The connection between skin rashes and the bacteria Helicobacter pylori

What it is

For a long time, scientists could not understand why some people, even those leading a completely healthy lifestyle, develop peptic ulcers of the stomach and/or intestines.
Through numerous studies and experiments, they were able to discover the culprit - the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. It was classified as opportunistic. Moreover, it has been proven that it is present in the gastrointestinal tract of most people without causing them any harm. But under favorable conditions for the microorganism, it begins to actively multiply, provoking inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes.

At the initial stage, gastritis develops. If the disease is not stopped, it becomes chronic. The next step is the formation of ulcers in permanently damaged areas of the mucosa. Its danger is that the walls of the stomach in this place become thinner and it can end in perforation and peritonitis. In addition, under certain conditions, ulcers can degenerate into malignant tumors.

In addition, the bacterium Helicobacter pylori disrupts the natural microflora of humans. It alkalizes gastric juice, reducing its acidity. This creates an unfavorable environment for beneficial symbiotic microorganisms and leads to dysbiosis, which (together with problems in the gastrointestinal tract) provokes pimples and acne. You can read why this happens in my other article.

Treatment of invasive skin rashes

Therapy of dermatological diseases caused by bacterial or helminthic infestation is carried out on the basis that the very cause of the disease is eliminated. To combat an infection such as Helicobacter pylori, the patient is prescribed such potent antibiotics as Flemoxin, Amoxilav, Azithromycin, Klacid. To achieve a faster and better therapeutic effect, the drugs are administered intramuscularly. The course of treatment ranges from 10 to 20 days. Much still depends on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body and the severity of the disease.

Skin rashes that appear against the background of helminthic infestation are treated with the drugs Albendazole, Piperazine, Levamisole, Vormil, Mebendazole, Gelmodol. They are produced both in the form of tablets and as intramuscular injections. In parallel with this, the patient takes antihistamines to suppress the manifestation of an allergic reaction on the skin. Also, at the discretion of the attending physician, other medications may be included in the therapeutic course, which, in the doctor’s opinion, can speed up the process of skin cleansing and complete recovery of the body.

Routes of infection

The sad fact is that if Helicobacter is present in at least one family member, then with a probability of up to 95% it is present in the rest. Therefore, it is advisable for everyone to undergo a preventive examination, even in the complete absence of alarming symptoms.

You can become infected with an unpleasant “neighbor”:

  • through contaminated water;
  • in contact with vomit and feces;
  • through general hygiene items;
  • rarely - when kissing;
  • with non-traditional forms of sex;
  • through poorly sterilized medical instruments.

It is sad that the human body does not produce stable antibodies to Helicobacter. This explains the almost constant presence of microbes in the stomach after the first infection. Therefore, the only way to contain it is to strengthen the immune system.

Main symptoms

In a healthy, strong person, the bacterium practically does not manifest itself at all. But with a decrease in immunity, Helicobacter pylori begins to actively multiply, and acne on the face, as well as other symptoms of damage to the gastrointestinal tract, can become a signal:

  • bad breath;
  • nausea, and rarely vomiting;
  • regular burping;
  • bad breath;
  • coating and taste on the tongue;
  • decreased appetite;
  • intestinal problems.

If other negative factors are still present (bad habits, unbalanced diet, severe or prolonged stress), the gastric mucosa is simply destroyed rapidly.

Tests for Helicobacter pylori

If Helicobacter pylori is suspected, it is recommended to perform an enzyme immunoassay for antibodies. This type of study will show with high accuracy whether there is a problem, or whether the cause of stomach pain and nausea lies elsewhere.

Rashes on the face upset their owners. They can appear for various reasons. It can be quite easy to eliminate external ones, but it is not always possible to identify internal ones. Moreover, many do not even suspect that some people get acne from Helicobacter pylori. Today I will tell you in more detail what it is and how to deal with the problem.

What to do

First of all, you need to find out whether in your case Helicobacter and acne on the face are directly related. To do this, it is better to go to a doctor who will ask you to take tests. Then you will have to undergo a course of treatment with antibacterial drugs and restore the damaged microflora. At the same time, it is necessary to review the diet and ensure regular and proper skin care.


There are three ways to detect the presence of bacteria in the human body:

  • blood test - allows you to determine the presence and amount of antibodies;
  • histology is an invasive method in which a scraping is made from the gastric mucosa;
  • examination of stool using the modern polymerase chain reaction method, which isolates the DNA of pathogens.

A good doctor will never prescribe antibiotics until he receives research results. Their unreasoned use can only worsen the situation and lead to the formation of even more acne.


If the situation is not yet too advanced, Helicobacter responds quite well to treatment. At the first stage, it is treated with antibiotics (usually Clarithromycin and Amoxicillin) and Omeprozole, which regulates the acidity of gastric juice. The course lasts from 5 to 10 days at the discretion of the doctor. If these antibiotics are intolerant, they are replaced by others from the same group.

With severe manifestations of gastritis, bismuth preparations also have a good effect. They have an astringent effect and coat the mucous membranes, preventing the formation of ulcers. For children and older people, a regimen with only one antibiotic is used so as not to overload the body.

If the treatment does not lead to the desired result and a decrease in the number of acne, then the course is continued, but with other, more active medications. But Omeprazole and bismuth preparations remain, as they provide reliable protection for the stomach. If necessary, a third line of treatment is also used.


A properly structured diet is important for anyone who wants to get rid of acne. But when Helicobacter is active, it comes to the fore, since the gastrointestinal tract does not work normally. It is advisable to completely exclude from the menu:

  • alcohol and sweet carbonated drinks;
  • canned juices, especially packaged ones;
  • fast food, street food;
  • all types of treats from bags;
  • fatty and fried foods;
  • very spicy and salty foods;
  • “heavy” varieties of meat: duck, game, lamb, etc.;
  • semi-finished products whose composition is unknown.

Dairy products, fish, lean meat and poultry, fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, nuts and seeds, and natural vegetable oils should be regularly present on the table. You need to eat often, but little by little. And it is useful to follow the principles of separate nutrition.

Facial care

I talked in great detail about how to get rid of acne in another article. In order not to repeat myself, I will note only the most important points of caring for problem skin:

  • you need to wash it at least twice a day with a drying gel or soap;
  • in the absence of ulcers, regularly use peelings and/or scrubs;
  • use caring cosmetics that regulate sebum secretion;
  • make anti-inflammatory and antibacterial masks;
  • spot-cauterize pimples with essential oils, alcohol tinctures or brilliant green;
  • do not squeeze them out yourself, have them cleaned only by a cosmetologist;
  • do not steam the skin too much and try not to irritate it;
  • do not abuse decorative cosmetics;
  • be sure to remove makeup thoroughly before going to bed;
  • sleep on a clean pillowcase made of natural materials;
  • do not touch your face with your hands;
  • Regularly wipe your phone screen with antibacterial wipes.

These simple measures will not only help you get rid of acne faster, but also prevent their reappearance.

Why do acne appear due to gastritis?

It is noteworthy that doctors have not yet reached a consensus on this issue. Many experts still argue that there is no direct connection between these problems. Nevertheless, the fact is clear. People suffering from gastrointestinal disorders almost always have skin problems. Moreover, regardless of the state of the dermis before the digestive system malfunctions.

Gastritis and, in particular, Helicobacter pylori are most often associated with one specific type of rash. These are rosacea. The disease is rosacea. The face becomes covered with peculiar spots and pimples with a pink tint. The skin may itch at this time, and in the absence of proper treatment, even hurt. Over time, acne spreads more and almost the entire face takes on a pink tint.

In cosmetology, there are many medications for external use that help temporarily eliminate rosacea and reduce the symptoms of the pathology. But it is almost impossible to cure the disease by ignoring problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Because this is where the root of the disease is located.

Externally, acne and rosacea have very similar symptoms in the early stages of development. Therefore, it is very easy to confuse pathologies. This means that diagnosis should be trusted only to a professional dermatologist. Be careful and get checked regularly. Especially if you notice any symptoms of Helicobacter pylori in the body.

A proper diet will help you get rid of acne on your face from gastritis and the disease itself. In combination with treatment, you will get rid of harmful bacteria for a long time. Watch the video below for details on proper nutrition:

The bacterium Helicobacter pylori and acne are related to each other, since the condition of the entire skin largely depends on the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, treatment must be complete. It makes no sense to act only on the dermis.

Summing up

It is their localization that allows one to suspect a connection between acne and the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. If you constantly have acne and/or small rashes on your forehead and chin, there is a high probability that the culprits of the problem are truly pathogenic microbes. If you don't get tested and take proper measures, they won't go away on their own, even with good skin care and strict diet.

According to reviews from most of my clients, after a course of well-structured treatment, the condition of the skin improves significantly. Now it is very important to constantly prevent the recurrence of acne.

Would you like to share your story in the comments? How quickly did you manage to cope with the rashes caused by Helicobacter and with what methods? Please also write if you have any questions.

Helicobacter and acne, relationship?

Is there an exact and complete relationship between bacteria and acne? There is no single opinion among doctors and opinions often differ diametrically opposite.

Let's start with the fact that some doctors are sure that if there is a relationship, then Helicobacter pylori is associated exclusively with a certain type of acne, in this case we are talking about rosacea. And here it is important to understand that only a dermatologist should determine what exactly is breaking out on the skin, since the symptoms of rosacea and acne are very similar in appearance, but the treatment regimens for these diseases are completely different.

The problem is that if the diagnosis is incorrect, treatment of Helicobacter pylori and acne can lead to the opposite effect, and skin washes will only increase the affected area on the skin, and purulent acne on the body can cover more and more locations.

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