Recipes and schemes for using mumiyo for gastritis

Release form of the drug

Today, there are two forms of mumiyo release: in the form of tablets and in the form of a sticky, resinous mass. To treat gastritis, only the second version of the substance should be used. This is due to the fact that after pharmacological intervention, a small part of the mummy remains in the tablets, which cannot completely affect the human body. When purchasing a product in its natural form, it is important to choose the original and not a fake.

One of the release forms is the drug in tablet form.

For this, it is important to remember that the mummy was taken from the Tibetan and Altai mountains. And resins are most effective in high-altitude or mountainous areas. Such mumiyo is not only useful, but also expensive. You can buy it by order or during trips to these places. You can usually find affordable medicine made from contaminated resin in supermarkets or pharmacies. However, it should be remembered that such a remedy will not benefit the body and may even worsen the course of gastritis.

Prevention of peptic ulcers

Shilajit for stomach ulcers is used only in combination with medications. Natural resin has a beneficial effect on the organ, namely:

  • reduces inflammation;
  • normalizes nutrition of gastric tissues;
  • activates the restoration process of the epithelium;
  • reduces pain, nausea and weakness.

The use of mumiyo for stomach and duodenal ulcers stimulates the regeneration process of cells and strengthens the immune system.

Shilajit for gastritis of the stomach

When treating gastritis, it is effective to use mumiyo.
The advantage of this is that it acts at the cellular level, stimulating the body. Shilajit is effective in treating gastritis. The benefit of this is that it works at the cellular level to stimulate the body. During the use of this drug, an increase and division of cells is observed, an increase in acid metabolism and a general cleansing of the body occurs. Using mumiyo helps alleviate inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which is gastritis. A few weeks after daily use of the drug, abdominal pain decreases, weakness disappears, sleep normalizes, ulcers and ulcers on the gastric mucosa heal. In addition, gastric secretion is regulated and food digestion is improved.

Benefits and composition of mumiyo

The benefits of mumiyo for the stomach

The brown or black mineral, when purified from impurities, contains organic and inorganic substances:

  • Resins.
  • Essential oils.
  • Amino acids.
  • Macro and microelements, approximately 30 types.
  • Metals and oxides.
  • Vitamins.
  • Almost 30 chemical elements.
  • Acids.

Before taking mumiyo and treating others, ancient healers checked its authenticity. When the skin in the area of ​​injury was wetted, a fracture healed within a day in animals. People's cuts healed within a few hours. The balanced composition of mountain resin has a strong effect:

  • Immunomodulatory.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Bactericidal.
  • Antiseptic.
  • Antimicrobial.
  • Antioxidant.

Shilajit kills harmful bacteria, disinfects and cleanses the blood, participating in the oxidation of molecules and the removal of free radicals from the body. The immune system is strengthened and copes with many diseases. The bones retain calcium and become stronger. As a result, the body rejuvenates, strengthens, and fatigue disappears.

It is important to understand that before using any therapeutic methods, you must consult a doctor to take into account any contraindications and avoid possible complications. The Altai product has been used for many years as traditional medicine due to the following general beneficial properties:

The Altai product has been used for many years as traditional medicine due to the following general beneficial properties:

  • increasing the body’s resistance (immunological resistance) to the action of pathogens - viruses, fungi and bacteria;
  • reduction of swelling in the area of ​​wounds and abrasions;
  • activation of regeneration by stimulating cell production;
  • bactericidal effect in areas of inflammation;
  • reduction of pain;
  • acceleration of intracellular metabolism, stimulation of collagen production.

In addition to treating diseases of the heart, respiratory system, kidneys, mouth and eyes, mumiyo is successfully used to reduce the activity of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. When consumed internally, the folk remedy protects the gastric wall from damaging factors, has a bactericidal effect (especially important in the presence of Helicobacter Pylori) and promotes regeneration processes.

As is known, stone oil contains a significant amount of microelements useful for humans (lead, magnesium, nickel, iron), vitamins and resin-like organic substances. The rich composition of the natural product has a beneficial effect on digestion and affects the functioning of the gastric glands, which helps neutralize high acidity.

Methods of application

In the absence of contraindications (individual hypersensitivity, pregnancy, breastfeeding), you can safely begin traditional treatment using stone resin. In this case, the product is taken in tablets, capsules, whole mummy is prepared in the form of solutions, and is also included in a significant number of recipes.

Peptic ulcer disease implies the presence of inflammation and defects of various sizes and depths on the mucous membrane of the stomach or duodenum. As treatment progresses, regression of the inflammatory process and epithelization of the ulcer occurs.

How to take mumiyo for gastritis

Let's consider models of using mummies in different situations for gastritis:

  1. If you suspect gastritis. In this case, the drug should be taken 0.4 g three times a day. The time spent with food is determined by the concentration of acid in the stomach. So, with increased amounts, you need to consume mumiyo one and a half hours before meals, with lower amounts - half an hour, with normal amounts - 40 minutes before meals. The optimal course of this treatment is 16-20 days.
  2. For gastritis with high acidity, mumiyo is most often taken with milk. To do this, heat a liter of milk and cool it. Dissolve 1 gram of mumiyo. Take the drink in a glass (200 ml) one hour before meals. In addition, high-quality mumiyo is completely soluble in liquid and leaves no residue. Three doses a day is the norm for gastritis. Duration of treatment is 10 days. They need to be done from three to five with a break of several days.
  3. If the acidity of the gastric juice is low due to gastritis, mumiyo should be taken previously dissolved in water. To do this, mix 5 g of a natural substance at room temperature with a liter of water (pre-boiled). Drink the resulting drink an hour before meals, throughout the day. The duration of such treatment is 40 days.
  4. At zero acid concentration . As you know, mumiyo is a concentrated product. In this case, you need to take a 0.1% solution. Treatment regimen: drink a glass of the drug half an hour before the main meal and three times a day. The course lasts 14 days.
  5. For prevention. Symptoms such as bloating, nausea and vomiting will signal the onset of digestive problems. If you have these symptoms, do not allow things to go away on their own and cause ulcers and inflammation to form. Its use in the prevention of mummies is very effective. Therefore, only 400 mg three times a day will help get rid of problems with digestion and absorption of food. The period of use of the product is 20 days.
  6. Mumiyo with honey. The beneficial properties of honey have been known for a long time. And by combining it with mummy, you can get a restorative mixture that will not only help restore potency, but will also promote the healing of inflammation. For all levels of stomach acidity, you can use mumiyo with honey. The only difference is the base of the drink. That is, if the acidity increases, then you need to take warm milk or water, and if it is low, then you need to take only water.

However, in this case, you should consult your doctor. In addition to taking mummy, it is worth remembering that you need to adhere to a strict diet and recommendations.


Shilajit is taken orally, ½ g twice a day on an empty stomach.

There is another treatment regimen for hemorrhoids. On an empty stomach, ½ g of mumiyo is taken orally twice a day (in the morning and in the evening before bedtime) in combination with simultaneous and constant smearing of the anus with a mixture of honey and mumiyo to a depth of 10 cm. The proportion of honey and mumiyo is from 1:5 to 1:8.

At the end of the first course of treatment with the drug orally, you should take a break of 10 days, then repeat the course (25 days). In this case, lubrication continues for 3-4 months, taking a break of 30 days. According to some data, even advanced hemorrhoids can be cured by using this method of treatment for 6-8 months. Also, positive results from treatment are achieved when using a mixture of mumiyo and cow fat or peach oil, the proportions are the same. This mixture is used both internally and externally.

Also, good results were noted with the independent use of an ointment, which includes mumiyo and honey (proportion of components 1:3), which is introduced into the anus, or a candle is made using potato starch. The course of treatment with this method is 10 days, and the total number of repeated courses is 3-5. You should also take a break of 5 days between courses.

Recipes for treating hemorrhoids with mumiyo

When using prescriptions to treat this disease, the specified proportions and duration of treatment courses should be observed.

Recipe No. 1

Mumiyo for making a rectal suppository. This remedy can be prepared in two ways. The first candle is made according to the general recipe given above.

The folk method of preparing a rectal suppository is softer. 0.08 g of mumiyo is dissolved in half a teaspoon of milk, then the mixture is mixed with flour and a candle is formed from the resulting mass, which is inserted into the anus.

When using these recipes, it is useful to take 0.5 g of mumiyo orally at night, and consume mumiyo no earlier than three hours after dinner. The duration of the course of complex treatment is 10 days, with a break of 5 days. More often than not, no more than two courses of treatment are sufficient to significantly improve the condition.

Recipe No. 2.

If you have constipation and bleeding due to hemorrhoids, you should use mumiyo internally, dissolving it in cabbage brine: 0.5 g mumiyo per 1 glass of brine. Take the product 1-2 times during the day.

Recipe No. 3.

Shilajit ointment for lubricating bumps formed due to hemorrhoids. The ointment is prepared as follows: 1 g of mumiyo is combined with 1 tablespoon of dried aspen buds, ground into powder. Next, the mixture is sifted through a sieve and mixed with sunflower oil (100 ml). The ointment is infused in the refrigerator (it should thicken). Apply the resulting ointment to the sore spot overnight.

Recipe No. 4.

A 5% aqueous extract of mumiyo is mixed with an infusion obtained from walnut shells. The infusion is prepared as follows: a tablespoon of shell is poured with 1 glass of boiling water, infused for 1 hour and filtered. The resulting solution with aqueous extract of mumiyo is taken twice a day, 50 g.

It also helps in the treatment of various diseases of the pelvic organs and gynecological diseases.

Recipe No. 5.

For the purpose of washing and enemas, mumiyo is used in the form of a water infusion, which is mixed with a decoction of wild strawberries (its leaves). This combination helps relieve superficial inflammation and reduce itching.

Recipe No. 6.

Pure infusions of mumiyo and various mixtures of water infusions are suitable for preparing poultices and compresses. This recipe has proven itself particularly well: the drug is used externally and internally. The dried chestnut fruits are crushed together with the peel, 1-2 teaspoons of chestnuts are stirred in 150 ml of boiled water and the resulting mixture is infused for 15 minutes. Then the aqueous extract of mumiyo (200 ml) is added to the infusion and 100 ml is taken twice a day.

Recipe No. 7.

Microclysters with 5% aqueous infusion of mumiyo (1 ml) with the addition of cadre oil (1 ml). Microenemas are performed before going to bed in the evening using a syringe (disposable) without a needle.

Recipe No. 8.

When combining treatment with mumiyo with taking a decoction of knotweed, which is also called hemorrhoid herb. The decoction is prepared as follows: dry knotweed (2 teaspoons) is boiled in ½ liter of water for 15 minutes, infused for 2 hours, then filtered. The resulting decoction is mixed with mumiyo extract (proportion 1:2). Taken orally after meals, 50 g twice a day.

Recipe No. 9.

Candles with mumiyo. The cementing agent is butter (70 g) or propolis (20 g), which are heated in a water bath.

Recipe No. 10.

Sitz baths in the amount of 5-8 pieces, made from a decoction of onion peels, the color of which should turn brown. Mumiyo aqueous extract is added to the decoction - 25 g for each bath.

Recipe No. 11.

Another recipe for a spectacular sitz bath. Color 3 liters of boiled water pink using potassium permanganate, adding a glass of milk to the solution (boil first) and aqueous extract of mumiyo (100 ml). Also, after mixing, add 1 tbsp. l. sunflower or olive oil and 1 tsp. soda The bath is taken in a not very deep basin. The composition must have a high enough temperature to be tolerated. And the time for taking such a bath is about 1 hour, while the water remains hot. This procedure is best done in the evening before bed. The course of treatment is 12-16 baths. This type of sitz bath is considered effective for treating all types of hemorrhoids at all stages of the disease.

Mumiyo with diet for gastritis

When taking mumiyo, it is important to follow a diet, completely avoid fatty, fried, spicy foods.
When taking mumiyo, it is important to follow a diet, completely avoid fatty, fried, spicy foods. Fast food, spices, and carbonated drinks should be excluded from the diet. The choice of more specific dietary foods depends on the type of gastritis.

How is Shilajit recommended by a diet specialist? It is generally recommended to dissolve 5 g of bee pollen per 1 liter of water, drink 200 ml of infusion 1.5 hours before the main meal. Treatment regimen: 10 days, 3 days, a total of 3-4 repetitions required.

The effect of taking mumiyo on gastritis

The bee product promotes the growth and regeneration of body cells, reduces sensitivity and inflammation of tissues, and is subject to erosion. At the same time, the body is cleansed of toxins, local and general immunity increases.

With erosive gastritis, after using mumiyo, wounds and erosion heal. This disease is characterized by the appearance of ulcerative erosion on the surface of the mucous membrane.

During the treatment of erosive gastritis, experts recommend using medicinal mumiyo with milk. This method of application is to prevent the formation of an aggressive environment in the stomach, since the mucous membrane is restored much faster.

Atrophic gastritis requires an integrated approach, while mumiyo plays the last role in the fight against the disease . For atrophic gastritis, the product helps relieve inflammation, develop gastric juice, nourishes and replenishes the cells of the atrophic gastric mucosa.


Experts advise excluding mumiyo from the list of medicines during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, it is contraindicated to use bee resin for:

  • presence of a tumor;
  • Addison's disease;
  • allergies;
  • individual intolerance to the drug.

Currently, doctors are increasingly diagnosing gastritis, and bee mummy can help cope with this insidious disease. You should not place all your hopes solely on the beekeeping product; it is advisable to combine the use of medications and mumiyo.

Treatment with bee resin can be combined with the use of honey. The most effective varieties for treating the gastrointestinal tract are linden honey and buckwheat honey. These types of nectar are able to relieve pain, and, for example, rapeseed honey is used for erosive gastritis; it has an excellent healing effect.

While fighting this disease, it is important to focus your energy on creating a calm environment at work and at home, to eliminate nervous breakdowns and excessive physical activity. In addition, it is important to follow a gentle diet

How to take mumiyo for gastritis: popular recipes

Alternative medicine specialists recommend using a two percent solution of rock mineral to treat gastritis. To do this, you need to dissolve 2.5 grams of the substance in a liter of cold water (be sure to boil it to destroy pathogenic microbes).

It is best to drink a glass of the solution three times a day for 10 days in a row. After this, take a short break and repeat the route. The frequency of taking mummy depends on the type of gastritis:

  • If the disease is accompanied by increased acidity, it is recommended to take the solution three times a day one and a half hours before meals,
  • with low acidity, it is better to drink the drug 30 minutes before meals,
  • if your acid levels are normal, apply shilajit three times a day before meals.

To relieve severe pain, it is recommended to dissolve and drink at least 300 grams of mountain resin in a glass of water before meals. For dyspepsia, mumiyo (200 g) should be mixed with honey or warm milk - this will significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment.

What is mumiyo

Mumiyo in appearance is black pieces of hard natural resin. They are soft to the touch and have the ability to dissolve in liquids. As a rule, the mineral is found on huge boulders in caves in the highlands of Nepal, India, and China. The healing substance is also found in the Altai mountains. Because of its glossy shine, locals call the natural resin “tears of the mountains.”

There are many versions about the origin of the mountain mineral, which has healing properties. But all of them are rather dubious and it can be argued that the process of formation of a unique resin has not been sufficiently studied.

After studies of the natural substance, it was discovered that it contains the entire complex of amino acids and almost all known vitamins. This is what determines the good general strengthening properties. The natural mineral can be used for a large number of different diseases, including gastritis.

Shilajit recipes for a sore stomach

  1. As for the form of use of the drug, experts are ambiguous.
    Some alternative medicine experts claim that the substance in the tablets is much less effective than the original gummy substance. Dissolve 2.5 g of mumiyo in 1 liter of warm water. Drink a glass of solution before dinner. After a ten-day course, you should take a 10-day break for two to three days. If everything is ok, repeat the route once or twice (re-decorating).

  2. An improved option (which provides clear benefits): drink 0.3 g per glass of water three times a day before meals.

Attention: in the case of gastritis with increased acidity, “before meals” means one and a half hours, an average of thirty minutes, normally fifty minutes, a low hour.

As for the form of use of the drug, experts are ambiguous. Some alternative medicine experts claim that the substance in the tablets is much less effective than the original gummy substance. However, after reading the reviews, you will find out: many patients managed to cure or reduce some symptoms using the tablet drug.

Contraindications to the use of mumiyo for gastritis

Despite the beneficial properties of the drug, it has a number of contraindications. This is due to individual intolerance to individual components of the drug. Finding out if you have allergies is easy. To do this, you need to take some money and see if there is a reaction to it throughout the day. You should not drink more than one and a half grams of mumi per day because overdose can lead to fever and increased sweating.

The drug is incompatible with alcoholic beverages and is strictly contraindicated for children under 12 years of age. If there is no allergy, you can safely take mumiyo. And not only for the treatment of gastritis, but also for many other diseases. However, keep in mind that this is not a cure, but only a continuation of the treatment prescribed by your doctor.

The flat fountain on Pokrovskaya has a new path!

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Sum residents really like the flat fountain on Pokrovskaya Square. In the summer heat, kids run around with pleasure, and adults don’t mind standing nearby and cooling off.

But the fountain had to be turned off and repaired often, as pebbles from the nearby gravel path constantly fell into it. Therefore, in May last year, the city authorities decided to replace 30 meters of the path, allocating 100 thousand UAH for this.

We found a contractor who laid the path with an experimental polymer material. But, as it turned out, the experiment failed, since the track had already collapsed.

– Will the contractor correct his defect? – we asked the question to the acting director. Head of the Infrastructure Department Viktor Pavlenko.

– Of course, the contractor gave a guarantee, and it is valid. In the spring, when it is dry, the enterprise will lay a new coating at its own expense, but what it will be - asphalt, tiles or other material - is still unknown. I don’t want to repeat mistakes - after all, the coating should not only be beautiful, but also durable and moisture-resistant. This issue is under our control.


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