Recipes and schemes for using mumiyo for gastritis
Form of release of the drug Today there are two forms of release of mumiyo: in the form of tablets and in
Juices for stomach ulcers
Juices for stomach and duodenal ulcers - benefits and harms
Stomach ulcers occur due to excessive exposure of the inflamed walls of the organ to hydrochloric acid. On
Why does my stomach hurt in the morning when I'm hungry?
Stomach hurts in the morning Many patients at an appointment with a gastrologist admit that they have
Can coffee give you stomach ache?
Stomach hurts after coffee: possible causes of discomfort
The effect of coffee on the functioning of the digestive system Coffee can cause stomach pain if a person drinks
Parcels paid for cash on delivery are non-refundable!
Monastic tea for stomach and duodenal ulcers
What's the catch? How do they deceive? The scheme of deception with cash on delivery parcels is quite simple. Scammers
FGDS during pregnancy: can it be done or not?
Is FGDS done during pregnancy? Pregnancy is a crucial time in a woman’s life. At the specified
Stomach tea: the benefits of unique herbal teas
When do you need tea for the stomach? It is ideal when such tea is drunk for preventive purposes, but
The child has a stomach ache, what can I give?
Heaviness and abdominal pain causes in a child
The first thing you should do when you find out that your child is complaining of pain in the abdomen is:
Why can honey cause stomach ache?
Honey is a gift from the gods. Bee product has gained incredible popularity in the world thanks to its
Why can the lower abdomen be pulled in a healthy person? Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Causes and treatment of nagging and aching pain in the lower abdomen in women
Description Pain in the lower abdomen in women can have a different character. Everyone felt the nagging pain
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