Gas formation in the intestines - how to get rid of it quickly at home

Any person, even a healthy one, sometimes develops flatulence, that is, an accumulation of gases in the intestines. You can understand that this is exactly what is happening by discomfort in the abdomen, it becomes swollen, and sometimes painful sensations appear. A large accumulation does not pose a serious danger, but the problem must be treated. How to cope with gases in the intestines yourself, and whether this can be done, will be discussed further.

Causes of gas emission

The accumulation of gases in the body occurs for various reasons:

  1. Conversation while eating. In this case, excess air is swallowed, which is not absorbed by the intestines, but settles in it.
  2. Emotional stress. During times of severe stress, food reaches the lower gastrointestinal tract faster and does not have time to be digested.
  3. Quick snacks. Poorly chewed food is not completely digested, causing gas formation.
  4. 3-4 days before the start of menstruation, women suffer from flatulence.

Gases can provoke products that tend to cause fermentation, these include:

Rye bread, kvass, beer - they cause fermentation.

  1. Some fruit and vegetable products: apples, potatoes, cabbage, beans, etc.
  2. Dairy products if a person is lactose intolerant.
  3. Sugar in large quantities causes fermentation.
  4. Water with appropriate bubbles.

Increased gas production may be one of the symptoms of certain diseases:

  • Pancreatitis and other pathologies of the pancreas.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Gastritis of the stomach.
  • Colitis.
  • Dysbacteriosis.

If there is a gastrointestinal infection, the problem in question appears constantly. It can be identified by an unpleasant odor. This happens because the body is fighting the problem and some bacteria have a side effect. Sometimes they are released with great discomfort and even severe pain. Only a doctor can help you how to combat gas in the stomach in this case.

In order to release gases from the intestines, an adult must be prescribed complex therapy. If the cause of flatulence is the presence of a disease, then you should first get rid of it.

Maintaining a balanced diet

If the question arises of how to quickly remove gases from the intestines, you need to think about proper nutrition. This reason is the most common among the others.

First of all, foods that cause increased gas formation are excluded from the menu. The list includes:

To remove gases from the intestines, you need to follow some recommendations.

  1. Increase the amount of fluid consumed. A glass of clean water should be taken on an empty stomach before each meal.
  2. The emphasis should be on liquid dishes. The diet should include soups, broths, compotes, teas, herbal decoctions, and jelly.
  3. Eat as often as possible, but little by little. The serving size should not exceed 200 grams. But at the same time, the number of receptions can reach up to 6 times a day. Last appointment is at 18:00.
  4. At night you should consume a glass of fermented milk product: kefir, natural yogurt without additives, fermented baked milk, yogurt.

In addition, there are rules of behavior at the table.

  1. Don't eat on the go. It is imperative to set aside time for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  2. Food must be chewed at least 10 times. Even if you use kefir, soup or semolina. Digestive processes begin in the oral cavity. Saliva helps in breaking down foods. During chewing, the stomach begins to produce hydrochloric acid for further digestion.
  3. You can't talk while eating. This can cause air to get in, resulting in belching and gas.
  4. Don't overeat. If the digestive canal is overcrowded, it will not do its job well. This process will lead to fermentation, rotting and the proliferation of harmful bacteria.
  5. It is prohibited to drink sweet drinks with food. The liquid dilutes the gastric juice, which leads to a decrease in the concentration of enzymes. Sugar triggers fermentation processes.

If the rules are followed, excessive accumulation of gases can be avoided.

How to remove gases at home

Eliminating symptoms involves getting rid of pain and eliminating it naturally. If gas formation occurs as a result of air entering the stomach, then measures should be taken to prevent its penetration into the gastrointestinal tract when eating.


Therapeutic gymnastics helps to easily get rid of the problem, it is simple and effective. You need to do exercises regularly - this will improve the functions of the lower gastrointestinal tract, because blood circulation in the stomach area will increase. You can perform gymnastic exercises at home. They all start from a supine position. So, we get rid of the accumulation of gases in the intestines by performing physical exercises:

  1. Starting position – with knees bent and lying down, perform the bicycle exercise. Make at least 30 circles with your legs.
  2. In the same starting position, pull your legs bent at the knees towards your stomach. Return to original position. Do it 10 times.
  3. Raise your legs and throw them behind your head. Perform 15 times.
  4. Bend your legs, spread and connect your knees. Do 15 times.
  5. Starting position: kneeling, keep your back parallel to the surface. Raise your left leg, then your right. Perform 10 times with each leg.
  6. The position is the same: exhale - bend down at the waist and hold for a moment and take in air again. On a new exhalation, bend your spine upward and tighten your stomach. Do 30 times.

Exotic cuisine

You need to be especially careful when eating unfamiliar or exotic dishes. Such products are not always well tolerated by a healthy body. You should not eat Chinese or Asian food if you have flatulence.

Gastroenterologists, if gases do not pass, recommend:

  • chew food thoroughly;
  • completely stop chewing gum;
  • carry out fasting days more often, which will not only restore the functioning of the digestive system, but remove various types of toxins.

Treatment with medications

If gases are difficult to pass from the stomach of an adult, there are reasons for this. Sometimes you have to get rid of them with the help of medications. Especially if there is gurgling, pain with contractions. Then treatment must be carried out in two directions. The first is to find the root cause and eliminate it if possible. The second is to eliminate as much as possible and counteract its accumulation.

If gases from the abdomen do not pass well, medications can be used in treatment:

  1. Defoamers . Gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract occurs in the form of foam. The drugs extinguish foam and improve its absorption by organs. These medications have a positive effect on the motility of the lower gastrointestinal tract and have a strong carminative property. These include Dimethicone, Simethicone, Espumisan.
  2. Prokinetics . They speed up the movement of food through the esophagus. If it moves slowly, then there is a risk of decomposition, which contributes to bloating. This group of drugs includes Peridone, Silancetron, Motilium.
  3. Enterosorbents. They are needed to remove toxins, poisons, bacteria and gases from the gastrointestinal tract from the body. Activated carbon is considered the most famous in this group of drugs. But with prolonged use it can cause hypovitaminosis. It is better to give preference to such medications - Smecta, Enterosgel, Atoxil.

  4. Enzyme preparations . The lack of any enzymes in the body leads to disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system, which is why flatulence occurs. Drugs in this group must be taken when eating in excess. The drugs include Festal, Mezim, Pancreatin.
  5. Antispasmodics . Reduce contractile function and smooth muscle tone. Eliminate pain from large accumulations. Drugs in this group include No-shpa, Spazmalgon, Drotaverine.

Only by finding out the reason why the accumulated gases do not escape can you prescribe the correct treatment:

  • If they cannot be removed due to tumor growth, then surgery is performed.
  • When blisters constantly collect and the problem intensifies, the patient is prescribed Cerucal.
  • When the cause is a change in the intestinal microflora, symptomatic drugs and lactobacilli are prescribed, which restore the microflora.
  • If the cause of flatulence is constipation, then measures to eliminate it are prescribed.

Espumisan is considered the first and safest remedy for quickly getting rid of gases in the intestines. It is given to children from the first days of life for severe colic. You can drink it if you know exactly the cause of flatulence or as prescribed by your doctor.

Folk remedies for eliminating gas in the stomach

If the question arises of how to remove gases from the stomach, then you can use traditional treatment methods. They have a number of advantages: they are safe, do not cause allergic reactions, and have an anti-inflammatory and calming effect.

There are several effective ways.

  1. Drinking dill water. Can be taken by adults and pregnant women, and also given to babies from birth. To prepare, take a spoonful of dried dill and add 300 milliliters of boiled water. Infuses for about 2-3 hours. It is better to take the finished product before meals.
  2. Application of herbal mixture. To prepare the drink, take chamomile, cumin and valerian roots in equal proportions. The mixture is poured into a mug of water and brought to a boil. Let it brew for 15-20 minutes and then strain. The medicine must be taken up to three times a day.
  3. Use of herbal mixture No2. To prepare it, take mint leaves, fennel fruits, anise and caraway seeds in equal proportions. Pour a mug of boiling water over it. The decoction is infused for about an hour. It should be strained before use.
  4. Dandelion roots have a good effect. Take a spoonful of dried herbs, crush them and pour a glass of cool water. It's better to cook at night. After 8-10 hours, the drink is filtered and taken on an empty stomach.
  5. The only exception is that the patient may exhibit increased susceptibility to the components of the product. Decoctions are usually taken for a month. After which they take a break.

There are also several recommendations.

If traditional treatment methods do not help cope with bloating, then it is better to seek help from a doctor.

Treatment with diet

When gas accumulates in the stomach, you need to know how to get rid of the problem forever by eliminating certain foods from your diet. You need to find out which foods cause flatulence in you and try not to eat them. Each person has his own provocateur of advanced education. Some suffer from flour products or sweets, while others cannot tolerate fried foods and meat products. If you have an accumulation of gas in your stomach, then you need to avoid foods that have a lot of fiber. These are the following products: all legumes, rye bread, all citrus fruits, fruit and berry products, tomatoes and onions.

Nutrition correction

To minimize the process of gas formation, you need to pay attention to your own diet. Often a person consumes foods that cause flatulence. By following the basic rules, you can eliminate anxiety and improve digestion:

  • increase the frequency of consumption of liquid meals, teas and clean water;

Interesting! Getting rid of rumbling in the stomach: list of the best drugs

  • give up carbonated drinks and alcohol (especially beer);

  • exclude foods that cause gas formation (legumes, bread, fruits and vegetables, dried fruits);

  • eat in small portions;

  • organize the number of meals at least 5-6 times a day.

Within a few days of following the diet, remaining gases are removed from the body. After this, the person begins to feel much better, and the digestion process normalizes.

Causes and treatment of increased gas formation

A person may experience uncomfortable bloating for a variety of reasons, understanding which will help to choose the right treatment options.

  • Eating foods that promote increased gas formation and fermentation: legumes, cabbage, apples, lamb, carbonated drinks.
  • Insufficient production of digestive enzymes by the body. Because of this, the stomach does not digest food well, and it enters the intestines in this form. Fermentation and subsequent rotting begin, accompanied by bloating.
  • Manifestation of dysbacteriosis. Some of the microorganisms of the intestinal flora absorb gases, others release them. If this balance is disturbed, the person feels discomfort.
  • In some cases, bloating is a manifestation of helminthiasis - the presence of parasites in the intestines. And here are folk remedies for worms.
  • Pathologies of the digestive system, especially irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Inactivity, which causes a decrease in intestinal motility.
  • Emotional overload and nervous disorders that spasm the intestinal wall
  • Raising a person to a height, accompanied by expansion of gases contained in the intestines.
  • Age characteristics: infancy or old age, which are characterized by insufficient production of enzymes, decreased intestinal tone.

Treatment of gas formation with folk remedies

Traditional methods are effective at home, as additional means, in the presence of primary treatment. Especially if bloating and gases are systematic. For many centuries, several proven folk recipes have been used against this and related problems.

Dill seeds

Proven folk medicine. Dill water is especially effective. It is allowed even for babies. To prepare this medicine you will need a glass of water and a tablespoon of dill seeds.

To saturate the water with beneficial substances from the seeds faster, you can crush them first. But then you need to brew for less time so that the seed does not lose its properties. Pour the crushed seed into a glass of boiling water for just 20 minutes, leaving it covered. Then we filter and use as a drink.

When using whole seeds, you need to leave for 1 – 2 hours. It is better to use a thermos, so the useful components and active substances quickly release their properties to the water. It is advisable to keep the finished solution in the refrigerator. After infusion, we pour it into dishes made of natural materials - glass, wood or clay.

It is worth remembering that drinking cold infusion can have an aggressive effect on the intestines. Therefore, it is better to warm it up a little before using it.

Dosage of dill water: children under 3 years old - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals, under 14 years old - 1 tbsp. spoon with the same frequency, adults need to drink a whole glass in 3 doses during the day before meals.

The familiar green dill also fights flatulence well. It should be included in the diet as a fresh addition to salads. You can replace the seeds with dill sprigs, also preparing a natural and healthy drink. To do this, chop the fresh herb finely, pour boiling water over it, let it brew, and use it in the same way.


If, in addition to the main pathology, spasms and colic are bothering you, lemon balm or lemon balm will come in handy. The essential oil of the plant has an antispasmodic effect. It enhances peristalsis and generally improves the digestion process.

Melissa decoction is prepared according to the following recipe. First, we prepare the raw materials – dried lemon balm leaves. Pour 4 tablespoons of crushed leaves into a container, pour 300 ml of boiling water, place in a steam bath for 20 minutes and remove from heat.

Using gauze, pour the prepared solution into a non-metallic opaque container, place it in a dark place and let it cool completely and brew. Take the finished product 20 minutes before meals, 3 times a day, a tablespoon.

Wormwood infusion

In cases where the exact cause of gas is unknown, it is recommended to use wormwood infusion. This plant has a general positive effect on the condition of the intestines, kills pathogenic bacteria and inhibits the fermentation process.

The infusion is prepared according to the following recipe: pour a tablespoon of dried wormwood into 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 12 hours in a dark place so that the liquid infuses well. Filter the finished product through cheesecloth.

We consume it in 3 doses, in equal portions - approximately 100 g before meals. Wormwood infusion is used daily for a week. Then we take a break and, if necessary, repeat the course later. Use requires caution: it is contraindicated during pregnancy and anemia.


Effectively relaxes the muscles of the intestinal walls, accelerating bile secretion, and kills harmful bacteria, cumin. The spice is useful to use as an additive to regular dishes, in the form of essential oil (a few drops per piece of sugar), or in the form of an infusion.

To prepare an infusion of caraway seeds, pour 2 tablespoons of its seeds into a glass of boiling water. Leave for about 15 minutes, then filter, cool and drink the resulting product 3 to 4 times. For adults, the daily norm is 2–3 times 70 ml.

Increased gas formation can and should be combated. This problem may be associated with banal overeating or signal some kind of problem in the digestive system. But in any case, flatulence causes discomfort and may worsen over time. This means that it is very important to find out the cause and eliminate it with the help of medications or natural remedies.

See you again!

Causes of gas formation

Modern medicine considers the following factors as the causes of gas in the intestines:

  1. Products that can provoke fermentation processes. For example, the list of irritating foods can be supplemented with soda, beans and other legumes, grapes, potatoes, baked goods, kvass, and beer. If a person is lactose intolerant, he will experience discomfort when consuming dairy foods.
  2. Dysbacteriosis. When pathogenic microflora begins to prevail over beneficial bacteria, gas formation in the intestines increases.
  3. Insufficient production of digestive enzymes.
  4. Constipation.
  5. Helminthic infestations.
  6. Violation of intestinal motility.
  7. Tumors localized on the intestinal mucosa.
  8. Violation of the process of absorption and neutralization of gases.

What medications quickly help get rid of gases in the intestines?

Sometimes, you can get rid of gases by simply adjusting your diet and eliminating harmful foods from your diet. But often, it is simply impossible to do without the use of medications. In this case, it is necessary to find out the cause of the ailment, it is advisable to consult a doctor who will select the appropriate treatment regimen.

Treatment depending on the causes of the disease

The basis of treatment for increased gas formation is always the elimination of its primary cause. Most often they are:

  • Intestinal infection. In this case, take nitrofuran derivatives, or broad-spectrum antibiotics;
  • Dysbacteriosis. With such a diagnosis, it makes sense to take a course of bacteriophages and preparations containing lacto- and bifidobacteria;
  • Enzyme deficiency. They fight it using enzyme-containing drugs - mezim, creon, motilium, pancreatin;

Sometimes flatulence, especially accompanied by pain, is caused by the action of a tumor in the intestine. In this case, only its surgical removal is effective. In addition to gas formation, spasms and colic are often associated. This indicates a more serious intestinal condition. In this case, you should turn to complex methods.

Basic drugs for treatment

When the causes of the pathology are known, the doctor prescribes specific drugs with a specific effect. They can be divided into three main groups:

  1. Drugs that prevent gas formation. Their main active ingredient is simethicone. Pharmacies in this category offer espumisan, dimethicone, baby calm, disfagil and some others.
  2. Enterosorbents. They absorb not only gas bubbles, but also toxins formed in the intestines. These are, first of all, activated carbon, enterosgel, polysorb, entorodesis, phosphalugel...
  3. Drugs that improve intestinal motility. This effect in itself promotes the removal of gases in a natural way. The most popular drugs in this group are cerucal and motilium.

Probiotics are good at preventing the occurrence of flatulence, preventing dysbiosis and intestinal disorders. One of such effective means is Linux. The drug has a prolonged effect. After completing the whole course, bacterial activity in the intestines is normalized, and signs of increased gas formation disappear.

If flatulence is caused by both decreased intestinal motility and deterioration of its microflora, Trimedat will help. It performs an antispasmodic function, improves the process of absorption of substances and removal of waste, and also restores microflora.

Most of the medications listed are not harmful to health. But different means will be appropriate in different situations. Therefore, it is better to use them after receiving appropriate directions and recommendations from your doctor.

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