Treatment of gastric adenocarcinoma with traditional methods

Phyllanthus emblica (Indian gooseberry or Amla)

A paper created by researchers at Vater Maller Medical College Hospital in India, entitled “Amla (Emblica officinalis Gaertn), a miracle berry for the treatment and prevention of cancer,” reads:

“Preclinical studies have shown that amla has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antitussive, antiatherogenic, adaptogenic, cardioprotective, gastroprotective, antianemic, antihypercholesterolemic, hepaprotective, nephroprotective and neuroprotective properties.”

Researchers note that amla may help treat and prevent cancer due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential and its ability to protect against the harmful effects of chemotherapy and radiation. Amla contains compounds with antitumor activity such as gallic acid, ellagic acid, pyrogallol, some norsesquiterpenoids, corilagin, geraniin and prodelphinidins B1 and B2, which can inhibit and/or prevent the growth and spread of tumors and cancer cells.

Indian gooseberries can be consumed raw or can be cooked, but you can most likely find them in capsule, powder, tea, or extract form. If you are suffering from stomach cancer and want to cure this disease, then you need to use this Indian folk remedy along with other anti-cancer natural medicines and natural cancer treatments for at least 4 months in a row.



A significant number of detailed studies in Germany and the United States have confirmed the ability and identified an important potential role for astragalus in the treatment of cancer. For example:

  • Researchers at the University of Texas at Houston reported that cancer patients receiving astragalus had twice the survival rate compared to a group receiving only a placebo.
  • It is often used in combination with other herbs. In 1994, in an Italian study (Morazzoni, Bombardelli), patients with breast cancer were given a combination of Ligustrum and Astragalus. Patients treated with this mixture showed a 10% to 50% reduction in mortality.
  • In another study of patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer undergoing chemotherapy, the group taking a mixture of two herbs showed an average increase in life expectancy of 130%.
  • Astragalus doesn't just increase interferon levels - there is strong scientific evidence that it benefits liver function (often impaired in cancer patients). In China, astragalus is widely used in the treatment of hepatitis. This appears to significantly reduce toxin levels, increase interferon levels, and inhibit viral protein expression, although it has little or no effect on normal DNA. (Zhang 1995, Fan 1996)

Astragalus is a well-known effective folk remedy for the treatment of stomach cancer.

Chaga tea


Chaga is a birch parasitic fungus, most often found on birch (sometimes on alder, rowan, beech, elm and maple). Chaga's reputation as a powerful natural remedy for everything from gastrointestinal illnesses to tuberculosis and cancer stretches back at least to the 16th century. They say that even in those days, traditional healers found out that tea could be prepared from this mushroom for various therapeutic purposes.

Historical record shows that even before this, healers in Asia were likely the first to document the medicinal potential of chaga more than 4,600 years ago. They noticed that the strange mushroom has the unique ability to extract nutrients from its hosts (birch trees) and concentrate them in itself. Consequently, chaga has an incredible density of vitamins, antioxidants, trace elements, enzymes and other nutrients.

Where chaga has really come into its own is in the field of cancer treatment. Dozens of scientific studies indicate that chaga exhibits strong apoptotic, antiproliferative and chemoprotective properties. Its full spectrum of phytosterols, including lanosterol, inotodiol, ergosterol and fecosterol, are among the many constituents of chaga. Their effect has been tested both in vivo (inside a living organism) and in vitro (outside a living organism), which has shown inhibition of the growth and spread of cancer cells.

In mice with malignant tumors, chaga extracts showed significant tumor suppression. The addition of chaga extracts resulted in an impressive 60 percent reduction in tumor size. The same studies showed that chaga helps control tumor spread and also inhibit tumor vascularization, which further inhibits the growth and spread of cancer. Related studies have demonstrated the anticancer potential of chaga as it is related to the downregulation of several cancer-associated cellular pathways, including in colitis-induced colorectal cancer.

Researchers in Russia are actively studying the beneficial properties of chaga and other similar mushrooms that grow throughout the country (especially in Siberia), with a particular interest in how these mushroom components affect cancer. According to the researchers, the therapeutic benefits of chaga's bioactive triterpene compounds are capable of directly inhibiting the growth of a number of cancer cell lines, as this has been demonstrated both in vitro and in vivo.

Chaga also has hepatoprotective properties, which are especially important not only for liver damage, but also for liver cancer. Research has shown that even when chaga is taken in relatively low doses, it actively scavenges free radicals that cause oxidative damage to the liver, effectively blocking the development of liver disease and liver cancer.

All this and more explains why one study called chaga a "natural anti-cancer ingredient in food." Scientists believe that this mushroom could, in fact, be a safe and effective protocol for treating and preventing cancer. David Winston (a licensed herbal practitioner with over 40 years of experience and dean of the Center for Herbal Research in Broadway, New Jersey) is convinced that chaga is the most powerful anti-cancer medicinal mushroom in existence .

It all makes sense when you consider chaga's incredible nutritional profile, which is virtually unmatched in the natural world. Even though we know what chaga can do for our bodies, there is still much to be learned about the wonders of this parasitic mushroom, which is why this powerful superfood will remain at the center of scientific research for many years to come.

Alkaline water

Traditional medicine recipes for stomach cancer

There are many recipes for curing stomach cancer. It is important to follow the recipe instructions exactly, because... Most plants (mushrooms) are poisonous.


Celandine is one of the poisonous plants, which is why it requires especially careful adherence to the recipe. Otherwise, the body will be subjected to unacceptable levels of intoxication. To prepare the medicine, it is obtained by squeezing 0.5 liters of juice, which is mixed with 0.5 liters of alcohol.

The solution is placed to infuse in a glass container in a cool place, protected from bright light for 3 weeks. After this, the alcohol solution of celandine begins to be used with 1 drop, dissolving it in half a glass of purified water. The dosage is increased daily until it reaches 20 drops.

Red fly agaric

The reason for using red fly agarics is the ability of these mushrooms to absorb the substance sodium dichloroacetate, which is one of the causes of the development of cancer. The caps of poisonous mushrooms are crushed, placed tightly in layers in a glass container and alcohol is added so that the two parts are equal in volume. In a dark, cool place, the infusion of red fly agaric is infused for 1 month, after which it can be taken in the same way as greater celandine, increasing it drop by drop daily.

Red fly agaric can be used in stage 4 cancer.

Hemlock inflorescences

Using the same scheme as fly agarics and celandine, an alcohol solution of hemlock inflorescences is prepared. If the drug is taken on an empty stomach, malignant cells stop dividing and die. The correct dosage does not threaten the functioning of healthy cells. The infusion is kept for 21 days in a low-light and cool place. If it is necessary to start treatment earlier, it is permissible not to expect full endurance.

The use of several poisons at the same time is life-threatening. For this reason, it is better to alternate the intake of one poisonous plant with another; cancer cells do not have time to adapt during the alternation period and die. To eliminate a cancerous tumor, folk remedies that are not toxic are used.

Burdock tissue

Burdock tissue is rich in alkaloids, which prevent the division of a malignant tumor and stop its growth. Burdock root is crushed with a grater, the crushed mass is dried for 2-3 days and infused. The infusion procedure involves taking 10 large spoons of burdock and placing it in 0.5 liters of alcohol. Before each meal, take a large spoonful of burdock root infusion three times a day. Burdock roots can also be consumed freshly chopped.

Birch mushroom

Chaga mushroom (birch) is recommended to be consumed for 3 months, after that take a break of 7 days, then the course is repeated again. The brewing process consists of two stages. At the first stage, the chopped mushroom pieces should be kept in cold water for 24 hours. The second stage of soaking involves separating parts of the mushroom from the water, heating the water to 50 degrees and infusing the mushroom fragments in this water for 24 hours. The volume of infusion drunk per day should be 3 glasses, and they drink 1-3 sips at a time, after which they take a break.

Birch mushroom grows directly on the tree.

Alkaline water

The term "alkaline" refers to the pH level of water. PH is measured between 0 and 14. The only difference between this type of water and regular tap water is the pH level. Tap water has a pH level of 6 to 7. Alkaline water has a higher pH of 8 to 9. The higher this number, the more alkaline the water, and the lower the number, the more acidic it is.

According to a 2013 study, water with a low or acidic pH has toxic effects on the body. It is believed that consuming acidic foods and drinks may increase the risk of cancer. It has also been said that an acidic diet “feeds” cancer cells, allowing them to thrive and spread.

Alkaline water is said to help counteract the acid found in your bloodstream. It is believed that drinking water with a higher pH can increase your metabolism and improve your body's ability to absorb vital nutrients.

Some scientists think this will starve any cancer cells found in your body because cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment. Introducing something more alkaline into your body will slow or stop the growth of cancer cells by balancing your body's pH levels.

Alkaline water is beneficial because it neutralizes the acidic environment in the body. A healthy body needs to maintain a pH level of 7.0-7.2, so drinking alkaline water can help you maintain this optimal level and fight cancer more effectively.


The main principles of therapy with soda

The effectiveness of soda treatment largely depends on the correct sequence and various little details. You should be especially strict about the temperature of the water that will be used with soda. It should be pleasantly hot. Under no circumstances should you drink soda with cold water.

Any non-drug therapy begins with small doses. This also applies to treatment with soda. Taking an alkaline product starts with a small portion. To begin with, the patient will only need soda on the tip of a teaspoon. Then its quantity gradually increases. The therapeutic dose is 1 teaspoon per dose.

At first, the patient may experience slight drowsiness. You should not be afraid of this, since when toxins are released from the tissues, the body receives a significant load, which causes this condition.

For treatment, soda should only be slaked. The most correct way in this case would be to pour boiling water over the required portion. Additional hydrolysis of soda contributes to its better absorption in the stomach.

You need to drink an alkaline product three times a day. A prerequisite is on an empty stomach or 15 minutes before meals. Taking soda should not be mixed with food, as this will lose its healing effect. The course of treatment lasts about a month, after which there is a short pause. If there are no strong complaints about stomach problems, then treatment continues.


Effective treatment of stomach cancer with folk remedies includes treatment with turmeric, since turmeric root is one of the best folk remedies for the treatment of stomach cancer. The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin. Research has shown that curcumin helps prevent several forms of cancer, including breast, lung, stomach , liver, and colon cancers due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This compound stops cancer progression by interfering with the cellular signaling aspects of chronic disease.

Laboratory results show that curcumin can:

  • Inhibit COX-2, an enzyme that causes inflammation that can lead to cancer.
  • Inhibit vascular epithelial growth to hungry cancer cells, thereby depriving them of a source of nutrition.
  • Induce a tumor suppressor gene (a gene that can prevent the proliferation of cancer cells).
  • Stop metastasis - the spread of cancer cells from one organ to another.
  • Destroy large lymphoma cells.
  • Prevent the regrowth of cancer stem cells.

Researchers found that while curcumin extract activated cancer cell death (apoptosis), it also effectively differentiated cancer cells from normal cells without affecting the latter.

In addition to consuming turmeric as a spice, you can also start taking curcumin, widely sold as a dietary supplement - under the supervision of an experienced professional, of course.

A pineapple

A pineapple

Could pineapple fruit extract be safer and more effective than a powerful chemotherapy agent?

In 2007, the journal Planta Medica published the scientists' discovery that an enzyme extracted from pineapple stems, known as bromelain, was superior to the anticancer drug 5-fluorouracil (often used for stomach cancer) in treating cancer.

The researchers stated:

“This antitumor effect of bromelain was greater than that of 5-FU (5-fluorouracil), which had a survival rate of approximately 263% compared with untreated patients.”

Researchers say 5-FU has been used as a cancer drug for nearly 40 years, and has been relatively unsuccessful due to its less than perfect selectivity in suppressing cancer, as it often kills and/or permanently damages healthy cells and tissues.

Keep in mind that a 7 gram dose of 5-FU will kill 50% of people given it. On the other hand, the MSDS for bromelain states that the LD50 (semi-lethal dose) is 10,000 mg/kg or the equivalent of 680 grams of bromelain for a 68 kg adult - meaning bromelain is 3 orders of magnitude safer!

So how can something as harmless as an enzyme from the stem/kernel of a pineapple be superior to a drug that millions of cancer patients have relied on for recovery over the past 40 years?

There is a known effect associated with a wide range of natural compounds called "selective cytotoxicity", whereby they are able to induce the programmed death of cancer cells (self-destruction known as apoptosis), leaving healthy cells and tissues unharmed. No FDA-approved chemotherapy drug on the market today has this essential property (because the chemicals do not behave like natural compounds), so current cancer treatments still often destroy quality of life and hasten death. When a person dies after conventional cancer therapy, it is all too easy to "blame the victim" and simply write that the patient's cancer is "chemoresistant" or "exceptionally aggressive" when in fact the nonselective nature of the chemotoxic agent is what ultimately leads to death of a person.

Keep in mind that bromelain, like all natural substances and products, will never receive FDA approval. Capital is not currently flowing into the development of off-patent (i.e., unprofitable) cancer treatments, even if they work, are safe, and are available.

You can get detailed information about cancer treatment methods on this page - Treatment of cancer with folk remedies: the most effective methods and means.


Treatment with folk remedies

Now we should consider the main methods of treating colon adenocarcinoma using folk remedies.


There are many recipes for decoctions and tinctures that have been used for a long time to fight tumors. Certain plants actually contain elements that have characteristic antitumor properties, which is confirmed by research. It is therefore not surprising that plant-based medicines are now common and used to combat colon cancer.

Burdock infusion

To make it, you need to take one burdock root, chop it, then pour the crushed root with hot water in a volume of about half a liter and boil in a small but deep container for half an hour. At the end of this time, the prepared broth should be cooled. It should be consumed in between meals, 2 teaspoons.

White cabbage

To prepare a decoction from it, you need to take one white cabbage, add about 300 ml of hot water and boil in a small but deep container for 20 minutes. Cool the prepared broth. Then you should take the leaves of white cabbage. Using technical means, make freshly squeezed juice from them. Take one raw beet and peel it. Using technical means, you need to make freshly squeezed juice. Add beet and cabbage juices to the broth prepared and cooled in advance. Add two teaspoons of honey to the resulting mixture and stir. It is recommended to drink this mixture as often as possible.

To make a decoction for the treatment of intestinal cancer, you need to take dry celandine herb, put 2 tablespoons of the raw material in a small but deep container, and pour the herb with two glasses of hot water. Pour the resulting broth into a thermos and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. It is recommended to consume two teaspoons of strained celandine tincture between meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. It is necessary to handle celandine carefully, since it is considered a very poisonous plant, so its excessive use should be avoided.

To prepare the infusion, you first need to take 15-20g of dry crushed St. John's wort, put it in a small but deep container and add about 150-200ml of water to it. Bring to a boil over low heat for 1-1.5 hours. You should strain the resulting tincture and consume it several times a day 40 minutes before meals. Drink 3 times half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is a week.

Treatment for colorectal cancer may be carried out with calendula infusion. To do this, you need to infuse the flowers of the plant in alcohol, then take any healthy drink (warm milk, tea, juice), add 35 to 45 drops of tincture, depending on individual tolerance, and drink 2-3 times during the day. The course of treatment is a month.


Often, with colon cancer, bleeding begins, which is caused by the spread of cancer tumors or their disintegration. If you notice this symptom, you should consult a doctor. A good folk remedy for stopping bleeding is a decoction of meadowsweet.


A decoction of meadowsweet is extremely effective in treating colon cancer, because this plant has a large number of beneficial properties for the body, namely:

  • antitumor;
  • general strengthening;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretics;
  • astringents;
  • hemostatic;
  • wound healing;
  • anthelmintic.

Therefore, you should not neglect them in case of intestinal cancer. The process of preparing the decoction: first you need to take 10 g of meadowsweet; put it in a small but deep container; add about 50-100 ml of water to the container; bring to a boil over high heat for 15-25 minutes; strain the resulting broth. Use a decoction of meadowsweet for the treatment of intestinal cancer 3 times a day, an hour before meals, half a glass at a time. The course of treatment is 10 days.

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