Indigestion symptoms in a 5 year old child
What is dyspepsia? Dyspepsia is a digestive disorder caused by abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract, in
Stomach tea according to the monastery recipe in Moscow pharmacies
Causes of housing and public utilities diseases Hundreds of unfavorable factors threaten health and normal absorption of nutrients every day
Duodenal diverticulum
Duodenal diverticulum: symptoms, treatment, need for surgery
A disease such as duodenal diverticulum is expressed by a protrusion that has a bag-like shape and disrupts the organ
The use of fireweed for pancreatitis
Ivan tea for pancreatitis of the pancreas
Since ancient times, the Slavic peoples have used such a multifunctional plant as fireweed in various industries. Out of him
indications for use
Drotaverine for bloating: instructions for use
Composition and release form Drotaverine is produced in two forms: ampoules (injection solutions); pills.
Causes and elimination of ammonia odor from the mouth in adults
Main nuances “Bad breath is scientifically called “halitosis”. It can be physiological and pathological.
FGDS under anesthesia: can it be done with anesthesia, how to prepare for the procedure
What is sedation and what is the difference with general anesthesia? Nowadays it is often
Causes of odor during fasting
Bad breath with an empty stomach: causes and treatment
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Paracetamol and Analgin
Paracetamol and analgin dosage for adults based on temperature || Paracetamol and analgin from temperature for adults dose
In some cases, taking one specific antipyretic or anti-inflammatory drug to relieve severe pain
Flatulence (bloating) with gastritis of the stomach: causes and its treatment
Diet option for intense gas formation You can create a menu based on an approximate dietary option,
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