Indigestion symptoms in a 5 year old child

What is dyspepsia

Dyspepsia is a digestive disorder caused by abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract, in particular in the functioning of the stomach.

Synonyms for the disease are upset stomach, indigestion.

Among the most common manifestations of dyspepsia in children are:

  • discomfort, pain in the stomach of varying degrees;
  • slow, difficult digestion of food;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • early saturation.

For balanced digestion, the coordinated interaction of all organs is necessary; disruption of the functioning of any of them can lead to indigestion

Doctor Komarovsky about abdominal pain in a child: video

Reasons for appearance

Gastric dyspepsia in infants occurs due to the influence of such factors:

Very important! Savina G.: “I can recommend only one remedy for the quick treatment of ulcers and gastritis” read more.

  • transfer to infant formula;
  • introducing new food to the menu;
  • overfeeding

An improper diet can cause pathology.

In older children over 1 year of age, indigestion occurs due to the following factors:

  • violation of eating habits;
  • wrong diet;
  • consumption of stale food;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • binge eating;
  • pathologies of the digestive organs.

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Types of disease and causes

Dyspepsia is divided into:

  • functional;
  • nutritional;
  • toxic;
  • organic.

Indigestion can occur both as a result of improper nutrition and as a result of poisoning the body with toxins, in which case treatment in a hospital may be required.

With dyspepsia, as a rule, symptoms such as belching, nausea, bloating, loss of appetite, diarrhea are observed.

Simple (functional)

Simple, or functional, dyspepsia in children occurs due to improper enzymatic activity of the endocrine glands, motor skills disorders and problems of the nervous system.

Subtypes of functional dyspepsia:

  • ulcer-like;
  • dyskinetic;
  • nonspecific.


The development of the nutritional form of the disease is provoked by nutritional disorders: systematic overeating, eating poorly prepared or stale foods.

Reasons for the development of dyspepsia in infants:

  • overfeeding;
  • non-compliance with the rules for introducing complementary foods;
  • lack of diet.

Fermentative, putrefactive and other forms of nutritional dyspepsia: table

ViewCharacteristicEating disorders
FermentationCharacterized by a lack of pancreatic juice components involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates. As a result, food is not completely digested. Consequences:
  • decreased motor activity of the small intestine;
  • bacteria formation;
  • development of fermentation.
Excessive or unbalanced consumption of foods such as:
  • cabbage;
  • legumes;
  • sausages;
  • confectionery;
  • raw fruits and vegetables.
  • the formation of putrefactive processes associated with improper breakdown of proteins;
  • irritation of the intestinal walls by rotting products;
  • decline in pancreatic secretory activity.
  • eating meat in excess of the norm;
  • stale products.
  • reducing the number of enzymes that break down fat;
  • decreased bile secretion.
Including foods containing saturated fats (lamb, pork) in the diet.


Toxic dyspepsia is a nutritional complication that occurs in children under one year of age. It begins as a digestive disorder, which results in intoxication of the gastrointestinal tract: harmful substances enter the blood, which leads to poisoning of the entire body. This has a negative effect on the nervous system, and metabolism suffers.

The role of provoking factors is not only dietary errors, but also infection with microbes.


Organic dyspepsia is a secondary digestive disorder. Caused by a disease that is infectious in nature or is the result of damage to any organ. Toxins (the causative agents of the underlying pathology) affect the autonomic nervous system, as a result of which it ceases to cope with the regulation of the digestive system. Consequences of this process:

  • acceleration of peristalsis;
  • decreased bile secretion;
  • decline in enzyme activity;
  • changes in absorption processes in the intestine.


The development of such a pathological process in children can be caused by both certain diseases and external factors.

As for pathological processes, it is necessary to highlight the following:

  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • GERD;
  • infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • damage to the stomach by helminthic infestations;
  • intestinal infection;
  • some congenital diseases.

In children under one year of age, this disorder is often caused by poor nutrition.

Regarding external etiological factors in the development of indigestion in children, the following should be highlighted:

  • eating disorder;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • intolerance to certain foods, individual elements (carbohydrates, proteins, lactose);
  • fast food abuse;
  • excessive amounts of sweets in the diet;
  • drinking sweet carbonated drinks;
  • binge eating;
  • consumption of foods that are not yet suitable for age;
  • early introduction of complementary foods;
  • incorrect mixture;
  • physical activity directly while eating food;
  • stress, negative moral environment;
  • eating on the go.

In rare cases, the reasons for the development of such a gastroenterological disease cannot be etiologically determined.

Symptoms in children depending on the type of dyspepsia: table

Functionalulcer-like subspeciespain in the epigastric region
dyskinetic subspecies
  • feeling of fullness in the stomach;
  • discomfort after eating;
  • bloating.
nonspecific subspeciesmixed signs of ulcer-like and dyskinetic types
  • bloating;
  • heaviness and dull pain in the stomach;
  • diarrhea.
  • belching;
  • nausea;
  • bloating;
  • discomfort in the stomach.
  • fullness of the stomach;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • pain in the stomach after eating;
  • belching;
  • flatulence.
  • nausea;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • watery stools;
  • toxicosis;
  • dehydration;
  • increased body temperature;
  • lethargy, apathy.
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea.


Dyspepsia syndrome in children is a preliminary diagnosis that requires clarification of the etiology. In this regard, an in-depth examination of the child may reveal organic or functional dyspepsia. Organic dyspepsia can be caused by gastritis, gastric ulcer, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, biliary dyskinesia in children. Functional dyspepsia in children includes those cases when a thorough gastroenterological examination does not reveal organic pathology. However, with a long course and inadequate treatment of functional disorders, the development of organic pathology (GERD, gastritis, colitis, etc.) is possible.

Functional dyspepsia in children can occur in several forms. Simple functional dyspepsia is characterized by isolated dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. With toxic dyspepsia, in addition to digestive disorders, severe toxicosis and exicosis are observed. Parenteral dyspepsia in children can occur against the background of some other disease - otitis media, pneumonia, influenza, etc.

In addition, depending on the clinical manifestations, functional dyspepsia in children is divided into 4 course options:

  • ulcer-like
    – characterized by localized pain in the epigastrium that goes away after eating, antacids or antisecretory drugs
  • reflux-like
    – occurs with belching, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, bloating, regurgitation
  • dyskinetic
    – characterized by uncomfortable sensations in the epigastrium, aggravated after eating, flatulence, intolerance to certain types of food (fatty, dairy, etc.)
  • nonspecific
    – not related to the above options for the course of dyspepsia in children.

In the structure of dyspepsia syndrome in children, the organic form makes up no more than 5-10%, so in the future we will talk mainly about the functional version of dyspepsia.


To make a diagnosis, symptoms alone are not enough; the doctor must determine whether dyspepsia is functional or whether indigestion signals a malfunction of the internal organs.

When diagnosing “nutritional dyspepsia” in an infant, the doctor:

  • analyzes symptoms;
  • orders a stool test;
  • asks the mother questions about the food she eats, the diet and the regularity of the child’s bowel movements.

Endoscopy and x-rays are not performed to assess the condition of young patients.

Diagnosis of toxic dyspepsia is carried out in a hospital; when the first alarming signals are detected, a doctor is called to the home and the child is hospitalized.

To identify simple dyspepsia, the following points must be present simultaneously:

  • absence of pathological changes in organs;
  • manifestation of indigestion for at least three months;
  • the severity of symptoms does not depend on the process of bowel movement (this way irritable bowel syndrome can be excluded).

Types of research:

  1. Biochemical blood test - determines the enzymatic activity of internal organs. If the indicators are within normal limits, then diseases of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas can be excluded, but it is advisable to perform a visual examination of the organs.
  2. Fecal analysis - reveals the presence of pathogenic microflora in the intestines, dysbiosis, the existence of a chronic infection, evaluates the functioning of the intestines: are there any disturbances in the functioning, how does the organ cope with the digestion of proteins, fats, fiber.
  3. FEGDS (fibrogastroduodenoscopy) - studies the condition of the stomach and duodenum.

    Using ultrasound of the abdominal organs, the size of organs and the condition of tissues are revealed, and pathological changes are detected.

  4. Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs - determines the size of organs, the condition of tissues, detects malignant formations and pathological changes. Using ultrasound, the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and spleen are examined.

Similar studies can be carried out in a clinic. They are carried out at the initial stage in order to prescribe the correct therapy. However, if there is no progress in treatment, the patient may be admitted to the hospital for in-depth diagnostics, which includes:

  1. X-ray of the stomach. The organ's compliance with normal sizes is recorded.
  2. Electrogastrography. The speed of peristalsis is measured.
  3. Study of gastric juice, measurement of its Ph. The acidity of the stomach is determined.

As a result of the tests, the doctor receives data to make a differential diagnosis. If no pathological disorders of the internal organs are found, then the digestive system is healthy at the level of its structure, but the symptoms indicate the presence of deviations in the interaction between the organs. This is called functional dyspepsia.

When a pathology of any organ is detected, a diagnosis of a primary disease and “organic dyspepsia” as a consequence is made.


The basis of the syndrome of functional dyspepsia in children is a violation of the neurohumoral regulation of the motor function of the upper gastrointestinal tract and visceral hypersensitivity. In this case, a disorder of the regulatory system can occur at any level: central (at the level of the central nervous system), peripheral (at the level of pathways), local (at the level of the receptor apparatus of the stomach and intestines, enteroendocrine cells, etc.) and entails dyskinesia of subordinates organs.

Simple dyspepsia in most cases is associated with nutritional factors - errors in feeding the child: overfeeding, monotonous nutrition, violation of the diet of the nursing mother, rapid transfer to artificial feeding, introduction of complementary foods. A feature of the digestion of young children is the adaptability of the gastrointestinal tract to food of a certain composition and quantity, so a sharp change in the nature of nutrition can lead to dyspepsia. One of the factors of dyspepsia in young children is overheating, leading to an increase in electrolyte losses through sweat and a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice.

In older children, simple dyspepsia can develop due to the abuse of fast food, soda, non-compliance with diet, increased study loads, and stressful situations.

Toxic dyspepsia or intestinal toxicosis in children can be the outcome of simple dyspepsia. An uncorrected diet and lack of treatment contribute to the absorption of toxic products of bacterial metabolism, general intoxication, and disruption of the liver, cardiovascular and nervous systems. In addition, toxic dyspepsia in children can develop against the background of acute intestinal infections: salmonellosis, dysentery, etc.

The development of parenteral dyspepsia in children is associated with the general impact of microbial or viral infection on the body. Digestive disorders are secondary in nature and are caused by the presence of other diseases in the child.

Almost all children are susceptible to dyspepsia, but more often this disorder affects premature babies, children with perinatal damage to the central nervous system, malnutrition, rickets, allergic reactions, hypovitaminosis, anemia, and exudative-catarrhal diathesis. Parasitic infestations (giardiasis) and helminthiases in children can occur with dyspeptic syndrome.


Treatment of dyspepsia is associated with eliminating the causes and symptoms. Causes are eliminated through diet, and symptoms through medications. Timely normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is necessary due to the fact that any disturbances in the digestive system lead to serious complications.

Medicines prescribed in childhood depending on symptoms: table

SymptomIndications for useGroupDrugsOperating principleAt what age is it approved for use?
DiarrheaPrescribed to relieve symptoms of loose stools and treat irritable bowels.Adsorbents
  • Smecta;
  • Neosmectin.
  • Adsorption of bacteria;
  • slowing down inflammatory processes;
  • restoration of the mucous membrane;
  • normalization of intestinal motility;
  • destruction of Helikobacter Pylori bacteria;
  • removal of bile salts;
  • increasing mucosal resistance to hydrochloric acid.
From birth
HeartburnThey are used to eliminate discomfort in the stomach and normalize the digestion process.AntacidsAlmagel
  • relieving irritation of the gastric mucosa;
  • protecting the intestinal walls from damage.
From 1 month
Violation of peristalsis, fermentation processes, nausea, vomitingPrescribed for violations of peristalsis, slow or, conversely, increased activity of the intestinal walls.Motor activatorsTrimedatLeveling the intensity of bowel movementsFrom 3 years
AntiemeticsMotiliumActivation of contraction of smooth muscles of the small intestineFrom birth
Increased stomach acidityUsed to eliminate the cause of burning in the epigastric region.Hydrochloric acid blockersOmeprazoleSuppression of hydrochloric acid synthesis in the stomachFrom 5 years
Dysbacteriosis, diarrhea, constipation, intestinal colicIndicated for use in functional dyspepsia for the treatment of the intestines.Prebiotics and probioticsHilak Forte
  • Restoration of intestinal microflora;
  • normalization of stomach acidity;
  • restoration of mucous membranes.
From birth
LinexEnriching the body with beneficial bifidobacteria
Difficulty digestionPrescribed for low enzyme activity, for ulcer-like variants of functional dyspepsia.EnzymesMezim ForteIntroduction of enzymes into the body to facilitate the digestion process
Presence of toxinsPrescribed when an intestinal infection is detected.AntisepticsAlpha NormixDestruction of bacteria that cause intestinal infectionsFrom 2 years

Drugs used for indigestion, pictured

Almagel normalizes the digestion process

Alpha Normix is ​​prescribed when an intestinal infection is detected

Bifidumbacterin is prescribed for dysbiosis, diarrhea, constipation

Mezim Forte belongs to enzyme preparations

Motilium is an antiemetic drug prescribed from birth.

Smecta is a popular enterosorbent widely used in pediatrics

Trimedat is indicated for violations of peristalsis

Hilak Forte enriches the children's body with beneficial bifidobacteria


There is no single diet to treat all types of dyspepsia. The list of recommended and prohibited foods is formed depending on the dietary errors that caused the disease. Products that cause indigestion and the formation of pathogenic microflora in the intestines should be excluded from the patient’s menu until his complete recovery.

Features of the diet for nutritional dyspepsia: table

FermentationProtein food:
  • meat;
  • broths;
  • cottage cheese.
Carbohydrate-rich foods
  • porridge;
  • crackers;
  • River fish;
  • fruits;
  • wheat bread;
  • cookie;
  • potato;
  • zucchini.

As you recover, eggs and boiled poultry are introduced into the diet.

Protein products:
  • meat;
  • butter.
FatPlant foodAnimal fats

Diet for nutritional and toxic dyspepsia for newborns and infants

  1. During the first 24 hours, feeding is prohibited; the child is given drinks in portions of 15–20 ml every 20 minutes. Drinks allowed:
      sweetened tea;
  2. raisin decoction;
  3. carrot decoction.
  4. After 24 hours, you can drink expressed breast milk. Start with 10 ml 10 times a day, increase the dose by 10 ml every day.

    Rice water has an enveloping effect and restores the intestinal mucosa

  5. From day 6, breastfeeding on demand is allowed. For drinks, sweetened rice water (10–20 ml several times a day) is recommended.

Allowed and prohibited products for functional dyspepsia: table

Authorized productsProhibited ProductsProducts in small quantities
  • chicken meat;
  • fish;
  • chicken egg (boiled, omelet);
  • thin soups;
  • dairy products;
  • wheat crackers;
  • vermicelli;
  • plant food;
  • cereals;
  • juices, compotes.
  • pork, lamb, beef;
  • smoked meats;
  • pureed soups with meat broth;
  • fried eggs;
  • hard cheeses;
  • products made from corn flour;
  • confectionery;
  • legumes;
  • sorrel, onion, garlic;
  • sausages;
  • caviar, canned food, herring in oil.
  • fatty dairy products when added to dishes;
  • dumplings;
  • flour;
  • honey, chocolate.

Table No. 4

When you visit a doctor, you will receive a memo called “Table No. 4.”

Recommended table dishes:

  • oatmeal, rice, buckwheat;
  • fruit and berry compotes and jelly;
  • skim cheese;
  • low-fat boiled fish;
  • minced meat dishes;
  • boiled meat (chicken, turkey);
  • wheat crackers;
  • cocoa, tea, decoctions of quince, rose hips, blueberries and currants;
  • egg (steam omelet);
  • butter in small quantities when added to dishes.

The diet is very strict and allows the consumption of only dishes from the list, all other products must be excluded, and the use of spices in the cooking process is unacceptable.

Folk remedies

Herbal medicine is widely known among folk methods. Herbs should be selected to eliminate identified digestive pathologies.

To normalize the digestive system, you need to improve the functioning of several organs at once: the stomach, gallbladder, and liver.

Chamomile infusion relieves inflammation and spasms

The pancreas does not respond well to herbal treatment; its function is restored with the help of diet. However, ensuring a sufficient flow of bile allows you to reduce the load on it, thereby helping to launch the self-healing mechanism. Some herbs have a positive effect on several organs at the same time.

There are only a few types of herbs that can be consumed at any age.

Herbs that have a choleretic effect, improve digestion, are allowed for children over 12 years of age: calamus rhizomes, yarrow, St. John's wort, celandine. Dosages are determined individually after consultation with a doctor.

Medicinal properties of herbs: table

Herb namePropertiesRecipeDosages
  • analgesic effect on the stomach;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • neutralization of bacteria.
  1. Take 1 teaspoon of herb per 1 cup of boiling water.
  2. Leave for 5 minutes.
  3. Strain.
Dosage per dose after meals:
  • newborns - 1/8 cup;
  • children aged 1–2 years - 1/7;
  • 3–4 years —1/5,
  • 5–6 years - 1/4;
  • 7–10 years – 1/2 cup;
  • teenagers - 1 glass.
  • cessation of fermentation and gas formation;
  • restoration of intestinal microflora;
  • relieving spasms of smooth muscles of the stomach;
  • antibacterial effect.
  • improved appetite;
  • choleretic effect.
  1. Pour 10 grams of dandelion flowers (1-2 tablespoons) into 1 glass of water.
  2. Boil for 15 minutes over low heat.
  3. Leave for 30 minutes.
Children - 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

How to quickly recognize the disease

Since each form of dyspepsia has its own characteristics, to begin treatment, you should consult a doctor and get diagnosed. It is necessary to pay attention to symptoms such as restlessness, frequent regurgitation, excessive gas formation, colic, and lack of appetite.

In the case of functional dyspepsia, diarrhea occurs up to fifteen times a day, which is fraught with exhaustion and dehydration of the body. In stool that has a liquid consistency, you can see mucus and lumps of whitish or yellowish color. The toxic form of the pathology has vivid manifestations: cyanosis or pallor of the skin, high body temperature, convulsions, profuse and frequent vomiting, fainting, low blood pressure. In this situation, emergency medical assistance is needed.

Treatment prognosis and possible complications

If symptoms are detected early and the necessary measures are taken, the prognosis is favorable. Not all medications immediately give the desired effect, this is due to the fact that they remove the consequences. Putting your child on a diet allows you to eliminate the causes that cause the development of symptoms. The goal of treatment is to eliminate pathologies and normalize digestion.

Interruptions in the proper functioning of the stomach without timely treatment can cause the following complications:

  • belching;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • heartburn;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea.

How to improve digestion?

Simple dyspepsia can be treated at home. The start of drug treatment is preceded by following a diet (the baby is given water and tea for 6–8 hours). Further, for dehydration of the body, children are given Regidron, Oralit, solutions of sodium chloride and glucose. The dosage of drugs is calculated using the formula 150 ml of liquid x 1 kg of the patient’s body weight.

In order to restore the intestinal flora, children are prescribed eubiotics:

Symptomatic treatment is carried out according to indications. For flatulence, Atoxil, Smecta, Enterosgel are prescribed. The problem of colic is solved with compresses and enemas with valerian. To stabilize digestion, newborns and infants are prescribed Creon and Pancreatin. Older children are prescribed Festal, Mezim, Digestal.

The toxic form of dyspepsia requires hospitalization of the patient. In a clinical setting, therapy is carried out in stages:

  1. gastric lavage;
  2. drinking water and tea;
  3. drug rehydration;
  4. introduction of antibiotic therapy;
  5. correction of the balance of intestinal microflora;
  6. administration of cardiovascular, anticonvulsant, antipyretic and other drugs that eliminate the symptoms of the disease.
  1. A child with dyspepsia requires attention and careful care. It is important not only to improve nutrition and follow hygiene rules, but also to provide the baby with a calm environment.
  2. Do not rush to transfer the baby to the “adult table”. Observe the timing and sequence of introducing new dishes and instill feeding hygiene in your baby.
  3. Do not neglect your baby’s condition; always inspect his stool and vomit for foreign matter. Attentive attention to the health of the baby will help prevent dyspepsia in all its manifestations.

Functional dyspepsia is cured in a few days without causing complications. In severe cases, the disease takes a toxic form. Its prognosis depends on the timeliness and completeness of medical care.

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Parents can prevent diseases of the digestive system by adjusting the child’s diet.

It is important to instill good eating habits in children

Principles of a preventive diet:

  1. All nutrients must be present in equal proportions. This can be ensured by making sure that the diet contains vegetables, fruits, meat products, eggs, and cereals.
  2. Do not overuse confectionery products.
  3. Prefer boiled food to fried food, this will help protect against the occurrence of fatty dyspepsia.
  4. Avoid carbonated lemonades and fast food.
  5. Monitor the volume of portions, the amount of meat at one time is no more than 100 g.
  6. Cook vegetables boiled or stewed. Do not eat a lot of cabbage, legumes, consume these vegetables only when added to dishes.
  7. Increase the content of sticky, enveloping foods in your diet: porridge, soups, purees. This has a beneficial effect on intestinal function.
  8. Eat according to a schedule, include easily digestible foods in dinner, for example, fermented milk.
  9. Don't eat before bed.

Nutritional prevention rules for children under 1 year of age:

  1. You cannot overfeed your child.
  2. Complementary foods should be introduced in small portions, carefully monitoring the body's reactions, the baby's mood, the color and regularity of stool.
  3. It is important to start complementary feeding with foods that are hypoallergenic and specially adapted for digestion, such as porridge.
  4. At the first signs of indigestion, you should stop feeding and seek advice from your pediatrician.

What to do if your child has indigestion

Dyspeptic syndrome or a disorder of the digestive system is a common phenomenon among children of all ages. The clinical picture of the pathology manifests itself in different ways. Childhood dyspepsia has the form of early satiety, belching, discomfort, nausea, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, and lack of appetite. You should not ignore such symptoms or self-medicate. If signs of dyspeptic syndrome are detected, you should seek the help of a pediatrician. Otherwise, indigestion can cause acute dystrophy. If a child has diathesis or rickets, indigestion can be caused by otitis media and pyelonephritis.

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