Why does gas formation increase in the intestines?
Treatment of flatulence with dill or carrot seeds Carrots and dill since the time of steel cultivation
What can you drink to prevent stomach problems?
Pain in the stomach, located in the epigastric region, called “in the pit of the stomach,” can be of a different nature.
Medicines for stomach pain
Pain in the stomach and intestines
Medicines for stomach pain should be taken only after the cause has been determined. First question,
What does gastric FGS show?
How to properly prepare for FGDS of the stomach: recommendations
FGS stands for fibrogastroscopy (or simply gastroscopy), perhaps the most effective research method
painkillers for abdominal pain
Tablets for stomach pain: taking medications
Why your stomach may hurt Many people “intuitively” understand why their stomach hurts. Before
Diet for the treatment of Helicobacter pylori: the most dangerous and healthiest food
Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that lives in the stomach. She gets there through dirty food.
Omez analogues are cheaper - list of alternatives to replacing the drug
"Omez" and "Omeprazole" - what is it? The purpose of these drugs is to suppress the production of gastric glands
Ulcerative colitis: what it is, causes, symptoms, treatment, useful tips
What is ulcerative colitis? Ulcerative colitis is based on a chronic, recurrent inflammatory process that affects
Stomach bloating: causes and treatment
What is bloating and gas? Flatulence (or bloating and gas) – medical
signs of a stomach ulcer symptoms where it hurts
Where is the stomach and how to understand that it hurts
Where is the stomach and how does it hurt? Why do discomfort occur in this area? Now
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