Almagel for the pancreas: how to drink with pancreatitis?

Does the drug Almagel help with pancreatic disease?

Pancreatitis is a severe pathology, the activity of its relapses depends on the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Excess acidity increases the production of digestive enzymes, which aggressively affect the pancreatic mucosa.

To alleviate their condition, patients with pancreatic insufficiency are prescribed drugs with antacid properties that reduce the symptoms of exacerbation of the disease. Among such medications one can name Almagel.

Modern pharmacy produces this medicine in several versions, which differ in some medicinal subtleties.

When do we take antacids?

In acute pancreatitis, Almagel can be taken 2-3 weeks after the attack. During an exacerbation, preference is given to drugs such as Omeprazole, which are administered parenterally. Usually, drugs like Almagel are prescribed after discharge from the hospital. They are suitable for the outpatient stage of treatment. In case of severe pancreatitis, they can be combined with Omeprazole or Nolpaza.

In case of a mild form of the disease with edematous pancreatitis, Almagel can be used from the onset of the disease. It is allowed to be taken in the first days of illness, when the patient is prescribed a therapeutic fast.

So, inflammation of the pancreas is accompanied by an increase in the level of gastric secretion. Antacids for acute pancreatitis and exacerbation of chronic disease are combined with antisecretory substances (Omeprazole, Pantoprazole), which are administered parenterally. Further, at the outpatient stage of treatment, you can take antacids with tablets that reduce gastric secretion. And with mild inflammation of the pancreas, the secretion of hydrochloric acid can be stopped only with antacids.

Medicinal properties of the drug

Almagel protects the mucous tissues of the stomach and pancreas from the harmful effects of toxic substances - bile and hydrochloric acid. In case of pancreatic insufficiency, there is a disturbance in the release of bile, so the drug helps keep the mucous tissues intact.

This medication:

  1. Neutralizes the hostile effects of hydrochloric acid.
  2. Reduces the production of digestive enzymes.
  3. Destroys harmful substances.

When taking the drug Almagel, pancreatitis and other similar gastrointestinal diseases reduce their clinical manifestations. However, this does not mean that you can no longer adhere to therapeutic dietary nutrition. The fact is that the medicinal effect of Almagel consists solely in protecting the pancreas from the hostile effect of acidic juice on the mucous membranes of the stomach.

The drug has the following pharmacological actions:

  1. Regulatory action. The medicine is able to regulate the pH of the stomach contents. The main active ingredient of the drug is aluminum hydroxide. This substance has the ability to bind hydrochloric acid of gastric juice and subsequently neutralize it. Due to the presence of this effect, the acidity of the gastric contents decreases. The drug has a prolonged effect and is able to “hold back” the pH for at least 2 hours.
  2. Enveloping effect thanks to aluminum, which has the ability to bind protein elements and create a special protective layer. This layer resists the appearance of defects from the influence of acidic stomach contents and neutralizes the influence of toxins. In addition, the protective shell normalizes intestinal motility.
  3. Absorbent action. This property of Almagel helps to neutralize pathogenic microbes and toxins that penetrate the gastrointestinal tract. After neutralizing pathogens, the medicinal substance promotes their active elimination.


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Pancreatitis is a rather serious disease that leads to a large release of hydrochloric acid. Due to increased acidity, there is an increased synthesis of digestive enzymes that destroy pancreatic tissue. To avoid their negative effects, you should take medications. Our article will tell you about Almagel for pancreatitis and how to take it.

Compensated effect of the drug

Aluminum salts, which are taken for gastritis and inflammation of the pancreas, can cause severe constipation. They affect the intestines by slowing down peristalsis. In addition to aluminum, Almagel contains magnesium. Magnesium chloride, which is formed when interacting with hydrochloric acid, is a laxative and eliminates the side effects of the first component.

Sorbitol also causes a laxative effect. This sweetener is included in the drug as an additional substance. Sorbitol promotes easy discharge of bile and is indicated for cholecystitis and stagnation of this secretion. This point also contributes to rapid recovery from pancreatitis.

Taking Almagel you can:

  • neutralize the aggressive effect of hydrochloric acid;
  • reduce the active production of digestive enzymes;
  • reduce the pressure of pepsin, which affects digestion as a whole;
  • destroy harmful substances.

It cannot be said that using Almagel you can not follow a diet, but this drug, if you follow important recommendations, will protect the organ from the negative effects of acid. It has the ability not to be absorbed into the stomach, so long-term use will not cause harm to the gastrointestinal tract.

Pathogenesis of the disease

After inflammation of the pancreas, patients with pancreatitis suffer from pain in the epigastric region and the left half of the abdomen. As a rule, pain appears after eating. This phenomenon is due to the fact that after eating food, pressure increases in the pancreas ducts. The gland secretes an excess amount of pancreatic juice, which injures the inflamed walls and tissues. The secretion is released under the influence of external regulation. Hydrochloric acid directly triggers hypersecretion in the gland. This is why it is so important to reduce the level of gastric aggression. To do this, you can use drugs from the Omeprazole group (proton pump inhibitors), or you can use antacids. We'll talk about the effects of these medications below.

Types of drug

Almagel is presented in different forms on the pharmaceutical market:

  1. Almagel “green” consists of Magnesium Hydroxide, Aluminum Hydroxide, which have a neutralizing effect on hydrochloric acid by converting it into water and salt, thus blocking its production and splashing into the stomach. The effect on pepsin occurs in a similar way. In addition, this drug envelops the stomach, thereby protecting it from irritation. Excellent for people suffering from temporary heartburn to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.
  2. Almagel A has a yellow package, is used for more serious symptoms of pancreatitis, helps relieve pain, as it contains an analgesic. Benzocaine has a longer lasting analgesic effect and is not toxic.
  3. Almagel Neo helps reduce gas formation, it resolves the formed bubbles, thereby relieving bloating.
  4. Almagel T has a tablet form, is similar in action to Almagel, and is developed for those people who have difficulty tolerating the suspension.

Medicine comparison

With "Maalox"

Medicines "Almagel" and "Maalox" are antacid drugs and consist of an antacid and an adsorbent. Their main similarity is the presence of the same active components, namely magnesium hydroxide and algeldrate. A distinctive feature of the medicines is the form of release: “Almagel” is offered to potential consumers in the form of a suspension, and “Maalox” is produced both in the form of a suspension and in tablet form. When comparing medications, you need to pay attention to the price: a 250 ml bottle of Maalox costs around 450 rubles, while a 170 ml bottle of Almagel will cost the buyer 250 rubles.

Medicines differ in sweeteners and flavorings, however, this is not an essential criterion in choosing a medicine. If pancreatitis is accompanied by severe, pronounced pain, then it is better to give your choice to the medicine “Almagel A”. In case of increased painful gas formation and bloating, it is recommended to take the Almagel Neo suspension. The drug "Maalox" is suitable if pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract are not accompanied by pain and gas formation.

With "Phosphalugel"

Another analogue of Almagel is the pharmaceutical drug Phosphalugel. It is quite difficult to determine which drug is better, since they have very few differences, but they still exist. You can distinguish medications by their structure: “Phosphalugel” is a gel, and its comparable analogue is a suspension. The gel-like consistency of “Phosphalugel” creates a protective barrier on the gastric surface, and its long-term use does not lead to leaching of calcium from the bones. Therefore, if treatment requires a long course, then it is recommended to use “Phosphalugel”, and for short-term use, if necessary, it is better to purchase “Almagel” to relieve discomfort.

Contraindications for use of the drug

Almagel, like all medications, has some contraindications, which include:

  • children's age, up to 10 years;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • Alzheimer's diagnosis;
  • renal failure.

In addition, this drug in some cases can lead to the development of the following side effects:

  • stool disorders in the form of both constipation and diarrhea;
  • increased gas formation.

To avoid the development of unpleasant phenomena, the drug should be used exclusively as prescribed by a doctor and in a strict dosage.

Indications for use of the product

Almagel for pancreatitis is produced in the form of a milky-white suspension with a pleasant lemon aroma. It is prescribed for both acute and chronic attacks of pancreatitis.

Contains aluminum and magnesium hydroxides, which neutralize hydrochloric acid, breaking it down into water and salt, thereby stopping its production and entry into the stomach.

The medication envelops the stomach with a special film that protects it from irritation. Recommended for patients who experience heartburn attacks of temporary origin. After treatment with the drug Almagel, pancreatitis and symptoms of other gastric pathologies, such as gastritis, become mild or disappear altogether.

Before use, the bottle should be shaken well until the liquid is homogeneous.

For pancreatitis, the drug is taken 30 minutes before meals, and should not be washed down with water. In the evening, take the medicine no earlier than 30 minutes before going to bed. If the patient is taking any other medications, then the interval between them should be 1 hour.


  1. The usual dose of Almagel is 1-3 scoops up to 4 times a day, depending on the degree of manifestation of the pathology. The volume of one measuring spoon is proportional to the capacity of 1 teaspoon.
  2. After the symptoms of the disease have reduced, the drug is taken for 3 months, 1 spoon / 3 times a day, with the simultaneous use of drugs with phosphorus.
  3. If the dose was prescribed above average, then the duration of therapy should not be longer than two weeks.
  4. With a steady improvement in the patient's condition, the medicine should be taken 1 scoop 3-4 times a day for 2-3 months.
  5. For prevention, use 1-2 tsp. in 30 min. before each meal.
  6. For chronic pancreatitis, the medicine is prescribed 3 times a day, 1 spoon for 2 months.
  7. For children under 10 years of age, the drug is prescribed in the amount of 1/3 of the adult dosage.
  8. For children from 10 to 15 years of age, the medicine is prescribed in the amount of ½ the adult dose.
  9. The maximum dosage for adults should not exceed 16 scoops. The duration of therapy is no more than 14 days.


  1. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug (allergy).
  2. Kidney pathology.
  3. Children up to 1 month.
  4. Pregnant women are allowed to take the drug, but not longer than 3 days.

There are various types of medications that are not indicated for pancreatitis and other related diseases. They tend to have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Almagel does not belong to this category; it can easily be used for:

  • peptic ulcers of any localization;
  • gastritis of chronic and acute type;
  • colitis;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • hernia with the absence of obstruction and gangrene.

This fact is of considerable importance, since when treating pancreatitis with drugs that are not approved for concomitant diseases, the course of the latter can imperceptibly aggravate.

When do we take antacids?

In acute pancreatitis, Almagel can be taken 2-3 weeks after the attack. During an exacerbation, preference is given to drugs such as Omeprazole, which are administered parenterally. Usually, drugs like Almagel are prescribed after discharge from the hospital. They are suitable for the outpatient stage of treatment. In case of severe pancreatitis, they can be combined with Omeprazole or Nolpaza.

In case of a mild form of the disease with edematous pancreatitis, Almagel can be used from the onset of the disease. It is allowed to be taken in the first days of illness, when the patient is prescribed a therapeutic fast.

So, inflammation of the pancreas is accompanied by an increase in the level of gastric secretion. Antacids for acute pancreatitis and exacerbation of chronic disease are combined with antisecretory substances (Omeprazole, Pantoprazole), which are administered parenterally. Further, at the outpatient stage of treatment, you can take antacids with tablets that reduce gastric secretion. And with mild inflammation of the pancreas, the secretion of hydrochloric acid can be stopped only with antacids.

The dose of Almagel for inflammation of the pancreas is 3 teaspoons half an hour before meals. Each meal should be accompanied by an antacid. Also, an additional dose of the drug should be taken before bed to avoid nighttime heartburn.

For pancreatitis, contraindications for antacids are minimal. After all, inflammation of the pancreas is a serious disease, the treatment of which comes first. However, the instructions indicate that the drug is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation for a long period (more than 3 days). Antacids are not given to children under 1 month of age or to people with severe kidney disease. The drug is also contraindicated in Alzheimer's disease.

Use of the drug

Treatment with Almagel for pancreatitis also depends on the form of the drug. The medicine in yellow and green packaging must be shaken well before use to obtain a homogeneous composition. For pancreatitis, the drug should be taken 30 minutes before meals, in the evening before going to bed. Since the drug has only a temporary effect, the pancreas must be prepared for food intake. The suspension should be drunk without drinking water.

If the patient is simultaneously taking other medications, then it is important to maintain the required interval, at least 1 hour, between medications.

However, if the doctor prescribed digestive enzymes for better digestion of food, then they can be taken after 30-40 minutes of using Almagel during meals. These are medicines such as:

  • Mezim forte;
  • Festal;
  • Creon.

The usual dosage of Almagel is from 1 to 3 measuring spoons up to 4 times a day, depending on the severity of the disease. A measuring spoon is equal to the volume of a teaspoon. After the patient’s well-being has returned to normal, the medicine should be taken 1 spoon three times for 3 months. Long-term use of Almagel involves the simultaneous use of phosphorus preparations. If the patient's condition requires a large dosage, then the duration of treatment should not exceed 14 days. If the patient takes Almagel A to reduce pain, then after eliminating the symptoms, you should switch to a product that does not contain an anesthetic.

Before taking Almagel Neo, you also need to shake it well. This suspension should be used 60 minutes after eating. Since this form contains alcohol, it should not be used by people suffering from epilepsy, liver and kidney diseases, alcoholism, or pregnant women. This drug is taken 2 spoons up to 4 times a day. Moreover, the daily dosage should not exceed 12 spoons. Almagel T is usually prescribed 2 tablets up to 6 times a day, depending on the severity of the disease. Typically, this form is taken 1 hour before meals, with a therapeutic course of 14 days.

This drug can reduce the effectiveness of treatment with tetracyclines, cephalosporins, antihistamines, and Indomethacin. During pregnancy, therapy with Almagel should not exceed 3 days; it excellently fights nausea. During breastfeeding, this drug is prohibited for use, since it can pass through breast milk to the baby and lead to hypermagnesemia.

Almagel is a good remedy for the treatment of pancreatitis, however, to avoid the development of side effects, you should always consult with your doctor before starting to take it.


To treat pancreatitis, you can use not only Almagel, but also other medications. The most common are Maalox and Phosphalugel. Both drugs effectively help with inflammation of the pancreas and improve the patient's condition.

Almagel and Maalox are antacids with a similar composition. They differ in the form of release: the first is presented in the form of a suspension, the second - suspension and tablets. If pancreatitis causes severe pain, it is better to choose Almagel A for treatment. For increased gas formation, Almagel Neo is recommended. Maalox is suitable for cases where pathologies are not accompanied by these symptoms.

Another analogue is Phosphalugel. It can be distinguished from Almagel by its structure - the drug has a gel-like consistency and forms a protective barrier on the gastric mucosa, and with prolonged use it does not wash calcium out of the bones. Therefore, Phosphalugel is more suitable for long-term treatment.

Almagel is an effective remedy for pancreatitis. It quickly relieves unpleasant symptoms and improves the patient’s well-being. And to avoid side effects, you should first talk to your doctor.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Almagel is an antacid. Antacids neutralize hydrochloric acid, which is contained in gastric juice, which makes them effective for the treatment of acid-related diseases. Another component of the drug, aluminum hydroxide, also neutralizes acid.

In addition, the product contains magnesium hydroxide, which not only reduces stomach acidity, but also eliminates the ability of aluminum hydroxide to cause constipation.

Benzocaine has an analgesic effect, so the drug effectively copes with pain.

Almagel reduces the secretion of pepsin and reduces the activity of gastric juice, converting aluminum chloride into alkaline aluminum salts. The drug acts without the formation of carbon dioxide bubbles, so it does not cause flatulence.

In addition, sorbitol has a laxative effect and enhances the secretion of bile. By stimulating the synthesis of prostaglandins, the product protects the gastric mucosa.

Exposure to magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide reduces the likelihood of inflammatory, erosive and hemorrhagic lesions from the use of irritating drugs.

Aluminum salts are absorbed into the intestines in small quantities, and magnesium ions - by 10%, but their concentration in the blood remains virtually unchanged. The drug also contains benzocaine, which has almost no effect on the body because it is absorbed in minimal quantities.

The effect of Almagel for stomach pain occurs within 5 minutes, and its duration depends on the rate of gastric emptying.

So, when taking the drug on an empty stomach, the effect lasts up to 60 minutes, and after use an hour after the last meal - up to 3 hours.

How does it work?

The described antacid neutralizes stomach acid and does not allow a secondary release of active components, which means that the patient’s condition will not worsen after the end of the drug’s effect. At the same time, the medication has the ability to absorb pathogenic microorganisms and chemical compounds from the gastrointestinal tract, envelop the mucous membrane and protect it from the destructive effects of pathogenic microflora and acid. The active ingredients of Almagel neutralize excess acid, stabilizing its level.

The drug eliminates the feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, bloating, pain and cramping in the stomach. Women can take Almagel if they have an affected pancreas during pregnancy, since it does not have a toxic effect on the embryo and does not interfere with its normal development. It is allowed to treat pancreatitis with this medicine in childhood, but only in short courses to prevent an increase in magnesium levels in the blood.

"Almagel" is drunk in an average dose of 3 to 18 spoons per day to eliminate pancreatitis. Return to contents

Application of Almagel NEO

Almagel NEO for pancreatitis, in addition to its main medicinal effect, also has carminative properties. At the pharmacy you can buy Almagel NEO not only in bottles, but also in small 10 ml bags.

The drug contains simethicone, which reduces the formation of gases by resolving bubbles, thereby eliminating bloating.


  1. For adults, the medicine is prescribed 1 spoon/4 times a day after meals (compared to its previous versions). After taking it, it is forbidden to drink water and other liquids for 30 minutes.
  2. For children over 10 years of age, the dose of the medicine is determined by the doctor; as a rule, it is ½ of the adult dose.
  3. The maximum daily dose of the medicine is 12 scoops. The interval between taking Almagel NEO and other medications should be 1-2 hours. In addition, therapy should be accompanied by the intake of foods rich in phosphorus.

General contraindications:

  1. Chronic renal anomaly.
  2. Low level of phosphorus in the blood.
  3. Pregnancy.
  4. Alzheimer's disease.
  5. Children under 10 years old.
  6. Congenital glucose intolerance.
  7. Tendency to allergies.
  8. GW period.
  9. Alcoholism.
  10. Epilepsy.
  11. Traumatic brain injury.

In relation to pregnant women, this drug is prescribed only when the therapeutic benefit of its use is higher than the possible risk to the fetus.

Reviews of Almagel for pancreatitis are, in most cases, positive. Many patients note its effectiveness and long-lasting medicinal effect.

All types of Almagel suspension perform well in the treatment of such a serious illness as pancreatic insufficiency. However, taking the drug must be coordinated with your doctor in order to avoid unwanted complications.

Almagel A in the treatment of disease

Almagel A for pancreatitis differs from the previous version in that it contains an analgesic (benzocaine), therefore, in addition to the main medicinal characteristics, it also has an analgesic effect. This medication option is prescribed to patients who experience severe pain.

The dosage is similar to the basic version of Almagel. However, the duration of treatment with Almagel A is 1 week, then you need to switch to Almagel.

Contraindications are the same as for the main Almagel. True, there are also individual contraindications, for example, Almagel A cannot be taken simultaneously with sulfonamide medications.

It can be prescribed to pregnant women, but the maximum period of its use is no more than 3 days.

special instructions

Between the use of the drug Almagel and other medications, an interval of 1-2 hours must be taken.

When taking the suspension for a long time, care should be taken to ensure that the body receives a sufficient amount of phosphorus with food, as the medicine can cause its deficiency and lead to health problems. Almagel does not contain sugar, so it can be used by patients with diabetes.

During pregnancy

The drug Almagel for poisoning, heartburn and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can be taken during pregnancy, but treatment should not exceed 3 days. In addition, the use of the drug is possible in single doses to eliminate the symptoms of stomach disorders. Breastfeeding should be discontinued during treatment.

Interaction with other drugs

The medicine contains benzocaine, so its simultaneous use with sulfonamides is contraindicated. The use of enteric tablets and Almagel causes irritation of the gastric mucosa. The drug reduces the absorption of certain medications, so the interval between taking them should be 1 to 2 hours. Such means include:

  • reserpine;
  • histamine H2 receptor blockers;
  • cardiac glycosides;
  • iron salts;
  • lithium preparations;
  • quinidine;
  • mexiletine;
  • phenothiazine drugs;
  • tetracycline antibiotics;
  • ciprofloxacin;
  • isoniazid;
  • ketoconazole

Features of use for pregnant women and children

Expectant mothers can drink Almagel in case of poisoning, heartburn and other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, but the course of treatment cannot exceed three days. The drug can also be taken in single doses to relieve symptoms of indigestion. Breastfeeding should be stopped during therapy.

Pregnant women and children should take the product as recommended by a doctor.

Almagel, which contains an anesthetic, is approved for use by young children only on the recommendation of a doctor. Parents and experts claim that the drug is highly effective in treating many stomach diseases. The duration of therapy is no more than a month.

What can be replaced?

If it is not possible to take Almagel for the treatment of an inflamed pancreas for some reason, then it can be replaced with the following similar medications:

  • "Alumag";
  • "Rivolox";
  • "Adzhiflux";
  • "Maalox";
  • "Almol";
  • "Gasterin";
  • "Almagel Neo";
  • Gaviscon;
  • "Magnatol";
  • "Renny";
  • "Gastracid";
  • "Phosphalugel";
  • "Daijin";
  • "Becarbon";
  • "Tams"
  • "Relzer";
  • "Topalkan";
  • "Scoralite";
  • "Gestid";
  • "Maaloxmini."

Patients' opinions

When using Almagel, patient reviews are mostly positive. The drug tastes good, is easy to dose, and quickly relieves the symptoms of heartburn. Negative reviews are associated with incorrect prescription of the drug (separately from Omeprazole) and irregular use of the drug.

Doctors' reviews of Almagel are mostly positive. It is safe, provides long-lasting action and protection against excessive secretion of hydrochloric acid. For pancreatitis and other pancreatic pathologies, this drug also increases the effectiveness of enzyme therapy.

Sources: https :// This material is exclusively subjective and is not a guide to action. Only a qualified specialist can determine an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Last modified: 03/20/2020

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