process of inhalation and exhalation
Why does abdominal pain appear when breathing?
A little information about the process of inhalation and exhalation An unpleasant feeling in the peritoneum occurs when taking a deep breath
What pulsates in the stomach when pressed. Lying on your stomach, your stomach pulsates
The lower abdomen pulsates in women with gynecological diseases (inflammation of the appendages, suppuration of the ovary, rupture, cyst),
peptic ulcer and coffee
Coffee for stomach and duodenal ulcers
One of the important conditions during drug therapy for gastric ulcers is
Heartburn during pregnancy: how to get rid of it with medication and folk remedies. Causes
Heartburn occurs with discomfort that is felt behind the sternum. The discomfort rises up the esophagus.
Soda is harmful to the gastrointestinal tract
Diet before gastroscopy of the stomach
How to prepare for gastroscopy of the stomach in the first half of the day When prescribing FGDS for the first
After the FGS procedure, the larynx hurts, what should I do?
Sore throat after gastroscopy is a common complaint among people who have undergone the procedure. FGDS (fibrogastroduodenoscopy) or
inflammation of the stomach
Inflammatory process in the stomach: symptoms and treatment
A large number of people suffer from inflammation of the stomach, which is also called gastritis. Often this disease lasts
Features of performing exercises for bloating and gas
Simple ways to reduce flatulence. What are we preparing for the holidays? More of everything, but fatter. Result
Symptoms of hemorrhoids
Can the lower abdomen hurt and what other symptoms are there for hemorrhoids?
Symptoms Aggravated hemorrhoids manifest themselves as inflammatory processes that cannot but affect work
Metronidazole for gastritis: how to take and dosage
Information about the drug Metronidazole is considered to be an antiprotozoal and a drug aimed at combating pathogenic
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