Liver Cancer Symptoms You Need to Know About
A liver tumor is a pathology formed from a mixture of tissues and mutated cells. As a result
oak bark for diarrhea
Oak bark and medicinal recipes for diarrhea in adults and children
Author of the article: Tironova Inna Igorevna Gastroenterologist, therapist Experience 15 years Professional skills: Colon hydrotherapy, treatment of diseases
Esophageal ulcer: causes, diet and treatment with folk remedies
What is an esophageal ulcer? To digest food, the stomach produces hydrochloric acid, which creates an aggressive
To treat gastritis and stomach ulcers, you can use the drugs Ultop and Omez
Ultop or Omeprazole: which is better to choose, advantages and disadvantages of drugs
Instructions Choosing the right drug for the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers can be difficult. With these
Gastric leiomyoma: symptoms, modern treatment methods
Leiomyoma of the stomach is absolutely benign in morphological essence, grows very slowly and in most cases
Perforation of the intestine: how the pathology manifests itself and is treated
How to detect and begin treatment of intestinal perforation in time?
Perforation of the intestine (perforation) is the formation of a through hole in its wall with the release of contents into
Pain reliever for abdominal pain and vomiting in a child
Abdominal pain in children can have a variety of causes. Isolate pain caused by organic
Erosive esophagitis of the esophagus
Chronic distal esophagitis: what it is, symptoms and treatment
Distal erosive reflux esophagitis (EDE) is an inflammatory disease of the inner lining of the lower part of the esophagus. Inflammatory reaction
How to drink Omez correctly for gastritis
Omez for gastritis: how to take it to treat the stomach
Chronic inflammatory process in the stomach in most cases is accompanied by a hyperacid state. The treatment protocol provides
Structure of the human esophagus photo with description
Anatomy of the Human Esophagus - information:
Where is the esophagus located? The esophagus is the connecting chain between the oropharynx and the body of the stomach. Organ Anatomy
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