How to take the drug Pancreatin when treating gastritis?
Gastritis - a disease or symptom Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa that occurs with
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Intestinal inflammation in infants: symptoms and treatment
Enterocolitis in newborns is an infectious disease that manifests itself as inflammation of the small intestine (enteritis)
Culture for intestinal dysbiosis: details of the analysis
Tummy problems in children under one year of age are quite common. The reason for this
Closing the colostomy postoperative period. Closing the colostomy
Closing a colostomy (reconstructive coloplasty)
Closing the colostomy postoperative period. Closing a colostomy If the stoma is temporary, surgery will be needed to close it.
Causes and treatment of diarrhea in a 4 year old child
Dr. Komarovsky about diarrhea in a child Diarrhea in a child can accompany a wide variety of diseases.
Omez and Ranitidine: how they differ and which is better
Treatment of gastritis is based on the use of antiulcer drugs that normalize stomach acidity. When choosing a medicine
Restoring microflora in a child: how to do it correctly?
Rating of probiotics for children Only the most popular imported and
Enlarged gallbladder in children: causes and treatment
One of the reasons why a child complains of pain in the abdomen or right side, especially after
Diet table No. 1 according to Pevzner: rules and menu for every day
Features of the “Table 1” diet Indications: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, as well as gastritis
How to cure a stomach valve
Terminology Achalasia cardia is a disease of neuromuscular etiology and refers to its chronic form. The disease is characterized by the absence
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