Do they take you into the army with gastroduodenitis?

Gastroduodenitis and the army

Gastroduodenitis is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. If a young man of military age has this diagnosis registered in his medical record, then the decision regarding this conscript will be made by a commission of the military registration and enlistment office.

First of all, specialists will take into account the severity of the disease. For example, the acute form of the disease differs significantly from the chronic one. You can get information about whether people with chronic gastroduodenitis are accepted into the army from Article 59 “Schedule of Diseases”.

To determine the fitness category, a guy suffering from this pathology must submit the following documents to the military commissariat:

  • a conclusion from the attending physician, which will describe in detail: the nature of the disease, the frequency of exacerbations, the results of medical examinations;
  • extract of the control result of FGDS, where it is desirable to indicate data on the acidity of the stomach;
  • results of anthropometric examination (BMI).

Advice! It is necessary to independently study all the documents before submitting them to the military registration and enlistment office or consult with an expert to determine whether the data is sufficient.

As a rule, for conscription into the army, chronic gastroduodenitis is not a reason for exemption from service.

Gastritis and the army: do people with a sick stomach join the armed forces?

The disease is characterized by many forms and manifestations, so each case is considered separately. It is possible to obtain a military ID, category “D” if you have the following diagnosis:

  • Gastritis with significant impairment of secretory function;
  • Gastroduodenitis with increased acidity, dysfunction, frequent relapses, painful manifestations;
  • Gastritis requiring long-term hospitalization - more than 2 months;
  • A disease that cannot be treated or is difficult to treat;
  • Gastroduodenitis with impaired functioning of the digestive tract, body mass index less than 19 units.

In addition, the presence of other chronic, concomitant pathologies is taken into account. A young man who requires constant or too frequent treatment is not subject to conscription.

Category “g” for chronic gastritis

In case of stomach diseases, the young man is assigned one of the fitness categories. There are 5 of them in total.

  • A – the young man is healthy and suitable for military service.
  • B – is recognized as fit, but will serve with some restrictions on the performance of duties.
  • B - sent to the reserve, called up to serve in wartime, or assigned to the army, where the conditions of service will not harm health;
  • G – temporarily unfit for military service, the conscript is sent for treatment and given a deferment of 6 months;
  • D - unfit, released from service, no longer called up to the military registration and enlistment office.

In case of chronic gastritis, the conscript is assigned category 2-4.

  • B – the disease occurs with rare attacks, there are minor disorders of secretory function, gastroduodenitis is accompanied by severe pain during the period of exacerbation.
  • B – the period of therapy in a hospital for a year is 2 or more months, the treatment does not bring the desired therapeutic effect, there is a disorder of physical development, loss of body weight (BMI less than 19.0).
  • D – there is an exacerbation of chronic gastritis with impaired secretory functions, urgent treatment is required.

During the period of exacerbation, the conscript is assigned category “G”, sent for treatment for up to 6 months, then a second commission is appointed at the military registration and enlistment office. If the condition does not return to normal, they will again give a deferment; if there are no relapses, they will be sent to serve.

Several important nuances regarding the compatibility of gastroduodenitis and military service

Despite the insidiousness of this disease, it is worth immediately noting that, in general, gastroduodenitis does not provide complete exemption from military service. This is a common disease that occurs with rare exacerbations, and they are mainly provoked by eating too fatty foods, spicy foods, bad habits, violation or complete absence of the daily routine.

According to most doctors, due to the fact that the army strictly adheres to the daily routine, only healthy and balanced nutrition, prepared using safe methods of cooking food, in case of gastrointestinal diseases, service will be more useful than dangerous. That is why people with superficial gastroduodenitis are drafted into the army.

You can count on release in case of a chronic course of the disease if the young man:

  • even before the conscription campaign, he went to the clinic for medical help, was on a special register, and cases of exacerbation were documented by a doctor at least twice a year;
  • has evidence of the development of gastric dysfunction against the background of gastroduodenitis;
  • needs to undergo long-term inpatient treatment, which totals two months per year.

Interesting! Those guys who are underweight (BMI less than 19) are exempt from military service.

Pancreatitis and the army

Pancreatitis is a disease of the pancreas that can occur at any age. This disease is mentioned in paragraph 59 of the Schedule of Diseases. Do they take into the army with chronic pancreatitis? It all depends on the severity of the disease. According to this point, a young man’s suitability for military service depends on the degree of dysfunction of the pancreas.

With significant damage to the organ and a sharp decrease in its ability to secrete digestive enzymes, the young man is considered unfit for service in the Armed Forces under category “D” due to the presence of chronic, often recurrent pancreatitis in the absence of stable remission and the appearance of symptoms of diabetes mellitus, hypovitaminosis, exhaustion, pancreatic fistula, resection of part of an organ due to necrosis or abscess. Such a patient is given a military ID, and a stamp is placed in his passport stating that he is unfit for service in the armed forces.

If a person is diagnosed with pancreatitis with moderate disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas and the presence of frequent periods of exacerbation, then he is recognized as partially fit for service in the Armed Forces under category “B”, that is, he is exempt from conscription during a period of peace, but will be called up in the event of aggression against RF.

If a young man’s pancreatitis has not led to a serious disruption of the functioning of the pancreas, and he has persistent periods of remission, then he will receive category “B” and will be drafted into the army. The only limitation can be that such a man cannot serve in the Airborne Forces, Marine Corps, or on the border. He is also prohibited from serving in tank forces and the submarine fleet.

People with chronic pancreatitis, along with the above restrictions, cannot be recruited for contract service - they are considered unfit regardless of the degree of pancreatic dysfunction they have. With chronic pancreatitis established by diagnostic methods, young people may be limited in their ability to enter colleges or universities.

All of the diseases discussed above except gastritis and gastroduodenitis can cause a delay or recognition of unfitness for service in the Armed Forces. To prove the presence of a particular disease, a person must submit evidence to the medical examination in the form of medical documents confirming the possibility of exempting him from service in the Armed Forces.


With this type of gastritis, the upper layers of the gastric mucosa become inflamed. Irritation is accompanied by painful attacks, which are localized in the duodenum. Doctors call these symptoms duodenitis. Factors that provoke superficial gastritis include:

  • medications;
  • spicy or salty foods;
  • tobacco;
  • alcohol;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • chemical additives.

Superficial gastritis is recognized by sour belching, stabbing pain and loose stools. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes three examinations:

  • gastrofibopopia;
  • biopsy;
  • X-ray of the stomach.

This course of gastritis does not cause serious damage to health. The diagnosis is not a reason to defer military service or allow restrictions. A conscript who is interested in whether they will be accepted into the army with superficial gastritis in 2021 will be disappointed. With this form of the disease, the military registration and enlistment office recognizes the recruit as fit.

Advice from the service for helping conscripts with a diagnosis of gastritis

Employees of the Assistance Service advise conscripts to pay attention to the appropriate examination, since the decision to assign a category is made by qualified doctors from the medical commission.

The records of the attending gastroenterologist must fully comply with the necessary items in the “Schedule of Diseases”. Depending on the signs of the disease and its course, the following categories can be assigned, discussed in more detail in the table below.

GastritisAssigned Category
Chronic gastritis with rare relapses"B"
Secretory function disorder"IN"
Gastroduodenitis with secretory, acid-forming dysfunction and frequent pain symptoms"IN"
Treatment of gastritis in a hospital for 2 months"IN"
Treatment without identified results"IN"
Physical development disorder (BMI less than 19)"IN"
Chronic gastritis with exacerbation and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract"G"


Chronic gastritis differs in prevalence among the population. Both young children and elderly people are susceptible to it. The patient is able not to notice the signs of chronic gastritis until the moment of exacerbation. Pathology is provoked by such reasons as:

  • unhealthy diet (abuse of salty, smoked, fatty foods);
  • bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • low stress resistance.

Chronic gastritis manifests itself in different ways. The patient may experience heartburn, nausea, pain before eating, and aversion to food. Complaints of bouts of diarrhea and prolonged belching are common.

The question of whether people with chronic gastritis are recruited into the army does not have a clear answer. If at the time of conscription the conscript has an exacerbation, he is prescribed tests.

The young man will have to donate blood, feces and undergo an endoscopy. Based on the results of the survey, the commission will make a final decision.

If during the examination the disease did not worsen, then those with chronic gastritis are taken into the army.

Chronic duodenitis

In more than 50% of cases, illness is not a reason for exemption from military duty. Now this is one of the most common diseases, which can be caused by:

  1. Lack of eating routine.
  2. Drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking.
  3. Eating “unhealthy” foods with high cholesterol levels.

Chronic gastritis is characterized by rare pain syndromes. They are controlled with the help of medications. Treatment is mainly a diet prescribed by a gastroenterologist.

In almost all military units, meals are taken according to the daily routine, and breakfast, lunch and dinner are balanced. These factors help normalize the functioning of the gastric mucosa, so for conscripts with gastritis, service seems preferable.

Suitability categories

Military service involves increased physical activity, so the health of recruits is taken very seriously. There are many military professions, each of which meets certain requirements for the physical fitness of a soldier.

In order to correctly direct a conscript to one or another branch of the military, a suitability scale has been developed at the legislative level. The following 5 fitness categories have been established:

  • A – fully fit for military service (subject to conscription);
  • B – fit for service, but with some minor restrictions (subject to conscription);
  • B – limited fit for service, i.e. enlisted in the reserves, issued a military ID and conscripted in the event of martial law in the country (subject to exemption from conscription);

  • G - temporarily unsuitable (delay for six months or a year);
  • D - not fit for military service, given a military ID (exemption from the army).

Whether or not you will be accepted into the army if you have gastroduodenitis can only be found out after the verdict of the military commission. If a conscript’s diagnosis says “complex gastroduodenitis,” then it is quite possible to prove his unfitness for military service.

The medical commission is unlikely to exempt you from military service when the pathology is recently identified and does not have pronounced symptoms.

Deferment from conscription for gastroduodenitis

Of course, any disease is always strictly individual. If the future defender is seriously ill and requires bed rest, he will receive a deferment, but only until he begins to recover.

If a conscript has been diagnosed with complex gastroduodenitis, then it is quite possible to prove his unfitness for military service. But if the disease is only at an early stage, and appears only once a year, then the medical commission is unlikely to consider this a serious obstacle to conscription.

To identify what kind of disease the conscript has, he will be sent for examination. If a young man has pain in the abdominal area, then for sure he will not only be examined for gastroduodenitis, but will also receive the proper course of treatment, after which he will be called up again.

It’s sad, but often even those who are underweight are sent to the army. So, very slender young people are sent to a hospital, where they are fed 2 servings at a time, after which they recover significantly, and they are again healthy conscripts.

It will be good if the boy is taken to a unit where he will be treated well, and in case of an aggravation he will be able to receive timely medical assistance. The only correct answer to the question “Do they take you into the army with gastroduodenitis?” is: bring him to an ulcer. Black humor? Undoubtedly! However, you are definitely guaranteed exemption from military service.

Gastroduodenitis is unlikely to serve as a worthy reason not to join the army. Unconscripted are those young people who have been diagnosed with gastroduodenitis, which has a violation of secretory, acid-forming functionality with frequent exacerbations and malnutrition, when repeated and long-term hospitalization is required in case of ineffective treatment in a hospital.

When is a deferment possible?

Gastroduodenitis has different forms and clinical manifestations. Category “B” (fit for military service, but limited) is assigned to young people with this pathology under the following conditions:

  • disruption of the stomach, associated with negative changes in the production of secretions and excessive release of hydrochloric acid;
  • frequent exacerbations of gastroduodenitis (2 times a year or more);

  • ineffective therapy, lengthy inpatient examinations;
  • treatment required;
  • body weight deficiency.

Sometimes the commission sends you for additional examinations to a medical institution in order not to make a mistake in choosing a category. If a conscript falls under category “B”, then he is exempt from military service and sent to the reserve. Such a group of men can be called up only during military operations in the state.

Advice! Frequent relapses of gastroduodenitis are grounds for a delay of up to 6 months. Therefore, in the extract, the attending physician must indicate all exacerbations of the disease that have been recorded over the past 2-3 years.

A deferment is also possible if an exacerbation of the pathology is detected during the examination. The conscript receives category “G” and is sent for treatment. They can send him a summons to the military registration and enlistment office during the next draft.

If exacerbations rarely bother you and minor changes in the functioning of the stomach are observed, then the young man is assigned category “B”.

Do they take into the army with chronic gastritis? | Army and gastritis

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of whether people with gastritis are drafted into the army - this is a specific disease with a sufficient number of forms and types, each of which corresponds to its own fitness category. In this article I will tell you whether it is possible to get a military ID for gastritis, and I will explain how to confirm the diagnosis for the military registration and enlistment office.

Chronic gastritis and the army: suitability categories

Gastritis can manifest itself in different ways, so the decision of the draft board will also be different. With mild manifestations of the disease, the conscript may be sent to serve, and with severe manifestations, he may be released from the army or given a deferment from conscription.

Most often people with gastritis are recruited into the army. For most conscripts, the disease occurs with rare exacerbations caused by eating fatty or spicy foods, lack of diet, or bad habits.

Each of these reasons is easily eliminated by the army routine: in military units, the daily routine is strictly regulated, and the diet is balanced.

Therefore, the disease will not remind itself during service, and the soldier will be able to fulfill his military duty without any problems.

Usually, with a diagnosis of “chronic gastritis”, they are taken into the army with the fitness category “B-3” - fit with minor restrictions.

This category is assigned to rare exacerbations of the disease with a slight impairment of secretory function.

The same category can be assigned if there are frequent exacerbations and eating disorders, if the young person neglects to see doctors or does not keep medical documents.

Only those conscripts with gastritis who:

  • consult a doctor with complaints of exacerbation more than 2 times a year;
  • forced to undergo long-term treatment in a hospital (at least 2 months in total within one year);
  • are underweight (body mass index less than 19.0);
  • have proven gastric dysfunction.

The more evidence you can collect of the severity of the illness, the more likely the commission will assign fitness category “B”. An important factor in determining suitability is whether the conscript has medical documents indicating that he visited a doctor and the duration of treatment. If there are no such documents, the conscript may be refused referral for additional examination and issued a summons for dispatch.

Advice from the Recruit Assistance Service

The category of suitability for gastritis largely depends on the conclusion of the doctor responsible for the additional examination. It is important to ensure that all studies are carried out without violations, and the records of the gastroenterologist in the direction from the military registration and enlistment office are similar to those indicated in the Schedule of Diseases.

Table 1. Gastritis and the army: suitability categories

GastritisSuitability category
Chronic with rare attacks."B" - suitable with minor restrictions
Chronic gastritis with impaired secretory and acid-forming functions, frequent exacerbations and malnutrition (BMI 18.5 - 19.0 or less), requiring repeated and prolonged hospitalization (more than 2 months) if treatment in a hospital setting is unsuccessful.“B” - limited fit (not fit for military service)
Chronic in acute form with disruption of certain functions of the gastrointestinal tract, requiring urgent treatment.“G” - temporarily unfit, deferment from conscription

Deferment from the army for gastritis

A deferment from the army for gastritis is granted if, at the time of conscription, an exacerbation of the disease began: severe pain, a violation of secretory or acid-forming functions.

At the time of treatment, the young person is assigned a fitness category of “G”.

Typically, conscripts are exempt from conscription for up to 6 months, after which a medical re-examination is carried out.

Erosive gastritis and the army

With erosive gastritis, erosions appear on the gastric mucosa - wounds, severe abdominal pain and vomiting occur. In case of exacerbation, the patient requires treatment in a hospital and adherence to a strict diet, therefore people with erosive gastritis are not accepted into the army. However, the release will only be temporary.

If the gastroenterologist confirms the diagnosis after an additional examination, the military registration and enlistment office will grant the young man a deferment for the duration of treatment, but not more than 6 months. After its completion, the conscript will again receive a summons for a medical examination.

Erosive gastritis can cause stomach ulcers and internal bleeding. If such complications develop, the young man has the right to be released from service and enlisted in the reserves.

Be sure to check out the “Practice” section. We tell you what problems you may encounter when confirming a diagnosis and how to get a military ID card for health reasons.

Important to remember

Based on the experience of the lawyers of the Conscript Assistance Service, I can say that it is almost impossible to obtain a military ID for gastritis. The usual chronic form, even if it is accompanied by periodic exacerbations, is not a contraindication to service.

To be exempt from conscription, you will have to prove the fact of long-term inpatient treatment and the presence of stomach dysfunction. Confirming these conditions is difficult, since gastritis in rare cases leads to severe disorders.

Only those citizens whose disease has progressed to a stomach ulcer have a chance to be enlisted in the reserves.

Another reason why people with gastritis are being drafted into the army in 2020 is under-diagnosis.

Members of the military medical commission tend to ignore conscripts' complaints of stomach pain, believing that military service will have a beneficial effect on the conscript's health.

The only way to solve this problem is not to be afraid to defend your rights, relying on the Constitution of Russia, the law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, the Schedule of Diseases and the Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens”.

With respect to you, Ekaterina Mikheeva, head of the legal department of the Assistance Service for Conscripts.

We help conscripts obtain a military ID legally.


When is release from service possible?

Category “D” is assigned if the conscript has chronic diseases of a progressive nature. A young man is released from service upon receiving this category. There are many diseases that provide a guarantee of exemption from the army on health grounds.

But it is extremely difficult to obtain exemption from service if you have gastroduodenitis. This disease is not included in the list of reasons why people are not accepted into the army for health reasons.

But it is necessary to take into account that a severe form of gastroduodenitis threatens the development of serious complications, for example, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. It is important not to miss the moment when an ulcer occurs, because It is during the process of health assessment by experts that gastroduodenitis often worsens due to emotional overstrain and stress in the conscript.

Therefore, the likelihood of not getting into the army increases. In this case, you need to undergo a more in-depth medical examination, which should show the advanced stage of the pathology.

It is worth noting that category “D” is established on the basis of an inspection by a commission at the military registration and enlistment office. And the conscript’s expectations may not always be justified. Even severe gastroduodenitis with frequent relapses is not a 100% guarantee of release.

Thus, gastroduodenitis is unlikely to be a reason for exemption from military service. Temporary release can only be received by those conscripts who have frequent relapses, insufficient body weight and acute gastroduodenitis that arose during the period of undergoing a medical commission. It is she who makes the final verdict in each specific case.

Gastritis: general description of pathology

Even people far from medicine know that gastritis is a disease of the stomach in which damage and erosion of its mucous membrane occurs. It atrophies, which disrupts the main function of the stomach - secretory. Gastritis happens:

The cause of acute gastritis, as a rule, is a one-time exposure to a powerful external factor: poor-quality food, chemicals, medications. The chronic form of the pathology occurs due to the influence of long-term factors: poor nutrition, bad habits, chronic stress, long-term use of medications, etc. The likelihood of developing the disease is largely determined by hereditary predisposition. It is believed that the cause of gastritis may be reflux - a malfunction of the digestive system in which the contents of the intestine are thrown into the stomach.

At the end of the last century, scientists discovered an important factor in the development of chronic gastritis - the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Today doctors consider it key in the etiology of the disease. It should be understood that the vast majority of people infected with this microorganism (up to 90%) do not develop the disease.

Depending on the cause, nature and degree of damage, gastritis can be catarrhal or superficial, fibrinous, lymphocytic and erosive. There are gastritis of the antrum and fundus of the stomach, as well as a diffuse form of the disease, in which the pathology is spread over the entire surface of the organ. Sometimes damage to the epithelium of an organ leads to the proliferation of the surface layer and the formation of thick folds and polyps. This type of pathology is called hyperplastic gastritis. There is also a hypertrophic form of the disease (Menetrier's disease), in which the gastric mucosa forms numerous cysts and adenomas. The mechanism of its development and etiology have not been sufficiently studied.

This disease is dangerous not only in itself - if you do not treat it, you can get an ulcer or cancer. The disease contributes to other gastrointestinal pathologies: bulbitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis.

Exacerbations of the disease can be controlled with medications, but the main method of treating gastritis is a strict diet. Fast food, spicy, fatty and fried foods, coffee, chocolate, canned food and carbonated drinks are contraindicated for patients. Gastritis should not be treated with traditional methods; the disease requires a serious approach.

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