The use of enzyme preparations for digestive disorders in children

What are enzymes needed for? They play a vital role in breaking down food and extracting all essential microelements from foods. If there are not enough enzymes, the digestive tract begins to experience difficulties.

Weldability becomes inferior due to incomplete cleavage, thereby placing an increased load on the gastrointestinal tract, mostly on the intestines. We will consider the types of enzymes and methods of use below.

Medicinal enzymes for the treatment of pancreas

Pork and bovine pancreas are used to obtain natural enzymes. It is cleaned, dried and crushed.

These drugs consist of the following components:

  • Lipase – improves the breakdown of fatty tissues;
  • Protease – breaks down proteins;
  • Amylase – accelerates the hydrolysis of carbohydrates in food.

In different enzyme preparations, the concentration of these components is individual; therefore, enzyme preparations are prescribed by a doctor according to the type of disease.

Due to their thick shell, the tablets do not immediately break down in the gastric juice. To prescribe the appropriate type of medication, the patient is examined and gastric juice is collected. With high acidity, in addition to enzymes, patients are prescribed tablets to reduce acidity.

Enzyme preparations - classification and scope of application

Preparations containing pancreatic enzymes, list of combined drugs:

  1. Creon;
  2. Gastal;
  3. Wobenzym;
  4. Enzistal;
  5. Festal;
  6. Somilase;
  7. Digestal.

Containing plant substances identical to enzymes:

  1. Normoenzyme;
  2. Nigedase;
  3. Biozyme.

Based on pancreatin:

  1. Pankeatin;
  2. Pancreazim;
  3. Mezim.

The doctor decides which enzyme preparation to use to treat the patient based on the examination. If you overeat and abuse fatty foods, you can take Mezim and Pancreatin to relieve unpleasant symptoms without a doctor’s prescription.

For patient administration, enzyme preparations do not have any significant differences except concentration. Due to the fact that the enzymes have an identical composition to those produced by the pancreas, the body tolerates them well, and there are no allergic reactions.

Reception features

You can take enzymes for inflammation of the pancreas only on the recommendation of a doctor. The required drug, dosage, frequency of use and duration of therapy can only be determined by a specialist. In this case, the patient’s condition, complaints, results of laboratory and instrumental examination methods, the severity of the pathological process, the degree of pancreatic insufficiency and other associated factors must be taken into account.

Enzyme preparations are indicated for use by people who have impaired production of digestive enzymes by the pancreas. The composition of the medicines includes lipase, protease, amylase and other components important for the digestion of food.

Enzymes include Mezim, Panzinorm, Pankurmen, Ermital, Enzistal, Creon, Pancitrate, Penzital, etc. The active substance in each preparation is pancreatin. The main forms are tablets and capsules, which have an acid-resistant shell, due to which the activation of the active components and their mixing with the food mass occurs in the duodenum. Bile is excreted into the intestinal cavity, which actively participates in the digestive process.

The best enzymes for the pancreas

Enzyme medications should be selected depending on a particular situation:

  • After overeating, discomfort in the intestines - a Pancreatin tablet will solve the problem;
  • If pancreatic support is needed - Pancreazim, Mezim, Gastal;
  • Questions with the pancreas and gall bladder - Digestal, Creon, Normoenzyme.

Only a doctor can choose the right drugs containing pancreatic enzymes and which one is best for the patient; he knows the patient’s problem well. There is no one drug that solves all the patient’s problems.

Enzymes administered to the patient improve intestinal activity and digestion. The effectiveness of the drugs is the same for complex treatment and one-time use, if it concerns discomfort caused by nutritional problems.

What tests are performed to detect enzyme deficiency?

Laboratory tests of the pancreas are required; the analysis gives a complete picture of the functioning of the organ and allows one to identify the deficiency of certain enzymes.

A blood test is performed:

  • clinical;
  • biochemical;
  • special.

The first blood test allows you to see the level of ESR and leukocytes. An increase in their number indicates inflammation. The second blood test makes it possible to see the level of bilirubin and gamma globulin.

The third blood test reveals alpha-amylase (normal 16-30 g/l per hour), trypsin (up to 60 mcg/l), lipase (above 190 U/l), glucose (if the endocrine part is disrupted, above 6 mmol/l) .

Amino acids and amylase are examined in the urine; if the levels are high, this is a lack of enzymes in the pancreas.

The indicators of amylase, lipase, trypsin in the duodenum are detected. A decrease in indicators indicates insufficiency of pancreatic function.

Coprogram - physical, chemical, microscopic examination of feces, reveals disorders of digestion and absorption of nutrients. With a lack of enzymes, undigested fatty acids and starch particles are found.

The main indicator is elastase. Its reduction makes it possible to identify and cure the disease.

Important information: Is it possible to eat chicken liver for pancreatitis?

Instrumental research methods include:

  • X-ray;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • ultrasonography;
  • biopsy.

If all 3 diagnostic methods are used, this ensures accurate detection of the problem and the ability to eliminate the undesirable consequence of exocrine insufficiency.

Directions for use and doses

Medicines should be taken while eating food or before starting 5 minutes, or after a meal, 1-2 tablets, with each dose with plenty of liquid. The tablet should be taken without chewing, otherwise the enzymes have a chance not to enter the intestines, but die in the gastric juice.

You should definitely follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor and not engage in amateur activities.

The effectiveness of the medicine directly depends on the quality of food taken. If the dishes selected are light and dietary, then the digestion process will proceed normally. If the diet is not followed, the prescribed dosage of enzyme preparations will not be enough for complete absorption and digestion of food.


Svetlana, 31 years old, Nizhny Novgorod

An attack of acute pancreatitis happened unexpectedly, after a friends wedding. As a result, she ended up in a hospital, where she underwent a therapeutic course. After a few days she felt much better and continued treatment as an outpatient. Among other medications, the doctor prescribed Creon 10,000, 1-2 tablets 4 times a day for 1 month. Gradually, the condition returned to normal, but in case of severe dietary violations, take one capsule of any enzyme to facilitate digestion. There were no more attacks of pancreatitis, which I am extremely happy about.

Alevtina, 55 years old, Omsk

I have suffered from chronic pancreatitis from a young age. To support the pancreas, I regularly carry out maintenance enzyme therapy. This effectively improves digestion and prevents heaviness in the stomach, flatulence and stool upset. Among the enzyme preparations I took Pancreatin, Panzinorm, Mezim and Creon. I liked the last one the most, although they are almost identical in composition. The main thing is to choose the right dosage.

Enzyme-containing medicines of plant origin

Plant enzyme substances:

  • They withstand the influence of acid-base environment and high temperature better than others.
  • They are well received by the pancreas; they are first digested in the stomach and then transported to the small intestine.

For treatment to have a positive effect, it is important to choose the right drug containing pancreatic enzymes, duration of use, and dosage. When selecting a drug for a patient, the doctor takes into account the health, degree, severity and cause of the digestive disorder, and based on this data, selects the right medicine.

Read about herbal remedies for pancreatitis of the pancreas here.

List of drugs

Of the pancreatic enzymes in medications, there are three main ones:

The activity of the drug is calculated using lipase. This substance begins to act earlier than others. The list of pancreatic enzyme preparations includes few items. Their mechanism of action is almost the same. The difference is in the release form, which is responsible for the bioavailability of the drug, that is, its absorption by the body. Enzyme preparations are obtained from the pancreas of bulls, less often pigs.


The very first drug from this group. Contains three active ingredients:

  • protease - 200 units;
  • amylase - 3500 units;
  • lipase - 4300 units.

The purpose of prescribing the drug is to improve the digestion of food. Used for inflammation of the pancreas and bile ducts. It is also prescribed for preparation for radiography or ultrasound of the abdominal cavity - to eliminate flatulence.

There are practically no contraindications to use - with the exception of individual intolerance. Take Pancreatin tablet before meals. Dosage calculations for children are based on body weight. A short course (3-4 days) is indicated to eliminate the consequences of a diet violation. Long-term use of enzymes (several years or lifelong) is recommended for chronic pancreatitis.


Almost similar to pancreatin, there is a slight difference in the content of the main components:

  • protease - 300 units;
  • amylase - 4500 units;
  • lipase - 6000 units.

The mechanism of action is to improve the breakdown of nutrients and normalize digestion. Indicated for chronic inflammation of the pancreas, its absence. Effective for eliminating bloating and non-infectious diarrhea.

It has no contraindications. It is not recommended to prescribe high doses of Penzital to children, as constipation may develop.


A more modern medicine is available in the form of a capsule protected by a gelatin shell. Thanks to this, the main substance is not destroyed by gastric juice, but enters the duodenum unchanged.

For mild pancreatitis

After detecting pancreatitis in a weak form, herbal preparations containing enzymes are prescribed:

  • Pepphysis is a combined herbal preparation that activates digestion and significantly improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, reducing the formation of gases, and relieves heartburn;
  • Somilase, Nigedase - decompose fats of plant and animal origin, as well as polysaccharides, compensating for the lack of enzymes for digestion;
  • Oraza, Solizim - normalizes the functioning of all organs of the digestive system. Has lipolytic, proteolytic, amylolytic properties;
  • Unienzyme – promotes food digestion and normalizes stool.

They do not have a strong effect and are only suitable for preventing the disease at the initial stage. They will provide assistance if the patient adheres to the diet prescribed by the doctor and does not consume unhealthy fatty foods and alcoholic beverages.

Read about the healing properties and methods of using flax seeds for pancreatitis here.

Features of application

Most enzyme preparations do not have significant differences and perform the same tasks. The effectiveness of the products is also largely determined by the quality and quantity of food consumed.

There are general rules for treatment with enzyme agents:

  • Take the tablets with or immediately after meals.
  • The drug should be swallowed whole, without chewing, so as not to destroy the integrity of the shell.
  • Drink only clean water.
  • Follow the dosage prescribed by the doctor.
  • During treatment, adhere to a diet that is gentle on the pancreas and do not overload the organ with heavy foods.
  • If side effects occur or treatment fails, consult a doctor immediately.

Taking enzymes is contraindicated if:

  • exacerbation of pancreatitis,
  • abdominal pain in children,
  • tendency to allergies to animal products,
  • intestinal obstruction,
  • acute intestinal infection,
  • diarrhea.

Enzymes help maintain normal digestion, but do not treat pancreatic diseases. You can take medications only as part of complex therapy.

For chronic pancreatitis

Inflammation of the pancreas disrupts the process of creating enzymes for digestion, changing the structure of the organ as follows:

  • Gland atrophy occurs;
  • Connective tissue replaces pancreatic tissue;
  • Atrophy of the pancreatic glands;
  • The pancreatic ducts through which pancreatic juice moves become swollen.

When a disease is detected, the patient must take the doctor’s instructions very seriously and in no case violate them. Proper diet and lifestyle are the key to successful treatment.


  • To relieve spasms and pain - No-shpa, Riabal, Movespasm, Drotaverine;
  • Medicines containing bile to relieve nausea and improve digestion - Enzistal, Festal;
  • Preparations without bile - Pancreatin, Mezim-Forte, Panzir, Enzibene;
  • Medicines that have proven themselves to be effective for chronic pancreatitis - Phosphalugel, Almagel, Maalox;
  • Drops of plant origin - Pankren.

In order for the organ to recover it is necessary:

  • Regular meals scheduled by the hour;
  • Limit intake of fatty, spicy and fried foods;
  • Complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages;
  • Be physically active;
  • Do not eat food at night;
  • Food must have the necessary vitamins and minerals;
  • Take enzymes to improve digestion.

Enzyme preparations for chronic disease

For chronic pancreatitis, the basis of treatment is enzyme replacement therapy. The first type of drugs with pancreatin is used. The medicine should not contain bile, which causes an increase in enzymatic secretion and increases pain.

Shown: Creon, Mezim-Forte, Pancreatin.

Contraindicated: Festal, Digestal, Panzinorm.

enzymes for the pancreas - drugs for children

Issues with the digestive system quite often begin in childhood. Most often, enzyme preparations are prescribed in gastroenterology due to their high effectiveness in the treatment of gastrointestinal tract in children.

Groups of enzymes in the pediatrician’s arsenal:

  • With pancreatin - pancreatin, creon, pangrol, mezim forte, pancitrate;
  • With pancreatin and acids, hemicellulose - festal, digestal, enzistal;
  • With herbal ingredients based on papain, rice fungus extract, orase;
  • Combined products based on synthetic and herbal components;
  • Disaccharides (lactase).

Prescribing medications to children that contain bile components must be done with great caution. Bile acids can severely damage the liver and have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of children's intestines. Originally Answered: What do the pancreas and liver like and dislike? – read here.

There are contraindications to the use of such drugs:

  • Diarrhea.
  • Ulcerative colitis.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Various acid-dependent diseases.

Children should not be prescribed high doses of enzyme preparations so as not to harm the pancreas.

  • Enzyme medications should be taken with meals.
  • The full course of treatment is 10–14 days.

Read about how to treat diffuse changes in the pancreas here.

Enzyme preparations

To restore normal digestion, it is necessary to verify the diagnosis. For this purpose, functional ultrasound is prescribed - ultrasound of the abdominal organs, in severe cases, if necessary, CT, MRI, and laboratory tests that determine the level of enzymes in the blood and feces. Analysis of the results obtained and objective examination data will show which enzymes to drink in order to increase their levels.

Treatment of pancreatitis, like diabetes mellitus, takes a long time; sometimes you have to take the necessary enzyme and glucose-lowering drug for life.

For pancreatitis, complex therapy is effective: in addition to enzyme preparations for the pancreas, a number of other medications are used to influence all disturbed stages of digestion. A diet is required throughout the entire period of treatment. Sometimes it has to be followed always in order to preserve the pancreas. This approach to treatment helps the affected organ gradually recover and compensate for the lack of plant enzymes supplied with food.

Classification of drugs

After clarifying the diagnosis and functional disorders, medications are prescribed aimed at restoring the functioning of the organ. Depending on how the enzymatic balance of the gland is disturbed, medications are prescribed - enzymes and antienzymes:

  1. Drugs from the first group are necessary to replace the lack of own enzymes and slow down the formation of connective tissue during chronic pancreatitis. In severe cases, death of parenchyma cells occurs, reaching 90% of the organ volume. It is impossible to completely restore the functions of the affected organ. Each exacerbation reduces them. Enzyme preparations are prescribed for a long time to improve digestion. Sometimes you have to be treated with enzymes all your life, increasing the dose as the activity of the gland fades.
  2. The second group of drugs is intended to relieve acute inflammation in the pancreas. Due to blockage of the ductal system, which occurs for a number of reasons, enzymes do not enter the lumen of the duodenum, but are activated in the gland itself and begin to digest its tissue. This is accompanied by intense pain up to the development of shock and requires emergency measures in an intensive care unit or surgical department.

Correction of exocrine insufficiency is carried out based on the level of lipase. This is an essential enzyme, produced almost in full only by the pancreas itself.

Therefore, the activity of the drug that is selected for replacement therapy is assessed in lipase units - LE. The name of any drug contains this data - the amount of lipase in LE. The list of enzyme preparations for correcting digestion is extensive.

There is a classification that takes into account the origin of enzymes and their use. She divides drugs into 5 groups depending on the presence of pancreatin in them:

  1. Having pancreatin (Creon, Pangrol, Mezim-forte, Pancreatin).
  2. Consisting of pancreatin, hemicellulase, bile (Festal, Enzistal, Digestal, Panzinorm).
  3. Derived from plants (Solizyme, Unienzyme, Somilase).
  4. Combined (Wobenzym, Flogenzym).
  5. Simple - Betaine, Abomin.


In addition to enzymes, pancreatic juice contains:

  • bicarbonates,
  • microelements,
  • water.

Enzymes are destroyed in an acidic environment. Therefore, modern pharmacology is aimed at creating drugs in acid-resistant shells. This protects them from the aggressive influence of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and makes it possible to enter intact into the small intestine, where their activation occurs.

The tablet (conventional name in this case) of some drugs is available in two capsule shells. The outer capsule dissolves in the stomach. Microcapsules come out of it, which are also covered with a protective capsule layer from digestion by hydrochloric acid in the stomach. They mix evenly with the chyme (food bolus), which promotes better digestion in the small intestine, where the second membrane dissolves. Thanks to this configuration, the drug works as efficiently as possible and fully performs the functions of breaking down food components.

The price of such drugs is higher than regular tablet ones, but they also act faster. This is how the only highly effective drug, Creon, is designed; its cost remains high. Other medications available in capsule form have one shell.

Use for illness

The first group of enzymes according to the classification does not contain bile acids. Indications:

  • chronic pancreatitis,
  • dysbacteriosis – pathogenic microbes destroy enzymes,
  • hyperacid gastritis,
  • intestinal pathology with malabsorption and maldigestion syndrome.

Bile acids in drugs of the second group:

  • enhance the secretion of enzymes,
  • increase motility of the gallbladder and intestines.


  • breaks down plant carbohydrates,
  • inhibits gas formation in the intestines.

Indications for use: pathology accompanied by belching, flatulence, constipation.


  • pancreatitis (acute and chronic),
  • diarrhea,
  • peptic ulcer,
  • if the liver is affected.

Plant enzyme is indicated:

  • for chronic pancreatitis,
  • intolerance to meat (enzyme preparations are made from it).

Contraindication for Solizim and Somilase is an allergy to penicillin.

Combined preparations (Wobenzym, Unienzym and others), containing pancreatin, plant enzymes, vitamins, have 75 times less activity compared to enzymes of animal origin. Contraindications:

  • bronchial asthma,
  • tendency to allergic reactions.

Simple enzymes (Abomin, Betaine) break down only proteins, so they are rarely used. The only indication for use is hypoacid gastritis.

When exposed to them, an increased level of gastrin is observed, which increases the secretion of gastric juice and increases the tone of the digestive organs.

Enzymes in postoperative therapy

The pancreas lacks enzymes during the postoperative period. In order to compensate for this deficiency, patients are prescribed enzyme preparations. After surgery, for normal restoration of the organ, enzyme medications should be taken in long courses.

The effectiveness of taking such drugs by patients during the rehabilitation period has been proven by scientific studies in different countries of the world.

Particularly effective are medications that contain bile acid with an enzyme that reduces bloating and helps to better absorb plant foods:

  • Festal;
  • Enzistal;
  • Digestal;
  • Pankurman.

Bile acid, which is part of the medicine, regulates the functions of the pancreas and the process of bile secretion.

To reduce gas formation in the intestines, use:

  • Pankreoflat;
  • Pepphys.

Strictly following the doctor’s prescriptions and following a diet will speed up the recovery of the pancreas in the postoperative period.

Types of Digestive Enzymes

What types of digestive enzymes are there?

Our body produces a huge number of different digestive enzymes.

Why so many? Each type of enzyme is aimed at breaking down some substance. So, one enzyme is responsible for lactose, others break down fats into molecules, and others break down proteins.

And remember that digestion begins in the mouth, so chew your food thoroughly and don’t swallow pieces like you’re a hungry cormorant.

  • Alpha galactosidase - facilitates the digestion of legumes and cruciferous vegetables
  • Amylase - breaks down carbohydrates
  • Cellulase - breaks down fiber
  • Glucoamylase - breaks down long-chain carbohydrates
  • Invertase - breaks down sucrose and maltose
  • Lactase - breaks down milk sugar - lactose
  • Lipase - breaks down fats
  • Protease - breaks down proteins
  • Beta-glucanase - helps digest grains
  • Pectinase – breaks down pectins from fruits and vegetables
  • Phytase - breaks down phytic acid

Enzymes may be of animal origin

(pancreatin) and
(papaya, pineapple).

Animal enzymes (pancreatin) are not recommended for long-term use, as they weaken the function of the pancreas and disrupt the independent production of enzymes, plus they are addictive. In addition, they begin to work only in the intestines due to the presence of a special coating that protects them from the destructive effects of gastric juice.

Plant enzymes do not have any effect on the production of pancreatic enzymes by the pancreas - they neither stimulate nor inhibit. Therefore, they can be taken for a long time, plus they are not afraid of gastric juice.

For children, it is best to choose plant enzymes, as they can be easily and discreetly added to food.

Who needs enzymes?

You've found out that enzymes are extremely beneficial for digestion and overall health, but how do you know if you need enzymes?

I believe that enzymes are necessary:

  • with a poor diet of processed foods
  • for diseases of the digestive system
  • for irritable bowel syndrome
  • for leaky gut syndrome
  • if you have heartburn, gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation
  • if you have low stomach acid
  • if you have a weakened immune system
  • if you want to lose weight and not gain weight
  • for diseases of the pancreas

I recommend taking digestive enzymes to anyone who has AIT (autoimmune thyroiditis), as they help digest food and promote normal gastrointestinal function, which promotes better absorption of nutrients.

In autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, the enzyme complex must contain a protease .

How do I know if I have enough enzymes?

Often we eat processed foods that no longer contain any enzymes, so we don't get enough beneficial digestive enzymes. And of course, we experience digestive problems.

The lack of these substances is manifested by extremely unpleasant symptoms - a feeling of heaviness, bloating and flatulence, belching and heartburn, nausea, loose stools, and an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

If there are problems with the pancreas, changes in the color of the stool may occur - it becomes paler and floats on the surface or leaves a greasy mark that is not washed off with water.

You can take tests called “coprogram”; they will more accurately show how you are doing with your enzymes.

Where can I get enzymes?

They come to us through food with raw vegetables and fruits. Heat treatment destroys these enzymes.

The most enzymes are found in papaya, mango, avocado, pineapple, bananas, kiwi, lingonberries and grapefruit.

Papaya contains papain, which is one of the most powerful enzymes for breaking down protein, casein, and gluten.

A large number of enzymes are also found in seed and grain sprouts, lentils, horseradish, perk, as well as in vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, and wheat grass. Plus, of course, sauerkraut, kefir, kombucha (kombucha).

By and large, all “live” food contains enzymes and is very beneficial for our body.

Our pancreas also produces enzymes.

In what cases are digestive enzymes prescribed?

Enzyme medications are prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the pancreas, which provoke a deficiency of enzymes secreted by the gland.

There are two types of deficiency:

  1. Relative;
  2. Absolute;

Both of these conditions are very successfully corrected with enzyme preparations.

Patients who are diagnosed must follow the following recommendations:

  • Meals should be frequent and small;
  • Refusal of fried and fatty foods;
  • Complete abstinence from alcohol;
  • Physical education classes;
  • Avoid eating in the evening and at night;
  • Taking enzyme preparations.

Reasons for appointment

Problems with digestion and dysfunction of secretory function arise due to various reasons:

  • bad habits (alcohol, smoking),
  • binge eating,
  • snacks on the go and dry food,
  • an abundance of fatty and fried foods in the diet, sauces, seasonings,
  • regular stress,
  • poisoning.

A person feels any disturbances in digestion immediately. If certain symptoms appear, taking enzyme preparations may be recommended:

  • discomfort in the abdomen (pain, rumbling, cramping),
  • heaviness in the stomach after overeating,
  • feeling weak after eating
  • constipation,
  • nausea after eating,
  • indigestion.

Enzymes are prescribed during the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: pancreatitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer. It is recommended to use the product with meals if your diet contains a lot of fatty and difficult-to-digest foods.

Pancreatic enzymes and digestion

Enzymes directly involved in digestion, produced by the pancreas, remain inactive in pancreatic juice. Digestive enzymes are activated in the duodenum, under the influence of bile and enzymes produced by the cells of the intestinal mucosa.

Enzymes produced by the pancreas for digestion are important links in the process of digesting proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Conclusion: The pancreas does all the critical work of producing digestive enzymes, breaking down the most important nutrients.

Based on this, you need to understand how important it is to eat a balanced diet rich in proteins, fats and carbohydrates at the same time.

Enzymes and beauty - direct connection

In the last two articles about enzymes and fermented foods, I wrote about the direct relationship between beauty and enzymes.

Let me remind you a little about the reasons for the lack of enzymes:

  1. Today people eat few raw vegetables and fruits, and if they do, their quality leaves much to be desired. Modern growing technologies have taken care of this by using large amounts of pesticides and herbicides in the production of plant products.
  2. We chew food poorly, which puts additional strain on digestion. We do not allow food to be properly processed by saliva, the latter contains its own digestive enzymes.
  3. In winter, we eat a lot of thermally processed food, but the enzymes in vegetables and fruits are destroyed already at 50 degrees.

Of course, all this cannot but affect your health.

Symptoms of enzyme deficiency

These signs have become familiar to many and are perceived as normal. But that's not true. These symptoms are not normal!

  1. Meat products make up more than 15% of your diet.
  2. You eat quickly and do not chew your food well.
  3. Your age is over 30 years.
  4. You are sometimes or always constipated.
  5. After eating you feel sleepy and don’t have enough strength for the whole day.
  6. Digest meat, dairy products and some vegetables poorly.
  7. Bloating after eating is a common situation for you.

If you agreed with at least one of the points, then you are not reading this article in vain. It turns out that most of us have a lack of digestive enzymes.

Where to get it from?

  • From raw, unprocessed foods: ripe vegetables only from the garden and ripe fruits picked from the tree.
  • Fermented (fermented) vegetables will perfectly help to compensate for enzyme deficiency.
  • Preparations containing enzymes of plant origin.

Let's discuss the last point in more detail.

The benefits of plant enzymes in a jar

Supports the functioning of the pancreas and digestion, of course. But there are also a number of other positive reasons to take such drugs:

  • we become younger by slowing down the aging process in the body;
  • collagen production increases, which leads to increased skin elasticity and, accordingly, its beauty;
  • the number of blood clots decreases and they dissolve;
  • hormones are in a stable balance;
  • treatment and prevention of heart disease by regulating triglyceride and cholesterol levels;
  • promote the removal of waste and toxins from the body;
  • help heal wounds faster and fight infections;
  • heal microcracks in the intestines formed as a result of chronic inflammatory processes that occur with lactose and gluten intolerance;
  • vitality and energy levels increase.

The advantages are obvious, I think it’s worth a try, and suddenly all this happens to you.

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