Enzymes for digestion. Drugs, list of the best for the elderly, children, pregnant women

Proper and healthy nutrition is the basis not only for the adequate functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but also for all body systems, as well as the key to longevity.

Surveys show that only 4% of adults admit that they eat right; the rest are aware of the problems, but cannot or do not want to correct them.

To improve digestion, it is necessary to take a competent approach to eating food, observing the calorie content of the diet, as well as its quality composition. It is necessary to add vitamins, macro- and microelements, eliminate harmful substances and lead a healthy lifestyle. All this will allow you to avoid taking medications in the future.

We present to your attention a list of 10 simple but effective rules and means for the smooth functioning of the digestive system.

Eat more vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits are rich in plant fiber, which helps improve the movement of feces through the intestines (motor function is activated) and is a substrate for the vital activity of beneficial microflora, which provides fairly reliable prevention of dysbiosis.

The World Health Organization recommends eating at least 400 g of fresh fruits and vegetables to significantly reduce the risk of developing non-communicable diseases, including those of the digestive system. In addition, such amounts of food provide the body with all the necessary vitamins and microelements.

Scientists also advise making the following changes to your diet:

  1. Include vegetables in any dish.
  2. Use fruits and vegetables as snacks when you don’t have time to prepare a full meal.
  3. Consume a variety of vegetables and fruits.
  4. Reduce starch content in the diet. The largest amount is found in potatoes.

Let's remember that in the last article we looked at 13 foods that are good for digestion.

Fruits and vegetables are rich in all essential vitamins and minerals, as well as plant fiber, which improves food digestion.

Treatment methods

Gastrointestinal dysfunction must be treated. Most often, complex therapy is prescribed, that is, a combination of several methods at the same time. To improve digestion, medications, folk remedies, and proper nutrition are used.


Tablets and capsules help improve digestion, eliminate additional symptoms, and normalize a person’s condition. Popular medications are listed in the table.

Group of drugsDescriptionList of medications
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)Remedies help reduce pain in the gastrointestinal tractNurofen, Ibuprofen, Dexalgin
AntiemeticsDrugs reduce the urge to vomitMetoclopramide, Domperidone
AntidiarrhealA group of medications helps cope with diarrheaImodium, Loperamide, Lopedium
Normalizing intestinal microfloraThe drugs help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tractLinex, Bifiform, Hilak Forte
EnterosorbentsProducts remove toxic substances from the bodySmecta, Filtrum-STI
AntispasmodicsDrugs reduce abdominal crampsSpasmalgon (additionally contains an analgesic), No-shpa
DetoxificationDrugs are prescribed for intoxication to replenish fluid deficiencyRegidron

Enzyme preparations

Digestion pills include enzymes. These products help you digest food better. Medicines interact with microelements (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), break them down into compounds available for absorption.

The human body has enzymes, but sometimes they are not enough for normal digestion. The pharmacy chain offers many drugs from this group, but some of them are prescribed most often.

The most effective medications:

  1. Creon. Contains pancreatin. The product is available in the form of capsules with different dosages. Among the advantages, high efficiency is noted. The downside is the cost.
  2. Mezim. This is an economical version of the drug with pancreatin. Among the positive qualities we can note the low cost. Minus - the effect of use is less pronounced when comparing the drug with other products containing enzymes in microgranules.
  3. Micrasim. Contains pancreatin. The drug is available in the form of capsules that dissolve in the stomach, the contents are mixed with food. The product must not be chewed. But if a person cannot swallow the capsule, it is allowed to transfer its contents to a spoon and mix with water. Among the positive qualities, one can note the quick effect. According to customer reviews, some note the high cost.


Tablets to improve digestion include vitamin complexes. The body does not have enough nutrients, so hypovitaminosis may develop. Many doctors recommend taking vitamin complexes. They have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora and normalize metabolism. Popular vitamins are presented in the table.

NameRelease formIndicationsDosingSide effects
Bion 3PillsVitamins are prescribed as an additional source of nutrients to maintain intestinal microflora and strengthen the immune systemThe product can be taken by adults and children from 14 years of age. The dosage is the same for everyone - 1 tablet per day. It is better to take the product with food. Course of therapy – 30 days Sometimes an allergic reaction may occur
Solgar BromelainPillsThe product breaks down complex proteins into simple amino acids and improves digestion. Solgar is often prescribed for overeating. Additional indications:
  • reduction of swelling;
  • reduction of the inflammatory process;
  • acceleration of food digestion;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • insufficient activity of enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • treatment of dehydration;
  • diarrhea
It is recommended to take 1 tablet of vitamins 2 – 3 times a dayAllergic reaction
Solgar Advanced Multi-Billion DophilusCapsulesA drug that contains probiotics containing 4 types of microorganisms. As a result, the intestinal microflora is normalized. Indications for use:
  • pain to discomfort in the abdomen;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • colic in the intestines;
  • prevention of dysbacteriosis
Take 1 – 2 capsules at a time. The maximum daily dosage is 6 capsules. Impaired kidney function, heaviness under the right rib, sleep disturbance
NameContraindicationsPrice (in rub.)
Bion 3
  • increased sensitivity to the composition;
  • kidney failure;
  • elevated calcium levels;
  • impaired functionality of the pancreas – hyperthyroidism
340 – 900
Solgar Bromelain
  • individual intolerance to components;
  • child's age under 16 years;
  • severe liver failure;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system – cystitis;
  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pregnancy;
  • high blood pressure
900 – 1400
Solgar Advanced Multi-Billion Dophilus
  • the child's age is under 18 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • increased sensitivity to the composition
1000 – 1600


Herbs help improve digestion and normalize metabolism. Compared to medications, the likelihood of side effects is reduced.

Popular folk recipes:

  1. Wormwood infusion. To prepare the product you need to take 1 tsp. herbs, pour 1 glass of hot water. Leave for 20 minutes, filter through gauze. Take the product 1 tbsp. before meals 3 – 4 times a day.
  2. Vegetable mixture. To prepare the remedy, you should take 1 part of knotweed and cinquefoil herbs, 2 parts of plantain leaves. Pour 2 glasses of hot water, leave for 30 - 40 minutes, filter through cheesecloth. Take the product half an hour before meals, 0.5 cups 4 times a day.
  3. Blend with valerian and mint. To prepare, you should take valerian, mint and chamomile in equal quantities. You will also need calendula flowers. Mix everything, take 1 tbsp, pour 1 glass of hot water. Leave in a thermos overnight, filter with gauze. Take after 30 minutes. after meals, 1/3 glass up to 3 times a day.

Traditional methods

Traditional therapy normalizes the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract. The recipes are simple, making them will not be difficult.

Popular folk methods:

  1. Celery root. To prepare the product, you need to take 3 - 4 g of the product in crushed form, pour 1 liter of hot water. Leave for 8 hours, filter through gauze. Take 1 tbsp. up to 3 times a day.
  2. Infusion of elecampane. To prepare, chop the roots and rhizomes of the product, take 1 tbsp. mixture, pour chilled water (1 cup). Close the container with a lid, leave for 8 hours, filter through cheesecloth. Take 20 minutes before. before meals, 1/4 cup 4 times a day. Duration of therapy is up to 14 days.
  3. Dill decoction. To make the product, you should take 1 tbsp. product seeds and a glass of boiling water. Leave for 15 – 30 minutes, filter through gauze. Take 15 minutes before. before meals 1 tbsp. 5 times a day.


Tablets to improve digestion can be combined with proper nutrition. The diet includes compliance with certain measures. For gastrointestinal disorders, doctors recommend sticking to table No. 4. Thanks to proper nutrition, the body receives useful substances.

If you have indigestion, you must follow these rules:

  • eat 5 – 6 times a day with breaks between meals of 3 – 4 hours, portions should be 200 – 300 g;
  • exclude fried, fatty, smoked foods;
  • reduce the amount of salt;
  • It is better to steam, boil or bake food in the oven;
  • do not forget about the drinking regime - drink from 1.5 liters of clean still water per day;
  • reduce the consumption of strong tea and coffee.

Basic principles of dietary table No. 4:

  • mild effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • absence of substances that can irritate the gastric mucosa;
  • low carbohydrate diet;
  • light food with a high amount of protein;
  • reducing the load on the gastrointestinal tract.

The list of permitted and prohibited products is shown in the table.

Allowed for gastrointestinal problemsProhibited for indigestion
If a person has impaired gastrointestinal tract functionality, it is recommended to eat the following foods:
  • vegetable soups;
  • crackers;
  • wheat bread made from premium flour;
  • porridge – semolina, rice, pearl barley;
  • lean meat (chicken, turkey);
  • lean fish;
  • low fat dairy products;
  • eggs – up to 2 pcs. in a day;
  • fruit jelly;
  • green and black tea;
  • fresh butter - no more than 5 g per 1 serving of the finished dish
If you have digestive problems, you should not eat the following foods:
  • soups with added cereals, pasta;
  • flour products - pastries, cake, rolls;
  • fat meat;
  • fatty fish;
  • dairy products with a high percentage of fat;
  • hard-boiled eggs;
  • legumes;
  • pasta;
  • pure fruits and vegetables;
  • cocoa;
  • coffee;
  • soda;
  • alcohol

The problem of impaired functionality of the gastrointestinal tract is familiar to many people. Varieties include heartburn, belching, and more. To improve the condition, medications, folk remedies and proper nutrition are used.

The pharmacy chain offers many drugs (tablets, capsules) that are used to normalize digestion. Therefore, it is best that the correct treatment is prescribed by a doctor. The specialist will be able to select the right drug based on the disorder and the individual characteristics of the body.

Eat less fatty foods

Nutritionists recommend reducing your overall fat intake. They should not account for more than 30% of daily calories. In addition, older people should limit this group of foods even more due to the high risk of developing cardiovascular emergencies.

To minimize the risk of developing diseases from the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, saturated fats should be reduced to 10% of daily calories, trans fats to 1% (they should be replaced with polyunsaturated fats).

To achieve these indicators, it is enough to follow a number of simple recommendations:

  1. steam or boil food (baking and frying should be avoided);
  2. replace butter and sunflower oil with olive or coconut oil;
  3. do not eat lard;
  4. consume fermented milk products with the lowest fat content;
  5. give up industrial baked goods.

It has been proven that excess fats disrupt the functioning of the smooth muscles of the intestinal wall and activate the processes of fermentation and putrefaction, which is manifested by bloating, a feeling of rapid fullness of the stomach, and constipation.

“Harmful” fats must be replaced with healthy ones. Omega-3 fatty acids are your best choice. Scientific work demonstrates their effectiveness in reducing the incidence of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (including autoimmune diseases). The richest in this component are flax seeds, nuts (most of all found in walnuts), fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, sardine).

Reducing the total consumption of fats and then replacing them with omega-3 fatty acids has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and also prevents the development of a wide range of diseases.

In what cases are enzymes prescribed?

Pancreatic enzymes are far from harmless drugs. Their prescription should be supervised by general practitioners or gastroenterologists. The main indications for which their use is necessary:

  • pancreatic insufficiency due to inflammatory diseases of various etiologies (autoimmune, alcoholic, pancreatic necrosis, after dietary disorders, etc.), oncological processes and gland resection;
  • inflammatory diseases of the gastric and intestinal mucosa to improve food digestion and facilitate absorption;
  • in case of bile deficiency due to inflammatory diseases of the liver, its ducts, gallbladder, as well as after operations to remove the bladder and liver resection;
  • single or short-term use for functional digestive disorders (after dietary disorders - loose stools, heartburn, nausea) and for overeating.

Don't overeat

The total problem of the majority of the Russian population is the discrepancy between the caloric content of the diet and energy expenditure. It has been proven that this leads to disruption of the enzymatic breakdown of food in the lumen of the digestive tract, the development of malabsorption syndrome (poor absorption) and constipation.

In addition, increased food consumption leads to the development of obesity (both subcutaneous and intra-organ), which significantly increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, type II diabetes, and constipation.

The daily calorie intake for the “average” person of the middle age group ranges from 2200 to 3000 and depends on physical and mental activity during the day. The formula for calculation is as follows:

For men88.36 + (13.4 x body weight, kg) + (4.8 x current height, cm) - (5.7 x age, years)
For women447.6 + (9.2 x body weight, kg) + (3.1 x current height, cm) - (4.3 x age, years)

Why take enzymes?

Enzyme deficiency is usually an acquired condition. It develops when the enzymes produced by the body are not enough for effective digestion. This condition is observed when consuming too heavy food, overeating, or when enzyme activity in the body decreases.

With ineffective digestion, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are not completely digested, which leads to discomfort in the stomach and problems with bowel movements. By the way, with enzyme deficiency, diarrhea is more common.

If a lack of enzymes is observed for a long time, other nonspecific symptoms appear. Due to lack of nutrients, a person loses weight. A deficiency of vitamins and microelements leads to pale skin, flaking, hair loss, brittle nails, increased irritability, and general weakness. If a person is prone to diarrhea, the water balance may be disturbed. All this leads to a general deterioration in well-being, decreased mental activity, and neuroses.

Drink more water

Scientists have long proven that an insufficient amount of clean liquid (not in the form of food) contributes to the development of constipation.

It is recommended for an adult to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

Children aged 5 to 8 years should drink at least 1 liter, and from 9 to 12 years - 1.5 liters.

During active physical activity or exposure to elevated temperatures, when the release of fluid through the skin and lungs is activated, the volume of water drunk should be increased.

An alternative method of meeting the body's needs is fruits and vegetables (watermelon, melon, cucumber, grapefruit, peach, celery).

Thus, inadequate fluid intake is one of the main causes of constipation.

Avoid stress

Stress can cause significant harm to the gastrointestinal tract. The mechanisms of development of these effects are currently not fully understood. Psychologists say that psychosomatic disorders are the basis.

Dysfunction of the central parts of the nervous system “knocks down” the natural processes of intestinal motility, the harmonious secretion of digestive juices in response to irritation. This leads to significant digestive problems: from constipation or diarrhea to serious pathologies.

It has been proven that people who are systematically exposed to stress are more likely to suffer from peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

Correction of mental imbalances using special techniques for stress management, relaxation, meditation, and the use of cognitive behavioral therapy has a beneficial effect not only on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but also helps to alleviate the symptoms of various diseases of the digestive system (irritable bowel syndrome).

There are also a number of foods that can help you calm down and reduce stress.

Stress is an important risk factor for developing peptic ulcers, constipation or diarrhea.


Most gastroenterologists recommend taking Creon, as it is available in capsule form. As mentioned above, the effectiveness of capsules is much higher, since the drug penetrates not only the stomach, but also the intestines. The main active ingredient in Creon is pancreatin, which very well stimulates the production of all necessary enzymes. It is prescribed during treatment:

  • Chronic pancreatitis
  • After operations performed on the gastrointestinal tract
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Oncological diseases, namely tumors formed in the immediate vicinity of the stomach and pancreas, thereby interfering with their normal functioning
  • Creon is also recommended to be taken during a large meal (at corporate parties, holidays, etc.) in order to improve digestion and prevent the occurrence of indigestion.

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It is recommended to take one capsule before each meal. It is advisable to simply drink it with water and not chew it, so that the drug enters not only the stomach, but also the intestines. Separately, it is necessary to say about side effects. The drug does not have them as such, but as regards the reaction of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea may develop and pain in the stomach area will appear. Some patients develop hives. Usually this is the body’s reaction not to pancreatin, but to the auxiliary components of the medicine.

Creon is one of the drugs that can improve digestion. True, it is considered much stronger than Pancreatin, and therefore can only be taken after a doctor’s prescription.

Practice mindful eating

You should approach any food product carefully. It has been proven that a “conscious” approach to nutrition reduces the incidence of various gastrointestinal pathologies, as well as the severity of their course.

Nutritionists recommend adhering to the following tips:

  1. Chew food slowly and thoroughly. It is strictly forbidden to swallow large particles of food. This disrupts the balanced functioning of the digestive tract. Rapid swallowing of lumps provokes a decrease in absorption in the intestine.
  2. While eating food, you should not be distracted by extraneous stimuli (TV, mobile phone, etc.).
  3. Food should attract with its taste and olfactory properties.
  4. The temperature of the food should correspond to the type of product (meat - hot, ice cream - cold).

Conscious eating creates a favorable emotional environment that helps calm the central nervous system and coordinate the work of various parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

Exercise regularly

Regular physical activity is one of the best ways to both correct and maintain digestive processes at the proper level.

A change in the position of the body in space (even a slight one) in combination with gravitational influences contribute to the movement of food particles in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract.

An example is a study conducted in the Netherlands. Just 30 minutes of walking a day helps relieve constipation and reduce symptoms such as false or incomplete bowel movements.

Exercise also reduces inflammatory bowel disease by activating the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines.

Regular physical activity improves digestion and prevents the development of constipation. An active lifestyle can also prevent inflammatory pathologies.

Quit smoking and alcohol

Popular bad habits adversely affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the health of the entire body.

It has been proven that smoking increases the risk of developing gastroesophageal reflux disease by almost 2 times. At the same time, it is noted that alcoholic drinks do not affect the formation of this deviation.

Large studies have also noted a direct connection between smoking activity (the number of cigarettes smoked per day) and the development of pathologies such as gastric and duodenal ulcers and oncological proliferation of mucosal cells.

Alcoholic drinks lead to increased production of hydrochloric acid and all digestive juices. As a result, the gastric mucosa becomes irritated and inflamed. In the early stages, this manifests itself as dyspeptic disorders (a feeling of rapid stomach fullness, heartburn, nausea). Alcohol is closely related to the incidence of gastrointestinal bleeding. Also, alcohol abuse has fatal consequences for the liver, in which recovery is not always possible.

Thus, giving up bad habits will lead to normal digestion and prevent dangerous diseases of the digestive tract.


Pancreatin to improve digestion

Mezim is one of those drugs that is widely advertised in the media. One Mezim tablet consists of pancreatin, lipase, amylase and protease. In fact, the composition of Pancreatin tablets is the same. Mezim is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Insufficient enzyme production
  • For problems associated with food stagnation
  • For inflammation of the gastric mucosa
  • For chronic pancreatitis

Separately, it is necessary to say about the dosage. You should take one tablet (unless more is prescribed by your doctor) before each meal. Depending on what disease and what problem a person has, the course can last from several days to several months. It is strictly forbidden to take the drug if a person has intestinal obstruction, jaundice or hepatitis.

Mezim can be called a more expensive analogue of Pancreatin. The only thing that distinguishes them from each other is the taste. Most patients note that the coating covering the Mezim tablet is much sweeter and more pleasant than that of Pancreatin. And often, in order to give medicine to children, they buy Mezim.

Include certain nutrients in your diet

The components that are necessary for the coordinated functioning of the muscular and secretory apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract include:

  • probiotics;
  • glutamine;
  • zinc.

Probiotics are a group of beneficial bacteria that can improve digestion by creating intestinal microflora favorable to the body. Microorganisms actively break down indigestible fibers supplied with food, the excess of which activates the processes of decay and causes bloating.

One scientific study examined the effectiveness of probiotics in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. During treatment, there was a decrease in the severity of symptoms such as a feeling of abdominal distension, bloating, and pain after eating food. These substances are also effective against bowel disorders such as constipation or diarrhea.

For treatment, you can use specialized nutritional supplements or bio-yogurt. The main thing is that they contain bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Products containing probiotics →

Glutamine is one of the most important amino acids that regulates the permeability of the intestinal wall. With its sufficient quantity, permeability decreases against the background of acute intestinal infections. The effectiveness of the component has been proven for people in the intensive care unit. The richest foods in glutamine are soybeans, eggs, turkey and nuts (almonds).

Zinc is another extremely important component for the digestive system. The trace element increases local immunity factors and the functioning of natural barriers, which makes it effective for any infectious or long-term chronic pathologies. The effects have been proven at the Lankenau Institute, USA.

The recommended dose of zinc per day for men is 11 mg, for women – 8 mg. The highest content of the element is found in beef, sunflower seeds and shellfish.

Various nutrients are important for the gastrointestinal tract, but the most valuable are zinc, glutamine and probiotics. Without them, there can be no coordinated functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The most effective enzyme preparations

The main goal of enzyme deficiency therapy is to improve the digestion process. To do this, the doctor may prescribe the patient digestive enzymes in tablets. We will list the most effective of them below.

We recommend reading when and how to perform an abdominal ultrasound.

Read: how to eliminate nausea with gastritis.


The main component of Festal is pancreatin, it compensates for the insufficient functioning of the pancreas. The amylase, protease and lipase it contains increase the efficiency of digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and improve their absorption. The drug also contains bile components, which facilitate the breakdown of fats, and hemicellulase, which improves the process of fiber breakdown. Thanks to this composition, Festal tablets have proven themselves to be effective and quickly improve digestion.

It is recommended to take the drug during meals or immediately after finishing a meal. Dragees are washed down with plenty of water. The daily dose can be 3-6 tablets, this amount is distributed between 3 meals. The course of therapy can last from several days to months. The duration of treatment depends on the improvement of the patient’s well-being.

Festal has an affordable price. A package of 40 tablets will cost about 250 rubles.


Unlike Festal, Mezim contains only pancreatin as an active substance. Amylase, lipase and protease in its composition improve the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, fats and proteins from food. These are effective tablets that help with digestion. They can be prescribed both for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract caused by chronic diseases of the pancreas, stomach, liver, gall bladder, and in the absence of gastrointestinal diseases, for dyspeptic symptoms associated with overeating and poor nutrition.

Important! Contraindications to taking the drug are acute pancreatitis and exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease.

Mezim is taken before meals. The recommended dose is 1-2 tablets. If necessary, the drug is additionally taken with meals.

The cost of Mezim is about 80 rubles per pack of 20 tablets.


The drug is available in the form of gelatin capsules containing pancreatin microgranules, the dissolution of which is triggered in the intestines. The enteric coating does not allow gastric juice to reduce the effectiveness of the product. After food enters the intestines from the stomach, the process of exposure to pancreatic enzymes, which are contained in Micrazym, begins. Due to the fact that the components of the drug act exactly where they are needed (in the intestines), the effectiveness of therapy will be higher.

The advantage of the drug is the possibility of therapy in newborns and people who have difficulty swallowing tablets. The cost of Micrazim is about 180 rubles for 20 capsules.


Creon is an effective medicine, available in capsule form. Its active substance is pancreatin. When taking capsules, a more complete absorption of proteins, carbohydrates and fats from food is achieved, and the process of secreting the body’s own digestive enzymes is improved. Like the above-described Mikrasim, Creon is an enteric drug, that is, the release of the active component from the capsule occurs in the intestines. Thanks to this, the effect of Creon is much more pronounced than the effect of taking enzyme preparations in tablet form.

Important! The capsule must be swallowed whole without opening. Only in this case will the microgranules reach the intestines unchanged and have the desired effect.

Creon is available in several varieties with different contents of the active substance. The price of the medicine depends on this, for example, 20 capsules of Creon 10,000 costs about 250 rubles, and 20 capsules of Creon 25,000 costs 550 rubles. The dosage is determined by the doctor individually for each patient.


The drug Ermital is similar in action, composition and release form to Creon, but it is less popular and is less often prescribed by doctors. Ermital is produced by the German pharmaceutical company Nordmark. Ermital, like Creon, is produced in the form of enteric capsules.

The drug contains pancreatin, which replenishes the lack of pancreatic enzymes, improves the digestion process, and eliminates various symptoms of dyspepsia. The cost of Ermital is almost 2 times lower than the price of Creon; in terms of action and dosage, the drugs are analogues.


The most affordable tablets to speed up digestion are Pancreatin. Tablets under this trade name are produced by several Russian pharmaceutical companies: Biosynthesis, Pharmstandardleksredstva, Pharmproekt, Avexima, Valenta, ABVA Rus. The cost of the drug starts from 20 rubles for the minimum number of tablets.

We advise you to find out recipes for gastritis-safe salads.

Read: why Phosphalugel is prescribed for gastritis.

Find out if you can eat seeds if you have gastritis.

Due to the fact that the tablets have an enteric coating, you cannot bite them when taking them. They are swallowed whole with water. It is recommended to take the medicine with meals or right before meals. The dosage is selected by the doctor depending on the degree of enzyme deficiency and the age of the patient.


Enzistal is a drug with a combined composition. In terms of its components, Enzistal is an analogue of Festal. In addition to pancreatin, it contains hemicellulase and bile extract. These components improve digestion, relieve the intestines of gases and prevent their formation due to the breakdown of fiber.

As a rule, adults are prescribed 3 to 6 tablets per day. This amount is divided into 3 doses. Like other enzyme preparations, Enzistal should be taken with meals or before meals.

The cost of Enzistal starts from 130 rubles per package of 20 tablets. The drug is produced by the Indian company Torrent.


Somilase is produced in tablets, the shell of which ensures the release of active substances in the intestines. Somilase contains the enzymes amylase and lipase as active components. With their participation, carbohydrates and fats are broken down and their more efficient absorption in the intestines is achieved. The medicine is prescribed for mild enzyme deficiency. The tablets should be taken with meals.

Despite the fact that enzyme products are classified as over-the-counter products, taking them without a doctor’s prescription, especially for a long time, is unsafe. Although they are rare, they do have side effects such as allergies and digestive disorders. With long-term use, enzyme agents can lead to “lazy pancreas” syndrome, which is characterized by a decrease in the activity of the organ due to addiction to the drugs.

Get enough vitamins

With age, the need for vitamins increases, and their absorption decreases due to involutive changes in the digestive system.

For example, it has been proven that about 30% of people over 50 years of age are deficient in vitamin B12 because the stomach does not produce enough gastric juice.

Due to inadequate food intake, a large number of people have a deficiency of vital vitamins (A, C, group B, folic acid).

For proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract you need:

  1. B vitamins. They improve energy potential and metabolic processes occurring at the level of cell membranes. All persons of older age groups are recommended to include vitamin supplements with this element. You should consume more almonds, avocado, oats, pumpkin, tomato, spinach and asparagus to meet your needs.
  2. Vitamin D. The body needs it in winter, when there is a lack of sunlight, and also after 40 years, when the skin begins to synthesize this substance less. Tuna, salmon, chicken eggs, and beef liver are rich in it.

Before including vitamin supplements and other dietary supplements in your diet, it is recommended to first consult with a specialist.

Vitamins are extremely important for the balanced functioning of not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also all body systems. Preference should be given to natural sources rather than drugs and dietary supplements.


Somilase is one of those drugs that help restore pancreatic function. It contains solyzyme, which is an enzyme that helps break down fat, and alpha-amylase. The principle of action of the medicine is slightly different from the above drugs, but its effect is no less noticeable. The components of the drug react with vegetable and animal fats entering the body, breaking them down, thereby compensating for the lack of enzymes. The drug is indicated for patients who:

  1. There are digestive problems associated with a lack of enzymes responsible for the breakdown of fats
  2. You have a serious disease such as chronic pancreatitis
  3. Gastritis developed
  4. There are problems with the intestines, namely inflammation of the small or large intestine
  5. Somilaza is also recommended for people who have problems with the liver and gall bladder.
  6. He provides special assistance to patients who have undergone serious operations on the stomach, pancreas, and liver.

The drug Somilase has virtually no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to individual components of the drug. That is why it is prescribed to almost all patients with digestive problems. Since Somiliza is not a simple medicine that stimulates the pancreas, it should be purchased only after personal consultation with a specialist.

Drugs to improve digestion today occupy one of the highest places on the list of popular drugs, since a modern lifestyle with many snacks and late dinners does not allow the stomach to independently cope with the load placed on it.

This video will tell you about foods that improve digestion:

Read along with this article:

  • The best folk remedies to improve digestion
  • Mezim - composition and indications for use of the drug
  • Symptoms of high stomach acidity, main causes...
  • Signs of pancreatic disease, pancreatitis, sugar...
  • Pancreatic insufficiency, types, causes, treatment
  • Why food needs to be chewed thoroughly is an important question...
  • Irritable stomach syndrome - causes, symptoms, treatment
  • How to treat gastritis at home - diet, folk...
  • Burning in the stomach after eating: causes and treatment

What to avoid

For any problems with digestion and the presence of acute or chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to limit or exclude a number of “heavy” foods, as well as make lifestyle adjustments.

So, you can't:

  1. Eat any fried, spicy or smoked foods.
  2. Eating food with a lot of dyes and preservatives (a number of confectionery products, carbonated drinks).
  3. Take a lot of food at once. Meals should be fractional (5-7 times a day, in small portions).
  4. Swallow food quickly after consumption (in large pieces).
  5. Eating monotonously. The diet needs to be varied with a wide range of food products. This is the only way to provide the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.
  6. Avoid physical activity and lead a sedentary lifestyle.
  7. Smoking, drinking alcohol in excessive amounts.


Mezim - an assistant in the digestive process

For those who experience digestive problems, Enzistal will be an excellent drug that can help improve this process. Enzistal contains not only pancreatin, but also hemicellulose, as well as bile components. That is why its effect is much better than simple Pancreatin. Experts recommend taking the drug:

  1. If you have problems digesting food caused by a lack of digestive enzymes
  2. With increased flatulence
  3. If you have problems with chewing function, which most often occurs in people with dentures, or if there is damage to the jaw or gums
  4. With a sedentary lifestyle, especially in bedridden patients
  5. Enzistal should be taken with caution in patients who:
  6. Have liver or kidney failure
  7. Jaundice
  8. Intestinal obstruction

In most of these cases, the attending physician may prohibit taking the drug altogether, since it can cause serious complications. As for complications after taking it, or rather side effects, the most common occurrences are:

  • An allergic reaction that manifests itself as a rash on the skin, tearing
  • Painful sensations in the abdominal area
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Irritation of the mucous membrane

If at least one of the above side effects occurs, you must immediately stop taking the drug. Enzsital is a drug with a very good effect, and also a fairly low price, which makes it accessible to most consumers.

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