What does Dr. Komarovsky advise to do when treating colic in babies?

Who is it

Dr. Komarovsky Evgeniy Olegovich is a famous children's doctor who has gained worldwide fame thanks to the highest professionalism and the “School of Doctor Komarovsky”. Millions of parents trust him with their children's problems. And this is not surprising, because his approach concerns not only treatment, but, above all, parenting! And not everyone can do this.

“The School of Doctor Komarovsky” has been broadcast since 2010, and today it can be seen on seven television channels. The television program attracts the attention of young parents in Ukraine, Russia, Moldova and Belarus, as well as viewers of Russian-language channels in Israel, Canada and Germany.

The official website is the “Komarovsky School” in the online version. Answers to all questions can be found in the doctor’s publications or discussed on the forum with other parents. This is one of the most important sections of the site, which allows young parents to understand that the problems that arise with the baby in their family are not unique, and each of them can be solved.

Doctor Komarovsky about colic

If your baby suffers from colic, what should you do? The problem that young parents most often face causes a lot of controversy even among doctors.

Colic is an attack of intense pain, short, but repeated over a certain period of time. They are different: hepatic, renal, intestinal. As Dr. Komarovsky explains, colic in newborns, from a scientific point of view, is still not fully understood. However, unlike infant colic, all others are quite easily explained, for example by stones or the passage of hardened stool.

Infant colic is not associated with any of the above reasons. The main thing that parents should understand is that when the baby is a month old, colic in the intestines is not dangerous and is not considered a disease. Moreover, infant colic goes away on its own without any additional action on the part of the parents.

What does Dr. Komarovsky advise to do when treating colic in babies?

If a child cries for a long time and presses his legs to his tummy, which is tense, the reason for this is colic in a newborn; Dr. Komarovsky explained in detail what to do in his program dedicated to this problem. His advice really helps to cope with colic - partially or completely. Every young mother of a child is familiar with the problem of newborn colic. Colic is pain caused by the accumulation of gases in the baby's intestines. Most often, it manifests itself in children aged approximately 1 to 4 months, in whom the normal intestinal microflora has not yet fully developed.

Causes of baby crying

In fact, there are plenty of reasons for a baby to be restless. If you take good care of your baby - he eats, gets enough sleep, and has no problems with bowel movements, then in order to understand why the child is crying, you definitely need to be examined by a pediatrician.

The pediatrician first examines the skin for rashes and diaper rash. In the process, it determines the level of temperature and regularity of stool. Eliminates otitis media and signs of colds. Only after a thorough examination does a diagnosis of “infantile intestinal colic” be established.

You should not be arrogant and try to independently determine the cause of the problem. There is no question of any independent examination of the child; please contact a specialist.

Causes of problems in infants

Whatever information about the cause of this disease you were able to obtain earlier, Dr. Komarovsky explains colic in newborns as follows: there are a number of hypotheses that doctors consider as possible causes of their appearance in infancy, but not a single version has been confirmed by medical science. The only thing that doctors can definitely say is that overfeeding and overheating significantly increase the likelihood of such a problem occurring.

Possible causes of colic:

  • Immaturity of the nerve endings of the intestine.
  • Underdeveloped digestive system.
  • Lack of enzymes due to immaturity of the enzymatic system.
  • Unbalanced nutrition of a nursing mother.
  • Incorrect technology for preparing the mixture.
  • Baby swallowing air during feeding.
  • Increased gas formation.
  • Constipation.
  • Weak abdominal muscles.

The doctor will be able to rule out the possibility of malnutrition during the initial examination and interview of parents. All other reasons should not be discounted either.


To prevent colic, the following rules must be followed:

  • Each time after feeding the baby, you need to hold it in an upright position for a little while.
  • Give your baby preventative herbal teas (you should consult your pediatrician before use).
  • Review your diet as a nursing mother, giving up sauerkraut, beans, dairy products, fast food and carbonated drinks.
  • Choose a high-quality formula for your baby.
  • Avoid overfeeding.

Colic in a newborn is a problem that rarely avoids anyone in infancy. Therefore, during this period, parents need to join forces and be patient until the baby is 4 months old (perhaps earlier or later, it’s different for everyone). To reduce the symptoms of colic, the child can be given special medications or just get by with massage. As a preventive measure, it will be useful for a nursing mother to follow a diet, limiting the consumption of fatty, salty, spicy and overly sweet foods. These measures will help you get through such a difficult time and alleviate the baby’s suffering.

Signs of the disease

The main sign of infant colic, of course, is unreasonable crying. In this case, the child’s tummy may be soft, there is no temperature, and there are no signs of illness.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, colic in newborns makes them scream so much that the mother literally begins to go a little crazy. This phenomenon has long tormented medical scientists who have tried in vain to explain it. They even conducted a number of experiments concerning the influence of children's crying on the psyche of parents. According to the results of the research, it was possible to explain everything except the crying of the baby, who was diagnosed with “infantile colic”. The special frequencies at which the child screams at such moments do not fit into the framework of any scientific study.

What foods cause colic in a baby?

In addition to the above reasons for the appearance of colic in a newborn, it is worth highlighting some foods whose consumption should be postponed at least until the child is three months old. You need to exclude the following from your diet:

  • corn, beans and peas;
  • white cabbage in any form;
  • onion;
  • spicy seasonings;
  • tomatoes;
  • cow's milk (except for porridges made with milk and water);
  • coffee and strong tea;
  • nuts.

How should a mother behave?

As mentioned earlier, a mother may react completely inadequately during the period of infant colic. And this, by the way, is connected not only with sleepless nights, but also with postpartum depression. As you know, many women who have recently given birth experience a number of changes - both in the psyche and in physiology. These disorders directly affect the hormonal background of the young mother, making her vulnerable and extremely vulnerable.

The most reasonable decision in such a situation is to trust the baby’s dad and not interfere with him in his desire to control the process.

How a man should behave

Dad, as the head of the family, the strongest and wisest, should maintain a cool mind. The most important thing is that he understands how important his role is in this difficult period.

First of all, the father must make sure that his wife is able to cope with the baby. But even if the mother does not give up, in no case should you entrust all the worries about the newborn to her alone. Dad should be not just an assistant, but also the leader of a young family, so that the wife, feeling his strength and calmness, can cope with her fears and worries. Otherwise, he risks getting a tired and nervous wife and, as a result, a restless child who, even after a period of colic, will often cry.

What to do with a newborn if he screams a lot

Despite the abundance of remedies designed to alleviate infant colic, there is currently no cure for this disease. Another thing is that drugs can help when the true cause is, one way or another, established.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, colic in newborns is a diagnosis of exclusion. That is, before making this diagnosis, the doctor excludes the presence of infectious diseases and digestive disorders.

The most common cause of colic is increased gas production. The accumulation of gases in the intestines can be successfully dealt with using improvised means (for example, a gas outlet tube will do) and with various decoctions or medications that reduce bloating. Colic caused by other problems cannot be eliminated using these methods.

Another common cause of pain in infants is constipation. Komarovsky often warns young parents about factors contributing to the development of this condition, which include poor nutrition of the mother, overfeeding, overheating and other reasons. However, this disease can and should be fought, and quite successfully.

The main way to relieve constipation is an enema. Firstly, because it allows you not to resort to various kinds of medications that can not only help, but also harm the baby’s intestinal microflora. Secondly, because this remedy is available under any circumstances.

What to do when newborns have colic

Intestinal colic is one of the most pressing problems in the first 3 months of a child’s life. Intestinal colic is commonly called pain in the abdominal area, which is associated with increased formation of gases in the baby’s intestines. This phenomenon occurs due to the adaptation of the newborn's gastrointestinal tract to new living conditions outside the womb. The child begins to behave restlessly, which ultimately leads to uncontrollable and prolonged crying. The first colic usually appears 2 weeks after the baby is born and tends to subside by 3 months. It is worth noting that colic also occurs in completely healthy babies who can boast of a good appetite and normal development. But young mothers, faced with a similar problem, torment themselves with questions about when colic in newborns goes away, at how many months does it begin, what treatment should be carried out and what to do in this situation?

How to choose the right enema

When purchasing such a necessary item, it is important to consider some nuances:

  • An enema is a personal hygiene item. After purchasing, you need to boil it before using it for the first time. For further manipulations, simply rinsing with warm water will be sufficient.
  • It is advisable that the enema for your baby be equipped with removable tips that can be heat treated. This is especially true when you receive a used product. If a child is constipated, Komarovsky recommends administering an enema with the baby lying on his back. The legs, bent at the knees, should be pressed to the stomach.

How to carry out the procedure correctly

To liquefy the feces of a newborn, you will need no more than 30 ml of warm boiled water. For a six-month-old baby – 80-100 ml, and for a one-year-old baby – 150 ml.

The danger of enemas is that the immature microflora of the infant intestine may not respond to the introduction of liquid. Moreover, water, heating up to body temperature, begins to be absorbed into the baby’s body, carrying with it all the toxins collected in the hardening feces.

In order to prevent intoxication, when administering an enema, it is necessary to monitor the baby’s condition, and especially his stool. If it does not appear within 10-15 minutes after the enema is administered, everything possible must be done to prevent intoxication:

  1. Insert the enema tip to release water. Too dense feces indicate that the procedure must be performed several times.
  2. A gas outlet tube is considered more gentle and less traumatic. Moreover, it can be administered deeper than a regular enema. Pediatricians recommend using a gas outlet tube by attaching it to an enema.

How to help a newborn with colic?

There are many ways you can help your newborn. Here are some useful tips:

  • Place a warm compress on the baby's tummy (you can use a regular heating pad). This will reduce pain.
  • For 5-10 minutes, massage the baby's stomach in a circular motion (clockwise direction).
  • Give the newborn 1 tbsp. l. dill water. For this you need 1 tsp. Pour a glass of cold water over fennel seeds or dill and cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Next, cover the container with a lid and let the product brew for an hour. The prepared dill water must be filtered through cheesecloth. It is recommended to give the product several times a day or as colic occurs.

If the above remedies do not help the baby, all that remains is to use a gas outlet tube. This is done as follows:

  1. The tube is washed with boiled water (with clean hands).
  2. The tip of the tube is lubricated with Vaseline or vegetable oil.
  3. Place the baby on a pre-spread diaper (on his back) and press his legs to his chest.
  4. Using gentle circular movements, the tube is inserted into the child's anus (at a distance of approximately 1-2 cm). The tube should be held for 5-10 minutes. You can monitor whether gases are flowing by lowering the other end of the device into water - bubbles should appear in the container with the liquid. If the child begins to poop, the tube must be removed.

At the end of the procedure, the baby should wash his butt.

What else to do when your baby has colic?

In the language of Dr. Komarovsky, if a mother does nothing to help her child, then she is a stepmother. Despite the fact that there is still no magic pill for this disease, help with colic is definitely needed, first of all... for the mother. If the relatives have the patience to calm down themselves and the mother, we can assume that half the problem will be solved.

In fact, the best cure for colic is reason and patience. If parents understand that there is a problem, then they must also understand that it is necessary to endure this stage of the baby’s development. They must understand and explain to their loved ones that no conspiracy will help with children's crying caused by colic.

It may seem strange, but the condition of the baby reflects the condition of the parents. If adults feel insecure, then the child will be restless.

Basic advice from Dr. Komarovsky

All that modern medicine knows about infant colic is that such a problem exists. Not a single doctor will tell you the reason why your child has these pains. But the famous doctor gives universal recommendations on how to survive this difficult period in the life of a newborn:

  • Do not overheat the baby, do not put a lot of clothes on him, and if you swaddle him, do not do it too tightly.
  • Regularly ventilate the room in which the little one is located, make sure that the temperature is comfortable (18-20°C) and the air is not dry.
  • Watch your diet, but don't force yourself into strict limits.
  • Maintain intervals between feedings and do not overfeed your baby.
  • Do not engage in experimental searches for a solution to the problem, especially if this may harm the baby.
  • There are no medications that can cure colic once and for all; any medications in this matter help the parents more than the baby.
  • Delegate some of your responsibilities to the baby’s grandmothers and father, try to rest.

But the most important thing is not to irritate the child again. All he needs is a calm, content, rested mother and a calm, loving father. Give it to him. The pain will go away regardless of any external factors. The main thing is to maintain the peace of mind of parents during this difficult period.

A few myths about colic

There are a lot of folk methods that supposedly help overcome colic. “The Komarovsky School” helps parents understand in many ways what needs to be done and what it is better to refrain from:

  1. During colic, you need to take the baby in your arms and rock it to sleep. Dr. Komarovsky explains: if the baby is calmed by motion sickness, then this must be done, unless it continues for several hours before the baby calms down. However, if the child becomes quiet in his arms, then there is no talk of colic.
  2. The shape of the nipple on the bottle affects the appearance and intensity of colic. One of the possible causes of pain is swallowing air during sucking. Therefore, Dr. Komarovsky does not rule out that the incorrect shape of the nipple may affect the occurrence of colic. However, most often a magic bottle appears in the house after a long search and experimentation with different shapes. Parents find this effective remedy for colic right around three months. That is, exactly when the problem goes away on its own.

Colic, the causes of its occurrence and appearance - we have discussed all this in detail above. Gain strength and patience, your newborn baby simply needs self-confident parents.

Baby colic - causes and treatment

Authors : Mikhneva N. N.

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Unfortunately, from the first days of life, children suffer from intestinal colic . The reasons for their occurrence have not been fully investigated. It is known that they can occur due to increased gas formation; improper absorption; with disturbed intestinal microflora; immaturity of pancreatic enzymes; mother eating foods that cause gas; the reaction of the baby’s body to the introduction of new foods into the diet; transition from natural feeding to artificial feeding.

The baby may feel quite well, he is in a good mood, normal appetite, and correct weight gain. And then suddenly the attack begins. As a rule, this happens after feeding. The child is nervous, cries loudly, twitches his legs, presses his arms to his body. Feet become cold. The tummy is very tense and swollen. After passing gas or defecation, you feel better. Doctors recommend keeping a baby crying diary. It records how often the child cries, what is the relationship between food intake and stool. Such a diagnosis helps to understand what the baby is suffering from - intestinal colic, which is common in 95% of children, or some pathology, which is common in 5% of children.

After this, treatment is prescribed. It must be comprehensive. A lot depends on the mother - she needs to learn how to put the baby to the breast correctly and give up foods that cause increased gas formation. Artificial ones should choose special mixtures. Good family relationships are also important for the baby's health. For prevention purposes, it is recommended to take carminative drugs with a mild antispasmodic effect.

Among them, pediatricians highlight Espumisan L. It is available in the form of an emulsion. The drug is aimed at reducing pressure in the intestines, which causes pain. Espumisan L weakens the surface tension of gas bubbles in the digestive tract, leading to their rupture and further elimination from the body. This simethicone has a number of advantages: relieves pain within a few minutes; prescribed from the first days of life; not absorbed in the intestines; is not addictive and can be used for a long time; There is no risk of overdose.

There are a number of herbal remedies that can be used for children. These are Bebinos, Plantex, Bebicalm and others. The composition includes vegetable oils of fennel, chamomile, mint. However, they are not prescribed for long periods of time as many may be alcohol based.

If a child's intestinal microflora is disturbed, doctors find out the causes of dysbiosis and may recommend Hilak Forte. Riabal can also be prescribed, but it has significantly more side effects, and this should be taken into account.

published 20/09/2012 17:23 updated 31/08/2015 — Medicines, Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

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