Pumpkin for gastritis: can you eat it, dietary recipes

Useful properties of pumpkin

Pumpkin for gastritis with high acidity is a truly indispensable food product during the entire period of remission, as well as a “lifesaver” during acute periods.

Since time immemorial, people have grown this culture and knew its beneficial qualities. Southerners especially love pumpkin; the warm climate contributes to a rich harvest; solar energy provides everything necessary for the accumulation of the most valuable components of the plant. For many peoples, pumpkin soup is a real treasure and a local landmark.

The main advantage of pumpkin is that it contains little fiber, and, as you know, it is the main irritating component for the stomach. Pumpkin pulp is quickly absorbed and digested by the digestive system. When hot processed, the vegetable mass is especially useful; pumpkin puree seems to gently envelop all the organs of the digestive system, without irritating them at all.

The second main recognized advantage is the low calorie content of the product, because its pulp is almost 92% water. When digesting a dietary dish made from this healthy vegetable, the stomach works normally without tension on the digestive glands.

Young mothers really like to feed their babies pumpkin puree. The first complementary feeding begins with this product, because the small ventricle must work properly from a very early age. Pumpkin is included in the composition of many children's products, cereals, purees, and juices. The baby’s body absorbs such soft food well, while simultaneously receiving satiety and all the necessary beneficial components. Thus, dysbacteriosis is prevented and the entire digestive process is naturally regulated. Vegetable juices for babies from the world's most famous manufacturers always contain pumpkin filling.

Pumpkin has a unique composition; its sweet, specific pulp contains:

  • Microelements: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, sodium, carotene, fluorine, capable of normalizing metabolic processes, respiration, blood circulation;
  • Group vitamins: A, B, C, E, K, T, which play a major role in the functioning of the immune system;
  • Pumpkin helps remove free radicals and toxins from the body, preventing the risk of developing cancer, ensures normal blood sugar, and due to the large amount of potassium, the functioning of the heart and blood vessels is maintained at normal levels.

It is worth highlighting pumpkin seeds in a special way; their benefits for humans can hardly be overestimated; they are a real treasure trove of vitamins. For the intestines, the seeds of the vegetable are a real pantry of health, because to restore the functions of this organ, it is enough to eat a handful of seeds daily. Thus, you will get rid of the problem of constipation and “bad” cholesterol. Glucose levels will normalize, parasites will be eliminated, and excess salt and heavy metals will be eliminated along with feces.

Pumpkin seeds lose their unique properties if they are fried. So, if you want to succeed in recovery, you will have to settle for fresh ones.

If you have gastritis with hypersecretion, it is better not to eat pumpkin seeds, since this is not the most pleasant product for the mucous membrane, the condition may worsen and obvious damage to the mucous membrane may begin.

Medicinal properties

The pulp of this vegetable contains a lot of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on intestinal function. It is easily digested, carefully enveloping the gastric mucosa, thereby eliminating its tension. This is a low-calorie product consisting of 92% juice. The vegetable is so healthy and safe for the body that even small children are prescribed it as their first complementary food. The fruit promotes good digestion and is an excellent preventative against dysbacteriosis.

The vegetable contains a large number of microelements:

  • magnesium;
  • carotene;
  • fluorine;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • vitamins A, C, B, E.

Cooked pumpkin dishes or the fresh vegetable itself have the following properties:

  1. The use of vegetables helps improve gastric motility.
  2. With the help of the fruit, inflammatory processes in the gastric mucosa can be cured.
  3. Pumpkin helps treat atrophic and erosive gastritis.
  4. This is an excellent remedy for constipation.
  5. Destroys pathogens in the stomach and intestines.
  6. The juice is an excellent pain reliever for exacerbation of gastritis.
  7. Using pumpkin will help avoid pathological changes in the gastrointestinal tract.
  8. Normalizes the functioning of the entire digestive tract.
  9. Due to the large amount of potassium, it strengthens the cardiovascular system.
  10. Helps remove toxins from the body.
  11. It is a prophylactic for diabetes mellitus.
  12. Neutralizes high acidity.

Which part of the pumpkin is the healthiest?

The plant saturates the body with essential substances, micro- and macroelements. But which part should you pay attention to: the pulp or the seeds?

Let's consider the composition of the pulp. The plant contains an incredible amount of vitamins B, A and E, as well as C and PP. This rare vitamin K is also found in large quantities in pumpkin. Pumpkin for gastritis of the stomach helps digestion processes. And the potassium it contains reduces the likelihood of heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases. In addition to potassium, there is a lot of zinc and iron, magnesium. Fiber in the pulp normalizes digestion and helps remove various toxins from the body.

But the seeds are also recommended for consumption by many scientists, right? Indeed, their composition is almost the same as that of the pulp. The only difference is that the seeds contain salicylic acid. Its excess can harm people with increased gastric secretion. Whether to eat seeds or not depends on the form of the disease. Therefore, eating pumpkin seeds for gastritis is allowed if the secretory and motor function of the stomach decreases.

Video on the topic:

You can’t ignore pumpkin juice either. Pumpkin juice is obtained from the pulp of the fruit. It is rich in the same vitamins, omega-3, proteins, carbohydrates, and beneficial microelements. In addition, the juice contains pectin substances, which improve intestinal motility, activate metabolic processes, remove waste and toxins, and protect the gastric mucosa from irritating substances, making their absorption difficult. Pumpkin juice, like the pulp, is recommended for gastritis with high acidity. The maximum allowable amount of pumpkin juice for an adult should not exceed more than 200 ml per day.

With the right dosage, it becomes a medicinal drink. Pumpkin juice is rich in pectin, which improves stomach function. However, the drink does not help everyone. For example, it is not recommended to drink it for people with low acidity.

Caution when eating pumpkin

No matter how tasty and healthy pumpkin is, you should still consult a doctor before introducing it into your diet. Sometimes some components of pumpkin can provoke fermentation in the stomach or an allergic reaction. Such cases are individual in nature and are quite rare. To do this, you need to introduce pumpkin into the menu in small portions, first homogeneously, to make sure that the pumpkin is tolerable. Then you can dilute the consumption of the vegetable with other ingredients.

You can eat pumpkin seeds or drink juice only after establishing the acidity of your stomach. It is important to understand that the key to health is not only good nutrition, but also comprehensive measures aimed at increasing immunity and overall recovery.

The video contains information about the beneficial properties of pumpkin:

Pumpkin oil

Pumpkin oil is very useful for gastritis. It also contains vitamins such as C, K, B1, E, A, B2, P. It contains Omega 3 and Omega 6 acids. The oil contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, zinc and selenium. The oil also contains proteins, flavonoids, sterols, and pectins. It has a greenish tint due to the presence of chlorophyll, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

All these components have a positive effect on the digestive system, providing a softening and anti-inflammatory effect on the gastric mucosa. It is recommended to use it not only for gastritis, but also for stomach ulcers. It perfectly helps in the fight against constipation, promoting regular bowel movements.

It is recommended to take one teaspoon of oil 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Pumpkin seeds

Colorful autumn still life with a yellow bowl overflowing with pumpkin seeds

Patients are allowed pumpkin seeds with gastritis due to the beneficial elements. They are consumed raw. Especially recommended for those who live in unfavorable environmental conditions. Due to the content of magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, proteins and beneficial acids, the seeds have a number of positive characteristics.

  1. The seeds effectively relieve constipation.
  2. Able to remove toxins and heavy metal compounds from the body.
  3. Helps reduce blood cholesterol.

They also have a positive effect on the genitourinary system and brain. Effectively fight parasites in the body.

It is recommended to use pumpkin seeds for chronic gastritis, if the patient has low acidity.

IMPORTANT: It is forbidden to consume seeds with high acidity

Pumpkin for gastritis with high acidity

With hyperacid disorders in the gastrointestinal tract (with increased production of hydrochloric acid), the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines are constantly exposed to the aggressive effects of gastric juice. Even after eating and digesting food, a large amount of enzymes remains and continues to be produced in the stomach.

The acid begins to destroy the cells lining the stomach. This process threatens to spread to neighboring organs. Inflamed tissues are very sensitive to any impact. Many types of food injure or additionally burn the inner surface. Pumpkin for gastritis with high acidity becomes a salvation, because in the process of digesting the pulp, the acid is neutralized.

Regular consumption of properly prepared vegetables or juice from them extinguishes the excessive activity of the glands, allowing epithelial cells to recover. The gelling substances contained in pumpkin cover the inflamed areas with a thin film, under which regeneration occurs.

Pumpkin seeds also contain many substances useful for gastritis, but doctors believe that this product can stimulate the stomach glands to produce juice. The seeds have a denser structure; their particles can damage inflamed areas of the mucous membrane. Therefore, the seeds are allowed to be eaten in small quantities, ground or thoroughly chewed.

Pumpkin seeds should not be consumed if you have an erosive form of gastritis. Stomach or duodenal ulcers are also contraindications to this product.

Pumpkin soup

It is recommended to eat it during exacerbation of gastritis. It envelops the mucous membrane and has a beneficial effect on the stomach. Making the soup is quite simple. It is enough to add chopped carrots, finely chopped onions, salt, herbs and vegetable oil to a liter of water. This mixture must be simmered over low heat for 20 minutes.

After the broth is ready, add diced pumpkin to it. Boil the soup for another 20 minutes and then leave to steep for another 30 minutes.

Pumpkin for gastritis with low acidity

Pumpkin's ability to bind excess acid with reduced gland secretion can be harmful. But other medicinal effects, properties regulating peristalsis, and the dietary value of the pulp allow the vegetable to be used moderately even for gastritis with low acidity.

Pumpkin pulp is used in small quantities as part of complex dishes. It is good to combine it with other permitted vegetables, herbs, and fruits. With this type of disease, you can drink pumpkin juice diluted to half with apple, potato, and carrot juice. A pure orange drink without impurities can be taken ½ hour after a meal, no more than a quarter glass at a time.

With atrophic gastritis, pumpkin and its juice are necessary components of the diet, because the damaged epithelium is not able to cope with coarser foods. Weak secretion of the glands leads to incomplete digestion and evacuation of food, which creates stagnation of residues in the stomach, causing them to rot. Pumpkin prevents fermentation, neutralizes toxins, gently removes contents into the intestines, and helps its smooth functioning.

Pumpkin porridge

Pumpkin porridge

It is very good to use pumpkin porridge for any type of gastritis. If there is an exacerbation, you should use only pumpkin. If the condition has returned to normal, you can add various cereals to the porridge. The best option is oatmeal.

To prepare porridge, cut off the skin of the vegetable and cut the pumpkin into small pieces. Fill them with water and simmer for 20–30 minutes over low heat. If the porridge contains cereals, they are added immediately along with the pieces.

After the porridge is ready, it is transferred to a mixer and crushed. You can add salt or sugar if desired. An excellent option would be to add prunes or dried apricots to the mixture, soaked or boiled in advance.

Reception features

There are very sweet varieties of pumpkin with tender flesh that can be eaten raw. But if there are serious deviations in the functioning of the stomach, such food is still difficult to digest and can mechanically damage the inflamed areas. For superficial gastritis and during remissions, it is allowed to consume a small amount of fresh pulp in mixed salads.

Recommended types of cooked pumpkin for gastritis:

  • boiled: soups, purees, porridges;
  • stewed: in a stew with permitted vegetables;
  • baked: as a main dish or dessert.

There are many recipes for fried dishes with pumpkin, but if you have gastritis, this method of cooking is unacceptable. All your favorite dishes can be steamed or baked.

Since during the treatment of gastritis, fractional meals up to 6 times a day are indicated, and pumpkin can be cooked in many ways, the vegetable can be present on the table constantly. The doctor determines portion sizes individually, based on the severity of the pathology.

If you have gastritis, you can drink up to 200 ml of pumpkin juice every day, unless your doctor prescribes otherwise. It is advisable to break the entire amount into small portions so that the therapeutic effect is regular.

How to choose the right pumpkin

There are many varieties of vegetables. The most delicious and healthy is Muscat. It has a pleasant nutmeg aroma, bright orange pulp, and sweet taste. The fruit is elongated and has a thick skin. Ideal for preparing various dishes and using raw.

The Butternut variety is no less good in taste. The pulp of this pumpkin is oily and has a pleasant nutty taste. The difference between this variety is its long shelf life.

When choosing a vegetable, pay attention to the condition of the peel; there should be no dents or signs of rotting on it. Give preference to products with orange pulp; yellow is less healthy.

How to cook pumpkin correctly

For gastritis, you can add pumpkin to your diet from the first days after the acute period is over. It can be served either independently or as part of other dishes. In case of inflammation of the stomach, the method of preparing all food should be gentle. You can eat the vegetable boiled or steamed. After the exacerbation is relieved, you can add pumpkin stews to your diet.

Pumpkin soup

The dish is especially useful during periods of exacerbation. It is easy to prepare and good for the stomach. For the soup, boil a medium onion and a small finely chopped carrot in 1 liter of water. Cook vegetables for 15 minutes over medium heat. Add diced pumpkin to the prepared broth. As soon as the soup boils, cover with a lid and cook for another 25 minutes. Then turn off the soup and let it brew for another 30 minutes.

Before serving, add finely chopped greens. You can make puree soup. To prepare it, pumpkin soup is boiled in less water, and at the end of the process, the mass is ground in a blender. Served with dill or parsley. Pumpkin soup is the best lunch option for gastritis

Pumpkin cutlets

Such cutlets are served as a side dish with sour cream or as a dessert, seasoned with honey and jam.


  • pumpkin pulp 400-500 g;
  • semolina 100 g;
  • milk 250 ml;
  • eggs 2 pcs.;
  • salt on the tip of a knife;
  • vegetable oil 3-4 tbsp;
  • breadcrumbs.


Grate the peeled pumpkin on a coarse grater. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, add pumpkin, simmer over medium heat until tender, stirring occasionally. At the end add a pinch of salt. Pour milk over the pumpkin, gradually add semolina in small portions, continuing to mix everything. As soon as the semolina thickens, remove the pan from the heat. Transfer the mixture to a plate and let cool.

Add eggs to the warm mixture, stir well, form small round or oblong cutlets. Roll in breadcrumbs. Next, they are fried in a frying pan with vegetable oil, but since gastritis limits fried and fatty foods, it is better to bake the cutlets. Preheat the oven. Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper, place the cutlets, bake for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. If desired, add mozzarella or low-fat cottage cheese to the middle of the cutlet. If consumed as a sweet dish, then prepare the filling from dried apricots and prunes.

Chicken cutlets with pumpkin

Dietary poultry is allowed and even indicated during the treatment of gastritis. In order to facilitate the digestion of animal fibers, pumpkin is added to the composition. To compensate for its neutralizing effect on acid, you can add a little spinach.


  1. Boil 0.5 kg of chicken breast.
  2. Grate 1 kg of pumpkin pulp.
  3. Spinach (about 50 g) is chopped and dried in a hot frying pan until soft.
  4. The cooled fillet is crushed in a blender along with spinach and mixed with pumpkin.
  5. Knead the mixture with the addition of 1 egg. If the mass is too thick, add a spoonful of cream.
  6. Form cutlets and steam for at least 30 minutes.

The enveloping properties of pumpkin are somewhat reduced due to rapid heat treatment, which does not lead to overcooking of the product. But the nutritional value and ability to improve digestion are fully demonstrated.

Steamed pumpkin

For this method, fresh pumpkin is used. Cut into squares into equal portions, cook in a double boiler for 25-30 minutes. The dish should be allowed to cool. You can add a little honey to add flavor. You can eat steamed pumpkin, regardless of the stage of the disease.

Pumpkin porridge

For gastritis, it is good to prepare pumpkin porridge. It can only be made from pumpkin, and also, after the acute period is over, with the addition of various cereals. Corn, millet and rice cereals go well with vegetables. To prepare the porridge, use fresh, finely chopped pumpkin. The dish is simmered over low heat for 14-27 minutes.

Baked pumpkin

Baked pumpkin dishes are considered very healthy and tasty. Baking, as a method of cooking, is considered one of the most gentle, provided that vitamins and microelements are preserved. Pumpkin, cut into portions, is baked in the oven at medium temperature until cooked. Eat with low-calorie sour cream or honey. Baking pumpkin allows you to preserve all the beneficial properties of the vegetable.

Steamed pumpkin pudding

To prepare the pudding you will need:

  • pumpkin 400 g;
  • honey 70-100 g;
  • low-fat cottage cheese 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream 15-20% fat 1 tbsp. l.;
  • semolina 3 tbsp. l.;
  • eggs 2 pcs.;
  • raisins 50-100 g.


  1. Peel the pumpkin from seeds, remove the peel, cut into small cubes. Pass the raw vegetable through a meat grinder twice or bring it in the microwave until soft, then puree it using a blender.
  2. Combine the semolina with the pumpkin mixture and leave for 15-30 minutes for the semolina to swell.
  3. Separate the whites from the yolks, beat into a strong foam.
  4. Rinse the raisins, add hot water, leave covered for 5-10 minutes. Drain the water and dry the berries on a paper towel.
  5. Add raisins, honey, and egg whites to the mixture with pumpkin puree and semolina. Gently stir with a spatula from bottom to top so that the mass does not settle. Divide into molds or fill one large container.
  6. Fill the multicooker bowl with water, place a container for steaming on top, then a mold filled with pudding.
  7. Set the steam mode for 30 minutes. Cooking time may vary depending on the functional features of the multicooker.
  8. Pour the finished pudding into a mold, then place it on a dish and cut into portions. Serve with sour cream mixed with cottage cheese.

If you don't have a multicooker, prepare the pudding as follows.

Place the mixture into a dry pan, not reaching the sides. Next, place a stand on the bottom of the pan, a mold with pudding on top, pour hot water so that it does not reach the bottom of the mold. After the water boils, cook covered over low heat for 15-20 minutes.

Pumpkin salad

You can make an excellent dietary salad from fresh pumpkin, which will be useful for a weakened body. You can add finely chopped fresh carrots and zucchini to the salad. Drizzle with olive oil and add a little salt. This dish contains a large amount of fiber, so it is recommended to prepare it only during a period of complete remission.

Kissel and jelly

The enveloping properties of the product can be enhanced by cooking jelly or jelly. For hyperacid gastritis, you can boil pumpkin juice with a spoonful of starch and drink the drink warm between meals. Gelatin jelly helps stop gastric bleeding and is especially indicated for ulceration and erosive processes.


  • sweet pumpkin pulp – 300 g;
  • gelatin – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 150 ml;
  • apple juice (in case of insufficient gastric secretion) – no more than 50 ml.


  1. Soak gelatin with 50 ml of water.
  2. Stew the pumpkin pieces under the lid with a small amount of liquid (100 ml).
  3. Apple juice and a gelatin solution prepared in a water bath are poured into the pureed pumpkin.
  4. Mix the mass thoroughly and pour into molds.

The peculiarity of using gelatin for gastritis is that the dessert cannot be eaten cold. Before use, the gelled juice is kept at room temperature until warmed.

Cooking rules

Pumpkin dishes can only be steamed, stewed and boiled. It is unacceptable to fry vegetables in oil. Pumpkin pulp contains an abundance of vitamin B, which is necessary for chronic disease.

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Raw pumpkin should not be eaten, except for gastritis with low secretion due to parasitic damage to the gastrointestinal tract. To prepare fresh juice, grate the pumpkin on a fine grater, squeeze out the pulp, and drink 50 ml on an empty stomach for 7-10 days. Raw pumpkin is difficult to digest, which aggravates the inflammatory process.

Important! Recipes for dietary pumpkin dishes for gastritis are quite simple, but time-consuming. Interestingly, pumpkin retains its nutritional value in the refrigerator and when frozen.

Stewed vegetables with pumpkin

The whole pumpkin is thoroughly washed and placed in the oven for 60 minutes at 120 degrees. The peel should not be peeled. After cooking, the pumpkin is cut into small cubes and added to the pots. Carrots, onions, beef, cabbage are first stewed and added to the pumpkin. Add a little cream to the pots and bake until done in the oven at low temperature.

You can eat pumpkin in its pure form, without adding other ingredients. Baked pumpkin makes a delicious dessert with the addition of pine nuts, honey, and butter.

How to make pumpkin juice

It is not difficult to prepare a healing remedy at home.

For gastritis, a drink made from an orange vegetable is a necessary remedy. It is taken separately, mixed with potato, cabbage or apple according to indications. Pumpkin juice for gastritis with high production of gastric juice can be considered a separate therapy. If the acidity is low, it is useful to dilute the drink with acid-containing fruits on the recommendation of a doctor.

For juice, choose sweet varieties with orange or bright yellow pulp. The saturation of the color indicates the concentration of pectin, which plays a therapeutic role in gastritis. Especially large specimens, even if the variety is chosen correctly, may turn out to be a bit dry inside. Small pumpkins weighing up to 5 kg are best suited for juice.

In the juicer

The fastest and easiest way to get pumpkin juice. The pulp in the amount of 300 g is cut into small pieces and passed through the unit. The cake separated by machine can be boiled with water and added to other dietary dishes.


The pulp is first grated on a grater with small holes. Place the mass on several layers of gauze and squeeze out the juice with your hands. The remaining cake is juicier than from a juicer and can become the basis of porridge or be added to the broth when cooking thick soup. Drink the prepared pumpkin juice immediately. The destruction of vitamins in air begins 20 minutes after spinning.

With pulp

For those suffering from stomach diseases due to high acidity, juice can only be prepared from pumpkin. If the stomach activity is reduced, boiled apple juice is added to the same recipe in a 1:1 ratio.


  1. Pour 1 liter of clean drinking water into the pan, add 1.5 kg of chopped pumpkin, and put on fire.
  2. After waiting for it to boil, cook the mixture for another 10 minutes.
  3. Allow the mixture to cool.
  4. Puree with a blender or grind the pulp through a sieve.
  5. At this point, you can add apple juice and boil the product again.

A healthy drink is drunk on the recommendation of a doctor, but not more than 200 ml per day. Conventional treatment regimens involve taking ¼ cup of juice several times a day. Treatment continues for at least 2 weeks. Noticeable relief of pain, nausea, and heartburn can occur immediately or on the 2nd day of therapy. In advanced stages of gastritis, it takes at least a week for noticeable results.

Drinking pumpkin juice for gastritis. Useful properties and recipes

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Gastritis is an inflammation of the mucous layer of the stomach, which is caused by a violation of the diet or consumption of low-quality foods. This disease affects not only adults, but also children. The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on following a diet and eating healthy and easily digestible foods that will help relieve inflammation and restore digestion.

Pumpkin is one of these products. In parallel with drug treatment, drinking pumpkin juice has a positive effect on the tendency to recovery. Also, this useful product can serve as an excellent preventive measure to avoid the onset of the disease.

Beneficial properties of pumpkin for digestion

This vegetable, familiar to us, has a number of advantages that make it so popular among people suffering from gastritis:

  • High water content . Freshly picked, ripe fruit contains up to 90% of it; during long-term storage, the amount decreases by 10-15%. Pumpkin is considered a dietary product.
  • Low fiber content . This allows the stomach to easily and quickly digest this product.
  • When heat treated, the pulp of the fruit acquires a soft, porridge-like consistency that does not contain acids or excess sugar . Eating such a dish does not require abundant production of gastric juice or digestive enzymes.
  • Pumpkin juice has a calming effect on the stomach , promotes the secretion of bile and the removal of cholesterol from the body.
  • The fruit is rich in vitamins B, C, A, P, E, microelements (Ca, Ft, Na, Fr, Fe), pectin.

Such a rich set of useful elements has a positive effect on the body and improves immunity.

Contraindications for drinking pumpkin juice

Despite all the usefulness of the fruit, in case of stomach diseases, there are a number of contraindications for its consumption:

  • in rare cases, an allergic reaction or individual intolerance to the vegetable is observed. Therefore, you should start drinking pumpkin juice carefully, after consulting your doctor.
  • freshly squeezed juice can provoke fermentation, and as a result, bloating from increased flatulence.
  • the vegetable activates the liver and pancreas and increases the production of bile. This is contraindicated if there are gallstones or excessive secretion.

Rules for taking juice for gastritis

If you want to introduce juice or other pumpkin dishes into your diet, do so taking into account the following rules:

  • It is better to start taking pumpkin in heat-treated form;
  • The product is best taken on an empty stomach before meals;
  • the first dose should be in a small amount to avoid allergic reactions or intolerance by the body to individual components;
  • do not include fresh juice in your diet during an exacerbation of gastritis; it is more suitable for restoring digestion after an illness;
  • Monitor your stomach reaction to the product; if you experience side effects (flatulence, bitterness in the mouth, intestinal upset), it is better to stop eating pumpkin altogether;
  • If your stomach reaction is normal, gradually increase the amount of pumpkin in your daily diet.

It is better to start introducing pumpkin juice into your diet for gastritis in heat-treated form. To make juice, you will need fresh pumpkin.

After removing the hard peel and removing the seeds from the fruit, cut it into small cubes. Stew the pumpkin in purified water until completely softened and beat thoroughly in a blender.

If the result is a thick puree and not juice, then it can be diluted with purified, boiled or mineral water.

Adding sugar to juice is not recommended, as it can cause fermentation in the stomach. Ripe pumpkin already tastes quite sweet. If the dish seems completely bland to you, add a pinch of salt.

Start drinking 50 grams of juice before meals and gradually increase the amount, taking into account how you feel.

Freshly squeezed pumpkin juice for the treatment and prevention of gastritis

it contains much higher useful minerals and vitamins than thermally processed ones. You should start taking it carefully and in small portions.


To prepare, take a fresh fruit, remove the peel, and clean out the seeds. Squeeze the juice out of the resulting pulp using a juicer.

It is better to dilute the first portion with boiled or mineral water in a 1:1 ratio and drink 50 grams on an empty stomach.

If you notice improvements in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, you can drink pumpkin juice undiluted and increase its amount to 100-150 grams. The minimum course of taking juice is 10 days.

Pumpkin juice can be supplemented with other vegetables or herbs, depending on your health. For example, juice from fresh potatoes helps with high acidity, beets reduce pain, cabbage can be used to prevent ulcers, but causes increased flatulence.

Source: https://ogastrite.ru/zabolevaniya-zheludka/upotreblenie-tykvennogo-soka-pri-gastrite-poleznye-svojstva-i-recepty-prigotovleniya/

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