Laxative for pregnant women: how to choose the most effective one

During pregnancy, due to increased levels of progesterone, intake of iron-containing medications, and pressure of the uterus on the rectum and large intestine, the risk of developing constipation increases. This condition is undesirable for pregnant women. Laxatives during pregnancy are used only as prescribed by a doctor. Taking medications that eliminate constipation at home should be done with extreme caution.

How to choose a laxative during pregnancy?

When such a delicate problem arises, a woman should first discuss a laxative with her obstetrician-gynecologist. It is the doctor “leading” the pregnancy who will be able to choose the drug, taking into account all the risks and contraindications. Sometimes it may be necessary to consult a therapist; this need arises if a pregnant woman has chronic diseases, for example, gastritis, pyelonephritis, etc.

Water is the easiest way to combat constipation

Today, many pharmaceutical companies offer a huge number of their products. It is often difficult to choose something specific, but there are still a number of criteria that the expectant mother should rely on:

  • It is dangerous to choose drugs based on saline solutions. These include solutions of magnesia (magnesium), Karlovy Vary salt, solution of potassium and sodium, etc. The effect of such laxatives can lead to laxative disease. Thus, laxatives that contain saline solutions will, of course, help to empty the intestines at the same time, but in the future they will only lead to complications;

Laxative disease is a syndrome in which the microflora and water-salt balance in the intestines are disrupted.

  • Preparations that contain fatty lubricants should also be avoided. These laxatives include minerals that break down and soften stool, which helps relieve constipation. The downside of these medications is an obstacle to the absorption of essential vitamins into the body of a pregnant woman, and therefore to the fetus. This will also negatively affect the intrauterine development of the fetus;

Fatty lubricants are organic substances that act as a lubricant and are based on animal oils.

  • Preparations containing lactulose are safe. Lactulose is a type of saline solution, but the salt content in it is minimal and will not harm the health of the expectant mother and her baby;
  • topical medications will be the safest, because their absorption through the intestinal walls is minimal. On the contrary, drugs that are taken orally will also reach the fetus, so when choosing between a suspension and rectal suppositories, you should opt for the second option.

So, when choosing a laxative during pregnancy, it is important to remember the above selection criteria. It should be noted that taking medications to help cope with constipation should not be constant. Problems of this nature will still arise in a pregnant woman, but constipation is a disease that can also become chronic.

Folk secrets for eliminating constipation

For constipation in pregnant women, even strict doctors recommend that before drinking a laxative from a pharmacy, try products with a laxative effect at home. Traditional folk recipes for correcting stool are based precisely on them:

  • Beets are the best remedy for constipation, which has no contraindications and only has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body. Boiled beets should be grated, lightly salted, seasoned with vegetable oil and consumed at least 100 g every day.
  • Kefir has good abilities to normalize intestinal flora if you eat fresh kefir regularly in the mornings or evenings.
  • Vegetable oil. You can drink vegetable oil to relieve constipation, but not castor oil, but 1 tbsp. l. Flaxseed oil in the morning on an empty stomach will ensure normal stool, and will also cover the body’s need for vitamins A, E and healthy fatty acids.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits. A natural laxative for pregnant women, it can be an ordinary fresh fruit. For example, an apple or a kiwi fruit. Apples are rich in iron and fiber, and kiwis are rich in organic acids that have a mild choleretic effect.
  • Time-tested laxatives for pregnant women are dried fruits from which tea is made. 6 small prunes are poured with a glass of boiling water overnight. The tea is drunk in the morning, and the steamed fruits are eaten as a snack during the day.

Laxative products during pregnancy will help not only empty the intestines, but also enrich the expectant mother’s diet with substances necessary for the growth and development of the baby.
During pregnancy, you can take chemical laxatives after consulting your doctor. Food products that are folk remedies weaken mildly, and therefore can be used independently by expectant mothers. comments powered by HyperComments

Laxatives in early pregnancy

In the early stages of pregnancy, there is most often a threat of miscarriage, and doctors during this period recommend rest for the woman. Low physical activity combined with changes in progesterone levels in the body leads to impaired intestinal motility. During such a period, the expectant mother cannot cope without medical intervention.

Duphalac is a modern and safe laxative

In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is worth choosing the most gentle drugs, because a sharp increase in intestinal motility can lead to miscarriage. Among such drugs we can note Duphalac, created on the basis of lactulose. It is available without a doctor's prescription. Duphalac is a syrup that is available in bottles of 200, 500 or 1000 ml, as well as 15 ml portions in sachets. This drug not only improves peristalsis, but also has a beneficial effect on microflora, and also promotes the removal of toxic substances (ammonia, ammonium ions, etc.)

Analogues of Duphalac are Poslabin Lactulose, Prelax, Portalak, Transulose. The price category of these drugs varies from 150 to 400 rubles, depending on the pharmaceutical company and the dispensing pharmacy.

What medications can you take?

What laxative can pregnant women use? There are several main types of drugs. Each group of laxatives has varying levels of effectiveness and safety when used during pregnancy.

Fecal softeners

Laxatives increase the amount of water in the stool and make it easier to pass, allowing it to slide. The required effect is achieved in 3-4 hours. This group includes glycerin suppositories; for pregnant women they are valuable for their safety, exclusively local action and the ability to avoid straining during bowel movements, which is problematic when carrying a child. Vaseline and almond oil for oral administration are also emollients. Potentially, these drugs can stimulate the uterus, so you should carefully monitor your body's reaction when taking them.

Bulk laxatives (cellulose, dietary fiber)

They can be used for a long time, including during pregnancy, since they are not absorbed in the digestive system. They contain hydrophilic fibers that swell with water, they soften feces. The effect is visible after a day, but generally such drugs act after 2-3 days and require simultaneous intake of liquid (1-1.5 l). Methycellulose is one of these products.

Osmotic laxatives

They work by increasing water in the stool, they soften it and stimulate the intestines. Osmotic laxatives for pregnant women are safe for short-term use; long-term use can lead to electrolyte imbalance.

This group of drugs includes:

  • Fortrans, Endofalk, Forlax. These macrogol-based products cause stool to become saturated with water and restore the sensitivity of nerve endings to intestinal contents. They are not absorbed, do not irritate tissues, and do not affect microflora.
  • Duphalac, Lactusan, Normaze, Normolakt, Inulin. Prebiotics interact with natural microflora, in addition to softening stool, they help the development of beneficial bacterial cultures in the intestines.
  • Salt products: magnesium sulfate, sodium sulfate, magnesium hydroxide. They are not absorbed, they attract water into the intestines from surrounding tissues, thereby softening the stool. This group of osmotic laxatives is not recommended during pregnancy as it may cause uterine contractions.

According to reviews, the fastest-acting laxatives during pregnancy are emollients, and the safest for use at home are bulk laxatives. Osmotic drugs are prescribed by a gynecologist only if other drugs do not help.

Laxatives in late pregnancy

In late pregnancy and after childbirth, expectant mothers often use rectal suppositories. They are convenient because they act within 15 minutes, do not require long-term use and absolutely do not enter the blood of the pregnant woman, and therefore the baby.

Glycerin is another safe and easy-to-use product.

Among such rectal suppositories, it is worth highlighting glycerin suppositories. They act by irritating the intestines. Available without a doctor's prescription. The price ranges from 150 to 200 rubles per package containing 10 suppositories. It should be used with caution during the period of inflammation of hemorrhoids, the presence of cracks in the anus and the tone of the uterus. For uterine tone, Papaverine rectal suppositories are most often prescribed, which also relax the intestines due to their composition.

Microlax is a mini-enema that can be used even by pregnant women

Recently, the drug Microlax has become very popular. These are disposable enemas of 5 ml with a 5 cm long applicator of medium hardness, which allows you to painlessly introduce the drug into the anus. It works within 15 minutes and is absolutely safe to use. Dispensed without a doctor's prescription in cardboard packages of 4 or 12 microenemas. The price varies from 300 to 1200 rubles depending on the amount of the drug.

Forlax is a drug that a doctor can prescribe in the last trimester of pregnancy

In the third trimester of pregnancy, a woman can use osmotic drugs. These include drugs that increase the contents of the intestines and retain water in it, for example, Glicelax, Forlax, Lavacol. In the later stages of pregnancy, an expectant mother should pay more attention to the medications she is taking, because... Strong laxatives can cause premature labor and a number of side effects.

Causes of constipation during pregnancy

While waiting for the birth of a baby, pregnant women experience hormonal changes that affect the processes in the digestive organs. As the reproductive organ increases in size, it moves the stomach upward. Due to the intense production of progesterone, intestinal tone is significantly reduced and this leads to difficulty in passing stool.

At all stages of pregnancy, the following reasons can provoke constipation:

  • insufficient physical activity - women, when fertilization occurs, reduce their mobility, thereby trying to protect themselves from miscarriages. Also, in the later stages it becomes difficult to move, as there is a load on the spine;
  • restriction of fluid intake - due to the appearance of edema, the weaker sex tries to reduce the amount of water and drinks taken;
  • medications containing calcium and iron - such drugs are needed to support fetal development. However, they lead to stool retention;
  • fecal stones - make it difficult for digested food to pass out;
  • emotional stress - worries provoke a decrease in appetite, especially before the onset of childbirth;
  • position of the fetus - in the last stages of development, the baby puts pressure on the intestines;
  • restriction in the menu of plant foods;
  • existing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and anus (chronic pancreatitis, dysbiosis, hemorrhoids;
  • diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus).

Constipation in a pregnant woman urgently requires treatment. To do this, you need to eliminate the causes of its occurrence if possible and consult your doctor for advice.

Bisacodyl during pregnancy

Bisacodyl is a laxative that increases mucus and intestinal motility. Dispensed without a doctor's prescription. Sold in cardboard packages: tablets of 30 pieces, candles of 10 - 12 pieces, and tablets of 24 pieces. Price - from 30 to 100 rubles.

Bisacodyl is a drug that should be used with great caution during pregnancy

According to the instructions for use, the drug should be used with caution during pregnancy. In practice, it is prescribed as a last resort, because is not gentle. The instructions also indicate that at least 2 hours should pass between taking dairy products and Bisacodyl.

Most often, the drug is prescribed before a planned cesarean section, immediately at night, so that bowel movements occur in the morning. In any case, Bisacodyl should only be taken as prescribed by a doctor.

Weak during pregnancy

Slabilen is a laxative in drops. The drops are in a bottle of 15 and 30 ml. It acts by irritating the intestinal mucosa and also affects peristalsis.

Weak in the first trimester is contraindicated

The instructions for use state that the drug should not be taken by pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy and with caution in subsequent periods. The necessary studies have not been carried out in pregnant and lactating women, but the drug practically does not enter the bloodstream, and therefore the baby.

Whether to use the drug or not, even after a doctor’s prescription, of course, by the pregnant woman herself, it is still worth paying attention to a number of side effects after taking it and the more gentle medications that exist today.

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