweet fruits of a tropical plant normalize the functioning of the intestines and improve the process of digesting food. Doctors recommend choosing overripe fruits, as they are easier for the stomach to digest.

Are there any allergies to these tropical fruits?

Of course, doctors recommend bananas for exacerbation of gastritis, but only if the patient does not have an individual intolerance to this product. Like any other food, they can cause an allergic reaction, accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • swelling of the oral or nasal mucosa;
  • diarrhea;
  • itching in the larynx, mouth, skin or lips;
  • stomach ache.

It is possible that this reaction was not caused by the bananas themselves, but by the chemicals used to treat the fruit before transport. But in any case, if one of the above symptoms appears, you should immediately consult with a qualified allergist. Only an experienced doctor can confirm or refute the diagnosis. If it turns out that the patient is truly allergic to these fruits, then they will need to be completely excluded from his diet.

Is it recommended to eat fruits on an empty stomach (in the morning, on an empty stomach)?

Fruits containing large amounts of acids (vitamin C, etc.) are usually not allowed to be eaten by people with problems with the digestive system. But banana pulp has a natural antacid (acid neutralizing) property, so these fruits are not only not prohibited for gastrointestinal pathologies, but are even highly recommended.

How will your stomach behave if you feed it these fruits on an empty stomach? Can you eat bananas on an empty stomach or at night? This is truly a controversial issue in nutrition because the body's reaction can be unpredictable.

  1. Let's start with the fact that bananas have a high level of starch, and this is a carbohydrate that can cause increased gas formation and bloating, which is why those who suffer from flatulence should not eat bananas on an empty stomach.
  2. If a patient is predisposed to allergic reactions, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to eat bananas on an empty stomach is negative.
  3. Bananas have a mild laxative property, so you should not hope that this fruit can replace breakfast. It is better to eat it 20-30 minutes before breakfast, so that it is the first to enter the intestines and, using the properties of plant fiber, which is so rich, to carry along the remains of feces in the intestines.

The best thing to do when deciding whether you can eat bananas in the morning on an empty stomach is to consult with your doctor, who knows your concomitant diseases (predisposition to food allergies, dyspeptic disorders, etc.).

For acute gastritis

Acute gastritis is a reaction of the stomach to irritating factors. At this moment, the mucous membrane of the stomach becomes inflamed, pain appears, which knocks the person out of his usual working rhythm. Inflammation can be triggered by the intake of poor-quality food, medications, or occur against the background of other infectious diseases.

Why doctors advise eating bananas for indigestion:

  • the presence of delicate fiber compared to other fruits;
  • cleanses the intestines, but collects and removes harmful components;
  • does not injure the intestinal lining;
  • the presence of magnesium allows you to alkalize the environment, normalizing acidity;
  • activates the renewal of the epithelium;
  • absorbed efficiently.

Important! It is best to take the fruits half an hour before breakfast, so that they have time to break down and form a protective environment.

After this, it enters the intestines, making room for nutritious food. When combined with other foods, the mass will begin to ferment, increasing the symptoms of the disease, spasms and flatulence will appear. If bloating appears during a pause, then the interval should be increased.

How to choose bananas

There are two main categories of bananas: dessert bananas and plantains. The first type is brought to us because it does not require cooking and is ready to eat.

A banana with black spots will be sweeter than a pale yellow fruit.

In order for the fruit to be as healthy as possible, when purchasing, always pay attention to its appearance:

  1. High-quality bananas have a streamlined shape (i.e., not ribbed).
  2. The peel of the fruit should be smooth, matte, without spots.
  3. Black spots on a banana are safe - they indicate a good degree of ripening. But you should not buy such fruits in large quantities, as they do not last long.
  4. The gray color of the peel on a banana is a signal that the fruit has been frozen. It is not suitable for consumption.
  5. The color of a ripe banana is bright yellow. The fruit with a greenish peel is not yet ripe; it can be purchased and placed in a dry place. After some time, it will acquire the desired color and become suitable for consumption.

Gastroenterologists do not recommend eating green bananas, as their pulp contains “insoluble” starch, which can cause bloating and discomfort. Although green bananas can be consumed by healthy people for the purpose of losing weight

It is better to store ripe bananas in a bunch at a temperature of 7-10 degrees. In order for the fruit to ripen, place it in a room with a temperature of 10-13 °C. The refrigerator does not help preserve bananas, but on the contrary, it can spoil them. The size of the fruit does not really matter; regardless of length, it contains the necessary vitamins and microelements.

How to use, the best combinations

The correct regimen for eating bananas is the key to not only obtaining maximum benefits, but also guaranteeing the well-being of a patient with gastritis. Nutritionists recommend taking the fruit 30-60 minutes before the main meal - this way the pulp will have an enveloping effect on the walls of the stomach and help normalize the acid-base balance.

A banana smoothie with kefir can replace a full meal

The second way is during a break between meals (as a snack). Doctors do not advise eating bananas immediately after meals. This will not bring the desired benefit and relief to a patient with gastritis.

Patients with gastritis should not eat fried bananas, banana chips and other similar products.

To diversify the menu, banana can be combined with fermented milk products. For example, together with kefir, it fully replaces one meal. You can also prepare a light dessert: mix bananas, apples and season with non-acidic sour cream or yogurt.

Another option is a combination of banana and cottage cheese. Their combination is well absorbed by the body without heat treatment. But you can also prepare a light casserole (together with an egg and a little milk). Gastroenterologists allow low-fat cottage cheese to be taken for any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including pancreatitis and stomach ulcers. Together with a banana, it will saturate the body with useful substances and eliminate the feeling of hunger.

Bananas for gastritis are an easy, affordable and healthy food. Do not deny yourself pleasure and fight the disease not only with medications, but also with the help of delicious, sweet, soft fruits!

Is it possible to eat dried bananas when you are sick?

A less common use of the fruit is in dried form. This use is very convenient, the products take up little space, but are nutritious and healthy for a snack.

It is important to remember that if your blood sugar is high, you should not eat dried bananas. If your glucose level is fine, then a small amount of fruit three times a day is not contraindicated.

Dried bananas for gastritis can be taken in crushed form along with cereals, this combination is useful. The digestive process is improved and acidity is normalized. In case of gastrointestinal disease, preference is given not to fresh fruit, but to dried fruit, since it will not cause fermentation.

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