Herbs to treat nausea and vomiting

Folk remedies for nausea at home

Taking such drugs is justified only in case of nausea after overeating, as well as during pregnancy (after consulting a doctor, of course). If alarming conditions such as appendicitis or stomach ulcers do not threaten the patient, the following recipes will help relieve nausea.


Green tea without additives or flavorings is best for eliminating nausea.

A fresh drink will help eliminate discomfort and alleviate the condition. For complete harmony, it is also advisable to relax, unwind, or engage in your favorite activity.

A cup of green tea in the morning will also help reduce the intensity of toxicosis during pregnancy and, what is especially important, will not harm the baby or mother.


Medicinal herbal mixtures stimulate digestion well and can relieve symptoms of nausea.

Before using such recipes, it is important to make sure that there are no allergies or medical contraindications to each of the ingredients in such preparations.

Herbs and herbs to eliminate nausea:

  • Three-leaf watch. For half a liter of water, take three teaspoons of the dry mixture, brew and let it brew well (preferably overnight). Use the strained broth in small portions throughout the day.
  • Melissa. It has properties similar to mint. To eliminate nausea, it can be added to tea or brewed separately.
  • Chicory. A tablespoon of dry chicory infused in a liter of water helps get rid of nausea. It is best to use a thermos, and take the prepared broth during the day, half a glass at a time.
  • Blackberry. Dry twigs and leaves can also be brewed with tea or separately. It eliminates nausea well and helps even with food poisoning.
  • Collection of herbs St. John's wort, peppermint and medicinal chamomile. Take all ingredients in equal proportions, one teaspoon at a time. Brew in 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave and strain. Take half a glass three times a day.
  • Collection of herbs: calamus root, cumin, valerian, oregano, rose hips and coriander grains mixed in equal proportions. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture in half a liter of boiling water and leave. This decoction perfectly helps with nausea and is a good remedy for relieving symptoms of intoxication in the body.

You can use such compositions after consulting a doctor, because the cause of nausea can be serious illnesses.

Herbal recipes for nausea in oncology

One of the consequences of the development of cancer is a frequently occurring strong feeling of nausea. To alleviate the condition, traditional treatment offers effective herbal recipes, which are previously agreed upon with the treating doctor.

  • Calamus marsh

Crushed dried calamus rhizomes - 15 grams in an enamel bowl, pour hot water - 0.5 liters. Leave for half an hour in a water bath. After ten minutes of infusion, the broth should be filtered. 2 tbsp. l. drink every eight hours.

  • Zheleznitsa

Dried crushed iron grass - 3 tbsp. l. Infuse in 500 ml of boiling water for an hour. The strained healing liquid is drunk in small sips three times a day, half a glass.

  • Elsholtia ciliata

6 grams of dried crushed Elsholtzia herb are placed in a saucepan with 300 ml of water. At low heat after boiling, simmer the product for 3-4 minutes. Cover the dishes with a linen napkin and leave for two hours. A decanted decoction of 100 ml is taken every eight hours.

  • Gmelin's Mordovnik

Dry ground mordovnik inflorescences - 1 tbsp. l. Boil in an enamel ladle in 250 ml of water for 3-4 minutes. Leave the product for two hours for high-quality infusion, and then squeeze out the healing liquid using double-layer gauze. 40 ml are consumed before meals four times a day.

  • Serpukha crowned

Pour 2 tsp into a thermos. crushed dried serpukha herb. Add actively boiling water - 250 milliliters.

Strain the infusion through a double bandage filter after three hours. When cooled, take 20 ml 25-30 minutes before breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


A proven remedy for nausea is ginger root. It helps relieve discomfort and even saves you from motion sickness in transport. To do this, just put a small piece of peeled root under your tongue or drink a sip of ginger decoction.

It's very easy to prepare:

  1. Pour a teaspoon of dry powder into a glass of boiling water.
  2. Let it brew for 15 – 20 minutes.
  3. Add a little honey or a slice of lemon if desired.
  4. Drink in small sips throughout the day until the nausea passes.

Dry ginger can be replaced with fresh ginger by peeling and grating a small piece of the root. In addition to eliminating nausea, this spice is an irreplaceable source of vitamins and beneficial organic acids. In addition, ginger helps keep you warm in winter and gives you energy when you feel low.

Herbs for nausea during pregnancy

Toxicosis occurs during pregnancy more often due to a serious change in the hormonal balance of the body. In such a situation, the gynecologist may recommend the use of folk recipes based on herbal raw materials that save from severe nausea.

  • Peppermint

You will need fresh washed mint leaves. They are finely chopped, take 1 teaspoon and leave in a glass of boiling water for 5-8 minutes.

Strain the pleasant-tasting drink through a strainer. If desired, dissolve a little honey and drink in the morning before breakfast.

  • Mint, lemon balm, chamomile

Add mint leaves and lemon balm herb to flower baskets of chamomile in a ratio of 2:3:4. The components are used in dried, ground form.

Pour 1 tbsp into a faience mug. l. vegetable mix, pour in a glass of actively boiling water. After infusion for half an hour, strain the healing infusion through two-layer gauze. Drink 50 ml every six hours.

  • Calendula, mint, yarrow, valerian

Prepare a mixture of dried ground plants: valerian roots, calendula inflorescences, yarrow herb, mint leaves, observing the ratio 1:2:2:2.

Pour in 7 tsp. the resulting collection into a ladle with two glasses of boiling water. Leave for two hours under a textile napkin. After filtering, 100 ml of the healing elixir is consumed every six hours.

  • Yarrow

During pregnancy in the later stages, it is recommended to pour a tablespoon of ground dry yarrow herb, placed in a saucepan, into 200 ml of boiling water.

Heat the mixture for a quarter of an hour using a water bath. The cooled decoction, squeezed through two layers of gauze, 20 ml is consumed three times a day.


With increased stomach acidity, a burning sensation, nausea and heartburn often occur. If this is the problem, you should use the old method of eliminating nausea using soda.

To do this, add a flat teaspoon of soda to a glass of warm water.

Drink the solution in small sips. You should not use this method constantly, because it can greatly reduce the acidity of gastric juice and lead to digestive problems.

How to treat vomiting and nausea at home using traditional methods of treatment?

1 During pregnancy, a properly selected diet will help prevent nausea and vomiting. Experts recommend switching to fractional meals, that is, eating more often, but the portions should be smaller. After sleep, it is not recommended to immediately start eating; the best way is to wait a little, and after a while start eating some crackers. In order to relieve attacks of nausea during pregnancy, it is recommended to dilute lemon juice in water and drink. Ginger root, which can be consumed in any form, has a good effect on digestion.

2 For mild alcohol poisoning, which is accompanied by nausea, it is recommended to prepare a soda solution and drink it. To do this, dissolve one teaspoon of baking soda in a mug of water. The urge to vomit will become less pronounced and will go away after a while.

3 If you have regular nausea, it is recommended to drink one teaspoon of potato juice before each meal.

4 Unsweetened green tea also reduces gag reflexes, possibly eliminating them completely.

5 Peppermint tea will bring relief. In order to prepare it, you need to pour a tablespoon of mint leaves into 200 ml of boiled water and let it brew for several hours. Drink one tablespoon three times a day.

6 A decoction of fennel seeds (dill) is very useful for attacks of nausea. Pour boiling water over one teaspoon of seeds and leave for fifteen minutes.

7 Melissa, which is pre-brewed and left for several hours in a closed container, will also help. Take half a glass before each meal.

8 A proven remedy that helps to stop unpleasant sensations is a decoction of the common three-leaf watch. The leaves are crushed and poured in a proportion of 0.5 liters of water per three teaspoons of watch. It is recommended to take this decoction throughout the day, drinking in small sips.

9 Herbal mixture of plantain, St. John's wort, peppermint, agrimony and chamomile. Take one teaspoon of all herbs and mix. Next, pour in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist for thirty minutes. Take the decoction every hour, one third of a glass.

10 In cases of poisoning, a starch solution in the proportion of one teaspoon per glass of water helps greatly. This solution eliminates stomach pain well, enveloping the walls of the stomach.

11 In case of food poisoning, it is also recommended to drink one-fourth cup of chicory decoction four times a day. It is prepared as follows: take one glass of boiling water for one tablespoon of dry chicory powder. Infuse in a closed container (such as a thermos) overnight.

12 In case of acute poisoning, brew blackberry branches (possibly with leaves). Boil over low heat for several minutes. Let it sit for forty minutes. This decoction is drunk within an hour.

13 Juice from celery root will cope best with nausea reflexes. Celery root is finely chopped (two tablespoons), poured with 200 ml of hot (boiled) water. Let it brew for two hours and take one third of a glass three times a day.

14 Also, traditional medicine, in order to overcome attacks of nausea, advises to separate the whites from the yolks of eggs (3 pcs.), mix the whites thoroughly and drink.

15 Strong vomiting can be treated with ivy. Ivy leaves are ground together with honey. Next, they need to be eaten as quickly as possible.

16 You can prepare a tincture from the root of Radiola rosea. It is taken with water, 6-8 drops throughout the day. You can also snack on a spoonful of honey. You need to make sure that the last dose of the tincture is no later than 19:00.


Dill seeds, brewed in boiling water, perfectly relieve the feeling of nausea.

To do this, just take a teaspoon of dry seed and steep it in a glass of boiling water. You can even simmer the mixture over a fire to bring out the aromatics better.

You can drink this decoction throughout the day until the discomfort disappears completely. If desired, you can replace the dill with caraway seeds - the effect will be the same.


Dietary errors are a common cause of nausea. It can be triggered by too fatty, hot or spicy foods, prolonged hunger strikes or overeating.

In any case, if nausea occurs regularly, you need to reconsider your diet, choosing a more gentle and nutritious regimen.

Principles of dietary nutrition:

  • Eliminate all foods harmful to the stomach. These include sugary carbonated drinks, smoked foods, salty snacks, canned goods and store-bought sweets.
  • The method of cooking should be predominantly steaming or baking. It is allowed to boil or stew vegetables, with the exception of frying and grilling.
  • The diet should have a balance between proteins, fats and carbohydrates. One of the groups cannot be completely excluded, but the ratio 1:1:2 must be maintained.
  • The daily diet should be divided into five to six meals. The largest portion is for lunch, medium for breakfast and small for dinner. Between them, it is advisable to use light snacks or fruits, dairy products and vegetables.

Folk recipes are always used in everyday life. They are considered more effective and safe than pharmaceutical drugs.

At the same time, in some cases, self-medication is completely unjustified, so if you have constant nausea and other alarming symptoms, you should consult a doctor to determine the true cause of this condition.

What folk remedies are there for vomiting, what to do if severe vomiting begins?

To quickly relieve nausea, it is recommended to take a warm and strained medicinal herbal decoction, which includes: ten grams. valerian roots, thirty gr. medicinal chamomile, twenty-five gr. peppermint, thirty gr. swampy dried grass. To prepare it, pour one tablespoon of herbs into a mug of hot water and drink in small sips three hours later before meals.

Uzvar of calamus root, valerian officinalis, coriander, rose hips, caraway and oregano, taken in equal parts, has excellent healing properties against nausea and vomiting. Then one tablespoon of the herbal composition is poured with a cup of hot water and simmered for several minutes in a water bath, after which it is kept for an hour and a half. Take half an hour before meals.

To get rid of an unpleasant symptom and prevent vomiting, it is recommended to use not only decoctions and medicinal teas, but also alcohol tinctures. When making a medicinal product, a little dry tangerine and lemon peels will help, which are added to half of one liter of vodka and stored in a glass container for seven days in a dark place. When used, add 25 drops of tincture to cold water and drink thirty minutes before meals.

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