How to get rid of air belching using medicinal and folk methods

Belching air is a fairly common problem, which is usually a harbinger of diseases of the digestive tract. Belching can also occur in a completely healthy person if he has eaten very fatty foods or actively talked while eating and air has entered the esophagus. If belching occurs regularly, this is a reason to worry about your health and make an appointment with a doctor. It is possible to take medications for air belching on your own, which are listed in the article, but it is optimal to make sure that you have a diagnosis and begin therapy that would help cope with the underlying disease.

Causes of pathology

In order to buy the most effective medications, you first need to determine the nature of the disease. Belching air can accompany many different chronic diseases. Only an experienced gastroenterologist can make an accurate diagnosis. Sometimes additional consultation with an endocrinologist or hepatologist is required. Here is an approximate list of the most common reasons why belching begins from the mouth after eating (and in some cases, on an empty stomach):

  1. Problems with the functioning of the stomach and intestines. This may be due to either a hereditary factor or be a direct consequence of poor nutrition over many years or abuse of alcoholic beverages.
  2. Chronic diseases of the liver and gallbladder, which lead to disruption of the outflow of bile and, as a result, to digestive problems. In this case, a person may belch even on an empty stomach, in the morning he may feel a bitter taste in his mouth, and also regularly suffer from problems with stool consistency.
  3. Chronic diseases of the pancreas (inflammation of its tissues - pancreatitis) can also cause regular belching of rotten eggs. In this case, medications provide only a short-term effect; a diet is needed so that food does not begin to ferment in the stomach. Pancreatitis is a very dangerous disease; if you do not follow a diet and take medications, it can develop into pancreatic necrosis, resulting in death.
  4. Poor nutrition: regular intake of fatty and high-calorie foods contributes to the development of belching. You should also not talk while eating: this is almost guaranteed to lead to swallowing air and subsequent belching. An additional factor that can provoke this unpleasant phenomenon is the consumption of carbonated drinks and alcohol (especially beer and sweet cocktails).
  5. Disruption of the microflora in the intestines can cause bloating and diarrhea. Quite rarely, but it happens that belching of air occurs due to the fact that a violation of the intestinal microflora leads to an imbalance in the functioning of the stomach.
  6. If you engage in heavy physical labor immediately after eating, this can lead to the development of chronic diseases of the digestive tract and pronounced belching. If a person has eaten, then he should refrain from physical activity for an hour.
  7. Some infectious diseases also contribute to heartburn, bloating and belching. In this case, the cure for burping air will be antibiotics.

Folk remedies for the treatment of belching

There are many traditional medicine recipes that will help eliminate problems such as frequent belching.

The first traditional medicine is natural apple cider vinegar. You only need to add a couple of teaspoons per 1 liter of water. Take with meals to reduce the acidity of digestive juices.

A decoction of elecampane can help get rid of belching. Should be taken three times a day and on an empty stomach. Plantain decoction has the same effect.

Ginger is the best remedy for all diseases. It is used to improve immunity, prevent viral diseases, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and other pathologies.

To treat belching, it can be taken in any form; ginger tea is most often used.

If the cause of belching is a stomach problem, then you can use the following recipe: dilute a quarter teaspoon of soda in 0.5 glasses of water and drink it after meals.

It is not recommended to rush while eating; you need to chew your food carefully and slowly, and it is advisable not to talk while doing so.

Freshly prepared carrot or apple juice has proven itself well for treating belching. You need to drink it after eating. Alternatively, you can make puree.

An infusion that will help cure belching is prepared from 20 grams of elecampane root and poured with one liter of boiling water, infuse for 30 minutes.

The product must be taken 20 minutes before meals. After meals, you can use it as simple tea without sugar.

A good way to get rid of the symptom is goat's milk. You need to drink one glass of this drink three times a day after meals.

This will help tidy up the body's digestive system.

One large spoon of flax seeds should be poured with a glass of boiling water, left for half an hour, then drink 0.25 part.

You need to take it regularly, then the result will be noticeable. This recipe has been tested and proven by many generations.

The use of traditional medicine is effective and safe. However, if there is no improvement, it would be better to go to the hospital to prescribe traditional drug treatment.

In order to prevent such a problem from occurring, it will be enough to follow several recommendations for eating:

  1. eat slowly, silently, in small portions;
  2. do not use a drinking straw (air enters the esophagus through it), do not drink hot drinks;
  3. limit the use of chewing gum;
  4. When smoking, do not swallow smoke;
  5. give up foods that cause belching (beer, champagne, cabbage, legumes, onions);
  6. do not eat when stressed;
  7. after eating, limit physical activity, you can take a walk;
  8. don't overeat.

Belching, in addition to causing discomfort to a person, since it can appear in the wrong place, can be a symptom of a serious pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.


If this symptom is not critical, then this problem can be eliminated using folk remedies.

However, if belching is accompanied by unpleasant tastes, odors, or is repeated too often, then this signals pathologies in the digestive system.

In this case, it is recommended to contact a gastroenterologist to make a diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Many people think about how to get rid of belching. This is a controlled and sudden release of gases from the gastrointestinal tract through the oral cavity, often together with pieces of food and gastric juice. Usually belching comes from the stomach and esophagus. In this case, the release of gases has an unpleasant odor. The causes of the phenomenon can be different, so if it occurs constantly, it is imperative to carry out a diagnosis.

Factors leading to the development of belching can be: problems with the digestive system, poor diet, consumption of carbonated drinks, swallowing air, etc. Now there are many methods that eliminate the unpleasant manifestation. Doctors usually recommend switching to dietary nutrition. If necessary, medications are prescribed. Traditional medicine recipes are used as a supplement.

Types of air burps

In order to more or less accurately determine the causes of belching, it is necessary to monitor how this phenomenon occurs. In addition, if the patient decides to go to a specialist, he should definitely describe his symptoms as reliably and accurately as possible:

  1. Physiological belching, that is, simply the release of air that entered the stomach cavity simultaneously with food intake.
  2. Pathological, which is accompanied by an unpleasant aftertaste, bloating, pain and discomfort in the epigastric region, nausea. This is a serious reason to consult a doctor, since this set of sensations is usually nothing more than a harbinger of the development of serious chronic diseases.

It is worth mentioning separately the pregnancy process as a cause of belching air. A similar problem is relevant for pregnant women due to the growth of the uterus and pressure on the digestive organs. Trouble also happens to infants, as air passes through with food.

Causes of odorless belching

All causes of belching are divided into two main groups. These are physiological conditions that do not require medical intervention and pathological causes. Among the main physiological reasons causing odorless belching are:

  • Eating large amounts of food leading to overeating. If the stomach cannot quickly digest a large amount of food, the process of fermentation and gas accumulation occurs.
  • Fast speed of food consumption. When food is quickly swallowed, chewing is disrupted with additional air entering the stomach.
  • Talking while chewing food. It also causes air to be swallowed.
  • Excessive physical activity within two hours after the stomach is full.
  • Frequent use of chewing gum to freshen breath after eating various foods.
  • Including frequent consumption of carbonated drinks in your diet. These products contain large amounts of carbon dioxide, which is released in the stomach cavity.
  • Pregnancy at any gestational stage.
  • Patient's infancy.

Pathological causes that cause air belching include:

  • The presence of malignant processes in parts of the digestive system.
  • Ulcerative processes in the esophagus, stomach and duodenum.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Progression of gastroesophageal reflux caused by a hiatal hernia.
  • Dysfunction of the gallbladder.
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach or esophagus.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

If regular belching occurs, accompanied by the release of air, it is necessary to consult a specialist as soon as possible. Quick diagnosis and prescription of treatment measures allows you to eliminate the disease or make lifestyle corrections in the early stages.

Which doctor should I contact for examination?

If there is a suspicion of chronic diseases, you should contact a qualified specialist for diagnosis. Of course, you can choose your own medicine for belching after eating - most of these drugs are available in pharmacies without a prescription and are relatively cheap. However, if the cause of belching is not eliminated, the condition will get worse and worse. So in any case you will have to contact a specialist:

  1. You can make an appointment directly with a gastroenterologist at a paid diagnostic center. If you don’t want to spend a lot of time in line and wander around to different kinds of specialists (and such “delights” inevitably await a person when applying to a budget medical institution), then it is faster and easier, of course, to pay for a doctor’s appointment at a private diagnostic medical center.
  2. If the patient is not ready to pay for the appointment, then you can go to the nearest clinic. Having a medical policy ensures the right to free care. However, first you will need to make an appointment with a therapist, tell him your complaints, then he will write out a referral to a gastroenterologist. And he, after carrying out the necessary research, can prescribe good medications for belching, which will not just muffle the symptom for a while, but will actually help get rid of the pathology for a long period of time.

Medicines in the form of tablets for a sick stomach

The easiest way to deal with regular belching is to buy tablets that will normalize the absorption of food and contribute to the normal functioning of the stomach. Here is a list of such tablets:

1. “Gaviscon” is a drug with a pronounced antacid effect. It is produced in the form of chewable tablets and suspension. Prescribed to patients who suffer from heartburn, sour belching after eating, dyspepsia and heaviness in the stomach after eating. The drug is affordable (about 200 rubles per package of 20 chewable tablets) and has relatively few contraindications for use (phenylketonuria and individual intolerance to the drug's constituent components). Reviews from patients report that after taking one Gaviscon tablet, heartburn, belching and pain in the epigastric region recede. This is an effective and safe medicine for burping air in adults.

2. “Rennie” is a popular tablet drug that is effective for heartburn and belching. The instructions for use indicate that the product can be used for dyspepsia, heartburn of various etiologies, gastritis, duodenitis, and duodenal ulcers. Contraindications for use: individual intolerance to the components, suspicion of internal bleeding, chronic renal failure, elevated levels of the calcium mineral in the blood. Side effects from taking the drug are diarrhea (if the recommended dosage is exceeded), allergic reactions.

3. “Motilium” is a medicine for air belching, which is produced in the form of tablets and suspension. The instructions for use indicate that the drug is effective for sour belching, vomiting, nausea, pain of unknown origin in the abdominal area after eating, regurgitation, etc. It can be used as a medicine for sour belching. The drug has a relatively small number of contraindications; you do not need a prescription from a doctor to purchase it. However, before using it, you should make sure that there is no threat of internal bleeding, no neoplasms, and no mechanical intestinal obstruction. Also, taking Motilium is prohibited for pregnant women.

Features of treatment

Constant belching requires special examination of the patient. After prescribing treatment, it is important to follow a diet. You should not consume legumes, fried, salty or spicy foods. You need to eat in small portions and often.

If the secretion of gastric juice is increased, alkalizing drugs are used. To eliminate the symptoms, the main ailment is treated.

Symptoms of poor digestion

Medicines in tablet form

In addition to diet, special medications are prescribed. The following are especially popular:

  1. Motilak has an antiemetic effect.
  2. Rennie reduces acidity and improves the condition of the gastric mucosa.
  3. Festal is used for pancreatitis.
  4. Imodium is effective for diarrhea.

The choice of specific drugs remains with the doctor. Almagel is an effective remedy , but in case of kidney disease and pregnancy it must be used very carefully. Motilium should not be used for intestinal obstruction and gastric bleeding.

The table shows some drugs.

DrugsImageImpactFeatures of application
OmezReduces acidity, helps with ulcers and reflux esophagitisReception in the morning. Allowed up to 40 mg per day
RennieEffective for heartburn and belching. Pain relief for gastritis. The feeling of heaviness in the epigastrium and sour belching are eliminated Use 1-2 tablets per day
GavisconThe drug is characterized by an antacid effectSingle dosage - 1-2 tablets
SimethiconeUsed for intestinal disorders. Eliminates the main symptom Application features depend on the type of drug - suspension, drops and emulsion

Medicines for belching air

Belching air is the spontaneous release of accumulated gases through the mouth. Treatment includes nutritional correction. The following rules should be observed:

  1. There is no need to be distracted when eating.
  2. You can't overeat. In addition to belching, heaviness in the stomach, bloating, and heartburn may occur.
  3. After eating you need to rest.
  4. Avoiding carbonated drinks.

If heartburn occurs due to a lack of enzymes, then Pancreatin, Festal, Mezim and Creon . To restore the balance of beneficial microflora, Linex, Bifiform and Probiovit . To reduce the production of gastric juice, soda, magnesia and mineral water are used.

The drug Linex

Medicines for belching from food

To eliminate the symptom, complex therapy is necessary. First of all, you should not wash down your food with water. It is better to drink one hour before meals and two hours after. Water helps dilute gastric juice.

You need to eat slowly. You should exclude foods that cause increased gas formation: potatoes, cucumbers, corn and cabbage.

Products that cause increased gas formation

When treating belching, the following remedies are used:

  1. Antacids: Rennie, Vikair and Vikalin . Restore the gastric mucosa and stabilize pressure in the abdominal cavity.
  2. Proton pump inhibitors: Lancet, Ulthera and Bioprazole .
  3. Preparations for restoring gastric juice: Ventrisol, Omez-D and De-Nol .
  4. Metronidazole and Amoxiclav , which are antibacterial agents.

The treatment course must be carried out under the supervision of a physician. The level of stomach acidity must first be determined.

Video - Goodbye burp!

For belching and heartburn

When belching and heartburn are combined, diet therapy and drug therapy are prescribed. Fractional meals are required. If you are obese, then a strict diet is necessary to normalize body weight.

Heartburn occurs with reflux esophagitis. At the same time, you should not strain your abdominal muscles too much, nor should you wear tight clothes. If the esophageal cavity is in order, antacids are prescribed. When excitability in nerve and muscle tissues decreases, Venter and De-Nol .

Medicines for heartburn with belching

Treatment of belching and flatulence

Aerophagia can be accompanied by bloating. First of all, products that stimulate gas formation are excluded. It is recommended to start lunch with hot dishes. Overeating can cause heaviness and bloating in the stomach.

The doctor may prescribe enterosorbents - Polysorb and Simethicone , as well as antispasmodics and sedatives.

Drugs for the treatment of flatulence

Treatment of belching with odor

The duration of treatment depends on the stage of the disease and the state of immunity. To eliminate bad odors, enterosorbents and antibiotics are used.

Belching with odor occurs with certain problems, such as:

  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • gastritis;
  • diabetes;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • hiatal hernia;
  • ulcers on the mucous membrane;
  • gallstone disease;
  • cholecystitis.

Treatment of belching with odor

In addition to belching, you may experience flatulence, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, pain and a coating on the tongue.

Medicines for belching, if the cause is a violation of the pancreas

The pancreas is the organ responsible for producing insulin (one of the most important hormones in the human body) and enzymes, without which a healthy digestive process is impossible. If a person eats incorrectly for years, inflammation of the organ develops, which is called pancreatitis. This is a dangerous disease that has many symptoms, and burping air is one of the most harmless of them.

What medications for belching air will help a person if the cause is a violation of the functioning of the pancreas? First, you need to visit a doctor - only after an examination can he really prescribe the medications that will help. And for the time before taking it, you can stop belching with the following drugs:

1. “Festal” - tablets that will help the gland and facilitate its work. Essentially, this drug is a replacement for the enzymes that the pancreas produces. The instructions for use indicate that you should take one tablet with meals. This is usually enough to get rid of the symptoms of pancreatitis. Belching and bloating go away, digestion normalizes. Contraindications for use: acute conditions, internal bleeding, pancreatic necrosis. You can take Festal for a long time only on the recommendation of a doctor.

2. “Mezim” - a medicine for air belching, is a fermented drug that facilitates the work of the pancreas. The instructions for use indicate that Mezim should be taken two to three times during meals. It is optimal if, in parallel with taking the medicine, the patient begins to follow a diet - eliminates fatty foods, refuses confectionery. Contraindications for use: children under three years of age, exacerbation of pancreatitis, individual intolerance to the composition. "Mezim" has a cheaper domestically produced analogue called "Pancreatin".

List of medications if the cause of belching is liver dysfunction

Regular eating disorders and consumption of alcoholic beverages have an extremely negative effect on the condition of the liver. Signs of pathologies of this organ manifest themselves in different ways, but one of the most striking is indigestion (since the outflow of bile is most often disrupted). A person suffers from heartburn, belching, heaviness in the right hypochondrium. In the morning he often feels a bitter taste in his mouth. These are all dangerous symptoms - they cannot be ignored and suppressed by taking medications.

What medications for belching will help if the patient has a diseased liver and problems with the outflow of bile? First of all, you should normalize your diet, give up fatty foods and completely eliminate alcohol. Hepatoprotectors are usually prescribed as pharmacological therapy. Here are the most popular ones:

1. “Essentiale” is a hepatoprotector, which contains phospholipids. Indicated for a variety of liver pathologies. There is still debate in the medical world about its effectiveness. Since the drug restores liver cells, it can also relieve symptoms: heartburn, indigestion, belching, pain and heaviness in the right hypochondrium. Contraindications to use include phospholipid intolerance and acute conditions.

2. “Karsil” is another popular hepatoprotector, the main active ingredient is silymarin. Indications for use: hepatosis and hepatitis, fatty liver degeneration, prevention of cirrhotic disease, increased low-density lipoproteins and other diseases and pathologies associated with the liver losing its functions. Contraindications - intolerance to silymarin; during pregnancy and lactation, take only if absolutely necessary (after the approval of the attending physician).


In order to avoid the development of belching, it is necessary to follow basic recommendations. Among them are:

  • Rejection of bad habits. This is drinking alcohol or smoking.
  • Choosing an elevated position of the body during sleep. To do this, your legs should be positioned slightly lower. Patients use large pillows.
  • Elimination of carbonated drinks from the diet.
  • Refusal of straws for various drinks.
  • Limit the use of belts and belts. For two to three hours after eating food, he should be in a relaxed state.
  • Limit exercise for 60-120 minutes after meals. The choice of interval depends on the serving size and food quality.
  • Avoid eating for 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Read: How to correctly calculate how many weeks of pregnancy: answer the question

The appearance of regular belching requires seeking medical help with a thorough examination. To decide how to get rid of belching, it is necessary to identify the cause of its development.

From the following video you will learn how to get rid of belching:

08 Feb 2021 Valeria 117

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Discussion: 4 comments

  1. Vita:
    02/28/2019 at 02:16

    Sometimes I have belching with a sour taste, in such cases I usually drink Allohol, it helps to overcome this problem. Most often, belching occurs when eating fatty foods.


  2. Lisa:

    03/01/2019 at 00:18

    I would not advise those who have significant stomach problems to rely on ginger; if you drink it a lot and often, your problems will only worsen, it is aggressive to the stomach mucosa.


  3. Anya:

    03/08/2019 at 23:54

    I don’t get rid of it, I usually just put the gum in my mouth and chew, it freshens my breath and prevents others from noticing that I’m burping. If remedies don’t help, you can use a method like mine.


  4. Valya:

    03/28/2019 at 03:09

    My grandmother uses such a folk method as baking soda, this method helps her well with belching. I just try not to overeat and eat in such a way that this does not occur at all.


Drugs that are designed to restore intestinal microflora

Bloating often goes hand in hand with belching. The combination of these symptoms suggests that the intestinal microflora is most likely disturbed. Medicines for belching and bloating:

1. “Linex” is a drug from the group of probiotics, the release form is capsules. Effective when microflora is disturbed due to chronic diseases, medication or poor nutrition. Take one capsule half an hour before meals. Contraindications for use: glucose-galactose malabsorption, glucose deficiency, intolerance to the components included in the composition. This is one of the most inexpensive (about 250 rubles) and effective medicines for belching and bloating.

2. “Bifidumbacterin” is another representative of probiotics, the release form is capsules with dry powder, which should be diluted with water. Candles are also on sale. Dry bifidumbacterin is a specially dried microbial mass of living microorganisms, packaged in glass ampoules or bottles of five doses. There are ten ampoules in one package. The drug is safe and almost never causes side effects. This is a medicine for belching air in adults, which is also effective for bloating and diarrhea caused by poisoning, taking antibiotics, and poor diet.

Treatment of belching with folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers many recipes that will help cure an unpleasant symptom:

  1. We get rid of burping with the help of natural goat milk. It is necessary to take it three times a day, 1 glass after breakfast, lunch or dinner. Typically, the course of such therapy lasts about 2-3 months. During this time, digestive problems disappear.
  2. Flax seeds are the best medicine for belching. It is very simple to prepare, and the results from taking it will be noticeable immediately. You need 1 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water over the crushed raw materials. When the product has infused for 30 minutes, you need to drink a quarter of the volume. Take the medicine three times a day, half an hour before meals. The course lasts 2-3 weeks.
  3. Aloe and cranberry. You need to take 0.5 cups of juice from both components, mix thoroughly and add 1 tsp. honey Then pour in 1 glass of warm water. This medicine should be taken 1 tbsp. l. three times a day if air belching occurs. The course lasts a week. Then you need to take a break for 2 weeks and repeat the dose again. The entire treatment takes six months.
  4. If burping air interferes, you can prepare a herbal mixture. You will need 30 g of St. John's wort, 15 g of dill seeds, pepper heel leaves and yarrow inflorescences. Then you need to add another 2 g of trefoil watch. 2 tbsp. l. herbs are poured with 2 cups of boiling water. The product is infused for a couple of hours. Then you need to strain it and take 1 tbsp. l. This medicine is very helpful if the patient has high levels of stomach acid along with sour belching and constipation.
  5. Calamus root must be ground to a powder. Then take 0.5 tsp. 15 minutes before eating.
  6. You can prepare a decoction based on the roots of elecampane. You will need 2 tbsp. l. raw materials per 1 liter of water. You need to take the product twice a day before meals. Single dose - 0.5 cups. The course lasts a week.
  7. If you are concerned about burping air, you need to mix carrot and potato juice in equal proportions. The result should be 100 ml. Drink 0.5 cups before meals three times a day.
  8. If belching of air constantly interferes, then after eating you need to eat carrot puree or regular fresh carrots. If you don't have it, you can use an apple. A puree of both products is also very useful.
  9. Plain clean water also helps prevent belching. It is enough to drink a small amount of liquid in small sips before meals. It is not advisable to drink water after eating.

Many people think about how to get rid of air burps. This unpleasant symptom causes a lot of trouble if it manifests itself systematically. But you can get rid of it. When you suffer from belching, the first thing you need to do is reconsider your diet. If the problem is related to various diseases, then you need to go to the hospital. The doctor will select the appropriate treatment.

The phenomenon of belching is familiar to everyone. Starting from birth, it accompanies us throughout our lives. But its appearance can be caused by various reasons and therefore it may differ in frequency of occurrence, smell and taste. In order to choose the right remedy for belching and choose the right method of struggle, it is worth understanding what kind of belching is bothering you.

Preparations for the treatment of belching and flatulence

Flatulence is the release of gases from the rectum, that is, the reverse process described above. However, often in case of poisoning, both of these processes can disturb the patient and cause serious discomfort. The best medicine for heartburn and belching, which are accompanied by flatulence, is Espumisan. Release form: emulsion for oral administration.

Indications for use:

  • poisoning;
  • flatulence;
  • intestinal colic;
  • heartburn.

Espumisan can even be used to treat infants. It has a minimum of contraindications (individual intolerance, intestinal obstruction), acts quickly - already 15 minutes after taking the required dosage, the patient experiences significant relief.

Medicines for constant belching accompanied by heartburn

If the patient is worried about only two symptoms - heartburn and belching, then you should pay attention to the following drugs:

1. Omez in capsule form should be taken half an hour before meals. Having dissolved in the stomach, the active substance from the capsule envelops the mucous membrane and protects it, alleviating the symptoms of gastritis and other pathologies. This is an effective cure for belching food if it is caused by gastritis and similar ailments. Contraindications to taking Omez are acute conditions, ulcers, internal bleeding. This drug has a cheap domestically produced analogue - Omeprazole.

2. “De-Nol” has bismuth as the main active ingredient. The main active component of the drug interacts with substances in the gastrointestinal tract, practically without entering the bloodstream. This makes it possible to use “De-Nol” for the treatment of ulcers caused by a variety of reasons during the period of exacerbation, for the treatment of gastroduodenitis, gastritis, as well as lesions of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs caused by the use of non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs, and for diarrhea caused by irritable bowel syndrome. This is an effective cure for belching with food, but only if the discomfort is caused by the diseases listed above.

Wrong eating process, unhealthy diet

Everyone understands that belching is air that, for some reason, originates in the digestive tract and escapes.

Such a harmless activity as talking while eating contributes to the formation of belching, since when talking, air is swallowed along with food, which then needs to come out again.

Also, it is worth paying attention to the process of eating; you should not eat in a hurry, swallowing poorly chewed pieces of food. This also contributes to the entry of air into the gastrointestinal tract.

Everyone knows the feeling of overeating; it also contributes to the appearance of belching. This point should be given more attention, since overeating can cause more serious problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

If we talk about the food itself, which contributes to belching, first of all it is carbonated drinks. Also chewing gum, when chewed, air enters the gastrointestinal tract.

Foods that contribute to burping include baked goods, processed foods, fast food, spicy and junk foods. When unhealthy food is consumed and the diet is not followed, this leads to disruption of the digestive processes.

If food is not digested in a timely manner and correctly, fermentation occurs, which promotes gas formation, which also causes belching.

What does burping air mean, you will learn from the video:

Proper nutrition as a way to get rid of belching and heartburn

In the modern world, more and more people are choosing to give up pills. Belching medicine is, of course, a simple way to forget about the discomfort almost instantly. But it’s easier to start eating right - then you can start complaining about heartburn, belching and bloating.

  1. Chew your food thoroughly and do not talk while eating.
  2. You should not drink clean water immediately after eating; it is also better to give up the habit of drinking hot tea and coffee after meals.
  3. You should undergo an examination and identify chronic diseases of the internal organs; almost each of them involves eating on a special medical table, that is, the patient will have to adhere to a special eating style.
  4. Avoid fried foods, confectionery, alcoholic and carbonated drinks. Strong coffee and tea also negatively affect the condition of the digestive system.

How to get rid of it using folk remedies at home

Folk remedies must be used in conjunction with medications. Independent selection of the most effective recipe is prohibited, since belching can be a consequence of diseases of the digestive tract. Folk remedies do not eliminate the underlying disease, since the effect of taking it is manifested to a lesser extent. Among the main folk remedies used for belching are:

  • Decoction of elecampane roots. To prepare it, pour 2 tablespoons of roots with a liter of boiling water. The decoction, infused throughout the day, is consumed twice a day. The duration of treatment is 10 days.
  • Fresh carrots or apples. Eating fresh carrots or an apple after eating the main meal eliminates belching in a short period. Freshly squeezed carrot or apple juice has a similar effect.
  • Fresh potato juice. The product leads to an enveloping effect and reduces acidity with a decrease in belching. Every day in the morning the patient drinks up to a glass of freshly squeezed juice, in a volume of 200-250 ml. The minimum course of treatment is 10 days; in severe cases, repeating the course of treatment is required. The treatment also eliminates nausea, abdominal discomfort and heartburn.
  • Dill tea. A decoction based on dill seed eliminates belching, flatulence and other diseases of the digestive tract. To prepare it, 2 teaspoons of dill seeds are steamed in 200 ml of hot water. It is recommended to use the solution three times in a volume of 50 ml. Most often, dill tea is used for pediatric patients.
  • Clove oil. An effective remedy, when used in a therapeutic dose there are no side effects. A single dose is equal to 2-3 drops, which are added to sugar. Clove oil can be taken at any stage of pregnancy.
  • Ginger. Consuming ginger in various forms is used to treat belching and other diseases. To eliminate it, prepare a decoction from the root, which is boiled for 10-15 minutes. It is allowed to add honey during consumption. Contraindications include inflammation in the stomach with high acidity.
  • Plantain decoction. The plant in a volume of one tablespoon is poured with boiling water in a volume of 200 ml. A single dose of plantain decoction is 2 tablespoons before eating.

The use of several traditional medicines is not recommended, as there is an increased risk of side effects and complications.

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