Symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the small intestine

In this article we will look at medications for intestinal inflammation.

Treatment of intestinal diseases is carried out with the help of laxatives that are obtained from lactulose (for example, Duphalac or Normaze). Medicines based on muscle receptor blockers are also used (this is Trimedat with Duspatalin). To treat the gag reflex, dopamine blockers are used, namely domperidone derivatives in the form of Motilak and Motilium. After using antibiotics, dysbiosis may occur in the intestines, which is treated by taking special medications, namely probiotics or prebiotics. Below are the most effective medications for intestinal inflammation.

Tablets for the treatment of inflamed bowels

For intestinal therapy, various drugs are used, administered intravenously or enterally. A more convenient form is the use of tablets and syrups, which include products from the following list:

  • Lactulose products in the form of “Normaza” and “Duphalak”. They are classified as drugs that relax the activity of the muscular walls of the intestine, which leads to relief from constipation.
  • The drug "Trimedat" is a modern representative of the category of laxatives. What other medications can you take for intestinal inflammation?
  • The drug "Duspatalin" is used for long-term treatment of constipation, as it has a prolonged effect.
  • Medicines based on domperidone, that is, Motilium with Motilak. They act as antiemetics and are used in emergency care during multiple attacks. They are prohibited from being used if the patient has symptoms of intoxication and systematically.
  • The medicine "Kolofort" is recommended as a remedy intended to eliminate pain.
  • Probiotics are drugs that contain live bacteria. The intestinal microflora dies after the use of antibacterial agents. After taking probiotics, microorganisms settle in the intestines anew, normalizing its activity. The drugs in this series include “Linex” with “Acipol”.
  • Prebiotics are products that contain food for the development and growth of intestinal microflora. Their number may decrease if you take certain medications, as well as with stress or illness. Prebiotics contain glucose, starch and saccharides that help normalize the activity of intestinal microflora. The drugs in this series include Laktofiltrum.
  • The drug "Bifilar" is a combination drug that simultaneously contains sugar and bacteria.

To prescribe the correct drug therapy for intestinal inflammation, it is necessary to establish the causes of the disease.

Main symptoms of enteritis

The general picture of inflammation consists of two pathogenetically determined collective signs (symptom complexes), which can manifest themselves both from the intestines only and from the whole organism.

Table. Local symptoms of enteritis.

External manifestationDescription of symptomsDevelopment process
DiarrheaFrequent urge to defecate (from 4–5 to 10–20 times) and an increase in the volume of bowel movements.Excessive accumulation of water (H2O) and salt (NaCl) in the intestinal cavity leads to an increase in osmotic pressure, which accelerates the movement of food through the intestines.
Changes in the structure of fecesFatty, clayey or liquid feces interspersed with unprocessed foods.Nutrient components (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) are not broken down enough, which makes their absorption difficult.
Flatulence, distension of the upper abdomenAn enlarged belly that "deflates" after passing gas (flatulence) or going to the toilet (defecation).The meager amount of enzymes and bile is not able to digest food, and the process of its decomposition is accompanied by fermentation.
Abdominal painAching and sharp pain near the navel, on the right, in the lower abdomen or throughout its entire area, intensifying after eating.Infectious/toxic damage to the nerve nodes (ganglionitis), as well as compression of the visceral organs, lymph nodes and diaphragm during swelling provoke spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the small intestine.
Nausea and vomitingAn unpleasant sensation in the epigastric region and/or throat, which periodically leads to the involuntary eruption of recently eaten food from the stomach.Food toxins formed due to digestive disorders, as well as waste products from pathogenic microorganisms, including viruses, enter the medulla oblongata and stimulate the vomiting center.

Table. General symptoms of enteritis.

External manifestationDescription of symptomsDevelopment process
Low-grade feverIncrease in body temperature (hyperthermia) within 37.1–38.0 °C.Pathogenic microorganisms secrete pyrogen, which, acting on the center of temperature regulation, causes fever.
Failure of metabolism (metabolism)Sharp weight loss, muscle atrophy, constant feeling of hunger and weakness, aggravated after consuming dairy products.Insufficient secretion of enzymes and their weak activity does not allow the processing of nutritional components, which leads to milk intolerance (hypolactasia), a decrease in the concentration of glucose in the blood (hypoglycemia) and a lack of amino acids, which are also necessary for building muscle fibers.
Mineral deficiencySymptoms include one or a combination of several of the following signs. Pain, cramps in the muscles of the body and face, peeling, drying of the skin and mucous membranes, brittle nails and hair, distortion of taste, smell and poor appetite. Deficiency develops against the background of impaired absorption of micro- and macroelements in the intestine, for example calcium (Ca) and iron (Fe), which are excreted in increased quantities with loose stools.
Hypovitaminosis, up to vitamin deficiencySymptoms include one or a combination of several of the following signs. Fatigue, poor memory, drowsiness, numbness of the tongue and “goosebumps” in the body, bleeding gums. Deficiency develops against the background of impaired absorption of vitamins in the intestine, for example, ascorbic acid (C), retinol (A), tocopherol (E), B vitamins, which are excreted in increased quantities with loose stools
Malfunction of the endocrine systemSymptoms include one or a combination of several of the following signs. Apathy, frequent urination, sexual dysfunction and loss of libido, chilliness, low blood pressure (hypotension), infertility, hyperpigmentation of the skin. Due to protein deficiency, the work of all endocrine glands (reproductive, thyroid, adrenal cortex, pituitary gland and hypothalamus) is disrupted, since there is no material for the synthesis of hormones.

Reference! Symptoms of enteritis are not specific - they are typical for many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as a result of which it is unacceptable to diagnose yourself. Only a gastroenterologist can determine the cause of poor health and prescribe treatment after conducting an appropriate examination.

Advantages of the drug "Normaze"

This medicine for intestinal inflammation is not addictive even with long-term use. Lactulose can inhibit the activity of salmonella. When administered orally, this drug is not absorbed into the blood, but is completely excreted in the feces completely unchanged. “Normaze” should not be taken if there is stool obstruction, and in addition, against the background of intolerance to various glucose compounds, with intestinal bleeding and in the presence of acute abdominal syndrome.

For constipation, this remedy is used up to three times a day for no more than four months. This drug is approved for use in children starting from the first days of life. Lactulose is absolutely safe for pregnant women. The cost of “Normaze” is two hundred and fifty rubles.

Many people are interested in what medications to take for intestinal inflammation.

Common symptoms of IBD

You can read about specific manifestations of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis in articles devoted to these diseases. Here we present common symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease that should alert you and make you make an appointment with a gastroenterologist:

  • Frequent diarrhea (diarrhea)
  • Abdominal pain and cramps
  • Blood in stool
  • Decreased appetite
  • Unreasonable weight loss
  • Constant fatigue

Symptoms can range from mild to severe. As a rule, periods of exacerbations alternate with periods of remission. If you have been experiencing one or more of these symptoms regularly for three to four weeks, you should consult a doctor.

Release forms and composition of the medicinal product

The drug "Duphalac" is produced in the form of a syrup, which can also be used to treat constipation in children from an early age. It contains lactulose with purified water. This drug can be used by pregnant women. The mechanism of its action is similar to the previous one: when lactulose is broken down, the osmotic pressure in the intestinal lumen increases, thereby stimulating peristalsis. In this case, the person’s stool becomes soft and well-digested, so constipation as such completely disappears. The cost of this medicine ranges from three hundred to eight hundred rubles, as it depends on the volume of the drug.

We continue to find out how to treat intestinal inflammation with medications.

"Duspatalin" for intestinal inflammation

"Duspatalin" is a drug from the group of antispasmodics that acts directly on the intestinal muscles. It contains the compound mebeverine along with various auxiliary components. The substance mebeverine penetrates the intestines, binding to the smooth muscle receptors of this organ, which relieves muscle tone, thereby reducing constipation. The medicine for intestinal inflammation “Duspatalin” can be quickly absorbed into the blood, it remains active for a long time, so it is not prescribed to patients more than twice a day.

Indications and contraindications for the use of the medication

This remedy is used in the following cases:

  • For the treatment of irritable bowel symptoms in the presence of pain, flatulence, bloating, discomfort in the abdominal area, and so on.
  • With the manifestation of organic intestinal diseases (Crohn's disease), and, in addition, with nonspecific ulcerative colitis.

The drug "Duspatalin" cannot be used for children under eighteen years of age. Adverse reactions when taking it are quite rare in people, including allergic rashes and headaches. This medicine is not recommended for pregnant women for inflammation of the large intestine. Its cost is five hundred rubles.

What are inflammatory bowel processes called?

Intestinal inflammation is a collective term that refers to any pathological processes occurring in the mucous membranes of various parts of the organ. In any form of the disease, the process of absorption of nutrients deteriorates, which negatively affects the overall health. Diseases can occur in acute or chronic form.

Types of pathology:

  • duodenitis - the inflammatory process is localized in the duodenum;
  • enteritis - pathological changes are diagnosed in a small compartment or the entire small intestine;
  • ileitis – the focus of inflammation is in the ileum;
  • colitis – the disease affects all parts of the intestine;
  • typhlitis - inflammation of the cecum;
  • proctitis - an inflammatory process in the area of ​​the rectal mucosa;
  • ulcerative colitis – inflammation of the large intestine;
  • cryptitis - the anal sinuses of the rectum become inflamed.

Crohn's disease is an autoimmune pathology in which any part of the gastrointestinal tract can become inflamed.

Duodenitis, inflammation of the duodenum

Drugs based on domperidone

Domperidone is a centrally acting antiemetic. The trade name of the products that are produced on its basis is the drugs “Motilak” and “Motilium”. They also contain cellulose along with starch, magnesium, silicon and talc. Domperidone is very effective due to blocking dopamine receptors. Under the influence of this component, the release of dopamine is disrupted, and at the same time there is a decrease in the effect on intestinal motility. Thanks to this, pain is eliminated. At the same time, domperidone does not in any way affect the process of evacuation of contents from the stomach. The drugs in question are used for treatment in the following cases:

  • In the presence of dyspeptic manifestations in the digestive system during vomiting or nausea, which are caused by taking medications, improper diet, etc.
  • With an atonic state of the intestines after surgery on the abdomen.

These medications are contraindicated in the presence of signs of internal bleeding, in case of intestinal obstruction, against the background of adhesions and ulcers. The course of therapy should be no more than one month. In case of overdose of this drug or with long-term treatment, people may experience side effects such as allergic rash, increased prolactin levels and encephalopathy. It should be noted that all of these conditions, as a rule, disappear on their own immediately after discontinuation of the drug. "Motilak" and "Motilium" cost between three hundred and four hundred and fifty rubles.

Another way to treat intestinal inflammation in adults? Medicines should be prescribed by a doctor after a complete diagnosis of the patient.

Inflammation of the small intestine

The small intestine is located immediately after the stomach and is separated from it by the muscular pylorus. This is the longest part of the intestine: in a state of tonic tension, the length of the small intestine can reach 3-4 m. In the small intestine, the process of digestion and breakdown begins, and the absorption of nutrients, vitamins, mineral salts, acids and other elements necessary for the functioning of the body occurs and the functioning of the human immune system.

Inflammation of the membranes lining the walls of the small intestine is called enteritis. The disease is characterized by severe “intestinal” symptoms, deterioration of general health and acute pain syndrome, which has a clear localization. Doctors distinguish five types of enteritis depending on the location of the source of inflammation.

Types of enteritis

Name of pathologyImageIn which part of the gastrointestinal tract is the focus of inflammation concentrated?
DuodenitisInitial part of the small intestine
IleitisThe lower part of the small intestine, separated from the large intestine by the bauhinian valve
EunitMiddle segment of the small intestine
GastroenteritisAll parts of the small intestine and stomach
EnterocolitisSmall intestine and large intestine
GastroenterocolitisA combined form in which the epithelial membranes of the gastric walls, large and small intestines are involved in the inflammatory process

Causes and negative factors

Acute enteritis in patients of any age is almost always associated with infectious factors. This may be food intoxication (food poisoning), intestinal infections, systemic infectious diseases. For example, eating stale eggs will cause enteritis by 80%, since pathogenic flora, represented by salmonella, actively multiplies in egg whites if storage conditions are not met or the expiration date expires. If salmonella enters the human body orally (through the mouth), it will exhibit pathogenic activity, which will lead to the development of salmonellosis, typhoid fever and other acute infections accompanied by intestinal inflammation.

Scheme for determining egg freshness

Another factor that can provoke an acute inflammatory process is an allergy to substances that enter the human body through the digestive tract (foods and medications). Allergic enteritis, if left untreated, can lead to the formation of ulcers and even internal bleeding, therefore, if you experience systematic pain in the lower abdomen that occurs after consuming a specific drug or product, you should consult a doctor.

The causes of chronic inflammation in adults include:

  • non-compliance with the principles of healthy and dietary nutrition (especially increased consumption of spicy foods and spices);
  • alcohol addiction;
  • systematic inhalation of harmful poisons and vapors (for example, lead compounds), associated with the characteristics of professional activity;
  • parasitic infections;
  • long-term use of antibacterial drugs and saline laxatives, for example, Magnesium sulfate.

Failure to comply with the principles of healthy and dietary nutrition can provoke acute enteritis

Note! Violation of enzymatic function can also become a provoking factor in the development of enteritis, so it is important to promptly treat any pathologies of the digestive system.

Definition of gastroenteritis

Signs and symptoms

Almost all forms of enteritis in adults have the same symptoms and always begin with sudden pulling or cramping pain in the lower abdomen or in the middle of the umbilical line (patients describe this condition as “grabbing the stomach”). Within 1 hour, other symptoms join the clinical picture, including:

  • increased temperature (temperature can reach up to 40°C and is difficult to reduce with antipyretic medications);
  • repeated vomiting, worse after eating or drinking liquids (vomiting often occurs immediately after taking medications);
  • very frequent watery stools (up to 10-15 times a day);
  • dehydration (dry lips, pale skin, decreased daily urine output);
  • heart disorder (changes in heart rate, low blood pressure).

Symptoms of chronic enteritis

The symptoms of chronic inflammation are less pronounced and are manifested by frequent diarrhea, nausea, and moderate pain in the central part of the abdomen. A person should be alerted to rumbling in the stomach that occurs 1-2 hours after eating: such a symptom indicates a lack of enzymes necessary for absorption, which may be one of the consequences of the inflammatory process.

Note! If inflammation of the small intestine is caused by viruses, the first sign is usually a temperature, after which dyspeptic disorders and other typical symptoms already appear.

Video: Intestinal inflammation - what are the dangers and how to fight it?

"Kolofort" for intestinal diseases

The drug "Kolofort" contains synthetic antibodies to tumor necrosis factors, histamine and other inflammatory mediators. The mechanism of action of this drug is the complex effect of all components of the drug:

  • Antibodies to tumor necrosis factors produce a systemic anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Thanks to antibodies to histamine, the formation of edema is reduced.
  • Antibodies to special allergenic proteins help restore the nervous and humoral regulation of the intestines.

This remedy is used to treat irritable bowel syndrome, which usually causes pain. It is also used to treat functional disorders. This homeopathic medicine is not recommended for pregnant women. The drug "Kolofort" is contraindicated if you are allergic to the components of the drug. Its cost is four hundred rubles.

Your doctor will tell you what medications to take for intestinal inflammation.

Use of probiotics

The most popular probiotics include the following drugs:

  • Medicine "Acipol". It contains live lactobacilli along with kefir grains. The medicine "Acipol" is prescribed for acute intestinal infections, chronic inflammatory processes and after treatment with antibiotics. This drug can be used for babies starting from three months. To treat dysbiosis, it is necessary to take the drug four times over two weeks. The drug "Acipol" perfectly restores healthy microflora, enhancing peristalsis and improving the body's immune defense. The cost of this medical product is three hundred rubles.
  • The drug "Linex" is no less popular probiotic than "Acipol". These capsules contain lactobacilli along with bifidobacteria and enterococci. When they enter the intestinal lumen, microorganisms provoke an increase in acidity in the organ, thereby achieving proper digestion. Lactobacilli take part in the synthesis of vitamin K, which is an essential component of the blood coagulation system. Enterococci produce components with antibacterial activity. "Linex" is used to treat ailments such as diarrhea, flatulence, nausea, heartburn and vomiting. This drug can be safely used for children, starting from the first days of life. For therapy, it is recommended to take two capsules a day three times for several weeks. This product is strictly contraindicated in patients with allergic reactions. Side effects may include a rare occurrence of urticaria, which goes away soon after stopping taking the pills. The cost of one package of this medical product varies from three hundred fifty to six hundred rubles.

To quickly relieve inflammation in the intestines, medicinal formulations must be taken in accordance with the instructions.

The use of prebiotics for intestinal inflammation

The drug "Lactofiltrum" is a drug prescribed as a food source for the digestive system's own microflora. This product contains lactulose along with lignin, magnesium and sodium. The product "Lactofiltrum" produces an additional stimulating effect on the immune system.

The lingin component is classified as natural enterosorbents, which are obtained from plants. When it enters the intestinal lumen, it binds toxins and removes harmful microorganisms. Lactulose is a medium in which lactic acid bacteria grow and multiply very quickly. It helps to significantly strengthen the immune system, improving absorption and activating metabolism.

The medicine for the treatment of intestinal inflammation “Lactofiltrum” is used for antibacterial dysbiosis, for the treatment of acne, allergic diseases, thrush and other pathologies of internal organs. The drug in question should not be prescribed to people who suffer from lactulose intolerance. It is also not suitable for use if you are allergic to one of the components that make up the medicine.

Adverse reactions associated with the use of this popular drug are very rare, including urticaria or local hyperemia of the skin. Symptoms go away on their own after stopping this medication. Its cost usually varies from two hundred and fifty to three hundred and eighty rubles.

You will have to decide for yourself which medicine for intestinal inflammation to choose.

Medicine "Bifilar" for pathologies in the intestines

The drug "Bifilar" is a combination drug. It contains probiotics. The composition of one pill includes bifidobacteria and lactobacilli along with fructooligosaccharides and maltodextrin. The product "Bifilar" is not a medicinal composition; it is classified as an active biological additive. The microscopic organisms contained in this drug are highly resistant to the effects of bile and hydrochloric acid, so they are able to reach the colon mucosa. When they get there, they feed on maltodextrin and oligosaccharides, which also come with Bifilar.

The medicinal composition in question for intestinal inflammation in adults is effective against dysbiosis, which is caused by taking antibacterial drugs and diseases of internal organs (liver, gall bladder, pancreas, and so on). "Bifilar" is prescribed to children starting from three years old. In addition, it is prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. For therapy, the patient must take one capsule every day for one month. If necessary, the therapeutic course can be extended on the recommendation of a doctor. The cost of one package is, as a rule, four hundred rubles.

We looked at how to treat intestinal inflammation with medications. You should not select the drug yourself; it is better to seek help from a doctor.

Colon diseases


– a special section of gastroenterology, dealing with preventive, therapeutic and diagnostic issues of diseases of the large intestine, anus and pararectal space. The most common diseases encountered in proctological practice are inflammatory diseases of the large intestine and disorders of its motor function. Benign neoplasms, as well as malignant oncological diseases of the large intestine, are not uncommon. A feature of the course of many proctological diseases is the presence of a rather long latent low-symptomatic period.

The total length of the large intestine is from 1.5 to 2 meters. It accumulates food debris, mucus, microbes, dead cells of the mucous membrane and the formation of feces occurs. The large intestine includes the cecum, colon (ascending, transverse and descending), sigmoid and rectum. The final part of the rectum ends with the anus, which is surrounded by adirectal tissue. Various lesions of this large area of ​​the digestive tract make up a large group of diseases that are treated by proctologists.

The most common causes of proctological problems are constipation, a sedentary lifestyle, dietary habits (abuse of spicy, starchy, fatty foods, alcohol), pregnancy and childbirth, stress, congenital malformations, and trauma. They lead to inflammation of the intestine, disruption of its motor function and microflora, trauma to the mucous membrane, and dilation of the veins of the distal intestine. This is how diseases of the colon, rectum, and anus arise: colitis, cryptitis, papillitis, paraproctitis, anal fissures, hemorrhoids, dysbacteriosis, polyps and condylomatosis of the rectum and anal canal, epithelial coccygeal tract, etc.

Common manifestations of proctological diseases are abdominal pain, discomfort and itching of the anus, diarrhea or constipation, proctalgia, blood in the stool, mucopurulent discharge from the anus.

The delicacy of the problem and the feeling of shame leads to the fact that many patients prefer to endure for a long time and do not seek medical help. Meanwhile, proctological diseases cause physical and psychological discomfort and can lead to serious damage to the body as a whole. The most dangerous consequences of diseases of the colon, rectum and anus are the involvement of the organs of the genitourinary system and the upper digestive tract in the pathological process, and purulent-septic complications. Many proctological diseases serve as a background for the development of malignant neoplasms. Therefore, a visit to the proctologist should be made when the first suspicious symptoms appear.

Modern proctology uses highly accurate and safe diagnostic techniques that allow the doctor to make the correct diagnosis: digital examination of the rectum, instrumental endoscopic methods (colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, anoscopy), X-ray examination (irrigoscopy), clinical and bacteriological laboratory methods (blood tests, coprogram, tumor biopsy and tissues), computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Many diagnostic methods require special preparation of the large intestine, freeing it from feces by performing a cleansing enema or taking a laxative.

Treatment of proctological diseases is based on an integrated basis. It includes therapeutic nutrition, physiotherapeutic, psychotherapeutic procedures, antibacterial therapy, and, if indicated, surgical intervention.

Useful information contained in the proctology section of the Medical Directory of Diseases will help you protect yourself from proctological problems.
If the diseases have already arisen, then you can choose the right clinic and proctologist on our website “Beauty and Medicine”. Further…

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