Lemon for gastritis of the stomach: can you eat or drink juice?
Is it possible to use lemon for gastritis Citrus with a characteristic sour taste and recognizable aroma is valued
DUSPATALIN OR NO SPA: which is better and what is the difference (differences in compositions, reviews from doctors)
NO-SPA reviews about the drug Name: Lina Feldt Review: no-SPA, thank you so much. During your period
Bloating and pain in the lower abdomen. Causes and treatment
Why is my stomach bloated? Bloating in the lower abdomen causes enormous discomfort, which is why patients
sausage for gastritis
Sausage for gastritis of the stomach: is it possible to eat, which one to choose
A proper diet, which includes a balanced amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, strengthens the body.
Belching rotten eggs and heartburn during pregnancy
Physiological reasons It is clear that the body of a pregnant woman functions somewhat differently than the body of an ordinary person.
Bloating due to inflammation of the pancreas
Flatulence is an unpleasant human condition, accompanied by a filling of the abdomen with gases that are difficult or impossible to contain. This
What to do if constipation occurs after surgery?
Atony after surgery Intestinal atony, that is, decreased smooth muscle tone, may occur
FGDS of the stomach
Contraindications to gastroscopy
FGDS of the stomach is, in official medical language, gastroscopy. This term is from Greek
food in the stomach
The body does not accept food vomiting what to do
Types and forms of the disease This disorder is conventionally divided into organic and functional. Organic evidence
Calendula for the stomach - homemade recipes
Calendula medicinal properties and contraindications for the gastrointestinal tract
Calendula is a well-known medicinal plant, which has a lot of advantages in improving the health of all systems and
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