Paracetamol and analgin dosage for adults based on temperature || Paracetamol and analgin from temperature for adults dose

In some cases, taking one specific antipyretic or anti-inflammatory drug to eliminate severe pain or high body temperature brings absolutely no results. Therefore, as a rule, antipyretic anti-inflammatory drugs are used in combination in moderate doses.

However, the question arises: is it possible to take Analgin and Paracetamol at the same time? The combination of drugs Paracetamol Analgin is used in most cases to quickly eliminate high body temperature and get rid of severe pain in a short time.

Important! Paracetamol has antipyretic properties, and Analgin has analgesic properties. It is recommended to use these two medications in combination only if it is not possible to eliminate too high a body temperature using other means or methods (cold compresses). When using Paracetamol and Analgin in combination, it is necessary to correctly select the dosage of these medications. Their thoughtless use in large quantities can harm human health.

Features of taking Analgin and Paracetamol at the same time

Analgin and Paracetamol are completely compatible medications. However, during their combined use, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules and recommendations. They are not recommended for use in combination with activated carbon. This is due to the fact that activated carbon significantly reduces the level of their effects on the body.

It is strictly not recommended to use these drugs in combination in large doses for people who have severe forms of kidney or liver disease. Women should also avoid taking them together during pregnancy or lactation.

Despite the fact that Paracetamol has virtually no harmful effects on the condition and development of the fetus, it is still able to quickly penetrate the placental barrier. Therefore, pregnant women should use it with great caution. Analgin is generally not used to treat women who are pregnant. It is also not recommended to use this remedy to treat women during lactation.

Attention! Analgin can be used to treat children who have reached 2 years of age. Paracetamol can be given to children from birth. The combined use of these two medications can be used to treat children who have reached 5 years of age. Otherwise, if these two drugs are given at the same time, a child under 5 years of age may experience negative side effects from their use. As a last resort, their joint use in minimal doses is allowed for the treatment of children over 3 years of age.

Elderly persons are allowed to use Paracetamol and Analgin together during treatment only if there are no dysfunctions or any kidney or liver diseases. Otherwise, the simultaneous use of these medications is strictly prohibited. In addition, during the treatment of elderly people with their combined use, it is strongly recommended to monitor the state of biochemical blood parameters.

Treatment of white hyperthermia

What to do if paracetamol does not bring down the temperature? In some cases, a vascular component takes part in the development of hyperthermia, causing spasm of small peripheral vessels of the skin. The child is distinguished by pronounced pallor. Due to vascular spasm, the skin even acquires a marbled tint. Despite the high temperature readings, the limbs are cold to the touch. This condition is characterized by white hyperthermia.

It is for these reasons that in order to correct treatment in this case, in addition to antipyretics, drugs that relieve spasm of peripheral vessels should also be used. With such an increase in temperature, paracetamol and no-spa are used together. The use of a triad consisting of an antihistamine and paracetamol with no-shpa can be very helpful.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that paracetamol lowers the temperature rather slowly, inferior to aspirin and ibuprofen.

Its effect begins within minutes, reaching a maximum at 1.5 hours, therefore, before concluding that paracetamol does not reduce the child’s temperature, it is necessary to wait, using physical methods of combating hyperthermia at this time, and also evaluate the possibility of developing vasospasm, which prevents heat transfer.

Paracetamol and Analgin for temperature

If a person’s fever has become moderate, then it is preferable to use only Paracetamol alone to eliminate the high temperature, without the use of additional medications. Compared to such a common drug as aspirin, it does not have a strong toxic effect on the body, and also has such advantages as:

  1. Instant effect. The patient's condition begins to improve an hour after administration.
  2. Does not affect blood clotting parameters.
  3. Does not damage the mucous membranes of the stomach and digestive tract.
  4. Has virtually no side effects after use.
  5. Does not pose a risk to children's health. It can be used to treat children even in infancy.

In terms of its effects, Analgin has the same properties as Paracetamol. It is able to quickly eliminate pain syndromes, and also has a slight anti-inflammatory effect on the body. However, Analgin is a more toxic drug. After its use, especially in children, the patient may experience allergic reactions in the body.

Indications for use

Paracetamol is a medicine that has a pronounced antipyretic and also a slight analgesic effect on the body. It is worth noting that it does not have an anti-inflammatory effect. As a rule, it is actively used when there is a need to quickly eliminate pain, including headaches and dental ones.

In addition, this drug is used for pain in the muscles and neuralgia. Most often, Paracetamol is used when a high body temperature appears, to eliminate colds, as well as various inflammatory diseases. In some cases, it is used to relieve pain from burns or to reduce menstrual pain.

Analgin has an analgesic pharmacological effect on the body. As a rule, it is actively used when patients experience severe dental, headache, and postoperative pain. Quite often, it is used to treat migraines, neuralgia, myalgia and stomach colic. Often this medication is prescribed to a patient to eliminate a febrile state, which can be caused by infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Time of action

Paracetamol, after taking it, begins to be actively absorbed by the body from the gastrointestinal tract. The maximum plasma concentration of this drug is observed 30-90 minutes after its administration. Absorption of this medication into the body occurs primarily through the small intestine. It should be noted that the rate of its absorption by the body is influenced by antacid drugs or activated carbon (in case of simultaneous use). When using Paracetamol, produced in the form of suppositories, the duration of its effect on the body increases to 6 hours inclusive. The time for its partial removal from the body is about 2-4 hours after.

The effect of Analgin on the body begins 10 minutes after administration. Its maximum concentration in plasma is observed 30 minutes after its use. The duration of impact on the body is about 2 hours.

Characteristics of the drug

The analgesic and antipyretic properties of the drug have become widespread in the treatment of hyperthermia, especially in children. This is due to the fairly good tolerability of the drug, the possibility of use without side effects. Only long-term use of large doses of the drug can lead to hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic effects.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, aspirin) have an even more pronounced antipyretic effect. However, due to the possibility of developing complications such as gastrointestinal bleeding, the development of Reye's syndrome (acute hepatic encephalopathy), its use is limited by age, and with influenza, use may be unsafe at any age. All this creates the preconditions for wider use of paracetamol for fever by adults and children.

Paracetamol can be used in the following dosage forms: tablets, capsules, syrups, rectal suppositories. Depending on the situation and the age of the child, preference is given to one form or another.

For children from one month old, as well as in the presence of vomiting that accompanies an increase in temperature, it is more convenient to use suppositories; for children up to three years old, it is more convenient to use syrup. Older patients and adults can use tablets or capsules.

Differences between Analgin and Paracetamol

Paracetamol, Aspirin and Analgin belong to the same pharmacological group, so they have minor differences from each other. Paracetamol has an antipyretic and analgesic effect on the body. In addition, it has moderate anti-inflammatory properties.

After administration, it has a depressing effect on the thermoregulation center and inhibits the process of prostaglandin synthesis. Compared to Analgin, it is a less toxic drug and does not affect blood clotting. Therefore, it is often used during the treatment of children, even in infancy.

Analgin has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect on the body. This drug also has good anti-inflammatory properties. It is quickly absorbed by the body and, as a rule, is used in cases where there is a need to quickly increase the concentration of this drug in the blood. However, it has a strong effect on blood clotting parameters. In addition, due to its toxicity, Analgin can cause allergic reactions in the body.

Taking drugs together

Among medical practitioners, there are two opposing points of view about the possibility of joint use of various antipyretic drugs, for example, paracetamol and analgin, paracetamol and aspirin for fever.

Proponents of this method argue their position by the fact that since the drugs belong to the same group of drugs, their joint use, enhancing each other's actions, will lead to maximum effect. This statement is supported by numerous positive patient reviews.

Compatibility of Paracetamol, Analgin and No-Shpa

It is possible to combine the use of these three medications only if the combination of Analgin and Paracetamol does not bring absolutely any results during the treatment of the patient. The combined use of No-shpa, Paracetamol and Analgin allows you to quickly get rid of high fever and lower body temperature. The combined use of these medications can be used to treat both adult patients and children.

Important! The use of these drugs together should only be prescribed by a doctor. As a rule, they are used in combination only when other medications do not have an effect on the general condition of the patient. It is worth noting that the combined use of these drugs can be harmful to health, therefore, in this case, self-medication and using them independently (without a doctor’s prescription) is strictly prohibited.

Indications for joint use

When used simultaneously, Paracetamol, Suprastin and Analgin can quickly eliminate high body temperature and bring it back to normal. Paracetamol has a rapid antipyretic effect. After administration, it begins to actively influence the thermoregulation center. However, this drug has low anti-inflammatory characteristics.

Analgin, as well as Paracetamol, together have an antipyretic effect on the body. However, it also has a strong analgesic effect and is able to eliminate sharp and severe pain. The patient is prescribed a combination of these drugs if:

  • severe headache appears;
  • pain occurs in the muscles and joints;
  • there is a high, continuous body temperature.

The combined use of these drugs is permissible only if other methods used to normalize body temperature have not been effective. Prolonged fever has a detrimental effect on the condition of the entire body and the functioning of vital organs. When using Analgin and Paracetamol together, the patient experiences stabilization of the general condition and a decrease in temperature in a short time (within a few hours after administration). In addition, when used in combination, these drugs can enhance each other's antipyretic effects on the body.

Analgin paracetamol suprastin dosage for adults

Sometimes, to normalize body temperature and eliminate pain, it is not enough to take one anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drug.
Paracetamol and Analgin together are most often taken in order to bring down a high fever and at the same time effectively relieve pain. The combination of the antipyretic properties of Paracetamol and the analgesic properties of Analgin is used in cases where it is not possible to reduce the temperature by other methods. However, it is very important to choose the right dosage of medications and follow all the rules for taking them so as not to harm your health.

The instructions for use of paracetamol tablets indicate that in addition to the symptomatic treatment of pain syndromes of various origins, it is used as an antipyretic for temperatures of infectious and inflammatory origin. Tablet forms of the drug are intended for children aged three years and older.

At fever, the dosage of paracetamol tablets increases depending on age. In children from 9 to 12 years old, the daily amount can already be 2 g, in older children and adults - up to 3-4 g.

The drug in tablets is recommended for use after meals; it should be washed down with plenty of water.

In newborns, the drug is used in the form of rectal suppositories. The daily dosage is also 60 mg per 1 kg of body weight. The drug in the form of syrup is intended for children from three months, but in the appropriate dosage it can also be taken by adult patients.

Analgin is a very popular pain reliever, which also has the ability to reduce body temperature if it is elevated. Previously, this medication was often used for fever in both adults and children, but now the opinions of doctors and parents about its safety for children have changed. Is it possible to lower a child’s temperature with Analgin and in what dose is it permissible to give this drug to a small patient?

The active ingredient in Analgin is metamizole sodium. This compound has the property of interfering with the conduction of pain impulses, due to which the medication is especially in demand for pain. It is often taken for headaches, dental pain, muscle pain, or other severe pain. It is prescribed after surgery, for burns, radiculitis or injuries.

Like other drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which include Analgin, this medicine also has an antipyretic effect. This determines its use at elevated temperatures, if it is a symptom of pneumonia, ARVI, bronchitis and other pathologies.

Taken orally, Analgin is absorbed very quickly. The approximate time for the onset of action of this form of medication is minutes after administration. The onset of action of the injection form is observed minutes after the injection. The effect of the drug lasts for 4 hours or longer.

Analgin (metamizole sodium) is the most typical representative of non-drug analgesics. The same group of analgesics includes acetylsalicylic acid and paracetamol. They combine well with each other, take analgin (antipyretic) and paracetamol (painkiller) together to strengthen and expand therapeutic effect for colds, for example.

We see a similar “two-in-one” combination in the drug “Citramon”, but in smaller quantities, as if taking a tablet of paracetamol and aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) separately. Personally, when I feel like I’m starting to get sick, I take a loading dose - two tablets of all the above drugs. If time is not lost, it works 100%.

Paracetamol is combined with analgin. The combination of these two drugs is very effective in reducing high fever when antipyretic drugs alone no longer help. When the temperature becomes critical, an adult can take 2 tablets of paracetamol and 1 analgin together. But it should be borne in mind that this should not be done constantly, this should be a one-time procedure.

What I described above is done at home. But if, for example, an ambulance arrives, then, in any case, before, they gave an injection with analgin and paracetamol together.

Yes, paracetamol and aspirin are sometimes prescribed simultaneously; the combination of these drugs enhances the therapeutic effect and speeds up recovery.

However, it must be borne in mind that in some cases aspirin may be contraindicated. For example, if the patient suffers from severe heart failure or chronic stomach diseases.

It is known that gargling with aspirin is good for sore throats; by the way, in this case you don’t even have to swallow it.

In general, everything is simple: if the doctor has prescribed you to take a course of these two drugs, and you have no contraindications, you can safely follow his recommendations.

Paracetamol and analgin are two drugs that are completely compatible. Both are used to lower the temperature. Only analgin relieves pain well, and paracetamol is also anti-inflammatory. Paracetamol is less toxic and is the mildest antipyretic. And if it doesn’t help, then they give analgin. It is better not to give Analgin to children and people with heart disease. It should be given in extreme cases, if nothing is available or nothing helps.

When the body temperature rises above 39 degrees, we immediately call an ambulance and they give an injection of diphenhydramine with analgin. This injection reduces the temperature quickly and for a long time.

But Analgin Paracetamol tablets taken together also have the same effect. They are quite compatible and very effective at high temperatures.

Aspirin is contraindicated for pregnant women and children. There is some teratogenic effect. You can take paracetamol. Why they prescribed analgin, of course, is unclear. It has some antipyretic properties, but they are practically invisible (unless it is administered intramuscularly with diphenhydramine).

Ummm. and where did you see them walking together in medicine? Paracetamol is the same analgesic, but it is not an analgin. As far as I know, they are not prescribed together. Paracetamol is an antipyretic and pain reliever (mild), analgin is simply an anesthetic. But you can take paracetamol with aspirin.

Yes, paracetamol and analgin are taken together.

Paracetamol is an antipyretic and analgesic. And analgin simply relieves pain.

Together they work much better. This has already been tested both in my personal experience and in the experience of my husband.

This combination helps well, but you shouldn’t get carried away.

When I feel like I’m starting to get sick, I take 3 tablets at once, of course, they probably don’t have a very good effect on the liver and stomach, but I feel better and the next morning I’m a cucumber. And I drink analgin, aspirin and paracetamol at once, wash it down with a good amount of water, and go to bed.

Analgin and paracetamol are a completely normal combination since Analgin is a pain reliever, and Paracetamol is an antipyretic. Paracetamol reduces inflammation. They are taken in extreme cases if the temperature is high. If you feel like you are getting sick, drink these two tablets and you will feel better.

With the onset of cold days, antipyretics become the most popular medications. Paracetamol has been used to reduce colds and flu symptoms for decades. Moreover, Coldrex, TeraFlu, Fervex, Panadol, widely advertised and used all over the world, contain paracetamol.

Paracetamol has antipyretic, analgesic and weak anti-inflammatory effects. The drug acts on brain cells that signal a decrease in heat production in the body. It is important that the medicine is quickly absorbed - within 30 minutes.

Paracetamol is taken mainly for fever. It should be remembered that the drug relieves symptoms, but does not treat the causes of fever. Medical professionals do not recommend lowering the temperature if it rises slightly, so as not to interfere with the body's ability to fight infection. Therefore, paracetamol should be taken at body temperature above 38 degrees.

Paracetamol can be given to children starting from 3 months. A single dose for children is:

  • up to 1 year – up to 120 mg;
  • from 1 year to 6 years – up to 250 mg;
  • from 6 to 12 years – up to 500 mg.

The child is given the medicine four times a day, maintaining an interval of 4 hours between doses. Adults take paracetamol at fever once a day, a single dose should not exceed 500 mg. Reception time for children is up to 3 days, for adults – no more than 5 days. Particular caution is required when using the medicine during pregnancy and lactation.

It is advisable for all age categories to take the drug about an hour after meals, with plenty of liquid. If there is no fever and there are symptoms of a cold, there is no need to take paracetamol, since this drug is neither an antibiotic nor an antiviral agent.

The combination of analgin with paracetamol is effective at high temperatures. When the temperature reaches critical levels, an adult is recommended to take 1 tablet of analgin and 2 tablets of paracetamol at the same time. In this combination, the medicine can only be given once. It should be borne in mind that paracetamol should not be used by people with liver and kidney diseases, and it is undesirable to give analgin to patients with cardiac pathologies.

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Sometimes, to normalize body temperature and eliminate pain, it is not enough to take one anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drug. Paracetamol and Analgin together are most often taken in order to bring down a high fever and at the same time effectively relieve pain. The combination of the antipyretic properties of Paracetamol and the analgesic properties of Analgin is used in cases where it is not possible to reduce the temperature by other methods. However, it is very important to choose the right dosage of medications and follow all the rules for taking them so as not to harm your health.

The most effective remedy for fever

Paracetamol is the most effective remedy that allows you to eliminate and reduce high body temperature in a short period of time. This drug can cope with even the most intense heat. In addition, most antiviral and anti-influenza drugs are produced on its basis.

In addition to the antipyretic effect on the body, it is also able to partially eliminate inflammation and pain. This drug also has a relaxing effect on the entire body. In case of severe fever and persistent high temperatures, Paracetamol can be used in combination with Analgin.

ANALGIN, PARACETAMOL and ASPIRIN - can they be taken at the same time (compatibility)

Many people keep Analgin, Paracetamol and Aspirin in their home medicine cabinet. These drugs have been considered the first aid in the fight against fever and pain for decades. However, each of these medications has a number of advantages and disadvantages, so in order not to harm the body, you should follow your doctor’s recommendations regarding dosage and dosage regimen.

Analgin has an antipyretic effect.


This non-narcotic analgesic is based on metamizole sodium, a substance that is a derivative of pyrazolone. An effective remedy for eliminating pain from migraine, neuralgia, rheumatism, renal colic, myalgia. It also has an antipyretic effect, which makes it possible to use tablets in febrile conditions during infectious diseases.

But it is recommended to take Analgin only in emergency cases and for a short time due to a wide list of contraindications, side effects and effects on the hematopoietic system. In many countries around the world, this drug is prohibited due to the risk of leukopenia and agranulocytosis.


The name of the drug coincides with the name of the active substance, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect and is present in many medicines prescribed for colds and flu. The analgesic effect of the tablets is manifested in the elimination of mild and moderate headaches, dental, muscle and joint pain.

The name of the drug Paracetamol coincides with the name of the active substance.

The popularity of Paracetamol is explained by a number of advantages over other antipyretic medications:

  • there are many different forms of release intended for adults and children;
  • the therapeutic effect occurs quickly;
  • does not have an irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines;
  • minimum number of contraindications.

The occurrence of allergic reactions and other undesirable effects can only be caused by exceeding the dosage.


It has the same pharmacological effects (analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory) and additionally antiaggregation. Belongs to the group of NSAID derivatives of acetylsalicylic acid.

It is prescribed only to adults, and requires strict adherence to medical recommendations.

This is due to the presence of a number of contraindications and side effects:

  • affects the gastric mucosa and increases the risk of ulcer formation;
  • blood thinning ability may cause internal bleeding;
  • long-term use can lead to anemia;
  • overdose can lead to toxic damage to the kidneys and liver.

Aspirin belongs to the group of NSAIDs derived from acetylsalicylic acid.

Is it possible to take Analgin, Paracetamol and Aspirin together?

It makes no sense to take 3 drugs at the same time. They have a similar effect. The therapeutic effect will not be enhanced, but the risk of side effects will increase.

Children should choose paracetamol-based suppositories.

Indications for joint use

Considering the antipyretic ability, each drug can be prescribed for high fever, as well as to eliminate the febrile syndrome during influenza infections. A mixture of 3 tablets can be given to an adult patient only if absolutely necessary (if the temperature remains above +39°C for several days).

This therapy should be agreed with your doctor. It is important to establish an accurate diagnosis and consider age and comorbidities before taking medications.

Pain and hyperthermia may be caused by pathologies unrelated to infection that require other therapy. And eliminating symptoms can make diagnosis difficult.

Contraindications to the use of Analgin, Paracetamol and Aspirin

Each medication has its own contraindications, but there are also general ones:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • childhood;
  • hyperthermia in thyrotoxicosis;
  • blood diseases;
  • chronic liver and kidney diseases;
  • heart failure;
  • intolerance to drug components.

How to take Analgin, Paracetamol and Aspirin together

One-time. In extreme cases, when physical methods of reducing temperature (rubbing, compresses) do not produce results. Only a doctor should prescribe the dosage and combination of tablets. If the patient has contraindications to oral medications, then injectable ones will be more effective.

Side effects

All 3 medications can cause allergic reactions, internal bleeding, anemia, loss of strength, and swelling of the airways.


Marina, 36 years old, Ryazan: “This is some kind of destructive mixture. It cannot be given to a child. My children, 8 and 11 years old, always get ARVI with high fever.

My mother, a pediatrician with 30 years of experience, long ago taught me how to cope with a severe feverish condition. “Troichatka” is a combination of Analgin, Diphenhydramine and No-Shpa.

And the medications discussed in the article can only be taken separately and carefully. In addition, you can now find new generation drugs in pharmacies.”

Gennady, 55 years old, Voronezh: “I always have Aspirin and Analgin in my medicine cabinet in case of sudden pain - toothache or any other. I buy paracetamol when I have the flu. These medications are inexpensive, which I also consider a plus. I don’t like to get sick, so when I have a fever and chills, I take a killer dose of tablets. I’m still alive and well, I haven’t noticed any side effects.”

Interaction with other drugs

When used in combination, if a high temperature occurs with Paracetamol plus Analgin, you should refrain from consuming activated charcoal. This is due to the fact that it reduces and suppresses their pharmacological properties. In addition, when using these drugs, it is recommended to stop taking contraceptives, which are available in the form of tablets or suppositories, during the course of treatment.

Analgin does not combine well with drugs such as Aspirin, Cyclosporine, Aminazine. In addition, when taking this drug, you should avoid using penicillin antibiotics and dextrin blood substitutes. When using Paracetamol, it is recommended to avoid using barbiturates, as they reduce the effectiveness of its effect on the body.

How to take Paracetamol with Analgin

These tablets should be used together if a person is concerned about:

  • high body temperature;
  • headache;
  • joint and muscle pain.

The tablets must be taken orally with plenty of water.

How to calculate the correct proportions

To prevent overdose and ensure maximum effectiveness, it is necessary to correctly calculate the dosage.

For adults

Adults, starting from the age of 18, can take up to 0.5 g of Paracetamol and 0.5 g of Analgin at a time. The minimum dosage for each drug is 0.35 g and 0.25 g, respectively.

For children

In childhood, it is not advisable to combine these drugs, but if the situation is urgent, then you can bring down the fever. If the child’s age is from one to 3 years, then it is better to choose suppositories for rectal administration.

In childhood, this combination of drugs should be used only in emergency cases.

If the drug is prescribed in tablet form, then only the attending physician can calculate the permissible dosage, taking into account the age and weight of the child.

Drug overdose

If you overdose on these drugs, a person may experience severe vomiting, fatigue, and general weakness. An overdose of Paracetamol may cause kidney failure or pancreatitis. In case of an overdose of Analgin, the patient experiences various types of allergic reactions of the body, kidney and liver failure, which can lead to death. In addition, with frequent and uncontrolled use of this medication, a person experiences a worsening of the symptoms of the disease for which it was used to treat. The lethal daily dose of Paracetamol is more than 4 grams of the drug per day, Analgin - 5 grams or more.

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is an excellent remedy for relieving severe headaches. However, in case of an overdose of this drug, a person begins to have a severe cough and rapid breathing. In addition, with an overdose of aspirin, the patient's skin begins to turn pale, and pulmonary edema appears. The lethal daily dose of aspirin is 50 grams.

Which is better: Analgin or Paracetamol?

Both drugs are good when used for their indications, which makes them impossible to compare in general. For example, Paracetamol is well suited for bringing down the temperature of an adult or child; it is often used in the symptomatic treatment of ARVI and influenza. Due to its good antipyretic effect, Paracetamol is included in many combination drugs promoted by pharmaceutical companies.

Examples of such water-soluble powders are Rinza and Theraflu. One sachet of such a drug can contain from 200 to 500 mg of Paracetamol and several other active ingredients. This should always be taken into account to avoid drug overdose.

The only difference is that Analgin performs better when used for toothaches, headaches, and various sprains, bruises and other injuries. The injection form of the drug can even be used for pain relief after surgery.

Before using these medications, you should consult your doctor. Only he can assess your health condition and prescribe accurate treatment.

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