Painkillers for hemorrhoids, drug names

Painkillers and anti-inflammatory

Pain develops at the first stage of hemorrhoids in only 20% of patients, according to statistics from Professor S.V. Petrov, but eliminating it is an important aspect of treatment, since prolonged stress can lead to progression of the disease to the 2nd and 3rd stages, and also increase the risk of blood clots. This pain is contraindicated to endure.

It can be combated with the help of anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs (NSAIDs) in tablets, which will have a general analgesic effect. Reviews from patients indicate the greatest effectiveness of citramon, naise and analgin. You can also use ketorol, nurofen, and nalgesin. Duration of action is from 4 to 6 hours. The effect of the tablets begins after at least 30 minutes, so they are not recommended for use during sudden attacks of pain.

NSAIDs can be administered intramuscularly (by injection into the upper outer quadrant of the buttock), in which case the drug will begin to act in 10-15 minutes. For this purpose, use ketorol or ketoprofen.

The mechanism of their action is associated with a decrease in the severity of the inflammatory reaction, due to disruption of the conversion of arachidonic acid into mediators. This reduces swelling, pain and discomfort. The disadvantage of this group of medicinal substances is their danger to the stomach and intestines. Long-term use can provoke the development of ulcers or erosion of the mucous membranes. To prevent this from happening, “proton pump inhibitors” should be taken along with painkillers. The most popular remedy is omeprazole or OMEZ.

The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs by pregnant women is not recommended, as they can interfere with the baby’s blood circulation and negatively affect the birth process. Other side effects are related to the nervous and gastrointestinal systems. Possible headache, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain. Reviews from patients who took these drugs showed that side effects are observed in 10% of cases.

Suppositories have a local anesthetic effect, but do not pose a threat to the body. They contain one of the anesthetics: lidocaine or benzocaine. By acting directly on pain receptors in the rectum, they avoid blood flow and do not cause side effects. Currently, the best means are:

  • "Gepazolone";
  • "Relief Advance" and "Relief Pro";
  • "Doloproct";
  • "Proctosedyl M";
  • "Nigepan";
  • "Procto-glivenol."

Other components of suppositories that are responsible for reducing inflammation are hormones: prednisolone or fluocortolone. This is the most effective remedy against inflammation. The effect after application occurs within 20 minutes or less. Allergic reactions to them are extremely rare, since in addition they have an antiallergic effect.

Feedback from patients suggests that Relief Advance (also available in the form of ointments) and Hepazolon are the most effective. Suppositories that do not contain anesthetic have less effect. These are: “Anuzol” and “Rectobelol”. They contain belladonna extract, bismuth and zinc salts. Relieving spasms and having local astringent, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, they are prescribed if there are contraindications to lidocaine and benzocaine. Due to the bismuth content, stool may turn black. Also, when using them, allergies often occur, manifested by itching and redness.

Using baths

In this case, pain relief for hemorrhoids at home can be carried out at any stage of the disease. But we must remember that when organizing such a water procedure, it is necessary to adhere to a certain temperature regime.

If hemorrhoids are bleeding, then the water should not exceed 20 °C. Traditional medicine suggests adding the following ingredients to sitz baths:

  1. Potassium permanganate. It is recommended to make the solution slightly pink, controlling this process by adding the drug in small doses. Potassium permanganate will only be beneficial if used in reasonable quantities.
  2. Healing clay. The properties of this substance have long been known when it comes to how to relieve pain from inflammation of the anus. You need to add it to the water at your discretion, but still stick to a reasonable amount.
  3. Oil hoods. In this case, lavender or juniper oil, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, is most often used. But you need to strictly adhere to the dosage: 2-3 drops per liter of liquid.
  4. Honey. To relieve pain, you need to add 30 g of this fragrant product to a liter of water.
  5. Tincture of calendula. Available at any pharmacy. When taking a sitz bath, 30 milliliters of tincture are diluted in a liter of water.
  6. Oak bark. There is an opinion that this drug is only good for rinsing the mouth when the gums are inflamed and bleeding. But, despite this, in order to relieve pain and stop bleeding, experts recommend using a concentrated solution of the bark of this tree.
  7. Alder bark. Like the remedy described above, this natural component has an analgesic effect on the anus. The solution of this substance should also be quite concentrated, which will bring the greatest effect.
  8. Herbal infusion. As practice shows, it is best to use chamomile, sage and nettle. One must be quite careful with this method of treating hemorrhoid pain, because the herbs can cause a significant allergic reaction in some people. Initially, it is worth immersing your elbow in a decoction of these herbs (a tablespoon of each per liter of water) and observing the skin’s reaction to this healing liquid.

When injections are contraindicated

The use of Ketorol injections is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to any component of the medicinal solution. The instructions warn that injections are contraindicated:

  • for diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes, bronchospasm;
  • with erosive and ulcerative lesions of the mucous organs of the gastrointestinal tract, severe diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • with hematopoietic disorders, high risk of bleeding, including postoperative bleeding;
  • with dehydration, hemophilia, polyposis;
  • for symptoms of hemorrhagic stroke with cerebral hemorrhage.

Medicines in tablets or ampoules do not relieve pain in pregnant or lactating women, and are not used to relieve pain during labor. The instructions inform you that Ketorol is not used to treat children under 16 years of age and is not combined with other types of NSAIDs.

Attention: the appearance of side effects indicates immediate discontinuation of painkiller injections

Advantages of disarterization of hemorrhoids

Among the main advantages of the HAL-RAR method:

● With this intervention, the root cause of hemorrhoids is eliminated and the pathological blood flow to the nodes is reduced.

● The procedure can be performed under any type of anesthesia.

● There are no postoperative wounds.

● The risk of complications and bleeding is practically reduced to zero.

● Desarterization can be combined with other methods of treating pathologies of the anal canal (fissures, anal fistulas).

● You can return to work within two to three days.

● In patients who have undergone HAL-RAR, unlike other treatment methods, the postoperative period is painless, including when going to the toilet.

Pain relief with medications

If we consider the possible symptoms of inflamed hemorrhoids, we can see that they are quite different. For example, the question of whether the stomach hurts due to hemorrhoids can in some cases be answered in the affirmative.

Aching sensations in the lower part of the peritoneum often occur with the development of internal hemorrhoids, in addition, discomfort and bleeding occur. But even with external pathology, pain can radiate to the stomach, and itching appears.

According to statistics, men are much more likely to seek advice from a specialist, suspecting the development of this unpleasant disease. It is often unclear to patients how hemorrhoids and lower back pain are connected, but this is a fairly common symptom. Most often, the phenomenon is associated with damage to nerve endings, due to which pain can be felt in the tailbone, lower back, groin, and intestines.

What to do if you are worried about severe pain due to inflammation of hemorrhoids? In addition to traditional medicine, you can take an analgesic drug.

Ibuprofen (analogues - Nurofen, Ibufen, Ibuprom) or Paracetamol (analogues - Panadol, Eferalgan) will help relieve pain.

However, experts warn that frequent uncontrolled use of analgesics cannot completely get rid of the problem, but is only a temporary solution.

If hemorrhoids hurt a lot, it is better to use medications in the form of suppositories, ointments or gels. They have a quick effect, after a few minutes a person will feel relief - pain, itching will go away, and blood circulation will normalize.

Suppositories have the maximum effect in the treatment of internal hemorrhoids, accompanied by sharp or aching pain:

  • Relief is a product made on a natural basis. It not only reduces pain, but also heals damage and eliminates the inflammatory process.
  • Anestezol is an anesthetic suppository that helps even with unbearable pain and unbearable itching, which often occurs with hemorrhoids.
  • Neo-Anuzol - suppositories recommended for use for weeping hemorrhoids, dry the tissue, relieve pain and have an antibacterial effect.
  • Proctoglivenol is a drug that eliminates pain, inflammation and has a tonic effect on circulatory processes.

In some cases, for example, during pregnancy, it is worth giving preference to the safest drugs possible, for example, for pain, you can use suppositories with belladonna, Flemming ointment, Levomekol.

Soreness is one of the unpleasant manifestations of hemorrhoids, which, along with itching, bleeding and other symptoms, can significantly complicate life. However, you can get rid of pain at home, but it is advisable not to waste time and make an appointment with a proctologist.

Express therapy: how to relieve pain quickly

Doctor for delicate problems
How to soothe inflamed hemorrhoids at home? At home, you can relieve acute pain from inflamed hemorrhoids with tablets containing lidocaine, benzocaine, and prednisolone. If hemorrhoids hurt badly, you can additionally administer an anorectal suppository with papaverine and glycerin. Such remedies quickly relax the intestinal walls and relieve spasms.

How to eliminate pain from hemorrhoids of a pulling and aching nature at home? To do this, you can use lotions from herbal decoctions or baths with a cool solution. Skin irritation, pain during bowel movements and anal fissures are treated with antihemorrhoidal ointments and creams based on menovazine and menthol. Such drugs are used to relieve pain, cool, and relieve discomfort in the anus.

Conservative therapy

Sometimes the pain from hemorrhoids is so severe that there is no time to wait, so in the arsenal of modern medicine there are many medications for rectal varicose veins.

They can be used in the form:

  • tablets;
  • injections;
  • creams, ointments, gels;
  • candles;
  • aerosols;
  • suspensions.

When a patient has hemorrhoids, the fastest effect is provided by remedies based on:

  • analgesics;
  • anesthetics;
  • antispasmodics;
  • corticosteroids.

If pain due to hemorrhoids causes unbearable pain, then oral medications, injections, and droppers can be prescribed, used in combination with the main treatment.

These include:

  1. Analgin.
  2. Pentalgin.
  3. Nise.
  4. Ibuklin.

If you are worried about hemorrhoids, tablets and capsules from the following manufacturers will help relieve pain:

  1. Detralex.
  2. Venarus.
  3. Phlebodia.
  4. Troxevasin.

They have mild anesthetic properties and belong to the group of anticoagulants that have a strengthening and tonic effect on all blood vessels, thereby helping to reduce unpleasant manifestations in the affected area.

As a rule, the positive effect begins to be felt after 2–3 weeks of treatment, the full course lasts at least 6 months.

For internal varicose veins, you can use such popular suppositories from topical preparations as:

  1. Relief.
  2. Posterized.
  3. Procto-glivenol.
  4. Ginkor Procto.
  5. Anestezol.

Adrenaline suppositories provide fairly quick pain relief, but their independent use can lead to serious consequences.

For the treatment of external hemorrhoids, ointments, creams and suspensions produced by the above-mentioned manufacturers are more suitable.

Before relieving pain from hemorrhoids, it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis, which is based on examination data and laboratory tests.

You can treat the painful manifestations of combined varicose veins using suppositories and ointments. In order not to purchase both products, it is better to take an ointment or cream for external varicose veins. They can be used to treat external nodes and be inserted into the rectum using a special applicator.

Pain from hemorrhoids: how to relieve with medications?

Drug treatment of hemorrhoidal pain involves the use of systemic drugs and local medications - suppositories, ointment, cream or gel, which contain an anesthetic. Your proctologist will tell you what is the best way to relieve pain and what medications to choose for this, since each medication has side effects and contraindications.

Painkillers for hemorrhoids

Painkillers will help relieve pain in the anus, but these medications do not affect the cause and pathogenesis of hemorrhoids, therefore they are only a symptomatic remedy.

For pain relief, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are most often used, among which the most effective are the following:

  • Voltaren;
  • Nimesil;
  • Analgin;
  • Nurofen.

Patients are also required to be prescribed venotonics and angioprotectors, since these drugs normalize the tone of the cavernous veins of the rectum, reduce the permeability of the vascular wall and help normalize blood circulation in the anorectal area. Thus, venotonics and angioprotectors eliminate the cause of hemorrhoids and, accordingly, pain.

The drugs of choice for hemorrhoids may be:

  • Detralex;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Phlebodia 600;
  • Venarus;
  • Escusan and others.

Pain relieving ointments for hemorrhoids

For local therapy for pain in the anus, an ointment for hemorrhoids is excellent, which produces an anesthetic effect on the inflamed tissue. The ointment allows you to instantly relieve pain, as well as itching and burning.

You can relieve pain from hemorrhoids with the following ointments:

  • Relief Advance. Contains benzocaine, which is a local anesthetic. The drug is applied to the tissue of the anus 4 times a day until the pain subsides. If necessary, Relief Advance can be used to relieve pain from hemorrhoids in women during pregnancy;
  • Heparin ointment. In addition to heparin, the drug contains an anesthesin, which can effectively relieve pain in the anus. Depending on the intensity of the pain syndrome, the ointment is applied from one to three times a day;
  • Proctosan. This painkiller consists of bufexamac, lidocaine, bismuth and titanium compounds. The first two components have analgesic properties. Proctosan is applied to external hemorrhoids or injected into the anus twice a day;
  • Aurobin. The ointment contains prednisolone, lidocaine and D-panthenol. The action of all components is aimed at bringing a relief effect to the patient. The drug is applied to external hemorrhoids or injected into the rectal canal 2-4 times a day for 5-7 days.

Suppositories for pain relief for hemorrhoids

If internal hemorrhoids hurt, then in this case suppositories with anesthetics will be most effective.

have an excellent pain-relieving effect :

  • Anestezol. The drug consists of benzocaine, lidocaine, menthol and bismuth compounds. Anestezol instantly relieves painful, severe hemorrhoids. If pain occurs, administer one suppository twice a day until relief occurs.
  • Procto-Glivenol. This drug has a complex effect, since it contains both the anesthetic lidocaine and the venotonic drug tribenozide. Thanks to this composition, Procto-Glivenol relieves pain and also normalizes blood circulation in the anus. The drug is used 1 suppository 2 times a day;
  • Anuzol. The drug contains belladonna extract, xeroform, as well as zinc compounds, which eliminates pain, dries out weeping wounds and accelerates their healing. The drug is prescribed 1 suppository 2-3 times a day;
  • Proctosedyl M. These rectal capsules consist of benzocaine, butamben, hydrocortisone and framycetin. The first two ingredients are local anesthetics, resulting in a double analgesic effect. In case of severe pain, use one suppository twice a day, after the pain subsides - 1 suppository once a day. The duration of treatment should not exceed one week;
  • Olestesin. This drug contains benzocaine and sea buckthorn oil. Olestezin suppositories have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and restorative effects. For severe pain, use one suppository three times a day.


It is impossible to treat hemorrhoids at home in the acute course of the process. In such cases, conservative methods of treating hemorrhoids are used, providing a temporary effect. When acute manifestations are removed, minimally invasive methods are used: focal infrared coagulation, sclerotherapy, ligation of hemorrhoids with latex rings, cryotherapy and surgical removal of hemorrhoids.

Despite the variety of methods for eliminating hemorrhoids, most of them are able to guarantee reliable relief from this serious problem. Even surgical methods are not radical; they do not eliminate the main cause of hemorrhoids - excess blood flow. If the patient has advanced the disease to the later stages, it will be difficult to treat hemorrhoids, so you will have to be patient.

Causes and symptoms

The initial occurrence of hemorrhoids occurs for a number of reasons, but even after recovery, the disease returns if the irritating factor is not eliminated. The main reasons for the development of pathology:

  • heredity;
  • obesity;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • taking laxatives;
  • gastrointestinal dysfunction;
  • pregnancy, childbirth (mostly appears during pushing);
  • anal intercourse.

Hemorrhoids are characterized by pronounced symptoms that develop progressively. Symptoms of hemorrhoids:

  • pain during defecation;
  • inclusions of blood in the stool (in later stages, bleeding);
  • prolapsed hemorrhoid;
  • abdominal pain, the location of which cannot be determined;
  • frequent constipation;
  • burning and itching in the anus.

Why do hemorrhoids hurt?

When the nodes are inflamed, it is difficult and unpleasant for a person to sit.

Severe pain develops at stages 2 and 3 of hemorrhoids. This occurs due to inflammation of the rectal mucosa and the formation of hemorrhoids. At first it is small in size and covered with dermis, then its size increases and the formation becomes vulnerable. It swells and falls out, then the slightest contact with it is accompanied by excruciating pain. The node produces fluid, which irritates the area where the sore is located and aggravates the situation. During the period of acute hemorrhoids, a person cannot fix himself in a sitting position.

Causes of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a person’s retribution for walking upright. Not a single animal that walks on four limbs experiences stagnation of blood in the hind legs and the final sections of the intestine. And a person engaged in sedentary or standing work, over time, can easily become the owner of painful hemorrhoids and a regular patient of the proctologist.

If during the working day you sit at the computer for 8 or more hours, in the evening - a sedentary drive home, at home - watching television programs or night vigils in front of the monitor, hemorrhoids will not take long to appear. The same situation occurs with those who work while standing and thereby increase the load on the intestinal vessels.

In order to prevent the development of complications of hemorrhoids, if the slightest discomfort appears in the anus, it is necessary to contact an experienced coloproctologist as soon as possible, for example, to the ON CLINIC International Medical Center, where professionals in the field of proctology work, ready to help with wise advice and selection of the most modern and effective treatment methods. Receptions here are conducted by male and female proctologists.


This group of drugs is the best remedy for hemorrhoids as symptomatic therapy. They are aimed at eliminating increased permeability of veins and increasing their resistance to traumatic factors. The result is reduced bleeding, pain and discomfort. The duration of their use is determined by the doctor, depending on the patient’s condition. The shortest course is a week.

They are available in tablets or capsules. Effective drugs are Escusan, Detralex and Troxevasin. Reviews from patients indicate their effect within a few days

It is important to note that the safety of their use in pregnant women has not been confirmed, since appropriate clinical trials have not been conducted. This group of patients should use venotonics only as prescribed by a doctor.

Side effects in this group are usually represented by digestive disorders: a feeling of nausea, loose stools leading to diarrhea, vomiting and dyspeptic disorders. Analyzing reviews of people who took venotonic drugs, we can say that they appear extremely rarely.


Hemorrhoids can also be treated with various non-surgical methods for removing problematic internal hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are divided from stage I to stage IV, depending on the severity. Surgical methods for treating hemorrhoids are used at the last stage, and in rare cases - at the third stage. To treat hemorrhoids with non-surgical procedures, doctors perform them in the office without the use of anesthesia at stages I-III of the disease. How does this approach treat hemorrhoids and what exactly does it include?

This procedure can be used to relieve problems with minor bleeding from hemorrhoids. The doctor administers a special medicine to the patient, the properties of which are to shrink hemorrhoidal tissue. As for the effectiveness of the procedure, it varies and depends on many factors.

Rubber ligation may be required in cases of severe internal hemorrhoids or when sclerotherapy injections do not help. How does a rubber bandage treat hemorrhoids? This rubber band binds hemorrhoids, cutting off blood flow to them. Then the hemorrhoids shrink and then die and fall off on their own after about a week. In approximately 70% of cases, the procedure requires repeating after 4-5 years, but after the repeated procedure, symptoms usually disappear. The pain after such a dressing is usually insignificant; it can be relieved by a sitz bath or painkillers for hemorrhoids. Complications of the procedure are minimal, and patients can return to normal life on the same day.

Some doctors use infrared photocoagulation in the treatment of mild internal hemorrhoids. In addition, it can treat hemorrhoids, which cannot be removed with rubber bandages due to severe pain sensitivity, or a disease that cannot be cured with rubber bandages. How does infrared photocoagulation treat hemorrhoids? A special infrared sensor focuses on hemorrhoids and simply burns them. This procedure requires several courses and has a fairly high relapse rate. In addition to light, coagulation is also carried out by electricity or laser. With the same success.

When treated in a hospital, the most common non-surgical treatments for hemorrhoids are fixation procedures. They involve fixing hemorrhoids from falling out with various devices. Such fixation is considered the most effective remedy for hemorrhoids, provided the disease is not severe.

Before choosing one procedure over another, find out whether the doctor has the appropriate experience and equipment necessary to perform fixation procedures. Because not all doctors have them. This can help you make the right decision about which procedure to choose. Ask your doctor what methods he uses most often, and how many people are satisfied with their results. This can play a big role, because all methods have approximately the same effectiveness, but the abilities of doctors vary significantly.

A little more about how and with what to treat hemorrhoids:

Homemade candles

Let us immediately make a reservation that it will not be possible to reduce significant pain during the hemorrhoidal inflammatory process in this way if the disease is in an advanced stage. However, at the first stage of development, it is quite possible to reduce the unpleasant sensations that arise.

Ice suppositories

In this case, we are not talking about just frozen water, but with the addition of medicinal herbs. When asked how to quickly relieve hemorrhoids at home, it is best to use time-tested plants such as chamomile, oak bark and burdock root.

Ideally, it is advisable to purchase all the listed ingredients, taking a tablespoon of each. Pour the resulting mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave it for half an hour, strain, and then freeze. You can even use the fingers of a medical glove, but it is best to use special containers that are sold in any pharmacy.

Wax and resin candles

This drug has proven itself to be effective when it comes to reducing pain associated with hemorrhoids. To make such candles you need to take a tablespoon of resin and 50 g of beeswax. The sounded ingredients are mixed in a water bath until they are completely dissolved. Then add a teaspoon of propolis tincture and half a teaspoon of sea buckthorn and rosehip oil to the resulting mixture.

As soon as the healing substance has cooled, suppositories are made from it according to the previously described method. This remedy not only reduces pain, but can also stop the resulting bleeding.

How to relieve hemorrhoids at home

Rectal suppositories and ointments have a pronounced reaction, which are effective for any form of hemorrhoids. They contain anesthetics that provide relief to the patient within a few hours. The effect lasts up to several hours. It is optimal to choose painkillers and anti-inflammatory suppositories for treatment. The best suppositories are:

  • Relief;
  • Neo-Anuzol;
  • Posterisan;
  • candles with sea buckthorn oil.

According to doctors, the best pain-relieving ointments for use at home are:

  • heparin;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Proctosan;
  • Relief;
  • Levomekol;
  • Ichthyol.

Effective tablets for use as a pain reliever during exacerbation are:

  • Detralex;
  • Nise;
  • Pentalgin.

Pain reliever for external hemorrhoids

The best means to relieve pain from external hemorrhoids are ointments: they combine well with other medications and are easy to use at home in the early or late stages of the disease. In addition to the analgesic effect, the products have a regenerative, drying, and hemostatic effect. The local action of ointments allows you to eliminate pain in a specific area.

Each package of ointment or cream contains an applicator for convenient application of the medicine to the affected area. The product should be applied up to five times a day according to the instructions for use, preferably after bowel movements. The effect will be more pronounced, faster, if you introduce tampons soaked in ointments. Popular remedies for the treatment of external hemorrhoids are:

  • Proctosedyl;
  • Hepatrombin;
  • Aurobin;
  • heparin ointment;
  • Vishnevsky, Fleming ointment, ichthyol;
  • Proctosan.

How to relieve pain from internal hemorrhoids

For acute pain, it is good to use special remedies: doctors offer pain relief for internal hemorrhoids in the form of suppositories, which contain analgesics. Rectal suppositories quickly relieve pain, actively eliminate inflammation, irritation, and swelling. Popular suppositories for treating this type of illness are:

  • Relief Advance;
  • Neo-Anuzol;
  • with calendula, sea buckthorn oil, St. John's wort, chamomile, yarrow;
  • Betiol;
  • Hemorol;
  • with adrenaline, novocaine;
  • Anestezol.

Painkillers for hemorrhoids

Pain relief medications can and should be used at home. Topical suppositories and ointments help quickly relieve pain.

The most effective drugs include:

  • Relief Advance (ointment, suppositories) – thanks to the benzocaine content, they quickly and effectively relieve pain, also reduce swelling, relieve itching and burning;
  • Relief Pro (suppositories, cream) - based on lidocaine and fluocortolone pivalate, have proven themselves to be effective against inflammation and thrombosis of hemorrhoids;
  • Anuzole (suppositories) – belladonna extract is used as an anesthetic. Effective for spasm of sphincteral muscles that occurs due to thrombosis and severe inflammation;
  • Proctosan (suppositories, ointment) - contain lidocaine, quickly relieve pain, stop the spread of the inflammatory process and eliminate severe itching, also effective for anal fissures;
  • Anestezol (suppositories) - contain menthol and benzocaine. In case of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, irritation and itching are well relieved;
  • Heparin ointment - contains anesthesin and has a moderate analgesic effect;
  • Procto-Glivenol (suppositories, cream) – effective against exacerbation and inflammation, due to the content of lidocaine, quickly relieves pain and relieves swelling;
  • Aurobin (ointment) is a complex action drug. For hemorrhoids, it is used to relieve pain, relieve inflammation and regenerate the skin;
  • Doloproct (ointment) – has a moderate analgesic effect. It is used for the initial signs of hemorrhoidal disease, it relieves itching and burning in the anorectal area;
  • Proctosedyl (ointment) is a potent drug with benzocaine that quickly relieves painful symptoms, itching, burning, and reduces swelling. It is often used as an anesthetic after surgery to remove hemorrhoids.

You can relieve pain from hemorrhoids during pregnancy using only medications approved during this period:

  • Heparin ointment;
  • Procto-Glyvenol;
  • Relief Advance.

In case of very severe pain, if local drugs are ineffective, you can take systemic anesthetics in tablets: Ibuprofen, Ibuklin, Ketorol. Pregnant women can take painkillers only as directed by a doctor.

Drugs such as Detralex, Phlebodia, Venoruton and others, although often prescribed for the treatment of hemorrhoids, do not have an analgesic effect. They are used to restore the properties of blood vessels and normalize microcirculation in tissues; they are used for a long period of time.

Pain-relieving suppositories for hemorrhoids

Proctologists produce effective analgesic suppositories for the rectum, which are quickly absorbed into the blood by the colon mucosa and block symptoms. Here they are:

  • Neo-Anuzol - effectively treats a weeping, protracted form of the disease; it contains components that kill microbes and relieve inflammation.
  • Ginkor Procto - with butamben in its composition, helps get rid of pain, itching in the anus, and normalize the condition of the veins.
  • Posterisan – reduces pain, heals damage to the anus and rectal mucosa, and increases local immunity.
  • With adrenaline - a strong pain reliever that helps stop bleeding, contraindicated in hypertensive patients, available by prescription, prescribed to young patients with bleeding from nodes.
  • With sea buckthorn oil - a natural analgesic substance, does not cause side effects, provides good pain relief, relieves burning, tissue inflammation, irritation, used during pregnancy.

Lidocaine suppositories

Doctors prescribe painkillers for hemorrhoids with lidocaine, which relieves attacks. The following are considered effective analgesic suppositories:

  • Procto-glivenol is a strong analgesic, anti-inflammatory, venotonic agent, contraindications: first trimester of pregnancy, liver failure.
  • Proctosan - contains bufexamak, bismuth subgallate and titanium dioxide, has anti-inflammatory, wound healing, astringent and drying effects.
  • Gepasolone - contains prednisolone and sodium heparin, which have anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effects.

Suppositories with anesthesin

In addition to lidocaine, suppositories for hemorrhoids with an analgesic effect may contain anesthesin or benzocaine. These medications actively relieve attacks of burning and itching:

  • Anestezol - contains menthol, zinc oxide and bismuth subgallate with an astringent, anti-inflammatory effect, facilitates bowel movements, accelerates regeneration.
  • Relief Advance - with shark liver oil, has an immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect.
  • Olestesin - based on sea buckthorn oil with sulfaethidol, a combined drug with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antibacterial effects.
  • Nigepan - contains sodium heparin, which prevents the formation of blood clots and stops the progress of node development.

Painkillers for hemorrhoids

In the initial stages of hemorrhoids, during periods of exacerbation, painkillers for hemorrhoids quickly help. Many of them contain natural ingredients, so they are used during pregnancy, after childbirth and breastfeeding. Prescribed for preventive purposes, for recovery in the postoperative period.

They can not only relieve pain, but have a complex effect:

  • relieve inflammation, swelling;
  • slow down, stop bleeding;
  • heal cracks.

They have a number of advantages:

  • there are no serious side effects or contraindications due to natural herbs and components of animal origin in the composition;
  • safe, allowed during pregnancy, after childbirth, in childhood;
  • act faster than suppositories and ointments;
  • not traumatic when used;
  • act systemically, restoring stool, eliminating constipation, normalizing blood flow;
  • eliminate the causes, and not just the symptoms of hemorrhoids;
  • more effective for eliminating blood clots than ointments and suppositories;
  • Easy to use, no preparation required.

What painkillers can you take for hemorrhoids?

All pills for hemorrhoids are divided into several groups:

  1. Angioprotectors. They have a positive effect on vascular and capillary walls, restore elasticity and flexibility, normalize blood flow, and eliminate swelling.
  2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They stabilize blood clotting processes, restore microcirculation, and increase blood flow. The drugs can cause severe bleeding and are taken as prescribed by a doctor, under his supervision. NSAIDs include Diclofenac, Ketonal, Ibuprofen.
  3. Nitrate-containing. Prescribed for sphincter spasms accompanied by severe pain. Taken under the tongue, instantly absorbed into the blood, and act quickly.
  4. Phlebotonics, venotonics or bioflavonoids. They contain natural ingredients and are widely used in the treatment of hemorrhoids due to their high efficiency and speed of action.
    They restore, regenerate, strengthen damaged blood vessels, eliminate blood stagnation, relieve inflammatory processes and pain. Prescribed courses in preparation for surgery and after it. The most famous venotonics are Detralex and Aescusan. Read more about the use of venotonics for hemorrhoids.
  5. Improves digestion. They restore intestinal motility, normalize stools, and thin stool. Eliminate constipation - the main factor in the onset of the disease.
  6. Enzymatic. They consist of plant and animal enzymes, restore metabolism, relieve inflammation.
  7. Phytotablets. Base: mint, horse chestnut, burnet, butcher's broom, bran, vitamin and mineral complexes, rutin, ascorbic acid. Available in capsules, they increase immunity, relieve inflammation, and strengthen blood vessels. These include:
  8. Pylex;
  9. Litovit B;
  10. Cyclo 3 fort;
  11. Ginkor Fort.

Antihemorrhoidal tablets: names and prices

  1. Detralex. One of the most effective drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids, it combines the properties of a phlebotonic and angioprotector. Contains hesperidin, diosmin. Used for acute chronic form. Tones, strengthens blood vessels, normalizes outflow, relieves inflammation, reduces hemorrhoids. There are no serious contraindications or side effects. Allowed during pregnancy. In the last trimester, when breastfeeding - with caution under the supervision of a doctor. Take for at least 3 months. Cost – from 700 rubles per package.
  2. Troxevasin, Venoruton. The main component is rutin, a derivative of vitamin P. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels and has antioxidant properties. They have side effects from the gastrointestinal tract and are contraindicated for pregnant women. The price for Venoruton is from 350 rubles, for Troxevasin – from 140 rubles.
  3. Glivenol is a synthetic drug, the active substance in the composition is tribenoside. Relieves inflammation, strengthens vascular walls. Price - from 300 rubles.
  4. Cyclo 3 fort - natural capsules containing broom extract, mint, ascorbic acid. Provides lymph outflow, tones, strengthens venous walls. Helps with acute hemorrhoids. Not recommended during pregnancy, has side effects. The cost is around 1200 rubles.
  5. Ginkor Fort is a venotonic based on ginkgo biloba. There are no side effects or contraindications, it quickly relieves pain and inflammation of the perineum during exacerbation, and is available in capsule form. Not allowed for thyroid pathologies. Cost - from 230 rubles.
  6. Chemoroidin is a natural preparation made from herbal extracts. No side effects, safe. Eliminates pain, itching, burning, reduces bleeding, normalizes stool. Digestion improves, constipation goes away. Used for at least 21 days. Price – around 450 rubles.
  7. Pylex. Acts in several directions: relieves inflammation; has an analgesic effect; relieves bleeding; destroys bacteria and infections. Contains natural ingredients. Contraindications: pregnancy, postpartum period, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. The price fluctuates around 500 rubles.
  8. Litovit B. Herbal preparation containing burnet, bran, zeolites. The main effect is the restoration of vascular walls. Stops bleeding, normalizes blood pressure, increases the body's defenses. Not used for stomach and duodenal ulcers. Price – from 450 rubles.
  9. Aescusan. Herbal medicine, venotonic. It is based on horse chestnut, which reduces the permeability of blood vessels and capillaries. Relieves pain, swelling, itching. The price fluctuates around 150 rubles.
  10. Phlebodia. Angioprotector, strengthens and restores blood vessels, contains diosmin. Strong pain reliever for hemorrhoids. It has no contraindications and is used for exacerbations. Effective 5 hours after administration. Has a long-lasting effect Price – from 450 rubles per package.
  11. Pentalgin. Effectively reduces pain, take 1 tablet during an exacerbation, it lasts for at least 5 hours. Contains 5 active potent substances. It should not be taken continuously; it has a negative effect on the kidneys and liver. Relieves itching and burning.
  12. Ibuklin, Nise. Used during severe pain during exacerbation, relieve inflammation. Average cost: Ibuklin – 47 rubles; Nise - 110 rubles. Available without a prescription at any pharmacy.
  13. Vasocket. A herbal medicine with an analgesic effect and acts quickly. Not contraindicated during pregnancy. It is better to avoid it while the baby is breastfeeding.
  14. Proctonis. Made from natural ingredients, it has a laxative effect, helps eliminate constipation, stop inflammation, prevent the formation of wounds, cracks, quickly relieve pain, and heal them. Available in crushed form for quick absorption.

Painkillers for hemorrhoids and fissures

  1. Salofalk – for treatment and prevention. Non-addictive, long-term use is possible. It has no side effects or contraindications. Prescribed after stool and blood tests.
  2. Senadexin - has a mild laxative effect, eliminates constipation, facilitates the process of bowel movements 10 hours after administration. Prevents the appearance of anal fissures. Does not cause addiction or side effects. The basis is extracts of medicinal plants.
  3. Ascorutin is a complex of vitamins. It is most often used in combination with ointments for hemorrhoids. Restores vascular walls, has antioxidant properties

Recommended pain relievers during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The best pills for hemorrhoids during pregnancy:

  • Detralex;
  • Pylex;
  • Chemoroidin;
  • Vasocket;
  • Ginkor Fort;
  • Aescusan.

They quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms and are absolutely safe.

Read more: What suppositories can be used to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy?

After operation

During the postoperative period, unpleasant painful sensations arise, for which proctologists most often prescribe:

  • Venarus;
  • Ginkor Fort;
  • Proctonis;
  • Phlebodia.

Quickly relieve inflammation and promote healing of postoperative wounds.

The best proctology clinics

Moscow, st. Miklouho-Maklaya, 43. Belyaevo

Moscow, Tsvetnoy Blvd., 30, bldg. 2. Tsvetnoy Boulevard, Trubnaya, Sukharevskaya, Sretensky Boulevard, Prospekt Mira

Moscow, st. Bolshaya Molchanovka, 32, building 1. Smolenskaya, Arbatskaya, Arbatskaya, Smolenskaya, Barrikadnaya

Moscow, st. Vorontsovskaya, 8, building 6. Marxist, Taganskaya, Taganskaya, Peasant Outpost, Proletarskaya

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Features of the drug's action

The basis for the therapeutic effect of the drug Ketorol, as a representative of the NSAID line, is considered to be the biochemical process of inhibition of a special substance. The enzyme cyclooxygenase promotes the conversion of arachidonic acid into components (prostaglandins) that trigger an inflammation reaction, the development of pain, and an increase in body temperature. Ketorolac, by blocking the action of cyclooxygenase, stops the synthesis of prostaglandins, resulting in the cessation of inflammation, pain syndrome, and increased temperature.

Due to its powerful analgesic effect, comparable to the analgesia of morphine, the drug is primarily used for pain relief; the anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects are secondary. According to the instructions, one of the main advantages of the symptomatic use of Ketorol is the absence of the following consequences:

  • anxiolytic and sedative effects;
  • respiratory depression, as well as urinary retention;
  • development of drug dependence;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • effects on the functioning of opiate receptors.

Despite the benefits, the instructions for use of the drug warn that Ketorol injections should be prescribed with caution to people suffering from pathologies with a risk of bleeding. The medicine helps thin the blood while reducing the activity of its coagulation, but without exceeding the normal limit

Body reaction

When treated with tablets, the active substance of the drug is quickly absorbed in the digestive tract (30-40 minutes). Regardless of the method of ketorol entering the body, the use of the drug ensures 100% bioavailability, but the parenteral form of administration (injections) promotes more complete and rapid absorption of the incoming components.

The method of intramuscular administration of the drug demonstrates its rapid integration into the bloodstream system due to the complete absorption of the active substance from the injection sites. The speed of onset of the analgesic effect after Ketorol injections depends on the strength of the pain syndrome:

  • mild pain - the drug will take effect in 20-40 minutes;
  • average pain threshold – it will take 30-60 minutes for pain relief;
  • High intensity pain will subside 1-2 hours after the injection.

Biotransformation of ketorolac (more than 50% of the administered dose) occurs in the liver with the formation of non-analgesic metabolites. Inactive substances are excreted by the kidneys (91%) and intestines (6%) within 5 hours, faster in young patients than in older people. In some kidney diseases, the half-life of metabolites can extend to 13 hours or more.

Treatment with traditional methods

Folk advice for eliminating pain, itching and burning in the rectum does not have an evidence base. However, there are many different folk recipes for the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease, which should improve the quality of life of patients. Painkillers for hemorrhoids are aimed at relieving inflammation and eliminating the symptoms of the disease.

Many people use aloe for treatment

Some recipes to eliminate itching and burning with hemorrhoids:

  1. Coconut oil has good analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. A small amount of oil is applied to a cotton swab or gauze pad and applied to the site of the prolapsed knot.
  2. A napkin or gauze liberally moistened with a solution of apple cider vinegar acts quickly and effectively, eliminating pain in the anus.
  3. Aloe vera contains many beneficial substances (allantoin, vitamins C, B, E, amino acids and essential oils). Aloe juice should be applied to a cotton sponge and applied to the affected areas of the skin around the anus, which will help quickly relieve inflammation, eliminate itching, relieve pain and speed up the healing process.
  4. If burning and itching come first among all other symptoms, it is necessary to take baths of herbal decoctions in a squatting position. Medicinal herbs suitable for preparing decoctions:
  5. elder;
  6. chamomile;
  7. Oak bark;
  8. nettle;
  9. yarrow;
  10. buckthorn and some others.
  11. Potato suppositories pre-cooled in the refrigerator are good for relieving symptoms of irritation.
  12. An ointment prepared from 10 grams of propolis and 50 grams of honey, beeswax and vegetable oil (sunflower or olive) gives a noticeable effect in the treatment of itching and burning in the anal area. Prepared in an aluminum container over fire. The liquid mass is brought to a boil and then placed in the refrigerator. The course of treatment with ointment should be at least 7 days.

Attention: hemorrhoidal disease detected in the early stages is better treated. When the first alarming symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Alternative therapy should be carried out in parallel with medication after consultation with a proctologist!

Pain-relieving compresses

Therapeutic lotions should also be done while observing the temperature regime. Under no circumstances should you use an excessively warm compress if bleeding is present.

The following remedies will help quickly reduce the pain of hemorrhoids:

Compress made from valerian root or kidney herb.If you soak gauze generously with this mixture, you can alleviate pain in the anus in the shortest possible time. It is enough to take 25 g of raw material and boil it in 100 ml of water. The decoction must be applied to the inflamed nodes for 15 minutes.
Application from herbal infusion.This method has proven itself very well in the fight not only against pain, but also against bleeding nodes.A cool lotion based on chamomile, calendula and sage is applied to the problem area for a minute.
Black tea applique.Tannins, which are part of tea, quite effectively reduce pain and partially eliminate the inflammatory process.An application of this kind must be made from very strong tea, because otherwise its effect will be counterproductive.
Raw potato lotion.The vegetable is pre-frozen and then grated. The resulting pulp is applied to the affected area and covered with a cloth on top. The duration of such a procedure is unlimited, because it cannot cause any harm.
Cabbage juice compress.This method does not completely localize acute pain, but will help to significantly reduce the intensity of its manifestation. The leaves must be thoroughly washed and then mashed in such a way as to obtain a healing liquid from them. Soaked sterile gauze is applied to the hemorrhoidal cones and kept there until there is any noticeable effect from this procedure.

Healing herbs for pain relief

Before taking pills or using other medications, you can turn to traditional medicine. Quite simple methods that are safe and do not require complex actions can quickly relieve hemorrhoids at home. Experts recommend using medicinal herbs with a powerful analgesic effect.

There are several ways to use medicinal plants to get rid of pain - topically (lotions, compresses, baths, ointments), orally, in the form of microenemas. It is advisable to use several of them at once. This will allow you to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Among the pain-relieving herbs for hemorrhoids, it is recommended to use the following:


A powerful anti-inflammatory agent that can help even if acute pain occurs with hemorrhoids. You can make tea from chamomile flowers and drink it throughout the day, as well as make local compresses and take warm or cool baths.

In addition, steep chamomile infusion can be frozen in the form of candles and inserted into the anus before bed. This procedure will not only quickly relieve pain, but also stop bleeding.

Knotweed (knotweed)

The plant has not only anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, but also hemostatic. To reduce pain and reduce bleeding, it is recommended to prepare a decoction of knotweed in a water bath and take half a glass 3 times a day.

Burnet (cold grass, meadow grass)

To treat diseases, the roots of the plant are used, which are harvested during the flowering of this plant. The high content of tannins provides an intense bactericidal effect; in addition, the remedy from this herb helps with severe pain, relieves inflammation and stops bleeding.

Burnet decoction is taken orally, and the extract is used for lotions and compresses on the affected areas.


This is a complex medicine from nature that fights various manifestations of hemorrhoids - damage to veins, inflammation, wounds and cracks, bleeding.

A decoction is prepared from nettle for internal and external use, it is added to baths and microenemas are made with it. You can quickly relieve the pain of hemorrhoids by using an ointment made from dried nettle, annual pepper herb and cosmetic petroleum jelly.


A decoction of this plant is able to resolve inflamed nodes, relieving spasms, soreness and itching. When a patient takes it orally, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, local and general immunity increases, and it is easier for the body to resist the disease.

Rose hip

We also recommend reading: What to do if hemorrhoids appear in women

Rose hips, or “wild rose” as it is also called, are a strong phytoncidal, bactericidal and antioxidant agent. To treat hemorrhoids, use decoction, tincture, or rosehip tea.

Relief comes from tampons soaked in rosehip oil. They are inserted into the anus and left overnight.

These are not all the plants that help with hemorrhoid pain. You can use products from sage, yarrow, plantain, calamus, arnica, peppermint, etc. Natural analgesics can reduce symptoms in a short time and without negative consequences.

Painkillers for hemorrhoids

At home, pain can be relieved with anesthetics . In the initial phase, discomfort may occur during defecation or immediately after it.

Pain is caused by poorly healing anal fissures and internal micro-tears; discomfort can arise from prolapsed hemorrhoids or rubbing of irritated skin on underwear. Before choosing a pain reliever, it is important to determine the nature of the discomfort.

Most modern drugs have a complex effect. Depending on the composition, tablets, ointments and rectal suppositories can:

  • influence nerve endings, blocking sudden pain attacks;
  • relieve hypertonicity of the intestinal walls, removing spasms;
  • improve bowel movements, preventing constipation;
  • disinfect tissues and block the activity of pathogenic bacteria;
  • accelerate the outflow of lymph, relieving swelling;
  • cool fabrics, giving an instant feeling of comfort.

Usually medications can solve 2 or 3 problems at once, so you need to choose them with special attention. It is important to strictly adhere to the course recommended by your doctor and avoid overdoses. Below we will look at the most popular methods of pain relief for hemorrhoids at home.

Next, let's look at remedies for treating hemorrhoids at home.

Traditional methods

How to relieve pain from hemorrhoids at home? Below is a list of the most popular folk recipes that will help relieve pain from hemorrhoids at home quickly:

  1. Herbal decoctions and infusions are widely used to relieve pain from hemorrhoids at home.
    They are suitable for oral use, preparation of lotions, compresses, sitz baths and microenemas. Natural vegetable oils are also useful, not only relieving pain, but also eliminating inflammation and swelling.
  2. Often used for quick pain relief ice candles. A decoction of chamomile, nettle or sage is frozen in cells used for industrial suppositories.
    Ready-made homemade suppositories are used 2-3 times a day after thoroughly washing the anorectal area. To facilitate insertion, the ice suppository can be lubricated with petroleum jelly or glycerin.

    Suppositories relieve internal swelling, alleviate pain and itching. They should not be used if you have an allergic reaction to cold or heavy rectal bleeding.

  3. How to numb hemorrhoids at home if there is internal damage? Use microenemas .
    1 tbsp. A spoonful of wormwood is brewed with a glass of boiling water and left for 1 hour. 50 infusions are injected into the rectum using a syringe. First you need to empty the intestines. This procedure soothes internal nodes, removes swelling, and heals ruptures. It is better to do an enema before bed, 5-7 days in a row.
  4. How to relieve pain from hemorrhoids at home quickly and without special financial costs? A simple and affordable remedy for painful swelling and prolapsed hemorrhoids - grated potato compress.
    Fresh tubers are peeled and grated. A paste is made from raw potatoes, laid out on thick cotton cloth and applied to the perineum.

    The compress is covered with cling film on top; the structure can be secured with an elastic bandage or underwear. The compress is kept for 2-4 hours, you can leave it overnight. Course of treatment for hemorrhoids: 5-7 daily procedures.

Read about how to make candles from potatoes here.

Video on how to treat hemorrhoids with potatoes:


How to relieve pain from hemorrhoids at home if you think that you cannot cope with the above recipes?

Tablets are an indispensable means for quickly relieving pain attacks.

For gastrointestinal problems and chronic diseases, you need to choose tablets or capsules with extreme caution.

List of the most popular tablets for hemorrhoid pain relief at home:

  1. Papaverine. A single drug that relieves spasms of the intestinal walls. Improves the condition of blood vessels, stimulates normal bowel movements. Pairs well with candles containing the same active ingredient. The course is prescribed individually, depending on the patient’s condition.
  2. Detralex. The most popular tablets from the group of venotonics. They contain diosmin and hesperidin, tonify the walls of blood vessels, remove inflammation and swelling, and alleviate the patient’s condition. Take up to 6 tablets per day, the course must be determined by your doctor.


How to relieve the pain of hemorrhoids at home in the presence of anal fissures and the external form of the disease? Use ointments against hemorrhoids, they instantly bring relief, prevent inflammation, and eliminate swelling.

For extensive skin lesions, preparations based on petroleum jelly and paraffin are prohibited; they can be replaced with light and quickly absorbed gels against hemorrhoids.

The most effective drugs from this group are presented below:

  1. Relief Advance. Powerful anesthetic with shark liver extract, cocoa butter, phenylephrine and zinc sulfate. Benzocaine is responsible for pain relief. The drug is applied to the affected skin, rubbed into protruding nodes and inserted into the anus using a cotton swab. The ointment dries out inflammation and accelerates wound healing, has a disinfectant and vasodilating effect. The course of treatment is up to 2 weeks, it can be repeated if necessary.
  2. Levomekol. The ointment contains the antibiotic levomecithin, which actively suppresses the activity of bacteria, relieving inflammation and swelling. Used for rubbing and compresses, can be used up to 3 times a day for 1-2 weeks.
  3. Troxevasin. A popular and inexpensive drug in the form of a gel, the main active ingredient is the venotonic troxerutin. Cools the skin well, relieves burning and itching, softens tissues and is absorbed very quickly. It is used for extensive edema, has a minimum of contraindications and combines well with other drugs.
  4. Proctosan. An ointment that is effective even for advanced hemorrhoids. Contains bufexamac, lidocaine, titanium dioxide. Dries wounds, prevents inflammation, has a good effect on internal and external nodes. Indispensable for painful anal fissures and extensive ruptures of the mucous membrane. The drug is rubbed into the skin and injected into the anus; micro-compresses are also possible and applied overnight. Used in a course of 10-14 days.

Rectal suppositories

How to relieve acute pain from hemorrhoids at home? For patients with acute pain, the following rectal suppositories are suitable:

  1. Ketonal . Analgesic and decongestant drug based on ketoprofen. Indicated for different stages of hemorrhoids, they work well on deep anal fissures, treat internal micro-tears, and prevent inflammation. No more than 2 suppositories are administered per day, the maximum course of treatment is 1 week.
  2. Ultraproct . Very effective suppositories with complex action. They relieve pain, swelling, inflammation, and have a wound healing effect. Contains cinchocaine and fluocortolone; no more than 2 suppositories are allowed per day. The course of treatment is short, does not exceed 1 week. There are contraindications, it is advisable to use after consultation with a doctor.
  3. Anestezol. Decongestant, anti-inflammatory, cooling suppositories containing lidocaine and menthol oil. They quickly bring relief, remove internal swelling, freeing up the lumen of the rectum, relieve muscle spasms, and improve bowel movements. The course of treatment is up to 2 weeks.

Threat of side effects

Most often, the gastrointestinal tract suffers from undesirable manifestations of NSAID treatment, even in injections. Treatment with Ketorol can provoke diarrhea, symptoms of gastralgia; less often, patients complain of constipation, vomiting, flatulence, and there is a possibility of developing focal ulcerations.

According to patient reviews, the drug in injections has a stable effect, but some experience nausea with heartburn after taking the painkiller. Sometimes patients complain of dizziness accompanied by headache, but the symptoms disappear after completing the course.

Infrequently, the response to the administration of Ketorol from the respiratory system is the development of bronchospasm, the appearance of rhinitis, edema of the larynx, even of the lungs. The possibility of ringing in the ears, deterioration of hearing and vision cannot be ruled out. The cardiovascular system may respond to the injection use of Ketorol by increasing blood pressure.

The key to safe therapy with any type of medication containing ketorolac should be strict adherence to the doctor’s instructions and a ban on self-medication

In addition, before using the medication, it is important to carefully read the instructions supplied with Ketorol, which detail the features of each release form.

You should pay attention to the nuances of the interaction of the active substance with various drugs in order to get rid of pain without harming your health

Pain relieving ointment

According to proctologists, ointment is the best pain reliever for this ailment: its medicinal components are quickly absorbed into the blood, providing maximum therapeutic effect. The best drugs from the pharmacy are:

Heparin - contains heparin, relieves pain and itching, blocks inflammation, thrombosis, and swelling. It is used for severe hemorrhoids without bleeding and has no contraindications. Troxevasin - fights any stage and form of hemorrhoids, quickly relieves pain, swelling, and tones the veins. Fleming's ointment - suitable for older people, pregnant and lactating women. Contains natural herbal ingredients that relieve pain and inflammation. Levomekol - used after childbirth or surgery to remove nodes. It is safe, has no contraindications or side effects. Vishnevsky ointment - normalizes blood circulation in the pelvis, prevents stagnation. Used after compresses with potassium permanganate. Ichthyol - eliminates pain during defecation, antiseptic, heals cracks in the mucous membrane.

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