Wobenzym for pancreas reviews

One of the enzyme preparations that has analgesic, decongestant, and immunoactivating properties is Wobenzym. Wobenzym is widely used for pancreatitis and other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Wobenzym is easily tolerated by patients. Long-term use of the drug did not cause side effects or addiction. Wobenzym consists of enzymes similar to human ones. The decision to prescribe the drug is solely within the competence of the attending physician. The dose does not exceed tablets three times a day. Wobenzym must be taken while following a diet. The drug is taken for a month.

Composition of the medicine

During oral administration of Wobenzym, the active components are quickly absorbed from the intestinal walls to form a protein enzyme, which enters all vital organs through the bloodstream. The quantity of such ingredients varies, and in the official instructions most of them are presented in units of measurement of the European Pharmacopoeia, and only pancreatin is described according to the standards of the International Pharmaceutical Federation.

Wobenzym is produced in the form of bright red enteric-coated tablets. They contain 250 mg of proteinases (proteolytic enzymes) from papaya and pineapple, as well as enzymes from animal pancreas:

  • trypsin;
  • lipase;
  • pancreatin;
  • routine;
  • bromelain;
  • amizala;
  • papain.

The effect of the active components is enhanced with the help of excipients. They affect the rate of release and absorption of the drug. The quantitative content of auxiliary components, from a medical point of view, is not so significant. Biconvex tablets contain several excipients:

  • sucrose,
  • lactose,
  • distilled water,
  • corn starch,
  • talc,
  • calcium stearate,
  • octadecanoic acid.

Wobenzym is one of the effective enzyme preparations used in gastroenterology. Its active and auxiliary components do not irritate the gastric mucosa, and therefore do not aggravate the health of patients during the treatment of pancreatitis. Due to their low toxicity, the tablets are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

The drug Wobenzym is absorbed by the intestinal walls and enters the general bloodstream. It has the following effects in the body:

  1. Stops inflammatory processes.
  2. Promotes the resorption of swelling.
  3. Pain relief.
  4. Strengthens the immune system in general, and also improves the protective functions of the digestive organs.
  5. Improves blood circulation.
  6. Reduces blood viscosity, activates blood flow.
  7. Prevents the formation and adhesion of platelets.
  8. Promotes the resorption of blood clots and hematomas.
  9. Increases the permeability of vascular walls.
  10. Prevents the development of tumor processes.
  11. Improves the transport of oxygen and nutrients to tissues.
  12. Reduces the risk of side effects from taking hormonal drugs.
  13. Activates the production of interferons, thus providing an antimicrobial and antiviral effect.
  14. In the course of research, it was found that the medication is able to enhance the effect of antibiotics, and at the same time protect the intestinal microflora from their toxic effects.

The effect of the drug on the body and its composition

The medicine consists of animal and plant enzymes. The active components are:

As additional elements, the product includes sucrose, calcium carbonate, talc, titanium dioxide and shellac, dye, vanillin, corn starch, lactose, purified water and povidone.

The drug Wobenzym is absorbed by the intestinal walls and enters the general bloodstream. It has the following effects in the body:

  1. Stops inflammatory processes.
  2. Promotes the resorption of swelling.
  3. Pain relief.
  4. Strengthens the immune system in general, and also improves the protective functions of the digestive organs.
  5. Improves blood circulation.
  6. Reduces blood viscosity, activates blood flow.
  7. Prevents the formation and adhesion of platelets.
  8. Promotes the resorption of blood clots and hematomas.
  9. Increases the permeability of vascular walls.
  10. Prevents the development of tumor processes.
  11. Improves the transport of oxygen and nutrients to tissues.
  12. Reduces the risk of side effects from taking hormonal drugs.
  13. Activates the production of interferons, thus providing an antimicrobial and antiviral effect.

In the course of research, it was found that the medication is able to enhance the effect of antibiotics, and at the same time protect the intestinal microflora from their toxic effects.

Average cost and release forms

The medicine is produced in the form of round convex tablets of orange color. The pills have a light vanilla odor.

Sold in packs of 40, 100, 200 and 800 pieces. The price of the medicine depends on the number of tablets: starting from 500 rubles, 1030 rubles, 1780 rubles. and 5630 rub. per package respectively.

The manufacturer of the medicine is Germany.

Effect on the pancreas

The drug helps the digestive organs in the breakdown and absorption of fiber, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and helps normalize fat metabolism. This greatly facilitates the work of the inflamed parenchymal organ.

Wobenzym for the pancreas will also be a good helper in improving the transport of digestive enzymes to the duodenum and combating inflammatory and infectious processes. The medication helps relieve inflammatory processes, increases the protective functions of the organ in relation to various types of bacteria, infections, and toxic substances.

The medicine reduces swelling of the gland and pancreatic ducts. This helps normalize the production of digestive enzymes and their transport to the intestines.

It is very important for the pancreas that pancreatic enzymes reach the duodenum on time. Otherwise, they are activated in the gland and begin to digest it.

Wobenzym for chronic pancreatitis increases the effectiveness of antibiotics used and at the same time reduces their toxic effect on the digestive organs and prevents the development of dysbiosis in the intestines. In addition, the medication promotes the renewal of tissues and cells affected by the disease.

Enzymes of animal origin contained in the drug resist the pathological transformation of the pancreatic parenchyma, the development of ulcerative and tumor processes in the organ. In addition, the use of the drug reduces the risk of developing complications of chronic pancreatitis such as endocrine gland insufficiency and fibrosis of the biliary organs.

What is the advantage of the drug

What is the advantage of Wobenzym over other drugs:

  1. Prevents the worsening of inflammation and the development of pathological changes of an autoimmune nature. It has been scientifically proven that the product increases the body's immunological reactivity.
  2. Activates and normalizes the functional activity of the so-called “natural killers” - monocytes-macrophages. The drug helps strengthen the immune system against tumors. Stimulates the cellular activity of phagocytes and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes.
  3. When taking the medicine, the number of circulating immune complexes decreases, and membrane deposits of immune complexes are also removed from tissues.
  4. Thanks to Wobenzym, the penetration and accumulation of plasma cells in tissues is reduced. Wobenzym stimulates the rapid resorption of swelling and hematomas, improves regeneration processes, promotes the active removal of toxic substances, and regulates the permeability of vascular walls.
  5. With the help of this drug it is possible to reduce platelet aggregation and thromboxane concentration. Blood cell adhesion is normalized, the possibility of changing the shape of red blood cells and their plasticity increases. The blood viscosity indicator returns to normal. Microcirculation is regulated. Tissues are provided with adequate oxygen and nutrition.
  6. The product improves lipid metabolism and cholesterol.
  7. Wobenzym is also prescribed to increase the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy, which is achieved by increasing the concentration of medications directly at the epicenter of the inflammatory process.
  8. It has been noted that the drug also reduces the side effects of taking antibiotics and hormonal support, preventing dysbacteriosis, hypercoagulation, etc.
  9. It is possible to achieve antiviral and antimicrobial effects due to the normalization of non-specific defense mechanisms. Wobenzym promotes the production of interferons.

How does the drug affect the digestive system?

Wobenzym is a combination of active enzymes of plant and animal origin. It is widely used in the treatment of diseases of the stomach and pancreas.

The most pronounced therapeutic effects of Wobenzym for pancreatitis include:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • analgesic;
  • decongestant;
  • antiplatelet (does not allow platelets to stick together);
  • fibrinolytic (stimulates the resorption of blood clots);
  • immunostimulating.

The tablets contain enzymes whose action is aimed at suppressing pathological reactions. Under the influence of enzymes, the concentration of immune complexes in the pancreas decreases, which reduces inflammatory processes. Due to this, the gastrointestinal tract is better able to resist infections. The enzyme preparation increases the effectiveness of antibacterial therapy for pancreatitis and reduces the severity of side effects from taking antibiotics.

Papaya and pineapple enzymes reduce the harm of antibiotics to the liver and normalize intestinal microflora. With systematic use of Wobenzym, the enzymatic function of the pancreas improves. Bromelain and rutin prevent pathological reactions in areas of inflammation, and trypsin suppresses platelet aggregation. Wobenzym promotes the breakdown of plant fiber, as well as proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

By reducing swelling and inflammation in the affected tissues, pancreatic enzymes begin to flow normally into the duodenum. In this regard, secondary symptoms of the disease are eliminated - heaviness in the stomach, pain, vomiting and other dyspeptic symptoms.

According to the results of clinical observations, the enzyme preparation normalizes fat metabolism and stimulates the absorption of healthy polyunsaturated fats from the intestinal mucosa.

Is Wobenzym possible for pancreatitis: reviews

In order to finally make sure whether it is worth spending that kind of money and buying Wobenzym, I decided to find out the opinions of ordinary people like me. Perhaps they can dispel all my doubts or vice versa.

I read reviews not only in the search engine, but also in groups, forums, advisors and various talkers. Many people were pleased with the results of using the medicine and praised the quality of the tablets.

By the way, Wobenzym really helped people cope with completely different symptoms.

Wobenzym for pancreatitis is included in the list of effective drugs, the action of which is aimed at the speedy restoration of the inflamed pancreas. However, the effectiveness of the drug extends not only to the treatment of pancreatic disease.

With the help of this combined product, consisting of plant and animal enzymes, an anti-inflammatory, antiplatelet, anti-edematous, immunomodulating, fibrinolytic and secondary analgesic effect is achieved.

Wobenzym is an enzymatic agent. It has a pronounced anti-edematous, analgesic, and immunoactivating effect. The drug is widely used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including pancreatitis.

Wobenzym for cholecystitis and pancreatitis: instructions for use and price

When should Wobenzym be taken for pancreatitis, during meals, before or after?

In case of a chronic course of the disease, it would be correct to drink 1 tablet three times a day, either 60 minutes before meals, or two hours after finishing the meal. As a rule, the course of treatment with the drug is about 30 days. The dosage of the drug and duration of administration may vary, depending on the individual clinical picture. Your attending physician should advise you on the exact dosage regimen.

The cost of Wobenzym varies depending on the number of tablets:

  1. Pack of 40 pcs. – from 450 rubles.
  2. Packaging 200 pcs. – from 2021 rubles.
  3. Packaging 800 pcs. – from 5970 rubles.

To make Wobenzym more effective and improve the production of the required enzymes, each patient must adhere to a diet.

Instructions and dosage

The official instructions for use of Wobenzym provide for its internal use. The recommended dose for adult patients is 3-10 tablets three times a day. Traditionally, therapy lasts 2-3 weeks, but if necessary, this period can be extended to 3-6 months.

With average activity of the pathological process, the recommended single dose is 5-7 tablets. Diseases accompanied by a severe course may require the administration of 10 units of the drug at a time, repeated three times a day. This mode is inconvenient for the patient. Because of this, many patients would prefer another form of medication release (drops).

To increase the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy, Wobenzym is prescribed 5 tablets three times a day throughout the entire period of taking antimicrobial drugs. A similar dose is used for patients undergoing radiation therapy. The described medicine reduces the risk of developing complications of cancer treatment.

For pregnant women and women during lactation, the drug is prescribed only after consulting a doctor. The doctor evaluates the potential risks and benefits of the treatment. For children under 12 years of age, the medication is prescribed in a daily dose of 1 tablet per 6 kg of patient weight.

In what cases is Wobenzym useful for pancreatitis?

Wobenzym has a beneficial effect on the pancreas and stimulates the regeneration of inflamed tissues in it. By increasing local immunity, the risk of infectious damage to the gastrointestinal tract and dysbacteriosis is reduced. The active components of Wobenzym stimulate the body's production of interferon, thereby exhibiting pronounced antiviral activity.

As part of complex therapy, Wobenzym is used to treat chronic pancreatitis, the manifestations of which are endocrine and exocrine insufficiency. Enzymes of animal origin slow down the pathological degeneration of the pancreatic parenchyma. Due to this, the likelihood of fibrosis and stricture (narrowing) of the bile ducts is reduced.

Indications for the use of Wobenzym for pancreatitis are:

  • inflammation in the pancreas;
  • dyspepsia, vomiting;
  • obstructive jaundice;
  • sharp pain in the stomach;
  • uncontrollable vomiting with bile;
  • violation of the enzymatic function of the pancreas.

In the case of using hormonal and antibacterial agents, this enzyme preparation reduces the severity of adverse reactions and prevents the occurrence of dysbacteriosis. The dosage and characteristics of taking Wobenzym are determined by the attending physician and depend on the duration and severity of the disease. For indolent pancreatitis, the medicine can be used to prevent relapses.

For pancreatitis, Wobenzym can be taken only in consultation with your doctor, since there are contraindications. When false cysts form in the pancreas and after surgery, Wobenzym is prescribed to prevent infectious complications and adhesions in the ducts. They increase the activity of immunocompetent cells and enhance the production of interferon, which prevents the proliferation of harmful microbes.

The medication is not an independent drug and is used only as part of complex therapeutic measures. According to the instructions, the drug is used for:

  1. Thrombophlebitis, lymphatic edema, damage to the legs by atherosclerosis, to prevent the recurrence of phlebitis.
  2. Inflammation of the genitourinary system, kidneys (cystitis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis), their infectious lesions.
  3. Chronic inflammatory processes in the gynecological part.
  4. Mastopathy.
  5. Pancreatitis.
  6. Hepatitis.
  7. Rheumatoid diseases, arthritis.
  8. Multiple sclerosis.
  9. Atopic dermatitis.
  10. Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system.
  11. Complications after surgical interventions (adhesions, swelling, prolonged wound healing, suppuration).
  12. Burns, inflammation of soft tissues, chronic post-traumatic ailments, for speedy healing of injuries.

The drug is also used for the prevention of viral and infectious diseases, blood circulation disorders, the formation of thrombosis, fibrous compounds, the manifestation of adverse reactions from taking hormones and antibiotics, the development of inflammatory and adhesive processes after surgery.

Whether Wobenzym can be taken for pancreatitis depends on the stage and severity of the disease and the presence of contraindications. According to the instructions, pancreatitis is one of the indications for using the medication. In medical practice, it is usually prescribed at the stage of remission, after stopping an acute attack of the disease, as well as in the complex treatment of chronic pancreatic inflammation.

Reception features

Wobenzym is intended for oral administration. It is not recommended to take with food or immediately after eating, as this reduces the rate of absorption of the active substances from the intestines. Wobenzym is usually taken 30-60 minutes before or 2 hours after meals. The dosage is determined individually and depends on the nature of the disease. Patients over 18 years of age are prescribed 3-10 tablets up to 3 times a day. During the first 2-3 days after starting therapy, it is recommended to take no more than 750 mg (3 tablets) of the drug.

Recommended dosage regimen:

  • moderate inflammation of the pancreas – 5-10 tablets 3 times a day for 14-28 days;
  • chronic pancreatitis – 5-7 tablets 3 times a day for 3-6 months;
  • prevention of relapses of pancreatitis - 5 tablets 3 times a day for 2 months.

When taking antibacterial drugs in parallel, the medicine should be used until the end of the course. The tablets are swallowed without chewing and washed down with plenty of water.

Children 5-12 years old are prescribed no more than 250 mg of the drug per 6 kg of body weight.

Teenagers take Wobenzym according to the regimen designed for adults. The duration of therapy depends on the rate of reduction of inflammation in the pancreas and varies from 2-3 weeks to 6 months.

In general, the amount and frequency of Wobenzym use depends on the severity of the disease. The minimum dose for adults is 3 tablets per day, and the maximum is up to 10 capsules. It is advisable to increase the amount gradually, for example, in the first three days take no more than 3 tablets.

For moderate severity of the disease, it is recommended to take 5 to 6 tablets three times a day. The duration of treatment is about 14 days. As you feel better, the dosage is reduced to 3-5 tablets per day. In the acute phase of the pathology, the amount of natural enzymes is increased to 7-10 tablets. They are taken three times a day for 14-21 days. Subsequently, the amount is reduced to 5 tablets per day. Duration of treatment – ​​up to 3 months. For chronic disease, Wobenzym is taken in courses of 90 to 200 days.

Other recommendations for taking pills:

When carrying out antibiotic therapy to prevent dysbiosis, dietary supplements are taken during the entire course of treatment in a dosage of 5 tablets three times a day. When the use of antibiotics ends, to restore the intestinal microflora, enzymes are taken 1 tablet three times a day for 14 weeks. For prophylaxis, Wobenzym is taken in a similar dosage in a course lasting 45 days with an interval of 2-3 months. During chemotherapy, the drug is taken 3 times a day, 4 tablets.

In childhood (5-12 years), the amount of the drug is selected based on the patient’s body weight - 1 tablet per 5 kg of weight. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor. In any case, Wobenzym should be drunk at least half an hour before eating. In this case, the pills are not chewed and washed down with 200 ml of water. The use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation should be strictly controlled by a doctor.

After all, there have been no thorough studies and analyzes showing how the drug affects the body of a woman and her fetus. But reviews from doctors and patients say that most complications do not occur after taking the pills while breastfeeding and bearing a child. Moreover, Wobenzym is often prescribed when there is a threat of miscarriage.

Directions for use and doses

In the chronic form and in case of exacerbation of pancreatitis, in case of inflammatory diseases of other organs and systems, the doctor most often prescribes the medication 1 tablet 3 times a day. The drug is taken 2 hours after meals or 1 hour before meals.

The minimum dosage for adults is 3 tablets per day, and the maximum is 10 tablets. The number of pills is increased gradually. On the first day, no more than 3 pieces are prescribed. Then gradually increase to 6 tablets per day. As the condition improves, the dose is reduced to 3-4 tablets per day. The drug begins to act half an hour after taking the tablet.

When treatment with Wobenzym is prohibited

Avoid using this anti-inflammatory drug for the treatment of pancreatitis in the presence of the following pathological conditions and diseases:

  • thrombocytopenia;
  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • exacerbation of hay fever;
  • liver failure;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • diseases associated with blood clotting disorders.

The combined medication is not used for pancreatic dysfunction in children under 5 years of age. Wobenzym is prescribed with caution for pancreatitis to patients suffering from decompensated heart failure, hepatic cirrhosis and pulmonary emphysema. Similar preparations Wobenzym has no structural analogues, which contain the same enzymes of plant or animal origin. Medicines with similar properties include:

  • Lycrease;
  • Phlogenzyme;
  • Pancitrate;
  • Penzital;
  • Creon.

Many of the above medications do not have immunostimulating and antiplatelet properties and contain other enzyme substances. Therefore, before changing your treatment regimen, it is recommended to consult your doctor.

Similar drugs

Wobenzym has no structural analogues, which contain the same enzymes of plant or animal origin. Medicines with similar properties include:

  • Licreaza,
  • Phlogenzyme,
  • Pancitrate,
  • Penzital,
  • Creon.

Many of the above medications do not have immunostimulating and antiplatelet properties and contain other enzyme substances. Therefore, before changing your treatment regimen, it is recommended to consult your doctor.


Possible adverse reactions

When used correctly, the drug is often well tolerated by the body. In rare cases, the following side effects have been observed:

  1. Nausea.
  2. Vomit.
  3. Abnormal stool.
  4. Allergic skin rashes, hives, itching, redness.
  5. Changes in the consistency and smell of stool.
  6. Isolated cases of anaphylactic shock are possible.

In case of an overdose, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, bloating, and diarrhea may develop. As a rule, if you reduce the dose of the medicine, such reactions disappear after one to three days. If the dose of pills is impressive, it is better to divide it into more doses.

There are cases when, at the beginning of using the medicine, the symptoms of pancreatitis worsen. For example, many people note that their pancreas hurts from taking Wobenzym in the first days of therapy. Doctors explain that the reason for this is the activation of anti-inflammatory mediators and changes in fermentation processes.

If such an exacerbation occurs, it is necessary to reduce the dose of the drug. If the situation does not improve within several days of taking the medicine in a reduced dosage, you should consult a doctor.

The medicine does not affect concentration or reaction speed.

Side effects

The natural composition of Wobenzym ensures its safety, which minimizes the risk of developing undesirable effects. According to studies conducted by the manufacturer, side effects of Wobenzym may include changes in the character and smell of stool. Sometimes an allergic reaction such as urticaria, nausea, and vomiting is observed. If these symptoms occur, you should stop taking the medication and consult a doctor to correct the therapy.

According to the manufacturer, the risk of developing these side effects is below 2-3%, which indicates the safety of the drug.

Analogues of the drug

Medicines similar to Wobenzym in their therapeutic effects include:

  1. Phlogenzyme.
  2. Fibrinase.
  3. Serta.
  4. Serox.
  5. Serrata.
  6. Movinase.

All of the above medications have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, promote rapid healing, tissue regeneration and increase the effectiveness of antibiotics.
They have similar indications and contraindications for use. However, Wobenzym has a wider range of therapeutic effects and uses. The cheapest analogues of the drug are Serrata and Serox.

In the instructions for the above drugs, pancreatitis is not indicated as a disease for which their use is indicated. However, since pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease, and medications have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, healing effect, their use in this case is allowed.

Before replacing the drug, as well as combining it with other groups of medications, you should consult your doctor.

Doctors' reviews about the drug

Doctors' opinions about this medicine are divided. Wobenzym is used in many branches of medicine: for gynecological and rheumatic diseases, for peptic ulcers, for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. This drug occupies a special place in the treatment of the pancreas. But there is a theory that without the use of complex treatment, this drug is not effective.

No studies have been conducted to prove this theory, so the use of this medicine is approached individually. It helps some, it doesn't help others. For the most part, Wobenzym is an enzymatic agent; it can be used even when taking antibacterial drugs, to reduce their negative effects on the patient’s gastrointestinal tract, and also enhances the effect of the antibiotic. It is actively used for the treatment of chronic pancreatitis in clinical settings.

Sources: https://podzhelud.ru/pt/vobenzim opankreatite.ru/preparaty/vobenzim-pri-pankreatite.html https://pankreatit.guru/lechenie/preparaty/vobenzim pankreotit-med.com/mozhno-li-vobenzim -pri-pankreatite-otzyvy/ netpankreatitu.ru/lechenie/kakoj-vrach-lechit-pankreatit.html This material is exclusively subjective and is not a guide to action. Only a qualified specialist can determine an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Last modified: 03/20/2020

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