Temperature with pancreatitis: what to do with inflammation of the pancreas and chills?

Due to the fact that pancreatitis is inflammatory in nature, the disease can occur with fever. The temperature during pancreatitis can reach not only high numbers, but also low ones, so it is necessary to understand what this depends on. So, the most important thing that the patient must understand is that with almost any inflammatory disease the body temperature rises. Why? The fact is that a pathological process occurs in the human body and thereby provokes temperature.

Recommendations from Elena Malysheva in the special issue “Live Healthy!” on how to overcome pacreatitis using the healing effects of natural remedies.

High temperature, what happens in the body?

The hypothalamus works as a biological “thermostat”, thereby the human brain is able to respond to the effects of pyrogens.
To make it clear, pyrogen is a waste product, as well as the breakdown of all pathogenic microorganisms, which in turn cause the inflammatory process. When various pyrogens appear in a person’s blood, the hypothalamus begins to break them down, at which point the patient’s temperature rises.

It is worth noting that if a person has a high temperature, then metabolic processes begin to accelerate, this in turn contributes to the activation of all immune cells. Therefore, when a patient has 38°C, doctors do not recommend taking antipyretic drugs, because the body must fight on its own.

What to do if you have a fever?

If high or low body temperature is accompanied by symptoms of pancreatitis, such as vomiting, abdominal pain, chills, then it is necessary to call emergency help. Before the ambulance arrives, the patient must be seated. The lying position can be dangerous because when you vomit, vomit can enter the respiratory tract. The torso should be tilted forward. Eating food is not advisable. If you are thirsty, you can drink water, but in small volumes every half hour. If the pain is unbearable, then applying an ice pack to the sore spot is not prohibited.

Doctors do not recommend lowering your body temperature until examined by a specialist. This requirement is due to the fact that lowering the temperature can blur the overall picture of the disease, which will complicate correct diagnosis and history taking.

There are cases that after an attack the patient feels better and many mistakenly postpone going to the doctor. It is highly undesirable to do this, since the attack may occur again and lead to more severe consequences.

Both high and low body temperatures, accompanied by other symptoms of pancreatitis, are unfavorable, and in some cases even life-threatening signals from the body that require immediate medical attention.

Temperature in acute pancreatitis

The acute course of the disease first of all begins with swelling of the tissues of the pancreas itself, and then the outflow of pancreatic juice is disrupted. Over time, the patient's temperature rises.

Statistics: temperature during acute inflammation of the pancreas is observed in 60-80% of patients.

As you understand, acute pancreatitis occurs in mild, moderate and severe degrees.

Also read on our website: Symptoms of an attack of pancreatitis
With a mild course of the disease , the patient may not experience an increase in temperature.
In rare cases, with a mild course, it rises to 37° and lasts for 3 days. In moderate and severe cases, the body temperature rises after a few hours. Digestive hormones and toxins penetrate into the body of a patient with pancreatitis, thereby causing intoxication.

Therefore, a temperature of 38-39 degrees is observed, which lasts for 5-10 days. If a patient’s temperature drops after 10 days, this indicates recovery.

But when t° lasts for 2 weeks, the patient may experience complications, so the necessary measures must be taken in a timely manner.

Please note that when the temperature during inflammation is below 36° C, you also need to sound the alarm. Indeed, at this moment there is severe dehydration of the body; in more severe cases, vascular collapse occurs.

Symptoms and treatment of pancreatitis

  • About pancreatitis
  • Nutrition for pancreatitis
  • Treatment of pancreatitis
  • Recipes for pancreatitis

Can the temperature rise with pancreatitis? Typically, an increase in body temperature with pancreatitis begins at the beginning of an exacerbation of pancreatitis.

The temperature during pancreatitis can increase in both acute and chronic pancreatitis. It begins most often with pain in the upper abdomen, accompanied by vomiting. Vomiting usually appears 15-20 minutes after eating.

Sometimes with chronic pancreatitis, ulcer-like pain appears, expressed by bursting, pressing or burning pain in the abdominal area, occurring 20 minutes after eating.

The abdomen usually becomes hard and hurts in the pancreas area. The temperature can either rise sharply or drop sharply. The patient's face turns pale, the color of the lips becomes bluish.

Disturbances usually begin due to dietary disturbances in pancreatitis, i.e. after eating fatty, smoked or spicy foods or after overeating. Constant nausea appears, the temperature usually rises no higher than 38°C, weakness increases, and chills appear.

Causes of fever during pancreatitis

Temperature during pancreatitis primarily indicates inflammation of the pancreas, i.e. about exacerbation of the disease. When the pancreas is inflamed, food is poorly digested, which causes fermentation and proliferation of microbes in the body. And temperature is a response to the appearance of these “antibodies” (microbes) in the body, which is expressed in chills, increased heat exchange and lack of sweating.

Elevated body temperature during an acute attack of exacerbation of pancreatitis indicates that an inflammatory process is occurring. And if chills appear and the thermometer shows above 38°, then, most likely, the disease has developed into a severe form with possible peritonitis.

Peritonitis is inflammation of the peritoneum caused by infection. Peritonitis usually causes vomiting, abdominal pain, and fever. Usually, for peritonitis, surgery is performed immediately, but for inflammation of the pancreas, emergency surgery is not required and doctors often immediately prescribe antibiotics, often several.

What to do if the temperature rises due to pancreatitis?

Basically, the temperature with pancreatitis is mild. It either remains normal or increases by several degrees to the low-grade level (37.2-37.4°). In such cases, it is better to immediately go on a strict diet with light food, in order to irritate the pancreas as little as possible. For example, diet 5p pureed option.

If the temperature rises above 38 degrees, you must immediately stop feeding the body and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

What to do to prevent fever from appearing in chronic pancreatitis.

First of all, it is necessary not to bring the body to constant small exacerbations, which can lead to a severe exacerbation of pancreatitis with an increase in temperature.

If this happens for the first time, then the patient must be immediately hospitalized in a medical facility and subsequently, in order to avoid fever, it is necessary to adhere to the 5p diet, specially designed for people with inflammation of the pancreas, do not overeat and eat only every 2-2.5 hours.

Read about the treatment of chronic pancreatitis with folk remedies, herbal tea, chicory or oatmeal jelly on the blog about pancreatitis by following the links.

This is about temperature with pancreatitis. Now I want to share what has been happening to me for the last two days. It all started yesterday.

My temperature rose after lunch. I felt sluggish all day, and after lunch my temperature rose and I felt chills. I couldn’t even take the temperature, but it was clearly about 38, because it was 33 outside, and I was freezing, wrapped in a thick blanket.

An hour later, the temperature subsided and the headache began. I took a tablet called Askofen for a headache, my appetite opened up, and I ate heavily. Before going to bed, I noticed that my urine was very red. At night I lay and heard my heart beating. By morning, the whole stomach had hardened and was in a sluggish state.

Stopped serving food. For lunch I ate a piece of bread with honey. A little later it started to burn inside. Now I don’t eat, I just treat myself with my eternal savior folk remedy and drink water. Now the condition is stable - calm. The only thing is that the stomach is also hard, as if there is a cramp inside and does not let go.

The reason for the increase in temperature is most likely overeating. I eat little by little throughout the day, but I need to take breaks so that my body prepares juices to digest a new batch of food.

With this I say goodbye. Bye.

Did your temperature increase during exacerbation of pancreatitis and what did you do? Share your experience.

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Pancreatitis is a severe inflammatory disease of the pancreas. It occurs due to a person’s neglect of the rules of rational nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, or due to the presence of chronic diseases of internal organs.

The course of the inflammatory process is accompanied by deviations in body temperature from normal values. Thus, the body activates mechanisms aimed at combating the “causative agents” of pathological phenomena.

Temperature in chronic pancreatitis

In the chronic course of the disease, the temperature can occasionally cross 37°. As a rule, with chronic inflammation of the gland, t° lasts for several days, but can last for several months, while it either decreases or, on the contrary, increases.

Interesting fact: doctors strongly recommend that patients monitor their body temperature. If there is a slight fluctuation, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this may indicate focal necrosis.

When should you not take independent action?

At temperatures above thirty-nine and below thirty-six degrees, a patient with pancreatitis should not self-medicate, but seek the help of specialists. As a rule, such indicators indicate the development of a severe complication requiring immediate surgical intervention.

In addition, only emergency personnel have special medications in their arsenal that allow them to reduce the temperature as quickly and safely as possible.

Temperature during pancreatitis is a common occurrence, since this disease involves an inflammatory process.

Indicators may be increased, and in some situations decreased. To quickly achieve normal body temperature, you need to figure out what causes it to decrease or increase.

High temperature, what to do?

When t° is accompanied by other clinical manifestations, for example with pain, doctors prescribe medications that will not only help bring down t°, but also reduce the pain attack.
Can be accepted:

  • Analgin.
  • Spasmalgon.

All medications are available without a prescription, but before use you must carefully study the instructions. For example, Spazmalgon, which costs about 100 rubles per package, has a huge list of contraindications and side effects.

Also read on our website: Tests that are necessary for chronic pancreatitis

If a patient's t° is accompanied by fever and abdominal pain, then it is necessary to take several medications.

  1. Paracetamol or Nurofen.
  2. One tablet each of Analgin and Drotaverine (crush everything into powder and then drink).

With pancreatitis, vomiting may occur, so the patient will not be able to take oral medications. For severe vomiting and nausea, doctors prescribe intravenous injections.


Depending on the patient’s condition, the severity of the inflammatory process and the type of pancreatitis, the temperature can be either low or high. For some patients, the readings are constantly changing.

In the chronic stage

In chronic pancreatitis, the temperature should remain within normal limits. Its sharp increase indicates the activation of the inflammatory process and the transition of pancreatitis to an acute form. Sometimes temperatures rise to subfebrile levels.

With calculous

Calculous pancreatitis is characterized by the formation of stones in the pancreatic ducts. Their size gradually increases. The reason for their appearance and growth is a disruption in the process of outflow of fermented gland secretions.

The appearance of low-grade fever in chronic calculous pancreatitis should alert you. Indeed, with this form of the disease, the appearance of malignant tumors is often diagnosed.

Exacerbation of the disease

In case of chronic pancreatitis, it is important to monitor your diet and not break your diet. Otherwise, exacerbations cannot be avoided. It begins with the appearance of acute abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and hyperthermia. Treatment should be prescribed immediately when the first signs of the disease appear.

In acute form

Acute pancreatitis is manifested by pain, nausea, and vomiting. Many patients experience diarrhea and hyperthermia.

But waiting for a fever to confirm the diagnosis is pointless.

Acute pancreatitis is not always accompanied by high fever. It may be absent or rise to low-grade levels.

In children

In children, pancreatitis occurs against the background of other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract; the symptoms of pancreatic diseases are blurred. The inflammatory process that has begun can easily be confused with gastritis, intestinal dysbiosis, or gastroduodenitis.

You can determine pancreatitis in a child if you know that the following symptoms are characteristic of its development:

  • low-grade fever;
  • pale skin;
  • marbling or cyanosis of the limbs and face;
  • complaints of dry mouth;
  • white coating on the tongue.

The temperature rises with necrosis of pancreatic tissue or purulent pancreatitis.

Traditional methods

Not all patients with pancreatitis can tolerate medications; in this case, traditional methods are prescribed.

At home, you can prepare herbal decoctions. A decoction of rose hips, mint and calendula works well to reduce temperature.

Chief gastroenterologist of the Russian Federation: “PANCREATITIS does not go away?! A simple treatment method has already healed hundreds of patients at home! To cure the pancreas forever you need...” Read more »

But before preparing the decoction, you need to consult a doctor. If the recipe is not prepared correctly, a severe allergic reaction may occur.

Additional events

In addition to taking medications, you must follow general rules.

  1. Drink as much liquid as possible (warm, not hot).
  2. Cool compresses on the head. If the temperature is high with pancreatitis, then prepare a vinegar compress.
  3. Humidify the air in the room (with a humidifier or light cleaning).

Always remember - improper treatment of pancreatitis will lead to serious complications. Therefore, before taking medications on your own, consult your doctor.

Actions to take if hyperthermia occurs

If the temperature with pancreatitis occurs as a reaction to a painful attack, then it does not last long, about 2-3 hours. And with sluggish inflammation of the pancreas, it can rise and fall periodically. If pancreatitis has become chronic and treatment is carried out incorrectly, then hyperthermia can persist for a long time.

You should undergo an examination to determine the cause of prolonged hyperthermia. The gastroenterologist will prescribe a high-protein, low-fat diet and a course of therapeutic measures. Treatment with alkaline mineral water has a good effect on inflammation of the pancreas, as it helps break down fat.

If the temperature during pancreatitis is associated with the occurrence of painful attacks, the functional activity of the biliary system should be examined. Diagnostics will determine whether this may be due to the presence of stones or sand. This condition often requires surgical treatment. With inflammation of the pancreas, a decrease in body temperature may also occur, which requires urgent replenishment of fluid in the body.

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