Restoring microflora in a child: how to do it correctly?

Rating of probiotics for children

In view were only the most popular drugs of imported and domestic production with valuable live microorganisms and useful additives. The choice was influenced by the recommendations of pediatricians, the results of clinical tests, as well as the following evaluation criteria:

  • Release form: capsules, solutions, powders;
  • Active components – strains for maintaining the gastrointestinal tract, a complex of bacteria;
  • The principle of action is preventive, therapeutic;
  • Dosage – frequency of administration, duration of course to maintain digestion;
  • Safety – compliance with norms and quality standards;
  • Storage conditions: refrigerated, at room temperature, expiration date;
  • Age indications – for children under one year old, older;
  • Bioavailability – degree of digestibility of bacteria;
  • Taste qualities – taste and smell, with what appetite children eat;
  • Price, manufacturer - reliability of the company, feasibility of purchase.

The review included products with a good combination of effectiveness and price. They have accumulated a large number of positive reviews not only from customers, but also from pediatricians. The opinions of the latter determined the strengths and weaknesses of each nominee, the safety and benefits of probiotics.

Selective stimulation

This is the activation of the processes of growth and reproduction of beneficial flora (lactobacteria, bifidobacteria) due to increased metabolism of microbial cells. They are called prebiotics and are also not drugs. These are indigestible food ingredients that are not affected by human digestive enzymes and are not absorbed in the stomach and duodenum.

However, prebiotics must be a selective substrate for lactic acid bacteria living in the lumen of the large intestine. In this regard, in order to achieve stable clinical and microbiological remission, it is advisable to prescribe them only in combination with replacement therapy (probiotics).

Many foods also contain prebiotics:

  • various types of carbohydrates;
  • oligosaccharides (based on fructose and galactose);
  • inulin (present in breast and cow's milk).

Legumes are high in raffinose. Among the foods with the highest content of low molecular weight carbohydrates are the following:

  • onions and garlic;
  • oat and corn flakes;
  • artichoke;
  • bananas;
  • chicory.


  1. Hilak forte is a drug whose main components are 2 acids - lactic and phosphoric, as well as a concentrated solution of metabolic products of intestinal bacteria involved in the formation of lactose and amino acids. Stimulates the reproduction of beneficial microflora. Use in the form of drops - 20-40 three times a day (morning, afternoon and evening) for 14 days before or during main meals. The drug is first dissolved in a small volume of liquid (except milk).
  2. Duphalac is a lactulose disaccharide of synthetic origin that helps to “acidify” the contents of the large intestine and reduce the number of putrefactive microorganisms and yeast fungi. It is an energy substrate for bifidobacteria. Refers to mild laxatives. In case of overdose, moderate diarrhea may occur, requiring dose adjustment. Prescribe Duphalac 1 tsp. (5 ml) twice or thrice a day, taken for a long time (about 3-4 weeks) until stool improves. If it is necessary to take the drug for a long time (more than six months), blood plasma levels (potassium, chlorine and carbon dioxide) should be monitored.
  3. Lysozyme is an enzyme preparation containing protein, found in various tissues (liver, spleen) and fluids (saliva) of the body. It has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, prevents the development of an allergic reaction, and promotes the proliferation of bifidogenic flora. Inhibits the growth of pathogenic microbes (staphylococci, streptococci and others). A daily dosage of 100 mg is used for treatment, take 25 mg 4 times a day (after sleep, after breakfast, lunch and dinner). The required course is 2-4 weeks.
  4. Calcium pantothenate is a drug (part of coenzyme A, which plays an important role in cell oxidation) involved in the metabolic process of microflora. When utilized by bifidobacteria, it stimulates their quantitative growth. Apply from 100 to 200 mg of the drug twice a day for at least 14-21 days.

How to choose probiotics for children

The presented biocomplexes differ in composition, rules of use, and purposes. Your doctor will tell you which probiotics are appropriate for children with constipation and which ones for diarrhea. We recommend paying attention to other criteria - culture strain, release form, safety and effectiveness, as well as customer reviews.


The first thing the buyer looks at is the components of the drug and their beneficial properties. The described nominees may contain lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, yeast-like fungi, non-pathogenic enterococci, etc. There is a general classification depending on the content:

  • monocomponent;
  • multicomponent;
  • combined;
  • metabolic agents.

For babies under one year old, pediatricians recommend dietary supplements made from lactic acid and bifidobacteria. The optimal concentration of one dose is 100 million units. New generation products are predominantly combined, supplemented by prebiotics and hypoallergenic substances.

Release form

These drugs are conventionally divided into two more groups according to the form of release - dry (powders, capsules, granules, tablets, lozenges) and liquid. In the first case, these are inactivated microorganisms that come into action after 1-1.5 hours. In the second - an oily substance, the speed of action of which is many times higher - after 5-10 minutes. Strains in drops are prescribed to infants, powders and granules are prescribed to children 1-3 years old and older.


A reliable drug is supported by a certificate of quality and compliance with generally accepted standards. Before purchasing, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the indications and contraindications, in which cases it is better to refuse treatment. Most often, the cause may be intolerance, risks of developing allergies, inability to digest lactose, sucrose, etc.

Efficiency and reviews

It is difficult to assess in absentia how effective a particular drug is. The guarantor will be the reputation of the manufacturer, that is, the pharmaceutical company. Leading brands are Pfizer, ChildLife, Unipharm, Nature's Way, Biokor, Vector-BiAlgam. Another indicator is customer reviews and parents’ experiences, which we took into account when forming the rating. The pediatrician always has the last word.

Storage Feature

An important condition on which the effectiveness of the biocomplex depends is its storage conditions. Most components remain active for a long time only when kept in the refrigerator. They are inconvenient to take with you on trips and trips; during use they need to be added to cool foods. New generation products are distinguished by the fact that they do not inactivate at room temperature, so they are often preferred.

Replacement therapy

This is a fundamental direction in the versatile treatment of dysbiosis, which ultimately guarantees the achievement of stable positive dynamics and the disappearance of pathological syndromes.

The most important method of treating intestinal microflora imbalance is the use of biological drugs. They are able to regulate bacterial balance.

In order to eliminate the deficiency of one's own microflora, probiotics are used - these are medicines containing living microorganisms (lactic fermentation bacteria and streptococci), which are able to specifically control the intestinal balance of microorganisms and restore eubiosis. These drugs do not have pathogenicity factors, do not produce toxins, and retain their vital functions during storage. Probiotics are not classified as drug therapy. They have a beneficial effect on overall health.


Probiotics contain live microorganisms that can restore intestinal eubiosis.

  1. Bifidumbacterin dry: includes a suspension of living microorganisms (Bifidobacterium bifidum strains No. 1, No. 791), prepared by lyophilization (drying followed by freezing). One dose of the drug contains at least 108 live bacteria. You can purchase Bifidumbacterin in any form (tablets, capsules, bags, bottles and ampoules).
  2. Lactobacterin dry is a suspension of live lactobacilli prepared by lyophilization. Available in ampoules and tablets.
  3. Colibacterin dry is a microbial mass of Escherichia coli (strain M-17) dried from a frozen state. You can purchase the medicine in the form of ampoules or tablets.
  4. Bifikol dry is a combined preparation that includes two cultures simultaneously grown by lyophilization: Escherichia M-17 and bifidobacteria strain No. 1. Sold in bottles and ampoules.
  5. Primadophilus is a mixture of freeze-dried bifidobacteria and lactobacilli (B. infantis, B. adolescentis, L. acidophilus, L. rhamnosus) on the substrate maltodextrin - a carbohydrate formed during the breakdown of starch. In 3 grams (1 tsp) of powder and microcapsule of the drug there are 109 living active microorganisms, in a regular capsule there are much more (2.8 * 109). Prescribed in the form of powder, capsules and microcapsules.
  6. Acylact is a lyophilisate of live lactobacilli of the acidophilic group. Available in bottles, tablets, and candles.
  7. Bifiform is a drug that includes bifidobacteria and enterococci. It has high activity against various pathogenic microorganisms. Available in capsules.
  8. Linex is a complex therapeutic agent that includes a mixture of live bacteria obtained by lyophilization (bifidobacteria of the B. infantis species, lactobacilli of the L. acidophilus species and non-toxigenic lactic acid streptococcus of group D - Enterococcus faecium). These microorganisms are not sensitive to commonly used antibiotics and chemotherapy drugs. The beneficial microflora of Linex helps restore the normal balance of intestinal bacteria. Sold in capsule form.
  9. Bactisubtil is a spore-containing drug that includes bacteria that are not normally typical representatives of intestinal microflora (Bacillus subtilis species). The drug is highly sensitive to various pathogens. Participates in the breakdown of the main nutrients of the food bolus. Not used together with lacto- and bifid flora preparations.

Which probiotics are best for children?

The list presented by offers names of products for babies up to one year and older, verified by experts and buyers. What to buy from this depends on what disorders are troubling the child, as shown by the results of the examination at the clinic. Having studied the reviews, advantages and disadvantages, we recommend:

  • Linex for children is a Russian safe product with GRAS status;
  • BioGaia drops - an effective aid against colic, in an easy-to-take form;
  • Maxilak Baby - the latest generation synbiotic, recovery after antibiotics;
  • Enterol – immunobiological probiotic, quick relief from diarrhea;
  • Lactobalance is a hypoallergenic multiprobiotic with a high concentration of strains;
  • Hilak Forte is an emergency metabiotic for restoring the acidity of the environment.

The doctor must choose which children's probiotics are effective for constipation, which for diarrhea, and which can cure dysbiosis and colic. Our task is to select the most popular, sought-after pharmacy products that have received high ratings from experts and customers. A detailed overview of strengths and weaknesses will simplify the choice.

Reasons for the development of dysbiosis

There are three main reasons for the development of dysbiosis in a child:

  1. Errors in nutrition, errors when introducing complementary foods
  2. Infections
  3. Antibacterial therapy for mother or baby

If in older children dysbiosis usually occurs due to a change in diet or taking antibiotics, then in infants the state of the intestinal microflora is directly related to the health of the mother.

Breast milk contains prebiotics - substances that provide a breeding ground for beneficial bacteria. In addition, mother's milk contains a lot of immunoglobulin A, which supports the immune system, and lysozyme, an enzyme that fights harmful microorganisms, destroying their cells. Thus, nature initially provided for the protection of the baby from harmful bacteria. However, if the mother develops mastitis or an ENT disease, then the protection collapses, and the baby may develop dysbacteriosis, also known as dysbiosis.

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