Is it possible to take mezim for gastritis with high acidity?

More information about the drug

This drug is often present in home medicine cabinets because it helps to cope with stomach disorders, calm the digestive system, stimulate and restore normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Basically, Mezim is used without prescription and is sold without a prescription. The exception is people with allergic reactions and individual intolerance to the components of the medicine.

The instructions for use of Mezim Forte say that it contains pancreatin. This enzyme is found in a healthy pancreas and helps the digestive process. An ordinary person who does not complain about health and does not experience a noticeable feeling of heaviness after eating does not need to take additional enzyme preparations. Patients with gastritis, ulcers, and other gastrointestinal diseases are faced with the fact that due to a strong inflammatory process, the food eaten is practically not digested, and this process is accompanied by severe pain. It is impossible to give up food altogether; we need it for a normal existence. You have to go on a strict diet, but this doesn’t always help.

Mezim Forte is designed specifically to improve the patient’s general condition and support the body during a difficult period of treatment. This drug will not get rid of gastritis itself, but it will quickly give relief from pain and the feeling of bursting heaviness after eating.

Unlike other drugs with the same active ingredient in the composition, Mezim Forte uses natural pancreatin. It is obtained from the pancreas of pigs. Its composition is as close as possible to human. Unlike synthetic pancreatin, which is used in some drugs, this substance is not rejected by the patient’s body and immediately begins to work for his benefit.

It is not addictive and can be used for a long time. In some cases, treatment with Mezim Forte is permitted for young children with gastrointestinal problems, as well as during the recovery period after poisoning, intestinal infections, and acetone syndrome.

Description of the drug

The active ingredient in the drug is pancreatin, which is produced from the pancreas of pigs. This substance includes enzymes that improve the digestion process:

  • Lipase.
  • Protease.
  • Amylase.

Enzymatic active ingredients compensate for the lack of natural enzymes that should normally be produced by the pancreas. Mezim does not have a negative effect on the digestive organ, so it can be taken for gastritis.

Advice! Before using the medicine, it is important to undergo diagnostics and obtain doctor’s recommendations.

Mezim is produced in tablets with a pink coating, which protects the medicine from the effects of gastric juice. The tablets dissolve in the alkaline environment of the intestines, where they begin to work, accelerating the digestion process. The maximum activity of the drug is observed approximately half an hour after its use.

Features of the product

A number of people with gastritis with high acidity or low acidity, in case of exacerbation of unpleasant symptoms, immediately turn to Mezim for help. It would be right to first visit a doctor, consult and understand the discomfort. But sometimes you simply don’t have the strength to endure the pain during an exacerbation.

Studies have shown that Mezim for gastritis does not have any harmful effects on the human stomach. Therefore, its use is recommended and not prohibited, contrary to popular belief.

"Mezim" can help cope with the signs of gastritis because:

  • stimulates the functions of the digestive system;
  • protects against constipation;
  • prevents nausea, bouts of diarrhea;
  • provides protection from pain and discomfort when eating;
  • relieves inflammatory processes;
  • removes infections, harmful microorganisms and toxins from the body;
  • relieves the feeling of heaviness;
  • eliminates bloating and colic;
  • helps in the process of digesting food, etc.

The components contained in the drug provide it with an effective effect on people suffering from gastritis. The substances relieve swelling and inflammation, stimulate high-quality stomach function and maintain acidity at an optimal level.

Therefore, for gastritis with high acidity and in the absence of other pathologies, Mezim is considered one of the most effective medicines. At the same time, the drug is safe and does not cause side effects.

Prevention of digestive disorders before a feast

If necessary, a one-time use of Mezim is possible. This mainly needs to be done before the upcoming feast, when a person knows in advance that he will consume large amounts of fatty and heavy foods and alcoholic drinks. If you take 1-2 tablets (depending on the dose of the drug) of Mezim before meals, you can protect the pancreas from high functional load and get rid of heaviness in the stomach, heartburn and nausea. The drug acts quickly and effectively, improving the digestion and absorption of all food components.

Mezim relieves symptoms of heaviness in the stomach, relieves the feeling of discomfort and increased gas formation in the intestines, relieves pain during the digestion of food, giving a break to the stomach. Sometimes doctors recommend taking Mezim for gastritis.

Operating principle

Mezim is used for gastritis, which is accompanied by a decrease in secretory activity. In this case, the digestion process becomes difficult. For gastritis with high acidity, the drug is not indicated for use.

Mezim is important for the body due to the fact that the enzymes in its composition help nutrients be better absorbed in the small intestine. In addition, the drug additionally contains trypsin.

The substance has mild analgesic properties and is able to increase the production of its own enzymes by the pancreas, which stabilizes the digestion process.

Main components of the drug

Lipase, in one tablet 3500 IU, the drug Mezim forte contains 10,000 IU of the enzyme.

Lipase starts the process of fat digestion. Fats are absorbed by the body only when they form a thin film on the surface of other substances. The emulsified film decomposes into fatty acids and monoglycerides necessary for the body.

Amylase, 4200 IU per tablet.

Amylase begins the process of decomposing complex carbohydrates into simple components: maltose and dextrin. Only after the amylase enzyme has completed the initial decomposition of sugar and starch does further breakdown and absorption of carbohydrate foods by the body occur.

Protease, 250 IU per tablet.

Protease is involved in the process of protein breakdown.

Recommendations for use

Practice and medical experience have shown that Mezim works well in the early and late stages of gastritis development. But if the patient is diagnosed with polyps or an ulcer, then this medication will have to be abandoned.

People often ignore doctors' recommendations for prior consultation. Gastritis requires constant monitoring, since complications and progression to more severe forms can significantly harm a person. If you keep the situation under control, follow the rules of a healthy diet and take a rational approach to the use of medications, you will not be bothered by unpleasant symptoms.

“Mezim” refers to medications, therefore it has its own official instructions, indications, contraindications and requirements. You must read this information before starting treatment.

If you are not sure whether you belong to a risk group with contraindications to the drug, do not take risks. First, get tested, undergo examinations and make sure that taking Mezim will not bring you any side effects.

The standard recommendation from manufacturers for the use of this drug is to comply with the following rules:

  1. In case of gastritis, you should take no more than 3 tablets per day.
  2. If you take 3 tablets, then divide them into 3 periods of the day (1 tablet in the morning, afternoon and before bed).
  3. Be sure to swallow the medicine and do not crush or chew it, thinking that this way the effect will be achieved faster. This is wrong. Grinding leads to the loss of the properties of the drug, therefore Mezim will not be able to help eliminate inflammatory processes.
  4. To achieve the optimal effect, Mezim is taken before meals, that is, on an empty, empty stomach.
  5. To drink the medicine, use only purified water without gas. No juices, sweet sodas or even tea.
  6. When you have taken the pills, do not eat anything that is contraindicated for your form of gastritis. Otherwise, the benefit from the drug will be minimal, if it works at all.
  7. Lack of food and overeating are equally harmful from the point of view of the effect of the drug.

But not everything is so good and perfect. Each drug has its own negative side. Therefore, Mezim has its own contraindications and possible side effects. This is the main danger of using these tablets in the treatment of gastritis.

Enzyme therapy regimens for errors in food intake

  1. For gastritis, mezim should be taken with every meal, but no more than three tablets per day. The medicine should be swallowed without chewing and washed down with drinking water during or immediately before meals. Diet and proper nutrition are a must.
  2. Fasting and overeating while taking medication is considered harmful. Food should be consumed warm, in small quantities. It is better to increase the frequency of intake and the number of meals: it is convenient to eat every three to four hours. Before going to bed, do not load your stomach - you can eat your last meal two hours before bedtime.
  3. The course of taking Mezim Forte is determined by the doctor after examining the body. The duration of the course depends on the severity and stage of gastritis. It takes a week to restore the functional functioning of the digestive tract. If the disease is serious, the doctor will prescribe medications for a month or more.
  4. You should not self-medicate with medications containing enzymes. The body will develop a habit and begin to be lazy. Knowing that the required amount of enzymes can come from outside, it is not necessary to produce your own secretions. In this case, you will have to drink enzymes throughout your life.
  5. If an attack of gastritis begins for the first time, treatment should be started immediately. A competent approach will help avoid relapse and chronic form.

For gastritis, the doctor prescribes, along with enzymes, anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers and probiotics for good intestinal function.

Erosive gastritis is a rare occurrence. If a patient is diagnosed with this, specialists prescribe him to take enzyme preparations, in particular Mezim Forte. A long period is required to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Normalization of processes may take a month or longer. You must follow the recommendations of your doctor and adhere to the treatment regimen. Then the disease will go away faster and without complications.

The instructions for use contain recommendations on the use of the medicine in the treatment of gastritis. It is important to take Mezim Forte tablets, observing the following rules:

  • The number of tablets taken should not exceed 3 per day: in the morning, during the day, before bedtime.
  • The tablets should be taken immediately before meals, without chewing, otherwise the properties of the drug will be lost.
  • You should take the medicine with clean still water.

In case of exacerbation of gastritis, in order to facilitate the digestion process, the dosage of the drug is prescribed individually depending on the patient’s condition. It is very important after taking the pill not to eat anything that is prohibited by the diet.

People suffering from gastritis are allowed to take a single dose of the medicine. The need for this, as a rule, arises when the diet has been disrupted and there is a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

After taking the medicine, it is not advisable to lie down, but you should also not engage in physical activity. It is important that the tablet enters the gastrointestinal tract when the person is in a naturally calm state.

It is not recommended to use Mezim in combination with antacids or iron-containing drugs. Taking these medications simultaneously will reduce the effectiveness of the latter.

Mezim is allowed to be used in the complex treatment of gastritis, but it is impossible to cure the disease with this drug alone. It can improve the digestibility of food and, therefore, reduce the load on the digestive system as a whole, which will make the treatment of gastritis more effective.

Mezim: dosage

If you study the drug Mezim Forte, the instructions for use determine the dosage depending on the main component - the lipase enzyme.

The individual dosage will be determined by the doctor depending on the disease. Adults are prescribed up to 3 tablets per dose, 3-4 doses per day.

For children under 12 years of age, the dosage of the drug is calculated based on body weight: up to 1500 IU of lipase per kilogram of weight. For adolescents over 12 years of age, the dosage should not exceed 20,000 IU of lipase per kilogram of weight.

Use of Mezim for gastritis

Mezim is effective when gastritis and increased stomach acidity . There should be no other pathologies or disorders. Active mezim enzymes relieve inflammation and maintain the required level of enzymes and stomach acidity.

  1. Unpleasant symptoms can be avoided if you listen to the doctor’s recommendations, follow the right regimen and lead a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Mezim has proven itself well at all stages of gastritis. However, if the patient is diagnosed with a stomach ulcer, you will have to switch to other medications.
  3. Like all medications, Mezim has instructions for use, contraindications, and side effects. Therefore, first you need to make an appointment with a doctor and consult about taking pills. The medicine must be prescribed by a doctor. Before you start taking the medication, you should clarify the information and read the instructions to the end.
  4. In the correct dosage, mezim will help relieve the symptoms of gastritis. Otherwise, you can harm the body and get unpleasant consequences or complications. By solving one problem incorrectly, you can earn a lot of others. You cannot risk your health if the patient knows for sure that his body will react to mezim with a side effect, for example, a severe allergic reaction.
  5. For gastritis, it is necessary to study the walls of the stomach and their integrity, the source of inflammation. After collecting the stomach contents, acidity is determined. When acidity is reduced, it is increased, and vice versa. Before prescribing Mezim-Forte, acidity testing is mandatory. The medicine provides relief from the symptoms and general condition of the patient. Treatment with the drug is concomitant and does not relieve inflammation.

Why take Mezim?

As it turned out, Mezim does not have a negative effect on the stomach, which is affected by gastritis, so to speak. Therefore, it can be used and even necessary, because it is characterized by:

  1. Stimulate the digestive system and prevent constipation, diarrhea and nausea.
  2. Relieve pain while eating.
  3. Relieve inflammatory processes and cleanse the stomach of unnecessary microorganisms and infections.
  4. Relieve heaviness, bloating and colic that bother you with gastritis.
  5. To help quickly and painlessly digest food, if, of course, it is healthy and wholesome food.

It is this drug that is useful and safe for ulcers, because it contains: amylase, lipase, protease and pharmacokinetic substances. These substances contained in the drug can quickly relieve tumors and inflammation, stimulate the stomach and ensure that the acid level is maintained. It can be used in the early stages of gastritis and later, however, if you have diseases such as ulcers or polyps, then this drug will be considered contraindicated.

Mezim is used for hypoacid and anacid gastritis, after gastric surgery, in case of poor diet and concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, manifested by a decrease in the functioning of the pancreas.

Mezim is recommended for heartburn caused by errors in diet and reduced stomach acidity, inherent in type A gastritis.

When taking Mezim, there is a possibility of an allergy to any component in the form of urticaria, intestinal upset, nausea and vomiting. With prolonged use, the level of uric acid in the blood may increase.

Restrictions on use and side effects

Mezim works quickly and effectively, but not everyone can use it when their stomach hurts and other symptoms of gastritis bother them. Thus, the medication is strictly contraindicated for children under 4 years of age, pregnant and nursing mothers for inflamed gastric mucosa. You should not take the enzyme if you have polyps and stomach cancer, with acute pancreatitis, or if you are individually intolerant to any component of Mezim.

The pharmaceutical drug is well tolerated, but occasionally it can cause the development of such undesirable effects as:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • serious intestinal disorders in the form of increased gas formation, diarrhea or constipation;
  • stomach pain and increased inflammatory processes.

In addition, the medication can cause aversion to food and worsen appetite. If you observe any of the listed symptoms, you must stop treatment and consult your doctor, who will review the dosage of Mezim or select another similar drug that is not prohibited for gastritis.

Gastritis and its symptoms

Before we talk about taking Mezim for gastritis, let's talk about the disease itself. So, severe indigestion, accompanied by pain in the stomach and discomfort caused by inflammation of the mucous membranes, is called gastritis.

Gastritis is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, in which unpleasant symptoms can be noted:

  • fatigue and drowsiness;
  • headache;
  • depression;
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • lack of appetite;
  • diarrhea;
  • spasmodic pain in the abdominal organs and stomach.

If any of the above points occur, you should not delay and make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. After examination, examination using procedures and tests, the doctor will make a correct, updated diagnosis and prescribe a comprehensive therapeutic treatment.

Detection of the disease at an early stage will prevent the development of more serious complications and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications for use during gastritis

Mezim Forte is not capable of causing harm in gastritis, however, there are some contraindications for its use.

It is prohibited to use the drug during gastritis:

  1. Children under 3-4 years of age.
  2. People with stomach ulcers and other serious diseases (polyps, cancer, etc.).
  3. If the body does not accept the composition of this drug or an allergic reaction occurs.
  4. Those who have acute and painful pancreatitis.
  5. Pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding.

Diet and restrictions

  1. It is forbidden to engage in heavy physical activity, so as not to provoke an attack of gastritis or ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.
  2. To completely get rid of gastritis, you need to lead a healthy, fulfilling lifestyle and eliminate bad habits.
  3. The consumption of alcoholic beverages should be kept to a minimum.
  4. Dishes should be consumed only warm. You should not eat food that is too cold or too hot, so as not to harm your inflamed stomach.
  5. You should avoid spicy and pickled foods and limit your consumption of smoked and fried foods.
  6. It is better to exclude mushrooms from the diet. Heavy food for a sick stomach.
  7. Sauerkraut is considered a healthy product, especially in winter. People with gastritis should consume the product and dishes made from it with caution. The acid contained in cabbage can adversely affect the gastric mucosa and cause new attacks.
  8. You should strictly adhere to the doctor’s recommendations and not neglect them. The use of medications should not be “occasionally”, but in an agreed manner; the duration of the course is determined by the doctor.

Negative influence of Mezim

If you use the drug with contraindications, it can negatively affect your health and the functioning of the stomach, which is affected by gastritis inflammation.

Mezim can provoke:

  • An allergic reaction or serious intestinal upset, causing constipation, diarrhea and severe gas.
  • Nausea and vomiting, especially after eating.
  • Increased inflammation and pain in the stomach.
  • Difficulty in the functioning of the digestive system and the appearance of serious diseases (ulcers, polyps, oncology, etc.).

Use during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women often experience heartburn caused by the pressure of the growing uterus on the organs and muscles of the peritoneum, including the stomach. This condition is not a pathology requiring the use of Mezim Forte. Traditionally, symptomatic therapy is carried out with antacids (Rennie, Gastal, Gaviscon, etc.), approved for use in pregnant women.

Regarding the use of Mezim, no clinical studies have been conducted to confirm the safety of the drug for the health of the expectant mother and child. Therefore, you should not take it yourself. Your doctor may recommend enzymes if the benefits of taking the medication outweigh the possible negative effects on the health of the mother and fetus.


Before using Mezim for inflamed gastric mucosa, it is necessary to study the possibility of its interaction with other medications. Thus, the drug is able to reduce the absorption properties of medications that contain iron. Therefore, it is not advisable to combine these medications. In addition, it is not recommended to combine Mezim with antacids whose active components are magnesium hydroxide or calcium carbonate, as they help reduce the therapeutic effectiveness of the enzyme.

Does Mezim Forte completely cure gastritis?

Mezim can be used for gastritis, but it is hardly possible to cure it completely with the help of this drug, because gastritis can also be chronic, but here there is no way without medical intervention. It only helps relieve inflammation and relieve pain, but to completely cure gastritis, you need:

  1. Balance your diet and eliminate junk food from your diet.
  2. Lead an active and healthy lifestyle, giving up smoking and alcohol.
  3. Listen carefully to the instructions of the gastroenterologist and do not use antibiotics if the doctor has not prescribed them or they are contraindicated.

Mezim can be used by people of any age, but older people are advised to use it as little as possible. It can cause liver, kidney and intestinal problems if consumed for a very long time. Also, please note that it stimulates metabolism and the absorption of proteins and fats in the body, and this primarily affects the gastric mucosa, which is affected by inflammatory processes and gastritis. But if there is no improvement when taking this drug, but on the contrary, only abdominal pain and colic, then you should definitely stop taking the drug and at the same time visit a doctor.

I would like to emphasize that the drug Mezim Forte is completely safe during gastritis, except for contraindications. Mezim freely stabilizes the functioning of the stomach, intestines and acid production if you have no contraindications and the form of gastritis is not yet so acute. To prevent this, you need to contact a gastroenterologist and at the same time find out which method of preventing gastritis is suitable for you, because it is known that Mezim will not cure it completely, especially if it is chronic.

Mezim has no age restrictions, although it is better for elderly patients to take tablets in the minimum dosage. Otherwise, there is a risk of liver and kidney disorders and intestinal problems. Typically, such problems develop with long-term use of the drug.

If after starting to take this medication you feel relief, Mezim is objectively helping you. But you should not abuse the drug; the body itself must normalize its work and digest food using its own resources. Medicines only help cope with discomfort.

The problem for many people is that at the slightest discomfort they immediately grab the first aid kit and take medications intended for the digestive system. But this is harmful and potentially dangerous, since the body can get used to working only with the help of medications. In the future, not a single meal will be complete without another pill.

Questions and answers on: mezim for gastritis

Good day. I am 26 years old. A month ago, after a party, the next day my stomach hurt. Since my appetite was good and my stomach didn’t hurt much, I ate calmly while taking Mezim. The next day my stomach hurt more, I abstained from eating, but ate a little for dinner. On the third day, my stomach hurt just a little. Since I have chronic gastritis, I thought that it was aggravated by alcohol. Since the pain did not subside for two weeks (there were mild pains with periodic spasms), I decided to see a doctor, first I went to a therapist, she prescribed Omez for 10 days, 2 times a day, then another 10 days of phosphalugel, three times a day. A week later, just in case, I decided to go to a paid clinic to see a gastroenterologist. I took tests and attached an ultrasound. The liver along the midclavicular line does not protrude from under the costal arch, and is not enlarged. The contour is smooth and clear. Echogenicity in N. The structure of the parenchyma is homogeneous. Sound transmission is not reduced. PPV of the right lobe is 11.3 cm (N-12.5-15), PPV of the left lobe is 5.3 cm (N-10). V& Portae 9 mm (N-up to 13)

Gallbladder Normal position Shape - with a slight bend in the cervical area Size 6.9 by 2.7 cm Wall: thickness up to 2 mm N (up to 3 mm), somewhat compacted, contains flakes of bile in the cavity

The common bile duct is not dilated, up to 3 mm (N up to 5 mm)

The pancreas is not enlarged, the head is 20 mm (up to 29), the body is 13 mm (up to 20), the tail is 21 mm (up to 29). The contour is smooth and clear. Echogenicity is isoechoic. The structure is diffusely heterogeneous and stringy.

The spleen is not enlarged. The contours are smooth, clear, the echogenicity is average. The structure is homogeneous, size 11.9 by 4.8 cm. The splenic vein is up to 5 mm, not dilated (up to 11 mm). Free fluid, volumetric formations in the abdominal cavity are not determined.

Conclusion: signs of diffuse changes in the pancreas. Congestion in the gallbladder

FGDS In conclusion, it is written that Stravokhid is very cunning, he is kind in his ways. Slizova to the traveler: Blido-Rozheva,

Hitatus without particularities, zmikaetsya completely. Stravokhidno-shlunkovy transition without special features. Z line without any special features. CLE - non-cylindrical segment without features. The shlunok can easily be straightened side by side. The body of the cardial fold is without any special features. In place of the shlunka: the secretory tissue is increased

Mucosal schluka: -vognishchevo-giperemovaya, Mucosal folds: extreme sizes

Peristalsis is active. The pylorus is the first, most pervasive for the gastroscope. He laughs often.

Reflux zhovchi: silent. Cybulin duodenum: primary form. It is possible to inflate the veils correctly Postbulbar nipple: without any special features, perceptive for the endoscope, Feather nipple without any special features, the shape is not changed. Visnovok: Erythematous gastropathy.

Sorry for the mistakes, I couldn’t set up the Ukrainian language on the computer, I tried my best

ESR 2 Total bilirubin 23.9 *Direct bilirubin 7.8 *Indirect bilirubin 16.1 Albumin 53.4 Very low density lipoproteins 0.22 Red blood cells 5.64 Hemoglobin 169 Eosinophils (abs) 0.03

I wrote only those tests that were marked as abnormal: (LgG helminths, liver tests, amylase, glucose, lipidogram)


Shape shaped Consistency soft Color of stool brown

MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF FECAL Indigestible muscle fibers: not detected

Digestible muscle fibers: not detected Neutral fat: moderate amount

Fatty acids: small amount Soap: moderate amount Digestible fiber: moderate amount Indigestible fiber: moderate amount Extracellular starch grains: not detected Intracellular starch grains: not detected Iodophilic bacteria: not detected Mucus: not detected Leukocytes: not detected Red blood cells: not detected Epithelium: Not found

I have Chronic gastritis, and after FGDS the doctor mentioned Erythematous gastropathy. Now I periodically feel discomfort in the abdomen, always in a different place. But from time to time I feel discomfort a few centimeters below the navel, and if I press there, I feel either cutting or burning pain, not severe, but annoying. The pain itself occurred the next day, after drinking large quantities of strong alcohol on an empty stomach. I'm really looking forward to your answer Thank you

The doctor first, before the tests, said that it was cholecystopancreatitis, then, after the tests, he said that there were signs of chronic pancreatitis and that the pancreas needed to be unloaded, prescribed a diet and mezim with a load. Please tell me your opinion, do I have this nasty disease and if not, what could it be and what tests should I do to decide. Thank you in advance

Mezim for heartburn is useful in case of insufficient production of pancreatic enzymes by the pancreas. This is a polyenzyme drug, the components of which in a completely healthy person are produced by the pancreas (PG). Consists of pancreatin, which is obtained from pork liver. It consists of 3 main enzymes:

  • amylase, which affects complex carbohydrates;
  • lipase, which breaks down fats;
  • protease that affects proteins.

Also components of Mezim are trypsin and chymotrypsin, which are involved in protein metabolism. This medicine not only promotes the digestion of food, but also its absorption.

Mezim for pancreatitis in combination with other drugs helps get rid of heartburn. This is due to dysfunction of the pancreas due to impaired digestion of food due to inflammatory processes in it. The drug is safe and is available in the form of dragees: the tablets are coated with a special acid-resistant coating. Thanks to it, the active substance Mezim is released not in the stomach, but in the lumen of the duodenum (duodenum), where the process of digestion of the food bolus (chyme) occurs.


Mezim has analogues that a doctor can prescribe. Similar enzyme medications have similar actions, their composition is identical to mezim.

List of domestic analogues:

  • Pancreatin. The drug that is closest in composition, an alternative to Mezim, is a drug that compensates for the deficiency of the exocrine function of the pancreas. The components included in the composition promote the breakdown and absorption of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to enzymes, ostoma and chronic pancreatitis in the acute stage.
  • Abomin. A Russian drug containing proteolytic enzymes that act primarily on milk proteins. Helps improve digestion in case of deficiency of gastric enzyme activity. Prescribed for the treatment of gastritis, dyspeptic disorders, enterocolitis, gastroenteritis. Also used for postoperative therapy after gastric resection. Abomin is contraindicated in persons with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and in children under 12 years of age.
  • Kreazim. Capsules coated with enteric-soluble substances, the intake of which helps improve digestion. Recommended in the complex therapy of chronic pancreatitis, oncopathologies of the pancreas, various diseases of the digestive system. It is not recommended for patients with sensitivity to the constituent substances, as well as for persons with acute inflammatory diseases.

Foreign analogues of mezim:

  • Panenzyme 10000. An enzyme preparation produced in Ukraine, which is used to treat diseases and conditions characterized by digestive disorders. Also, taking Panenzym is recommended in the period after partial or complete resection of the small intestine and stomach, with poor nutrition, when fatty, difficult-to-digest foods predominate. Widely used as concomitant therapy for intestinal diseases and gastrointestinal pathologies. Like other enzyme preparations, Panenzym is contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity and exacerbation of pancreatitis. Side effects include allergic reactions, intestinal obstruction, and stool disorders.
  • Festal. A multicomponent enzyme preparation that has proteolytic, choleretic and lipolytic effects, as well as helping to normalize the functions of the pancreas. The generic is indicated for chronic pancreatitis, digestive disorders, flatulence, and constipation. Included in complex therapy for diffuse liver pathologies and cirrhosis.

It is also used for the treatment of dysbacteriosis, disorders of the processes of bile formation and bile excretion, chronic pathologies of the digestive tract, etc. Festal has the following contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • acute and chronic pancreatitis in the acute stage;
  • renal failure, hepatic coma;
  • hepatitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • diarrhea and tendency to its occurrence;
  • intestinal atony, intestinal obstruction.
  • Pangrol. A worthy replacement for Mezim, it is prescribed for the treatment of chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreatic cancer. It is often used during the recovery period after surgical interventions on the organs of the digestive system. The use of Pangrol is recommended for gastrointestinal disorders, infectious intestinal diseases and IBS. Like Mezim, it improves digestion by breaking down heavy and fatty foods. Not recommended for patients with allergies to pork or any of the components of the drug. Exacerbation of pancreatitis is also a contraindication.

Chronic gastritis

Chronic gastritis is a disease in which the gastric mucosa becomes inflamed.

Chronic gastritis occurs over a long period of time, with periods of exacerbation. As a result of long-term inflammation, the function of the gastric glands decreases, the acidity of gastric juice decreases, and food digestion processes may be disrupted.

The importance of this disease is determined by the fact that dysfunction of the stomach immediately affects the condition of other underlying digestive organs, causing a malfunction of the pancreas, liver, small and large intestine.

Why does gastritis occur?

The mucous membrane of the stomach becomes inflamed under the influence of many factors. These include a violation of the diet, in which the stomach is irritated by too cold or hot food, rough or poor quality food, and consumption of large amounts of spicy, fatty, fried and smoked foods.

Irregular eating also has a negative effect on the stomach. An important role is played by alcohol abuse and smoking, which contribute to increased secretion of gastric juice. Chronic stress and overwork also negatively affect the condition of the stomach.

The leading role in the long-term course of chronic gastritis is played by Helicobacter pylori infection, which maintains inflammation in the mucous membrane.

Working in hazardous industries in highly dusty conditions and the presence of suspended harmful substances in the air can cause the development of gastritis.

A side effect of taking certain medications is the occurrence of inflammation in the gastric mucosa. The most dangerous include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, diclofenac.

How does gastritis manifest?

The most common symptoms of gastritis are a dull aching pain in the upper abdomen, a feeling of heaviness, pressure in the stomach after eating.

A person is worried about nausea, heartburn, belching, and bowel dysfunction. Often there is an unpleasant taste in the mouth, decreased appetite, and deterioration in general condition.

Based on clinical and laboratory data, the doctor will be able to establish the correct diagnosis.

The doctor prescribes complex treatment:

1. Lifestyle changes. It is necessary to give up bad habits - smoking and excessive drinking of alcohol

2. Proper nutrition (it should be regular, 4-5 times a day, as part of a special diet).

This is a complete diet that recommends:

  • boiled, stewed and baked dishes;
  • fried - without forming a rough crust (do not bread in breadcrumbs or flour)
  • pureed dishes - from foods rich in fiber.


  • foods and dishes that linger in the stomach for a long time and are difficult to digest (legumes, pearl barley, barley, corn);
  • irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract (pickled and salted, onions, radishes, sweet peppers, cucumbers, garlic, mushrooms, smoked meats, canned food);
  • very cold and hot.

3. Drug therapy.

Unfortunately, in most cases you cannot do without medications, and they are prescribed by a gastroenterologist.

First of all, the doctor often prescribes drugs that reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid. They help reduce inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

A good effect is observed when taking so-called gastroprotectors, which have enveloping, astringent properties and restore damaged gastric mucosa. If an H. pylori infection is detected, a gastroenterologist may prescribe antibiotics.

Treatment of gastritis must be comprehensive - after all, the entire digestive cascade suffers, the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract as a single, well-coordinated mechanism is disrupted. Therefore, the doctor directs treatment to correct disorders in all parts of the digestive tract.

If the processes of digestion and absorption of food are disrupted, changes occur in the small and large intestines, it may be necessary to prescribe certain medications (enzymes, probiotics, etc.).

How to improve your well-being?


Since chronic gastritis causes disruption of food digestion, the doctor may include medications in complex therapy that help normalize the digestion process.

These drugs also include enzymes. They are able to restore impaired digestive processes, help quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms (heaviness, bloating), discomfort, and significantly improve overall well-being.

One of the most popular and generally accepted enzyme preparations is Mezim®.

Why Mezim®?

This is a natural preparation of animal origin, which contains pork pancreatin, which is closest to human pancreatin. It contains the necessary enzymes for complete digestion of food, promotes the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, improving digestion.

This drug can be used by children from three years of age (as prescribed by a doctor) and by adults. However, age does not affect the effectiveness of the drug. The drug can be taken for a long time.

Mezim®, unlike a number of enzyme products, does not contain additional components, such as bile acids, which can have additional effects on the digestive system.


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