Dill seeds for pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas)

The pancreas performs an important function in the body to regulate metabolism and ensure normal digestion. If it is severely damaged and not treated in a timely manner, it cannot be restored. You can maintain the functioning of the organ and protect against inflammation with the help of diet, dill seeds and products based on them.

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the benefits of dill seeds for the pancreas?
  • How do seeds affect the pancreas?
  • Treatment of the pancreas with dill seeds
  • Recipe 1
  • Recipe 2
  • Dill seeds for cholecystitis
  • Decoction recipe
  • Contraindications

Photo of dill seeds

Such a simple dill

If you regularly feel specific pain in your side, then it makes sense to check your pancreas. Inaction is fraught with many unpleasant symptoms, sometimes even stomach bleeding. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor at the first symptoms. Traditional medicine recommends not to delay and immediately start taking dill seeds for the pancreas.

Presence of contraindications for pancreatic pancreatic disease

With the development of an acute form of the inflammatory process in the cavity of a parenchymal organ, the use of infusions, teas and fresh dill is highly not recommended. This is explained by the fact that this vegetation has a powerful choleretic property, which, in acute pancreatic illness, acts as a provocateur to accelerate destructive processes in the affected organ and lead to undesirable complications.

It is important to know that the exclusion of the use of this medicinal herb must be specific, that is, it must be removed not only from medicinal infusions, but also from salads and other dishes where it is used as a seasoning to create a piquant taste.

It is also worth noting that dill contains a lot of fiber, which promotes intensive cleansing of the intestinal cavity, which is not advisable to combine with developing diarrhea in the acute form of pancreatic disease.

Properties of dill

Today you can most often find fennel in pharmacies. It repeats the properties of a regular garden plant, so you can replace dill seeds with it. It will be a real salvation for the pancreas. It contains useful microelements that are needed every day. Due to its rich composition, this medicine helps to achieve good results. Heartburn goes away and the primary breakdown of food is normalized.


For the treatment of pancreatitis, infusion, decoction, powder and herbal teas are used.

To prepare an infusion, also called dill water, grind one tablespoon of seeds and pour a glass of boiling water. The liquid needs to be wrapped in something warm and let it sit for about an hour. After this, the infusion is filtered. This medicine is taken 50 milliliters per day half an hour before meals.

To prepare the decoction, you need to follow these steps: grind a teaspoon of dill seeds, pour a glass of boiling water, and then boil for a few more minutes. The resulting liquid should be cooled and filtered. This remedy is designed to be taken 4 times a day, 50 milliliters, also half an hour before meals.

Dill seed powder is prepared before use in order to preserve all its properties. To make it, you just need to grind the seeds in a coffee grinder. Then it is mixed with honey or sugar, taken one teaspoon at a time, washed down with plenty of liquid three times a day.

How does the pancreas react?

Treatment with dill seeds helps eliminate diarrhea from the first days. Pancreatitis is characterized by indigestion, loose and frequent stools. Moreover, it is quite fatty, which can easily be explained by the fact that the nutrients are not completely absorbed. Agree, the symptom is very unpleasant. And dill copes with it much better than the usual chloramphenicol.

But there are a number of other symptoms that accompany pancreatitis. These are severe spasms and pain, increased gas formation. Anyone who has experienced such symptoms knows well how painful they are. Additionally, it is worth noting the choleretic effect. Now you know how dill seeds are beneficial for the pancreas. But, like any other medicine, this plant must be used correctly.

How does dill affect the body during pancreatitis?

Using dill as a folk medicine for pancreatitis, you can prevent exacerbation of the disease and prevent the inflammatory process in the pancreas from becoming chronic. Dill grains, alone or as part of a medicinal herbal collection, if taken correctly, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Homemade medicine works by:

  • Antispasmodic. Dill decoctions and infusions help eliminate spasms of the smooth muscles of the digestive tract during pancreatitis. They remove the feeling of overeating, improve the digestive process, and relieve pain.
  • Choleretic. Dill grains contain components that cause a choleretic effect. They provoke the timely outflow of bile and regulate the activity of the biliary system (gallbladder and bile ducts).
  • Carminative and laxative. Dill liquid prevents gas formation. The substances contained in the grains increase intestinal motility and eliminate constipation.
  • Natural antibiotic. Regular intake of dill decoctions or infusions eliminates the formation of putrefactive processes in the large and small intestines.
  • Enzyme preparation. Daily intake of dill water improves appetite and normalizes digestion.
  • A medicine that increases stomach acidity. Dill seeds activate the work of the gastric glands.
  • Sedative. Pancreatitis often causes nervous disorders and stress, and dill water has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system and helps improve sleep.
  • Anti-inflammatory agent. Decoctions of dill seeds relieve inflammation from the gastrointestinal mucosa and promote its rapid healing.

With pancreatitis, patients experience surges in blood pressure. Since the medicine made from dill grains helps to reduce it, you should not take this medicine if you have hypotension.

Indications for treatment

Let's look at the cases in which doctors recommend taking dill seeds. Therapeutic properties and contraindications must be considered individually, in the doctor’s office, since each organism and course of the disease is unique. But this is a rare case when there are very few restrictions. Dill decoctions are a cheap, affordable and unique remedy. It is recommended to use it during remission. As a result, the intestines begin to work like clockwork. Those who take dill decoctions note that a calming effect is observed. It is achieved due to the essential oils contained in the seeds.

Features of harvesting seeds for treatment

To preserve the beneficial properties of dill seeds, you need to be able to collect them correctly. To treat pancreatitis, you can use different varieties of umbrella plants. This can be either pharmaceutical fennel or fragrant garden dill. The main thing is that the plants grow in an ecologically clean area.

If you need to prepare a large number of seeds, you can do this as follows:

  • Using scissors, cut the umbels and half of the plant stem.
  • Tie them into sheaves and hang them in the shade to dry.
  • Lay an old blanket, cut the umbrellas from the dried sheaves over it and thresh them.
  • Wind the resulting seeds in the wind, pour them into a dry glass container and seal it with a plastic lid.
  • Dill fruits are harvested in August-September. The shelf life of the product is 2 years.

Be careful

There are some limitations that we encounter when studying medicinal properties and contraindications. Dill seeds dilate blood vessels and can slightly reduce blood pressure. If the patient already has hypotension, this can lead to a deterioration in well-being.

It is not recommended to use dill in the acute phase, with severe inflammation of the gland. During this period, you will be required to follow a strict diet and follow all doctor's instructions. Self-medication can only do harm; do not neglect the recommendations of a specialist. Moreover, during this period you need to completely exclude fresh greens from your diet, even as a seasoning. The mucous membrane needs to be provided with maximum peace and care.

It is not advisable to take dill decoction during pregnancy. Typically, women experience low blood pressure, and dill infusion can further aggravate this. As a result, the condition will only get worse. In very rare cases, this treatment can cause premature birth.

A few words about phytocollections

There are several fees that are used to treat pancreatitis:

  • Equal proportions of dill seeds, corn silk, dandelion roots, St. John's wort leaves, and violet are mixed with two parts of celandine. One tablespoon is poured into a glass of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes. Then the collection is filtered and taken 200 milliliters four times a day;
  • Chamomile, immortelle, dill seeds, mint and hawthorn fruits are taken in equal proportions. The mixture is poured into a thermos and filled with boiling water, after which it is necessary to leave the liquid for 12 hours, then strain. The drug is taken an hour after meals three times a day;
  • The roots of valerian, calamus, and yarrow herb are mixed in equal quantities with three parts of dill seeds and dry nettle leaves. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes. Then the product settles and filters. Take four times a day an hour after meals.

Herbal preparations are prescribed exclusively by a doctor in order to prevent undesirable effects of treatment.

Benefits and harms

For pancreatitis in remission, dill has a positive effect:

  • reduces the manifestation of flatulence;
  • eliminates bad breath, which often accompanies gastrointestinal diseases;
  • increases the body's resistance;
  • reduces acidity, relieves heartburn;
  • saturates with vitamins and minerals;
  • improves intestinal motility;
  • significantly reduces pain when spasms occur;
  • reduces blood pressure that rises above normal during severe pain attacks;
  • inhibits the growth of inflammation;
  • helps normalize blood sugar;
  • improves skin condition;
  • relieves emotional tension and helps resist stress;
  • normalizes sleep.

Dill seeds, additionally:

  • prevent congestion in the stomach;
  • thanks to the diuretic and antioxidant effect, they bind and remove toxic substances resulting from improper digestion of food;
  • strengthen the body's resistance to intoxication;
  • help improve the flow of bile and facilitate the functioning of the liver, thereby reducing the risk of gallstones;
  • accelerate the regeneration of damaged gastrointestinal mucosa.


An important factor in the development of pancreatitis and its exacerbation is stress and irritability. Eating greens and dill seeds as decoctions or infusions reduces disorders and significantly improves the functioning of the nervous system, which also promotes recovery and prevents exacerbations.

Eating dill can cause some harm in acute pancreatitis:

  • the fiber contained in the plant is contraindicated during a strict diet;
  • bile secreted in large quantities may not pass into the duodenum due to spasms, but be thrown into the stomach, thereby provoking the appearance of a peptic ulcer;
  • increased intestinal motility contributes to the occurrence of diarrhea, which is already a common symptom of exacerbation of the disease.

Some herbal infusions recommended for use during an exacerbation of pancreatitis still contain a precisely dosed amount of dill seeds or greens. In combination with other herbs, they have only positive effects. You should consult your doctor about taking such decoctions.

When to use the plant

As inflammation subsides, prevention with dill will begin to benefit the health of the pancreas. You can sprinkle any dishes with fresh herbs, using no more than 2-3 spoons per day (in remission - up to 5 spoons). You can also brew dill seeds, and the pancreas will quickly regenerate and restore its functions. At the same time, the activity of the entire gastrointestinal tract will return to normal:

  • The intestinal microflora is optimized.
  • Increased gas formation will stop.
  • Pain and cramping will decrease.
  • The products of the inflammatory reaction will be excreted from the body.


With such an extensive list of beneficial properties of dill seeds for the human body, there are also some negative qualities, mostly associated with health problems of specific people. For example, the ability of dill fruits to lower blood pressure makes them undesirable for hypotensive patients.

  • In addition, the use of dill seeds is not indicated for:
  • their individual intolerance by people suffering from allergies;
  • gastritis;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • pregnancy.
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